Terms of Subscription--$1.50 fJer Anniim ESTABLISHED IN 1866. VOL. XLV1II. WKLDON, N. C, TIIUIISDAY, A1M5IL 1), 11)14. NO. 50 7 jit "', I' ; A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. r . a t rs. 4 J S - -W'SMxr 1 ..V B I H .yti-iy jgJe. aBii ' .' SfcSSj. ' - Ij&t iMii 'site, "WJI Tbe Kind Toil Have Always nought, and which has been In use for over SO years, 1ms borne tlio slffimltiro of r and has TVly aonal supervision slnoe Its.Infiuiry cZcc4t Allow no one toiierr-Un vnu hi this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-aa-itiiod" are but Experiments that trllle with and endanger tho lieullli of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorln Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Props and Soothing Syrups. It Is l'lcusimt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other NarcotlO mbstauce. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Keverishness. It cures Diarrho-n and Wind Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flutiilcni-y. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Ktonuuh and Itonrels, giving healthy and nuturul sleep. The Children's 1'unucea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE BANK OF WELDON WELDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, Stale uf North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Cap i t al an fl S u rp 1 us, $55,000. For over 21 years this institution has provided banking facilities for this section. Its stockholders and ollictis are identilied vtitli the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Havings Department is maintained for the benellt of all nho desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain tnrcc months or longer, I per cent, hix months or longer, S per cent. Twelve months or longer. 4 percent. Any information will be furnished on application to the President ort'ashier pbisidint: W. E. DANIEL, vick-i'Kksiiiknt: W. li. SMITH. L. C. DUAl'KIt, Teller. Dl RE( TOUf W It. Smith, W. E. A. C. House, J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. (1 11 J It MANUFACTURERS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOKDER AND REtiUI.AK STOCK SIZE, dood Materisls, High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price savins at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether you care to purchase now or later. No matter what you need for the homeour . co.tJ"it!cn cf service, quslity, and modest prices together with terms that make It easy to supply your needs will make you a permanent customer of this store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C An Ordinance, Whereas the purchase and ownership oft Federal retail liquor lirenne can only mean the owner contemplates vio-' lailDg bllC 1. MUIUUIIVW IBM, II IB hereby ordained that on anil after May ay person in me town 01 V el- don, who aliall be found in possession of an Internal Revenue retail liquor li reuse shall forfeit to the town his privi lege or license to do business in the tows of Weldon, and his place of busi ness shall be eloaed. By order of the Board, W. W. WKKilNH, Mayor P. E. BUtiobKk, CloU. been mado under liU er Signature of CASIUBR: J. O. DRAKE Daniel. .1. O. Drake. V. .M. Cohcu. Pierce, D. H. Zolheotlcr, .1 . W. Sledge SOOB MS FHOM THE n. on & i i 1 1 Every housewife will ap Administrator's Notice The undersigned having qualitled as administrator of the estate ot Mrs. M.A Viuson, deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to settle with me at once and persons having claims against said estate will tile them with me properly vended on or liefure the Mb day of March, 1915,or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This 4th day of March, DIM. H.U. 1MNIKL, 3 i;Ct Admiaistmlof i "With Lilies and Sweet Flowers" 1 r5s v:!i ! '" JtLj I "Go forth ye radiant things of scent and bloom Who Know not toil or spinning' - Brighten with life My risen Son's cleft tomb The Easter triumph winning!" All Turn to Jerusalem 'A?; Sacred Scenes ofCrucifixJon and Resurrection Attract Pilgrims in Thousands at Easter Time ! Yl'ICAL of the pass- ' log of w inter (loom and of the coming of summer splendor, I that was Easter from the beginning, tbe very embryo of nature study, tbe spontaneous expres sion of man's deltgbt In the ever Joy ful and beautiful annual miracle of the ipripgtlme. "A thousand hills" In ver dure clad, rare valleys spangled with wee wlldllngs, nurtured In natures endless cbalp of gardens; vast for ests putting on robes of spring and those trees which In their fruition of fer feasts to humanity, first holding out their flowery offerings to their de ities; flawless skies with cloudlets by way of making tbe blue dome more radiant that was the worlds pagan springtime up to that springtime of springtimes, that Sunday of Kundsys, which we now celebrate as the chief festival or the resurrection of Cliri.l and of the Christian era. Easier! glorious Raster! Herald of nsture's year, symbol of life eter nal! I'pon Kasier all the Chrlntlau churches tbe wide world over hold commemorative services. Millions of voices are raised In praise; millions of heads are bowed In worship. Spring Laxative & BloodCleanser Flush out the accumulated wate and poisons of the winter months; clean your stomach, liver aad kidneys of all impurities. Take lir. King's New Life Tills; nothing better lor purifying the blood. Mild. Dou-giipiug laxative. Cures constipation; make you feel line. Take no other. ie. at your druggist Ituckleu'a Arnica Halve lor all hurts. A wise man makes ihe best of ii when he gen ihe worst of it. M In the primitive church It was uno of the special days fur baptism. The l.utln name of the Octavo, or tint following Sunday, Dominlcus In ulbis, preserves the memory of tho custom of the newly baptized, wearing their while rubes throughout the cinini Week. Russian Christians, now muko pilgrimages to the Holy lind, however poor they may be, and bow ever much they may need tho room for food and extra clothing, carry with them one precious parcel which con tains the white robo fur tho baptism In the Jordan, to which they go after celebrating Buster In Jerusalem. After this baptism the robe Is never put on again until it serves as a shroud. Going down to Jericho from Jerusa lem and returning two or three com panies of pilgrims will be met, thou sands of I he in in each group, walking single Hie as a rule, though some of them ride on donkeys. However, compelling lu interest other parts of Palestine may bo at Easter, tho thoughts of the Christian world, aa well as the steps of pil grims, turn Jcrusalemward. And of all tbe places of overwhelming Interest In Jerusalem those connected with the crucillxlon and the resurrection are of the most vital and compelling In terest. The Various sectl havo shed blood following their arguments ovi r acred matters hereabouts, but, ac cording to the guide-book, the Church of tbe Holy Sepiilcln r covers the tra ditional spot of both Iti arhed through narrow, crooked, none too clean streets. Ibis church tills tbe vhdlur with nilugh-d dilutions Squatting on tbo stone-paved space before lliesuutb entrance are aellurs of beads, evil eyes and souvenirs of olive wood Once Inside, one finds armed Mus iiui i-uiouii., o arc cccrrrsry keep tho peace between the J ulims Christian pilgrims from various pins of the world, some of them lulf tiarvtd fanatics, who have sacrificed everything except life Itnelf to get there. And here one finds hanging any number of beautiful metal lauitis. The Greeks are allowed a cerli In CloaraComplexion Removes ' Skin ISIemlses Why go through life pmharranKed and dinligurrd with pimples, eruptions, blackheads, red rough skin, or suln-nog the toilures of Kcnema itch, tetter, Mill iheiiiii. Junt auk your diuggitit for I'r. Ilohsnn'a hczetna Ointment Follow the simple suifgentions and your skin worries ate over. Mild, soothing, ellec ttve. Kxocllcnt for babies and delicate tkiii. Mops chapping. Always helps, kelief or money back. Mic. af your druggist. I number, tho Armenians so many, and so on. Almost as soon as the guard Is pnsred tho largo "Stone of Anoint ment" is reached. On this the body of Jesus Is said to have luin when It was anuiulid by Nlcoileinus. The prin cipal part of this building Is the ro tunda of tho sepulcher. The chapel of the sepulcher Is about six feet each way, and very low, 411 precious lamps hanging from the celling. It is heru on the split marble slab, which serve as an altar, that the members of the Catholic church (l-alln, Creek, Arme nian chiefly), or their friends, have Traditional Tomb of Christ in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. blessed rosarlei and cruclllxew. It Is entered through the vestibule called the Angi-ls' chapel In lt4 the site known as the 1 1 ar il. n Tomb was purchased fur 1 10. "00 by Church of Kngland people, this budy believing It to be the site of the entombment. It is a beautiful spot with quaulltles ot fragrant rosemary wands forever swaying along with liie rohy-frulted racemes of tbe pepper ties. It Is very ueur to Gordon's (altary, which is best seen from the entrance to Solomon's quarried; though just outsldu the Damascus gate. Ihese quarries extend under the i It) to a dMance of 70U feet. A young man may fool la girl ns tn u hat uapes he pets, hut he can't iool her faiher. CASTORIA lor Infants and Children. k Kind Yuu Havq Always Bought Hears the Eignat i - - FASTER SUBSTITUTE SSi.- EVER, said HronHun. "Hut, father," l'.llly re plied, "yuu hiiven t seen her. Yuu hiiveu't any right to Ray what you huvo s:iid atont her, merely because you once (luurrch'd with her father, and still cherish a grudge tignimu him." "Whether I have any right to suy It or not, you may as well give up the Idea of persuading mo to ever hav" anything more, to do with you If you marry her. lUither than receive a daughter of Henry Hrouks oh a men ber of my family I'd cut off my rh'lil arm. If you wish to break my heart ami have me disinherit you go ahead and many her If she'll have you. Now you know exactly where I stand." Hilly lironson looked at his rather steadily foi a moment and was si lent. He thought of Helen Hroolc and It was with difficulty that he con trolled himself, lie was stronKly in cllned to tell his father to do his worst to fling defiance in his face, lie kept his head, however, mid with out iHtraying his emotion, asked: "What was the trouble between you and her father?" "I don't care to speak about that now," iho older man replied, "lie Is dead. Let him rest In his grave. I merely give you notice that no daugh ter of his cm ever set her foot In. nlo my door much less expect me to r" reive her as a member of my family." Hilly ppen. a wretched night. He was unable to sleep and spctit the Know Exactly Where Stand." long hours thinking of Helen and try li g to make up bis mind to give up everything elso for her. When mora iiir came lie was fully determined, lu fact ho had been determined from the Hist, but he had debated tbe quemlciu with himself In all lts phases, a.id had btcn unable to arrive at any other conclusion than that Helen llrooks was more to him than everything cl:e In the world. He decided, however, that It would be useless to make his decision known us long as a declaration was iniiieccR sary. There was one thing that bo.h- ertd him more than his father's up' o- j sltion to Helen. That was his f ar j lliat she would never cunv-nt to be lis wlin If she learned that Ibeir parents had been i-nt-mics, and 1m- felt thai he wae In lienor humid tu t' 11 her Wh:!e lie was thinking the matter tmr al break fait I,.' was r-allid to the -! phi ii- ai.d iuiurmed that Mrs. al-lin-jf nil, ihe soprano of the chiuili chbir of whhli li-; was the il1ni :.,r, iiad bi'i-ii ptiicken w ith appeiidii ills !ud would be cotnpeili d to undergo an opeiatiun at once. This weuld l: aUc II liMpnarihlH for her to idhg on Ka.-lcr wh'cli ws-i only thru- H.lys uua Hilly huirlcd lo In- Williaiinici to coeii.ilt him about It "We Himply must have somebody nil" ran tal.n Mrs. Walllnnford s P'.ic"" "iiid ihe reverend gentleman. I 1.11-r is tile uvi.tt-iuu lif a.i C; C2 i. hi when we ought to have our i'ii !r at Its bent. You inutit find some I,, il V coniehuw. lolly tnidil'-tily brightened. "1 v ill rttid somebody." he ssld "I i.'- ic rtuiw a young lady who will Cnu.e." "Get her, by all means, If she can sing." the clergyman urged, and KHIy fastened to Helen. "I hava an engagement for you for Easter," he said. "Will yon come?" There was a sparklo In her beauti ful eyes, and a look of gladness over spread her far as she replied: "I should think I would. You don't know how sorry I have been to think I was not going to have a chance to ling anywhere on Eaater. Tell B) all about IL" II hastily explained the situation and aha agreed with much enthusiasm & lit KISER hh I-'reiJi ric.i s V''-&iV itvV i.WK ! Nev" He'rd 8uch Singing Before. ' Now You Absolutely Pure Absolutely has no substitute Many mixtures are offered as substitutes for Royal. No other baking powder is the same in composition or effectiveness, or so wholesome and economical, nor will make such fine food. Royal is the only Baking; Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar to 1111 Mrs. WalliiiKforU'n pmco. "Only It's too liad," tihe Bald, "that the ('iiKiiKeniiiiit had to come because of tuiu tiler's nilufortuna Yuu will havo very llttlo time and I will need to p'ht'iira?, you know." When EaHter Sunday came Hilly Iirunaon was In a state of nervousness such an wan not at all common to him. Ho had nover worked as h had worked during those throe days, and he felt ready to collapse when ho took his place in the choir. Looking out at the immense congregation, he saw his father In a pew well down toward the front. When Helen rose to siiif? her solo Hilly held his breath and watched his father. He saw the old gentleman lean forward in his pew as the rich, sweet, sympathetic strains floated out He had never heard such singing be fore, and the loveliness of the singer entranced him. The sternness falcd out of Frederick Hroneon's counte nance; the spirit of Raster crept Into his brcaBt, and a look of glad benovo b nee overspread his face. At the end of tho service Mr. liron hun was in a very mellow state. He had hardly seen Hilly for three days, i.nd he wanted to grasp his son by the land and offer him a word of con gratulation on the success he had achieved in carrying out the musical iirogram of the morning. When ho I '.d reached the veslibulo be paused mid looked back, but Hilly was talk ing with a group of his friends, fie drew a ib-pp ti-h and went out i le. HU ll:i,.;:.su.(j was waiting for him at the curb. He was about to step into the vehicle when a hand was laid on bis shoulder, and, turning, he looked Into his son's radiant face. Hello. Hilly," he said. "Uel in. Weil ride home together." "Won't you wall a minute, father?" Hilly renllfd. "There's sonio one whom I waul you to meet." Who Is your new soprano?" Fred erick Htonson asked. "1 will bring her out and Introduce ber to you," said Hilly, and be rushed back into tho church. Mr Hronsou was huldlng the door of the limousine open when they ap proached him. ' Father ," ssld Hilly. "I want you to let m introduce Helen llrooks." The old gentleuiau straightened up ruddetily. was silent fur a moment. and then, taking Helen's outstretched hand In his, said: "This is the noest Raster day 1 ever saw. Come on, let's go home before somebody else gets )ou away from us" tiuiuiti iitiiitiiiutiiiiiiiiiiuiiiintiuiiiuiHiiiiutiuui iiitniiiiuiuiLiiu.iiuimiD Check Vour April Cough Thawing fiont ami Apiii tains chill you to the vety marrow, you catch cold Head and lung stull'cd You are fever ih t'litigh continually and feel miser able You need lr. King's New limrnv cry. It soothes iullamed and iriitaied throat and lungK, stops cough, your I,, ail cleais up, fever leaves, and you feel line. Mr. J. T. Havis, of Stickney t'orney. Me., "Was cured of a dreadful c enih after doctor's treatment and all oilier remedies failed. Kelief or money hark, l'leasaut Children like it. Get a bottle today. Me. and $1 at your druggist. Ilucklen's Arnica Halve for all Sore Adv Jtm ll 11 1 Br-l s&stw urn POWDER Lighter Side Easter of (By HENRY HOWLAND.) nil w HAT do you think of m punier nai. uessie : Mrs. Waddums asked when thai maid entered and found ber admiring herself before her mirror. "It's kind of nice," Besala ropllid. "I almost bought It my self yesterday; but they told me. when 1 tried it on, that it wasn't young enough for me, and that It waa Intended for a middle-aged person." Ten minutes later Mrs. Waddumt had Informed Charglt ft Sellum that ber hat didn't suit ber, and that aha would return it, with the hope that they would have the decency to let her have her money back. When Henry Waddums had been in formed by his wife that the hat had been returned and that the price had been refunded, he went to the maid and said: llessle, you did that very well. I'm going to authorize Mrs. Waddums to raise your wages a dollar a week." Dropped. Gladys So you're keeping Lentt What have you given up? Myrtle- Two of my beaux. I really didn't have any regular evening! loll for them any way. Never Deceived. A man may not be able to tell tha difference, but a woman always knows whether an Eaater hat li home-mad or not. Not Always. "I suppose you sometimes feel sorry that your children are all boys." "Yes; but never at Eaater time," NOTICE Of Town Election for $20,000 Bonds. I'.y viitue of an ortlinance tlopted by uimiiimourj vote of the cornrnif"ionera of the town of Itoanoke KapiiU, N. , on tht? 1 Itli day of March, A. V. 1914, at a inci tinfT held on that date, and at wliu'li nuTling all of the Raid rommtV HoiiriH were present and voting for the atliiptmn of said ontmanee, NuTU 'K ia hetvliy LMvrii that an KLKl'TlON will be ht-M i'ii Ha1 taid town of Itoanoke Kap ils, N. ('., on the 5th day of May, A. D. 1914, for the purpoKc of authorixinr and em powering the Hoard of School Truitteea of the KoauoLe lUpuU traded School IhHtiict to ismie bonds of aaid school listnct to au amount not to exceed Twenty ThouKand ((LM.niMi) Dollar, of Niirh (IciioininatioiiM and oftmch projtor turn uk KaiJ IVoanl ofTrunteea may deem atlvixaMe, twaiing in te rent from date, thereof at a rate not eiceeding an per cent, per annum, with intercut coupon a titUt'hetl pa v a Me iwini annually, at aucli time am) Ritch place ai may be demed alviulile )y tanl lUtard of Truteea, Haul IhiihU to t of iueh form and tenor aihl tiaiiHfeiahlt' in tiich way and the principal thereof payable or redermahle an follow: five liuuthed Dollara there of on the lirnt Hay of January, one thou- Kltllli UlUt' ilUlitiit-d aiiJ tUa U -CVC, auj the hundred annually thereafter till all are pan), at niich place or plaeea aa aaid Moatd ofTruHleea may determine. That the interest on aaid Itonda and the IhmkIh theniBplven nhall be paid from the fuU'Uaiitl taxea ievied for aaid school Imtnct under chapter one hundred and eiiihty nine ofHie 1'rivale Laws of North i arohna, ol ncnnion one thouaand nine hunilretl and suvrn. That the nr"" tila arising from the Kale of said b nda, or such part thereof aa may le necennary, shall be expended by the xaid Hoard of Trustees in provid inir for the enl i yement and erection of school huldinfTft of naid school district and the proper equipment of the name. Published by order of the Hoard of rommissioners of the town of Itoanoke hapids, N. C., tins, the '.Hth March, A. I). IHU. (Higned) J. T. CHASE, Mayor. A. L. CLARK, Sec. & Treat.