i 4t ' Ii ESTABLISHED IN 1866. f . I V ' - - - 'f- VOL. XLIX. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriptionSt. 5G Per Annum WELDOX, X. C, TIIIIHSDAV, .Il'LY !, liU. NO. Kl is- ; V' H The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lins been in use for over 30 years, lias brntio tlto Hl-nnliiro of n(l Iiu been iniul under Ills Mr fJ?LyrJ!?&lA)' ,0"al "'PCrvlslmi slnci) lis iiiliiu. y, ' i Alliw no one todcrclro you In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitation anaJuxt-UH.god"aro hut Kinerlniciits that trllle with nml cntlaii?i r tho health of lutuuts and Children Experience ayainst Kxpvriineut. What Is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- g-orlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is l'leusant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Marootio substance. Its ae-o Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ana allays Feverfshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho StinnucU and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauaeea-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of Tie KiDi Yoi Have Alwajs BSI( In Use For Over 30 Years. THI aiNTAUH OOMNNT, TT MURM4V STIUKr, NIW TOSS CITY. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. ( Organized Under the Laws oi the State ol North Carolina, Stole of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. C apit al an d Snrpl cs, $55,000. For over til yi-ars this institution lm proviilnl liankinir facilities for this section. It stockholders ami ollieits arc iilrntitieil with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Havinirs Department is maintained for the henelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings- Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, '2 per cent. Kix months or longer, H per cent. Twelve months or longer, t percent. Any information will he furnishedon application to the I'residentorl'ashiet PRRSll)RN,r W. K. DANIKL, VII K-I'IIESIPKST. W. K. SMITH. I., r. Dlf A I'F.K, Teller. niRF.CTOKS W. K. Smith, W. K. It. T. Daniel, ,1.1.. Shepherd, V. A. OE Dixon & Poo luilding Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors tilinds, Mantels, Door MADE TO ORDKR AND liF.UI I.AU STOCK MZKS. Qood Materials, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, IN. C. When lour Blood Is Jigta, Your Whole System is Right If You Have Any Blood or Skin Disease Do Not Delay until it is too late but Order THE u 1 a Complete and Positive Remedy for Syphilis, Eczema, Erysipelas, Acne, Malaria, Rheumatism And all other Forms of Blood and Skin Diseases Hot Springs Physicians pronounce this the Greatest Blood and Skin Remedy ever placed on the market. Full Course Treatment-Three Bottles-. $12.50 Single Bottle $5. We Prepare a Remedy for Every Disease. Writ us your troubles. All Correspondence Strictly Private. HOT SPRINGS MEDICINE GO, 827's Central Avenue, Hot Springs, Arkansas. t'ArilllKH: O. DKAKK, Daniel, .1 (). Drake, W. M. t'ohen, 1'ierce. D. It. Zolhcollci, .1 . V. Sledge MASl'F.U'TrKKIW (IF t and Window Screens I TO-DAY I THE SWEET MINDED WOMAN. I lieauty is an Insignificant Power ! When Compared With Hers. So great is the influence of a sweet minded woman on those around her that it is almost bound less. It is to her that friends come in sorrow and sickness tor help and comfort; one soothing touch of her kindly hand works wonders in the feverish child; a lew words let fall from her lips in the ear of a sorrow stricken sister do much to raise the load of grief that is bowing its victim down to the dust in anguish. The husband comes home, worn out with the pressure of business and feeling irritable with the world in general, but when he enters the cozy sitting room, and sees the blaze of fire and meets his wife's smiling face, he succumbs in a moment to the soothing influences which act as the balm of Gilead to his wounded spirits that are wearied with the stern relalities of life. The rough school boy flies into a rage from the taunts of his companions, to find solace in his mother's smile; the little one, full of grief with its large trouble, finds a haven of rest on its mother's breast. And so one might go with instance after instance of the influence that a sweet minded woman has on the social life with which she is con nected. Beauty is an insignificant power when compared with hers. THE BEST CIVIC BEAUTY. What is civic beauty? Not tine streets and public lmikl inga. "Handsome is as hand some does," also applies to a town. If a town bo full of law lessness, racket, noises, bick erings, scandal, contention, it is not the town beautiful it is the town ugly. ( (rder is Heav en's first law everywhere and a town is no exception. Let ting things go helter-skelter is a losing business. Let a man deface his own property and it depreciates all property. Let the town do an ill piece of work, or permit another to do it, anil the welfare of the whole community is weakened Civic life is the main thing. It is for that tine streets and struc tures are encouraged. The true civic life implies that are posi tivepurity, honor, cleanli ness, decency, order, ipiiet. lie ha v ion r is the lirst thing a town needs to take of if it wants to guard its own honor anil wel fare. Respectability is not in money, houses or lands it is in conduct, and advantage to a community. When that is not rightly prized a community is very unfortunate. Oxford Led ger. Prepared chalk covers a tude of skins. niulii- Be frugal of your common se nse ; it will some day be above par. WOMEN CAN HAKULT BELIEVE How Mrs. Hurley Was Re stored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Eldon, Mo. - " I was troubled with displacement, inflammation and female weakness, for two years I could not stand on my feet long at a time and I could not walk two blocks without en during cutting and drawing pains down my right side which increased every month. 1 have been at that time purple in t hf f are and would walk the floor. 1 could not lie down or sit still sometimes for a day fJil a night at a time. I was nervous, and had very lillte aniM-lii, no ambition, melancholy, and often felt as though I had not a friend in the world After I had tried most every female remedy without suc cess, my mother-in-law advised me to take l.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I did so and gained in strength every day. I have now no trou ble in any way and highly praise your medicine. It advertises iUelf." Mrs. S. T. Hurley, Eldon, Missouri. Remember, the remedy which did this wu l.ydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For sale everywhere. It has helped thmisanda of women who have been troubled with displace ments, Inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing down feeling, indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means have failed. Why don't you try it T Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Cow, Lynn, Mass. T fv Kit cross? Try r. Miles Unlive Xi Tablets. Nothing betles for consti pation. At druinrinla. Adv. i- '! i : n MkL BAKING POWDER Absofuiey Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal C rape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE THE DEED IS The Dream is the babe in the lovelit nest, And the rollicking boy at play; The Dream is the youth with the old, old est For the rare romance of a day. Then the Deed strides forth 10 the distant final That has dazzled since life began ; Forthe Dream is the child of the rampant soul, But the Deed is the man. The Dream is the peak that is seen alar, And the wish for the eagle's wings; The Dream is the song to the beck'ning star That the world waif fondly sings. Then the Deed comes crowned with the strength and skill That doth perfect a golden plan; For the Drearr is the child of the sovereign will But the Deed is the man. The Dream is the mask thai would make men fair, And the boast that would count them brave; The Dream is the honors thai heroes wear, And the glory that high hearts crave. Then the Deed gives battle to pride and pelt As only a conqueror can; For the Dream is the child of the better self But the Deed is the man. No song was so sweet and no star so bright As the Dream of the Naarene; From Virgin's bosom to Calvary's height It sang and it shone, serene. Then the Deed proclaimed Him King of His kind As the blood of the Martyr ran; For the Dream was the Child of the Master-mind-But the Deed was the Man ! TALKING IT OVER. 1 see the time a-getting near You'll let your skirts out in a year, An' when that ruffle is let down, Or you are in a new, long gown You will be grown up dern it all ! Grown up ! You will straight, slim an' tail As what your mother used to be, An' that don't make no hit with me ! Has daddy ever told ye, dear, How 'way back yonder, pretty near A score o' long, glad years ago, Your dad and mother used to know F.ach other in the school days' lime, And used to romp and race an' climb, Together in the same school, too ? 'Spose that seems mighty strange to you. And she was slim and tall and straight And laughing, and I used to wait For her to come along the road, Then I'll step out an' take her load Of books her skirts was to her knees An' she could run an' climb up trees, An' slide down haystacks, and could ride The horse a-gallop an' astride. And then her skirts reached to her shoes, And every game each romp and cruise W'e used to take together stopped; No more we climbed up trees or hopped Into a wagon for a ride, We walked sedately side by side, And talked of lessons all the way She had grown up since yesterday. An' then my trousers got long, too ! All in a night I grew an' grew From a short boy to a tall man ! I don't believe you ever can Know how dad felt, 'twould lake a crowd Of proud folks to be half as proud As he was then ! his mustache grew Stop laughin' you young rascal you ! An' go on out about your play, An' stay young yet, dear, while you may; Slide down the haystacks climb and run Tim bein' grown-up ain'i such fun As it may look just now to you; Do all the fancy says to do Years bring a sort of liit'e hurt For each long skirt's a hobble skirt. ni wi.pHH HE WONDCRria. When Mr. Abbott called on a young woman one evening he wan being entertained by her young brother, Andrew, until she made her appearance. "If you don't pay me a quar ter," said little Andrew, "I'm going to tell about your kissing my sister." "Hut I hadn't thought of kiss ing your sister," protested Mr. Abbott. "You ain't!'" said Andrew, plainly puzzled: "then what did she pav me to nay that for ytrti?" Children Cry J FOR FLETCHER'S ' CASTOR I A THE MAN. Stu Neuralgia Kills Pain I Sloan's 1. 1111m, nt irives instant relief! hum Neiiralms ni Seintiitt It wub ! Htraicht tothe painful part -suolhes the nerve ami stops tlie pain It is alxo iruod fur Kheuinalimii, Sore Throat, Client I'aius ami sprains. Vou ilon't ueeil to ruli it penetrates. Mr. ,1 It. Swinger, Loumville. Ky., untes: "I nulleinl Willi a severe Nemalirir Head ache for four months without any rr lief. 1 ummI Sloan's l.iniinent for two or three night and I haven't sunerttl with my head since." iirli Iwttle to day. Keep it in the house all the time for pains and all hints. e.V .. Mk ami t. at your diui:i:ir(t. Itueklen's Amies Salve for all hulls. Many a woman acts rather stiffly after her first tango lesson. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Unable Me to Fate the Hard Ex periences of Life without f linching I do not ask Thee io lighten my burdens, but to give me greater strength to bear ihem. (iive me gentleness, serenity and cheerful ness, with strength, so thai others may not know how heavily laden I am. VCreathe my face with smiles, that none but Thee may see the tears. Let the wounds in my heart be ever considerate of the huns of others. Help me to understand j '"rincil it tim ly So tli.it their that 1 may feed other souls with j ' "" risismi to take up n par tite sweet sympathy for which my ! al111' "Uniiist t hem ami point to own is ahungered. j ,,H'ln lls flitting ami cphi-iin'rid; Knahle me to face the hard ex- to ,llkl' lis u N'K" slllll't periences of life without flinching. I s,'rv'''''- They did their work Give me the courase of mv con-! am' w,"'k without which victions, that I may live up to the light 1 have. Fnlarge the scope of my usefulness, that the satisfac tion of' work well done may ap pease the hunger of desire and bring content. On the dial of life, mark the tragic moments, that in the brighter hours I may not forget my life's lesson's nor fail to prolit by my mistakes. If I may not be loved, give me the c.miriiv in Invp rirlilv Wn. i tedly, unselfishly, ceaselessly, and let the welling springs of love flow j nut from mv he:irt niiencliino ilip 1 soul-thirst of all human kind. Make me compassionate toward others, ever mindful of my own I frailties, and let there be no room I in my heart for bitterness. -Kaih- erine M. Blackford. DIIMANDHD HIZCOdNITION I A small, rather timid looking j man entered a newspaper ollice and approached the clerk, says I I.ippincott's Magazine. ''Are you the man who takes j ill society news-" he iiieried, with an appealing look. "Yes, sir," cheerfully replied 1 the young man at. the desk. "1 can take any kind of news, j What have you got;-" 'Why, it's just this way," said the caller, lowering his j voice. ".My w ife gave a party I last night. It was a brilliant affair, and I am willing to pay ' to have this report of it put in i the paper." "We don't charge anything ! fur publishing society news," explained tne clerk, at the same time taking the prolVered man uscript and looking it over. ''That's all right," was the reply. "You don't get me. I wrote this up myself, and 1 put ill a line that savs ''Mr llilf - 11 a nut. 111,11 says, .nr. nan- back assisted his istinguished wife in receiving the irnest " guests. 1 11.11 s 1 no way 1 want it to go ami 1 11011 t care what the i eost is, absolutelv don't care j what the cost is. 1 want my ! friends to know, by (icorge! j that I still belong to the fami-lv."-Lift. WHEN ANIMALS SLKl-P. Klephants slei p standing up. ! When in a herd a certain 1111111- ; her will always watch while: "Oo you think you lute sulli ; the others sleep for the big, ,, , i fn . .. ., , 1 cient counsel lor my boy . - ! powerful lieasts are timid and , I cautious at night and will not "Yes;vte have a spread-eagle t i go to sleep unguarded. orator, a sob specialist, an insanity Stork, gulls and other long-, expert and a little cuss who knows j legged birds sleep standing on hc aw, if we need any law." , "e U'K- ! Pittsburg Post. Dlicks sleep on open water. ssssssssssassssssssBSssssssassssssssssssi ! To avoid drifting ashore they i keep paddling with one foot. inns making tiiom move in a circle. j Foxes and wolves sleep curl- i ed up their nose and the soles 1 of their feet elosc together and blanketed by their bushy tails. ! Lions, tigers and rat animals j stretch tiot,..jves out Mat up- ! on one side. Their muscles j twitch and throb, indicating j j "mt ""'V Hr(" ''K,lt lln'' restless ! sleepers. Owls, in addition to their eyelids, have a screen that they draw sideways across their eyes to shut out the light, for they sleep in the daytime. Our Dumb Animals. Chicago is making gigantic plans to entertain the 10,000 delegates, alternates and visiting club women who will attend the Biennial Con vention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, June 9-19. GHIIdron Cry FOR FLEICHER'S CASTORIA THE FLOWERS OF SUMMER. Soon the Hardens and theHower Heds Will be Abloom with the Hlossoms f hut Abide. I'liey have x spriiiliini'. llll , the llnwi'is iciiiiiants uf wit hrrcil I'd- of tattered color ami v als are the si'jjns of their line consequent of tin1 earth w hen t he hand of v inter was l ip pine; at the dominion over which it. held rigorous rule. They have "one, the (lowers of Kpriiinti They hail a nolile work to perforin. They per- I and it was w ' the (lowers would never ! Hut lifter i ! to the Ih.wer ol summer t line he k nown. li ving due I rilmle of spl ine;! iine, it is wilh u spirit of eatjenies.s that one turns towards the (lowers that uliidc until the sharp winds of lute autumn chill them in turn. Soon the trellises and the lattices anil tiie halconies ami the laud re- ct''sse!. w'" 1,1 flowering vines. draped with Soon the ar "''"s !UU ""' M"w,;l' '"' w't' the that abide. I heso heds w ill 1 hlossoms mav not point to rosy orchard harvests as do many of the hlossoms of springtime, hut, who i"Ui com-i pute beauty and glory of the ! Ilowers that abide!' There are the daisies, eager, ! insistent and omnipresent, and : they are but one of the (lowers of summertime that have last ing qualities. They in turn are succeeded by other wihllings until the procession of summer I blooms goes on into t lie months of autumnal haze. The lilies. ! the roses, how they bloom and bloom and how the pansies and i Ibe cosmos in their respective j ' spheres burden the gardens 1 wilh color and beauty ! How I the (lowers of summer I i me love 1 to exhibit their beauty and fra grance and to show forth their, j matchless styles and fashions and assemblages of tints and j colors! The world loves the ilowers ol springtime, it ailorcs the Ilowers of the summer sea son. In the orderly garden by the linkept hedgerow, where the work of the garden, r is seen where tho chance of nature b disposed there are found t lie H- , owers of summer- the I i nn , sweet things of the oultivated'U111'1-' !rrll'M a'"1 "" aliTion atu fumtli t . 1.1 .11. . one-hull thr rmilar retail linen. A spots and the iinlidv but nert ..i t, ...,, r... iv,,,,, ,.. 4.1-. 1 j and beautiful wild thinirs f 11 1 r .1 ; fruin ?:'. up t" anv ,rk'e. Will he k'lttil .(1.,. uncarec for stretches.!. . ; Wherever one goes, all the sum- .,,... i,.,,,, i,., ;n attended by (lowers and w ill not have to lament that tenure of do minion is measured by two or three weeks. They are (lowers of months ami they are num bered by millions - Halt imore American. STAUISU A THIAL. SALLOWiNESS This disordrr is dm Io a lurpid liviT invoking the shun.irh and bowels. Tocorm t the trouble take SIMMONS KI D Z iiiri nroiM iTftrn (THH POWDKR FOKM) Wht 1 1 the KiinpU-xiiin is s.illow and you have spHls (f vertigo (blind supers) on BttHtpinn or ti.-.tn sud denly and your rum 'ls are it regular, with muih llaluleiue (wind in the bowels) you are b;lly in need, of Simmons Liver KcuLitor. Tlie liver is the cause of nil the trouble and when the liver is at fault, there is nothing more elective. Simmons Liver Regulator quickly restores sound, healthy conditions in the liver, stomach and bowels; sweetens the breath, helps digestion nd brings back the ruddy hue ot health to the complexion. Sold hy Ihttlers Price, lAtrg Pm kage, tl.00 Aa for the fniilnf with t Rnl T on (b If rua rJHfi-n t tt, n-mil to ut. wr will trirt II br mail, tx.atpatd. Simmoni Urn afilum it ' put or in Iktuxt htm lor thw who prri. r tt. Ver J.0U net buakr UuklurUaf RHZUbeL J. H. ZriLIN & CO., fropH.fr. &. LovU, ItliMirt PROI IiSSIONAI. CARDS. WAi.TiiK i-:. nir:i., Attorney-at-Law, Whi.l.MN, N. ( . 1'iai'lii'i's in in,- i'i.ihi- ,, ll.ihii ami Nui Ihiiiii pluM mi. 1 in Uic .- u f 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 ana I'Vili'Oll ei mils. ( ull,','t,un 11,4,1,. in all ,:ut il" .Noilli ( aiuliim. I'.iuiirh uHice at llalilax uet n i-vitv .M,jn,lav , Win. L, KNKjHT, Attorney and Counsellor (it l aw, wixinis, v r. tlllie wyi.i ,n I'. iin, ,v i iii-i r.inUiiiw Kil iniiii.rh ami luitlilullv ut- ti'li id M (ii;)lil; C. OUIiHN.' ATT()RNl;Y-A'l -LAW, (Xutiunal Haul; Uuiltlm) Weldon. N. C. I'U.IOH H. CI.AkK, ATIOkNI;Y-AT-LAV, it i.u . v ( . PHAtTn i in tin- courts nf Halifax and U'ljoiiiiiiLT counties twi'l in tin' Mi prcinc court o! ihc Mule. pi'ciul aUeu liuii jrm-n lo culli-clum uml prompt re turns. Iit-(i-ly W . J. WARD, ii:ntist, Ol 1 1 i; IN DAMKI. I'.l'lI.lUMi WKI.I'ON, N.CJ hpii12 ly A.I. SCHISLHR, CIVIL l:NGINIliR, Surveying a Specialty I'llulir -nl X. KMI'OltIA, VA. I). K. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. I'liarwkc Ni-ws iiH'ki -:- WclJuti N. I T OLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKU'ON, N. ('. I 'metiers in tin- en utts uf Hah Tux and sVljoimiiL' emintirs aii'l u. the Miprt'ine Court nl tlie Mule, iecittl UltenllOU iriveu to enlleel iuiim ami prom pt returns GREAT BARGAINS in Tvi'r.wnnRRS. l' fill rv a la I L' TvcH i iltTs. i an arch. tux. HI. in. Small I'o i I . ami I inlcrvMx'.i U l-i ituvs' nutif. Un'k ol' Mamlaril (ii,inli at tiiici' M on - K, niiiiLitoii. K,,val, ( . sniilli ,v llin.' uy ethci make Iron V. hau' holll tho i"ille ao.l the uinml.te. We lumirlii a ,r laixi' stiwk nl' lln'sn t'viu'wriU'is hum , i...ir.'i i 1...1.. Mwr .W I7.. t r:.M. The h-st ! " ""-' "laelmi, v an, I semi umiilex Ol tne w i k .tunc tv :tn v ol tlie I viu- Htiti'iv wc li;ic. Lciy t.ov and slunil.l l.u 1 o n 1 1 1 1 i.iir eh. up 'i ypcwii ivr to l at 11 how io ii-c Any 'i r.n n lio can w i It m II un a ty n w i.lci eaii tlt iiuuiil ahuu' vtUiv. Aiiyulic vho buys a t'lu ap lypi w nit r tioni mh an t :inl-:i ! tit 1 u,' liii- i. c will tKt1 bat'k lln our boii'j lit an. I 'lilow t he -a'nt' i;ihl lur it in cNchanirc toi a hetlrr ft1..', tt' iclniiif'i 111 l'imiI ci Jii.lt t ion ami Mlhni st month li not in Lrto!euiii!itin wc allow the niaiU't vahie. W'e carry Ty pe ttiitcr nhltitiis ami other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WKI.IHIN, N (' Administrator's Notice. lliivinif ii:ihiit'it as ailmniMrauir (f tl t:lt,' iif V. II. ( 011111 II, il.a-nl, lata- ol' Halifax enmity. N. (',, this i to iiulitv all jn'i(iiis l.a :iir claims airain-l tin- i Mati' i'f sai.t .I.Tca-i 'l, in -n in'.it llit'in lu tin' uii'liiMt'in 1 at 1 1 ife 1 1 In v . N. t'.. on in Iti'luii' ilic I uli lav ol lav, 1111.1. 01 tin ii.ili.T mil lu ail. I 111 lar nl thru it-cowry. All jm-ihou- iii tlfhii'il to tin fhiatt' will plt-asi' niakt' iiniui'thatt' taviii iit. 'I'lin. I ttti of Mav lull I.I.I.IUIT It. t'l.USK. ' Atliur. . . t -1 ;it . ot W II. riiiini II, .tt. Wood's Seedi Seed Potatoes FOR FALL CROP. The plant'inR of Sc Potatoes in June and July is increasing to wonderful extent. A great many farmers claim that they give better crops plnnted at this time than they do when planted in the spring. Potatoes planted in June and July mature in the cool weather of the fnlL at a time when they can be harvested to best advantage. The Seed Potatoes we offer are put in cold storage early in the season, so as to keep in first class, vigorous condition. "Wood's Crop Special" fiivin-z prirt--s ant) full information about Lute Seed Potatoes ami all other Season able Seeds, mailed free on request T.W.WOOD 6 SONS. Seedsmen, Richmond, Vt.