k 1 1 KSTABLISHKI) IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5U Per Annum VOL. XLIX. WKI.DON. X. ('., TIll'lSSDAY, .IPLY :0, I, XO. II J i K Whole World Headed to Marvelous Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco in 1915 mk tw ,T- fed -1 . k W II ill W fti l s 'SSEh; if iif i is a II .'?-,vv. OlMffillfmififfl 1 .-.-J Tho Kind You Ifivvo Always Bought, anil tvhiilt 1ms been iu uso for over 30 yours, Im Ixirno llio Nl.ttiiiiluro of - and 1ms been nmrio under Ills per fJT Bonal supervision sltico Its Inliiucy. uxrvr, 4-cucAfl Allow m one to deed ro you In tliU. All Counterfeits, IniltiUioiiH n!il"JnHt-ns-";omr,ni(! but ICvperlnn nU tlmt trillo with ami cmlmiKrr tlio lieallh of Infant and Children Exncrien. against I'.yperlment. What is CASTORIA Castorlu Is a harmless substitute) for C'asior Oil, Pare;. Korle, Drop nnd Soothing Syrups. It is I'Viisant. It contains neither Opium, Dlnrphino line oilier Nnreotlc iiltumv. Its aire is Hi S'laranteo. It destroys Worms and allays IVvertshness It cures Plarihosi and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flalnleiii'V. It nsiinilutes the Food, regulates tint Ktoniaeh and ltowels, giving healtliyand natural sleep, Tho Children's i'anaeea-Tlio mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Mt CCNTAU COMPANY, TT MUNIIAV THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. (' Organized Under the Laws oi the State of North Carolina, Suite of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. ' Capital anil Surplus, $55,000. ror over -I viwh this institution Una serliou. lis stock Imlileis uimI i.ilin i aie nirHilSnl noli tic I i nen interests of llulifas un.i NiMlli.iiiipliin enmities. ASavinirs lci:otrncnt is lll!unl:l 'ie.l tin the In hi til n! nil v. In. ilesirc to ileposit in a Suvinifs l;:uih. In lii.s ieiailniciil mleiesl is alliiHi .l ns follows: For Deposits ullinvctl tou'iituiu llnec iimiali (.i lender. '1 iht eent Siv montlisor lonifcr, H per e.'iit. Tuelie mnntlis m Iuiili i . I pciecnt. i Lny information ill lie funil-lieil mi applie.itlnn In tin ric- ilcnl m I aslnei Anv PRKSIIIKN'l W. K. DAMIII.. v icr i i;i:iiii:m' H. It. SMITH. I., i'. in: wi:k, lei! 1)1 REt'TOKS W. li. Smith, V. K. K. T. Daniel, J. I., shepheril, W. .. MAM'I'Al Tl'l.T.IIS OI' Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OIIDKlt AND i;KU I.Alt STof W Sl.IX Qood Materials, high Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. When lour Blcoi Is Eight, lour Whole System k ki If You Have Any Blood or Skin Disease Do Not Delay until it is too late but Order TO-DAY ! rn n ) THE a Complete and Positive Remedy for Syphilis, Eczema, Erysipelas, Acne, Malaria. Rheumatism And all other Forms of Blood and Skin Diseases Hot Springs Physicians pronounce this the (ireatest Itlootl and Skin Remedy ever placed on the market. Full Course Treatment-Three Bottles--$I2.50 Single Bottle $5. We Prepare a Remedy for Every Disease. Write us your troubles. All Correspondence Strictly Private. HOT SPRINGS MEDICINE CO., 827 J-j Genual Avenue, Hot Springs, Arkansas. Signature of STRICT. NCW VORH OITV. nnn nli .! I arknii.' farilities fin 8 i hi i.ti I. u. hutKi:. Imnicl, ,1. t). Inuke. V. J. cnhen, I'ieiee. I). II. ..Iheullci. .1 W. .-le.k'e us Vast Exhibit Palaces Are Already Completed and Installation of World's Exhibits Begun THIRTY-SIX GREAT FOREIGN POWERS TO DISPLAY THEIR PROGRESS IN CONCLAVE OF NATIONS UNRIVALED IN HISTORY-RAILROADS GRANT LOW ROUND TRIPS-PLAN TODAY TO VISIT HUGE EXPOSITION. An education such as one could nnt rcccivo In a lifetime will be afforded through tho groat Pimaum-Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco next year. At this exposition the people of tho United States, joined liy the nations of tin world, will oidebrulo the official opening of the Panama canal. Hundreds of yearn from now the world will recall thy opening of the Panama uhul lis one of tho greatest events In the history of tho I'nitrd state, and Lid'od of the v. ho in world. At the great exposition, which will excel any universal exposition In the hbtory of tin- world, thirty-nix great nations will muko elahoralo government exhibits. A Flnglo South American counliy, tho An;, nunc, is I'xpendiiig $1..00,1)01) on it m display, which will lu tho most coniprehcnsivii t-ver mail-1 by a Sniili A incric ui MHinti y mi' -idf Itti own borh'i.- Italy will hIinvv Its pricclnHS works of art; Canada will uipl.iy Iu . .vox-t and has already instalU'd an olaboiato exhibit In the hm;o Canadian Pavilion, built at a rust if Amnion. The stales of tho t'ulon will malto wonderful displays and those who do not Knmv tin? reat .Miniry as well as they should know it will havo tho opportunity to leara nioro of Its wealth and pr '.;ie; n:;ti m.Mt hi -.tilutiund uiob-r favoring c(nditicms and circumstances that they could obtain In n ot!i"r way. . Some of tho marvels of tho Panama-Paclllc International Exposition are depicted upon this piue. The evpo iltlon opens on rehruarx 20, p,ir, and closes December 4, llila, remainiii!; open, theicinre. almost ten months. 'I lie railroads will rant low round trips Willi extraordinary privileges of roulim;. Any lallt'oul itcnt v ill tuinith yi.u the particulars as to the exposition. If yen wish further Information ahout tho cvposi uv, lake advanta of the following offer: ATTRACTIVE BOOK ON THE PANAMA PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION AND PANAMA CANAL MAILED FREE OF CHARGE. A handsome book of mty panes, profusely llluntrated In colors nnd ivim; deiaihd d "- i ipt ion? of Hie Panama-Paclllc International Exposition to bo hold In San Kraiu isco from F hru;n y :-i to 1 it eiiilM-r I, l!'!'-, and of the Panama canal and canal region, will bo mailed by tho Exposition fice of ehari;e to all iiifptirers Tho booklet Is intended as a petiera! guide to prospective vIMUus ami will uho contain Infoni'ation ci'tn i-m liig the great engineering feat, which the exposition Is to celebrate. Write to the Manager. Hiire.oi of Pub lications. Panama-Pacific. International Exposition, Exposition PnlldiiiK. San Francisco for hooUltt. ENTRANCE TO XV A 4 ltc:K n Xl x i CopMlKlil. 1''14. ly CitimiiA I'.c tfl" Int-rliiitl uia! I. e '!t fin L.-litli my This iili'itnsrnpli shewa tlie crc;it western pnrlul or cntraneenay of tin- huse l'alaco of Food Proiluets. Tho lialf-uoiMH Is knoati li.. the llalf lsinm of Vicor nnd is UH feet In height. ITillintit, riotous colors aro emplnyed in tliB musiiie In tho vault of the linlf iloino. which was itesimieit hy Mr. .lulis tiiierin, cue of the. most celchruteil decorative artists In America. To tlin left aro seen scmo of the ornamental sliruhs thai vlll bo In hluotii when the Punam:1. lV iNc Intcinailnnol Kxposltion opens nt ban I'ranclseo In 1'elirua v . 1:'5. PALACE OF EDUCATION ffilllll til. .t- Copvrfr'ii. K". by Paimma r-i- lrv This pnlaco ocruples a id'e Ilnir-hnniH of Thoueht. ronatitiiHtii: oi i; BtltutitiK tho principal architectural e!iilnd!lshmeiit of tho west, in facado ut I ho main gmiip. the other being Hm Half-Porno of Vluor. the principal wes-tern cntrnne to th" Palwce of Pood Pr'duci- These dome nre modeled after similar recesses In old Roman baths, or in build m; ; sui roundito; tlm Korum Wlthlu tho cool tihade of tlie.se beautiful doorways, the leisurely gentlemen of old Home w -te went to imiIot for lu formal lectures and discussions Within the shadow of the pom of Thought will he a seml-cirele. of eight columns. . ni -n,.ift-d !-. I' u' e- by Ralph Stackpole. enihodlTig Ideas of Intellectual development. Within the bo Kurmounted bv t'.gun h by Larl Cuiuniings, representative of the Ideals ,r both entrances will be a fountal.i The Mirtnls in the southern faesdo the ar hltect. The Panama P.ici ic You're HiMous anil Costive! Sick Headaclie. Had lireuth, Sour Ktomach, Purred Tongue ami Indiges tion, Mean Liver ami ltowels clogucd. Clean up tonight. Cet a ;'V. Imttte of Pr. King'n New Life Pills today nnd empty the bowels of ferment imj gassy foodtj and waste. A full bowel move, met (fives satisfied, thankful feeling makes you feel tine KtTeetie yet mild. Pou t gripe 'J.'to. at your druggist. Bucltlen's Arnica Slv for Cut. THE VAST EXHIBIT PALACE OF trf -t,.; AT AMERICA'S GREAT EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. fiiifieiiiiiff f - ! i ' ' r -. 1 1 t ft - ..,-S h i r ':..,!:. -s:-,)C'UIv- Iliicrtuitleiml Kxp-jtHiMi Cun piny. at tho southwest corner of the main group Ihn main western entrance tn the palace int. riMtiotial Exposition opens lu San Has Your Child Worms? Most children do. A Coated. Purred Tongue: Strong Hicilli; Stomach Pains; Circles under eyes; Pale, sallow Coin, plexion: Nervous, Fretful; linndiiig nt Teeth; Tossing in sleep; Peculiar lr earns any one ol these Indicate Child ban Worm, tlel a box of Kickapoo Woi m Killer at once. II kills the worms the cause ol your child's condition. Is Laxatixeaml aids Nature to expel the worms. Supplied in candy hum. Lasy for children to take, 'J'ic. al yourdruir- tfO't. FOOD PRODUCTS. ! x -'jut 1 V- 4 ( -f-Vi -trrf i)fnf. j-'tf f'' V f 1 "rs.iS:df J-.-.W , - : rS Li3 4 M s. 1- of exhibit palaces. To ll.o left In thfl This is one of two hilfdonn's con homo of Vh r, a i of tdnVi-.: d vrlc are Italian n-iai -Mirt u ( "h ri'iiid" w ill '. In tho center V H, Paville la Francisco lu i'cbiuiry. P If a uirl knows she's pretty her knowledge isn't due to the fact th:ii some other girl told her so. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ( 41 Ar . i PAYING THE PRICE By N. H. CROWELL. A gaunt woman flood in the catifn doorwiiv and peered anxiously down the narrow pathway leiuiiiiK into the depths below. At her knees clutiji three tou headed children heetie cheeked, wild eyed llltlo girls - and the wound of lialf-stllb'd sobbing told of grief rankling in tludr childish bo- bOHIH. After a careful ticrutiny of the lim ber far heneuth, tho woman turned and patted the girls' headH reassur ingly. ' When are we a goin" to eat, mam?" lmiuired (he eldest, for perlutps tho tenth time. "When pap comes, child," came tho weak reBponse. Tho woman's hollow cheeks Hushed aa she glanced swiftly toward the lit tlo cupboard In tho corner- alio knew its hitter secret. Jim, her husband, also knew it when ho descended that narrow path early In tho morning. From tho depths a whistle sounded up clear and keen, and the anxious face of tho woman became pitiful with tense, eager hope. Nearer came tho ttound. and presently tho crackle of branches brushed asldo could be heard. "I.issy?" Twos n man's voice ex pectant - full of cheer. ".niu"' That word spoke volumes. The children darted away, and foiiie where in the dark a laughing, scullling ciipture took place. The woman Kmib'd slightly and turned quickly to her work- her preparations for a meal, 1 'olstefiMisly the four entered tho cabin, the rhildnm tutting at a weiilth ef paelcigfs clasped beneath the man's lor arms One ulnde took him lo the tahlc and he dropped hit! burdt n there "ii, h.isiily. us though niad to have d'oif w hh them ' Purt bite. Ussv. by .b'" be said "Tlnuight I nevr W'Mihl git up them rncri-i heM nd C'ol. '.- f m-k. I'm cle;m tm be d " "Jim" The w.-nl trembled pitiful ly "Yuh hain't tint no credit down ''lob ! have nil. Hill ''" ' No l.issy. 1 hain't " "No money bci'ti it coinln' In to yu!i now here. ,lhn "" They rabh d a v il , at this intuh noon, l.issy." he Kild, awhwardly. "W'hfi got took?'' "Twas a prompt, eau'T, ready ipu-ry "Tnek S-'lh-rs. 1 hc. rd tlo-v ketclo d Mm .' "Shore, .1 1 m "Yes, Ussy, I'm 'dioro " Shi stoop.', atid busied herself at the stove her ey. s wide, like those of a hunted mdmal (durt tim' elapsed ami the savory odor of frying meal dwelt fragrantly upon the air. Th" children circled hr.uorously about the table, expectant. "Set up, Jim." .-aid the woman, pres ently. He shook his head slowly. I hain't lumen . Ussy " Sho did not aiguo the- matter her voice prevented It. Th meal wait nearly over when Hie man arose and Rtood before a cracked bit of looking glasH that hung on tht wall. Present ly he turned nnd dtepped a small packet Into tho woman's lap. "Yuh numght gll yuh a better glass. Ussy. Yon will - won't yuh, gaP" lit Fpoke tenderly, yet harshly. She dropped her fingers and they met tho packet Tho fingers lnstlnc tlvoly closed over It Her eves studied1 tho faded design In the ollclolh fixedly. pon a little shelf Mood a battered clock. He picked It up and begun winding It. after which he shook It to hi8 ear. Replacing it, he stretched himself lazily then kissed tho little girls, beginning at the eldest. The woman's face was now buried In her apron lie put his broad hand upon her gray-hVckod locks, bent low nnd whispered : "Ussy- woman I I'm goin'.M Silently he opened the door and stepped out out Into tho darkness. Crack! U came up. clnr and crisp the sound of a rfe ShlflefH Jim had taken the prle and a law, as hist unable fate, or datned that he should return to tho lonely mountain hmim no mora (or ever H'ltpVUKtM t Patriotic Uncle Rod. When Pmle Hod. the old colored m.iu who worked about th pIhcm. came one morning Mrs Stone said: Well, Pncln Hod, hear yu hava another pnlr of twins at jour house." "Yaas, misbiis." responded the man, "we has. Press d y little hearts!" Have ou named them yet'" askei the woman "Yas'm," said Hod "iKino named 'em aftah two ob do fust pres'dents ob ills country " "Indeed'" ssid Mrs, Stone, "which two?" "Ole Chrlstofo V lumbus an' Juleyoua Caesar," paid tho man "We's (treat on namirf de chillun fo' do pres'dents 'tour house."-National Monthly. Our Mexican Border. The. California-Mexican border cov. ers 152 miles, Arizona has 300 milM of boruVT on Mexico. New Mexico neighbors with the Mexicans for 410 miles, and Texas lies along the Mox 'can boundary for more than 900 miles. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Sew Furniture St "9 We Buy and St 11 On every Saiurday we will sell ;ii Al'tn iON tiriicles iu our Mure id the highest bidders. Cull and examine our stock before pttrchas tug elsewhere. ALA. COHEN Vi:i.l)()N, N. C. P. N. Stuinbdck'sOld Siami. Sale of Land for Taxes. (Hi the tirst Monday in August, MM 1, it beiriL' the :ii I ol said mouth. I will as tax collector in Littleton township. Halifax coiinlv. V t ., sell at the court lioitfe door tn MaMax town at P.' M..the following tracts ol land situated in Lit tleton township, said sale is made to atisy taxes due tin-icon tor the vear l!b! ami loi cost. A description of said land is hcicm set forth, together with aiiini.nt o luxes and ct.t w urn: I'i. 11 11. luigT"on. - acres, )i;iw's SpniiL", '1 l."o. W . I Hawkins. Pi acies, Iihiuc. 1. -.'. 1 W .leiikni. lo acres, home. i liH Ml.s liehll Newsolll, N Oil 1,'t'stdcil t , I Hi acres. Muidiy s. i:;,17 Mis, Irene Mieai in. ;-i acres. . i.. li K. :t .1. iclitiiUenls W . t lldwaids. nou ics ''" acres. W hitakcis. s;, oi. I'.t uiisw uk llcaltvlo, tion-ics, I' ai-ies d I i ai i ui , :: :io ( Ol.lll.l.ll lietiy W". I'.iow ii, i town hits. .fi;.i.o Hem v ( :u tt i, .'o acn v it ep t reck. ;i. i.;. P. '0 l '"w tm. i tow ii int. . ;;, .1 .oo.le. acres, K It. K. llel.lv .linn James Mile II i. Mam . I ueo 10 act I acre . r.lwaiil, :i ;s. . I.ce t reek I li". licai l.illl. ton. nl, :i? aeies, I' Alston, S..MI. i: 'Hie. I. i ilieiy. I aeie, ueai l.iltlcli.ii. II I' t'tiiMie. 7 aeii"., Miiuiiiil. 1 ..!'t I li llllinuilti.. t I lia Allans, :, 3 I .;, Yuiiiil' l.M. .Ic..c larni ii, 1 t.M n Int. lcniic K. im v. III aelcs. .lae.ili ll.il. lutl. II Maiy I. uieli's estate, ."i;, aelcs. New Mum. t .01 Maiy I'iiiiiin. 1 town lot, m. Uev. .1. A "mull, :i tunii Inls, Vm. I'. M WliiillN-i, la l tilleetot l.ittletcii lowiiliip. Littleton. Y I' . July I. mil Tie North Carolina Collep if nlliCllltllii; iiDfl Mtcliiiiiic Ails T H I Mate ln-l'tiiaH olh'k'c otlcis stroni; courvs ui At'iicultoie. I lorticiilt lire. Stock - aisiiu; , I uu v mil. P; 'iltrv, 'etei inai y Medicine; in t'ud. Lit ctncal ami Mechanical Liil'i ni ci ill' . :ii ' hi'inivt i y and I 'y on;, mi Cotton Mauutuetuuug. and in ALM'icul tuial teaching I ou year courses. Two undone vent Course i ii Ai:uciiltuieand in Machine H.op Woi u I acuity ol tij men; stu hut-; '.' buitdtiiL:-. excel h tit eiiipmeutunl laloatiOti-s tm each dcpailllielil On duly !Mh County Supenntt-ii dents ! conduct eiittiincc examinatioiis at each County seat Poi catalogue w I lie L It i:', HcM-ttat, West li:iirigh, N t Sale for Taxes. I wdl Hell ul public auction for cash, at llahlax, Aug. :t. I'M t. Hie following p:iteel ol Ian I in the town ol W l-lmi tor ta x and cot. lohtl W llsol tort It h ot. ,i l. ll Ki;r 1 i . ectot W cldoll I ott lohlt Sale for Taxes. I will cll at the ctuitt house door m Halifax. N. C , on Monday. August .itd, I'M I, ho fildi, the following dc.citbc.1 leal ctate in Putlciwood tovviiolnii to witiHly tuxes and cost lor the vein I'M.'C L P. Moms' estate, 1 1' acres, Itome tiact, tax and cost, !;!.!. W. It. Parham, -lo acres, .lack son land. H.:K I'. P. Metiuire, Ivemlei tract, spve- i ial school tax. Jl.utt N. It. NKWSOM, Tax t'ttlleelor HutbMwooti lownship. THli NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Mainlaiaei! hy the State fur the women of North t'Arolina. Ktve regular courses leiiilintt to ileirreeK. Specal ( oiiihck loi teaeliem. 1 ice tintuiu to Uumc ho airree to heoome teftchem in the State Tail Nwion lioirum Septemher Kith, Hil t. l ot catalogue and oilieruifoiina tion, aihlrenn .11 LIl'S I. FOCST. 1'rpniilent, liniehitlion), N. C'. PKOH-SSIONAL CARDS. WALTI-K li. !)ANIE:L, Attorney-at-Law, 1 WKMrtiN, N. ('. Practices in tiie courts of Halifax ana ; Northumptoii and in the Supreme aul i l edeial courts. ( 'oIlectKuis maile in All pints ol Nurih ( aiohna. P.ratich otbee at Halifax open every Monday Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor nt-Law, W'Ki.iMix, s. r. tlliee in W ei. Ion r.unk .V'I'iti.st I'.uililing I'uMiiess luiimi'tly uinl fuitlifuily ut tcmlcl tu. UI:OK(jl: C. OkliCN. ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, (National Hank lUuhling) I Weldon. N.C. ELLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Piiaitk in the "ourts ol'llahlax and adjoining counties ami in the u picnic court of the Mute, spciual atteu lion given to cullectioiis and prompt re turns. lti-ti-lv W.J. WARD, DION TIST, or i k k in i'.Mi-;i. I'.rn.iiiMi WlXliON, N.C' M-pIV lv a. i. schism;r, CIVIL HNGINTiER, SurveyiiiR a Specialty I'liiilie '.'Hi N r.MhiitiA, va. 1). I:. STAIMSACK. I NOTARY PUBLIC j And l ire Insurance. I P. J!. I'. Hllia -:- U'liuD N.C I E. T- Gii-A.IR K, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LLl'ttN, N. C. Practices in the courts ofllalifax and rtdjoinuu; oountiis and il the Supreme court oi the Mate, special attention given to collections and prompt returns GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWITERRS. Wccaiiv u dtLv stock oi standard Typewnteis. t un furnish at once Mon arch. Ion, Oher, Kemmgton, Koyal, M-nith Pieinier. L. C. Miuth tiro, a and t relciwood. Any other make from i ui I lavs' notice. Wc have both the visible and the himmI-Ic. We bought a large slock ot these Typewriters from one-fourth to onedialf the regular whole ale puce, and on sale now al one-louuh to one hall the regular retail prices. A good I ypi'ttiitcr tioni hi t . $t,V A lielt.-i one "st to ?JN..'ti. The best horn up lo any puce. ill be glad toaowcr any uniuirv in connection with tlne machines, and semi samples of the work done bv any of the Type ttiiteis we have. Lvery boy and gir thould have otiv of our cheap Typewri teis to h am how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter cau demand a large salary. Anyone who buys a cheap typewriter horn us and wants a better one later, we mil take back the one hou lt ht and allow the same paid loi it iu exehungc for a better one, it relumed m L'ood condition and within st months r not rn good condition we allow the market value. N c carry '1 ype- ult i i ihhoiis and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. V KI.PON. n r, Crimson Clover Is Bf Jt Quality Obtainnble. of High Tested Germina tion and Purity. Crimson Clover Is a wonderful soil Improver; alxo make splendid fell, winter and spring prating, tlietnrlieet green feed, or a ood lay crop, A Crop of Crimson Clover turned under Is equal to a good application of stahla manure, and Its value as a oil-improver is worth $:U to $30. per aero. Wood's Descriptive Fall Catalog (riving full Information about CRIMSON CLOVrR, ALFALFA, WINTER VETCH, and all FARM and HAKDKN REKD.s for Fall aowing, mailed on request. Writ for Catalog and prices of any Seed, required. T. W. WOOD 6 SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Ta. iv ,

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