1 mil liSTABLISHIil) IN lKoo. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--?! .50 Per AnnuniJ VOL. WAX. WKLDON, X. (, TIIUKSDAV. .JIM' Hi, 1!N. NO. I-' 1 Jiff fflr-4 Tho ICInil You lliuo Always nought, uul which has been in use for over yo years, li:is lmrno the hijrinituro of -? ami hait been mailo utidi-i- his per. y J--t1: , s,,,l' supervision slneo lis 'inliiucy. vSvr. '-cCSWl. Allow no one tinh-rcli-Dyim in this. All CnuiiferlV'iN, IiiiHa(ioiin,.ul'Jiis(-as.(,-(ioil"am lint I'Wpi-rinu iiM Hint trlllo with ni.d ciulanirer tho hi'allli of lnt'uiits mid Children Hxnerieuvo ajjainst Kxperiment. What is CASTORIA C'ustoriii Is a harmless fnilistituto for Castor Oil, Inro porie, Props mill Soothing S'i'ps. Tt Is I"oiis;int. It contains ncillii r Opium, Dlmpliiiio line oilier Nurcolio substance, its nt'o in Its ft'iaranteo. It destroys WornH and nltays l'evertsiiiies". It cures Di.irrlima and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation mid I'lntiilcucy. It assimilates the Coin', regulates tho Stomach anil liimcK, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's I'anacea-Tlio Idol tier's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMf CCTUH COMPANY, TT MUNftAf ITNttT. MIW VOHH CITY. PLAIiUE A FOSSllilLITY. II. S. Public Health Authorities Wire State Hoard to Make a Wat Survey of Seaport Towns - I'eileral Aid will Probably lie Asked to Assist ami Supervise This Sur ey in New Hern ami Wilmington. I'l.igue in Norih ( '.urolitui is a , pnsvlhhty. In I hi ii is mi iinun- ncm lli.il m Surgeon I icnenil of the l'. S. I'ul-hc 1 1 u . 1 1 1 1 1 Service , has ju-.t sciit l)r. 1 v : 1 1 i k 1 1 1 , secretary ' nl liir Stale I '.ii.ii il ul i le.ilili l he ; foliowm;; iclegi'.im: "Two liuin.ii! eases nl suspicions j btiln it . is: plague have been reported li'oin Ni;w Orleans by the Louis- ! i.ina Stale heahh atithorilies. Im i mediate steps are being taken by this Service to make bacteriological j continuation in view ol possibility i iri its spread. It is recommended th.it you begin a rodent survey with bacteriological examination of all captured rats and extermina- ! tive measures at till potas in your j State in order to discover plague if ii exists and to lake proper meas ures for its eradication prior to the appearance of human cases. If the j New Orleans cases are confirmed service will lake measures ucces- j sary to safeguard other places." THI-V ALL SWIM, j I GOLDEN THREADS. If We Reach the Shining Shore We Shall See As We Do Not Now. What is more Refreshing iliart an ice-cold plass of Tea? The rich anther color of Banquet Brand India and Ceylon is oh. tained ly using only the choicest varities from the highlands of India and Ceylon. has been believed impossible Such heretofore! Steep Banquet Brand India and Ceylon for only lour min utes and realie how good your T ea can be. At your grocer's in pounds, halves and quarters sanitary air tight tins. FOR SALT HY tt. M. I'urnell, M. S. Mounicasile, I.. J. Moore, Roanoke Supply Co. Wyche, Bounds & Co. Hagle Cafe. J. Ii. Boyd, R. A Cheek. WI'.l.llON' V ('. THE MM OF WELDON BlJfJfs V WKLDON, N. C ! 4 t - i Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, J A$$$f$t 1 1 State of North Carolina Depository. f 'A X'f" I I Halifax County Depository. V-VV , i"'?' f Town of Weldon Depository. i V V1- '' Capital tii Surplus. $55,000. V 4 turuvrr :t yenrn tin institution lias provided lutnking faeililic for W I JI A M'YAN this section. lis stockholders and mliei n. are iilentnied illi Hie l.usi- I ; " uess interests of ll;llil':l .in. I Niirtliampton comities. ! , ,, A Navuurs lirparimciii is iiiainianu-.l l,u t ) ln'iielit of nil nlm desire I Secret, -try l.ryau, in one ot to deposit in a sm nil's Hunk In this Ivpaituieiit uiteivst is allonud as I us eluiiiii'iit ( 'liautauqua inl follows: . ... , Kor lleposils alloe,l to re main llnee months w li.ne.er. 'J per cm. Si v I 'II esses, h.-i I ol ill II II ken liens: months or lonirer. . 'I per cent. Twelve inoiithsoi loinrer. I percent ' Ireqiient cause of drunk- Auv iril'orinatioii ill he liiinishea on aiiiilieaiioii iii ihe laesi.l, ntoi ( asliiei ., , , , M ! eniiess is t he desire to drown CRBslliKSI VII K -1 H K -1 1 K s. I ,-lllKII. SelfOW No SOITOW Cilll lie V. V.. IIAMI'L, W. II. SMITH. .1. (I. IMIAKK, , '. ,, , . , I., c nwM'Ki; Teller I drowneil. tlniimai. iii any such i way lilUKCTiiliS W. I;, Simtli, W. K. Oainel. .1 (I Hiake. W M. c.lien, I ... . ,, . , .. , K. T. Hailicl,.! I.. S.,hel,l, W. A .Pierce. H. II. Zollicllel. .1 . W. sI,-,Ilt j " ' 'iil'ls 1 loilll'l a , , j - mi i sii n lC voitng friend sealed T f W T M T f 1 on a cafe terrace swallowing m n iv i i i a, i n ill! MAM I-'AlTl'llKlis (If Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAHK TO OliliKIt AM' liKUl' I.Alt STOCK SI.KS. Oood Materials, High (Irade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. When lour Blood Is Eight, Tour Whole System Is Eight If You Have Any Blood or Skin Disease Do Not Delay until it is too late hut Order THE TO-DAY ! ) ass aft iniedlv. "Jlv hov." I c earl h are vim duin ':" ''.My onn friend eeMuiv of ilespair, and up at nie with bleared rowful eves, he replied: "Mr. l'rvaii. I am tryinjr to drown a care that has learned to sw im." New York American. absinthe what on I l made a i I, looking j and sor- , FROM THE DEPTH. Stir "Do you know what is good for a sad, troubled heart? Is there not some remedy for its smart? Is there not a cure for this torturing pain That will lessen the ache make ii tranquil again?" 1 asked the Sage. He turned and smiled, As he softly answered, "Yes, my child." "Do you know whai is good for a soul's unrest--By worry convulsed, or by fear oppressed? For it.s agony what will bring relief What will temper its hurt and assuage its grief?" And he smiled, as he answered low, "Panacea for every ill I know." "Then speak, tell me quickly of something, 1 pray; Thai I may apply, and this heart-pain allay; Oh, give me some balm, that its calmness may roll O'er the turbulent waves of my anguishing soul." To my earnest appeal he gently replied His words rang irue, as he came to my side : "Go forth 'neaih the shelter of Patience's calm wing, And breathe in the waters of Sympathy's spring, Then bask in ihc sunlight of Love's genial rays Move along the bright path of Mercy's sweet ways; (live helpful hand lend pitying ear Do kindly deeds speak words of cheer. "Pluck the flowers of Hope which grow at your feet, And scatter their fragrance o'er all whom you meet; And, like the soft drops of the summer's warm shower Or the morning's moist dew to the withering flower, The grateful waves from each blest heart Will flow o'er your soul and peace impart "Your heartache will vanish and a leeling of cheer Will reign in the space winch held worry and fear," I listen and thrilled; his words brought surcease; To my heart and my soul came a deep, wond'rous peace, Though dark the path in which I stray, His words will linger and light ihe way. A good bin It makes more noise than great riches. 4$- We were reading not long since of a person who wondered wheth er life had more of joy or sorrow, more of care and trouble, than ol happiness. So she resolved to line the good days with gold and the Kid days with black and at the end of the year look them over and see which had been her lot, mure of joy or more of sorrow. She found the good far outweighed the evil. We think all of us would find the same thing true of our own lives. As a rule, we look on the dark side of our own life and on Ihe bright side of olher people's. We envy the rich their ease, the educated their opportunity, the musician his popularity. We think the well-dressed, the well-led peo ple must be happy, especially if they have fine homes well furnish ed. We forget that there may be skeletons in their closets which we would dread to see in ours. If we could adopt the prayer of Ar-, gus as our own, "Give us neither poverty or riches," perhaps if we are just in that situation in life, it would satisfy some of us, but not all. We are not looking for the : golden threads running through I our lives. Sickness comes; we see j no golden threads. Death claims our loved ones, still all is dark to ! us. Adversity lays its hand upon us and the gold is still hidden. But there is a silver lining to every cloud, and when once we note the silver lining the golden thread is again running familiarly through our life. We may not see in this world why our lives have been so full of sorrow; why we have losi our loved ones or why we have not prospered, but if we reach the shining shore we shall see as we do not now, and we shall know why God dealt thus with us. SENSIBLE SAYINGS. Head and Profit I herein I he hcM Matured man d 'a ii town is the mail who has women folks at Inline to gt iiinl'lc at. Most women prefer poverty wi the affections of her husband to riches without tlieiu I lappiness is a pel hum1 : hn.li one ciiiiio' shed ovet aiiothel with out a lew drops falling on one's sell. Kindness will go farther and bring us more h.ippiiiess in tins world titan all the haughtiness and asperity we can possibly as sume. Oar preachers do not write so many or so w ise proverbs as did Solomon, but they have fewer wives and belter children usually The man who I'WOITSSKl.N l. CAIiS W Al l I I,' I I) AMI I. Attorney -at I ,.'t , expects to gel into heaven on his wife' church tlu chickens he taking awlul membership, or fed the preacher, chances. When you see a man w ho kisses his children in public, you may be pretty sure that he keeps the seats of their pantaloons well dusted at home. To smile al ihe jest w hich plants a ihorn in another's breast is to become a principal in the mischief. , Nothing is so contagious as ex ample; we are never either much good or much evil without iiiina lors. Wickedness may prosper for a while bin in the long run, he who , -,..,,..ie :il II. ml:. Wm. I.. KMGM I , Attorney nod Counsellor at -Law, a I I I'n', i l 111,.-, ii, U . I.,.,,. Ion,, . I ,i,.i Mn.M.ns ISiismm poe, p: c an. I la.ll.Pillt al len.le i I iliOk'fil; t". (iHLLN. AIIOIv-NLY-AT-LAVV, Weldon. N. C. lil.l.lOIT Ii. CLARK, AlIOKMIY-AT-UAW, IIAI.II'.W. N ' scls all knaves at work them. pay Pu I h i ni I Iii- i'iuit 1 1 1 ' 1 1 .ill In . ;uni Uiljniuiiu finiiitH". uinl !U I In- U M( me t'uilll ul ll. i- Mulr. IitTi.il utlt'U tion uut-ti Ui rulii'i'lionr uinl uun:il re turn. Iti.U-ly W.J. WAkD, in-: vi i vi , (II I i K IN liAMKI. Ill I I.I ii M . hl.lnl.N, .N.I', A I. SCMISI.LR, CIVIL lINUINLMik!, Surveying a Specialty I'liole- .'nl N hMl'llh'IA, A. I LV AWAY, Ll.Y. le Marjoiie was t her number work . dinner lal her mildly, small sums A SLVLKI: MOTMLK A very estimable widow in Ger niantown, Philadelphia, is the mother of a son who has given her much trouble by reason of Ins w ay wardness. 'M am afraid," said a friend one day, in speaking of the boy, "dial you are not firm enough with him. " "On the contrary," said the mother, "1 somtimes fear that 1 am much too harsh." "Indeed !" "Oh, I don't mean to say," the fond mother hastened to explain, "thai I have ever really taken any summary action, but I have talked to him a great deal." "And what have you said?" f i hy, I have said, Kichard, i Kichard!' and other severe things." ' ! l.ippincoti's. l.iti alioiil I'.iiiul wanted lo lesl "Can yon add Kirlie:-" "Yes, papa." And can you sub-tract t Take one iiiiiiiIh i from an el- "Yes, pupa. ' ' "Thai's nice, ,e, mi' hear you do it. there were four Hi and I killed olle. would he left :-" " 'lie." wa- I lie l'ollil spark line; answ er. " The one. ' ' - New York I lobe. Ilinii It the I). l. S TAIM5ACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And l ire Insurance. l-iiaimki- Vus iMIisC -:- Uiljuii VI uul papa -m ii. T. CLARK, ith- let inn mi a table lew main Now, Suppo- and lead A I TUKNLY AT LAW, Aiai'iiN. N. r. I'lacliees in llie conns ill llalilav and .ioiiLiiiL' einiiiti' s aiel ii. Ihe -iipie'ne cunt ol lie- -la'.i -prcal attention cieti I ledums ami pioinii; ii-luins G R b A 1 BARGAINS IN IA I'LWITLHRS. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought t :tn tii'ii:-li Bears the Signature of HOW CAN YOU TELL. i-t i PUT HIS l:()l)T IN IT. a Complete and Positive Remedy for Syphilis, Eczema, Erysipelas, Acne, Malaria, Rheumatism And all other Forms of Blood and Skin Diseases Hot Springs Physicians pronounce this the Greatest Blood and Skin Remedy ever placed on the market. Full Course Treatment-Three Bottles--$12.50 Single Bottle $5. We Prepare a Remedy for Every Disease. Write us your troubles. All Correspondence Strictly Private.' HOT SPRINGS MEDICINE CO., 827'.' Ceniral Avenue, Hot Springs, Arkansas. It's easier lo induce a man lo accept a favor than take a joke. STAND ON FEET Mrs. Baker So Weak Could Not Do Her Work Found Relief In Novel Way. Aoriaii, Mich. " I sintered terribly with female weakness and backache and pit . weiik that I conlil liar'llv do in v work. When I washed niy dishes I hail to si I down and when 1 would sweep the floor 1 Would (,'ct so weal; that 1 would have lo uet a drink every few minutes, anil hefore I did my dustitnr I would hnvi, to lie down. I eot o poorly Unit my folks thought I was poinft into consumption. Ono day I found a piece of paper blowing nrounrl the yard mid I picked it up and read it. It said ' Saved from the llrnve, ' and told what I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound has done for women. I showed it to my husband and he said, ' Why don't you try it ? ' So I did, and after I had taken two bottles I felt better and I said to my husband, 'I don't need any more,' and he said 1 You had better take it a little longer anyway.' So 1 took it for three months and cot well and strong. " Mrs. Alonzo E. Bakk.r, 9 Tecumseh St., Adrian, Mich. Not AYell Kiiouuh to Work. In these words is hidden the tragedy of many a woman, housekeeper or wnge earner who supports herself and is of Urn helping to support a family, on meagre wages. Whether in house, office, fac tory, shop, store or kitchen, woman should remember that there is one tried and true remedy for the ills to which all women are prone, and that is Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound, It promotes that vigor which makes work easy. Ihe l.ydia E, Finkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. How can you tell ? Your sighs of to-day Tomorrow may end in a song; And a blue will come to the skies now gray, And the right to all the w rong. then what of the long and cheerless night, When ihe day dawns fair and ihe heart is light? I low can you tell ? O, saddened heart ! Weep not those bitter tears, Tomorrow your sorrow may all depart, And a joy replace your fears. Then what of the foolish tears which fell, When all is well, when all is well. How can you tell? when all is well. How can you tell ? Your cares of today Tomorrow may seem but a dream; And all of tiie worries may lade away Before a happiness supreme. Then what of the cares of yesterday When ihe heart is happy, tree and gay ? WON 1)1: R WHAT SUK MEANT? You're Bilious and Costlvel "Fred, do you remember where you were in 1910?" asked the bride of a few months. "Why, no, dear, 1 don't re member exactly," replied the young husband. "Why do you ask?" "Why, I was reading today in the paper that it is said that in 1910 one person in every S00 in the United Slates was in prison." 1NSISTLI) UPON ACCURACY. Footpad If you move you're a dead man '. Professor Your statement is incorrect, my friend. If 1 move, I live! Pruy he more careful in your assertions hero after!" Philadelphia Public Ledger. Sick Headache. Had Hreath, Sour Stomach, Tarred Tongue aud ludiutes tiou, Mean Liver and Bowels cioirired. (.'lean up tonight, llet a i.'ic. bottle of l'r. kiiiK'n New Life Pills today and empty the bowels of feruieuliug gassy foods and waste. A foil bowel inove niet gives a satisfied, thuukful feeling makes you feel tine Elteetive yet mild. Pon't gripe. '-Vic. at your druggist. Hucklen's Arnica Salve for Cuts. I Recently .Innes attended a j fashionable hall. Muring the : evening; he met a pretty voiine, ' woman dressed in -ol'l lilmy i white, and weariiiLT ihe cutest little slippers that ever encased a dainty foot. Instantly the .lones eye dropped in that di rection. "Pardon me," apologized 1 Jones, bliishingjv, "il was very rude of nie, 1 know, hut 1 could not help noticing; your slip pers," "1 see," smiled the youtii; woman, jjood naluredly.-'Yliat do you think of them!'" "What do 1 think of them-" exclaimed Jones with huxe em phasis; "they are simply im mense !" Pittsburg; Chronicle Teleraph. Stops Neuralgia kills Pain Sloan's Liliillielil Kiii-n lllMatll leliel from Neuralgia or Sciatica. Il cues straight tothe painful part-soothes the nerves and stops the pain. Il is also I, M AKINd IT RMiMT. Hilly (who is piiltinc; lon Sunday afternoon i play auto wun median my, and you take a rid me ! Mot tier wit h ,in ev lift I gaiess not, dear leally approve of plea on Sunday. Polly iiit'liT a moment of earnest llniujrhll Hut ibis i-n't a pleasure ride. We'll play I'm taking you to see u a moving- picture show of scenes from the llible. Life. el.. I i mill I ON,- I. "Ill sale pi ie. 1,. one I.; U I Is i b.-ller ''n ti.nn r.l" In ansui Ullli III. of tl.i .-. I-.- Tv, !ia!: Ill, ,n -ale in. Tatar n- I 1 1 i ,01 -", ' le ;- : any pi ice ili'i'tliv ol standard a I "lice Men Hen. lineal. Ii, , l'.io.-s el lease ll'om ;m- l.oll, Ihe "injlit a iilets hum ii.ilai i!.,.lf- 11 .'lie leiltlll I puces A to -M-e A The I'est W ill he c'la.l ciinneclhili ell. I . Illlllll ' VV illl lip oll't hies In ! ' lT" hin, a uanl- a hael; Hi ,,11.1 ti ll l.'t'.lii M Ihi'l ullm l; v i l . I 1 ll.M I'llf Vt III lis iltl'l U'll XnUv obi' lain. "ii-Ll atnl :UUv tin S.IIIU-- '-i'l..ini' ;! ;t In tii't mil', i '"ii itlii'ii itinl w iiiiin Kt t value t' r:u iv '1'vp1' SPIERS BROS. Most of us could do a lot work while trying to dodge it. of Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A It may be 10 a man's credit forget a lot that he knows. Abuse is doubly painful when its point is barbed with wit. troutl fur K hen mutism, Sotv Throat, C'ht'Ht Puiun ami Spawn. You don't neett to rub it penetrates. Mr. ,1. H. Swiuifer, Louisville, Ky., writes: "I suti'eieil witlt a severe Neuralgic Heail- ache for Tour months without any itv I hef. I useil Sloau's l.ininient lor to or three nights aud 1 haven't suli'ered with my head since. " (Jet a hottle to day. Keep it in the lumse all the time fur paint ami all hurts. 'J.'tp.. TiOe. and ft. at your dvutftst. Ilueklen's Arniea Sale lor all hints, Cnndron Cry FOR FLEICHER'S C ASTO R I A THli NORTH CAKOl IN A STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEdE Mamtametl hy the stale tot tin' women of Not l h t 'antliiia. l ive leyulut eouies lead lilt! to dt'Lrret s. Mei'':il i 'nui-ei !m teuetier r'li'i' litillnn In w),,, aL'iee to heeome teacheis m the state I all N"sioii heir i us Sepiemher 1'ith. t;tl I. For ealalok'ite and other mini ma tmn, address .11 1. U S I. i-tH sl'. I'rexi 1,-ni. tiieenshoro, N. ( Tie North Carolina Collep of Agriculture and necbacic Arls Sale KI PON. N . for Taxes. I wili sell al the eoillt imlls,, ,),,! u Halifax. I' . en M .n.lav. Aneust :ii,, I'll I. Ii.l cn-h. the I'ollowiiiL' ilescoheil real '-sla'e in I'.ilUeru.in.l tnwnslep to salisly la, s ami cesls l,,i il,,. v ar h'i:i: I . I' Mm i is' eslale, 1 1 i aeies, In, nie Unci. ami cosi. l ' W Ii I'ailia'n, -To acies. .hick-en lainl. Ml .1- I' I Mi" nine, I.ao-inli i Unci, spec ill! school las ; i ni, U MW-uM. I UN I 'nlleciiil I'.lillenioi"! Tuw 11-hlp. I stron 1 -L llorl A good book mind tonic. is an excellent Beauiy is nature's temporary gift to the fair sex. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A talc lii,lnslriali'ollei!c oil'cis ironir conises in Airnciiliinc. ortieulttue. Slock raisiiie-.liaii-,-. inir. I'oiillry, Veterinaiy Meilieine: in CimI, Kleetneal ami Mi'i'haincal Knui llcei inir ; ill I lietnlsliv ami Hyellnr; In rottori .Maiiul'acliiriiii;, anil in Auoicnl tural teai'hiinr. foni ycai ennrses. "two and one year Courses 'in Airi iculi m e ami in Machine shop Work. I'acnltv of ill men; 7ils students; '''i Iniililinirs;' excel lent ctuipiiH'ntantl lahoraioi ics for each department On July !lth rounty Siipcrinlelidelils conduct entrance examinations at each county seat, Por Catalogue write K. B. OWI-'.S, Heiristiar, Vest Kaleigh, N. C. Wood's Seeds Seed Potatoes TOR FALL CROP. The planting of Seed Potatoes in June and July is increasing to a wonderful extent. A great many farmer9 claim that they give better ciops planted at this time than they do when planted in the spring. Potatoes planted in June and July mature in the cool weather of the full, at a time when they can be harvested to best advantage. The Seed Potatoes we offer are put in cold storage early in the season, so as to keep in first class, vigorous condition. "Wood's Crop Special" giving prices and full information about Late Seed Fotaloes and all other Season able Seeds, mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD 6 SONS. Seedsmen,.- Richmond, Va.

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