iasTpS,'; Roanoke News. ESTABLISH El) IN I8(6. A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM. VOL. XLV1II. WELDON, X. C THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 11)1-1. XO. ft i 1:1 ft III F t Tbe Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which J;as been in use for over SO years, lias borne tbe Kin.itiiro of 0 - mil lim ti..n iiti.I.i. I.w ff ona supervision sinoo Its Infancy. WiuVVT; SUcMl Allow no one todccel you In thin. All Counterfeit, Imitation and" Just-ua-eootl" arc but Experiment tlmt trifle with or il emlanurr the heullh of Infants and Children Rxnurienve ngitinsti Experiments What is CASTORIA Catoria Is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syritps. It tg Pleasant, It contains iicitlu-r Opium, filorphlno nor oilier Narcotic . xiibtatauce. Irs aire is its guarantee. It destroys Worms und allays I'cvi'rishncss. It euros Di.irrlii;i ami Wind Colic It relieves TcetWtij TroulileH, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It Assimilates the Fih.i1, regulates the Stomach nnl li.nvcls, giving healthy and natural Nlcep. The Children's I'auacea Tiio Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt CCNTAWM MMNN1, Tt MUMMY SaTsUCT, NCW VONN fTT. THE BANK OF VELDON WELDOX, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anrl SarpIus, $55,000. For ovrr LM years thin iiititutitn has trovi(lrtl bankiutr facilitit'ri for thin spction. Its HtnekhoMerH iiint olluti uu itlciitilinl with the lmi iitssK intoruHtn of llulifax ami North unpton pnuntien. A SavinifM Department Ik iicimtmneil iur the ..euel.t of all who desire to deposit in a Saving hank. In tin Pep.ulment in teres t in allowed as follows: For DcpoHiln allowpil to remain tliive month or lonifcr. - percent. Six monthnor loairei, 8 per cent Twelve mouth or longer. 1 percent. Any information will he ftmii-heloi. application to the I'resiilcntorCashiei PBBslDKN I' : W. E LUSIKl.. VUKl'liKSlUKM W. i( SMITH L, C IHi W'Kli.'liillei DI BECTOKS W. R. Smith, W t. A. t lloote, .1.1.. Shephenl. . A Diioo & Poole Maniiiimtonoi ion' M.tNTI'.U ITUKIIS Ol Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDKR AND UKtil l.AK .STUCK SIZES. (Jood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. -i preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. , It will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether vmi care tn nurchaser now or later. No matter what you need for the home--our combination of service, quality, and modest prices trio-ether with terms that make It easy to supply your needs will make you of thisistore. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C Signature of CAHII1KK: I O. liJiAUK. Darnel, J. O. lHake, U . M. t uheii. Cieree. !. li. olheotfer. .1 . W. le..ir HOOD NEWS FROM THE SAtisfiU'tory v tonr! Every housewife will ap a permanent customer A HOPELESS CASE. "Adam. Where Art Thou." There is a colored preacher in Richmond, Va., says Lippincoti's, whose favorite theme has ever been infant bapiism. So frequent ly were his sermons based on ihis theme that his congregation at last could endure them no longer. Ac cordingly, a deputation appointed by the Hock waited upon the min ister, and in plain words advised him that, in the event that he could not find something else to say, thai ihey would call some one who could. The dusky divine prom ised to meet their wishes, and on the next Sunday announced as his text, "Adam, where art thou?" "This text, brethren," declaimed the minister, can be divided into fo' heads. First,- every man is somewhar. Secondly, most men are where they ain't got no busi ness to be. Thirdly, you'd better look out or you'll be there your self. Fo'thly, infant baptism. Now, brethrenr eckon we might as well pass by the first three heads, and come immediately to the fo'th infant bapiism." SAME ADDRESS. Two wrptcheil looking cramps were brought up before a j ustice of the peace. Addressing the worst looking one, the justice said : "Where do you li''e?" "Nowhere." "And where do you live?" said the justice, addressing the other. "I've got the room above him." New York Globe. Spring Blood and System Cleanser liurinirthe winter mouth impurities accumulate, your Mood becomes impure and thick, your kidneys, liver and how els fail to work, causing so-called "Sirring -Fever." You feel tired, weak and lazy. Llectiic Hitters the spring tonic and system cleanser is what you need; they stimulate the kidneys, liver and bowel to healthy action, expel Mood impuriticsand restore vourhealt) strength and aiuhition. Klectric (titters make you feel like new. Start a four week's treatment it will put you iu line shape for your sprinir work. liuar anteeil. All Druggist, "sic. and f 1. II. K. IIICKI.I'.N & CO., Philadelphia,!'. St. Louis, Mo. CERTIFICATE 01 DISSOLUTION. To all to Whom These Presents May foine-lireetintc YYlli:lii:AS. It appears to mv satis faction, hv dulv authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockliolilers. deposi ted iu mv ollu-e. that the Siteiiinir on struction Company, a corporation of i Ilia State, whose principal olhce is situ ated in the town of Weldon, County of alifax. State of North Carolina, is. A. Ilatrinirton beimr thrairent therein and in charge thereof, upon w hom process i,..iv ha served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter L'l, Kevisal of lima, entitled "Corporations, prelum uary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution : Now. therefore. 1. .1. IlKYAXlil.'IMKS, Secretary of state of the State of North Carolina: do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the ''til day ol February, li'l t. me in mv omec a uuiv executed ar.d attested consent in wri timr to the dissolution of said corpora tion, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent aud the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on Hie in my said office at provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereto set my hand and allixed mvollicial teal at UalciR-h, this '.Hh day of February, A. I), ism. .1. HKYAN til.lMK.-i, Seoretary of State, GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS. We currv a lavpo Mock of HtamlarO 'iVttitMiitti- I'lirntMh m mice Mini m.ti tux. O iter. IteitiiiiL'toi). Hoval. Mnith 1'iemier, L, t'. Smith Hio.'h ami i-mierwooit. Any other make from .in I.'. iIvm' niilii'i V have hoth the vi hi hie and the uiviMhlc. S e boiijrht a law stock ol ihi rttt ivpewmern mini one-fourth to one-half tlieiKrulai whole- ule puce, ami on Hale now atune-lourth ot tut. hull lint r-HLrular retail iincc. A LT.uuI Tvncw ritiM fiom 7.r0 to A tmtler one tn m 10 .u. i ne oem from ;mp to any price. Will he iflail in aixutnr itiv iiimiirv in iiniiiiMinti with Iheau umchiuts, ami eml Nampleii or the worn clone nv any oi uv .-itra kk huvo V'vitv hov and uir houltl have one ol our cheap Typewri ters to learn how to use. Any pernon !. a, nt tvriln tttll nit a tviifu ritr rait ilemaml alartiu Malary. Anyone who buys a cheap typewriter from ui and nantK a oetier one later, we win lase hack the one houv;ht ami allow the same paid for it in exchange for a better one, if returned iu good condition ami within mix months, li not in (food condition we allow the maikt-t vaiue. We carry Type writer ribbon aud other supplier mm Absolutely Pure Cakes, hot biscuit, hot breads, and other pastry, are daily necessities In the American family. Royal Bak ing Powder will make them more digestible, wholesome, appetizing. No Alum No Lime Phosphates OLD-TIME BY FRANK L. When the spirit moves them fiddlers to play their level best No use to tell the old chaps lo jes' set still an' rest, For it "fetches" 'em, I tell you they have another chance, An' they don't feel out of order when ihey're up and in the dance' Though grand od lop'ry music 10 ihem as likes it chimes, My vote is fer the home kind the old tunes of old times; I ain't no more the spry one I wuz so long ago, But at a jig-tune, honey, I'm a-hittin' heel-an-toe ! The sweethearts of my young days are in the fur away, But I feel swingin' 'em ag'in when right the fiddlers play. Hit up the old tunes, fellers ! L'f they make me keep my seat You'll know thai I am with you by the paitin' of my feet ! THE MONEYLESS MAN. Is there no secrei place on the face of the eanh, Where charily dwelleih, where love has its birth Is there no place at all where a knock from the poor Will bring a kind angel 10 open the door ? Oh, search the world over, wherever you can, There's no open door for a "Moneyless Man." Go look at your Church with its cloud-reaching spire, Which gives to the sun, its same look of red fire Where arches and columns, so gorgeous within And its walls seems as pure, as a babe without sin, Walk down the long aisle, see the rich and the great, In the pomp and the pride of Iheir worldly estate; Walk down in your pathos, and find if you can, Who opens the door for the "Moneyless Man." Then go to your hovel, no raven has fed, The wife who has waited loo long for her bread; Kneel down by her pallet, and kiss the deaih frost, From ihe lips of ihe Angel your poverty has lost, And then in your agony, turn toward God And bless while it smites ihee, the chastening rod, You will find at the end of Life's little span, There's a welcome above for the "Moneyless Man." T. Couper, Norfolk, WITH THE WITS. "They told me to use a live frog for bail," said ihe stranger, but I've been here all day and haven t had a bile yet." Georgia darkey. "De frog hez swimmed ter a log wid yo' hook an' line, an issettin cross-leg on de log a-lookin' at you !" "Oh, Willie! Willie !" exclaimed his mother, shocked and grieved. "How often have I told you noi to play with that naughiy Johnson boy?" "Mamma," said William, who appeared in a regretful siaie of dis order and wiih a bruised face, in utter disgust, "do 1 look as if I had been playing wiih anybody ?" "What is ihe speaker's system for bringing up her own children?" "It's a sysiem she perfected all by herself, and she tells me it works io a charm." "Tell be about il." '"'hy, when she wdills ihem 10 do a thing she says 'don't,' and when she wains ihem not to do a thing she says 'do.' " CASTORIA For Infanti and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought FIDDLERS. STANTON. Va. TRACING AN ANCESTOR. Henry Cabot Lodge, though the family is one of the oldest in Amer ica has no sympathy with those who claim descent front and use the arms of William ihe Conquer or, Richard Coeur de Lion, Char lemagne, and so forth. There are, as everybody knows, many such persons among ihe American snobs. Atone of the New England so ciety dinners in New York a young man, twirling the Hohenzollern crest upon his watch charm, said to Senaior Lodge : "How far can your ancestry be traced?" "I'm tempted to answer you the words of Stuythe," said Sena tor Lodge. Smyihe, you know, when this question was put to him, replied: "When my great-grandfather suddenly resigned his position cashier of a Boston bank they traced him as fur as Borneo, but he got away." F.ven a woman seldom has cause iu rcpcnl because she aili too lit tle. The whistle on the engine makes ihe most noise, but il doesn't help pull the train. Only a smart man can tell the ruth so truthfully ihat even 8 jealous woman can't tangle hii.i up. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA BEWARE. Apropos of his policy of silence, Mayor Miichel, of New York, said i a dinner: "In silence there is safety. Those who want opinions often get opin ions they don't want. Take the young planter's case. "A young Mississipi plainer had servant Uncle Jeff who had cared for him as a child and who was very devoted to him. The young man became engaged 10 a neighboring beauty who was cred- led with a very bad temper. No ticing that Uncle Jeff never men tioned his approaching marriage, (he young planter said one day : 'Jeff, you know 1 am going to marry Miss Lamar?' 'Yes,' was ihe reply. 'I knows it.' ' 'I haven't heard you say any thing about it,' persisted ihe plan ter. ' 'No,' Jeff acknowledged. '1 ain't for me lo say nuffin' about I isn't got nuffin' to say.' ' 'But what's your opinion about it?' ' 'Well, massa,' said Jeff, with some hesitation, 'you knows one thing the most pisenest snakes has got the most prettiest skins.' " POINTED PARAQRAPHS. And lovers rush in where hus bands fear to tread. A word to ihe wife is sufficient to start a rough house. There is usually a way to gel around any kind of rule. It's much easier to borrow trou ble than to get rid of it. It is easier for the average man to stand adversity than prosperity, and much more common. In this land of plenty there are plenty of people who haven't. The girl who cant sing and wont sing is entitled to her choice of husbands. If a woman marries ihe wrong man il is because the right one failed io ask her. But the average man would have no use for mirrors if he could see himself in ihem as others see hitn. Adam's downfall was due to an apple, but many another down fall can be traced to a peach. Take good care of what little common sense you have, for the world s suonlv doesn t begin to equal the demand. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA It is never too late to blame the other fellow for your mistakes. A girl wiih a face as pretty as a picture may be spoiled by an, ugly frame of mind. Guard Your Children Against Bowel Trouble Many children at " early a' become toii.tipbtcd, and frequently seriou coiiscnacutes, result. Nat being able to rcubze h own con ditiun, a child bowel hould be cuntuntly waiceed. and a gentlr laxative given when necessary. Dr. Miles' Laaativc Tablets an especially well adapted to women and children. The Sisters- of Christian t harity, SJ Chafes St., Luzerne. Pa., who attend many cases oi sickness say oi them: "Borne timo ngu tve tKgun ulnK Di. Mil'"' Litlvn Tablets "a o4 that we like tliero very mu.U Their action Is ncUiint and we a rU-ful for lmvin ))n made iiaiawnnd wltu them. W hao had ol results In every ease and Itie SIBiri are vsry mut'h pleased " The form aiul'llavor of any medi cine is very important, no matter who is to take it. The taste and appearance arc espcculty important when children are con,-ned. All parents know Imw hard it in to give h- .uiiu. HiilJ "medicine, even !,,, h the lasie is partially di guiseu. in using 1-t. tn TakUa haaaa-Ver. this USX- dun- cuiij i overcame. "'fe the tablets, tlreir appearance and candy-like taste at once appeal to any child, with the result that they are taken without objection The rich rhocniatr flavor and absence of other tate, make Dr. Miles' Uxative Tablets the ideal remedy ior children. a If the first boK -fails to beaefit, the price ii returned. Ask your druggist. A lx of doses colts only 35 cents. Never sold in OiHK. MILES MEDICAL CO, Bllsivaet, .In WHAT S10 DID FOR THIS WOMAN The Price She Paid for Lydia E.Pinkham'Vegetable Com pound Which Brought Good Health. Dunville, Va. - " I have only spent ten dollars on your medicine and 1 feel to mucn rjeiier man did when the doctor was treating me. I don't suffer any bearing down pains at all now and 1 sleep well. 1 cannot say enough for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound and Liver Pills as they have done so much for me. I am enjoy ing good health now and owe it all to your rrmediea. 1 take pleasure in tell ing my friends and neighbors about them."-Mre. Mattie Haley, 501 Col quhone Street, Danville, Va. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope un til she has given Lydia E. Plnkham'i Vegetable Compound a fair trial. Thi9 famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valua ble tor'c and invigorator of the fe male organfsm. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia i:. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia E.FInkhamineaicluetJo. (conlldMitliiii.ynii, ni as.,ior no vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. ROSES, Carnations, Violets and other Howera always on hand. Shower Wedding Houquets, Handsome Floral Designs, 1'alms ana I-cms lor home culture. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus and manv r ther varieties ol Bulbs for fall planting either for out or indoor eul ture. Kose bushes. Magnolias and Et ergreens. Write, 'phone or telegraph.? li. STEINMETZ, Florist. Raleigh, North Carolina. 5-33-1 r SPECIAL TO WOMEN Tbe most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptic U A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches In treating catarrh, inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine Ills It has no equal. For ten years tbe Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. baa recommended Paxtine In their private correspondence with women, which proves tta superiority. Women who have) been cured say It Is "worth Its weight In gold." At druggists. COc. large box, or by mall. The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. Choice Cut Flowers For all Occasions liost-s, Tarnations, Violets and Vallies the leaders. Our art in wedding ar rangements are of the latest touch. Nothing tiner in lloral offerings to be had. blooming pot plants, asalias, hy acinths, palms, ferns, Norfolk pines and many other nice pot plants. Hose bushes, evergreens, shrubberies, hedge plants and shade trees. Write for list. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed by J. L O'QUINN & COMPANY, KLORIKTH, RALEIOH, North Carolina. Phones 1-1 II Ask for price list iksatij . ovts as YtARS vV ixpimiNCl ' Taaoi ft A, i40 Disk DlSIONS CorvRtaxra As. Anyori fftfl-nf and rln-r(niloM n Vilrklr Bjfwinlti our nptt.tim It nwiMr loi m.. li.....iiirtcHT'iiOJitUftl. HANDBOOK on Pat pi iu cut lew. OlrtMl sweiiry for H-writm ptttvma. I'ntftiii Ustn thTMUh Muim C. rsxi ptvUi sWtc. wlthajol cnartt, IB Lb Scientific Jlir.crlcan. ndttnmtlrliitiMrtlM vertiy. l-fwi eir ji.u of ati svlii(lDr t.uriittl. Tra.a. 3 ft t four mom tii, L Ubr.ri MwsMlrt. P9 SPIERS BROS. WELDON, (J, C Bean th Signatar of sept 4 Jy

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