isjsl 1 ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$l.50 Per Annum VOL. XLIX. WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, JULY :5, 1M4. NO. lit ft IL jiff ' . ' " llil ALCOHOL, 3 PKK L'tN'l' AVcgf aUe Pre panlion I'crAs similaiiititifFoafan(IRiiiib ling lite Smarts anllWh of Promoles Di&shonflwtfii ncss and Rf st.Conlalns nehtir t L'piuiu.Morphine norMiiteral.l NOTIiARCOTIC. JlrfK ifMEt&fflimm JkMrUtl- (JWInrXr Anerff cl Rem dv forComHpi- t ion , Sour Stonach.Dlarrtora Worms .Com'ulsioM.h'Wistr wssandLOSSOFSuiP. Far. Sin Sigiuivt of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. OE at THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. C. Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aiu SirplDs, $55,000. For over L'l years thin institution has provided hanking facilities fur this section. Its stockholders anil olticersaie identified with tin; busi ness intercut of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Havings Department iH inaiiitaiiieil for the benefit of all who desire to deposit in a Saving; Hank. In this Department inte rest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 'J per cent. Nix months or longer, 8 per cent. Twelve months or longer. 4 percent. Any information will he furnished on application to the President orCashier PBKSIDINT ; W. K. DANIF.L, vicK-rRKNtiJKvr: W. K. SMITH. . t'. IHiAI'KK, Teller. DIRECTORS W. It. Smith, W. K. It. T. Daniel, J. I- Shepherd, W. A. OE Dixon & Poole Manufactunn .MAM'r'aCiTKKRs Ol' Building Material for Modern Monies, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND REtil'LAIl STOCK SIZES, dood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. When lour Bload Is Eight, Tour Whole System Is Eight If You Have Any Blood or Skin Disease Do Not Delay until it is too late but Order TO-DAY D THE a Complete and Syphilis, Eczema, Acne, Malaria, And all other Forms of Blood and Skin Diseases Hot Springs Physicians pronounce this the Greatest Blood and Skin Remedy ever placed on the market. Full Course Treatment-Three Bottles-$12.50 Single Bottle $5. We Prepare a Remedy for Every Disease. Write ui your troubles. All Correspondence Strictly Private. HOT SPRINGS 827 Central Avenue, Hot Springs, Arkansas. CASTOR A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years THff f MTAUII OMIMV. NEW ITT. casiiiki:: . II. KKAKK, Daniel, .1. (). Drake, W. fierce, D. It. Zollicollei M. Cohen, .1. V. sledite ! Positive Remedy for Erysipelas, Rheumatism MEDICINE GO. j .ft- h IS 111 HARD TO PLEASE. "M.yb. the Old Fool Would Suck a Raw Hgt." "On one occasion a dyspeptic preacher went home with a mem ber of his church fur dinner. The good wife had prepared a feasi fit for the gods. There was fried chicken, round, rohusl biscuits, red ham swimming in red gravy and (he finest coffee flowed from a spout. The good lady was justly proud of what she had spread be fore the pjisiin. "Hud, the nine-year-old son, wuh fork in hand, was just ready to do hmile with the good things belore him, when his mother said, 'Parson, won't you have some of the chicken?' To their surprise and the utier bewilderment of Bud, the parson replied, 'No; 1 never eat chicken.' "The good lady then asked, 'Parson, have a piece of ham.' But the parson answered, 'No, I dare not eat ham.' Bud dropped his fork. "The good lady then said, 'Won't you have a biscuit?' and the parson replied, "Did you use soda in the composition of those biscuits? Well, then I cannot eat biscuits made with soda.' "Bud, in wild-eyed astonishment looked at his mother and exclaim ed, with anger and earnestness, "Ma, maybe the old fool would suck a raw egg !" OKRMS THAT ARE UNKNOWN. Measles and chickenpox are the commonplaces of every household; but their germs have eluded the most elaborate attempt at detection. Back in the eighteenth century, Jenner conquered smallpox with vaccination; but the most industri ous search for .(0 years has dis closed no trace of the small pox microbe. Medical men deal with an unknown agent today just as Jenner did a hundred years ago. Reed and Carroll showed us how to conquer yellow fever; no one, however, has succeeded in impris oning any micro-organism of the disease. Scarlet fever, one of the most contagious diseases known, has also successfully hidden its se cret. Pasteur, who discovered a way to contrul hydrophobia, search ed patiently for its organism, but did not find it. Typhus fever, the scourge of American cities 50 years ago, still prevails in attenua ted form; but no one has isolated its agent. Trachoma, a disease introduced chielly by immigration, has also so far concealed iis deti nue cause. From World's Work. THOUGHT SHE COULD NOT LIVE Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. TIninnville, Mo. "I suffered from a female trouble and I Rot no weak that I could hardly walk across the floor with out holding on to something. I had nervous spells and my lingers would cramp and my face would draw, and I could not speak, nor sleep to do any Rood, had no appetite, and everyone thought I would not live. Some one advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I had taken ao much medicine and my doctor said he could do me no good so I told my husband he might get me a bottle and I would try it. lty the time I had taken it I felt better. I continued its use, and now I am well and strong. "I have always recommended your mndioine ever since 1 was so wonder fully benefitted by It and I hoie this letter will be the means of saving soma other poor woman from suffering. " Mrs. Martha Skavey, II ox 1144, L'nlonvllle, Missouri. The. makers of Lydia E. Tinkham's Vegetable Compound have thousands of such letters as that above they tell the truth, else they could not have been obtained for love or money. This med icine is no stranger it haa stood the test for yeare. It tliero sro mt eonndlcatlons T"U dn not nudprstand write to Lydia E. I'liikliim Medicine Co. (ronttuentfal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be upeued, read anil answered by a woman aud held iu strict cunlldeuce. THE NOR T H CAROL I N A STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Maintained by the State for the women of North Carolina. Five regular courses leading to degrees. Specal Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State Kail Session begins September tilth, 11114. For catalogue and other informa tion, address JCLIIIH I. KOUST, President, Oreensboro, N. C. I i v. - .. Make Your Ice Cream and Ices At Home. II you want better iie cream, sherlieti and ices rflale tliem in your Ik me. But be careful in selecting your flavors. A poor Vanilla will give a rank, insipid taste to the finest cream. Bee Brand Flavoring Extracts are made 60 better than National Pure Foolc Laws require and are endorsed by leading I lospitals, Domestic Science Schools and National Publications. Put up in 2 5c sizes which most grocers carry. Here Are A Pw J. H. Boyd, Eagle Cafe, D. Keeier, Roanoke Supply Co. Since Mammy Took BY ANNA Mammy, since you left me, the sun has ceased to glow With the luster that it used to in the happy long ago; And the birds, their songs sound lonesome as they hover 'neath the eaves Of the old, deserted cabin where the honeysuckle wreathes. The path I used to travel from the "big house" to the door Of the col beneath the shadows of the silver sycamore Is covered o'er with grasses that whisper in the breeze, "Mammy, lit Mistis wants you," and an answer from the trees Seems to murmur 'round about me, "Honey, mammy heers her chile Callin' to her thu de darkness, an' she'll meet yur after while !" The weary years roll backward and a child again am I The south wind lifts my yellow curls as down the path 1 fly The heavy scent of clover rushes by me as I race T'ward mammy, who is waiting with her smiling, loving face. With outstretched arms she greets me and enfolds me to her breast; With a sigh of deep contentment there I nestle down to rest; Flaming cheek against her black one and childish arm entwined 'Round the broad and trusty shoulders, her honest heart on mine. Could I, mammy, on your bosom lean my tired head to-night, Look into those gentle eyes, where a soul shone pure and white, Your lender voice would soothe and your smile would ease the load, For I'm tired, mammy, mammy, since you took the lonely road ! EVE WITHOUT BY DOROTHY D1X. As a general thing the sophisti cated woman appeals to a man as more enjoyable as a companion than desirable as a wife. The av erage man's ideal of a woman is still Eve before she ate the apple, not the Eves who refrain from eat ing apples because the fruit is bad for their digestions. Thereupon the average man marries a young girl during her first season in society, firmly con vinced that because he is the first and only man who has ever made love to her he will be the last and only. This depends on circum stances. The girl may be suffi ciently in love with him to never crave the admiration of any other man, or she may be so situated as to be cut off from it, and so safe, but the path to the divorce court is kept hot by wives who were mar ried when they were mere chil dren, and before they found out how intoxicating is the draught of flattery and admiration and love making that man offers to woman's lips. If a woman acquires a taste for this after marriage, God help her husband, for there is no cure for the married flirt. She may not be a bad woman, or an actual immoral one, but tier craving tor aumira- tion is like the hunger lor opium It grows by what it feeds on, and DIDN'T HARMONIZE. "Now let us put our heads to gether and see if we can'i arrange matters. " "Put our heads together? That would hardly do, Maude. Your green wig and my purple hair won't harmonize. You're Hilious and Costive! Sick Headache. Had Itieath, Nour Stomach, Furred Tongue and Indiges tion, Mean Liver and llowels clogged. Clean up tonight, (let a li'ic. bottle of Dr. King's New Life Tills today and empty the bowels of fermenting gassy foods and waste. A full bowel move met gives a satisfied, thankful feeling makes you feel lino Effective yet mild. Hon't gripe. S.'iC. at your druggist. ltucklen's Arnica Salve for Cuts. Chlldrr Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S C ASTORIA S. M. Dickens, C. G. Evans, W. T. Parker, Wyche, Bounds & Co the Lonely Road. BLAND. THE APPLE. there is no limit to the depth of imbecility into which it leads its victims. If you will trace back the stories of the infidelity of wives half of the time you will find that the woman was married when she was very young, before she had experienced the thrilling of listening to a man's vows of deathless devotion, or had known the subtle sense of power with which a woman finds out that she can sway men by her beauty or her charm. Few husbands ever make love to their wives, and so it is the wo man's natural desire for this court ship and this adulation that she has missed that leads her into seeking it away from home and in forbid den paths. Far otherwise is it with the wo man who has been a belle before her marriage. She has had her fill of admiration and adulation from men, and it possesses none of bcr charms of novelty to her. Sh : has heard the verb of love con.ugaied in all its moods and tenses until it is as wearisome as a school exercise. She has played at the game of flirtation until it has palled upon her, ai.d as a married woman she would no more think of finding amusement in carrying on a surreptitious love aff air than a Paderewski would think of grind ingout ragtime from a barrel or gan. Stops Neuralgia Kills Pain sloau's Liniment gives instant relief from Neuralgia or Sciatica. It goes straight to the painful part soothes the nerves and slops the pain. It is also good for Itheumatism, Sore Throat, Chest Tains and Sprains. You don't need to rub it penetrates Mr. .1 U. Swinger, Louisville, Ky., writes: "1 sull, 'led with a severe Neuralgic Head ache for four months without any re lief. I used Sloan's Liniment for two or three nights and I haven't sull'ered with my head since. " lleta bottle to day. Keep it in the house all the time for pains and all hurts. 2.ic., iOc. and J 1. at your druggist, ltucklen's Arnica Salve for all hurts. If men received all they pray for they would soon be too lazy to gel out of each other's way. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A TOAST. JAMKS LINDSAY "Here's to our first love's eyes !" The feast Grows strangely calm and still; The jest on laughing lips has ceased, The riot hushed until Over the wild, wind-sated liming A deathlike silence lies; What was hushed (he ribald song? Here's to our first love's eyes I" Out of the midst of many years Around this board they gleam Lightened with laughter, dim with lears, Seen through a waking dream, Black as the raven's glancing wing. Blue as the April skies Through silken lashes glistening Here's to our first love's eyes. Ah, though they closed upon our view To nevermore unclose, What after-seasons ever knew Eyes that were sweet as those ? And though they cause worn hearts to throb And make vain memories rise, Choke back the bitter pain and sob: Here's to our first love's eyes. Around this board the beards are gray The hearts and passions cold; And eyes have shown and passed away And love's been bought and sold Along the ways our feet have trod, Yet boyhood's faith still cries To those on earth, to those with God, "Here's to our first love's eyes !" THE FAME OF THE MULE. ; j Humble Animal Has Permanent! Place In History. The mule family escutcheon has the bar sinister across it, but he has nevertheless occupied a secure position in society since Biblical times, and nobody knows how ) much longer. In the biographical ' dictionaries his personal achieve- ments may not be mentioned but i he is entrenched in the lincyclope- dia Britiannica between Gerardus j Mulder, a great Dutch chemist, ! and LTisha Mulford, an eminent Lpiscopal minister and philoso pher, j That is saying a good deal fir, an animal of modest ptetentions! who is popularly believed to cher- j ish a heartier regard for the Afro American than for others in this part of the world, and is said nev er to give his entire confidence to the white man as an associate. In wa'r the mule plays with high credit for the role of Kipling's Gunga Din. He is bullyragged. He is blasphemed. He is belabor ed. But he is always on hand when needed, and he is always needed. In peace he is sportive. His humor is sometimes mis taken for spitef'ulness when he kicks a well meaning farmer into a protracted sojourn at a hospital or sends his soul sky-winding into the hereafter with his body not far behind. But when it comes to pulling a load, uphill or on the level, subsisting upon a limited menu, and starving the veternari- I an, he puis it all over his hand- I somer and more aristocratic cous i in, the horse. Wherever the footing meets the requirements of an able bodied goat the mule can go and is willing to "tote his load." His hide is tough and w eather proof, and his expec tancy of life is higher than that of a thoroughbred. Electricity relieved the mule of the task of pulling street cars, ventive genius has provided electric substitute for him on In an the towpath along the Panama canal The treadmill is now used chiefly as a figure of speech. Where the lay of the land is right more or less plowing is done by tractors Bui there is still plenty of w ork for the mule to do. It is his proud distinction to cost nearly as much as a small motor car. 1 le was perhaps seven thousand years old when the tnotar car was invented, He is built on the original model, He has the same tendency to back fire that made it a risky business to start him when Alexander set out to cross the Indus, when Tarn erlane crossed the Ganges, when Hannibal crossed the Alps, when Charles Martel double crossed the Moors, when Washington crossed the Delaware and when the farmer boy tried to cross a swollen creek in the last freshet. Although he is sometimes infer nal, the mule is eternal. Louis ville Courier-Journal. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A GORDON, lew Furniture Store TTTp "p.. j Qll W tJ Xuy dULl Oeil On every Saturday we will sell ai Al'CTlON articles in our store to the highest bidders. Call and examine our stock before purchas ing elsewhere. M.A.COHEN VCliLDUN, N. C. P. N. Siuinbuck's Old Stand. Sale of Land for Taxes. I in the first Mnmiav in Auiut, l''M, bi'intf tlic -In I ol'ttuhl month, I will an tux I'ulleiiur in Littleton townlii, j Halifax count v. Y ( ' , sHI at tin1 court oiiNr dour in Huh tux town ut I.' M..tlu foiliAMiitf ti aft s of lutit Mitnali'il in Lit- tli'tmi township, nunI salt' i ituitlc to tmlir-fv taxt'M tl ue thereon tor the vear !ht ami for ot. A ileHcriiitiuii of haul luinl is heiein st't foith, toy' t her with uinoiiut of tuch ami cot Mi l K LIST. Ih. II. H. I UIKelSuh, -i at'ies, Mitt A H uiiniH, H,,j;. W. 1. Hartliins, Hi aeies, Itiuiie, 4 A-i. T W. .ieiikiti". In acres, home, ti :w Miss Helen Newborn, Noti-Kesnleut, lI'itu'icH. Miuphy's, l.l 17. Mrx, Irene Sheaiin. ." acres, H. K R. :t.;i. lelintiuntN. VV. f. K'lWaril. nun-ten. acres. Wlntukers. K.t'l. Itrunsnick Keultv o., uon-res. 11 acres COl.OliKH LIST. Kerry W. Krown. town lots, ti.iMU llenrv t 'aiter, acies, Meeti reek, :t.i;. Hen how tin, I town lot, :, :t". I. A. t.iootle, 3'. aeies, K. H. K. ;.:. Henry Joues, 4 acres, KJwanl, ;t.7N. lames Miles, 4i acres, l,ee ( reek 4.IK IL I. Mavo, lucres, near Littleton, I.VI7. Anna School, acres, I' Alston, .0. li. L. 'Iilleiv, J acre, near Littleton, II. T, Towne. 71 acres, Summit, Li.iM lelinitieiits. Clara A'lauiH, ." !l-4 acres, Vomitf l.M. .tcntue lltown, 1 town lot, L ."?, Tenine Kernev, 111 acres, Jacob Hob- hitt, 'J.41. Man Lynch s estate, ."j acren, New- son-. I HI Mary I'innix, I town lot, 4 IH. Kev. J. A. Smith, H town lots, .YtKt, T. M WKi'ilNS Tax t'ollector Littleton Township. Littleton, N. l, July I, VM I. 'Fie Nortli Carolina Colle&e of j I (trinnllrtPJ o rt rl M noli on in Hn's fluimuiuiu uuu utuuuuuiu aim T HIS State ImliistnaM'ollekre otters si roti if courses in .irncunure, Horticulture, Stock-raiHiug.liairv- ink. I'oultiy, Veterinary Medicine; in Civil, KIcelrieal ami Mechanical Knur i-neerin-;; in Chemistry and lyeing; iu Cotton Manufacturing, and in Agricul tural teaching. Tour vear courses. Two and one year Courses in Agr iculture and in .liacriiue rnop v or, racuuy oi oi men; 7.iK Ntudcuta; huihlings; excel lent equipment and laboratories for each department (in July tHh County Superintendents conduct entrance examinations at each County seat. For catalogue write K B. OWKS, Registrar, West Kaleigh, N. C. Sale for Taxes. 1 will sell at public auction for canli at Halifax, Aug. H, l!H4, the following parcel of land in the town of Weldon for tax and costs. John W ilson, town lot, $L.K7 J. L. HARRIS, Tax Collector Weldon Township PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, N. ('. Practices in the courts of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Supreme and Kederul courts, ( 'olleetions made in all parts of North Carolina. branch ulliee at Halifax opeu every .Monday Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney und Counsellor lit Law, EI.DiiN. N. c. OMici- hi i-ld'in lank ,v.Trint building Ihismrs pioiiiplly untl faithfully at tended to. GEORGE C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Hunk Uuilding) Weldon. N. C. ELLIOTT B. CLARK. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N. PiiAiTK in 1 1 10 court olTlalifax aud adjoining counties und in the Su j premc court ol tin Mate. Special atten : tion given to collection and prompt re i turn. lM-0-ly W.J. WARD, DKNTI8T, 01 IKK IN IIAN1KL 111 ILUlMi WF.LI'ON. N.CJ seplti lv A I. SCHISLER. CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveying a Specialty l'houe 201 KMl'OKIA, VA. N D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Koannke Nctis Mike Weldon N.C E. T. CLAR IC. ATTORNtY AT LAW. WKLHON, N. ( Practice in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties ami it. the Supreme court uf the stale. Special attention IfiTeo to collections and prompt returns GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWITHRRS. We car ry a larire stock of standard Typewriters, t an furnish at once Mon arch, lo, Oliver, Keminirton. Koyal, Snnth 1'remicr, L. ('. Smith & liro.'a anil I'mle rwood. Any other make from f to l.'i ilays' notice. We have both the vihihle ami the invisible-. We bought a laurc stock ol these Typewriters from one-fourth to one-half the regular whole sale price, unil on sale now atone-fouitb to uiic hall tin- reirulai retail prices. A fOutl I y H"W liter fiulu $7. .HI to A better one ; 17. to :..'U. The beat from up lu any pnee. Will be glad to atiMvet u ii y iihjinrv in conueetion with the-e machines, and nemi samples of the wi'ik dime bv any of the Type wuleis we have, l-.vury hoy aud jrir should have one ol our cheap Typewri tets tu learn how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can. demand u luitre saiuty. Anyone who buys a cheap typewriter from us and wan Ik a bettei one later, we will take back the one bought and allowthesarae paid for it m exchange for a better one, if returned in 'uod condition and within six tnouihv li not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WKLDON.N. C Sale for Taxes. 1 will sell at the eourt house door in Halifax, N. C., on Monday, August 3rd, lil t. I'm eah, the following dettenhed real estate in Itiitternood township to Nutisly taxes ami costs I'orthc yearltMS: L. li. Moms' estate, ll'iacres, home tract, lax and cost, $i-..n!i. W. It. I'arliam, 'Jlo aeres, Jackson land, fll H. T, K. Mciiuire, Lavender tract, spec ial school tax, 1 1 ii" V It. N'l'.WSOM, Tax Collector Itutterwood Township. Wood's Trade Mark crimson Clover It Best Quality Obtainable, of High Tested Germina tion and Purity. rVtmsnn Clnver I. n vnnitnrr,,! anil. improver; also makea splendid fall, muter ami spnug grazing, me earnest green feci, or a good hay crop. A Crop of Crimson Clover turned under is equal to a good application of stable manure, and Its value as a aoil-improver is worth .1). to $30. per acre. WooiTs Descriptive Fall Catalog Riving full information about CRIMSON CLOVER, ALFALFA, WINTER VETCH, and all FARM and GARDEN SEEDS lor rail sowing, mailed on request. Write for Catalog and prices ol any Seeds required. T.W.WOOD 6 SONS. Seedsmen. Richmond, Vt.