A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 .er Annum VOL. XLVIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1011. NO. .12 MAN SHOULD LIVE 100 YEARS. ESTABLISHED IN 1866. 7. WirfD . f-Jr Vy I I V ji M ii m i The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been in use ror over ao years, lias borne the signature of . and has been mode under his per. Sonnl supervision since Its lufmicy. Allow no one todccelvo you lu this. All Counterfeit, Imitations and " Just-iin-Bood" are but Experiments that trille with andendaiiKor the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops anil Soothing Syrups. It is Plcaaant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo Kubstance. Its a?e is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrinhncss. It cures Diarrlimft and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It sosimilatcs the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI eiNTMtH MHMMV, TT VIM) TOIKTt M(W fOM WW THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, N. C Orranlzed Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, - State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. " 55!!L!!!!Jl1!L $55,000. For over 21 yearn this institution has provided banking facilities fo this section. Its stockholders and ollicers are identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Havings Department is maintained Tor the benellt of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Bank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer. 8 oer cent. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent. Any information will be furnished on application to the fresidcntorCashier rRlKIDSNTl W. E. DANIEL, VICB-PKSSIIIKNT: VV. R. SMITH. L. C. DKAPKK, Teller. cashikk: .1. (J. UKAKE, DI RKCTOIIS W. R. Smith, W. E. Daniel, J. O. Drake, W. M. Cohen, A . C. House, i.U Shepherd, W. A. 1'ierco, D. It. Zollicoiler, .1 . W. Hledge. fl!w.M Pr IV, ,i I n If n n n P.I II 111 It ftl I V IVl Tl 11 II II ii villi in r u M'A 1 1 1 1 1 : t m ii h in lIAlil VJU I VVlV lUWUUIWVluin VV til V U. U J J . MANUFACTURERS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND ItEUl'LAR STOCK SIZES. Qood Materials, Hljh Oracle Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. 6000 HEWS FROM THE n orr TIPPING OFHHE AUDIENCE. After No One Could Say He Did Not Know What He Had to Expect. When Representative James B. Aswcll, of Natchitoches, La., was superintendent of schools for his state he mude a tour of Arkansas for the purpose of pursuadin the Arkansans to submit to heavior local taxa tion for the benefit of the pub lic schools, Mr, Aswell lias never been a dub in the art of speaking, and on this trip he fairly burned up the country side with his eloquence, indu cing the rural populace to part with rea money.. One night he was to face an audience far back in the coun try, in a neighborhood that had never been profaned by the screech of a locomotive or the soft rumbling of a spring wag on. At the appointed hour the farmer who was to introduce him stepped to the front of the platform, mopping his brow with a bandanna and gasping for breath. He then spoke as follows, with all the labor nec essary to overturn a house or uproot an oak : "Ladies and gentlemen, you know I ain't used to makin' no speeches. I ain't never per tended to be no oraytor. Be sides, it's a'hot night, a power ful hot night, an' you wouldn't expec' me nohow to wear you out with a long speech. But I'll now introduce a man who will."-Mack's National Month ly. Check Your April Cough Thawing frost and April rains chill you to the very marrow, you catch cold Head and lungs stuffed You are fever, ish Cough continually and feel miser ableYou need Dr. King's New Discov ery. It soothes inflamed and irritated throat and lungs, stops cough, your head clears up, fever leaves, and you feel line. Mr. ,1. T. Davis, of Stickney Comey. Me., "Was cured of a dreadful cough after doctor's treatment and all other remedies failed. Relief or money back. Pleasant Children like it. (let a bottle today. 6e and $1 at your druggist. Hucklen'f Arnica Halve for all Sores. Adv SCRIPTURE LESSON. Sunday School Teacher-When the prodigal son returned, why did his father order the fatted calf to be killed ? Muddled Youth Because, miss, all the pigs had run down into the sea and got drowned. CASTORIA For Inlants and Children. rhi Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Blgnatura Every housewife will ap preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price ,. saving at this store. : We are showinz a line of Kitchen Cabinets, C-A A I.La. rlanlrao that VAIt will hp delighted to have demonstrated, It will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether you care to purchase now or later. No matter what you need for the home--our combination of service,, quality, and modest prices -toxether with terms that make It easy to supply "your needs will make you a permanent customer of this store.' WELDON FURNITURE CO., ' Weldon, N. C EXACT LOCATION. Elsie Mamma, I don't feel well. Mother That's too bad, dear. Where do you feel worst ? Elsie In school, mamma. Boston Transcript. NOTHINQ SPECIAL. The Sweet Young Thing Does flying require any special applica tion ? Aviator Oh, no. Arnica or al most any old kind of horse lini ment will do. Philadelphia Rec ord. ; T. W. Mums, J. A. VVoaaKM, V. Garysburg.N. C. Jackson N.C W. i: Loan, Weldon, N. V. KASCN. WORRELL & LONG, Attorneys-st-Lsw. OfSeat: Vuiuju, N. C.and Jackson.K.C my ly. E. Nmralta eaistfat imt sufbrlas. t ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N.C, s Practices in the courts of Halifai sad adjoining counties and b. the Supreme court of the Htate. Special attention given to collections and prompt returns WANTED 1,000 new subscri bers for this paper. Send in your subscription at once. .. .. When the Dowels Are Uncomfortable and you miss that fine feeling of exhilaration which follows a copious morning opera tion, you should put a small quantity of Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form) on the tongue and wash it down with a little water. Its action in the system la puri fying end strengthening. It drives out hard impactions and Impurities and gives tone to the muscular structure of the bowels. It over comes the tendency to chronic con stipation, relieves a bloated feeling In the abdomen, sweetens the breath and promotes rigor of body, mental alertness and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers Price, Large Package. $1.00 AjS to ta iwrttae wfcfc tto Rc4 X m tb. hfctL u yvt cMMtfW S. Nnhiom . Urn Kqihm I .in ! SqM for ttMC prcttf U. Ptlc S1.00 fcf kttU. MhlUMlkU 1. IRtUN CO, Si. Uau. Sums Powder Absolutely Pure Cakes, hot biscuit, hot breads, and other pastry, are dally necessities In the American family. Royal Bak ing Powder will make them more digestible, wholesome, appetizing. No Alum No Lime Phosphate WE DO NOT CARE. We do not care what the world may say If those whom we love are true; We do not mind the toil of (he day , If we know in the dusk and the dew There waits some one who will welcome us As we.come home to rest Some friend who will say, "Dear heart, I know That to-day you have done your best." We do not mind if the ihorns are sharp, Or the pathway is rough and sleep; We do not mind if we plow and sow For others to come and reap, If we can but hear, when the twilight comes And the red in the wesi grows gray, Some dear voice whisper these words of cheer : "You have fought a good fight to-day." For the heart don't care what the world may say If those whom it loves are true; For 'twas ever and always the heart's own way To long for the love and true. You forget the gain, the loss and the pain That tortures your pulsing breast, If there's one who always in sweet blind faiih Can say : "You have done your best I" LEISURELY LANE. Is there no road now to Leisurely land? We traveled ii long ago; A place for the lagging of leisurely steps, sweet and shady and low, With rims of restful hills beyond, and fieiis of dreamful wheal, With shadows of clouds above them blown, and poppies asleep at our feet? There lads and maids on a Sunday met, and strolled them iwo by two, The leaves they wove in a roof o'erhead and only ihe sun peered through And there was time to gather a rose and lime for the wild bird's call, And plenty of time to sit by a stream and hearken its ripple and fall. Is there no road now to Leisurely lane? God knows we have wandered afar ! There was once a lamp through the brooding dusk, and over the tree a star, There was once a breath of the clover bloom sweet Heaven have we hurried so long! And there was a gate by a white rose clasped and out of the. dusk a song. " That song the echo is strange and sweet, the voice ii is weak and old, It has no part with this fierce wild rush, and this hard mad fight of goldl It has no part with the clamor and din, the jar of wheel and stone O listen, my heart, and forget forget thai we reap the bread we have sown! Is there no road now 10 Lisurely lane? where, lingering, one by one. The summoning bells of twilight-lime over the meadows blown May find us, strolling our homeward way, glad of the evening star. Is there no road to Leisurely lane ? God knows we have hurried afar. "Don't Stop Work at 70, Do More I of It," Says Authority. London Correspondence of the New York Hun. "Don'i stop work at 70; do more of it." remarked Sir Gilbert Parker a few days ago, and Sir James Critchton-Browne, an ac knowledged authority on longevity ' agrees with Sir Gilbert thoroughly. "If you want a feeble and miser able old age, give up working," said Sir 'James, who, although born as long ago as 1840, is one of the busiest men in the kingdom today. "The most vigorous pe riod of human life in its entirety is obviously between 25 and 40 years of age," he added, "but lo say that men above the latter age are com-1 paratively useless is to fly in the face of the biographical dictionary. Much of the best work of the world has been done by men over 40, and we should by no means stand where we are, but be back in the twilight ages, if bereft of what these men accomplished. "Musical expression, like speech, reaches its acme in late middle life. But higher in the cerebral hier archy than speech or music cen tres are others concerned in the manifestation of purely intellectual powers, such as reason and judg ment, which come to perfection late, and may long preserve their integrity. A preponderance of the work involving calm and powerful reason is done by men from 55 to 70 years of age. Our judicial sys tem in this country has been built up mainly by judges from 55 to 85 years of age, and in almost all countries the most momentous af-. fairs of state have been reserved for the decision of men at this lime of life. "The way to make old age pee vish and repulsive is to rob it of the hopes by which it is sustained and tranquilized. Depend on it, the best antiseptic against senile decay is an active interest in hu man affairs, and those keep young longest who love most. It is a co gent argument against celibacy and the limitation of families' that they deprive old age of those vernal in fluences in which parents renew their youth. "We are justified in holding that given favorable conditions and bar ring accidents, 100 years is the normal duration of man's life, the goal which we should hold in view and at which, if we guide our foot steps aright, an ever-increasing number of men and women should arrive." AUNT JEMIMY'S MAXIMS. By CALLIE RYLAND. Strengthens Weak and Tired Women "I was under a ((real strain nursing a relative through three months' nick ness," writes Mrs. J. C. Van I)e Sande, of Kirkland, III., and "Klectric Hitters kept me from breaking down. 1 will never he without it. " Do you feel tired and worn out? No appetite and lood won't digest? It isn't the spring weath' er. You need Electric Ilitteera. Start a month's treatment today; nothing better for stomach, liver and kidneys, The great spring tonic. Kelief or money back. &Uc.'and$l at your druggist. One way to save money is to len' a man one dolluh when axes you fuh two. he Why does widuhs nllua marry ag'in ? dead men tells no tales. Maybe hits bekase A man whar thinks a gal is as pretty as a pictuah '11 change his tune when he begins to develop huh negative. No mattuh how much Ambassaduh Page mout admiah English, he ain't nevuh yet been as drunk as a lord. , de De se'f-conacious huhfe'f. onian is de 'oman whar fuhgiU to fuhgit Reliable evidence Is abundant that women are constantly being restored to health by Lydla B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound The many testimonial letters that we arc continually pub lishing in the newspapers; hundredsof them are all genu ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude for the freedom from suffering that has come to these women solely through the use of l.ydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. Money could not buy nor any kind of influence obtain such recommendations ; you may depend upon it that any testimonial we publish is honest and true if you have any doubt of this write to the women whose true names and addresses are always given, and learn for yourself. Read this one from Mrs. Waters: Camden, N.J. "1 was sick for two years with nervous spells, and my kidneys wore affected. I hud a doctor all the time and used a galvanic battery, but nothing did me any good. I was not able to go to bed, but mient my time on a couch ov in a sleeping-chair, and goon became almost a skeleton. Finally my doctor went away for his health, and my husband heard of l.ydia E. linkham's Vegetable Compound and got me some. In two months I got relief and now I am like a new woman and am at my usual weight. I recommend your medicine to every one and so does my husband." Mrs. Tili.ii Wateks, 1135 Knight St, Camden, N.J. And this one from Mrs. Haddock: Utica, Oki.a. "I was weak and nervois,not able to do my work and scarcely able to be on my feet. I had backache, headache, palpi tation of the heart, trouble with my towels, and inflammation. .Since taking the Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I am better than I have been for twenty years. I think it is a wonderful medi cine and I have recommended it to others." Mrs. JLvky Ann Had dock, Utica, Oklahoma. Now answer this question if you can. Why should a woman continue to suffer without first giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that it has saved many others why should it fail in your case? For 30 rears Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable 3oraDOtind has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. Mo one sick with woman's ailments BIO MONUMENT. "I wonder why Amy refused to marry Mr. Dooling." "She was afraid he wouldn't be nd to her." ' Won'i be kind to her? Good ness gracious! hasn't she seen the beautiful monument he put up for his first wife?" Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A De ma'ied man 'lowsdat his wife only calls him "huh treas ure" when he is huh treasurer. Ef ' n you tell a gal she's a angel, she'll spec you to keep harp in' on dat subjec', v You jes dunno what fine felluhg some men is twell doy tells you so. t V Many a man has been called a muff jes bekase he knows how to git de strangle holt on a gal's ban's. V Faint heart is all de fun fyah lady wants. '. ' Ef 'n we all was as free wid aid as we is wid ad-viee, dis heah would be a heap pleasantuh worl' to live in, UNCONSCIOUS HUMOR. Sioux City Tribune: Want ed, a young man of small capi tal and ability." Uortonsville News: "Susie Bump slipped on an icy spot Sunday and fell." Rogers Daily Post: "On ac count of moving will sell one oue good cow giving milk and some corn." Beloit Daily News: "For sale, twenty chickens, stone color, guaranteed to lay fresh eggs." Connecticut paper: "Want ed, a steady, respectable young man to look after garden and care for cow who has a good voice and is accustomed to sing in $he choir." FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA TAKINQ EXERCISE. "Don't you know that your hus band is walking the floor because of his debts?" "Isn't it fortunate I" replied young Mrs. Torkins, sweetly "You know the doctor said that Charlie simply must take more ex- ercise." CMIdrvn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Compound has been the standard remedy for fe does Justice to herself if she does not try this fa roous medicine made from roots and herbs, it has restored so many suffering women to health. Write to LYDIA E.PISKH AM MEDICINE CO. (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for ud vice. letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strkit confidence. Your leti Bro-MJ-G me "No, mmi-.m, I 'never re commend headache midicines that affect the heurt action. It's easier to puffer temporarily with aburstinR head thr.n it is to die with a bursting heart." "But 1 c:in sufely recom mend this. Da n a. llii-f it for 15 years and m v r h- d u c; fe where it did the lcart h:.rm. " "Oh, ys, it's pleaii.r.t to take, we serve it i;t our foun tain and it is the mo t porular remedy we have f r Head; rhe, Neuralgia, Backache ard o'het aches that are BUiermduce)liy cold and stomach disorders." "Which siae bottle will you have!" "Thank you. Call again. " A rbauat UU rM. S It Frail. fit w 2 NOTICE Of Town Election for $20,000 Bonds. By virtue of an ordinance adopted by unanimous vote of tlte commissioners of the town of Koanoke liapids, N. ('., on the lilt) day of March, A. I). 11114, at a meeting held on Hint date, and at which meeting all of the said commis sioners were present and voting for the adoption of saul ordinance, NOTH'E m Hereby given that an tl.HTION will be held in the said town of Koanoke Kap ids, N . U. , on the 5th day of May, A. D. 1914, fur the purpose of authorizing and em powering the Hoard of School Trustees of the Koanoke Kapids Graded Hchooi District to iKsue bonds of said school listrict to an amount not to exceed Twenty Thousand (fJI.OiKi) Dollars, of such denominations and of such propor. tion as said Hoard of Trustees may deem advisable, hearing interest from date thereof at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum, witli interest coupons attached payable semi-annually, at such time ami sucn place as may be deemed advisable by said Board of Trustees, said bonds to lie of such form and tenor and transferable in such way and the rincipal thereof navahle or redeemable as follows: Five Hundred Dollars there of on the lirstday of January, one thou sand nine hundred and tweutv-tive. and live hundred annually thereafter till all are paid, at such place or places as Baid Board ot trustees may determine. That the interest on said bonds and tiie bonds themselves shall be paid from the funds and taxes ieviedforsaid school district under chapter one hundred and eighty-nine of the Private Laws of North Carolina, of session one thousand nine hundred aud seven, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds, or such part thereof an may be necessary, shall be expended by the said hoard ot 1 rustees in provid ing for the enlargement and erection of school biddings of said school district and the proper equipment of the same. Published by order of tho Board of Commissioners of tho town of Koanoke Rapids, N. C, this, the 'J4th March, A. l. I'JH. (Signed) J. T. CHASE, Mayor. A. L. CLARK, Sec. & Treas. sa Trustee's Sale of Land, Under and by virtue of the uowercon tained in a certain deed of trust from II T. Townea to Jo. V. Hitmen. Trus. tee. to secure a debt to Eugene John tun. default having beau made in tha terms of said deed of trust, I will, on Saturday, April 25th, 1914, at U o'clock noon, in front of Eugene Johnston's stole iu the town of Little ton, N. C, expose to public, sale to the highest bidder lor casn a certain tract of land lying and being situate in the State of Northt arohna, Halifax countv, Littleton township, on which is situated a storehouse, residence and outhouses, being the storehouse and residence of the said H. T. Towni'4, containing seven and one-half acres, more or less, being fully described in the aforesaid deed of trust recorded in Book 227 st page 97, Halifax county Registry, to which refer ence is made. At the same time and place and under the same terms, 1 will oner two bay mares, one open buggy, and one two-horse wagon and one bay none. This March 2,3rd, 1H14. J08. P. PIPPEK, Trustee, lo Ike Public ! I have for sale and am making ready for shipment a limited sup ply of The Cleveland Big Boll Cotton Seed. These seed have iust been mrmed ind as soon as they can be delint ed they will be placed on sale F.O. a. my depot bnheld, N.C. alone half their cost price to me $1.25 per bushel, cash w ith orders. This is undoubtedly one of the greatest cotton now published among the coiton world. Yours truly, C. A. WILLIAMS, Sr., ' . Rlngwood, N. C. Lver cross? i . . VfcMrta. Nothing