BapMBi l&!f II jp fslaib 0 ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$l..S(; Per Annum VOL. XLIX. WKLDON. N. (.'., TIlTliSDAY, AKH ST (5, i, NO. !." I. if iill ALCOHOL 3 PEH ftNl'7 AVcgeiaWfPrrnarsllon&rls. aixuMi'iigiwrooaaniHryiii ungUicSKmarhsamlBowls, similad'itg (he FbodamlRf Onia of Promolcs DigesuOuflwtftil-j ness find ltesluiiialnsneliliiri Opiiim.Morphme rorMioaaL fltOTfllARCOTIC. jtrriv ifMitswaimm IkdKttUtl- I AmtSni fhvmmr . Ooriat Sr . Aptrffd Rmtedy forCuTisHp- lion , sour siomac n.uiarnm Worms f oimilsions.ri'vcnM iwssiuuILossofSlekk Facsimile Sijnalurt uT NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE BANK OF WELDOft WKKDOX, X. V- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aRfl Surplus, $55,000. orovr Jl years thiH institution has provided tmii I; itiir facilities I'nr H t IIS uni-tim, I tw uImi-L I...I.I...,, n...l ..ill... .... :........:. i . '.i . Dl ..mi wim tin nit- iiiciiuiiiii nun me iiubi- ness interests of Hahtax anil Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained lor t he licticlil of all hn ,1, Bin to deposit in a Savings linnk. In thin Department luti-ti-Hl is alhmc.1 us follows: For Deposits allowed ton-main llin-c- months or lonircr. '.' per ci-nt. six months or longer, ,H per cent Twelve months or lonecr 1 lu-ri-i-iit Any information will he furnished un PaasuiaNT : W. K. DANIEL, vii'K-eiit:iiiKNr: V A. "SMITH. (,. ('. IHiAl'Kli.Telh MKECTOliS W. K. Smith. W. K. K. T. Daniel, J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. Dixon& Poole Manutaetui'in (iiiipiiii) MANl'KACTlJUKltS OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND KKlifl.AKHTOl'K SIZES. flood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, When lour Blcod Is Right, Your Whole System Is Eight If You Have Any Blood or Skin Disease Do Not Delay until it is too late but Order TO-DAY ! a Complete and Positive Remedy for Syphilis, Eczema, Erysipelas, Acne, Malaria, Rheumatism And all other Forms of Blood and Skin Diseases Hot Springs Physicians pronounce this the Greatest Blood and Skin Remedy ever placed on the market. Full Course Treatment-Three Bottles--$12.50 Single Bottle $5. We Prepare a Remedy for Every Disease. Write us your troubles. All Correspondence Strictly Private. HOT SPRINGS MEDICINE CO., Central Avenue, Hot Springs, Arkansas. GASTORI For Infanti and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years application to tin- I'rcsiilcnloii'nsliicr' rAsiiiKH: . U. M1UKE, Duiiii - I, .1. (I. Drake, W. M. 1 ohen. 1'ii-n-i-, I) II. .oIIk-oIIi i, .1 . W. Slcdi-c N. C. J V, ll TMt INTAUH MMMNT, HIW ITV. GREAT DOME OF I I If .igiaMWirffrifaiyi C'-'p.w tlii I. by r.tiiainii l-ftrtllo Inlernatltitial Kxpusltlun t'.imuniiy. A vli-w nf (ho I'alaen of Horticulture, Bliowlni? i-omph-li-il pylon with Ucmratlvn sculjiturp In poslllon. The minor dninrii ore to carry an arraiiRement of vines anil (lowers that will form a screen for (he lluhis The mala dome Is Mi feet In height and 152-feot In diameter, being the lurnes( hemispherical iloim- In the world. The Pana ma I'acihY Inu-rtiatlorml Exposition will open In San Francisco in Kehruary, l!Hfi. . A GLIMPSE OF A FAIRYLAND IN THE GREAT SOUTH GARDENS. ,m Cypyrlglit. litll. by I'anunid l-arthc International Kxp.-alnoii (-n:pany. l:pou entering (lie main gates of the I'annmn-I'acitlc International Exposition from San Francisco the vlsltoi will llnd he must traverse a vast stretch of landscaped grounds, wherein are set millions of beautiful (lowers In bloom, where fountains play and croups of statuary are set at Intervals. This is (he great South Cardens. The photograph herewith shows tho South Hardens as they are today and fives a glimpse of the fairyland which will delight exposition visitors. Thousands of rare trees, palms and shrubs have been brought from all parts of the world for tho landscaping, which Is carried on In that sumptuous way which thu semi tropical climate of Calltornla permits. There have been brought to San Eranclsco giant tree fertiB from Australia, rhododendrons from England and West Virginia, tulips from Holland, banana plants from Hawaii and Central America. Large trees, some ot them more than sixty feet In height and of great girth, have been transplanted to tho grounds. The Panama raclflc International Exposition opens In San Francisco In February, 1315. i '4' ; ft triS ;( ; i 1 1 III ffff(r ropynirht, UtU. by pHimnm CrtfltU- Intm luttlonul Kxn'Hton t'ompany. l'ulttniHJe, pntrance of tb Court of thn Pour Sanson uptm the eBpIaiiatlft uu San Francihco harbor and worernliu 'tit' ''f f:u'itb' of the I'nlam of Aniit ultiirt'. One of ih columns of the colonnade hns boon tomponnilv ri-movitl to penult frclclu trains to enter tho juil.-u-tv I'a't.nna Pinttic International reposition, Sun Francittco. U16. Infection and Insect Hilts Dangerous. j MoH((uitocH, tlii' autl other in net1 1 h, which liift'il tjtiifkly in tuluitu' aiU, ' ponds of stagnant water, l:inm, musty I places, etc., arc cumeix of oMniasc. i Kvery time they hitc you, they inject 1 poison into your nyletn horn which omc tlrcad disease may result. (let a bottle of Sloan's Liniment. It is ant i ncptic and a few drops will neutralize the infection caused by insect bites or rusty nailft. Sloans Liniment disinfects Cuts, Bruises and Son's. You cannot aflbrn to be without it in your home. Money hack if not sattsliod. Only 'iVv at your Druggist. All women are born reformer... and ihey want to begin on some man. THE WONDERFUL PALACE OF it aW MASSIVE COLONNADE OF THE COURT OF FOUR SEASONS Summer CnntlpBton !nnj;crotis t'oustipation in Summcr-tiim- is inoie ilangciou tliau in the fall, winter or sprinir. The foo-l you eat is tvmtanii nateil ami is move likely to ferment in voill stomach. Then you are apt to think much coM water ilurinir the hot weather, thus injuiintr your stomach, Colic, Kevcr, Ptomaine Toisoninc ami other ills are natural results. I'o-lio-lx will keep you well, as it increases the Kile, the naturat laxatixe, which ri-ls the bowels of the conicstcil poisonous wuste. 1' will make you feel better, l'leasaut anil ellt-ctive. Take a dose tonight, otic, at your druggist. Judge 11 man's success by the methods he used in succeeding. Barefaced fibs grow up and be come baldheaded lies. HORTICULTURE. B ? Summer Coughs Are Dangerous, Simmer col. Is arc ilangeious. They inilicale low vitality ami ol'len lead to serious Tlnoat and I.ung Troubles, in. clii.ling t'on.iimplion. ir. king's New Ihscovcry will relieve the cough or cold promptly ami prevent complications. It is soothing ami antiseptic ami makes you feci heller at once. 'I he dclnv is ilaiigcrous-get a hullle of Mr. King's Now liiscoveiy at once, .Money back if not satislleil. .'me. ami f I bottles at your drugg-iHt. A fussy person quickly sours the milk of human kindness. i.muwrp,i,j,iii t, ,W.' J.-?lfcTf II CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. ftie Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of A POSTPONED ROMANCE : '. ( By JEAN SHEAR. , "What made you ask mo to many Jou?' ihiiiiiid tin- bride, as one asks what the weather la likely to he "Why," Ho- bride's husband paused "I iTiiess II waH brcaiJHO you were, looklh around and picked me out" "No," replied the bride, meditative ly, "II could not have been Just thai, because Miss Mary MctJee's been pick I ii K out husbands fur 21) years, and she'd Just ipiil (hut unprofitable oc cupation and had hcKun to be happy, when she found hlln'" "Who's this Miss Mary Mcilec?" "She's just .Miss Mary Mcllee! " lh" bride hiuuhi d. "1 don't, know how 1 can explain more, If that doesn't tell you! Slie'H the woman down the. block who lives with the children am' they all call her Miss Mary MiCee. So every one else does! She's h--i n with (he clii.llrcn until she's Just like, one- hut she didn't bi-Kln until she'd Riven up the hupu of getting married, you know." "How Interesting," comnented the nun. "Yes, but she's a genuine ro niance! You see It got out, natu rally," suid the bride, tukiug a deep breath to murk the beginning of the story, "through the children that Miss Metlee wasn't Invited to Jane llcnlon's wedding, because she was needed by some one or other to take care of the children. And no one thought she'd think anything of It! Hut the children tulked It over before her, "Mr. Manning Wai Interesting." umi her feelings were hurt. She im agined that she had become nothing hut a nursemaid in tho eyes of tho world, and rhvh up her play with thu children! "So r-he shut herself up in tho houm ami wouldn't havo anyihliiK to do with an) one! "Mirs MeHee's tall and angular, and sort of eccentric looking, tail she a vol an awfully sweet nature, undewry one was sorry that her f'llugs wero hurt. However, nhv wouldn't let any one coiibole her, or explain. "Then ono day old Lawyer Mannini; parsed the house mid, hearing iuumc. ho went up. Slio wan no uurprlseil ut his visit that phe let him in, and what do you suppose she was doing? She had saved a lot of newspaper articles on how to dancu the tango, and Bhe was learning it from them, playing until she had a tune In mind and then luglug for the dancing!" "And ho Manning la the happv indi vidual?" anticipated the husband. "Now. yon just wait till I tlnlsh!" tlnished the bride. "Mr. Manning was Interested in the tango and Miss Mary promised to teach him all about It. So ho went almost every after noun. "And then tho minister, who every one says was fond of Miss Mary Mc Oee years ago, called. Of coe.rss, his visit occurred when Mr. Manning was there, and It port of woke him up. 1 guess hed been thinking Miss Mary Mctieo would always bo there, and there was no hurry about asking her. Anyway, he began to call frequently, and Miss Mary always let them come in, and they remained hours and hours, each trying to outstay the other, and thus get the opportunity to propose, I guess! Hut they always had to go away together, for neith er would giro In! "And actually Miss Mary Mcllee got so pretty with the activity and ex cltenient " "Put which one got her?" Interrupt ed lite man. "Why. that'a the romanco of It!" triumphed the bride. "They d been calling for about a month, steadily, at most every afternoon, and then one day tho minister brought along Ins brother, who was visiting him, be causrt he couldn't leave bis visitor at home mid h wouldn't !ct Mr. Manning get the advantage of a call alone! "And the minister's brother had the wit tn Invite her out. And ho pro posed right away, and now they're married!" Chicago Ially News. Knows Better Now. Wlfoy Do you recollect that once when wo had a quarrel I said you were Just as mean as you could be? Hubby Vet, my dear, t Wltej Oh, Tom. how little did I j know you then. Boston Gvenlut j Transcript HER EVOLUTION. This year's sweet girl graduaie is next year's twv dfhtii,inip nnrl ihe tired housekeeper of year after j : CROSS AS TWO STICKS J By ALLIE PORD. J ! "There!" exclaimed the little steiing- j rapher, takitii; her watelj from her belt ; and pi tting it in trout of her. "I'm k- : itig to hold my breath till it s live j o'clock and then 1m going to run! I vo : always felt above watching the chick, htii I'm beginning to undeiritund a tew things! Hesides, I've had a humble time tod;.) trying to get read) for the j I'Ulil'l Ii." j The bookkeeper slid his ledgers b;w It on the shelf. -Now what's the mut ter?" he itski-d, with tin exuKg'Tiited j air uf resiKimdon. j "Oil, I'm tired io u frazzle and us cross an two sticks!" The liillo stenographer, exploded. "Well, don't take it nut on me!" ob jected the bookkeeper amiably. "What has happened, anyway?" "Kverv thing!" returned tl e ' ttlo stenographer dramatically. "I've !''et, turned into a hnusek"eper, in-i, -ra' 1 til Ity man anything but the s'-. : rapher I thought I was, lh" ' .-(: rapher living to get things stiiw. - v lu preparation for the holiday. "This morning I hud to devote two solid hours to checking up his club bille for Mr. (iray! And my tiles u mile behind, waiting for a clear min ute! If those men don't hear my type writing machine rattle they think I've nothing to do! And Ihey bother around for an hour to think up home thing to help me pass the time. Mr. (iruy smiled generously when he bund ed me his bills, as if he were givin; mo the time of my life by permitting me to see how he spends his monev and Incidentally keep his personal ac counts tor him! "When 1 finished that Mr. Mi-Indue culled mo lu and said his wile hud usked him if I wouldn't ho so kind as to write out her club programs lor the whole of next year! The club was about to adjourn until fall and It wus saving money ly doing its own pro grams instead of having them printed. Mr. Nicholas beamed on me as if he were ct tilerring an honor upon me that could never be estimated in letting no get so 'lose to hie wile's club s to spend a f-'.v hours writing out the cluh programs! 'I hen she'll feel ho right eous v. e'.'ii hN'tiding on charity the money I've saved tor her, when the full credit - well, it belongs elsewhere, If 1 do say it myself! ! "Jmd when I was working us hard j ns I could to get that finished, so that i 1 could getsturted ail that awlul lilin!-', 1 who should conn; out ami look over ( my shoulder but Mr. Itrown him.self! I ; could tell that ho thought 1 wu pre suming a good deal tn writing some thing that was not business h-tieis. so 1 hastened to explain what it was I was doing. That gave him an idea, ami he wnt hat I; into his otlice and re i turned pn . -cully with his silk ghnos. "'Won't oii please, when you ha : a little time, just catch these thread- j together?' he asked- And he showed me lingers of his gloves that were al , most entirely gone at tne tips! 'Catch (hem togeilier! Why, 1 hud positively to crochet new tips on them ! And I didn't tl ire do anything but my ' very carefulest work for him. I "That's the way It's been all day long! Mr. Cray asked me to pack his suitcase-from that drawer where ha keeps shirts and ui!iur, yni kumv , for ho had to go out of town for the j Fourth. And while I was at that Mr. ! Vandewater had a bright idea, lie ! suggested that I phono a reservation for him and then run down and get It! And- oh, well, what's thu ue7 I I'm going home!" She half arose from her chair. As I she did so Mr. Itrown emerged hastily ; from his olhYo. ; "Here," he said. "I've got to run for my train. Will you shut my diwk and j close tho window and sign the letters 1 ; left there?" ! The little stenographer nodded and j said no word. "And." called the bookkeeper, as he jHiked his head buck through thu door as he was leaving, 'don't forget to put ; the cat out and wind tho clock." New Furniture Store We Buy and Sell On every Saturday we will sell ai AUCTION unities in our store to ihe lupin-! hidtlcrs. Oil ji'.J exiiinine our stock before purchas ing elsewhere. M. A. COHEN VLLDON, N. C. P. N. Stainback's Old Siand. WHAT U cicnvonnv envc. & LiLniDUUi onio: "Rooms Papered are rS5 U Half Furnished." S Fine Line of Wall Paper to Select From. Sf Ollice lipen Kveninirs ft H. STERNBERG, ft (-KNTK.M. 1I01SK Itfll.DlNti U WKI.MOS.S.C. PROI IiSSIONAI. CAklJS. WAI.Ti;W I:. DAMI I., Attorney-'it.Lav, W l.U'ON, Y c. Practice in lite coiiit of Halifax ana Noiiliuioptun and in the Mipn-m. aim l-etlerul court-, i o etion uuele n, ail paitP of Noitli ( 'aiolma. Iliauch ollice ut Halifax (Mien ewrv Monday Win. L. KNKiMT, Attorney mill CnuiiM-llor at -Lav , vv l.i.l'iix. y c. oiheo :o W, !:,, ii l;.i:,k , I i,,. liniLimir 1'. n-ii..;'. an, I a. ( r i . i - -1 to (iiiOKtil; C. CiklZHN, A l I OiMiV-A I -LAV, ( .Sal ii k lluil. in.; , i vl cl.lim, N. t'. ELLIOTT 15. CLARK, ATTORNt-Y-AT-LAVV, IIAl.ll'.W, S I . T imi 1 1- l: ill t In en nits i ; llalitas ami aiijoiiiiiii. i-nuntics anil in the i ini iiii' coml oi ilie Mull-, .-prciai alli ii t ii Hi l; iv ri to culli'ctioiis al.-l pioiiH't l turns. I i-0-1 y Vv . J. Vv LD, UKSTIST, Oi l- It !; IS MAMI'.I. 1.1 11. MM, U'KI.HON, seprj ly a, i., CIVIL liNUINLKR, Surveying a Specialty I'llo lie -JO I s i:m I'oi;ia, v.. I). I-. STAI.MiACK, I NOTARY PUBLIC ! And l ire Insurance. I l-'',i!'l v - t.; -:- (if I I ATTORNhY AT LAW . Kl.ims, n. c. I'raclices in the emu tv oi llahlax ami u.lioiiiini; eiMiiilirv iiii'l a. the Su.ciiie couitol the stale special attention' iri- " i' ,.n,.i .,,) oimhu.i retutns GREAT BARGAINS IN IMMiWlllikkS. We cam a lame stock of Mumlard Ty pt w it. i. tan I'ui nish at once Mon aich. I .i, olivet, iicii.ington. ltoyul, Mliitli 1'lenilet, 1,. c, Smith I'.io.'s and I' tidci wood. uv other make from -to l -hixv' hutnv. We lt:uehoth the MSlliie Ui.i tie lliviMlilf. e bought a late -tl - i. ul' lh. -.(' I p. w i iters from one lorn; 1 1 In one hall the reuular w hole sale pi tee, and on sale now at one-tout th to out hall the uvular tetail pnecs. A l'oo-I I p. w t itei fiom pO to A better oi.e t' oO to s's..i. The best from f.!o up to uuy 'lice. U ill he L'lad to anwi i any itoiuirv in connection with the -e machines, ami send samples of the wnik iloiic by any of the Tvpe w nti rs we haw. Kvery boy ami gir vhouM I aw one til out cheap I'vpewri teis to h um how to u-e. Any person who can wute well on a typewriter can demand a laig't salaiy. Auoiic who buys a ciiea) typewriter from us and want-a I'cttet otic later, we will take back ttic one IioulM and allow the same paid for it in eM'liaiiL'e lot a better one, it ret u i ued in good condition and w it Inn si months 1 1 not in L'ootl condition we allow the market value. We entry Type writ i isl. bons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. 1' I.htiN, N. c THI: NORTH CAROLINA " STATE NOBfflAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Maintained by the state for the women of Nottli ( uioiinn. live retro hw com set loadmif to iletrtccs. spccal Couiscs lor teacheis. no tuition lo those who agree to become tcachcis in the State ball Session begins September Uth, H'l-b Tor catulouue ami other infotma tion, adtlress .I'Lll I I'UI si', 1'resi.lent, t.lCCllsltiMO. N ('. Wootl's Trade M.irk Crimson Clover 1$ Best Quality Obtainjible. of High Tested Germina tion and Purity. Crimson ( lover is a womlerrul soil Improver; also makes splcuilid fall, tt"ti-r an-l spring fmuiiiv.lhei-arliest gnvu fceil, or aood hay crop, A crop of Crimson Clover turned under is equal to a (rood application of stahlo manure, and Hb value as a soil-iinprover is worth J:U. to iHO. per acre. Wood's Descriptive Fall Catalog (rlvluir full Information about CRIMSON CLOVER, ALFALFA, WINTER VETCH, and all FARM and (lARMliN SEKMS for Fall sowing, niaih-d on request. Writ for Catalog and prices of any Seeds required. T. W. WOOD Ct SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. next. Louisville Courier-Journal. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A

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