Vifia55 J"N, Jt Vv ESTABLISH 1:1) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of Subscript inn .!.. :o ,' ti Aniu;ii.; voii. xlviii. WELDOX, X. C, THURSDAY, MAKCIl 1!), MM I. NO. wj-a m)M ft? If tell a ,1 Jnilib ypaiaa i I I ilfTOD U1UI1 Al l Itlllll 1 IJL U ..I . ... A c .i i' I ; 1 1 1 1 1- Pi cnar.K i on i; t A s ' Silllii.'lliil!)llilfiinil;iiiill!('i.i!,1 lill!jllll'Sl!!!l'll,llS!li:dllWClS Prnrai:!(sDi$sli)!iOfpi!il ncssjHiilll'Mfoiiainsnciilif l)piiim.Miii')Iiure iiorMuicral.i ISOTJtAHCOTIC. firmjit Art" Auiri'mi ('.' W'V7 - iltlufintwlti'eua tlnuiill Slum An.-rfci'l Rcmwlv fniTimsllfJ- iln,S(rui-S!oiwcli.l)l,irrta Worms ,('H'nsli lu'ssaiiuLossoFSLm' FarSinrle Si jiiarare oT KEW YOTiK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW t .TV In Use For Over Thirty Years ... "5 J '"EMCt Copy of Wrapper. THf Mmnum tompim. aIa r.a. ,m. iwMiiiMim wm wwnwi -si n hi THE HOT OF VVELDON WKLDON, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weklon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $55,000, For over lil years this institution ha provided banking- facilities for thin section. Its sturklinlders and olliet is are identitied with the huro ih'nh intere-d of Halifax a 1 1 1 1 Noithatupbui counties. A Savings l-epurlmeut U maintained I'm' the hem lit uf all who desire to mi a :u iiijs Hank. In Hun I ivpurt uieiil interest is allowed as follows: For hepnsits allowed toremuin thri't' mouths or longer. - per cent, six month or lomivr, :i pei tvnt. Twelve months or lonucr. t pel cent. nv i ti toi uiation will Ih- furnished on ion to the President 01 t'adiiei I' It Kl OKS I W. K. DAM KL, Vlt'H-l'ltK-lUKN I : VV. li. SMITH. I.. ('. IMiWlCMYU tASHlKlt: .1. O. MUKK. M lil ( lul.s V. i:. Smitli, W, Iv Uanirl. .1. (I. lUuke, W. .M. Colirn. A. ('. Hi ust , .1 .1.. sliephml, W. A. I'lrirr, 1. li. ulio.lli-r, .I W. Hnljri- Q' 'szrag -mo A BEAUTIFUL FATHER. Mis Children Had No Idea They: Were So Poor. "Tt'll your inolliiT ymi linve ' lii'cn very himmI lioyn toilny," Hii i I ti school Icai'hci' to two liltli' lii'w'seholufH. "Oh," rrplii'il Tommy, "wo Imvi'ii't niiy liiollicr." "Who t.ikrN curt1 of ymi?" hill' llsknl, "Katlii'r iIih'k; we'vo jrnt it hiMiiitiful fulhrr, ymi oiiKht to him' him " " Who taki'S of you wlwii ho is nt work?" "Hi' takes all thn care hefore lie iii's oil' in the morning, ami lifter hi' comes hack lit nitflit. lie's a lioiise jiitinter, hut there Un't any work this suiiiiner, ho he's iloiu' lahorin'. lie lenves us it warm hreakfast when he (rocs oil' in the morning ami we have hreail anil milk for dinner, ami a froml siiiier when he comes home. Then he tells us stories, ami plays on the life ami cuts out heautifiil things for us with his jack knife." Before lonj; the teacher did see the home of that father. Tin? room was a poor one, graced with cheap pictures, au tumn leaves ami other little trilles that cost nothing. The father, who was at the time preparing the evening meal for his motherless hoys, was at first glance only u rough, hegrimed lahorer; hut hefore the stranger had heen in the place ten mill utes the room hecame a palace, ami tht! man a magician. I lis children had no idea they were so poor, with such a hero as this to light their hattles for them This man, whose grate ful spirit lightened up the life of his children, was preaching to all about him more effectual ly than was many a minister, lie was a man of patience ami submission to ( iod's w ill, show ing how to make home happy under the most unfavorable circumstances, lie was rear ing his boys to be high minded citizens, to put their shoulders to tin; hiii'deiis rather than be come burdens to society in the days that are coming, lie was, as his children hail said, "a beautiful father," in the high est sense of the word. Califor nia Voice. MANl I'AiTl KKIW (If Building; Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAH1-: rooi;m:u st nr.nfi. a k stock sizks. Qood Materials, High (trade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. 32 GOOD NEW 1-kOM THE EHvery housewife will ap predate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether you care to purchaser now or later. No matter what you need for the homeour combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with terms that make it easy to supply your needs will make you a permanent customer ; of thisstore. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C "or that HEADACHE taki Most girls are easily entertained; all one has to do is to feed them on taffy. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A III I CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To all to Whom Tht'wt' I'lvxt'iit.t Mav I t) me titvctiiiK : WIIF.IU'.AS, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authf uticateit record of the piot'ri'iliniis for the voluntary iliHNolutiun thereof by the unanimous consent of all the KtuekhoMt rt. deposi- j ted in my utiice, that the sterling 'on- Htruetiou ompuny, a eoi potation of thiHtate, wlmm pnneipal otliee is situ I aleil in the tow n of clilon. ounty of j lluhfax. State of North Carolina, (S. A. i Ilaitmirtoti lieiuir the uent therein and j in ehanre thereof, upon whom process i may be sewed), has complied with the mi'inrrments of Chapter -I, Kevisal of l!tti., eutilU'd "t'orpoiations," prelimi- 1 nary to the issuing of this t'ertitieate of ; Involution: N w, tlientore, I,. I. MiY WUlMMKS eeii'tary cit Statt of the stale of North C arolina; do hereby certify that the said corporation tin), on the 'Hh tiny of IVhiuaiy, l!M-i, tile in my ollice a duly executed at.d attested consent in xi tun; to the dissolution of said corpoia lion, executed by all the stockholder thereof, winch said consent and the record of the pioerrdinirs aforesaid are now on tile iu my said office as provnled by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have lieieto set my hand and uilixed myollicial seal at Kal'eitfh, this !Hh tlav of February, A. It. l!Ui .1. i'KYAN tihi.MKS, Secretary of State. GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPI'WRITrRS. We carry a hnffe stock of standard Typewriters, (.'an furnish at once Moti audi, Fox, Oliver, iCeminlon. Uoyat, Minth I'teinier, I., t' Suiiih A Itro.'s and rn h-nvnod ny t'T mtikofrnm ."iti l.'ulayi' notice. We have both the visible and the invisible. W e bought a I a tire stock of these Typewrileit from onefotnlli to one-hal ft lie regular w hole sale price, and on sale ton ut one-foil i tli to one-hall the regular retail prices. A trood Typewriter fiuin to A better one IT "hi to .'h ,(. The best from & up to any puce. Will be frlud to answer nnv iminivv in eounection Willi these machineH, nnd send samples ' of the work done hv any ot the I vpe- wnters we have. Fvery boy and pir should have one of our cheap Typewri ters to learn how 1o use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can demand a lure salary. Anyone w ho buvs a cheap tvpew liter from us and wants a bettei one later, we will take back the one Imuuht ainl allow thesame jmid for it in exchamre lor a better one, if returned in good condition and within six months. It not in trood condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and other supplies SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. ! AbsoIutelyPure ROYAL the mosl celebrated of all the b&Mng powders in the world cdcbraSed Icr 15s great leaveiiM;7 ctrengSSi and purity. II makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, tSc, IiealtMijI, it insures yoa agamst clam and all forms ot adulkration that go with the low priced brands. IT MUST B SETTLED RIGHT. However the battle is ended, Though proudly the victor comes With fluttering flags and prancing nags And echoing roll of drums, Still truth proclaims this motto In letters of living lihi No question is ever settled Until it is settled right. Though the heel of the strong oppressor May grind the neck in the dust, And the voices of fame with one acclaim May call him great and just, Let those who applaud take warning And keep this motto in sight No question is ever settled Until it is settled right. Let those who have failed take courage, Though the enemy seemed to have won, Though his ranks are strong, if he he in the wrong, The battle is not yet done. For sure as the morning follows The darkest hour of night, No question is ever settled Until it is settled right. -lilla vx'heeler Wilcox. ETbfvNAL CoUDm Spring Blood and System Cleanser i HIS OBJIiCT IN WAITINQ. liurhiK tht' winter nmnllit nniuiitir j ai'eumulato.youf Itltitul li'etnnis nnpine t ainl thick, your kidney, hwr ami lum-1 t'ls fail to work, rauMiiK -ealli'tl ; "Sprinif. fever." Vu It'el tut1'!, weak and lazy. I'.leeliie Itiltevi the spiinn tonic ami nyslem cleanser in what you need; tliey Mtmiilate the kidneys, liver and bowels to healthy actum, ex pell Mood impurities and restore your health strength tud ambition. Klcctric Hitlers make you feel like new. Start a four week's treatment it will put you iu tine shape for your spring work. Guar anteed. All Druggists fxe. and 1, H. E. Ul'CKLEN & CO., Philadelphia,!' t. Louis, Mo. Flounced Dresses Arc Coming LOSING HO mm ifl v. ,4V; ftt4a Fini.'.'y 5'.';' ;tt' t Ika'lh r v v T"- t ,. y .. i..i i.. I .'..le.aani a Vcycialilc Coiiipound. t: t.A.f 'if A' is iv-i X i n t rr;',' But still my human hands are weak To hold your iron creeds: Against the words ye hid me speak My heart within me pleads. Ww fathoms the Liernal Thought? Who talks of scheme and plan ? The Lord is God. 1 le needeth not The poor device of man. 1 walked with bare, hushed feet the ground We tread with boldness shod; 1 dare not fix with mete and bound The love and power of God. Ye praise His justice; even such His pitying love I deem: Ye seek a king; I fain would touch The robe that hath no seam. Ye see the curse which overbroods A world of pain and loss; I hear our Lord's beatitudes And proyer upon the cross. I dimly guess from blessings known Of greater out of sight, And, with the chastened Psalmist, own His judgments too are right. I long for household voices gone, For vanished smiles I long, But God hath led my dear ones on. And He can do no wrong. I know not what the future hath Of marvel or surprise, Assured alone thai life and death His mercy underlies. And so beside the Silent Sea I wait the muffled oar, No harm from I lim can come to me On ocean or on shore. I know not where His islands lift Their fronded palms in air; I only know 1 cannot drift Beyond His love and care. John Greenleaf Whiitier. I . I . !. I.'i, iP'HliI I tin, I!'-' t I f 1,1, - -- V (': i L. It- I il ni'rv(:u.;l'i'!'n;'iu!id '.'I'iit.lic t,'.niii y, 1 iV.-i i i-y v.'eiJ'-. itn 1 r-n tui'l v;u ..::i!;; of evet leinfj well and sta-ni:. Aft-T tak- i intr I.yi.'L K. r:.i! jiiiipoiiMfl 1 impi'ove'l jt a v,-u Wfrnun. I it.v !.;.!.; I f-el and I b o ir ite!i fur yoi-.rC jmputmd. ic.' vil!- it i1, in tli.' Ihhism if '.- t'l'1 .".riritirit. Mrs. , i'.I'. 1.;. No. 7, Iielle- r! : Vmld morit zeal- i In a!th, but it 13 in! iu eh ctfd, until u!i:ir to h-T s,x has mi h r. When so af- ftvtt 1 !ueh women ti.iiy rely upon Lyuia K. FinLlii'm's V;'! utile (,'om pound, a remedy that hiiB Iwon wonderfully mic ci'ssful in rcntorinj? henltii to suffering W'tilUfll. ff you liavo tlio slightest dmiht (h;il I-vdia I!. I'inKhanrs YmHu !.!. (irupiniml will ln-lp yoii.wrilo !.v!i;i ll.INiikhiiin Mehnn o. froiilfdenf iali l.yini,Masi.,forml vv Your letter i.vill heopoiHMl, reini inid ntiswml liy a wotntm, ,uhI held in strict contijeuco. I'kOi ! ION . YVALTLK ;. DAMLL, Attorney-ntLaw, WliM'ON, N. C. IF you wish to busy yourself pre paring for tho coming Hprin? and n mm of vmi nti hit itwuiiri'il t tho ' success of certain new stylos m ad vance. It ta wine to b ready for the seanon which lures ua out of doora, and to make tho most or It. Here Is the sweet eat of Bumnior gowns, made of stlk muslin and luce with a tlcbu and a h It of satin rib- boa. Similar icowua are on display j made or a variety of materials. There ! are embroidered cotton crepes, first of all. Netu, with tloiiuees edged with lace, embroidered crepo do chine and i voiles Hut always laee uud more lace, j Point d'esprlt net Ih found very una ful and fine flowered voiles, lawns nnd j batiste. 1 AmuDg the handsomest of gowns : are those of w hite net Allowing llou no lugs uf the not edged with narrow black chantttly lace. Others of sheer cotton crepe with fold of black malliie laid under the edge of flouncings. Much hand embroidery appears on the gowns of crepe, voile, etc. Put It Is of a kind that does not try the eyes. Ltong sprays of flowers of mod erate size like the carnation, for ex ampleare done with heavy floss In long bold stitches. The effect Is beau tiful. The gowns are In white or pale colors. White la th loveliest, and the light colored underslfp with a lace-trimmed petticoat of net worn under these gowns is beautiful. It would .he hard to find a simpler or prettier model than that shown iu the picture, for a flounced gown. Tua design, too, Is appropriate to older women, us well us to lit-' youi ti 1 tit wearer. In fact, tli- dilTerenen lu flounced gowns for young ur older wearers Is discernible in touches, rather than lu design lite foundation skirts ure plain nnd straight. Tho Ilounues tuo adjust. -d In differing poses. Sometimes, uh iu the gown pictured, th.-y sa toward the buck, but In a good number (his is reversed and they rise toward the back. The uaiBt Hue is about tin1 normal In most of them While waists ure draped, are Mil lu sleevert an well as drop shoulder and kmiono ef feets. Hihbom are conspicuous, and tho 'tango" shades, warm nasturtium yellows, ure apt 'daily liked. Almost anyone who makes any pre tentions to sewing, or has any faith In her own ability, can put together a flounced dress, The trick seems to bu In ndjubilng tho flowers at the right slope, with even fullness, and In not getting them too full. The three flounced skirt, having the flounces shaped, Is displayed for heav ier fabries, and is wonderfully attrac tive. There Is a world of light, airy fab rics, fascinating in design, and a world of filmy laces, moderate in price, so that tho flounced gown has a pleasant future before it. Limp fabrics aro chosen that fall to the figure, so that flounces do not mean bulklness. That Is tabooed, and is likely to remain bo JULIA BOTTOMLEY. h-tai 111 tie l-.tlll Null!, I ; Win, L, I.uli 1 , Attorney at id v...i:rrtl t len.le ml .i:t-tn ATTOkNiIY-Al-LA A . l.l.lHf I 1 H. L l.Atvl- A T'! 'l'M; -Ai t h l.ii . N t fl t; i' i hi tlii et null- ni l iah ; LACE AND RIBBONS MARK THE STYLES INUNDER-MUSLINS UNDEn-Mt'SUNS In common with other articles for women's wear, I have been growing more lacy, more ! bedecked with pretty finishing 1 touches, more diaphnnous, with every 1 season, until now. It seems, the limit I has been reached. Night dresses 'o made with yokes of fine net, having j lace Inserted, or superposed Or j they are made with lace and lne em- brolderv or all Ince vokes. T'rettv Reserved Parson (doing an odd job with the church fence) "You appear to be watching me very closely, boy. Do you lake an in terest in carpentry?" Boy "No." Rev. P. Then what are you waiting for?" Boy "I'm waitin' to hear wot a parson says when 'e 'its 'is funib wiv the 'am-mer." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO RI A waahiibie ribbons are always a nec essary part of their construction. Al together the undergarments now on display In the great stores have all been much Influenced by this UUiuw for airy fabrics and the craze tor lacea. As In outer garments, under muelius are cut with easy lines, to haMr gracefully, not to 'fit" the tigute. Whatever one may think of tho dia; i anotifi materials, it mut b" eoncod. A that the present style? nrc exception ally graceful. Thin muslins, nainsooks, and cambrics make up the body of tho garments. Much beading is used to carry th ribbons which make gay the eevera! pieces. In tho ruidht of winter, when eve nings aro long and dnys are most comfortably ppent in the house, un derwear for tli coming summer should be made up. In fact, the bulk of the summer sewing can be done long before the clothes are needed. Spring goods are on display In Jan uary, and by the first of February styles for the coming spring and sum mer are fairly well settled. A ni;ht dress of cambric and Val laco is shown la the picture. The yoke and very short sleeves are In one and made of Val in sertions. There aro two patterns of lace, tho rows sewed togeth er. The kimono sleeve portion may be lengthened by adding rows of insertion. A narrow edging fin ishea tho opeuing at the neck, and a wider edge in the same pattern tin Ishes tiie sleeves. Tho rows of lace may be "whipped" together, that 1b, sewed edge to edge with a short overcast stitch, or sewed ou tho machine Tho yoke Is Joined to the skirt of the gown by a narrow band of em broidered beading. Through this a rl'otiuu lt rjii, v.liUli tics at tlic front in a small bow This ribbon serves to adjust the gown to the figure. For Buch pretty night robea, sepa- rate bows and rosettes of ribbon are ' provided They are to be pinned on I with ery small safety pins. Little rosettes for the top of the sleeves, i matching the other ribbons, but without hanging ends, may be added 1 hi way of elaboration JULIA BOTTOMLEY. It I'.. A, v M. "1 1 i '. i r I l ii t li' u i v 11-II. SMITH, 1 ; i iiii I raiiiKiiea . Utixtuyiiu. Wl l.l'UN, v c W. J. Vv KU, DICNTIST, nl l u i: in lMH. r.t .ii.v; WKl.I'UN, N.Cj sepfj ly T Mt-MN. ,1. A. W.iKKI.U. i ian!.iiiL'. N. (' .lat-ksun N.t' W I . l.t.M., Weldon, N. I . MASON, WORRELL 8 LONG, Attorneys nt-Law. Clliees Wel.lon. V ( 1 nnd .tacknuu.N.r in V !'. 1 1. 'X'. C:jri J c 2s. , CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Or yfjJT" Signature of Li7i (cAvti The happy man is one who is ess unhappy than his neighbor. Best Family Laxative llrwart'of const ip itinn. U sp Ir. Kind's New Life fill's and ktvp well. &tts. 0. K. Smith, of West I'tankliu. Me., calls tlit ni ' Our family laxative." Nothtncr ludlt'r for adults orated, t et them to day '-.V. All dtuijiiiMA or ' y mail, i II. K. 1U CKI.KN A TO., I I'hiladt'lphin. l'a. St Louis, Mo. i AlTORNtN At iv Li.m.N, n t , I'lHt-tirt h iii tht rtitiru v IIhIi... a l.l"Uiii,u funning an,, u ih, ,u. Ciitlllol lilt Male .-('rem r. t"i- .il,-.. . , i ,. , i I). L. M AIM)A.K, NOTARY I I bl.lC And l ire Insurance. fc a i. soil, i rw, CIVIL liOllvLliri, Surveyintr a Tpvciat l''i.-.i:e -'el A Some of our joys and most 1 our sorrows arc due to ignorance, tOK :' i I -i ,tl coin vi'tit I Ltplu-i ii tjrp. sutheMi every aay. rnce-per Mriting of i 1 5. of SOc. R. A.. I UhNUU' 26 if WSdon, N. i,