"lifs IDhI l'fBaia ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription Si. Sli Per Annum VOL. XI AX. WKLDON, N. ('., TIITWSDAY. .JI N i: 2., I. NO. ! ,ll.l (Mil. I. 3 i'KK CI.N1V AM'rifiiihli'I'ropnnniiiiiliTls s i mi la I ' tirt ; Jh- -,,( j llm r Uci'ura g lingua- Sumitlis aisilliwlsi 1. - A 5a . F5S mi 22 l.fct &"2 PromolesDiii'slionrkftfiil npssiintliL'suCuniilnsnriilw Cpiuiu.Morphinc norMiatraL MTNAHCOTIC. Rmf&tn Seed" Jlx.Xetma lliCarboiiatiSw him Setd Clcttlitil Suijgr ftjVajrrtiM tow. Anrrfert Remedv for Crinslina- lion, Sour SloiiiaclUliarrtora Worms .Coimilsioiis.lTvcmli ncssaiulLossorSLEKR Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. mm THE AGED CHRISTIAN MOTHER. Her liyesight is Almost done; liut the Splendors o( the Celestial City kindle t'p Her Vision. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature AST KT3 I TTTTT 7-iTI. .i. buaranlced urilFtRcl" III" I Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CINTAUH CCMUNV, NIW VOHH OITV. HE HE THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON, X. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Deposiiory. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplns, $55,000. For ovi'r -1 yea this institution has provided hankinc facilities for this section. Its stockholders and oilicus aic i.h-ntiiii .1 nith the busi ness interests of Halifax and Noilhampton counties. A Savintrs Department is maintained fur the hi noiil of all who ilesne to deposit in a savinirs Hank. In this Dcpailiiieiit interest is allowed us folluxvs: Fur Deposits allowed toreniain three mouths or lunger, e per cent, six months or lomrer, : per cent iwelx e nionthsot longer, percent. Any information will lie furnished on application In the I'rosi.lcntnirashiei To its it is a beautiful sight to ! see an aged Christian mother busk- j iiig in the sunset of a life that has : been nobly lived. X'e visit her at j her home. There she sits the j old Christian mother ripe for heaven. Her eyesight is almost! gone; hut the splendors of the i Celestial City kindle up her vision. The gay light of heaven's morn has struck through the gray locks which are folded back over the wrinkled temples. Nie stoops very much now under the burden of care she used to carry for her children. She sits at home today, too old to find her way 10 the house of God; but while she sits there, all the past comes hack to her and the children that forty years ago trooped around her arm chair with their 'ittle griefs and joys and sorrows those children are all gone now. Some caught up into the heller realm, where they shall never die, and others out in the broad world, attesting the excellency ol a Christian moth er's doctrine. I ler last days are full of peace, and calmer and sweeter will her spirit become un til the gales of life shall lift and let the worn out pilgrim into eternal spring-tide and youth where the limbs never ache and the eyes never grow dim, and the staff of the exhausted and decrepid pil grim shall become the palm of the immortal athlete. UOT THE JOB. BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE Insures the most delicious and healthful food ly the use of lloyal Hiking Powder a peat many more art ides of food may lie readily made at home, all healthful, de licious, and economical, adding much variety and attractiveness to the menu. The" Royal Maker and Pastry Cook," cont.-liliiiiir. live linoiireil praelieal receipts lor all kinds ol baking ion! cookery, free. Address lloxal Jiakinj; Powder Co., New York. THE OLD CIRCUS. The Papers Say The Circus About to (io Out. Tito papt'i s say, and i . tin- paper ; know, t hal ; t i 1 1 1 circus is about to of liiisjiit-ss. Thry say . ''biggest, slmxv mi oartl about I'-adv In quit, till' Dill gO (lilt that the " N just because I" Ho lletesteil, 'I'll, pii't lire show thine; ill reali Civil clepliatll ailv now longer iii i say I he 1 1 1 ( ing lis liniloit every iii, from the sa- to the l,eaf,e,l M fon all the peopli and lited city is mi longer sarv in the win Id's com- f U AWAY OUT IN THECGIINTRY. Sfc ! Away out in die country, where there is no ceaseless roar, Where it's eight miles to the railroad and it's three miles "' ... .i is pleasure and perhaps some io the store, There is hope and there maiden there Has contrived to make somebody think her fairest of the fair. fBKilliKSl : w. t:. uiNiia., VIl K-ritlislliHN I V. 1!. SMITH. I.. C. DUAl'L'U.Tell slKH: ii. I 'Ham;. lUHI-CTOUS-W. Ii. Smitli. W. I-:. Hamel. H. T. Ii.iniel, .1. 1.. hepher.l, W. A. pu ree, .1 (i Inakc. XV. X IV II. ZolllcoUrr, .1 . Cohen. XV. sle,lL-e OE 3E Dixon & Poole ilanufiiduniiir (iiikiii) Once upon a time there was a boy, and he applied for a job. "We don't want lay boys here. Are you fond of work?" asked the boss. "No, sir," answered the boy looking the boss straight in the face. "Oh, you're not, aren't you? Well, we want a boy that is." There ain't any," insisted the boy, doggedly. "Oh, yes, there are. We have had a doen of thai kind here this morning looking for a situation with us." "How do you know they are not lay ?" persisted the boy. "Why, they told me so." "So I could have told you so; but I'm not a liar." He got the job. M.iM'l'AC'I'l'UFKS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOHHF.lt AND liFiil'I. X It STOCK sl.Ks, Good Materials, MlRh Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. Iii S til ! 1 AN OMINOUS AI)A(U;. When a lady patient living far from town had to telephone for her physician she apologized for asking hint to come such a dis tance. "Don't speak of it,' said the doc tor cheerfully; "I happen to have another patient in that vicinity and so can kill txvo birds with .one stone." Away out in the country, where the fragrant lilacs blow There are people who have never seen a moving picture show; Bui they may not need your pity, though the thrills they have are few; They may go to bed untroubled by such cares as come to you. Away out in the country, where the woods are full of song And the hens are cackling loudly and few men are going wrong, There are people who are never filled with fear or discon tent When the grocer wants his money or it's time to pay the rent. Axvay out in the country, where no mobs disturb the peace There are people who are happy, though their neighbors' Sij. gains increase. There are men and there are women who believe that life iri. is sweet, 'j'i Though they aren't busy spending all on what they wearijf. and cat. '5'' 'C $'4 t(r $'6 ?A?A?A?A?A ?A ?A?ASf Every housewife will ap preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether you care to purchase now or later. No matter what you need for the homeour combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with terms that make it easy to supply your needs will make you a permanent customer of this store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C MRS. WINN'S ADVICE TO WOMEN Take Lydia E.Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and be Restored to Health. Lill'i TANNER'S ROOF PAINT SOLD BY Pieroe-Whitchcad Hardware Goiiiii) XI WELDON, N. C, Kansas City, Mo. - " The doctors told me I would never he a mother. Every month the pains were bo had that I could not hear my weight on one font. I began taking l.y diu K. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound and had not ,y;y-jiiiiisnen me nisi nor.- '-Cx; . vSTi'iV L" w n e ii i it'll ptrv:Hyi 1 l,sm ii unill it - !--'-w!lmnile me nnnnil ami well, and 1 now have two tine baby girls. I cannot praise I.ydin F.. rink ham's Vegetnlile Coinpoun I too highly for what it has done for me. I always speak a word in favor of your medicine toother women who siiiferwhen I have an o..rlai.i!y." Airs. II. 1. Xvinm, 1225 I'reemoiit Ave., Kansas City, .Mo. Itcnil What AiiDtliiiXX'iiiinui soys: dimming, (!a. "I tell some sutler ing woman every day of l.ydi.i I). Pia!: ham's Vegetable Cempound and wl-.at it has done for me. 1 could not eat or sleep, had a bad stomach and was in misery all the time. 1 could nut do my housework or walk any distance without suffering great pain. 1 tried doctors' medicines and dill'erent patent medi cines but failed to get relief. My hus band brought home yourVegetalile Com pound and in two weeks I could eat any thing, could sleep like a healthy baby. and walk a long distance without feeling tired. I can highly recommend your Vegetable Compound to women who suffer as I did, and you are at liberty to use this letter. "-Mrs. Charlie Baq-I-ey, R3, Cumming, Ga. 1 lVI-'.lt cross1. Try Dr. Miles laxative ljtx blets. Nothing bcttes for consti pation. At druggists. Adv. ?A THROUGH THE NIGHT. ?A ?A A ?A 'A '?A '?A ' '?Ar,8'' 'A'AA'A'?'' ("otild you bin hear, liven in echo, dear, The loving word I send you through the dark, Then might your heart cease moaning, just id hark And know, for one brief moment's golden space, What I would tell you were we face lojace. Could you but know How, when your soul must go Down the long valley where lurk pain and fear, My own soul walks in loving nearness, dear, Then might your grieving spirit lilt its head, And you be braver, being comforted. Could ihere but be In all eternity One hour God set npan from all the rest To be of all hours heaven's holiest, Naught would I ask except to clasp your hand And know that He had let you understand. the t lleee: olliy. .Maybe so. Hut xve don't xvant to believe it. To us there is noihini; in this world like a circusand we leioenilier tonight, as ue sit here writing, how we walk- ' cil seventeen miles oiu; after noon to meet the circus, and how we walked back with the j wagons and animals. We nev er like to miss (joins to a circus. There is always soinetliino- about it that appeals. We don't 'can; a lie; about the acting -about the animals about any ! tiling hut the air the alums-, I pheiv xv i' feel like xve were ill ' aiiother xvorhl and it is just to our liking. ' j We remember the old circus l the one rino- circus. Han ; Rice's circus was the lirst or' a no mo; the lirst xve ever saw. Van Aiiibroiijjh's came next ami then John Koliinson's. ( if course xve lived in the far xvest and a circus didn't come every J season but xvhell it did come it was an event . It xvas dreaio-; cil then that a railroad show . xvas possible; llieoiie l ine; made ;xvith actual savdiist:a funny clown, full of local hits; a half dozen cages of animals and i plenty of xvax figures - that xvas I a circus -ami when an .amlt ; would ride bareback or I'ele Cookling would get oil a joke i or John l.owlow would tell ' them t" In nig in aiiot her horse" i why I he circus xvas I he I hi ng. These wonderful enliiliina , tions: these magniliceiil exhi : Iiitiolis which the younger folk have seen, have been xv o i th while from an education al point of view because there have been millions of dollars , expended in bringing under one tent the best the xx orld has. ! not only in athletics ami acro bats -lint in animals. Natural history has been enriched be cause of the ambition of circus men. But if it xvants to puss Id it go. The old things are rapidly going out forever machinery has come along ami broken all our old idols and mechanism is presenting for a nickle xx hat it used to cost ten dollars to see a photograph of in moving pictures. We all must get ready for the changes, and in bidding the circus adieu, if it is really going, xve do so sadly and reluctantly. From Kvery-thing. THO GULF STREAMS. The One of Air is What Create ' the Deserts of the l;ast. The gull stream, as every one ' knows, is a broad river of warm i water which si, iris in the (iull ot Mexico, wanders across the cold Atlantic ocean and bumps into the British isles, giving them a warm climate and no end ol log and rain. Hut few people know rli.it in the atmosphere above there is a second gulf sire. mi ol warm, moist air. This slow, damp bieee strikes -the Bmii-.Ii isles and does not ca-, roon oil like the gull stream, but continues over burope. As it . passes over Sweden, I inland ami ; northern Russia these cold lands elull the wind and cause it in drop its moisure in the lorm ol rain. The lakes and rivers ol these northern countries are all supplied ! by the moisture taken uplroui the gull stream. The rotation ol the earth makes this xxind veer gradually to t he southward about the tune it has given up the last of iis moisture and xvarinth. As a mighty draft of dry, cold air, the gull stream wind moves on across the plains of Russia. As it approaches the equator the xvind warms again, but 1 becomes ever drier. At last, as it sweeps over Turke stan, Arabia and Sahara, it evapo rates like a great sheet of blotting paper all xx ater it meets, forming the deserts of Turkestan, Sahara and Arabia, fortunately this de vastating wind now leaves the con tinent, becomes the trade winds and returns to its starting point at the gull of Mexico. Several somewhat visionary schemes have been suggested for altering the course ol ihe gull stream. One of ihe immediate re sults of any such change would be the shifting of the present deserts to other pans of the world. ---New York American. F-IOI -OSIONAL CAkMlS. X AI.TF" I;. I) AMLL, Attorney-at-Law, XX I.I.I IN, l . 1'l.l.Th' i r N'eO.ieiiplon .m I h o, -ml conn- i pails ol Ninth I in ut Halifax ojii-ri fv ii- ol ll.o.,u. ami ll.i j p! :i :,- ana conns ma. le in all iu I'.iiui'li oiliee .Xloniav Wm. I.. KNKiMT, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, XXI. I dm N. V i ml,.',- a, xx , j.,:, I..,.,, a. a ,.t l; :i. la, k. liii-ni, p nut pi ;;. an, I lail 1,1'iii' v at-lemle-l ,i ii:o"ii; c. iki;i:N, ATTOKNIiV-AT-LAW, i Vil inlKil luUlk I'.iii!.! HILT) Weldon. N. C. Li.i.iorr Ii. CLANK, ATTOKMiY-AT-LAVV, II U.ll .. Y '. Pi; ii- .- in the t'iuit- ul'llulil'ax Ulnl :i.lj'niiiiiLr ci inn tii- and in llif Sti (urine ci, nit ui ilic '-tutc. jM'ciul atti'ii tinn t'urn to eullfciitijis and UKinpl if tiirn, lo-ti-ly Vv . J. WARD, KKNTIST, oi l ut: in d.-xniki. hiti.di.m. XVKI.DO.N, N. CJ sepl'J lv A. I. SCHISLCR, CIVIL LNGINLLR, Surveying a Specialty 1'lione -..Ml KMI'dKIA, X A. 1). I:. STAIN BACK, NOTARY PUBLIC S And l ire Insurance. I YiU Vs oili.t -;- tttlJm N I I ii- -t.i Vol. Hot Weather Tonic anil Health Ihiildt-r tr 'iM run dtu u u I- C t'l I i.lll;.' n'l 'In .III i I l.uy yun .ti- -ici,' Y l-.v.-i. iMdn-yv :iti I ,.., a I'linr I. inic and i. a! dlU'r Mill till' HJ-lr inaili up and ii'iirrt yum "iM'iii. lo'il,-i tli:tn iJ.'iii.x' I'liMrr day. h . .'aiiir- I miiumn Me . u utt v: ' t un ft- lc a I'lrt M unal ductin-- 'uu i and i al ymn di iil'i;i-!. r.in'Mi-n Viiiu'a ";ir t'i'i ( ui ATTOHMtY AT LAW, i;i.i'ON, n, r, i'laclii-t udj'iiniliL' Citiill id ' t'l V I'll u I uvi ol Halifax and and n, tin' '"iiptftnc "i'iul altciitiuQ i utiti ptompl returns -l.udd -tail vim lliHIL' GREAT BARGAINS e-l lie -nie IN TVI'I WITCKKS. ' up xx i l.l'e IMII'ATINU HI:R MISTKIiSS. "We had Io ipiit 1 cook use the motor 'What was the tr ''She got into tin rolling up to the shops and biiyin credit." tting our nr." lll.le-" e habit of fasliionable thiiiLTs on I'v pt 'A 1 11 1 arch. I ,.v Minll, I n : an, I I ii,!, i one-sal,-to , Ivp, TIIOSi: IIAI'I'V DAVS The 111, lib lime iii all s inaiiv years AUNT JEMIMY'S MAXIMS. By CALLY RVLAND. Hits easy null to fuhgit a injury: but fuhgit you's forgotten it. it's mighty hard to Some men comniils suiciih' en some jes xviiils aroun' full do fool killuli. Hits do gal xvhar kin be time to he axed lad full do axin' dat's waits a life- AtiAINST Ainr.RTISIMi. "Why don't you advertise ?" asked the editor of the home pa per. "Don't you believe in ad vertising ?" "I'm agin advertising," replied the proprietor of the Hayville Racket store. "Bui why are you against it?" asked the editor. "It keeps a feller loo durn busy, " replied the proprietor. "I adver tised in a newspaper one lime about 10 years ago and 1 never got tune to go fishing." Uest xva ( 'I course I didn't kin Iiinv xvas a man And they xvould sini; songs to forty tunes And every meal they served to you they passed around tho prunes. my j;o ixx it then to klioxv; the old kinds of -tuck of sia.ii.UM l .1:1 1A t iii i -1 1 al mice M,,n I o l, llellillliltiill. Uoval, 1.1 I . Snolli .V lll'o.'s ii X nv oilier make I'toin i, XX e have liolh th- u '--.iil.' XX e I'ollL'ht a ,1 : lies,. Typeix l iters ironi , '!, -h.ih'tlie lemilarxxliole i l on -ale niox al onc-fouitb ir imulai ii lail prices. A ilt-i iiotn s-7 mi to 1.1. A : l.etli i i,i,i- 17 ."i to s-.'s.:,o. Ihe best ft, nil r:i'iii lo any piiee. Will he L'lad to aii-.o i any nii,nirv in Conllcclion miii tin -e iiiai'liiiii-s. and send samples ol tiieui.is ilmie liv aiiv ot the Tvpe vuiii e in- !,;ur. I.veiy hoy and irir slum!, I l,.i e one ot onl cheap Typeivri , ti-is to I, am Imw io use. Any peisou : xx ho i'iiii u lie wi ll on a typewiiter cau ' ih ii,.4i;-l a Lui- aiaiy. Anyone who I luiys a fin ap Ivpeu liter I'toin us and xxanls a In IP l ulie lulei, Hi' will take hai-k H i i,ii, 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 and alhox Ihesumi I paid loi ii 'ii i xeliunee Im a heller one, 1 1 o i,n in-,! ,u jood eouilitn.n and xxitiim , Sl in, '111!,- ll lint III .rood Condition xve i allow ll.e maiket value. XX e carrv l vpe xvritt i ol,! s and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. TOL'tiM DISPOSITION. Iui'ing a concert tour of an orchestra one of the musicians died and the following tele gram xvas immediately de spatched to the parents of the deceased : 'John Black died today. Ad vise by xv ire as to disposition. " In a few hours the answer xvas received as follows: ''We are broken-hearted; his dispo sition xvas a roving one." i XX'KI.DON. N.C Administrator's Notice. lfouiL' loialuied as administrator of the est;ile ot XX II. Conned, deceased, lale ol llahlu County, N. C, this is to utility all pei sons haxniur claims anainst Ihe eslale of said ili-Ceaseil, to exhibit ihein to the uiideisii:neil al llalil'av, . t'.. on oi liel'oie the 1 1th day of May. i'U.V in this notice will be pleaded ill liatol liieu ii-coxeiv. All persons m deltteil to the eslale xxill ph use make iiiinii 'liate pax un lit, 'fins l-uh of Xlay i!M I flddiUT 11. 1'l.XKk. ' A dm l. of eslale ol XV. II Council, dee. The Be lies' brand nv happiness is de homo-made kin'. :"' Be onlics' ninn xvhat kin say truly dat his wife is a angel have been a xviduliuh full some time. ' ' Be folks what is hard to git along xvid is de folks whur 'out let us have our oxvn way. A 'onian kin sxvulluh a spoonful u.x flat'ry about huhsef; hut she kin sxvulluh a whole soup tureen full about huh chillun. .,..,. Life is dat full nv tips en downs dat oven de man xvhar is on de level don' I'm' it no smooth prop'sition. '" Be xvuss trouble 'bout de man xvhat 'out agree xvid you is he seems to think lie's got jes ez much sense oz yon is, We is mighty ap' to suy a 'oman is obst'uate when she don' ngrpp wid ns. Coughs ami Colds Weaken System. 1 Ciinlinned I'oiiirhs, Colds and I'liou- Chilli trouhles ale depressing and weak I en the system. Loss of appetite uelier alljt folloA. Let a one. hotlle nl ll. ! King's New Di-coxeiy toilax . ll will j stop your Couirll. I he lirst dose helps. I The best medicine for sluhboini oimlis, Colds and all l'hroat and l.ungiionhleH. Mr, O. II Itrowu, Muscatine, Ala., wnles "Xly xxife was sick duonic the. hot summer months and 1 honestly be lieve Dr. Knur's New Discovery saved her life."' Hood for children. .Mlc. and $1 ut your Druggist. The world never sits up and lakes notice of the chap who fol ' ioxis in ihe fooisieps ol others. Txvo heads arc better than one -cxeepi in a family. ; Hardships comes when the fire of genius isn't hot enough lo keep the pot boiling. Strive to become a leader; the supply of followers exceeds the demand. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Some people worry because ihey have nothing else lo worry about. Children Cry FOR FLEICHER'S C ASTOR I A COR SALK Single comb white 1 Leghorn eggs gathered every day. Price per setting of 15, 50c. R. M. PURNKLL, 2 26 if Weldon.N. C. Wood's Seeds Seed Potatoes FOR FALL CROP. The plnnlinR of Seed Potatoes in June and July is increasing to a wonderful extent. A great many farmers claim that they give better ciops planted at this time than they do when planted in the spring. Potatoes planted in June and July mature in the cool weather of the fall, at a time when they can be harvested to best advantage. The Seed Potatoes we offer are put in cold storage early in the season, so as to keep in first class, vigorous condition. "Wood's Crop Special" Riving pricM and full information about Late Seed Potatoes and all other Season able Seeds, mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS. Seedsmen, Richmond, Vi.