!np lip ESTABLISHED IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Siibscription-.$1.5(, Vtr Amu m VOL. XLIX. WLLDOX. X. ( TIIUliSDAV, MAY 7, 11)1 1. NO. '1 p Tlio Kind You H ue Always Bought, and which l'ns been In use for over 30 years, 1ms bomo tlio Kiimluro of 0 - and liu been nmilo wider lain pcr- jCl(Jtf'f?t't Bon"' wipcrvlslon since Its Infancy. r, S-.A4A. Allow noonotodptclio you In thin. Alt Counterfeit, Imitations) nml "Jusi-us-good" urn lint Experlmcnta tliat trlllo with n'.drnilani;i'r the lienltli of Infuntu anil Children Experience iiuinst Kxporiinciit. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless nubstitiito for Castor Oil, Varn Kuril', Props and Soothing Syrups. It U rVuKiint. It contains neither Opium, Dlorphino nor other N'urrotia siibstiuico. Its ni:o is its guarantee. It destroys Worms uud allays reveri.shness. It cures Dlarrlurii ami Wind folic. It relieves Teetlit!ir Trouhles, eures tloiistipation and Flatulency. It assimilated the Food, regulates the Stiiitiaeli and ltimels, jriviuu; bealtliyand natural sleep. Tlio Children's I'auaceu Tlio Mother's l'rioud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. OE IE THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX. X. (' Orcar.l7.ed Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, U Stale of North Carolina Dcposiiory. 1 Halifax County Dcposiiory. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Scrplns, $55,000. For over ytars tins institiitKHi provnli.l l.ankiiiL' fueililies for thin section. Its'stockholders and olliei is ate i.ii-nti tii-.l with the busi nesM interests of Halifax and Northampton enmities. A Savings Ilepartniont is maintained for the henelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hunk. In this I ieiuil inenl inleiest is allowed us follows: For Heposits allowed toremuin three n th or longer, per pent. Six monthsor longer, :t per cent Twelve mouths or loinrer. t percent. Anv information will he fiirni-hedon application to the President oil'ashiei PRKSI1IKNT : W. K. IUNIKL, VI. K-l'KKsll'KM : W. II. SMI I'll I.. l DKAl'ld;. leller. CASIIIKK: .1 II. l!KK. 1)1 liKt TOPS W. It. Smith, W. K. Uumel. ,1. o. Inake. W 1 Cohen. A . ('. House. .1.1.. shepherd. W A. Pierce. l. I'., .olhcollei. .1 . V. Hedm OE THE BEST WAV. O iv n i i u i i i ivnnAi hiiin hnn lll'llli)' I UAUU Wi I VVIV .11 n n i i i i i i n i ihnn :l lUWUIllvUll llli, V 1 HI I' H 1 1 f MAN! K.UTPPKKS UP Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens M AUK TOOKIlKR AM' l.'K.i H' I. A li STUCK SIZKS. Oood Materials. High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. - BDOD HEWS i-rom Tin: 1 u If Hack to the Wall and liitht. A hard-working, level-headed ; business man was asked on one j occasion what lo do when times got hard and business dull and ex penses kepi running up. His re- ply was : "I'm your hack io the wall and lighl." Thai's a sentence which might be carefully studied by many young men lo-d.iy. A ! man who embraces ihe philosophy of the advice will not rush oll'inio j bankruptcy at the first gathering of I a storm: he will not be found1 choosing the cowardly way of the suicide oui of his difficulties; he will not whine, nor fume at for tune; he will not lose time shed iti4 tears over past mistakes -mis takes which no amount of crying can remedy; he will not be found in ihe class of evil prophets, ihem- selves afflicted with boils and brui ses concluding that all the world is soalfected. No, sir; he will raise his own strong arm and strike. He will, when aweary and weak of knee, back up against a solid stone wall and light. When the world loses its fighting men, the world will be about gone io the dogs. When sheer grit, determination, courage, have died, there will not be much left to live for in this earih. A ceriain man, distressed about his business, and not having the grit to fight, bravely, valiantly, took io drink. He sought relief from business care in the strong bottle. This same man, with his back to the wall, and armed with the indomitable spirit of the tighter would have had a far belter chance of victory. There are many men to-day who are excusing their ha bitual taking of strong drink on just such a flimsy defense. But it is not brave, it is not wise and ii leads to sure defeat. There used to be a brand of whiskey sold that one man said would make a rabbit fight a bull dog. Bui it will not help a man fight a brave fight. "Put your back to the wall and fight." that's the way, the best way. An ambitious woman seldom looks her age unless she is a suffragette. j Every housewife will ap preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether you care to purchase now or later. No matter what you need for the homeour combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with terms that make it easy to supply your needs will make you a permanent customer of this store, WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C FEELS LIKE A NEW WOMAN A Lydia L Pinkham' Vege table Compound Dispelled Backache, Headaches and Dizziness. BE T. V. Mason, J. A. Wiiiikki t.'aryshurg, N. ('. Jacksou W. I.. 1.0SO, Weldon, N. I'. MASON, WORRELL 81 LONG, Attorneys-at-Law. 'Offices: Weldon, N. C. andJaekson.N.C my 29 ly. Vaaraicla eauaea great uflarlac tfcl AaafcFata Ptlla ttm M wag ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. ('. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and n. the Supremo court of the State. Special attention given to collection and prompt returns umo. Uver Cloas? M. car'."0' L",,"' TmfcUU. NoUih..' ic sla'I iall- Piqun, Ohio. "I would be very un grateful if 1 failed to give Lydia E. rMnkhum Vegeta ble C'oinK)und the praise it deserves, for I have taken it a t different timet" and it ulwiiys re lieved ni e w h e r other medicines J failed, and when I hear a woman com plain 1 always rec ommend it. Lastwin ter I was attacked with a severe case of organic weakness. 1 hud backache, pains in my hips am' over my kidneys, headache, dizziness, lassitude, had no enerpy, limits ached and 1 waa always tired. 1 was hardly nltle to do my housework. I had taken Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com pound on one other occasion, and it had helped me su 1 took it again and it has huilt me up, until now 1 feel like a new woman. Vou have my hearty consent to use my name and testimonial in any way and 1 hope it will benefit suffering women. "Mrs. OitrtiA Turner, 4al S. Wayne St, l'iiUB, Ohio. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not doubt the ability of Lydia E. I'inkham'a Vegetable C'omiKiund to re store their health. If you want speeial advice write to I.jdiu K. I'iiikham Med lelim Co., (confidential) Lynn, Muss. Vour letter will liopend, rend and answered hy a woman and held III strict eonlldcucc. Io ihe Public ! 1 have for sale and am making ready for shipment a limited sup ply of The Cleveland Big Boll Cotton Seed. These seed have just been ginned and as soon as they can be delink ed they will be placed on sale H.O. B. my depot UnKeld, N. C. at one half their cosi price to me $1.25 per bushel, cash wiih orders. This is undoubtedly one of the greatest cotion now published among the coiton world. Yours truly, C. A. WILLIAMS, Sr., Rlngwood, N. C. Lumbago-Sciatica Sprains " The ilirertinni nrys, it good for lumbago tun, Sloan' I cured my rheumatism I've ued it and I know," Do you u Sloan'? Hr't Proof. "I hm my m- k Imrt In tin- fiorr War :tinl Imii v-'.ir. UK" I waa hit hy trpct i tr. 1 Irird nil kimU of ri(ie without utii'i-CM. I hiiw your Limmi'iit in a tlrun hturt- nod icnt 11 tittit to try. The first ai'ilicritiiiii niiMcil instant reln-f, tint) imw mct'pt fur h lltllf Htiirnrn. I am aliuuat Well. " tifkhtT !anttn. If htUter, ijjii. Instant ReUf front Sciatica " I wni kept In h'l with ai'ititica alnre th- llrst of Ki-nruary, but I had almoat in atftnt relief when I trifd your LmiUCDt," . , Hawkmi, franhjun. Ky, Sprained AnkU "Aia iiwr of ymir IJnlmpnt fur tie hint 15 vw.I onn iay ItUonwof th ht on the market. Kiflerii y-t ntt't I fpnuimi iny atiklc and had to ua erutrhw, and ttif ilrx-turs Ann) I wt)iilit alwiiyo ) lump. A friend adviML'd mf tr try your Ltmiuaut urn) iWiiT usiiiir it meht ami niornimr fur three iiiuntlm 1 cmiid wulk without a ran ami rim rui KOrwl fw any of tlifl other llrftiicti in my department. 1 hav nyver been without a buttlf Min e that Uuie." Jr. H .(wm . linn., Umral UUp, X Y. i THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA. Am LIMIMEMT At H Dialer.. Price 25c., 50c. nd $1.00 Sluan'i Instructive Book on horses, cattle, poultry and hogs, sent fre. Address, DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc., BOSTON, MASS. THE OLD ROLLER TOWEL. How dear 10 our hearts are the things of our childhood, When fond recollections present ihem to view; The old district schoolhouse, ihe pail and the dipper, The same cud of gum which in turn we would chew. No fear of a microbe forever beset us, No state board of health interfered then at all; We bathed dirty faces in one common basin, And turned to the towel that hung on ihe wall. The old roller towel, ihe stiff roller towel, The germ-laden lowcl ihui hung on the wall. Of crash was this towel, in gen'rous proportion, And never was changed more than once in a week; We turned it around and used it all over, And for a dry spot it was idle to seek, Wiih use and abuse it grew grayish in color, Acquiring an odor exceedingly rank; By Saturday night it presented a surface As hard and unyielding as any inch plank. The old roller towel, the stiff roller towel, From which ihe fastidious foolishly shrank. But now it is gone, vanished out of existence, By virtue of power which which the Board of Health holds; No more can we bury our streaming wet faces Within its bacterial, dangerous folds, No longer we meet with the discolored banner, Which hung from a roller nailed up on the wall; On clean huckabuck, initial embroidered, We wipe away tears which intrusively fall For old roller towels, the stiff roller lowels, The germ laden lowel that hung on the wall. GROWN-UP LAND. "Good morrow, fair maid with lashes brown. Can you tell me the way to Womanhood Town ?" "0, this way and thai way, never a stop. 'Tis by picking up stitches grandma will drop; 'Tis by kissing the baby's troubles away; 'Tis learning that cross words never will pay; 'Tis helping mother, 'tis sewing up renis; 'Tis reading and playing, 'lis saving the cents; 'Tis loving and smiling, forgetting to frown. O, that is the way to Wowanhood Town !" "Just wait, my brave lad, one moment, I pray. Manhood Town lies where? Can you tell me the way?' "O, by toiling and trying we reach that land A bit with the head, a bit with the hand ! 'Tis by climbing the steep hill Work; 'Tis by keeping oui of ihe wide street Shirk; 'Tis by always taking the weak one's part; 'Tis by giving the mother a happy heart; 'Tis by keeping bad thoughts and actions down. O, that is the way to Manhood Town !" And the lad and the maid ran hand in hand To their fair estates in Grown-l'p Land. When it Halls Out, if it liver Does, 1 (ioodbye Old World. ! HURRY, FISHING MIGHTY FINE. When the bottom of the sea gives way from some future volcanic dis turbance the whole earth will be consumed in flames, just as other worlds every day are being con-; sumed, according to Louis R.ihnur-; din, the French scientist. Kecent ! volcanic disturbances lead this I scientist to believe that such a time is not far distant. The earth's crust is very thin at the bottom of the sea, he says, and he adds that the floor on which we stand is , more frail than we are led t be- i lieve. I M. Kabourdin imagines a disas ter so great as to involve the whole earth. If such an event should occur he thinks that from a distant world its appearance and progress would exactly paralel what we ourselves see in the cast of the novae," or distant stars, that blaze out of the heavens from time to time. M. Kabourdin says: "Suppose that following upon an extraordi nary twisting movement, due to retreat of the central mass, a large mass of the sea bottom should give way and, falling suddenly, should let in the mass of the ocean's wa ters upon the incandescent interior matter? The water w ould be de composed by the heat, the hydro gen would burn, and it would burn more as it had access to more oxy gen. The conflagration would thus gain gradually in force, ac companied by electric phenomena, and the greater part of the earth's crust would probably be displaced. The earth, passing through a criti cal epoch and returning for the time being to its formative period, would again be nothing but a globe of fire. "For the far off worlds that swing in sidereal space this would be the phenomenon of a new star thai blazes out all at once, increases in brilliancy as if it would eclipse the luminous splendor of all its neigh bors and then become feebler and feebler, to disappear finally forever in the profound darkness of the limitless distance." W hen such a catastrophe takes place, if it ever does, that will be the "end of the world," so far as we at least are concerned. New York World. f2 in fho Silnmnrli conies from fowl which has fermented. vids in me oiomacn ;,t nd ,,f thi3 blly d,Ke!jled milUtr as quickly as possible if you would avoid a bilious attack. SIM HONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) Is a cleansing and strengthening medicine, it is a liver tonic first of all and the liver 19 always rltected when the stomach goes w rontf. It puts hie in a torpid liver, helps digestion, tweeti-na the breath, tlenrs the complexion of aallowtiess, relaxes the bowels and puts the body in tine vigorous condition. SalJ by lV:-rj. Price. Karitt PucAoirc. tl.OU. A,k I..I ilit B-T.ii.n. wj'l, e.r K-.l 7 uu t!.e 1.11. II ..u ,1111.. i rr,ii tc. uv wr w:l; ll by mill ..,.p.!.l Vi.tuiLm. I ,( R.iui.t.,1 i, inn uy ...u .1, l.i,.nJ l-.iiu l,.r : irlcr 'L fl .C f I. 111. K' U nlr L..,k l..f ll,f Rr.l . I.l.r. I. H. HUN & CO., r,uprlelor, Si. I oui.. Mloourl I A "PULL'' ADMIRAL. IllS 1 Eitecw. :1 The kind of u ''full" admiral that Just'phus Daniels does not want in thi navy. IV . 1 .!...!..! .. . .!?:.... ii !i .ii-. ll-. nr i . fr: n rr.'.t n- l rr. r- -i nn w I1CII ) Oil HCJI llic II !.!.- cu ft. w iivi fci u.-tjj - kvu wutci. ounik, And the doves begin a-cooing in the shadow of the pine; When the bluebird sounds his whistle up the vale and from the hill, 1 And your ears begin lo listen for the sound of "whip-po-will," Then there comes a moving feeling from the brain cells and the mind i That sets your feet a-marchiug for the bait and fishing line, And the whole earth seems to call you, "Hurry, fishing's mighty tine." Then in fancy you can see them in some deep, sky-mirrored pool, Floating side-wise, blowing bubbles from their up-stream swimming school, Wailing for your bait and line; Then again the magic calling, "Hurry, fishing's mighty tint;. Sparkling water all a-quiver; Sky is blue, violets, too, Hurry, hurry down the river, Bait your hook and cast your line; Failure ! never ! keep on trying; Hurry, fishing's mighty fine. CLASSIFYING ML:N. She found her dearest girl chum in tears. The situation was unexpected, being rather common and vulgar, But the patrician girl was sympa thetic enough to inquire, just as any other girl might : "Why, dear, what on earth is the matter?" "Men are all liars, sobbed the broken hearted one. "Oh, don't ?ny that !" protested the other. "That is too broad a generalization." "Well, I suppose thtre are some good, honest fellows who are not, But all the really nice men are." THE ANSWER TO THE HEADACHE vBro-llal-G' Pleasant to Take vurei neuralgia, HesasiKat. 3ickaC4-, Ciiu -v. The modern instantaneous t. iin i-f-::,.f. r, . i , still growing. No doubtful results;. !., art , i 5c at Fountainw. ;'7- .V'.; I . Quick ui Effect HEART BURDENS. There Are a Great Many Men Who Have Itusiness Hurdens. When we see a man worried and perplexed and annoyed in bus iness life, we are apt to say, "He ought not have attempted to carry so much." Ah, that man may not be to blame at all. When a man plants a business, he does not know what will be its branches. There is many a man with keen foresight and large business facul ty who has been flung into the dust b y unforeseen circumstances springing upon him from ambush. When to buy, when to sell, when to trust and to what amount of credit, what will be the effect of this new invention of machinery, what will be the effect of that loss of crop and a thousand other ques tions perplex business men until the hair is silvered and deep wrin kles are plowed in the cheek, and the stocks go up by mountains and down by valleys, and they are at their wits ends and stagger like drunken men. There never has been a time when there have been such rival ries in business as now. It is books against books, with imported article against imported article. A thousand stores in com bat with another thousand stores. Never such advantage of light, never such variety of assortment, never so much splendor of show window, never so much adroitness of salesmen, never so much acute ness of advertising, and amid all these severities of rivalry in busi ness, how many men break down. SHORT OP MF.N. Two Irishmen died, so the story ran. One went to heaven and the other didn't. Mike called down to Pat ; What are yez doin' Pat?" "Shovelin' coal." "Are yez workin' hard?" "Not very. We has shifts an' work only three hours a day. What are yez doin' up there in heavin?" "O 'im sweepm' the golden stairs." "Are yez workin' hard-" ' Yis. Ot hov to work eighteen hours a day. We are short ot men up here!" liACH WANTED TO KNOW, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER li. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WKLIioN, N. ('. Practices m the courts of Halifax and Northampton and in the Supreme and l-ederal courts. I 'ulleciioin. made iu all parts uf North ( 'arohna. liranch ollice at Halifax open every Monday Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WKI.lKlN, N. ('. business promptly and faithfully at tended to. Associated with Peebles A Harris and Hay iV. Mulyette in Halifax Superior Court practice. '.'111-tf UEORUE C. UREEN. ATTORNt-Y-AT-LAW,; tNutiomil Flunk HuiUliriK) J Weldon. N.C. ELLIOTT B. CLARK. ATTO RN E Y-AT- LAW. H LI I A X, N. V. P KArn ens in the eourtH ofHalifaxand u. .joining t'uuntirs utnl in the Su prrmi' ('(nut ul tlit- Mutt1. Special uUt'D turn un ci) to I'olli t'tion and prompt re turn. lti-ti-1 y W J. WARD, PKNTIST, OKI- U K IN UAMEL Kl'lLIH.NU WKLIION, N.l-J sepl'J lv A I. SCHISLER. CIVIL ENGINEER,- Surveying a Specialty Phone '.'ni N I'.MPoKIA, VA. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of WRONG SPOOK. Medium Hush! Listen! I hear the gentle rapping of your wife. Victim Gentle rapping? That's not my wife Life, Blushing she hid her face on her father's shoulder. "He loves me," she breathed. "Wants to marry you, eh '" the old man gunted. "Yes, papa." "What's his income?" She started. ''1 don't know," she murmured, "but the coincidence is very so auge. "What coincidence ?" asked her father. "Clarence," she answered, "asked the very same question about your income." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Wood's Seeds Soja Beans THE COMING FORAGE AND SOIL-IMPROVING CROP. Farmer everywhere are enthusiastic in their praue. Contains more oil miik and fat-producing qualities tlian any Other forage crop; at the same, are one of the turrit-cropping and la rgeit. yield ing crops grown. Wood's 1914 Descriptive Catalog gives (utl descriptions and information auout all the best varieties of Soja Beans. Cow Peas, Velvet Beans, Sorghums, Ensilage Corn. Millets, and all other Seasonable Seeds. Write for Wood's DetcHptlva Catalog and prices of any seeds in which you are interested. T. W. WOOD 6 SONS. Seedsmen, Richmond1, Va. Every man expects to wake up some day and find himself famous and he often does get as far as the waking up part. D. E. STAINBACK, I v n T a n v mini i r i n V n i l 1 u u u I v And Fire Insurance. Roanoke Neirs Office -:- Weldoi N.C GREAT BARGAINS in TYin:wm:RRs. We cany a Inure Mock of standard TypewriU-is ran furnish at once Mon arch. Kox, Oliver. ItcmiUk'toii. Hoval, "m-th I'rrxirr. I.. V. S:;;::!; & Urn. j and I'ndemood Any other make from -ito l.'.davs' notice have both the, visible and the invisihle. We boutrht a laivc stock of these Typewntpis from one-fourth to one-halftiie recularivhole sale puce, and on sale now at one-fouitli to one-half the regular retail prices, A irood Typewriter Horn $7., "si to Hlo. A better line fl7 ,W to KS.f.0. The Imt from $:!U up to any piice. Will be (flad to answer any inquiry in connection with these machines, and send sample of the work done hv any of the Type writers we have. F.very hoy and " jrir should have one of our cheap Typewri ters to learn how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can demand a lanrr Ralary. Anyone who buys a cheap typewriter from us and wants a better one later, wa will take back the one bought and allow thesame paid for it in exchange for a better one, if returned in good condition and within six months, li not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C

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