0 ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5(i J cr Annun VOL. XLVIII. WKLDON, N. (., TIIIFKSDAY, KEKlil'AltY 2(5, K)H. NO. H PASS ON THE PRAISE. RUSH TO SECURE THE CROSS. Christmas Ceremonies That Mark the Celebration in Russia and the Balkan States. Why Call So Late. Pass own BsiMiHrsflftB On the Praise Today. "You're a great little wife and I The Kind Ytm IIhvo Always Kouglit, ttntl which lias been la use for over UO years, lms borne tio signature of 0 and lias been made under 111 per fjf s.--?-f-. , sonal snpen Islon since Its lnfiiuoy. Af7f. 'ACUl, Allow no one todecoli o you In tills. All Coiintorfclts, Imitation mid" Just-us-Kood" uro but Experiments Unit, trlllo with n.d rmluiiL'rr the lieallh of Infants ami Children Kiuerkn. o n;;ainst KxperinienU What Is CASTORIA Castorin Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare goric, Drops and Kuothinj? Syrups. It Is l'leasant. It contains iicitlicr Opium, Morphine noc other Narcotic) oiibstance. Its niro Is Its R'mrantee, It destroys Worms and allays Fcvrruhnes. It cures Pl.irrho'iv and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It iissiiuihitos the Fond, regulates the Stomach mid Itiuvel.i, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's I'uuucen The Mot tier's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tie KM You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Thc ocmtuh oommnv. rr muhmav trcct. mtw torn OtTV. THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. c- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anil Surplus, $55,000. For over UI years thin institution has provided banking facilities for this section. I ts stock holders and ollicerK air identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and N 01 iJnun pton counties. A Havings Department in maintained for the benefit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Rank, hi tins Department interest is allowed ah follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 1 per cent. Six months or longer, H per cent. Twelve months or lunger, 4 percent. Any information will be furnished on application to the President or Cashier PRBHIDBNT : W. K. DANIEL, vit'K-i'i(Ksiiuvr: W. K. SMITH. L. C. IHUl'Kii, Telle CASH IKK: .1. O. DRAKE, DIRECTORS V. Ji. Smith, W. E. Daniel, .1. O. Drake, W. M. Cohen, A, t Uoufc, J.L. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, D. II. Zolhcolfer, J . W. Sledge. PkonlPoolellaniiiiKitiiriiitf lonpany, MAN V FACT U U K Its OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDKK ANP KKdl'l. All STOCK SIZES, dood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. imtimL GOOD HEWS FROM THR SAtisiact ill IU tt don't know what 1 would do with out you." And as he spoke he put his arms ahout her, and she forgot all the care in that moment. And forgetting all, she sang as she washed the dishes, and sang on as she made the beds, and the song was heard next door, and a woman there caughi the refrain and sang also, and two houses were happier because he had told her that sweet old story of the love of a husband for a wife. As she sang the butcher boy who had called for the order heard it, and went out whistling on his journey, and the world heard the whistle and one man hearing it thought here is a lad who loves his work, a lad happy and contented. And because she sang her heart was mellowed, and as she swept around the back door, the cool air kissed her cheeks, and she thought of a poor old woman she knew, and a little basket went over to that home with a quarter for a crate or two of wood. So because he kissed and praised her the song came, and the influ ence went out and out. Pass on the praise. A word and you may make a rift in the cloud, a smile and you create a new resolve, a grasp of the hand and you repress a soul from hell. Pass on the praise. Does your clerk do well ? Pass on the praise. Tell him that you are pleased, and if he is a good clerk he will appreciate it more than a raise. A good clerk does not work for his salary alone. Teacher, if the child is good, tell him about it; if he is better tell him about it again. Thus you see, good, better, best. Pass on the .praise now. Pass it on in the home. Don't go to the grave "mother." Don't plead, "Hear me mother, you were a kind mother, and smoothed away many a rugged path for me." Those ears cannot hear that glad admission. Those eyes cannot see the light of earnestness in yours. Those hands may not return the embrace you wish to give. Why call so late. Pass on the praise today. PLUCK IN DEFEAT. Every housewife will ap preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether you care to purchaser now or later. No matter what you need for the homeour combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with Ufiii that make it es?y to supply your needs will make you a permanent customer of this store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C THE ANSWER TO THE HEADACHE Pleatant to Take Quick in Effect Cam Neuralgia, Headache, Backacke, Gripaacke The modern Instantaneous pain relief. On the nuiket for 16 year ,v,d till growing. No doubtful result, m-, inland our lutuiu. c ml Fountain. V?.t M t; ,F. CO., GiUboro. ' mI A recent Socialist candidate said of his defeat: "At any rate we put up, we Socialists, a brave, if hopeless fight. And now, in our defeat, we are as cheery as the travel er. He bought a ticket and then going out on the platform said: "How soon does the train start?" "Why, there she goes now," said a station hand. "You've just missed her." 'The traveler leaped on to the line and set out in pursuit of the train with all his might. Rut in two or three minutes he came trudging back over the ties. A laughing crowd had gath ered, and the station hand said: "Well, did you catch her?" "No," said the traveler, "but by, I made her puff.' " Phila delphia Record. A POLITICAL BOSS. A young lady reporter on a country paper was sent out to in terview leading citizens as 10 their politics. "May I see the gentle man of the house?" she asked of a large woman who opened (he door at one residence. "No, you can't 1" answered the woman decisively. "Bui I want to knew what party he bclones to. pleaded the eirl "Well, take a good look at me," she said sternly. "I'm the pany he belongs to." Feel Miserable? Out of sorts, depressed, pain in the back Klectrie Hitters renews your health and strength. A guaranteed Liver and Kidney remedy. Money hack if nut satisfied. It completely cured Robert Madsen, of West Burlington, Iowa, who sutTered from virulent liver trouble for eight mouths. After four doctors gave him up he took Klectrie Bitters and is now a well man. tiet a bottle today; and it will do the same for you. Keep in the house for all liver and kidney complaints. Perfectly safe and dependable. Its results will sur prise you. five, and $1. H, E. BUCKLEN4CO., Philadelphia, Pa St. Louis, Mo. BAKING POVJDEl. Absolutely Pure Absolutely has no substitute Many mixtures are offered as substitutes for Royal. No other baking powder is the same in composition or effectiveness, or so wholesome and economical, nor will make such fine food. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar MAKES YOU FEEL AT HOME. BY FRANK L. STANTON. A spring day in winter sorter makes me feel at home; Seems like the bees are browsin', the larks are in the loam, And o'er the new-plowed cornfields 1 hear the old-time song Over the urgin' of the mule the "Gee-haw ! Git along !" Oh, just a breath o' springtime in crowded city streets It sets your soul a-dreamin' unfolds a thousand sweets ! The rain on sandy country roads each loved, unfadin' scene The tinklin' of the cattle bells o'er meadows cool an' green ! Don't want to think I'm dreaming' seems like 'tis very Spring ! Shouldn't be surprised if now a mockin'bird should sing ! I almost hear the music of the hidden whippoor-wills, An' the lull-song of the rivers, slow-slippin' past the hills. DOCTOR HEART. A very good doctor, because he's young And not the old fellow who feels your wrist And presses your temple and looks at your tongue And gives you a kind of double twist, And flips you a paper for all your ills That the druggist puts up in a box of pills. Doctor Heart is the fellow to call When courage is gone and your spirits fall, For he's wise and valiant and all the while That he looks you over he beams with a smile, And tells you there's nothing the matter at all But too much trouble and too much bile. He's fine for young and fine for old, And he makes you over as good as gold, And he puts things in you beside a dose Of medicine bitter a thousandfold, For when he's helped you the world is rose, The sun is shining, the sweet birds sing And you feel as fine as a lark in spring. ALL SOULS. What was his name? I do not know his name; 1 only know he heard God's voice and came; Brought all he loved across the sea, To live and work for God and me; Felled the ungracious oak, With horrid toil Dragged from the soil The thrice-gnarled roots and stubborn rocks; With plenty piled the haggard mountain side; And when his work was done, without memorial died, No blaring trumpets sounded out his fame; He lived, he died. 1 do not know his name. No form of bronze and no memorial stones Show me the place where lie his moldering bones. Only a cheerful city stands, Builded by his hardened hands; Only ten thousand homes, Where every day The cheerful play Of love and hope and courage comes; These are his monuments and these alone There is no form of bronze and no memorial stone. And I? Is there some desert or some soundless sea Where thou, Great God of Angels, will send me ? Some oak for me to rend, some sod for me to break ? Some handful of thy corn to lake And scatter far afield, Till it in turn shall yield Its hundredfold Of grains of gold, To feed the happy children of my God ? Show me the desert, Father, or the sea, Is it thine enterprise ? Great God, send me ! And though the body lie where ocean rolls, Father, count me among all faithful souls ! Edward Everett Hale. The King ol All Laxatives For constipation, use lr. King's New Life Tills, l'aul Mathulka, of Buffalo, N. Y., says they are the "king of all laxatives. They are a blessing to all my family and I always keep a box at home." et a box and get well again, l'rice 3'. At druggists or by mail. ' II. E. Bl'CKLEN A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. St Louis, Mo. Occasionally we meet a woman who reminds us of a cat trying to act kittenish. The Russian Christmas falls on January 7. On that day St. Pe tersburg celebrates the birth of Christ by blessing the River Neva. A procession of priests, followed by a huge crowd, march to the river, the ice is broken, and a cross dipped in the water. In spite of the intense cold, often many de grees below zero, piously-inclined persons rush into the river to bathe themselves in the sanctified water. A similar Christmas ceremony is enacted in those Roumanian towns which lie on the Danube, but in this case the people are dressed to represent various bibli cal characters, such as Herod, Pontius Pilate, etc., and the cross is not merly dipped, but flung into the water. Then follows a terrific rush to secure the blessed emblem a rush so fearful that often lives are lost, for it is firmly believed that its possession will bring the owner good fortune not only for the year, but for the rest of his life. A CHEERFUL SPIRIT. The Young Plant Must Have Earth. Warmth, Moisture and Sunshine. The effect of a cheerful, content ed spirit in the mother of a family is not to be estimated. The atmos phere of happiness is the atmos phere of finest development for any child. Look over the families of your acquaintance, my kind reader, and tell me, who have been most successful in raising sons and daughters to be ornaments to their family and pillars in the social fabric. Have they not been, in almost every instance, those where happiness has blossomed and borne daily fruit? But give to a house hold earthly competence, strict morality, and even earnest piety, and let the essential element of home wanting there, and does that family prove a success ? When Solomon said, "Train up a child in the way he should go," he meant someting more than enforc ing obedience, inculcating princi ples of honesty and restraining from vice. The young plant must have earth, warmth, moisture and sunshine, or it will never shine in its full beauty; and so the young heart must drink the waters of content and joy or the character will be dwarful and imperfect. THE HUMOROUS. "Did that young man kiss you last night, Ethel?" "Yes, mother." "And you allowed him to?" "Why, he just did, mother." "Why didn't you stop him?" "Why, mother, you told me I must never interrupt any one." "At last !" cried the musician "I have fame within my grasp." "How so ?" asked his wife who had heard the same thing before. "You know Mendelssohn's Wed ding March and the mavelous re pute it brought him?" said the musician. "Yes, but what of it?" "Well, I'm going to write a di vorce march." "George, what are you burning, dear?" she asked, going to the grate and peering over his shoul der. "The letters I wrote you before we were married." "You heartless wretch ! I won der if all men are so devoid of sent- iment? You " "1 am doing it in your interest, dear. I'm trying to tlx things so so thai when I die nobody cm dis pute my will on the ground of insanity." PLACED. Teacher Now, James, do un derstand the meaning of the word "extinct." James Yes'm. Teacher Then name one bird thai is now extinct. James Chipper. Teacher Chipper? What kind of bird is (hat? James My pet pigeon. The cat caught him this morning, For years we have been staling in the newspapers o the country that a great many women have escaped serious op erations by taking Lydia E. I'inkhani's Vegetable Com pound, and it is true. We are permitted to publish in this announcement extracts from the letters of five women. All have been recently received unsolicited. Could any evidence be more convincing? IHoixinox, Me. "I hud puins in ix!a sides pud such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. Jly back ached ami I was so nervous I could not sleep, and I thought I never would be any better until I submitted to an operation, but I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinklium's Vegetable Cotiiiimmil ami soon felt like a new woman." Mrs. IIaywaiio Soweks, lloilgdon, Me. 2 Charlotte, N. C. " I was in bad health for two years, with pains in both sides and was very nervous. I had a growth which the doctor said was a tumor, and I never would get well unless I had nil operation. A friend advised me to take Lydia E. I'ink hani's Vegetable Compound, and I gladly say that 1 am now enjoying tine health." Mrs. Kosa Sims, 10 Winona M., Charlotte, N. C. 3 Hanover, Pa. "Tho doctor advised a severe operation, but my husband got me Lydia E. I'inkhani's Vegetable Compound and I experienced great relief in a short time. Kow I feel like a new person and can do a bard day's work and not mind it." Mrs. Ada Wilt, 196 Stock St., Hanover, l'a. 4 Decatur. III. "I was sick in bed ami three of the best physi- cians said I would have to le taken to the hospital for an oper ation as I had something growing in my left muV. I refused to sub mit to the operation and took Lydia E. I'inkhani's Vegetable Com poundand it worked a miracle in my case, and I tell other women what it has done for me." Mrs. Lacra A. (..mmwold, 2300 JJlk. East William Street, Heeutur, 111. 5 Cleveland, Ohio. "I was very irregular and for several years my side pained me so that 1 exacted to hac undergo a.: up- eration. JAictors said they knew ot nothing tuat would help me. I took Lydia K. I'mkiiam s V ege- table Compound and I liecame regular and free from pain. I am thankful for such a good medi- I cine and will always give it the highest praise." JMi'S. t'.ll.tiRiFKlTii,7JOa Madison A v., Cleveland, O. pm teWrltetotVIHA E.I'IXKH AM MEDICINE CO. I Sr (CONFIDENTIAL) l.YXN,JIASS..forttdvice. Your letter will be opened, rend and answered i by woman una held, lu strict commence. ROSES, Carnations, Violets and other llnweiw always on Imnd. Shower Wedding Bouquets, Handsome Floral llesigiiN, Culms uud l-'erim for home culture. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus and manv other varieties ol Bulbs for fall planting either fur out or indunr nil ture. liose bushes, Magnolias and Kv ergreeus. W rite, 'phone or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ, Florist, Raleigh, North Carolina. 5-9.1 ly SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing ami germicidal of all antiseptics la A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water at needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches In treating catarrh, inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine Ills it has no equal. For ten years the Lydia K. Plnkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlne In their private correspondence with women, which proves Its superiority. Women who have been cured say It la "worth its weight In gold." At druggists. 60c. large box, or by mail. Tho Paxtou Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS. We carry a Inrirc stock of standard Typewritrrs. I an furnish at once Mon atch, I ox, Oliver, Keminfion, Royal, mith rn'inier, h. C. Smith A Ilio.'a aiul 1 inlmvoutl. Anv other nmke from to l.'niavs' nut ice. Wc have both the hie ami the invisible. We bought a rue stock ot these ivoewnteiH item nt-fourth tonne-half the reirulai whole sale price, and on sale now atone-fouith to one-hall the regular retail prices. A Brood 1 vpewnter trom $7.5u to $!.". A letter one 1 ( -o lt sOv.iU, 1 he best from $;Hi up to any ptioe. Will he glad to auU'i' anv inquiry in connection ith these machines, and send samples f the vuik dmie bv anv of the Type- riters we have. Kverv bov and ffir iouIJ have one of our cheap Typewri ters to lea i n how to use. Anv person ho can wnle well on a typewriter cud mami a laiire saiarv. Anvonc who buys a cheap typewriter from us and ants a heller one later, wo will take back the cue bought and allow the same paid fur it in exchange for a better one, returned in miui condition ami w ithin x month. 1 1 not in ciod condition we low the market value. e carry Tv ne uter ulti'oiiK and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELPON. N. C ASK PGR LAW AOAINST CORSETS. Aroused by adoption ol an ordi nance prohibiting the sale of ci garettes in Moultrie, Ga., smokers of the city are circulating a peti tion to prevent the wearing of cor se's and high heeled shoes by wo men, on the ground that these ar ticles of feminine attire are injuri ous to the health of the wearers. A majority of the women of the city have subscribed to the petition. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA P Aj. T.K. On. Y s J Pain Pill, f-jj thtn- Far Naurmlgla, nothing U batter than Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Uaad by Ihou.iands f9f ft gnratton '1 lioie who have Mirlercd Ii.hm neuralgic pains need il"1 be t 1 hmv necessary it is t' em:e 'e hrf. The raiest w iy . i neuralgia i? to u--e I'r. Mil. s' Anti-l'ain l'dls. i'iiey bae i. beved sufferers for ?o mnny yrjrs th.it they have become a household nccessite. "1 havs taken nr. .Miles' Antl-I'nn Vltla tor Ave yrura nil J tliej' " 'lie i.nlv thin thai e-:; eny F".l. They have relieved u,-n--l-i In my head in Ottefil mlaulea I have nl"' taken them fur rlifilmitt: m. '.u.t:l teha. aaltis In lh hivnsl. teiilhaelie earacht and pains In the Iwvela and llinba. 1 bava found notlilng I" equal fhem and they arc all Uial la elalmed for them." J, W. SlilXlli. Clue Siirlnis, Via. At all deugfllata 25 denes 25 cents. Nevar sold In bulk. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart Ind ept 4 ly Choice Cut Flowers For all Occasions Ktisen. tarnations. Violets and Vallies be lenders. Our art in wedditiff ar amrements are of the latest touch. Nothing liner in tloral otlmnixs to be bad. Hl-Hnninar pot plants, azalius, hy acinths, palms, ferns, Norfolk piues and manv otuer nice pot plants. Kose bushes, evergreens, shrubberies, hedge plains and shade trees. Write for list. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed by J. L. O'QUIMs & COMPANY, FLORLSTS, RALEIGH, North Carolina. Phones 149 Ask for price list VCR 65 YEArt EXPERIENCE All A aV" Trim Mark s .dV Desiqni rT?rn CoPvmoMTtAc. AnVAIttM'IKlInf ftafcrirh Htlil dKMTIpt tin W"t fnil-Mf awn'OMii 't tmf iti.i..ii freo wlieiluT t .Mtfint-'H prittNf .iilDnUMft. Cnn rn iilcUl.-ui.0Jth1l il. Hn.r!!f'P? '"" I'licita taHt tt tnrou'lt Mima A tu. ri-i' r. letl fi'itlCtv wiinoui cnarsia, iu m Scientific JIitKrica K humJtrtmMf lllnrlHj wfclf. l.tTWt olp rulmifil if f li lvt.iiUO I'liiuitO. 1 rn,i. ' u ).ir; tur ni"itis,L loWltJU new! : MUNN & Co''NewYi-ik "' HOLE3G-v..i': MIUHPOAT AND lim), r a 1 SUARANTEO SATSFKTOfiY' . Pit flONCY RCrVHOCO, J