A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDOX, X. (, TIIUKSDAV, Al'UIL 2, 11)1 I. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Ver Annum ESTABLISHED IN 1866. NO. 4!) VOL. XL VI II. . jA r . IBS Al.lOllul, 1 PER CiHv.1 AVcSelablfRrparaiionfo-Aj similailnJilicFoodaiKltoiila lingilicSiomndisnriDowlsaf PronwlesDiuonJ(dVe' ncss ami liesi.Conlalns wiitw Opium.MorpWitt norMineri. ()TAHCOTIC. JlxSnma Ucatnf $ AperfrelBemedy fordmsflpt-i lion . Sour Stomach.Dlirrtoeij WorrasfoimilsiousJfvensD nesnandLossorSuasp. Facsimile Sijuatiirt of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper, OE E C7 j3nA$TnA THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. C. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. For over 21 years thin institution lias provided ban king facilities for this section. Its stockholders and ollietra are identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Havings Department is maintained for the benefit of all who desire to deposit iu a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Hix months or longer, 3 percent. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent. Vnv information will be furnished ou application to the President ort'asliier bbsiobnt: W. E. DANIEL, VICB-I'KKSIIIBNT: W. K. SMITH. L. C. DKAPF.lt, Teller. DI RECTONF W. K. Smith, V. E. A. C. House, J.L. Shepherd, W. A. 01 IE3I II 10 MANUFACTUKEIW OK , Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OltDEtt AND KF.til'I.AR STOCK SIZES. Oood Materials. High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. 1 preciate the fact that every home furnishing need ran be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price savin? at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving delighted to have demonstrated, It will pay you To become posted on our you care to purchase now or later. No matter what you combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with terms that make it easy to supply vour needs will make vou a permanent customer ' of this store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C or that HEADACHE Mi P5 i GASTORIA For Infantt and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years t'AHIIIRK: .1. 0. I lit A K E. Daniel, J. O. Drake, W. .M. Cohen, Tierce, D. 1). Kollicofler, J . W. Sledge GOOD HEWS FROM THE Every housewife will ap devices that you will be new offerings whether need for the homeour A& X . IT ( iP In IF THI IMTUH MMHV. NtW TOMB CITY. THE MATRON'S STORY. I I She Gets the Advantap;e i Case. -A Rare ! I was not a girl when this hap I pened, I was a young matron with ! several children, but I looked as young, perhaps, as 25. I took the trolley at my home town to go into a larger one for a day's shopping. The only vacant seat was by the side of a dapper young traveling man. I took it, and he very kind ly moved his baggage to make me comfortable. After a time he in quired about a certain noticeable sign by the wayside and I explained it to him. We fell naturally into a pleasant conversation which we both enjoyed. I did not think to tell him I was married I supposed every man would guess it from my manners. I felt married 1 sup posed 1 looked it. Finally he said, "I often make G on my trips (G was my town,) would you mind telling me what business your people are in?" I told him and we talked at con siderable length about the advan tages and disadvantages of that particular calling. He mentioned several young men and a girl whom I knew and that furnished us with more material for talk. We were both feeling quite jolly when I reached my destination, the man explaining with evident regret that he was obliged to go on in to "the house," as he called his firm in the city. He suddenly be came, "smart" and objectionable. He rose when I did and held out I his hand. The car had come to a : dead stop and passengers were be ginning to alight. The young man ' spoke in a loud confident voice plainly audible to all passengers, many of whom I knew, and this is what he said : "I have not seen all 1 mean to of you by no means. I shall certain- ly follow up this clew. I'll be in G in about two weeks. Now don't forget me for I'm coming to see you, without fail. 1 "Do," I said as cordially as 1 could in face ot my mortification, j "I think my husband will give you an order." JOY EVERYWHERE. Compulsion is not, indeed, the final appeal to man, but joy is. And joy is everywhere; it is in the earth's green covering of grass; ! in the blue serenity of the sky; in reckless exuberance of spring, in the severe abstinence of gray win ter; in the living flesh that animates our bodily frame; in the perfect poise of the human figure, noble and upright; in living in the exer cise of all our powers; in the ac quisition of knowledge; in the fight' ing of evils; in dying for gains we never can share. Joy is every where; it is superfluous, unneces sary: nay, it very often contradicts the most peremptory behests of necessity. It exists to show that the bonds of law can only be ex plained by love; they are like body and soul. Joy is the realization of the truth of oneness, the one- ness of our soul with the world and of the world-soul with the su preme lover. WOMAN LIKE. Judge," said the forewoman of the iury of ladies, we want to speak to you about that sealed ver dict we just rendered." "Well, ladies?- "Can we ur.seal it and add t postscript?" Washington Herald A woman never feels absolutely sure (hat her husband has loose habits until he comes home tight, G R t A T BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS. We carry a large stock of standard Typewriters. Can furnish at onre Mou arch. Kox, Oliver, Iteinmglon, Itoyal Mmith Premier. L. C. Smith A ltro. and I'nHerwond. Anv other make from 5 to U days' notice. We have both the visible and the invisible, no bought latire stock of these Typewriters from one-fourth to one-half the regular whole sale price, and on sale now at one-fourth to one-liall the regular reran prieeB. irood Tvncwriter from $7.iVi to better one 117.50 to J'JS 50. The best from II0 up tu any price, w ill be glad to answer anv inquiry in connection with these uiachiues, and send samples of the work dune liv any ol the type writers we have, hvery buy and gir should have one of our cheap Typcwri ters to learn how to use. Any person who can write well ou a typewriter can demand a large salary. Anyone who huvs a cheap typewriter from lis and wauts a liclter one later.- we will take back the one bought and allow thesame paid for it in exchange for a better one, it rcuirneii IB goou coniiiiion anu wiiun six months, li not in good condition w allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS WELDON, N. BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE Insures the most delicious and healthful food By the use of Royal Bakinj? Powder a great many more articles of food may be readily made at home, all healthful, de licious, and economical, adding much variety and attractiveness to the menu. The" Roj-al Baker and Pastry Cook," containing five hundred practical receipts for all kinds of baking and cookery, free. Address Koyal Baking Powder Co., New York. Psyche Knot in a T way of departing from the close 1 to-the-head halrdress some of our modern goddesses have dared to com bine the old classic Psyche knot with strictly twentieth century arrange ment of the front hair. An example is pictured here, and the effect is rather pretty. It is better from the front than from the aides, because in the modern hair dress the brow la more or less covered. The line is not so good, therefore, as in the clasBic model. The Greeks covered the ears tor moat of them), but did not bring the hair out over the cheek as in the pres ent mode. A prominent actress, who gives much thought to dress, is respon sible for this mixture ot styles. Many centuries apart, the ideas are not too Incongruous, and the resulting coiffure has found a number ot devotees. The arrangement Is simple enough. The front hair is trimmed in a light fringe acroBa the forehead, and slop ing upward over the temples. The Bide hair Is parted off and rolled into B soft twist. It is laid in a coil In front of the ear and pinned to place with short wire pins. The end Is twist- ad and brought to the knot, under THE OLD ARM CHAIR. 1 love it, I love it and who shall dare To chide me for loving that old arm-chair? I've treasured it long as a sainted prize; I've bedew'd it with tears, and embalm'd it with sighs, 'Tis bound by a thousand bands to my heart; Not a tie will break, not a link will start, Would ye learn ihe spell? a mother sat there; And a sacred thing is thai old arm-chair. In childhood's hour I lingered near, The hallow'd seat with listening ear; And gentle words that mother would give To fit me lo die, and teach me to live. She (old me shame would never betide, With truth for my creed and God for my guide; She taught me 10 lisp my earliest prayer, As I knelt beside that old arm-chair. I sal and watch'd her many a day, When her eye, grew dim, and her locks were gray; I almost worshipp'd her when siie smiicJ, And turn'd from her Bible, to bless her child. Years roll'd on; but the last one sped My idols were shatter'd; my earth-star fled: I learnt how much the heart can bear, When I saw' her die in that old arm-chair. 'Tis past, 'tis past, but I gaze on it now, With quivering breath and throbbing brow; 'Twas there she nursed me; 'twas there she died; And memory flows with lava tide. Say it is folly, and deem me weak, While the scalding drops start down my cheek; But I love it, I love it, and cannot tear My soul from my mother's old arm-chair. Eliza Cook. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Modern Coiffure i which it is concealed. All the back hair ii combed back and tied at the back below the crown. It Is pulled out to lie loosely at the top of the head and nape of the neck. The hair is then rolled loosely, colled In a small coll and pinned with a few wire pins. The center of the coll Is pulled out Into the projecting knot, as shown in the picture, and addi tional pins placed to hold it firmly. The new coiffures are still In the ex perimental stage. The high halrdress and the colonial styles are bidding for popular favor. We know that changes are coming because new mtlltcery makes them necessary. We may be fairly certain that high styles will be worn, and perfectly certain that coif fures are not to he as plain as they have been. But no one mode has seized the popular fancy as yet. There fore actresses and others are free to experiment and mix up the styles of Egypt with those of the Moqul Indians If they wish, at their own sweet will. No centuries or peoples are too remote to be without the pale of our Interest when It comes to getting Ideas for new styles. JULIA BOTTOMLEV. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A MIGHT HAVE HELPED. Speaking In a Washington club toe other night of overcoming difficulties. Congressman John M. Nelson of Wis consin told of the happy thought of little (Had) . Some time ago, according to the congressman, little Gladys sat watch ing her niolhor Ironing some white frocks. The day was very warm and mother was rather weary. "Mamma," filially asked the youu Iter. "Isn't It awfully hard to Iron?" "Yes, dear," answered the tired pa rent, with a geulle sigh, "sometime! It Is very hard." For a moment the little girl was very thoughtful, and then came a ray of sunshine that rippled over box pretty features. "Oh, mamma." she enthusiastically exclaimed, "wouldn't It have been line If you had married a Chinese?" Phil adelphla Evening Telegraph. Explained. A Belfast tradesman stepped into a barber's shop the other day, and while he was being Bhaved the barber was wondering if this was a new cus tomer. "Have you ever been here for ft have before?" asked the barber. "Yes, once," was the reply. "But I do not remember your face, sir." "Well, I daresay you don't," said the customer. "Ye see, It's a healed up noo." The Shamrock. POOR HUBBY. Hubby I can't eat those biscuits. They are like rocks. Wifey Didn't I graduate from cook ing Bchool Just before you married me? Hubby Yes. I should have waited until you forgot what you learned there. All Disown Him. The candidate cnn ink,- Ms cue And promptly romes arruas. The fashiqn nowadays ! to Repudiate the boss. Proper Regulation. Mrs. Smith (to chemist) I wish to buy a thermometer to regulate the heat of the room. Chemist What kind will you have, madam? Mrs. S. Oh, it does not matter, so you set it at 66, as the doctor said that would be the proper heat. National Monthly. Of the Nobility. "I understand your daughter Is go ing to marry a title." "Yea," replied Mr. Cumrox. "You ;oem rather gloomy about It" "Wei!, every Joy has its shadow ot sorrow. I hnve a favorite horse named Prince and a favorite dog named Duke. I don't know which I'll have to get rid of to avoid confusion in the family." Don't Hear of the Others. Dick Say, old man, I can gel Rrown's car. What do you say to a Joy ride? Tom No, thank you. About all the Joy rides I've heard of have been fol lowed by a funeral. GOOD SCHEME. He What do you say to an elope ment soma day next week? She Ooody! what day? I wast to tall pa and ma. Soda Water. Utile drupe of water, Carbonated nss. Help the thrifty ilruiillt ta lo a lot o( bis. feevsr Can Tell. "What have we here?" , "Mob chasing a murderer." "Ah, yea. To hang him, or to crows him with laurels which ha Is too mod- aat to acocpt?" Ominous. "Do Mrs. Doggies and Mr. Dlgga get along well together?" "I'm afraid not. Each lofera to tha other aa "That woman.' " CASTOR I A Tor Infant! and Children. ha Kind You Hate Always Bought Bears tha Signature A kissable girl often pretends thai she doesn't warn to. Rheumatism, Sprains Backache, Neuralgia Ym. dfniffhrrf. that's irood itulT. TliB pain In "1 wm buck f r Sprained AnkU Raliaved. "I won ill fur a l"ii(t time wit lui severely sprained ankle, t (tot a bottle of Sloati'a Liliinu iit uml now I am ulik to be nlx'iit ami ctm wnlk a (,'rent ileal. I write this foe cauic 1 think you deserve 11 lot of credit for ptittinn ik Ii a fin Liniment on tlie market anil 1 slmll alwaya lake time to recoiuiucbd Dr. Slouu's LuiuueuU . that, iiuuw, BaUuiwrc, M'i. SIMMS Al .11 D..l.r,-25c 50c. .nil $1 .00 Sloti,'. inrtructlv. bosk on htm, cHb, kosl nd poultry Mat froo. Addrc.i Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. NOTICE Of Town Election for $20,000 Bonds. I'.y virtue ofan ordinance adopted by unanimous vote of the ciiminiKsioneiit oftlie town of Koanoki Kajnils. N. C, oil the llth clay of March, .. I. ltll l, ' at a inei-ting held on tl at date, anil ill winch meeting all of ill 1 said coininis siiuieiH were pvi-Kt-nt an I voting for the adoption ofwiid oldinai ce. Ml'l H'K is hereby given that an K1 W ION will be heiii III the nai'l tottll ol hoauokc hap iiK, . i, on tlie , 5th day ol May, A D. 1914, j for the puiposr ofautlio i.iug and em- -)o,-iini: the l.ojn.1 of Siliool Trustees of He- lioanoke llapi'! t I. railed School IMMiict lo issue him. is ol sai-1 s'.-l'.n I district to an amount not to excti-il Twenty Thousand (.ai,miiil Hollars, of, such denominations ami ( I'sin-h jij-aiJur-. turn as said lloaul ol'Trusues may ili-uu J ailMsalde, healing inter"' t from dale thereof ut a tale not evcei ling six per cent, per annum, with interest coupons aUaclicil payable seiiii-ann ially.atsueli I. time ami sueli place as ma;' be ileemed advisable by said Hoard jf Trustees, said bonds to be of such firm anil tenor ' and liansferable in such w y and the j pnueipal thereof payable ie te.leemable j " lotlows: I ive mm. ici romus ti etc of on the Inst dav ol January, unc thou sand nine hundred ami twe ity-live. anil live hundred annually then titer till ull are paid, al such place or paces as said llnaiil ol Trustees may detei niine. That the interest ou said Iannis and the bonds themselves shall "C paid from the lunilsanil taxes ievted I'orsaid school listi ict under chapter one h nulled ami eighty time ol uie rrivate i.i.wsoi .oim t'arol'ina, of session one tin. usaiul nine hundred and seven. That the proceeds ansimr linm the sale of said h n.ls. or such i.alt theieol as mav be neeessaiy. shall e expended bv the said Hoard ol 'Trust, 'sin provid- iiur for the enlargement ain erection ol school buldmgs of said sc lool district ami the tuiitier en uiiimeut if the same. I'uhhslieil hv order Ol li e noaru oi Commissioners ol the town of lioanoke liapids, X. I'., this, the '.Ml i March, A. 1). lid I. (Sigued) J. T. CHASE, Mayor, A L. CLARK, Sec. & Treas. An Ordinance. Whereas the purchase i.nd ownership of a Federal retail hum r license can only mean the owuer contemplates vio lating the N. C. prohibition law. it is hereby ordained that on and alter Mav 1st, ml I. any person in the townof Wei don, who shall be louud m possession ofan Internal llcvenue retail honor li cense shall forfeit to the town his privi lege or license to do business in the town of Weldon. ami his place ul busi ness shall be closed. Hv order of the Hoard. W W. WK.t.lNs, Mauir. ). F.. Staiuback, Clerk. Il.'i 41. OTICE State ofNorth Carolina. Halifax County, In theiSuperior Court, January Term, 1!U4. Ilenrv Farber, iu behalf of himself and II other ntockho dcrs aud creditors the Weldou Steam l auniliv, who shall come in. and make themselves parlies ti this action, I'laintill, s. Weldon Steam Laundry, Hefeinlaiit. To All Whom It May Concern: Take notice that the undersigned hsv ing been herclofoic appoiuled lieferce bv an order made in this action by Hon. Ocorgo W. Connor. Judge of the Superior Court, at the January leim IUI4, ol Ihe Mipenor Louit ol llama, countv. ill which action Henry l aibc has been made permanent lleceiver oi said I oninanv. iu the town of Weldon N. C. at tlie otticcof W. F.. Daniel ui itcorire C. tireeu, at 11 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, April 14th, llil I, the same tu be continued from day to day until the matters shall be determined, will hcai and determine all matters arising in tlm action, the amount oistock issued, it indebtedness and i's assets, aud w ill ex amine respecting tuc atlairs and trans actions ana properties oi uie saio vom pany. The pui pose of this notice is to re quire all persons interested to be pres ent, aud to make proof their respeetiv claims, whether as creditors or stock holders. Herein fail not. This the 2nd day o March, 11)14. It. C. DUNS, lick-rec. Oco. C. tlrecn aud W. K. Daniel, Attorneys for Receiver. Tablets, Nolhuu r Ur con-ill- '.A4vnt my bark in all gone I never mw any tiling work u quickly as Sloiin'i Liniment" Ihouuiruli of grateful people voice the ianie opinion. HeiVi the proof. Kuva ram id pch trmiliiitl with a very (mil pi In In my mum' liiiH'. I wrnl to n iloclor l-iut ho tin! int no tin- nuy goon, to i liiiri'liurtt'tl ft I V it tin of Sloflll's .mum-ill, 'trl ti"W I nro a wt'll Mi.m ifi. I Hlwnvx kfrp a hot tlt tf Hlo'in J.iiHitiiMit iii tlm .Wim Manilla (jiium, Joi Mj ttL' Am., Uruitkijn, JV. t, Sciatic RheumatUm. "We Imvn uteri Sloan's t.tnl men! (,,r over nix ynni ami found It the l'Kt weaver unttl, Wlu-n my wife tiatl sciatic rlictnimtum the only UiIiik that did lnT any rihmI wtui Sloan'a Lininmrit. Vt e cannot prniite It Inifiily etHMiKh." Air. JVtgtft but Atuinvf, Wo. I potion, Mass. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax ana Northampton aud in the Supreme anu Federal courts. Collections made in a, I parts of North Carolina. Branch othcr al itablax open every Aloimuv Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WEI.DuN, N. V. Business promptly and faithfully at tended to. Associated with l'eebles Harris aud I, ay iv Midyette in iialiiax Supenor Court practice. ii-iiu-tf OEOKtiE C. URELN, ATTORNu Y-A f-LA W, ,(National Kauk building) . VA eldon. V C. ELLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTO RNEY-AT- LAW , HALIFAX, N. C. 1 UAtTicKs in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and in the ftu preme court of the State. Special atteu- ou given to collections and prompt rc turns 10-8-1 y )l:;l: 5 U. K. A. A U. COLLKtiK OF NORTH L'AKOMNA. E- II. SMITH, I Civil LDKinceriog & Lui Surveying. WKLDOS, N. C. W.J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDING' WELDON, N.CJ sepl2 ly T. W. Mason, J. A. Wobiiil Carysburg.N. C. Jackson N.C W. 1.. Lo.no, Weldon, N. V, MASON, WORRELL & LONG, Attorneys-at-Law. Offices: Weldon, N. C. and Jackson, N.C my 29 ly. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N.C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and iu the Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections and prompt returns D. E. STAINBACK, I NOTARY PUBLICS And Flra Insurance. fl A. I. SCHISLER, CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveying Specialty, rhoneaoi EMPOlUA, VA. N Administrator's Notice The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. M.A Vinson, deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to settle with me at once and persons having claims against said estate will tile them with me properly yen lied on or before the 5th day of March, 191S,or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This 4th day of March, 1914. B. (4. DANIEL, 3 12 6t Administrator