f ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$l.5C Vcr Ar.i imr VOL. XLIX. WELDON, N. (, TIIl'liSDA V, MAY 21, 1!)U. NO. 1 p it 'A The Kind You lfnvo Always Bought, and which lias boon In uho for over J30 yean, lnm borno the, hIkimIiii-o ut' and lnm ffif-fa. onnl supervision slnco lt Infancy. CCiCAtAi Allownoonft tiilipeh vnn in I li la- All Counterfeits, Imitation aud" Just-as-Knoil" uro hut Kxpcrlmi'iilit Unit trllle with andeiMluiiwrtlio lieulth of Infwits mid Chlldrou Experience) ugiiiiist Experiments What Is CASTORIA Cantorla Is a hnrmlcRS substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Suolhliifr Syrups. It Ig l'irauuiut. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substiiiioci. Its ntjo Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FeverislmeiM. It euros DLirrluim and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation aud Flatulency. It asiiiniiliitos the Food, regulates the Mtoinuoh and llowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Tauucea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. OE THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, N. C Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capilal aDfl Snrplns, $55,000. For over l!l years this institution has provided hanking utilities for this section. Its stockholder and officers arc identified with the husi ncss interests of Halifax anil Northampton counties. A Havings llepartment is maintained for the henelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Itank, In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Kix months or longer. .1 per cent. Twelve months or longer. 4 percent. ?Anv information will he furnished on PRIS1DBNT : W. E. DAN I FX, vira-fKKsuiaNT: W. It. SMITH. L. C. DltAl'lili, Teller. DI RECTO) W. It. Mmith, W. E. A . .C. House. .1.1,. Shepherd, V. A. I ma r n in m MASL'FACTUUKHS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDF.lt AND UECil l.AU STOCK MZEM. Oood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price .saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether you care to purchase now or later. no mstter what you combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with terms that make it easy to supply your needs will make you , of this store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C TANNER'S SOLD BY Pierce-Whiteliead Hardware Copy, WELDON, N. C. born made uiidor lilt per. Signature of application to the l'rcsidcntort'asliier eASlllKH: .1. 0. UKAKK, Daniel, J. O. Drake, W. M. Cohen. Pierce. 1). li. Zolhcollri, .1 . W. .-ledge ii m r vi I a ww tn lllUIIUUtviui iii vuiii jit u( , SOOD NEWS FROM THE Every housewife will ap need for the homeour a permanent customer ROOF P4M JENNY LIND AND GR1SI. ! As She Song She Was No Longer ! In the Presence ol Royalty, Hut I Singing to Loving Friends In j Her l-'atherlnnd. i We have recently rend it boun tiful incident, Jenny bind mid Orini wort rivals for popular fitvnr in London. Until were inviti'il to sinn the .Hume 1 1 i k ' t tit a court concert. Jenny bind lining tin younger, wing lirst, wits ho disturbed by tbo lierco Hcurnful look of (irisi that bIic wuk at the point of failure, when suddenly tin inspiration cutne to her. The accompanist was striking his final chords. She asked him to rise, and took the vacant seat. Her fingers wandered over the keys in a loving prelude, and then she sang a little prayer which she loved as a child. She hadn't sung it for years. As she sang she was no longer in the pres. ence of royalty, but singing to loving friends in her father land. Softly at first the plaintive notes flouted on the air, swell ing louder and richer every mo ment. The singer seemed to throw her soul into that weird, thrilling, plaintive "prayer." Gradually the song died away and ended in a sob. There was silence, the silence of admiring wonder. The audience sat spellbound. Jenny Linil lifted her sweet eyes to look in the scornful face that had so dis concerted her. There was no fierce expression now; instead a teardrop glistened on the long, black lashes, anil after a moment with the impulsiveness of a child of the tropics, (Irisi crossed to Jenny land's side, placed her arm about her and kissed her, utterly regardless of the audience. ( leorge T. An gell. PECULIAR CUSTOM. An old farmer and his wife lived near the village church. tine warm Sunday evening while, they sat dozing on the porch, the crickets set up a loud chirping. ''I just love that chirpin' noise," said the old man drow sily, and before the crickets had stopped he was fast asleep. Soon after the church choir broke into a beautiful chant. Just listen to that!" exclaim ed his wife, "ain't it beauti ful r" 'Yes," murmured the old farmer sleepily, "they do it with their hind legs." Doro thy A. Freoman. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Wood's Seeds Soja Beans THC COMING FORAGE AND SOIL-IMPROVING CROP. Farmer everywhere ere enthusiastic in their praise. Contains more oil, milk end fat-producing qualities than any other forage crop; at the same, are one of the surest-cropping and largest -yield-ing crops grown. Wood's 1914 Descriptive Catalog gives full descriptions and information about all the best varieties of Soja Beans. Cow Peas, Velvet Beans, Sorghums. Ensilage Corn. Millets, and all other Seasonable Seeds. Write for Wood's Descriptive) Catalog and prices of any seeds in which you are interested. T. W. WOOD 6 SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. io Ihe Fubiic ! I have for sale and am making ready for shipment a limited sup ply of The Cleveland Big Boll Cotton Seed. These seed have just been ginned and as soon as they can be delint ed they will be placed on sale F.O. B. my depot Enfield, N. C. at one- half their cost price to me $1.25 per bushel, cash with orders. - This is undoubtedly one of the greatest cotton now published among the cotton world. Yours truly, C. A. WILLIAMS, Sr., Rlnf wood, N. C. The Fact No amount of misrepresentation by the peddlers of alum baking powders, no jug gling with chemicals, or pretended analysis, or cooked-up certificates, or falsehoods of any kind, can change the fact that Royal Baking Powder has been found by the of II clal examinations to be of the highest leavening efficiency, free from alum, and of absolute purity and wholesomeness. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable for making finest and most economical food. THE BROKEN LINK. I now give up thy friendship 'tis a hard and bitter thing, But mine's a nature far too proud to bear neglect's cold sting. 'Tis a bitter lesson added to those already learned "The holiest feelings of ihe hc-.iri are ofienesi rudely spurned." And yet I do not blame thee the fault is really mine: 1 saw thee clad in vestments perhaps not truly thine; I deemed thy heart was noble, and tender as mine own, Alas ! 'twas but a mirage my soul had 'round thee thrown. Had this link by death been broken, oh, I would have bowed my head, And wept such tears as consecrate the memory of the dead ! I would have looked beyond the grave and, smiling, kissed the rod Which smote one of the noblest souls that ever came from God. Had misfortune fallen on thee, and the cold world passed thee by, I would have proudly stood the lest and met each scornful eye; Had any dared to whisper one word against thy name, I would have cast the slander back to those from whom it came. But no ! and yet, believe me, as 1 breathe this last farewell, No thought of bitterness or scorn doth in my bosom dwell, Too proud to be neglected, I can yet be true to thee, And break the link misfortune forged to fetter thee to me ! The world 1 trust will bring again, as in its path you stray, A love as gentle as the one so lightly cast away. Good-bye ! In sadness, not in wrath, I break the linked chain, Leaving only what is writ on thy false heart my name ! THEN AND NOW. The Old Drinking Cup Black The Virginia Board of Health , scant two hundred Raleigh pro issues a bulletin and illustrates the gressives who couldn't draw a uuiio.s ui uic u ihimi uuimo.B cup and urges individual paper j cups, ii tries iu suuw iiiui iiiimiums of germs great, gorgeous, crawl ing, man-eating germs roost in the drinking cup, and people should not use such a vessel. The old gourd that laid around the spring for all the summer is tabooed; the tin cup that was chained to the town pump when we were a boy is condemned everything that is possible for a germ roost is said to be capable of spreading disease. Really the wonder is that we all didn't die ten thousand years be fore we were born. Think of the million germs that roost in a man's chin whiskers. Think of the germ roosts every where and anywhere. Why, bless your soul, this germ theory is getting to be almost uni versaland germs are seen through powerful glasses every where you look. If you take a drop of water and look at it through a powerful glass, no mat ter how clear the water or how pure, it is nothing in the world but a clot of live things germs and bugs and wild cats and wolves and hyenas and buffalo and panthers and railroad magnates and life in surance agents and suffragettes. That is what they are in minature After ages they get on their feet and appear in slit skirts or spike tailed coats and then proceed to at tempt to eradicate the First Cause. We are a stickler tor health meas ures. We think that ordinary cleanliness is a good thing but this telling us that the old family gourd that hung by the moss cov ered bucket, the iron bound bucket, the old oaken bucket that fell in the well is a death-dealing, germ roosting zoological garden makes us weary, just a. little bit. We are willing to take our flour adultera ted; our coffee made of something else; our honey artificial and the butter oleomargarine. We are willing to accept the creed of the CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. flu Kind You Have Always Bought Bean the Blgnatnr of Remains Has Received a Very Eye. v.uu wiin reu-uiK advertisements as me rele thynge-the pure stuph ! but when it comes to telling us j that the old tin dipper out of which ! we drank water seven thousand, j "u,m,cu a,,u nn tunes was : man and he reaches him. He has a nest of germs that spelled death fdt the salvation which he preaeh and desirucnon-we pause, and in es, and he is thus able to bring a pausing we want to know more knowledge of it to those who need about a. If ,he germs are that j jt. He is a power for good where um. we must perforce breath them in the air we live upon; we must sleep with them, we must eat them and everything we tcuch, according to the theory is germ laden. What we should do is to have a constitutional amendment against germs. They should have the curfew ordinance applied. They should be used for fish bait thev should be seggregated. We often think that it isn't quite the caper to drink water out of a dirty glass, where a half hundred foul - breathed buzzards have slacked their thirst-but so far as the old family dinner the handled gourd which hung in the kitchen a thousand years before he fading of the clorv of Alevm dna-well, we expect to make preachments against discrediting the gourd. Germs, why bless your soul, man, we have seen men with that Sublime Thirst strain corn likker through their handkerchiefs to get the gnats out of it, drink the likker and live 200 years. The dirtiest tramp on the road is the one who is never sick. The infant that makes mud pies and wades in the mud puddle is the one with the brightest cheeks, and the hot house plant that swats germs and fears a personal attack every time he sees a gourd where oilier people have quenched their thirst generally keeps the undertaker hopeful. However we do not want to dis credit Wall-eyed Science because Wall-Eyed Science is quite a fad-dtst.-tverything. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Why waste time criticizing your faults? Your friends will do it for you free of cost. A GOOD PREACHER. Billy Bryan's Idea ol Billy Sun day. To call the Reverend William A. , Sunday "Billy" is not a discour-; tesy bin an evidence of alfeciion. ' It was the name by which he was known when he was a ball player, j and he has not found it neeevMiry j to maintain his dignity by frowning ' upon a familiarity which his genial i ! nature invites. Like Sam Jones, ' he is the recipient of praise and abuse of praise from those whose hearts have felt the influence of his powerful appeals, of criticism from ihose who have not come into contaci with him or are igno-1 rant of the effective service he has rendered to the cause of righteous- j ness. It is said that he is drama- i lie well, life has its dramatic mo ments, and nature does not always speak in whispers. The thunder, the lightning, the earthquake and the hurricane, as well as the mead ow brook, the evening zephyr and the glowing sunset, give us ', glimpses of nature. Sunday should not be condemn-j ed because he does not follow the j beaten oratorical path. No two j speakers are alike if they are worth comparing; no speaker can sue- j cessfully imitate anoiher speaker, j and he will not want to unless he is more interested in his manner than in his message. Some min isters have complained that Sunday ; is unconventional. But what of that if the Lord gives him souls i j finds fault with Sunday should, ! ! before complaining, be sure thai j j he can offer in support of his kind : of preaching a longer list of names ) of persons who have been con ! veried. If your neighbor tells you : he has no use for Billy Sunday, take ! him to one of Sunday's meetings ( and let him sit spell bound, as i thousands do nightly, and listen to his presentation of the Gospel. ! , One experience will convirce him ' that a man who can be instrunien- i tal in me regeneration or human hearts and in strengthening his ;sj hearers to a better life is not labor ing in vain. livery agency of evil, every ma- j nipiilator of the ni.in traps, every 1 : conspirator against the purity of! ; youth or the virtue of manhood or ! womanhood all these will instinc- ' lively protest against Sunday's 1 entrance into their town. Is that j not enough to assure the well- meaning man on which side of the scales his influence should be cast? j Billy Sunday knows the average ever he goes From a signed arti- j cle by Mr. Bryan. j A FIRST CLASS ANTHliM. A sailor who had been to a church service where he heard some fine music was afterward descanting upon an aniliem which had given him great pleasure. A listening shipmate finally ask ed: "1 say, Bill, what's a hanthem?" ' "What?" exclaimed Bill. "Do you mean to say you don't know what a hanthem is?" "Not me." "Well, then, I'll tell yer. If 1 ! was 10 ask yer' "re H'"' fiive I me 'anJ-sPikei' ll,al wouldn't i be a hanthem. But if was to s.iy, Bill, Kill, Bill, give, give, give I me, give me that spike, Bill, give j me that that that 'and 'andspike, ! 'and 'andspike, spike, spike, Alt men, Ahmen, Ahmen, Bill, give me 'andspike, spike, Ahmen, that would be a hanthem." why Coughed lor Three Year ' I am a imri of out uoiUemi to hu manity ailil science. Vulll Illetlu'llH', llr. Kini'n New iicnvi'iy. cuiimI my Couirli of tin ee year's Htatnlimr." avn Jennie ricmmniK-, of New finer, Ohio. Have you annnymi? couirh? In it Mltih horn ami wont yiel-1 to treatment'.' Oct a one. liottle ol tr. Kind's New Pmcov ery tolay. What it ili-1 for Jennie 1'lem niimt it will do for you, no matter how stuhliorn or chronic a couirh muy he. It stops a couirh ami topn tlnoat ami limit trouble. Relief or money hack. 5tlc. aiil $1. at your ilrugirist. ltuck len's Arnica Salve for your pimples. And it is easier to some people than through a glass eye. see through it is to see The curiosity of some enables others to live without working. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Reliable evidence is abundant that women are constantly being restored to health by Lydia f-. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The many testimonial letters that we are continually pub lishing in the newspapers hundreds of them are all genu ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude for the freedom from suffering that has come to these women solely through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Money could iwnt buy nor any kind of influence obtain such recommendations; you may depend upon it that any testimonial we publish is honest and true if you have any doubt of tli is write to the women whose true names and addresses are always given, and learn for yourself. Read this one from Mrs. Waters: Camden-, X..I.- ''I was sick for two years with nervous spells, and my kidneys were iitl'eeteil. I had a doctor all the time and used a giikanie fiattery, lint imtliiiif,' did me any good. I was not able to go to lied, Imt sm iiI in V time on a couch or in a sleeping-chair, and soon became almost a skeleton. Finally my doctor went away for his health, and my husband heard of l.ydja K. l'inkham's Vcgetablo Compound uml gut ine some In two months 1 tfot relief and now I am like a new woman and am at my us.ial weight. 1 recommend your medicine tocscry one and so does my husband." Mrs. Tii-lis W'atkiis, li;i5 Knight St., Camden, N.J. And this one from Mrs. Haddock: Vtica, Oki.a. " I was weak and nervous, not aliletodn my work and scarcely able to be on inv feet. I had backache, headache, palpi tation of the heart, trouble with my bowels, and inflammation, Since taking the. J.ydia K. I'inklnim's Vegetable Coiiiioimd I am better than I have lieen for twenty years. I think it is a wonderful medi cine and 1 have recommended it to others." Mrs. Maky Ann IIad pock, I tica, Oklahoma. Now answer this question if you can. Why should a woman continue to suffer without first giving Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound a trial? You know that it lias saved many others why should it fail in your case? For 30 years l.ydin V.. I'lnldinm's Vegetable Compound Ims been ttie standard reniedytorfe male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does Justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine mndu from roots and lierlis, it has restored so many sutler ini; women to health, I yWritefol.VIHA K.l'l NK II AM MKIMCIMTO. &S MONHItKNUAl,) I.YW. ASS., for advice. Your letter will lie opened, read and answervd by a woman and held in strict euatldenuu. Pipit II Jnl Hollow Her Haed VHE slory of a woman J who protects the girl mS slayer of her husband ..Jr t. .. rpvn,T,llnnn ... . . b- his lamily ror the persecution she endured at their hands during her young wifehood. Our next serial you'll enjoy ill c- .... .. ., George Barr McCutcheon at His Best in our new serial ' The Hollow of Her Hand Don't Miss It I An unusual, compelling, absorbing mystery The Hollow of Her Hand Watch for the first installment in this paper ! GRt AT BARGAINS IN TYPHWITCKRS. i Yec;m a Uiyr Murk of Mun.luul j Tvpt'W titers, ran lumii i once Mou ' arch. fox. Oliver. Kemiuirton. Koyal, ; Minlli I'leinier. I. V. Minth A l'.io.V I and I'ndeiwoud. Any other make trnm I t't l.'idav;' notice. have hoth the viable and the invisible. Wo hontfht a I Iuil'o stock ol' these Typewriter horn one-fourth to one-lmlf the reirular wliole- 1 suit price, and on sale now at one-fouith to one-nan tne reiruiar man prices, a Hood Typewriter from 5-7. o to jl.Y A better oue 17 .hi to ''N.MI. Ihe best from $.!" up to any price. Will he clad to answer any imjuirv in connection with these machines, and send samples of the work done by any of the Type writers we have. Kverv hov aud Kir should have one of our cheap Typewri ters to leatn how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter cau demand a larpe salary. Anyone who buvs a cheap tvpcwuter Ironi us ami wants ft better one later, we will take back the one houcht and allow thesame mid for it in exchange for a better one, if returned in (rood condition and within six months, li not in pooti condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons aud other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WET.OON, ft. C ybr7WBft PROH-SSIONAL CARDS. VVALTI-k I;. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, W KI.ltoN, s. r. Piiii-tici s i;i lite courts of Halifax and Noitli:t;tiiin unl iii l In Supreme and l-nlrrul rnuit. .illcetuniK made in all pails of Nm ih ( untliua. Ilrauch office ut Halifax upcu every Monday Win. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WKl.lKiX, N. ('. Kusiiu-ss pnmiitlv aud laithfully at tended in. Associated with 1'eehleHA HarriM and oay Midyt'tte in llalilax Sunerior Court practice. 2-29-tf OtiORGH C. URKEN, ATTORNEY-" AT-LAW,' (National Hank liuil.linif) . Weldon. N. C KI.I.IOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I1AI.II AX, X. C. Pld kactu'k in tue courts ol llalilax aud Ijnininif counties and iu the Su piviiu- cuurl ol the Mate. rpecial allt'U turn ifiven to collections and proirpt re turns. NMMy W, J. WARD, DKNTIST, 01 1 ii k in 1'amki. nnuuxor WELDON, S.CJ sepl2 ly A I. SCHISLER, CIVIL ENGINEER,. Surveying a Specialty l'honc 2nl V r.MlKiKlA, VA. I). E. STA1NBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. talk; Nuts llllkc - Wtllm N.f. & T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDOS.N.O. Practices in the courts of Halifax aud ailjoiuinir counties anil it the iSuprcme court of the State. Special attention ifiven to collections and prompt returns T. V. .Mason, J A. Wokrkil liarysbursr. N. C. Jackson N.C W. I.. Lonu, Weldon, K. ('. MASON, WORRELL & LONG, Attorneys-at-Law. Offices: Weldon, N. C.and Jkon,N.C mjrWly J

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