ESTABLISHED IN 1860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.5C Kr AniumiJ VOL. XLIX. WE L DON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY lis, 1!1 I, NO. 1 is? f! NO WHISKEY THAT DAV. fna? . :. GASTQRIA ALriMIOL 3 PER ft NT. AVctSciiittlePn-naraiioiiltTis similailnJilicFoudMlIifijiila lingllii'SioiMteaiidlkwisaf Promolcsni'icslionjChefifo' ness ar.rt fcsi.Coiilains neitnr Opium.Morphinc norMiucrl! M)TARCOTIC. jttcfa ifouocsmnmam fb'iiti? &ej JlxStmta 1 JMrlrSMs- I AustSml I'lKifttimt lliiarbonukSm Suijor miruyni i'lmr. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Aperfect Remc dy forConsltpj Mon, Sour Slouacli.DlarrtKM Worms .Coimilsioiis.Frvrrish iwrssawlLossorSLEtR , Facsimile Signature of j NEW YORK. Ad In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. OE THE BANK OF YELDON wi:ldon, n. v- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. For over L'l years, thin institution has provided banking facilities for thin section. Its stockholders and olliects are identilird with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings lcpartment is inatntatned for the benefit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings bank, in this I'epartinent interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits, allowed lo remain three months or longer, li per cent. Six months or longer, A per cent. Twelve months or longer. . percent. Any information will he furni-hcd on application to the President 01 Cashier PRRSl DKNT : W. K. DAN I FX, VlCR-l'KKsipKNT: W. K. SMI TH. L. C. IMI Al'Ki;. Teller. 1'AstltKIt: .1. O. IUMKK. 1I ItKU'W.t' V. II. Smith, W. K. Daniel, .1. (. Drake. W. M. Cohen, A. ('. Houk'.J.L. Shepherd. W. A. l'ieny, D. li. oHu-oll'ei, .! . W. Sledge OE I The Discontinuance of the Use of : Whiskey at Harn Raisings j Christiana Dickson, the wife of ! one of the first settlers of Erie ; county, Pa., was a small, blue- eyed, low-voiced woman, exireme ly timid, hut she had u horror of drunkenness, says an exchange. She lived in the days when the use of liquor was universal, liui when her sons were bom, she re solved to put a stop to whiskey- drinking, in her home. Her hus band being absent, her brothers called for the help of the neigh bors, according to custom, lo put up a barn, needed on her farm. They all assembled and went to work, whilst she prepared a great dinner. After an hour or two, whiskey was asked for. She re fused to provide it. Her brothers, and, at last, an elder in the church, came to rea son with her, to tell her that she would be accused of meanness. Without a word the little woman went to the barn, and baring her head, stepped upon a log and spoke to them : "My neighbors," said she, "this is a strange thing. Three of you are my brothers, three of you are my friends. I have prepared for you the best dinner in my power. If you refuse to raise the barn without liquor, so be it. But I would rather see the limbers rotted where ihey lie than 10 give you whiskey." The men angrily went home, the little woman returned to the house and for hours cried as though her heart would break. But the next day every man came back, went heartily to work, en joyed her good dinner, and said not a word about whiskey. This led to the discontinuance of the use of whiskey at barn-rais ings in the country. Her sons grew up strong, vigorous men, and did good work in helping to civilize and Christianize the world; their descendants are all of a high type of intellectual and moral men and women. If she had yielded this little point, they might have become, like many of their neigh bors drunkards. M A N l' F ACTl! I! KIW OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOIiDKIt AM) l!K il l. Alt STOCK SIZK.S. flood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. GOOD NEWS EROM THE I I Li Every housewife will ap preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether you care to purchase now or later. No matter what you need for the homeour combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with terms that make It easy to supply your needs will make you a permanent customer of this store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C REMARKABLE CASE of Mrs. HAH Declares Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Saved Her Life and Sanity. Shamrock, Mo. " I feel it my duty to tell the public the condition of mv incaitn before using your medicine. I had falling, inflamma tion and congestion, female weakness, pains in both aides, backaches and bear ing down pains, waa short of memory. nervous, impatient. passed sleepless nicrhts. and 'iad neither Rtrnncth nor energy. 1 here wns always a fear and dread in my mind, I had cold, nervous, weak snells. hot llashes over mv hnriv I had a place in my right side that waa so Bore mat i could hardly bear the weight of my clothes. I tried medicines nnn doctors, nur, iney did me little good. ami i never exnerrprf tn cnt mi, I got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ComnnunH And Rlravt Piirtfiov nA T m. tainly would have been in grave or in an ufviuin u your memcines naa not s&vea me. But now I can work all day, sleep wen at nignt, eat any tning 1 want, have no hot flashes or weak, nervous nIL All pains, aches, fears and dreads are gone, my house, children and husband MrP no longer nutrluntiut na I an, &ln,A e-- ai annuo. entirely free of the bail symptoms 1 had Mtmi!K juur nrmeuies, anu an pleasure and hanninesii in mv hnm. " Mrs. Josib Ham. R. P. n. 1 Rot w Shamrock, Missouri. If you want Kpoolnl advice wrlto i.yuin r.. I'liikiiam Ile ltclne Co (confidential) Lynn, Moss. I if:, J", - I", 1 i ; "IT.' 'i TANNER'S ROOF P4IHI SOLD BY in,; Pierce-Whitehead Hardware tap WELDON. N. C, !o h Public ! have for sale and am making ready For shipment a limited sup ply of The Cleveland Big Boll Cotton Seed. These seed have just been ginned and as soon as they can be delint ed they will be placed on sale F.O. B. my depot Enfield, N. C. at one- half their cost price to me $1.25 per bushel, cash with orders. This is undoubtedly one of the greatest cotton now published among the cotton world. Yours truly, C. A. WILLIAMS, Sr., Rln.wood, N, C. BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE OVER THE RIVER. Over the river they beckon to me Loved ones who've crossed to the farther side; The gleam of their snowy robes I see, But their voices are drowned in the rushing tide. There's one with ringlets of sunny gold, And eyes, the reflection of heaven's own blue; He crossed in the twilight, gray and cold, And the pale mist hid him from mortal view, We saw not the angels who met him there; The gates of the city we could not see; Over the river, over the river, My brother stands waiting to welcome me ! Over the river, the boatman pale Carried another the household pel; Her brown curls waved in the gentle gale Darling Minnie ! I see her yet, She crossed on her bosom her dimpled hands, And fearlessly entered the phantom bark; We watched it glide from the silver sands, And all our sunshine grew strangely dark. We know she is safe on the farther side, Where all the ransomed angels be; Over the river, the mystic river, My childhood's idol is waiting for me. For none return from .hose quiet shores, Who cross with the boatman cold and pale; We hear the dip of the golden oars, And catch a gleam of the snowy sail And lo ! they have passed from our yearning heart They cross the stream, and are gone for aye; We may not sunder the veil apart, That hides from our vision the gates of day. We only know that their barks no more May sail with us o'er life's stormy sea; Yet somewhere, I know, on the unseen shore, They watch, and beckon, and wail for me. LITTLE BY LITTLE. Little by little the time goes by Short, if you sing through it, long, if you sigh, Little by little an hour a day, Gone with the years that have vanished away, Little by little the race is run; Trouble and wailing and toil are done ! Little by liitle the skies grow clear; Little by little the sun comes near; Little by little the days smile out, Gladder and brighter on pain and doubt; Little by little the seed we sow Into a beautiful yield will grow. Little by little the world grows strong, Fighting the buttle of Right and Wrong; Little by little the Wrong gives way Little by little the Right has sway, Little by little all longing souls Struggle up near the shining goals. Little by little the good in man Blossoms to beauty, for human ken; Little by little the angels see Prophecies better of good to be; Little by little the God of all Lifts the world nearer the pleading call. COOD-CHILDREN STREET. There's a dear little home in Good-Children Street My heart turneth Fondly today Where tinkle of tongues and patter of feet Make sweetest of music at play; Where the sunshine oF love illumes each face And warms every heart in the old fashioned place. For dear little children go romping about With dollies and tin tops and drums, And, my ! how they Frolic and scamper and shout Till bedtime too speedily comes ! Oh, days they are golden and days they are fleet With little folks living in Good-Children Street. But, when Falleth night over river and town, Those linle Folks vanish from sight, And an angel all white from the sky cometh down And guardcth the babes through the night, And singeth her lullabies tender and sweet To the dear little children in Good-Children Street. Though elsewhere the world be o'erburdened with care, Though poverty fall to my lot, Though toil and vexation be always my share. What care I they trouble me not ! This thought maketh life ever joyous and sweet: There's a dear little home in Good-Children Street. EuNGt-NE Field. MEN TO MARRY. Fcom "Truining the Uirl," by W. A Mck'eever, (Maimillian). EDWIN CLARKE Hardware Paints and Oils As to nui', tin; siinic tlicori't.ic ruli' obtains fur liim as fur the woman, tin: maximum uf phys ical ami mi-nt.'il ri'iiiliiicns prob ably Ix-hitf to years at'trr the bcnitmintf of adciliweiici'. Hiscomnioii schooling slmuM bo about the same as that re quired for the younu; woman, and it would lie well, in case of an actual mating, if they had both attended the same type? of common school. Durino; all tho years of his physical development the yoiint? man should have been con stantly trained and disciplined in the performance of the max- j imiim variety of such work as j the ordinary home, shop ami 1 field provide for the growing boy. Resides having had ample ex- perience in the performance of a variety of a plain boy work, he should also be thoroughly trained and skilled in some bread winning occupation, with a thought of making it his life work. Ho should have been kept clean and pure in his moral life and should have a very high respect for the inherent worth and the reasonably guarded virtue of ordinary womanhood, His wealth may not necessa rily consist of a consider able amount of m o n e y saved or in prospect of an in heritance; provided, that he he trained as sketched above, ami that he have developed in his character a genuine money earning capacity. He should be well informed as to the nature and status of women of various classes anil should especially know what traits of character in young woman constitute a guarantee of satisfactory wifehood and motherhood. He should have the habit of being frank and honest and courageous in his business dealings and should possess a sense of his responsibility as a breail-winner for the family of which he expects to he the head? He should possess a genuine interest in children, he should have considerable theoretical knowledge about their care and training, and should be consci ous of a father's full duty in respect to all other family matters. 1 if! YOU WILL SAVE 60 cts. PER GAL. THIS IS HOW Buy 4 gals. I.. M. SEMI-MIXKI) REAL PAINT, at $2.10 per gal. - $8.40 And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to mix with it - - - 2.10 You then make 7 gals, of pure paint for - - $10 50 It's only $1.50 per gal. Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINT. Whereas, if you buy 7 gals, of ready-for-use paint in CANS, you pay $2.10 a gal. or $14.70. '. i- a m si MiMixh.n itr.M. m.ntu pi ke irwre lead. IC mill V:: 1 OH., r.'.c ','.,(-Anc-vcu paint niiilvrintj lor 1 00 yiir.t. f L'r-c- a oat c! any L.A.M. PAINT you liuy, and II not Hit- best 'r:ul mailt', return the p i nt .l.ii yet ALL your money back. I THE CHARMINli MOTHER. Don't Lose Sight of the Idea I hat Mother Can Make Herself the ; Hest Iriend of Mer Children Some men regularly use kind nessif unable to find a club. SALLOWNESS This disorder is due to a torpid liver involving the stomach and bowels. To correct the trouble take SIMMONS RED Z UVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) When the complexion is sallow and you have spells of vertigo (blind staggers) on stooping or rising sud denly and your bowels are irregular, with much flatulence (wind in the bowels) you are badly in need of Simmons Liver Regulator. The liver is the cause of alt the trouble and when the liver is at fault, there is nothing more effective. Simmons Liver Regulator quickly restores sound, healthy conditions in the liver, stomach and bowels; sweetens the breath, helps digestion and brings back the ruddy hue of health to the complexion. SoU by Dealm JYfctf, Large Package, $1.00 kA Im the tcnuln. with ttw Rd Z on lb l.b.1. II you cannot set il. trmil lo ut. w. vill wnd II br mill, pntiptid. Simmon liitl ftriulitor I, ,'m, put up In llitultt Ion. lo, ihow vbo prrlr it. Vtxt S1.U0 ncf kvk Uk tul Ibe Red Z UteL I. B. ZFIlt A CO., rroprlalora ftl. Louli, Ml.auurt One of our boy friends suys his mother is the best friend he has besides being his mother. "Dad's pretty clever," he says, "but moni nier's my chum.' We often think how fortunate thai boy is His dearest friend is his nioiliei, ;md no one has to guess she is a woman of ideal type. "Me and maw's just like this," be said, clos ing both hands together. "She's always giving me what she knows I like to eat, and mor'n that we've got a date to go to the Bijou every Thursday night. Maw told me one of her secrets, and that is thai she beats the grocery bill out of enough every week to take us kids to the movies. I've got a kid brother and a cute little sister, and maw's just as much their Iriend as she is mine, but so long's she does n't get too gay and honey those i kids mor'n she does me, I'm goa j anna stand in with her " ! I here is a mother who has a I line on the kids instead of a rod. 1 She does not slip away from them ! and see the picture show by her ; self that is on Thursday night. That is their night off, and each i one of them knows three big men President Wilson, Jim Howard, and Percy Wells. Thai is a true bill. Don't lose I . sight of the idea that mother can i make herself the best Friend of her j i children. She can get their conti- dence as no one else can. Chil 1 drcn who are scolded and sent to bed, so mother can hsve all the fun herself, grow up with the idea that the only time they will ever have is when they can get big enough to climb out the window so they can see what's going on down town. While dad's busy worrying about making the living, there is on mother's shoulders the tremendous responsibility of mak ing herself the friend of the chil dren so they won't place where the boys and girls are compelled to stay till they get to thinking home is some sort of horrid place. It is a poor home from which a girl hopes to escape when some sort of beau takes a notion to claim her, or the boys long for the time when they can get out and be "a man among men." The chummy mother is worth her weight in gold, and when the declining years come apace, her children will be her companions in the day that solace is worth more to her than the gold reserve in the United States Treas uryWashington Star. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A An ideal preacher is one who can preach loud enough to wake up all thd sinners without disturbing the slumbers of the men whocontibute the most. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER l. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WKI.IKIN. N. (!. I'laclieeN in tin' t'utnts uf Halifax anil Surlham 'I'm uinl in tin- h e ri 1 1- ami I'Vilrial t'ulllts. I ol Ici'l H His III ai 1 i- in all parts ut" Noi tli I amliiia. Iliain'li ollice at Halifax ufi-n i'vitv Momlay Win. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Couiisellor-ul-Law, WKI.Ihin, Y r. hutiiit'ss irmillv aii'l UullifiiMv at'.l In. .Wui'iatfl iwtli I'lvl ir llanis ami I, ay Mi'lyi-Ue in Halifax Supt-iiur I 'mill pi'iu'lirr. --I'li-tf (iliOktil: C. (iRFEN, A TTOKNLY-AT-LAW, (Nutiomil I '-ank I'.uiMmK Weldon. N. C. ELLIOTT li. CLARK, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, !i ur, . c. PHAOH i. iii tlj' i-mirls ui'Huhfux ami U'Ijiiiiiuil: rou ill n- :ui'l hi t!ir u prcutf iMiutl nl' tin- Mute. f.tri:il attrii- ItOIl l!lrll It' full.ftlull!- Ull'l 'l t in j 'I if- turns H-f, tV VV. J WARD, in: YnsT, iiMU L in I'.wiki, r.rii.hivi WKl.l'UN. N.('5 ..pi - Iv A I. SCHISI.FR, CIVIL l:N(jlNLLR, Surveying a Specialty I'lltiue N I.MI'OUIA, V.. I). F. STAIN HACk, I NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. I Rnaiwli Vs im'icc -:- WiH N I I E. T. CLIK, isl. ATTORNEY AT LAW, wianoN, n, r. I'rnetKTs in the courts oftlalifax and ailjuuinii: eounlu's ami il liir Mipn na' court of tin- Mate. Special attention irivcn to collect ions ami prompt returns T. U M si,x. I tiiry-lnui.', N. r. V. 1.. l.osu. Ktiauo .1. A. VY. 'I;l.r.! I, n YC i.N, X. Kapi.l MASON, WORRELL 8 LONG, Attorneys-at-Law. lioaiiukf Kapi.l 111 V Iv tlllieet s, N. V. ami .lackson.X.C DEATHLESS TESTIMONY. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A man does nothing original when he makes mistakes. Keep Dowel Movement Regular. .r. Kings New Life Pills keep stom ach, liter and kidneys in healthy condi tion. Uid the body of poisons and waste. Improve yout complexion by Hushing the liver and kidueys. "I got more relief from one box of Ur. King's New Life Pills titan any medicine 1 ever tried," sayi C. . Hatfield, of Chicago, Til. 2)0. at your druggist. "I expect to pass through this world but once; if, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do, to any fellow human being let me do it NOW. Let me not defer or neg lect it, for I shall not pass this way again. "Let this be my epitaph: "What I spent I had; What 1 saved 1 left behind; What I gave I took with me." From epitaph on the tomb ol Edward Courtenay, the Earl of Devonshire. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A WOOD'S SEEDS Veivet Beans make larger growth than cow peaj or any other ioil-im-proving crop; also cost less to seed per acre. It only requires about a peck to seed an acre, and they make such a rapid and enormous growth that they soon cover the ground wherever they are sown. Plant in rows four to five feet apart, dropping two or three beans about a foot apart in the row. "Wood's Crop Special" giv ing prices and full information about Velvet Beans and all other Seasonable Seeds, mailed free. T.W.'Wood bisons, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWITERRS. Wo carry a law stork of stan.luril Typfwntt'i's. ran fit t n isti at oiioe Mon aivli. Fox. Olivi-i. liiMnniiMon. Royal, Smith Premier, I., t'. Smtlli - l!io.' aihl liulfiwiHi.l, Any oilier make from ."to 1.'. laV uolioe. We have luith the vimhle and the tnvisille. We houiilit a larne stuck iiCtlne Typewriters from oiie-lVmi th tu tn.t'-hnll i he ii uulai v hole sale price, ani iu sulriiouat unt -Ioutth tonne-halt the regular retail prices. A (jootl Typevuitt i fiinn ' .Mi ti A better one IT -'tu , ;.0. The hest from '!" p lu ' piu'e. Will hi ylal to answer any uniiirv in connection with these machines, ami semi samples of the work thine h any of the Type writers we havii. Kveiy hoy ami tfir ohoukl have one of our cheap Typewri ter to learn how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can tleinaml a laie salary. Anyone who buys a cheap typewriter from us ami wants a heller one later, we will take back the tine houtrht ami allow the same paid for it in exchange for a better one, if returned in good condition and within six mouths, li not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS.BROS. Liver cms.-. TftbUU. Notlu: . Ml M tnwti'ui WEI.OON. N, O

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