spl ijjf) IpSS 1 Hlk ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Mer Annum VOL. XLVIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AIMilL 1(5, 1!)U. NO. ri """' ' - IB ALCOHOL 3 PER L'tNT. AVcad.iWe Prepanttlon t'erAs Miuikiimi.MH'nioaaiiuiffyua ilngliicSioniiichsoiulIxwdsif Promotes DiiesfaOrftfur ncss and (estronialns neiihr Opium.Morplune norMiaeraL! OTJlAHCOTIC. Aiy trMCcsnuimsH fisnpkin SnJ is!-B Aperfecl Remedy forComllpai lion , auur 3iuuttu.ii.uiai Worrasfonvulsioiis.fi'verisli ness and Loss OF Sleep. . Facsimile Sijnarart of NEW YORK. Exsct Copy of Wrapper. jux.uwa i t llmW- 1 hafammfinw. I THE BANK OF WELDON WELDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws ot the State of North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of WelJon Depository. Capital ani SirplDs, $55,000. For over 21 years thin institution lias provided lankinjr facilities for this section. Its at ickholders and ollii'i rs are identilied with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained for the lienelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In tins I lepartmeut interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toremain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer, 8 per cent. Twelve months or longer. 4 percent. Anv information will be furnished on application to the I'residenlort'ashiei pbbsidbnt: W. B. DAMF.L, VICB-l'KBHIDRST: V. K. SMITH. L. C. DltAl'KIt, Teller. DI RECTOKS W. R. Smith, V. K. A. C. House, .IX, Shepherd, V. A. Dixon & Poole anuiac MANUFACTURERS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND REil;!.AR STOCK SIZES. Oood Materials. High Oracle Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. 4 preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether you care to purchase now or later. No matter what you need for the homeour combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with terms that make it easy to supply your needs will make you a permsr?nt customer of this store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C or that Headache Me H fii t castori For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA 3 0 eAsiilBH: . (). littAKE. Daniel, .1. O. Drake, W. M. Cohen, I'ierce, D. H. Zolhcofler, J . V. Sledge n r v ' GOOD NEWS FROM THB n w 111 Every housewife will ap II UK iirinif l U I 1 I BANKER EULOGIZES DOG. "For a Season, Oood Bye, Old Friend." A dispatch to the Washing ton, 1), C, Herald announces that, with a depth of feeling rarely shown for an animal, (!ol Joseph S. Miller, president of the First National Bank of Kenova, West Virginia, whose Scotch collie, dutf "Dixie" died sent all his friends the follow ing tribute, to his former faith ful companion: To Dixie, My Collie, Died De cember 28th, 1013. "For a season, good-bye, old friend. "Fate, inexorable and stron ger even thau the love we bear, has decreed that we must part. The cords which bound us as one have been loosened. "If there bo love and faith and hope, and if, through them, peace and joy may hereafter be attained, you, who have lived and loved and trusted, will find them further on. "You part from mo unwil lingly and go upon your jour ney, leaving me to linger yet awhile in the valley and await the coming of the sunset. And as I wait, my heart bears the burden of my sorrow and my tears shall be restrained lest they tell the story of my grief to those whose love we never had. "When the light gives way to darkness and I go beyond the river will you lead me out of the shadows by paths that are unknown to me and guide my weary footsteps to the sum mit of the hills? And on the mountain top will you be besido me as I turn my eyes toward the radiant Kast, and, with strengthened vision, behold in the distance the hallowed plains of Bethlehem clothed in tho splendor of tho glorious sun rise? "Until we shall know, fare well." For Iaiunts aud Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Si matm e of TRICK OF THE TRADE. ''Stop!" thundered the client ut the barber, who was cutting his hair, Then, he continued, in somewhat milder tones: "Why do you insist upon telling me these horrible, blood-curdling stories of ghosts and rob bers while you are cutting my hair?" "I'm very sorry, sir," replied the barber, "but you see, when I tell stories like that to my clients, their hair stands on end, and it makes it so much easier to cut." Many a cook who has a good range is unable losing. IP" Sprains, Bruises Stiff Muscles are quickly relieved by Sloan'i Liniment. Lmy it on no rub biog. Try it. AnkU Sprua and Duloeited Hip. " I upminrd my ankle amltlixtncatrd ml lup by railing out of a tltml story window. Wont on rrutrlivt for four months. Then I started ti use your Liniment, arrnnlin to directions. 1 must ny ft In helpline nie wonderfully. We will never ho without Stvin' lini ment anyintwe."' - JuhmoK, lom n. r. SLOAN'S LINIMENT Kills Pain ftplMdtdforSimtlM. " I fell nd pratnrit mf arm a week aa-o and wm in rem rue pain, i roum nnt ue my hand or turn until I apulifd four l.lnnnanl. I dm II never be with out a hot U of Slfwn'a LiniuiauU"- M A V-M". UwiU, I riaa for SHffaa "Slnnn'a Mniment haa rinrtft mora torn) than any Into I Iihvh ever tried foTBtlff Joint. gut mr hand hurt m tindly that I hurl In alnp work rtfflit In Uie Inuieot time of the year. I tliniifhl it flmt that I woitWI have to have my hand taken off. hut I tot a hottle of Sloan1 Liniment and cured uiy tutiid." At all Daalm. ISe Ot. and $1.00 Send for Sloan! free, initructiva hodk on hones, rattle, hog and poultry, Addieaa Dr.UKLS.SlOAN.lK. KSIN.U8.. The Fact No amount of misrepresentation by the peddlers of alum baking powders, no jug gling with chemicals, or pretended analysis, or cooked-up certificates, or falsehoods of any kind, can change the fact that Royal Baking Powder has been found by the offi cial examinations to be of the highest leavening efficiency, free from alum, and of absolute purity and wholesomeness. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable for making finest and most economical food. UNDERWOOD SAYS IT OJG4 W 'WZPWOQD He Is The Choice of the Long Term in the J s 'lis y v x - f' Mr. Underwood says: "I am more than pleased with the result of the primary. My friends and the Democats of Alabama deserve all the credit. 1 take none of the credit myself. I do, however, feel that the result justifies my contention that a man's duty is to stay on the job and to attend to business." LAND OF YESTERDAY. Who would not be carried back to the land of yesterday ? To the beautiful land, the golden land of joy and play? U'ho, looking back in the face of youth, and there decern the smile VC'ould not tarry there again if but for a brief while? For back in the land of yesterday, the rare land we knew, Is where the skies were bluest and where the roses grew I Who would not the high hills climb in the land of yesterday, And there pluck smiling daisies that grew along the way ? Back in that dear memory land are all the sweethearts fair Vi'e see their angle 'neath a wealth of golden hair Ah, all the blushing dreams, the crimson lips we knew, Were in the land of yesterday, and seem sweeter for it too ! We may all return to that joyful land on wings of sweetest dreams; We may climb the hills of joy again and wade the silver streams And lips long dry may be moistened by other lips once dear, From the vision of one comes again we feel a presence near; We behold the face of our boyhood dreams so blithe young and gay, In the land so beautiful, golden and free, the land of yesterday ! W. Frank Booker. WILL I FIND MY Tell me, papa, tell me truly, siiuii i find my uiuiiinm there, Will she meet nie up in Heaven, will she come when 1 appear? Softly spoke a dying angel, to her father turning gray, Bui he lowered his head in silttnce, with a sob he turned away. Will I find my mamma there, with her sweet face and golden hair, And will she kiss me once again, soothe all my sorrows and my pain; Some day, papa, you'll come loo, for I love you, indeed I do. Tell me, oh tell me ere I go, will 1 meet my mamma there ? It was in the midst of Winter, when her mother stole away, From her husband, home and baby, by another led astray, When the sun dawned one bright morning, it shone on a broken home, And a baby, crying papa, where, oh, where has mamma gone? Suddenly the door is opened, and a woman cries, "My child I" But the father steps between them, and she pleads with voice so mild, Lei me only kiss her sweei lips, let me hear her say mamma, Then he sadly turns and shows hef 'lis loo late, her babe is dead. Remains PAYS TO STAY ON JOB, People of Alabama for the United States Senate. MOTHER THERE? 4 EVES THAT FOLLOW YOU. The Thing Is Simply An Optical Illusion. Have you ever wondered why the eyes in portraits painted in oil follow you? Thero is some thing uncanny about it. Years ago superstitious people were afraid to go into a picture gal lery whore pictures of ances tors were to be found, Now we know that the thing is sim ply an optical illusion. To produce such an effect the eyes of the person repre sented in the portrait must be looking directly to the front and not toward one side. In such circumstances the pupil of each eye is necessarily in the middle thereof with as much "white" on one side as on the other. Obviously, this relation does not vary at all with the posi tion assumed by tho observer. The latter may stand far over on either side of the pic ture, and yet, from this point of view, there is as much white on the side of each eye as on the other, and the pupil still in the middle. Such being the case, the painted image con tinues to look directly at him. In the palatial mansion of a well-known multi - millionaire there is a double staircase, the two flights joining at a landing above. On the wall is a huge painting of a flock of sheep coming down hill. The picture is a famous work of art and cost many thousands of pounds, but the peculiarity about it that interests most peo ple who see it is that, no matter which of the two flights (which are 50 feet apart) one ascends, the sheep seem to bo running directly toward the observer. Here again the optical princi ple involved is exactly the same as that which makes tho eyes in ithe- portrait appear as if they followed you. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A FAILURES. "Stand up, Julius Oiesar. Didn't you have lits?" "Yes, your honor." "Weren't you bald?" 'T was, your honor." "A dyspeptic?" "I was." "Didn't you write your com mentaries for political effect ?" 'T did, your honor." "Thereby proving yourself without character. Below nor mal weight ?" "I was, your honor." "Then step over thero with Napoleon, Alexander, Hanni bal, Newton, Charlemagne, Kant, Pope, William Pitt and William of Orange." ''What's the matter with them, your honor?" "Matter enough. They are all defectives. They've failed to pass our tests." Life. AOE OF FRANKNESS. "My dear," the little girl's mother said, "don't you think you're getting too old to play with boys ?" The little girl frowned in Bcornful astonishment, "Why, no, munnna," she cried. "The older 1 get the better I like 'em." Check Your April Cough Thawing froxt ami April ruin dull you to the very marrow, you cuti'h colli llea.l and Iuiikn stullVil You arc fever, iwh Cottfrh continually ami feel miser able You need lr. Rind's New IHncov fry. It Miolhen iullameil ami irritated throat and luntrn, Ktop couirh, your head clears up, fever leaves, and you feel line. Mr. .1. T. I'avis, of Stickney Corney. Me., "Was cured of a dreadful CO'.!h (tftf-r 'litetnr's treatment autl all other remedies failed. Kelief or money hack. Pleasant Cliildien like it. (let a hottle today, "sio. and at your diuiwist. Huekleu's Arnica Salve forall Sores. Adv A PURITY LEAQUE. She What is that crowd do ing over there? He Oh, that's a bunch of women trying to get into the mov ie show that the police tried to Mop last night. Dartmouth Jack o' Lantern. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 1 OUTLINES WATERPOWERPOLICY Secretary (inrrlson Decides To ! "Adopt a Policy Which Will ! Recognize the liquitable sphere ol Federal and State's Rights. Secretary Garrison announc ed that in the controversy over the rights of the States anil the Federal government he had de cided to "adopt a policy which recognizes the eijniliible sphere of each." Accompanying the letter was a draft of a new public dam act representing the administra tion's views on water power projects in navigable streams. The plan would require those who wished to dum a stream for water power purposes to obtain the right to do so from the public utility commissions from the various States, and present their applications to the Federal government after showing that the applicants are duly incorporated public utili ties. Power of regulation would be retained by the Federal gov ernment and the war depart ment would be vested with dis cretionary right to issue permits only to those States which have public utility laws imposing "reasonable charges" and prop er safeguards to the public in terest. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA CAUSE AND EFFECT. "The trouble is," said the doctor, "you don't lake pains with your eating." "No, my pains always come afterward," replied the dyspep tic patient."- Philadelphia Tel egraph. Strengthens Weak and Tired Women "I was under a irri'at htraiu nursing a relative throuirh three months' sick ness," writes Mis. .1. ('. Van He Sarnie, of Kirklaud, III., and "Kleetric Hitters kept me from breaking down. 1 will never he without it." Ho you feel tired and woru out? No appetite and lood won't disest? It isn't the spring weath er. You need Kleetric llitteers. Start a month's treatment today; nothing better for stomach, liver and kidueys. The (rreatspringtonic. lieliefor money hack. .Mk. amlfl at your druggist. To The Public ! I have for sale and am making ready for shipment a limited sup ply of The Cleveland Big Boll Cotton Seed. These seed have just been ginned and as soon as they can be debut ed they will be placed on sale F.O. B. my depot Enfield, N. C. at one half their cost price to me $1.25 per bushel, cash with orders. This is undoubtedly one of the greatest cotton now published among the cotton world. Yours truly, C. A. WILLIAMS, Sr., Ringwood, N. C. Trustee's Sale of Land. I'mler and by virtue uf the powercou tained in a ceiiain deed of trust from 11. T. Towuea to Jos. i. Tippen, Trui tee, to secure a debt to Kugene John- ttun, default harm? ,n r't in the terms ol said deed ol trust, 1 will, on Saturday, April 25th, I9U, at l'J o'clock noon, in front of Kugene Johnston a store in the town of Little ton, X. V., expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash a certain tract of land lying aud being situate in the state of North Carolina, llahfai county, Littleton township, on winch is situated a storehouse, residence aud outhouses, being the storehouse and residence of the said II. T. Townes, containing seven and one-half acres, more or less, being fully described in the aforesaid deed of trust recorded in Hook L'ltt at page 97, Halifax county Kegistry, to which refer ence is made. At the same time and plnce and under the same terms, t will olfer two bay mares, one open buggy, and one two-horse wagon and one bay horse. Thu March J3td, 1914. J08. P. PIPPEK, Trustee. TWO WOMEN AVOID OPERATIONS By Taking Lydia E. Pink h&m't Vegetable Compound. Chicago, 111. "I must thank you witr all my heart for Lydia . I'inkham'i Vegetable Com pound. I used to go to my doctor for pills and remedies and theydidnothelpme. I had headaches and could not eat, and the doctor claimed I had female trouble and must have an opera tion. I read in the paper about Lydia K. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and I have taken it and feel fine, A lady said one day, 'Oh, I feel so tired all the time and have head uehe.' I said, 'Take Lydia E. Pink lmm's Vegetable Compound,' and Bhe did and feels fine now." Mra. M. K. Kaksciinick, 1438 N. Paulina Street, Chicui'o, Illinois. The Other Case. Dayton, Ohio.-" Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound relieved me of pains in my side that I had for yearn and which doctors' medicines failed to relieve. It has certainly saved me from an operation. I will be glad to assist you by a personal letter to any woman in the same condition." - Mr. J. W. Sherer, 126 Cass St., Dayton, Ohio. If you want special advice write to I.ydlu E. I'lnkliam Mod lillne Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, road and answered by a woman, and held iu strict confidences NOTICE Of Town Election for $20,000 Bonds. Uy virtue uf au ordinance adopted by unanimous vote of the comininsioners of the town of Koanoke Rapids, N. ('., on the llth day of March, A. 1). 1 !!,, at a meeting held on that date, and at which meeting' all of the said commia Biouers were pre sent and voting1 for the adoption ufnaid ordinance, NOTICE is hereby given that an KLKC HON will be held in the said town of Koanoke liap ids, N, C, on the 5th day of May, A. D. 1914, for the purpose of authorizing and em powering the Hoard of School Trustee! of the Koanoke Kapids Graded School District to issue bonds of said school district to an amount not to exceed Twenty Thousand ($J0,0ou) Dollars, of such denominations and of such propor tion an said Hoard ol Trustees may deem advisable, hearing interest from date thereof at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum, with interest coupons attached payahle semi-annually, at such time and such place as may be deemed advisable by said Board of Trustees, said bonds to be of Buch form and tenor and transferable in such way and the principal thereof payable or redeemable as follows: Five Hundred Dollars there of on the first day of January, one thou sand nine hundred and twenty-live, and tire hundred annually thereafter till all are paid, at such place or places as said Board of Trustees may determine. That the interest on said bonds and the bonds themselves shall be paid from the funds and taxes icvied for said school district under chapter one hundred and eighty-nine of the Private LawsofNorth Carolina, of session one thousand nine hundred aud seven. That the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds, or such part thereof as may be necessary, shall be expended by the said Hoard of Trustees in providing- fur the enlargement and erection of school biddings of said school district and the proper equipment of the eame. Published by order of the Hoard of Commissioners of the town of Koanoke liapidH, N, (.'., this, the 21th March, A. 1M!H. iSigued) J. T. CHASE, Mayor, A. L. CLARK, Sec. & Treas. Administrator's Notice The undersigned havinir qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. M.A Viusou, deceased, this ib to notify all persons indebted to said estate to settle with me at once and persons having claims against said estate will Hie them with nie properly verified on or before the Mlnlay of March, l!15,or this notice will lie plead in bar of their recovery. This 4th dav of March, 1HH. 8. U. DANIEL, 8 l'J (H Administrator T OTIOill State ofNorth Carolina, Halifax County, In theiSuperior Court, January Term, 1914. Henrv Farber, in behalf of himself and all other stockholders and creditors of the Weldon steam Laundry, who shall come intand make themselves parties to this action, l'laintitf, Va. Weldon steam Laundry, Defendant. To All Whom It May Concern: Take notice that the undersigned hav ing been heretofore appointed Referee by an order made in Ibis action by llou. tieorge W. Connor, Judge of the Superior Court, at the January Term, lilit, of U.e .Superior Court cf Hs'iftt county, in which action Henry Karber has lieen made permaueut Keceiver of said Company, in the town of Weldon, N . C, at the olliee of W. E. Daniel or (leorge U. tireen, at 11 o'clock A. M. en Tuesday, April l lth, 1811, the tame to be contiuued from day to day until the matters shall be determined, will hear and determine all matters arising in thia action, the amount of stock issued, its indebtedness audita assets, and will ex amine respecting the attain and trans actions and pro parties of the aaid Com pany. The pui pose of thii notice is to re quire all persona interested to be pres ent, and to make proof their respective claims, whether as creditor, or stock holders. Herein fail not. This the 2nd day of March, 1914. R. C. DUNN, Referee. Geo. C. Green and W. E. Daniel, Attorney, for Receiver. PI 1 W - f-t nfiTi ,is5F rffi ij