Terms of Subscriptiori"$l..SO ?Jtr Annumr no. :j mi CASTOR Al.i'OIKH. 3 PER rtNT AVcgeiablr Prt-panaion IcrJis similaiiiiiMlrroodatillMiib fing Uic Siomacfts ai:di3ow3saf Promotes Ditolionrhff ful ness and ResiXonlains neittar Opititu.Morphine norHmaLi JSOTISARCOTIC. Jtx.StOM 1 JhMltUtl- Chnkd Sugar Anerfecl Remcdv forOonsHM- Hon , Sour Slomach.Dlarrlwi Worms jCoiwulsioiis .rfvensD- nessandLOSSOFSLP. FacSiniKe Sijnamrf of NEW YOHK. CUSTOM For Infant9 and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of LW ft .ft- li Use For Over Thirty Years 1 . it ysN p n oTii n i n Rjij ?rWFoam 1,11 I lfi TMK NTUN eOHPANY, NCW VOHM SITV. Exct Copy of Wrapper. THE BANK OF WELD ON WELDON, X. 0. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. ULl ..a.?A Sur? Iul. $55,000. For ovtr -1 years tltiti institution lia provided banking facilities for .his section. Its stockholders and oltictrs are idt-ntilied with the huai H'fts interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings hepurtment is iimintained for the henelH of all who desire ,o de. posit in a Saviujrs Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as oil own: For Deposits allowed to remain three months ov longer, li per cent. Six mouths or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent, ny information wdl he furnished on application to tin DresidcnlorCashici FHKsiniNT: V. K. DANIEL, vr h-i'kkhidkst: W. K. SMITH. L. C. DKAl'KK, Teller. I'ASMIKR: .1. O. DUAKK. IRK(T(HIS W. li. Smith, V. K. Daniel, .1. O. Drake. W. M. foheu, A. l Huiih J..L. Shephenl, W. A. I'ieree, D. H, ZolhoollVr. J . V. Meilge HOW TO GET PNEUMONIA AND HOW TO AVOID IT. 0 IV I l IK A..' i iniiV rniiir i inn in; ir w v ... 7 a. j a M A N U FACT V UK Its OF ilding Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, nds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND KEtiULAR STOCK SIZES, dood Materials, High drade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. GOOD HEWS FROM THE n j Interesting and Instructive Bulle tin by State Board of Health, Dealing with One of the Most Fatal Diseases to Which Human Flesh Is Heir. "neumonia kills more people every year than any other human malady, not even excepting con sumption. Pneumonia is a germ disease, and is caused by a small organism similar in some respects to those causing other diseases with which we are familiar. The germs of pneumonia get into the lungs through the mouth, but not every one who has the germs in his mouth will have pneu monia. If he did, practically all of us would have the disease be fore the winter is over. It is only when the system is "run down" that the germs do their dread work. We here give three good ways to encourage pneumonia: First, drink lots of alcoholic liquors, the poorer the quality the better; sec ond, expose yourself without suf ficient clothing, particularly in ex treme weather; third, and best of all, live and sleep with your win dows closed. If you don't want pneumonia, heed the following ways of avoid ing it: First, let all alcoholic drinks alone; second, dress according to the weather, instead of according to the fashion; third, if exposed to rough weather or if you get wet and numb, undress in a warm room, rub the skin with a coarse towell and go to bed; fourth, avoid constipation by eating more fruit and less meats and pastry and drinking more pure water and taking more exercise; fifth, keep your feet warm and your head cool, and last of all live and sleep in the fresh air all the time. HISTORIC. "Say, waiter," said the travel ing man to the hotel waiter, "what kind of chicken do you call this?" "That's a Plymouth Rock, I be lieve," replied the waiter. "I am glad it has some claim to historical mention," said the man. "I thought it was just an ordinary cobblestone." AFTER SUFFERING TWO LONG YEARS Mr. Aielin Wu Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. J . Every housewife will ap- eciate the fact that every home furnishing need n be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price ving at this store. ' We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, oves, and labor-saving devices that you will be lighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you become posted on our new offerings whethei u care to purchase now or later. No matter what you need for the homeour mbination of service, quality, and modest prices gether with terms that make it easy to supply tur needs will make you a permanent customer this store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C f or that HEADACHE fa ro-A3i-6in 'mm 3 0 i 1 : i.r. 0 IMELkmK) i.ftM.O Minneapolis, Minn. "After my little one was born 1 was sick with pains in my sides which the doctors said were caused by inflamma tion. I suffered a great deal every month and grew very thin. I was under the doctor's care for two long years without any benefit. Finally after repeated sug gestions to try it we got Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. After tak ing the third bottle of the Compound I was able to do my housework and today I am strong and healthy again. I will answer letters if anyone wishes to know about my case. "Mrs. Joseph Aselin, C2S Monroe St,N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy we know forwoman's ills. If you need such a medicine why don't you try it ? If you have the slightest doubt Unit Lyrtlu K. IMnklinm'a Vegeta ble Compound will liolpyoii.wrlte to Lydia E.l'lnkliam MediclneCo. (confidential) Lynn,Maaaforud vice. Your letter will he opened, read and aniiwered by a woman, and held In strict confidence. To The Public ! I have for sale and am making ready for shipment a limited sup ply of The Cleveland Big Boil Cotton Seed. These seed have just been ginned and as soon as they can be delint- ed they will be placed on sale KO, li. my depot Enfield, N. C. atone half their cost price to me $1.25 per bushel, cash with orders. This is undoubtedly one of the greatest cotton now published among the cotton world. Yours truly, C. A. WILLIAMS, Sr., King wood, N. C. TURN BACKWARD! Yes, backward, turn backward, Time, in thy Might, Regenerate this man who tries so to write; Who also stands on the streets just to view The sweet, innocent girls who just must pass through. He can't "kiss away the furrows of care." So he looks and rants at the frocks that they wear. Time, over his eyes your loving watch keep, And put him tosleep; oh! yes, put him 10 sleep ! He longs to go back to the old days of yore, When titters and bustles were things thai girls wore. Or the old Grecian bend and high French heel shoes, Making them look like lean kangaroos. Take him back, oh Time, to the age suits him best; He then can stand in the streets and have his old jest, Caring not that it causes (he sweet girls to weep; So put him to sleep, Time, put him to sleep ! Give us a man no matter his station, Who won't use the streets for coarse observation; Who will turn his keen eyes "away from the light, " And refuse 10 see girls in such a plight. We are weary of these masculine jeers About women's clothes, caring not for her tears, Nor aught that his comments may cause her to weep So put him to sleep, Time, put him to sleep. Give us a man who, instead of our frocks, Will stay at his home and darn his own socks, Give us a man, but never a cynic Who is looking for "peek-a-boos" every minute, Tired of those men who have naught else 10 do, Time, oh, Time! We turn unto you. Come with thy scyth such critics to reap, And put them to sleep, forever to sleep ! No Substitutes RETURN to the grocer all sub stitutes sent you for Royal Bak ing Powder. There is no sub stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful. Powders offered as sub stitutes are made from alum. THE DIFFERENCE. I Oive You This Orange." "CHEER UP, SONNY!' Aunt Mary said in her cheering way, "The world wasn't made in a day a day, And the blue sky, where the white clouds Hit. Why, the Lord was six days painting it; So cease your worry, And do not fret; Just cheer up, sonny, You'll get there yet." Aunt Mary said in her cheering way, "The Lord sends that which is best each day; If you'd grow a man both good and true, A lesson in patience is good for you; So cease your worry, And do not fret; Just cheer up, sonny, You'll get there yet." Full oft to me in the days of youth Aunt Mary repeated the same old truth; And I dreamed brave deeds as I heard her say, "The world wasn't made in a day a day; So cease your worry, And do not fret; Just cheer up, sonny, You'll get there yet." The dreams of youth are not realized, I haven't gained yet some things I prized; But I've learned in a measure the lesson of trust And not to endure just because I must; That God is my Father, And he loves me; And some day his wisdom I'll plainly see. If a man were to give anoth- cr an orange, lie would simply say, "I give you this orange;" i hut when the transaetion is en j trusted to the hands of a law yer to put in writing, he adopts j this form: "I hereby give anil j convev to von, all and singu lar, my estate and interest, right, title, claim and advan tages of and in said orange, to gether with all of its rind, skin, I juice, pulp and pips, and all rights and advantages therein with full power to cut, bite, suck and otherwise eat the same, or give the same away, as fully as I, the said A. B., am now entitled to bite, cut, suck or otherwise eat the same orange or give the same away with or without the rine, skin, A SERIOUS LOSS. i juice, pulp, or pips, anything hereinbefore or hereinafter, or ! in anv other deed of deeds, in- strument or instruments of what nature or kind soever to tlx! contrary in any wise, not withstanding." RXPLAINKD EVERYTHING. One of the party was telling how he had lost a grip on a railroad train the other evening when Con gressman David h. I-inley, of South Carolina, generously smiied. He said that it reminded him of the serious loss sustained by a citi zen of his own State. The aforesaid friend had occas ion to go on quite a railroad jour ney, and when he reached his des tination the brotherly party who met him at the station noticed that he seemed considerably depressed. "What in the world is the mat ter with you, Jake?" he asked. "You look as cast down as a de feated candidate." "1 have been up against a bunch of hard luck," answered Jake. "I lost the best part of my baggage coming down here." "You don't really mean it!" sympathetically responded the other. "Did you misplace it, or was it stolen?" "Neither," was the sad rejoin der of the cast-down Jake, "the cork came out." RAILROAD MAN'S PRAYER. At an annual meeting of Conductors and Engineers some time ago, a great revivalist, one of the favoriies of the railroad men of the South, was asked to take part and open the the meeting with prayer, says an exchange. He was loudly applauded as he entered the hall, and step ped upon the platform to otter prayer. The railroad men, with their wives and daughters present, reverently bowed their heads, while the revivalist, with trembling lips and deep emotion, ottered the following prayer : "O Lord, we meet as a body of railroad men to consult for our inter est, we are reminded mat lite ttseit is a train and the road to Heaven a railroad; God's life the rail; God's love the fire; and His promises the signal lights. 0 Lord, we recognize Thee as the General Mana ger of our road, the Superintendent of our train and Chief Dispatcher. Thou didst survey the right of way, and Thy Son purchased it with His blood. Thou didst lay the track and ballast the road. Thou hast furnished the rolling stock. Thou art the owner and controller of all. We look to Thee for all ou- orders, and Thou must sign the checks for daily bread. Be merciful in handling our human mistakes and blun ders and do not discharge Thy unworthy servants. We are grateful for the Bible, Thy Book of Rules and Instructions, Be merciful in our examination, and look with charity upon our failures. Thy prom ises and warnings are our headlights and lanterns; help us to see them so as to save our train from wreck. Deliver us from broken rails, blind switches, false signals und mistaken orders. Be with us on every high bridge of responsibility, on every curve of emergency, and in every tunnel of trouble let the light of Thy promises shine out bright. Grant us passes for our wives and children. Let them go with us. When the storms of temptation and trial come, save us from the fatal slides and washouts that have wrecked so many trains on the road of life. Let our way be kept secure by Thy guardian care. Always show the steel rail, and the rock ballast, and let the road-bed be solid and Free from obstructions. Deliver us from the snares of the enemy. May the headlight of Thy Truth shine bright on a thrown switch, false signal or fatal obstruction placed for the destruction of our train. May the emergency brake of a strong will save us. As we make our last run, headed homeward, if it be Thy will, order our train in on time. Let the light of Thy promises burn bright to light the dark tunnel of death, as we run through it to the grand central station of the skies. May we have the approving smile of the General Manager, sign with joy our pay roll, receive our wages and have an enternal lay-off with Goo. Amen." As the revivalist left the platform, a dozen men gripped his hand, and brushed a tear from their eyes. Doctor, said an old lady to her family physician, "kin ye tell me how it is that some folks is born dumb?" "Why ahem certainly, mad am, replied the doctor. "It is ow ing to the fact that they come into the world without the power of speech." "La me !" remarked the old lady, "now just see what it is to have a physic edication. I've axed my old man more nor a hundred times that same thing, and all 1 could ever get out of him was. Kase they is." AND SHE KEPT ON SMOKING. No Indigestion ? Can't Eat ? Appetite? A treatment of Ktretric Hitters increase your appetite; stu ilhlliieatlnn: you ean eal e v cr y t li i n ir . A real sprint: tunic fur liver, kidney and stoin acli troubles. C'leauses your t hole sys tem anil you feel line. Kleelric Hitters ,lil more for .1. l. 1'eebles stomach tumbles than any metlieine he ever tried, (let a buttle today. "oc ami $1 at your ilnurirlst. Pmeklen's Arnica Salve lor lieema. PKOI ESS10NAI. CARDS. WALTER E DANIEL. Attorney-at-Law, wi:i.it)N. v i . I'ractici s in tiie eouity of llalilas una Northampton an! in the Mipieme and l'eileral courts. I 'olleetions inii'le in all parts of North Caiolma. Hiancti oihce at Halifax 0ieu everv Monilav Win.L KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor lit Law, WLI.ImN, , C. Itiisiness piompity anil faithfully al teu.le.l to. Associated with Peebles Harris and Ouy V Miilyette in Halifax uperior Court practice. 2-'.'!)-tf GEORGE C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,) (National I'-unk l'.uiMiu); Weldon. N. C. KLLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N. C PHAiTirKs in the courts of Halifax and uiljotmiiir nmntit'H and iu the Su preuie court of the State. Special atten tion (riven tocollcctioiiH ami prompt re turuH. lo-U-ly wTj. WARD, DKNTIST, OKMCK IN UANIKL HClLWMif WKI.IXIN. N.('3 septa ly A. I. SCHISLER, CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveying; a Specialty, l'lioue SOI N. KMPOHIA, VA. D. E. STAINBACK, I NOTARY PUBLIC S And Eire Insurance. I Roanoke News Office -:- WelJui N.cl E. T. CLARK, "Aunt Chloe, do you think you are a Christian?" asked a preach er of an old negro woman who was smoking a pipe. "Yes, brudder, I 'spects 1 is." "Do you believe in the Bible?" "Yes, brudder." "Do you know there is a pas sage in the Scriptures that declares that nothing unclean shall inherit the kingdom of Heaven?" ',Yes, I'se heard it ?" "Well, you smoke, and there is nothing so unclean as the breath of a smoker. So what do you say to that?" Well, when 1 go dere I 'spects to leave my breath behind me." Kansas Farmer. Sometimes the foundation for a divorce suit is laid during the hon eymoon. Keep Bowel Movement Regular. Ir. Kllik'S New Life Pills keep stom ach, liver and kidneys in healthy condi tion. Kid the body of poisons and waste. Improve your complexion hy llusliitur the liver and kidneys. "I irot inore relief from one hox of lr. Knur's New l.tfe Pills than any medicine I ever tried," says t'. K. Ilatlield. of Chicago, 111. --tC. at vour drmririst. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLOON, X. ( Praeticrnin the courts ofllaiifax and adjoiuiuir ouuntiH and iu the Supreme court of the Mate. Special attention given to collt ctiotiH and prompt return T W. Maso, .1. A. WoKliKM. i iat yniniii;. N. Jaekuii X.C I.. I.ons VYeldoti, X. f. MASON, WORRELL & LONG, Attorneys-at-Law. Offices: Weldon. N. C. aud Jackson, N.C mv -JM lv THE VOICE OF CASH. And even a very tall man may noi be above criticism. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A It takes a sensible generate silence. Apropos of a young girl's rich marriage, Mayor Rockhill said at a reception in Akron: "Our girls don't marry disad vantageous us often as our boys do. In the whirl of love the fe male doesn't seem to gel as dizzy as the male. "A pretty girl told me the other day that she was engaged to a very rich landowner. " 'Well, well,' said I, 'and here we ail thought you'd marry the el" oqueni young preacher who took you about so much last summer.' The girl smiled. " 'Deeds speak louder than w6rds,'"she said. Washington Star. One way to dodge a breach ol promise suit is to buy a wedding ring. Coughed for Three Years) "1 urn a loverof your irodsend to hu manity and science. Your medicine, Dr. Kiuif's New I'iscovery, cuted my couirh of three year's standimr." says Jennie Fleminiutf, of New liover. Ohio. Have you annoymtr cotufh'.1 Is it stub born and wont yield to ti cat incur.1 ticl a .'sie. bottle of lr. Kind's New liiscov ery today. What it did for Jennie l- leiu milur it will do for you, no matter how stubborn or chronic a comrh may be. It stops a couth and stops throat and luuir trouble. Relief or money back, fine, and $1. at your drmririst. Buck leu's Arnica Salve for your pimples, Lots of the eccentricity of genius has mighty little genius to back it up. C r- 1 1 d r e n Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA woman to Children Ory FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA A DARK DEED. Wife (entering room wringing her hands with an expression of extreme agony) "Now I have done it. But it serves me right for not turning on the light. I might have known I would make a mistake." ' Husband (who is reading the papers) "Great guns ! What have you done? Taken bichlo ride?" Wife-"Bichloride? No. I put a two cent stamp on a postcard." Dad Tasic in Ihe Mouth Dizziness, and a general "no account" feeling is a sure OIK" uf a loipivi liVcl'. T!iO remedy is Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form). It exercises its greatest restorative effect in the liver, yet it is effective in the stomach and bowels. Indi gestion, constipation and their attendant evils disap pear before its powerful, regulating influence. Try its wholesome purifying proper ties. It will give you a good appetite, sound digestion and make you feel well. Sofrf by Dealers Price, Large Package, $1.00 A lor the ftauln. with IM Hrl t At i k-t, II ,o. cutnot in it. trmil m m. wt will mt4 It by wail. n-iwi4 ftlmmoo tjr.r Rrfutwar U .1. ul op m ltq.ul lor for thoM who Hw It riw U.M prJt toon. Look - Rei I UboL i. a. iep "O.. Prowttoioww Wood's Seeds Soja Beans THE COMING FORAGE AND SOIL-IMPROVING CROP. Farmer everywhere are entKtismstic in their praise. Contains more oil, milk and iat -producing qualities than any Other forage crop; at the same, are one of the sureit-cropping and largest-yielding crops grown. Wood's 1914 Descriptive Catalog gives full descriptions and information about all the best varieties of Soja Beans, Cow Peas, Velvet Beans, Sorghum:, Ensilage Corn, Millets, and all other Seasonable Seeds. Write for Wood's Doscrlptlvo Catalog and prices of any aeeds in which you are interested. T. W. WOOD tV SONS. Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. GREAT BARGAINS IN TY Pl-WITERRS. We carry a lunre Klnpk of olnn.Ur.l TynewritiTi. ('mi rumitili at onon Mou urt'li, Kox, Olivt-r. lti'iiiiii:toi), Uoval, Miiitli l'ri'inu r. 1.. ('. Smilli A llro.'s ami Tri'lt'i-woo,!. Anv otlirrniukf from I to !." ilayn' milieu. We have lioili the visible anl tlip inviniltle. bought a larire stock of thtw Typewriter from oue-fourtli to oue-lmlf the regular whole Hale price, ami ou sale now alono-looitli to one-half the roirular retail price. A (rood Typewriter from 7..'iu to ll'i. A heller one I7 ."mto .SO. The hent from M up to any price. Will he rlcl to answer any inquiry in connection with these machines, ami send samptea of the work done l any of tho Type writers we have, tvery boy and (rir should have one of our cheap Typewri ters to learn how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter ean demand a larire salary. 'Anyone who buys a cheap typewriter froni us and wants abetter one later, we will take back the one buuirht and allow the same paid for it in exchange for a belter one. if returned in food condition and within ix months, li uot in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type- writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. o

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