1 kst ESTABLISH!;!) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum; VOL. XUX, WKLDON, X. ('., TIirHSDAV, AHa'ST 11)14. NO. P", 1.1 i I! Tho Kind You lluvn Always nought, nntl which lins b;in in uso Cor iivcr 30 your, lias Ikii-iio the Rljrnuliiro of -0 and bus been miulo under his per. Cjc'LAt sonul supervision siuco its iiil'Mury. ar. -SU4,. AllowiioonotoiWclvoyoiiliitlils. All Counterfeit'., Iinitalions n'.ul"Just-as-i;(iiiil'iii'ft but Kxiicrliuciils Hint trillo with umI endanger tho health of Infants and Chlldrcu Experience ujjalust lOxperimont. What is CASTORIA Cast or la is n harmless (substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Orops and Soothing Syrups. It is I'Vasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine) not' other Narcotic HUbstuiiee, llsatroitt its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays IVverislmcss. It cures Dl.irrho-a and Wind Colly. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and I'liituleucy. It Dwiiuilates the Food, regulates tho Ktoni.tch and JSoivols, giving healtliyand iiiiliini' . !.;.,;;. The Children's l'miucea Tlio Slother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORJA ALWAYS Bears tbe Signature of J The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI Of NT tUN COMPANY, TT MU-iltAV BYflttT. NEW VOHR CITt. OE THE BAK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of WeMon Depository. Capital anil Surplus, $55,000. For ovt-r -1 years tliiH institution has provided banking facilities for this section. Its ntockholdern and oilieeiK arc identitied with t he husi boss i n teres t of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained fur the henetit of all who ilesirr to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this l'epartment interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, '2 per cent. Six mouths or longer, 3 per rent. Twelve months or longer. 4 percent. Any information will he furnished on application to the ('resident orCashier I'KKS DKNT : W. K. DAMIX, VK B-rilKMOKM ; W. K. SMITH. I., t IMiA I'Kli, Teller. r As n ikk: .P. O. I Hi A K K, niUKCTOKS W. K. Smith, W. K. Daniel, .1. O. Drake, W. M. Cohen, K. T. Daniel, ,1. L Shepherd, W. A. I'ierce, D. D. ZollieoMei', .1 . . Sledge ONLY ONE BOY. They Ueulized Thut a Mighty Man was Among Them. Il had been a dull year in llie church w here Mullet was enliven ed. The deacons finally said in the i I.I p.istnr: "We love ynit, pastor, hut don'i y i iu think you had belli r leMijii; there hasn'l been a cuuverl this year?" "Yes," lie I replied, "il has been a dull year ' sadly dull to me. Yel I mind nie lhai one did come, wee Hobby I Mullet. Bui he is mi wee a bairn I thai I suppnse ihat it is not right i to count him. " i A lew days later wee Hubby came to the pastor and said, "Pas l tor, do you think lhai 1 could ever learn to preach? 1 feel within here something that tells me thai I ought to. Yet I am afraid that I could never convert any. But oh, if I only rouij; !f I CCu!J just lead souls to Christ, that would be happiness to me." And the good old Pastor answered, "Well, Bob by, you might, who knows? At least you can try!" He did try, and years later when Robert Muflet came back from his wonderful work in Africa, the King of England rose and uncov ered in Ins presence, and the Brit ish Parliament stood as a mark of its respect. They realized that a mighty man was among them. The humble old preacher, who had but one convert, and who was so sorely discouraged that year, is dead and forgotten, and yet that was the greatest years work he ever did and few have ever equaled it. i Only one convert but ah, that ! one !' Exchange. Summer Coughs Are Dangerous. i SimiiH'i- cnl.ls arc dangerous. Thev indicate low vitality anil often load to serious Tlirout ami Lunfr Troubles, in elu.lin Consumption. Iir. kimr'a New liiscovcry will relieve tlie couch or cold promptly and pievent complications. It is Houtliiinr ami antiseptic and makes ; you feel hetler at once. '1 lie delay is ! ilanirerous net a buttle of I'r. Kind's New Discovery at once. Money back if not satislied. 'die, and bottles I your druiTirist. j DESERT AND ROSE ! By MAY C. RINGW ALT. ..at, I'n m the oi.n flap uf He r. 'h.l,. il ;i llunl m lil -i , , . i I , Bee Brand Spices are Quality Spices The pick o( the world's product prpperly cleaned and ground- (that's the important feature) and the container is all metal not just metal top and bottom made with paper sides. The silting top adds to convenience, saves time is Letter in every way. More attention is paid to the grinding ol Bee Brand Spices than most males get altogether, For sale by progressive grocers in 1 0c tins. We name a few: Mllilll U lit -K n Kami, ted it. li. M. Purnell, I-. J. Moore, W'yelie, Bounds & Co. J. H. Boyd. WKI.I'OV. M. S. Mounicastle, Roanoke Supply Co. liagle Cafe. R. A. Cheek. liitletl (1 hpl;!niiK l i II II II .1 .preiii ;tl In IlUt Nl) tMilll. in K owr ;t l -f t - tdllt (Ml ll liuiy-ln il kite.1 VN M, .il.Slt: If ill tlH hlliill'"-S I his b i' v u I e li i : lOlllltilill l-f!l nut iee Ins iieililn r ml to even niMially little visitor. I'inully, the mini luoloil uji fi-o-n th" fiuislif-l slieet, pushed h;iek Ills rinii I brero, wiped the sweat from the lunil or fair, white skin that rib L d his I tanned brow, and, with a sifch so deep : drawn Hint It started a uuiver nf Ki' t n j niiivt iiient on tin' run. rend over i)m- letter he had written and now held in I his thin brown hand ; It htMati with hrusk tenderness: "Dear: - At last the verdict" In, and Instead of the expected 'hanged I ANSWI-mU). StL-lhi W'hal WiMik! Iki ppvii it':in irrcsisiililc hnilv met ;in itnmov.i- MobuJy? i lcll.i- I Ic wouKI t'.-ich lu.r s'A iin. - New- Vui L Still. WOMAN WEAK AND NERVOUS Finds Health in Lydia E. t- 1 I xr ... i umiumi s vegetable Compound. Creston, Invva. "I siiHVre.l with fi miile troubles trutn lit.- time 1 mine inti) wotnalillood until t hud t;iken Lyuia K. i'mkhum's Veetti- ; ijle t'oinpound. I I would liavu pains if i . T I overworked or j Klif PkOI i:SSI()NAL C.Ai)S. W'AI. I VM I-. l) Mi:i,. Attorney-it"L.'iv, , mi Vnii, I a;,, Liu iliamii ,,: ,,v It il lii!';l .),.. il ,: , i Liv Will. L. KMtill I , Atlorniy and Counsellor at Law, U I.I.IhiV. N. I '. V.....a I :.ir Lily Hi! II. ' L . Tru-t ll'iil.Iui tii'l fUilMutiv at- Pi mrf THE HOUSE WITHOUT A SOUL, BY FRANK L STANTON. Something is missed from the meadows something of bloom and cf beam; Morning is less than the morning, and Twilight's sigh in a dream. Lonesome the lilies that loved her, the vine-llowcrs droop 'round the place. Where once they looked in at the window and smiled in her beautiful face. The house seems the Shadow of Silence, yel speaks as the Silence w ill speak. When in halls that are curtained with shadows a loved, vanished Pres ence we see; When each moment that knew her was golden, with life in love's ten der control; But now, 'tis a Home with the heart gone a House without even a soul ! of a Ol li- II IP! MANlT.CTl'l;i:i:s OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDKR AND liKtilM.AU STOCK KIZES. Good Materlils, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. When Tour Bload Is Eight, Your Whole System Is Right If You Have Any Blood or Skin Disease Do Not Delay until it is too late but Order TO-DAY I THE I V ) J ul ! WHY THEY WANT TO MARRY. j She "What in the world makes : broken-down widowers so anxious to marry again?" I He " Possibly because they want to get repaired." Boston Transcript. Summer Constipation Dangerous t'onstipatiou til Summer-time is mure ilanirerous than in the fall, winter or aprimr. The food you eat is contami nated ami is more likely to ferment in your stomach. Then you are apt to drink much cold water durinij the hot weather, thus injurinir your stomach, t'olic, l ever, Ptomaine I'oisoninir and otla-r ills are natural results. Po-io-l.ax will keep you well, as it increases the 111 it, the natural laxative, which rids the bowels of the congested poisonous waste. l'o-lo-Ijix will make you feel better. Pleasant and etleclive. Take a dose touiirht. "illc. at youi drunirist. A GENUINE HERO. Muggins That litile shrimp i doesn't look like a hero, does he? Buggitis Great Scott! no. What has he ever done? Muggins He's been married six times. Philadelphia Record. Infection and Insect Bites Dangerous. Miis,iittoes, Hies and other insects, which breed quickly in trarhairc pails, ponds uf stagnant water, barns, musty places, etc., are carriers of disease. Kvery time they bite you, they inject poison into your system from which sume dread disease may result, (let a bottle of Sloan's I. iuimeut. It is anti septic and a few drops will neutralize the infection caused by insect titles or rusty uatls. Sloans l.immeiit disinfects t'uls, Utilises and Sores. You cannot allot il to tie without il in your home. Money back if not satisfied. Only -.''ic. at vour lirutririst. For though Love has gone but a journey, it has taken the Light life; The red o' the rose, and the beauty of "Mother," and "Sweetheart," and "Wife"; "l i The green of the hills and the valleys, the blue o' the shadowless skies As earth lacks the luster God gave it when lost to the light of her eyes. I'm one in a apart; And, calling "Sweetheart I heart !" I say to the Mowers that miss her. "Not for long for her touch shall you wait; Hark ! a rustle of robes on the lavn there a latch-cling, Love at the gate !" dream, sleeping walking a strange spirit, dwelling to the Silence that only can echo "Sweet- and : a Complete and Positive Remedy for Syphilis, Eczema, Erysipelas, Acne, Malaria. Rheumatism And all other Forms of Blood and Skin Diseases Hot Springs Physicians pronounce this the Greatest Blood and Skin Remedy ever placed on the market. Full Course Treatment-Three Bottles$12.50 Single Bottle $5. We Prepare a Remedy for Every Disease. Write ui your troubles. All Correspondence Strictly Private. HOT SPRINGS MEDICINE CO., 827K Central Avenue, Hot Springs, Arkansas. SOMIE Ltiil hCI IV K. O, the wonderful worth of one woman I Life's dross turned to gold at her touch ! It's by the dull silence of absence you know that you love her so much ! It's the ache of the silence around you -no love tones to answer Love's call; It's the place where ihe lost dreams arc sighing : The House Willi No Soul tells it all ! Dream of her coming, rose gardens, and woodlands w here w ild flow ers throng ! Sing, birds, breast-deep in the blossoms ! for you have been silent so long ! j Seas can not sunder a heart's love; Love o'er the world claims his i own; Give a house back the Soul that has left it, and a beautiful woman her j throne. THE HOME IN THE VALE. I The constable in a small town received by post six "Rogues Gallery" iphotographs, taken in different positions, of an old offen der wanted for burglary in a neigh boring city. A fortnight later the constable sent this message to the city Chief of Police: "I have arrested five of the men and am going after the sixth to night." Ex. Barring hand organs, some good conies out of everything. Satan probably had a fine cuse for not learning to skate. ex- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA l am thinking toduy of the lime long ago, Of ihe days that passed like a dream, NX'hen each morning's gray light To my soul brought delight, Refreshing my life like a stream. And listening I hear from ihe deep wooded hills, A refrain of nature divine, As it floats on ihe breee, Through ihe foliaged irees, In volume and beauty sublime. in my vision I sec ihe old home in the valcj Where a mothe-voice called lo me, As (he notes nf dove Full of pathos and love, Like music from over ihe sea. In the twilight's soft glow ai that home in the vale, The joy of my heart was complete, Vt'iih the dear ones of home lire I left them to roam, No more 'neath ihe roof-tree to meet. From the city beyond, 'mid the hills of the Lord, A call comes to you and to me, Through a dear mother's prayer, Thai we meet her up there, And so with her ever lo be. by the neck until he shall die,' a seu tence of Imprisonment for life. j "Kor your Riike. I curried the, ruse to the highest rourt of appeal. Went lo I-oh AnMeB anil hud the great Wil- j Hard look me over. Moth lungs have healed. Provided I stay put go on in ; tho same sun baked rut of the past two yearn, thero Is no reason why I should . not rival MeiluiHelu.li in hoiirinenn of age. My life the forfeit If I break parole and attempt an ewupe. "And so, Kweetheart, we mine to the parting of the ways, lny way and yours I ought to have given you up long ago. Hut at Hrat I thought it would be for such a little while that it would not matter, and afterward I hoped against hopo that l should bo able to go back to civilization and you "Now I release you, little girl Insist that our engagement end "tiiifid by, dear, and Hod bb-sn you. You need not answer this. 1 shall un derstand when your letters stop (tun ing No, do not offer to o on writing us friend to friend. I could not quite bear that now. NuKM AN " Silently, without a quiver of the grim set lips, he folded the letter. , slipped It into a stamped, addressed ' envelope, tdou ly sealed it, then, his head bowed In his h;uids, he began In nob -with u mans anguish and the Abandon of a little child. Tin days dragged by. heavy-weighted ! with a sense of prison chains. Norman hud boasted that he still had his work Hut he could not wnie. He could not think. He could only fever islily wait tor the letter Hint he had aHked her not lo write. Yet not. until two week bad passed, and he knew at last that she hail taken him at his word, did be realize to the full measure of bithr disappointment how much he had counted upon one more letter from her The east-bound overland waa duo in an i.our, and he was going on it. Ho stood on the station platform waiting trembling from exeitenient and haste of packing, every now and again casting a atealthy glance over his shoulder as though afraid of being watched. With tb caution of the real pris oner breaking Jail, he had only bought a ticket to u nearby point. The kind-hearted meddlesomeness cf hia neighbors, the tyranny of the doctor under whose thumb he had been so many months, were capable of go ing any lengths of Interference when It came to a mutter of what they con sidered his own good A whistle sounded. A (hue at light swept the gathering night from the truck. He snatched up his suit cases j Impatiently dropped them again. Tho I locomotive's heHdlight Hashed from ! the wrong direction. He had forgotten j that the west-bound train passed ten minutes before hit own The pu fling engine paused for breath tho usual short, hurried instant of an express. A black parallelogram of a trunk was tossed from tbe baggage car. The black figure of a won. an pas senger got off Uie Pullman. The express gave a creak forward i rattled, rumbled, mid roared Into tho j awaiting blackness. 1 The new arrival stood hesitating, a nervous, tost child air about the slight, ; shadowy figure. Norman took a quick j step to her assistance. The blurred ; light of the station lamp softly en- , wrappPd her. He started back, a cold fear clutch- j lug his heart. The brooding of the last hideous days had been too great a j Btraln his mind had suddenly given way! Hut the woman did not start back she ran toward hiin with u glad cry of: : "Norman!" It was not tbe hullucluatlou of a j nervous breakdown. It was Nan. Nan - her dear flesh and blood self Nun - In Kdeti. Nan on the platform beside htm. Nan in bis arms. ' And you are really glud thut I'm here?" she tremulously laughed, when ; ut last he opened his arms wide enough i for her to look up Into his radiant , face. I "After 1 started I waB so frightened! j Hut I had to come." She hid her , acarl t-swept face in the old resting ' place "II was th only way 1 could make you understand, you dear, fool ish stupid, you." And then ho knew that a woman never really loves until she makes 9 sacrifice for the man. f ted any thine- ! heavy, ami 1 would j be so Weak anil rier- I are n ..i.m-iin i "-, i WOU1U . i Prostrated A lrieml told me what your medicine had (lone hiF'T'id I tried it. It made rnesfmtiatid healtt.y and our home is imw happy with a baby boy. I am very f'Unl that I took Lydia f j t:..n k E. I'inkhiun's '-rr-t:il.l,- rmm,iimfn1l I i"", w nil I I'jin t'i p-'commeu,! it. Mrs. A. IS. Biiscamp, Out K. Howard Strwt, Creston. Iowa, Tons of Roots ami llorlis an' uscil annually in the manufartun of l.j-ilia I'. I'inkli.'im'H 'c(,'('lalilo Com pouinl. which m known from oi-oan to ocean as Ih" standard remedy for female ills. For forty years this famous root and herb medicine has heen pre-eminently successful in conlrollini; the diseases of women. Merit alone could have stood this test of time. If you liavc tlu sliglitpst doubt ; that I.yilia I'.. I'iiiklium's Vi'i-tn- i lili' 'oinioiinil ill help you, write j to I.yiliiiK.I'inkliuiu Mi'dii iiii'Co. ! (conliilentiali I.yiin,Muss.,l'ornil- ' ic Your luttrrwill lie opened, i rend and answered liya uoinali, and held in strict euululvuee. ii:t)lril: C. (iKI:l:N,', A ! I' 1 k'.N'i ; Y-A I'-l.AW, in.u i ' r-Mii. I'.i.l !".. , : ''Moil. N. C. 1:1.1.10 1 I li. CI.AKK, A l l () l! N 1; Y-AT- LAW, n.MJi'i v s.i : Q "Ai-nci-.... in the eouits ol llahfaxaiel i'U .mil . . n n V, I an. I -laic special aUeii- 1 1 1 . 1 1 s and pimiipt rc-lo-IMy Vv AkD, i h:tist, ll I P K K IMMKI. Ill H.l'lM; H i t. HON, N.CJ epiv ly A I. SCHISI.HK, CIVIL LNGINLLR, Survey in); a Specialty l'l -.'ol I MI'lllilA, VA. I), li. STAIN HACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And l ire Insurance. 'uii'U -" - MIIKr -:- WI1H A. I igw furniture Eton i 'L' OLAR 1 'i TORNtY AT LAW, i . : i.imin. n. i i'i Wo Buy and Sell radices in the cumls ol Halifax and ail joiniiic eoiiol n s ami il. the l-uprenu' , court ol th,- Male. pccial attention 1'iveii In collcclioiis utnl pionipt returns On every Saturday c will sell at Al'd lON articles in our store to the highest bidders. Call and examine our stuck he lore purchas ing elsewhere. t:i.ix)N, n. c. P. N. StaitiKtck's Old Stand. Half Purnished." WHAT S EVERYBODY SAYS: S "Rooms Papered are ft Pine Line of W all Caper to Select I roni. I lllicc Open K,-ailiiT 11. STLRMSLRU, ( t:n l l; I. Iloi m; i.i ii.i'lNi. w la.l'iiN. r. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Millionaires, as Charles Lamb refrained from sayine, are capital fellows. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Many a girl catches a husband by baiting her hook with indifference. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Fhe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of wC,- M : S i; .tr- ft k ;: .s?: M.H.8AKV wi-:i.noN, n. c. Home Made Candies, Heavy anil I'nin v ? 1 1 u i rrs Tobacto, Cigars, Cigarettes. Ill t'M Kplov tlllice. li lim (t; MOXIOV (5 Loans may be obtained for any purpose utt aceptable Real Lstate security; liberal privileges; corres pondence solicited. A. C. Adl-NCY COMPANY, li7 l.as I'lei loc I'.l.k' I I If. I'lciee I'.l.lir. lctlet, Colo I M. Louis, Mil. tfjFDWJFE Comply Send us your orders for Tobacco l-'lues. LIME, Cement, Gen eral Hardware, Farm in"; Implements and Builders' Supplies. Give us a call. G. 129 3m GREAT BARGAINS IN TYI'lIWITKRkS. We cany a latue stock of standard Typew liters. ( an furnish ul once Mon- ; uivli. I ti. Oliver. Ke miuirlon. Koyul, -iiul!i rit'itnei. 1.. Smith A Hio.'s and l'ii'leiM'i- Any other make from .'.to 1.". .lavs notice. We have both the ustMe ai.il the unisil.le We lu)UL'bt a l.ni;e -loi-k ol'the-e Typewnteis I'rotu one foul Mi lo oiie-liall'the remilur w Lole f.ile puce, and on sale now at one-fourth lo oiie-lialt the it iTular retail pneen. A yoo. I 1 y i leu i iter 1 1 1 1 in to A ( better Hiie Tli to .'" .Ml. The best 1 Irani ?.;o up to any piee. Will lie triad ; tuanrtet any m.Uirv m connection witli th sf niacliMio. and send saniples ' ot the wink ih. ne l-v any of the 'I'ype- u ntei. v e ha e. 1 1 i -1 V bov and L'ir siioul.l i ive one ol out cheap Typewri Ins io ii am how to iim' ny person who ran wttte wt 11 on a ivpt'wiiter can ih inaiel alaie salaiy, Anyone who 1'iiys n i'!,i;!i lyiT'.Miu r fnnu its and waul-a 1-t Ui i one later, we wilt lake baek llie uii. hi mil: 1 1 1 and allow thesutne panl lor il hi t'cli:inire ltr a better one, r I' t el 'ii n ril in Lfi m l cou.lition and w itinu i six iiionili. Ii not ni ut i i.l condition we 'allow ! In iv a i kit value. e can y 1 v pe wnjt i 'M.loiii.-. and oilier supplies. SPIERS BROS. W i'.LHUN, .N, C Till-: NOK'TH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Manilaineil hy the Stale lot the women ol' Ninth i aiohiia 1 ive icirnlar eouisci. h a line' to iltaiiecs. pcceil l ourscs lor tcachcis. I iii- toilieu lo those who ttk'iee to in cionc teachers in (lie State I all SrsMnn h, irms Septctnlier loth, li'l I l ot caialoiiuc anl oihci iut'"rma- tlon, il'l.lless .11 I.l I s 1 I lit s i'. Prci.lcnt, l.lCt llsliOIO. N. f. Short men like to stand on their dignity. But why not? LLW'IS, Manager, Halifax, N. C. T IV Kit croiiK'.' TaliletH. pat i on. Try )r. Milen Laxative Nothinir better for coDDti At drijrgit6. Adv. Wood's Seeds. Winter or Hairy Vetch. Winterer Hairy Vetches are incrcas iilR iu popularity wherever trronn, and are proviui,' lo lie one ol'tlin most valuable eropn for lall il.intintr. They not only make a larire yield of the moat nutritious hay Nome of our cuHtomerH reporting as hieh aH three, tons per acre hut they improve the Condition and produclivenesnof land for crops to follow, as much, as any crop that can he sown, not even ex cepting crimson clover and cow peas. Wood's Descriptive Fall Catalog contains full information in regard to Winter or Hairy Vetch, Crim son Clover, Alfalfa, and all Farm and Garden Seeds for Fall planting. Write for Catalog and prices of any aeeds desired. T.W.WOOD G SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, V&.

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