A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. (.'., THUHSDAY, MAliCH 1!H 1, Terms of Subscription ii.5C .' tr Aniu ni ESTABLISHED IN 1866. NO. 48 VOL. XLVHI. Tha Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which Las been in uko ror over aw years, lias ana has been made under Mm per. tjPjA ,0Dal "POrvUlon Since its Infancy. t-CtCCW Allow tin finA liiApaltrAmti It. tl.la All Counterfeit, Imitation! and "tTuitt-aii-Kood" are but Experiment Unit trIUe with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience agulntit Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Cevitoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare, gorle, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is l'ieaiuviit. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic) substance. Its aire Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms und allays I'evcriNhness. It cures Diarrhma and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation und Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Htonuuh and Itoivels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauacea Tbo Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tto KM Y ta In Use For Over THE BANK OF VELDON WELDOX, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Deposiiory. Capital and Snrplns, $55,000. . For over 21 years thin inHtitution has provided banking facilities for this section. Its stockholder and ollirtrh ate identified uith the husi ness interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties. A Havings Department is maintained fur t lie henclit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings liank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, '.' per cent. Six months or lonirer. 3 ner cent. Twelve months or lunger, 4 percent. Any information will be furnished on raasiDSNT : W. E. DANIEL, vies-rwinBST; W. It. SMITH. I.. C. Dli.U'KK, Teller. DIREfTOIiS W. It. Smith, W. E. A. C. House, J. h. Shepherd, W. A. ion & Poole Wmkim Company, MAKUr'ACTUKElW OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND KF.UULAK STOCK SIZES, dood Materials. High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of. Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become posted on our you care to purchaser now or later. No matter what you need for the tiome-our combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with terms that make It easy to supply your needs will make you of thls.store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C Administrator's Notice 1 The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. M A Vinson, deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to settle with me at once and persons having claims against said estate will tile them with me properly verified on or before the 8th day of March, l15,or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This 4tb day of March, 1HU. 8. Ii. DANIEL, S 12 fit Administrator Ur cross? i "r '""' i""" borne the signature of Slwajs toijlil 30 Years. application to the ('resident orCashier cashikr: J. O. DKAKE, Daniel, ,1. O. Drake, W. M. Cohen, I'ierce, D. II. '.olhcoller, J . V. Sledge GOOD HEVS FROM THE Every housewife will ap new offerings whether a permanent customer An Ordinance, Whereas the purchase, and ownership of a Federal retail liquor license cau only mean the owner contemplates vio lating the N. t!. prohibition law, it is hereby ordained tliat on and alter May 1st, itilt.any person ill ttie towuof Wel don, who shall be found in possession ol an internal iieveuue reran liquor n cense shall forfeit to the town his privi lege or license to do business in the town ot v eiuon, ana ins place oi dusi ness shall be closed. By order of the Board. W. W. WIUUINS, Mayor, D. E. Stalnback, Clerk. .3 Ml UNSUCCESSFUL. If Your Job Is a ISurden, Chance the Work or Readjust Yourself to What You Are Doing The man who regards his work as a task rather than a pleasure will not he able to do the best work of which he is capable. Like wise the man who lives for what he can Ret out of life und work for the mere pecuniary rewards of labor will not do as good work nor accomplish as much as the man who puts his best in to his work. The perfunctory worker will never achieve as much or sway his fellownien as will he who puts his mind, his heart his conscience into his work and regards ii as a privilege and a pleasure. How much of our lives, of our selves, are we putting into our work? Do we work for so many hours a day or for such and such a wage, or do we work to accom plish the worthy things we set out to do and to do these things the very best we can ? Devotion to one's work and diligence therein beget skill and ability in that work and develop superiority in that sphere- We must put not only our hands and our minds into our work, whatever it may be, but our hearts and our consciences into it. No triumph or success attained at the price of injustice to others or of unfair dealingor of short cuts is worth having. Unless we have the approval of our own consci ences we are not doing our work as we should. Unless we enjoy the work and are eager to get back to it and pursue ii diligently, we had best change our work or re adjust ourselves to what we are doing. Perseverance in effort begets skill in the doing and skill begets love of the work, and love of the work stimulates the mind and the imagination to invest even the meanest and the commonest labor wiih dignity and joy. It does not matter nearly so much what our hands find to do as how we do it. How much more and better work we may all do if we acquire pro ficiency in the work and love of it! Love of work is nepenthe for our ills, whether of body, mind or imagination. It is medicine for many, it is strength for more, it should be pleasure for "all. How thankful we should be that we can work and thai we have work to do and above all, that we are doing it earnestly and diligently. One who works thus never doubt approval of the product. Our best thought and effort should go into our work if we should attain the truest and best reward of labor. READY FOR HIM. A farmer spilled some whiskey on his barn floor so that a little stream of it ran out. A certain mouse sallied forth from his hiding place, and, being thirsty, look a sip. It tasted strange and he went back and thoughi. Then he came out and took another sip and went back again and thought. Then he came out and took a big drink Then he jumped up on the edge of the soap box and stood on his hind legs, bristled up his whiskers, and exclaimed : "Now bring out that blamed cai ! Wise is the man who knows what not to say then doesn't say it. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS. We carry a large stock of standard Typewriters. ( au lurmsii at once Man arch, Fox, Oliver, Hcmiiigton, Itoyal Smith l'remier, 1.. I.', Smith & iliu.'s and I'nderwood. Any other make from Mo I'nlavs' notice. We have both the visible and the invi"le Wr hoiurht large stock of these Typewriters from one-fourth to one-half the regular whole sale price, and on sale now at one-fourth to one-hail the regular retail prices. A good Typewriter from 7.. si lo $15. A better one $17 ."Hi to :(). The best from $.10 up to any price. Wilt lie glad to answer any inquiry in connection with these machines, and send samples of the work done by any of the Type writers we have. Every boy and gir should have one of our cheap Typewri ters to learn how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can demand a large salary. Anyone who buys a cheap typewriter from us and wants a better one later, we will take back the one bought and allow the same paid for it in exchange for a better one, if returned in good condition and within six months. Ii not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbous and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C No Substitutes RETURN to the grocer all sub stitutes sent you for Royal Bak- ing Powder. There is no sub stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful. Powders offered as sub stitutes are made from alum. THE GIRL I LOVED AT SCHOOL. When the mellow days of Autumn wrap the hills in purple haze, And the sun seems all the dearer for the shortness of the days, Comes a lovely apparition through the mists of other years, And I don't know why it's so thai my eyes will swim wiih tears; For I hate to judge emotions by the text-books roie and rule, And I only know I'm thinking of the girl I loved at school. Of the deepest, brownest velvet are the sweetly thoughtful eyes, And the cheeks are like the roses that our grannies used 10 prize; Not the pampered, pinky blossoms that ihe hothouse man deals out, At four dollars for a doen and with pasteboard wrapped about. But dear old damask roses would hold their lints till Yule Just the sort I used to gather for the girl I loved at school. And the lips, no, no ! not ruby ! for the coldness of the mine Chill the jewel's burnished surface, though the fiery rays may shine In ihe glaring of ihe gaslight; fitter far do ihey compare With the glow in yonder chalice; the same fragrance lingers there. The same thrill runs through me as when on the organ stool I got the first and only kiss of her 1 loved at school. And the form it grows distincter as the misty veil grows thin, And the silver bell that linked her, like the serpent, shutting in All that earth retained of heaven hisses out "Thou jealous fool !" For I parted in my anger from the girl I loved at school. And I know noi if the fleeting of the purple Autumn days, Brings us nearer to the greeting at the meeting of our ways; If ii be 1 may not meet her till we've crossed the stygian pool, Yet I think thai 1 shall greet her as. the girl 1 loved at school. Spring Blood and System Cleanser During the winter mouths impurities accumulatc.your blood becomes impure anil thick, your kidneys, liver and bow els fail to work, causing so-culled "Spring-Fever." You feel tired, weak and lay. F.lcclric Hitlers the spring tonicand system cleanser is what you need; they stimulate the kidneys, liver and bowels to healthy actiuu, expell blood impuriliesainl ivnluie your health strength andanibition. Klectric Hitters make you feel like new. Start a four werk'B treatment it will put you in line shape for your sprinif work. Ilimr antced. All Druggists fsic. andtl. II. E. BUCKLES 4 CO., Philadelphia,?. St. Louis, Mo. THE RESULT. She (meaningly) Do you con sider kissing real dangerous? He (meaningly) Yes; ii often brings on marriage. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I HE DID IT ALL. A small boy had taken the prize for an exceptionally well-drawn map. After the examination the teacher, a little doubtful, asked ihe lad : Who helped you with this map, James?" Nobody, sir. "Come, now, tell me the truth. Didn't your brother help you?" "No, sir; he did il all." Best Family Laxative beware of constipation. L'scllr. King's Sew Life 1'ill's and keep well. Mrs. I". 1C. Umith, of West Krankliu, Me., rails them "Our family laxative." Nothing better for ailults or aged, (iet them to day. !ifc. All druggists or by mail. II. K. HLt'KI.KX ACO., rhiladelphia, I'a. St. Louis, .Mo. Stretch the truth and it will fly back and sting you. CASTORIA For iDfauti and Children. rtte Kind You Have Always Bought Bean th STf jE3" Signature of UiUcMl LACE-BORDERED BRIDAL VEILS IN FAVOR TODAY BRIDAL volls of tullfi are nvw out of fQRhion, but sometimes l hey nil are honor with veils of lace or net bordered with toco. Tho liking for a cap drapery on thn bead nan mtiier favored the laco bord'Tf d veil, al though the tulle veil la draped t:ip fafthion also. Lace veils are not always lorig; those of a yard and a half, falling above the knees at the airitt are hk.-d. especially when tho gown l laco trimmed Hie. cap drapery admlta of consid erable variety In arrangenn nt. 'J h! frill, formed by lace edge, may W. of even fullness all around and fall over the forehead, or It may be pluoed at each Ride and the frill turned back from the forehead, or It may be ar- ranged at the top of the forehead, leaving the sides almost plain. The arrangement depends upon which way best becomes the bride. ! In the picture the fulness appears at. the side, with the borriVr tumid back over the fun head. The crown, or puff, which renults from malting the frill about the face, fulls back. If tt Is more becoming, the cap portion may be supported by small wire loops at the front, and made to stand One of the prettiest arrangements shows the frill of even fulness all around and tacked to a circlet ot white, silk covered wire, to hold It in place. This wire circlet la placed on the outside of the cap but ts bidden b a close set wreaih of ornnge blos soms and buds, one flower set Just aft er another la single row. This ar rangement brings the veil Into the pane of the neck. Some families possess wedding veils of beautiful lace, and such a veil must grow dearer with added associations as time goes on. The wedding veil of lace should be kept and. whether the fashion be for long or short veils, worn by the brides In the family. Wedding dresses and veils are always to be conservative In design, abiding by established rules and a little above the whims of fashion That Is. the regulation gown has long sleeves, the neck la covered, and the gown 1b cut In the Princess style. Round necks are admissible, but not low necks. Lace sleeves, and long glovea also. It Is the business of the deslguer or dressmaker to bear In mind the estab lished order of things In making wed ding apparel and to add little present day touches to the plain long lines ot the regulation gown. The cap drapery of the veil Is most popular Just now, because cap of all sorts are greatly favored. It Is best to arrange tt on a circlet of wire be cause It will Btay In place on the head and not become easily disarranged. JULIA BOTTOM LEY. Cameos In Favor. Though the idea of using cameos aa brooches and buckles for modern at tire came to the fore some little while ago. the fashion Is still very much In evidence, all sorlB of cameos being In request for bat trimmings and blouse buckles. Many people, having hunted up their old ones, relics of a past gen eration, are having them reset In fine gold or silver mountings of a much lighter pattern than the rather clumsy originals. Even earrings are made of very small cameos, mounted on thin gold chalnB, and very pretty they are, the delicate pink and white tlntlngs looking exceedingly well for day wear, with costumes of the new dull cop per or tango red. Velvet Novelty. There Is a new cloth called peau de tlgre or leopard skin velvet. It Is silk Tflvt In light chiffon weight. Thero Is a moire and mottled surface to It. and although It Is one colored, this mottled effect makes It appear to be In two shades, ltke the skin of leop ard or tiger. It Is manufactured In Plum, dark blue, golden brown, tobno oo brown, taupe, white and sapphire. Handy Skirt Hanger. Sew the upper end ot a discarded hose supporter to two-Inch length of ribbon. At the other end of the rib bon lew large, strong safety plu. The safety pin fastens through the folded skirt belt, and the hose sup porter slips over the hook In the clos et. A supply of these hanger made with pretty blue or pink ribbon would be nice gift tor girl friend. The supply of gold bricks ex ceeds the demand. But the grass widow is never as green as her till: would indicate. Peace is appreciated by the man who has fought for it, f if fit j f' ! JStstuMil' M- I - i i Those of Middle Age -specially. When you have found no remedy for the horrors that oppress you during fh.mjjc of life, when through the long hours of the day it seems as though your back would break, when vour head nches constantly, you arc nervous, de pressed and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains, don't forget that I.ydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the safest and surest remedy, and has carried hundreds of women safely through this critical period. Read what these three women say: From Mrs. Hornung, Buffalo, N. Y. BtTFALn, X. Y. "I am writing to li t, yutt know how much your medicine 1ms done for mo. I faih ii terribly during the hint winter mid siiinmi-r ami every mm ri inai ked almt my np'arance. I suf fered from a female I rouble und always had pains in my back, no nplielite anil at times was very weak. "I was visit ins; at a friend's hoiis one day und she thought I needed I.ydia K. I'itikliaiii's Vee,able t'ompoimd. I took it and have gained eij;ht jHiimds, have a nietiti! and am feeling better every day. Kveryiiody is asking me what I am doing and I recommend Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Ci impound. Von may publish this letter if you wish and I 1ki(mj others who have, the same complaint will see it and get health from your medicine us I did" Mrs. A. Hoiincno, HI Mtantmi HL, Buffalo, X. V. Was A blessing To This Woman. So. Richmond, Va. " I was troubled with a ljearing down pain and a female weakness and could not stand long on my feet. Ot all the medicines I took nothing liel'd me like Lydia E. I'inkham's Vege table Compound. I am now regular and am getting along fine. I cannot praise the Comound too much. It has been a blessing to me and I hope it will bo to other women." Mrs. 1). Tylbii, 'ii West C'lopton bt,, South Bichinond, Va. Pains in Side, Could Hardly Stand. Lorn, Win. "I was in a had condition, suffering from A female trouble, and I had such ,'..:" in my sides I could hardly move. Be fore I had taken the whole of one bonis "f I.ydia E. I'inkham's Veg etable Compound I felt liettcr, and now I am .!.' can do a good day's work. I tell cveryUnly what your medicine hits done iur i" " Mrs. ,Ioiin Thompson, Lodi, Wisconsin. For 30 yeari I.ydia E. I'inkham'ii Vegetable Compound hug been the standard remedy for fe male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to hersell if she does not try this fa mous medicine made ironi roots and herbs, it bi.9 restored so many sill ferine women to health. H"TWrltetol,VriA E.I'IN'KHAM MEDICINE CO. Wf (CO.NFIKKXriAI.1 1,1 N.N, HASH., foradviee. Your letter will he opened, read and answered hv a woman end held iu strict confidence. Bro-ZArJ-Glac "N'o, itim.I".;ii, 1 iievi i ru (.'oiMiiitTi 1 Iv :iu.niio irv (licirtOM that alli- t th..'h"ur..uiikii. It's ciisii'f to ''I'liVr tciiiiniiiii ily with a li;u:::: !,r h:u tliun it is totv with u Uirstin.? heart." "Hut I i':;n sat'cly rccim mi'inl h'.t. iV'cn f llii'K ii fiT 15 yea: s : vt r h il a C.:if where it did tlio It nst h;:nn." "oh, y.s, it's ji!ta; nut to take, wo' ' rp it i.t our foun tain Hi (1 it is vlu' n o1 1 popular remcdv v.xi have fi.r Ilrjtdche, NouraVia, Hacknctioai d n.hci aclun (Hit an1 sufrindm't cn!d aid stomach disorder." "WhMmizH Ktrp will vou hiiv.7" "Thank ynti. ("all apain. " Or 2Sc. 50c Bottht. A PleMMt Liquid Potioi. 5 at rMli. A I. SCHISLFR. CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveying a Specialty I'holie Jill X. K.Ml'OltlA, VA. State ofNorth Carolina, Halifax County, in ihtitSipprior I'ouit, January Term, 1914. tlcmy 1 qiImt, iu helialf of hintNelf mid all other stockholders and ctedilom ol ll... U.l,ton Ktmim I Htimtrv H ho MlHlll come in and make lliemseUes parties to mi itouou, i lanmu, Vh. Y rid mi Steam l.uundty, Defendant. To All W hom It May Concern: Take notice that the undi-rnnMied hav in ir I tee a heietoloie amointil Kt Icie hv an older made in tlim aetuut hv Uuu. (liiuui: Cominr. 1t'!ljsr" " Superior Court, at the Junum v Teim. 1H1 1, uf the Superior louit ol H.ihfio county, in which, action Henry 1 uibe has heeu made peinmneut Ki Ceivei o Ktoil i oninanv. in the town of Wehion N. (' at the otliceof W. K. I'auiel oi lieoiiret. tireen.at It o'clock A. M. TM..b.l.u Ann! lllli Ulli thi fcl 1 he continued from day to day until tin II I liners soao ue tie it i mi ineo, Bin in and detetmiue all UiaUrtaiidiu iu ll tu'tinii, the amount of stock issued, indrl.ledncHB and its assets, and will amine respecting the allaiiH ami tiui actions and properties ol the said i o panv. 'Ii.., .... ...ion nfthia naiuu iu Ii. ..11 i.njiinB iiiliirntitiiil lr Itu tuot cut, and to make proof their nuptvlitt claims, whether aa oroouurs or muck holders. Herein fail not. This the. 2nd day ol Aiaiuii. I'Jit. K.C. DUNN, Ketone Ueo. C- Green and W. E. Daniel, Attorney for Keceirer. 19 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, UKLDOS.N.C. : Practices in the courts of Halifax ana Noitharnptun and in the Supreme auu j Fedetai courts. Collections made in all mitn ui .'uuu i.bviiiiii, mautu viuvv at Halifax open every Monday Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, wi;i.ik)X, x. f. HusineHH piomptly and faithfully at tended tu. AHfoeiated with I'eehlesA Harrn and iv Midrutle iu Halifax Superior Court practice. H-2IMI OEOROEC. GREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Itauk Building) Weldon. N. C. ELLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, S.C. Phaith ks in the courts of Halifax and adjoining countiea and in the bu preuie court uf the -Ute. Special alien tiun given to collcctiona and prompt re turns. 10-8-ljr (H':t!M- H K. A. A . COI.I.KUR or Nomi CAKOIINA. ! 1 f Iv II. SMITH, f I ( ml I DcineeriDg & I 3dJ Surveying:. WKI.HON, N. c. IT. W.J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUlLDlNUf WELDON. N.C, eplS If T. VV. Huoh, J. A. WoiaiLL Uar;tburg, N. C. Jaciion N.O W. L. Lou, Weldon, N. C. MASON, WORRELL & LONG, Attorneyi-at-Law. Offlcri: Weldon, N. C.and Jackion.N.C my 29 ly. ATTORNtY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the court ot Halifax and adjoining countiea and ii the fupreme court oi the Uiat. (special attention (iTen to collection and prompt raturne D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fir Insurance. Roaiokt News Office Wtldoi D C I

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