0 ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Sulscription $1.5() Per Annum VOL. XLIX. WELDON, N. (.'., TIH HSDAV, Al (il'sT 20, l'HI. NO. IT 4 OE 1? On Wei ill Al.n'lluL 1 PKK C-tM'. ! ANogr (iilik- Pre naralion fcrAc i simiI.iljirtrhiFoocfan(UptJu!a Promotes Diii-slionnwfiful nissar.rtlVsi.CoiiaLisncithr I'piuni.Morphutr norfliacral. Nor Narcotic. Bsnfikia Sttd Jlx-Stata I .KxUlrSJt,- I AtistSttd I ItrmSrti- CloiMSligor' I mitiyirai knur. f Anfrfcc! Rreifdv forConsRiii- lion, Sour Stonacl.t)larrtiura WoriTu.Coimilsions.riwisli nessamlLossoFSUEK Facsimile Signarure iif NEW YORK. CASTOR! For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW In Use For Over Thirty Years -e 1 1 bafdun llilo I 11 81 111 Exact Copy of Wrapper. Ttf ( omm mwwmm i LIE THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws ol the State ot North Carolina, Slate of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of VCeldon Depository. Capital and Snrplns, $55,000. For ovit 'J I years this institution has provided hanking farilitii-M fur this section. Its stockholders and oilieers aie nlriitiiicd with the busi ness interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties. A Savings Department is mainlairii'.l fur tin- ti-m-lit of all wlio desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In tins I i iart iiirut interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed torcinaiii three months or limtror. "J per cent. Six niouths or longer, II per cent. Twelve months or longer, t percent. Any information will lie furnished on application to tlie I'rosidentoiCashict f KKSIDKNT r W. K. DAM FX, Vl K-t'llKslKNT: W. U. SMITH. I., f. li;.l'i:i;. Teller. eASUIKK. . (i. I'Kaki:. IHllKCTOliS W. I!. Smith. W. IJ. Iianiel, .1. (I. Drake. U Al. Cohen, K. I'. Daniel, .1. I.. Shepherd. V A. I ce, D. II. olllcollcr. .1 . W. Sledge THE GLORY OF OLD AGE. i To Thern Heaven Is a Very Close ' Thing, and Jesus Is a Real Sav iour and Friend. There is glory in old age when it is the sunset time of Christian I life. There are springs of daily refreshing of which the world does not know. There are opportunities for kindly service. Cod leads our dear old friends all (he way. They have traveled further than the most of us along ihe road thai leads and in many instances have reached that point where with the spiritually quickened vision, they can almost penetrate (he thin veil which hides what lies in beyond. To them heaven is a close thing, and Jesus is a real saviour and friend, is the opinion of the Chris tian Herald. So they look for ward not with doubt and misgiv ing, but with joy to the reun ion in the "good land" here after, with those who have al ready passed over. Let us not hold lightly the counsel of those veterans, who can look back over many a struggle and temptation which they have conquered, but which we have yet to meet. Let us love and honor them while they are with us and comfort them in every way. We hold them with us a little while as hostages from heaven, where they belong. OOFS SUCH A MAN LIVI:? A Tokio review has been asking its women readers for their ideal of a husband. Here are the sev enteen virtues of the paragon, placed according to the order of their importance in the eyes of fair Japan : He must not be a miser; not be too much taken up with his own toilette; be manly in appearance; not be a woman's man; express himself clearly, avoiding anything like a hint; be prompt in decision and clever in extricating himself from an awkwark position; have an ideal which may be left to his own choice; leave the manage ment of the household to his wife; never put his face inside the kitch en; never criticise his wife's hats or dresses; never make other peo ple the recipients of his confidences; not end by becoming an object of disgust io his wife; not interfere in feminine matters at all; cultivate virtue of compassion; not drink heavily; not be fai; not be too jealous. When You and I Were Young, Maggie. MAN I' FAtTl'liKliS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAKE TOOItDF.lt AN D liF.lU I. AH STOCK Sl.KS. Good Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. len Your Blood I; Right, lour Whole System Is Right If You Have Any Blood or Skin Disease Do Not Delay until It is too late but Order THE TO-DAY ! IS 1 a Complete and Positive Remedy for Syphilis, Eczema, Erysipelas, Acne, Malaria, Rheumatism And all other Forms of Blood and Skin Diseases Hot Springs Physicians pronounce this the Greatest Blood and Skin Remedy ever placed on the market. Full Course Treatment-Three Bottles--$12.50 Single Bottle $5. We Prepare a Remedy for Every Disease. Write ui your troubles. All Correspondence Strictly Private. HOT SPRINGS MEDICINE CO., 827 'A Central Avenue, Hot Springs, Arkansas. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Summer Coughs Are Dangerous. Summer colds are dangerous. They indicate low vitality ami often lead to serious Throat ami Lung Troubles, in cluding Consumption. Dr. King's New Discoveiy will relieve the couch or cohl promptly ami prevent complications. It is soothing ami antiseptic ami makcK you feel better at once. The delay ib dangerous tret a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery at once, .Money back if not satisfied, ."sic. ami $ I bottles at your druggist. Words by Geourge W. Jonnson, music by J. A. I'.uiterlield, Copy right, McKinley Music Company, Chicago and New York. In the days when the ballad here given was meeting with its great est favor.l was told by a young man who had visited the Unicois Moun tains of Last Tennessee, and later by a young lady friend whose voice I ofttimes heard in rendition of this sweeily sentimental ballad, that the Maggie referred to in the song had once lived among the historic Um cois, and that the old mill still stood as she had led it. A recent visit 10 these beautiful mountains recalled to me the old story, and I made a point of looking up the scenes of the ballad and of verifying the tender traditions of a real Maggie and a real mill. The mill as I saw it stands upon the banks of a most lovely creek, a tributary of Hiawassee River, which is the greatest of the Unicoi streams, and is all that its name in the Indian language implies, "Beau, tiful River." A short distance from the mill of cove, securely shel tered beneath theCataska Peak, siands an old house, a log structure, with parts long ago fallen away. The scenery about the house and mill is most picturesque, and it is here, so tradition has it, that the Maggie of the song lived as a child and then as a young woman. Here among the daisies and beneath the great poplar, chestnut and 1 lowering evergreen hemlock she sang as she grew to womanhood, and unconsciously waited for him who was to come. And when her j face was at its fairest, from somewhere beyond the world in which j Maggie lived, there came a youth into the Unicois in search of gold, ; reports o( which have lured many to this region, boih before and since, j The young man of our story sought ihe mountains in the days when j Maggie was young. In his canoe he came from the Tennessee River j up the Hiawassee and arrived one morning at the mouth of a clear i creek. His instructions were to follow the creek to the mill, bin the j current soon became too swift in the shallow channel to admit of the further passage of his canoe, and so, tying his boat, he went on foot to J the creaking old mill, with its big overshot wheel streaming with water and gleaming in early morning light. The creaking of the axle as the big wheel slowly revolved no doubt seemed a welcome sound, after a night in the awful solitude of that region, during which, with his boat lashed to the bank, he had, for the most part, only feigned sleep. But it was a fair scene that greeted his eyes when again the sun had flamed aloft, revealing flowers of rhododendron and laurel upon each bank, rocks veiled with long, clinging wreathes of ferns and moss, and numberless birds amid ihe dripping treetops above him singing their morning melodies. And so it was in the midst ot all this the young man strode to the home of Maggie and to the mill of the song. It is said that Maggie, in the absence of her father, used to run the mill, looking after keeping the hopper full of grain and regulating the flood gates. Now the most sacred memories of life to lovers cluster about the spot where they first met, so we may be pardoned if we add imagination to the tradition and say that here was the first meeting of the lovers, lor in the song the stillness of the mill is pathetically referred to. We know nothing of Maggie's culture or refinement beyond the fact that the song tells us she sang. The fact that she lived in the moun tains does not prove that her education had been neglected, for it must be remembered that she was within a day's ride of the old Coghill Academy, in the Kannasaga Valley. At this place, she may have at tended school, as did many of the mountain folk of those days, and it is easy to believe that her real character was strengthened by at least a creditable education. No doubt, of all the army of gold prospectors who have gone away from the Unicois, the husband of M iggie felt richer than any, when, after a brief courtship he took her in his boat and returned to his home. They spent many, many happy years together, but now at last they care no more for the riches of the world. They have reached old age; shadows are gathering thickly, and their heads are likened unto spray by the breakers flung. And so. in their old age their hearts turn again toward the mountain and the mill now described as so intent and still. Together they view the old family hearthstone about which Maggie grew from childhood to womanhood. The voices of the happy long ago are hushed forever. Maggie's parents are sleeping on the hill where the daisies used to bloom, and where the birds amid the trees joined in the songs that Maggie sang in the long, long ago. The old home where Maggie was born is silent and deserted forever. lit the olden scene memories of all the vanished years are awakened, and Maggie's mate, now old and gray, in loving tribute to her virtue, remembering their hopes and their trials, their failures and their suc cesses, indites a tender love song to his aged companion. The a Chance 5 Give The Kiddies to make their candies at home. Little minds and fingers trained the proper way soon become, proficient in the Culinary Art. Good for little stomachs too! Pure sugar and Extracts never harmed anyone. Bee Brand Extracts are aged for years in while o.ilt rasks to hrin; out the delicious flavor which distinguishes lliern Irom every oilier kind. 1 ou will notice the difference at once! Try Eztraols and niaice heller candies at home 25c. For sale by progressive dealers. II Boyd, S. M. Dickens, C. (i. Evans, W. T. Parker Wyche, Bound' A WORD FOR THE HOY. 2 J fT Uagle Cafe, tn D. Keeier, j Roanoke Supply Co. lice Brand IT Here are a few: V s & C V I'kOl liSSIONAI. CAHIlS. WAl.TEK I!. l) Mi:i., Attorney-at-Lnw, v t-:i.i " i v i . I'Cll'lHV III lln l Nol'lillllllplliM .Ul'l tcilrral i-i hit t- ' part.- ol Ninth ( al. at Halifax open ev III- ..! Il.li.l4 ii t!.' -1 . 1 1 r i -1 j. . ilii .-licii- ll.ll.il lilia. I'.ian.'li ami ami Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor tit Law, WLI.Ddn, V (' Olliei- III U. I. inn I '..til I, .VTlll-l I'.ull.huc lin-iin tended In mil pt!y and laitliiiiily al- He Is at the Porks of the Uoad When tie Is I'iftten Years ol Age. A boy fifteen years of age, is, in our opinion, at the most important period of Ins life. He is at the forks of the road. What he needs more than anything else is sympa thy and advice. It would be strange indeed, if boys did not build castles in Spain, al that age, and what ihey need is the practical sugges- j tion of some one is what they need either sympathy or advice. It is a great mistake, They need it as much as girls. We have never known one of them to refuse to take advice, if it were tendered al the right time, in the right place and in the right spirit. The mis take that most people make in talk ing to boys is that they lecture them in season and out, persecute ihem with all sorts of foolish sug gestions, and expect more from ihem than they would from a man If we had any word of counsel to give it would be: "Don't lecture a boy, Don't nag him. Don't persecute him if he has done wrong ! Don't laugh al him if he has failed, perhaps in some over-ambitious boyish schemes. Don't crush him. Don't break his spirit. Give the boy a chance. Show him his mis take, and then show him what he should do. When you crush a boy's spirit you have ruined the boy in all probability he will blos som into a first class dude. SO SIS SAYS, II EXPERT TjfSTl WATCH MtjTX ! WE KNOW THE BUSINESS No tinkering with your valuable timepiece. Wi: (iUAkAM lii: (H'k WOKK Let our expert repair man ex amine your watch or cluck He will tell you what is needed and what the cost will be. When your watch has been re paired by us, you can depend upon ii every lime to caich a train or meet an engagement. J. EL WALLER, U F.I. DON. i . (iKOKGI: C. GKtKN,! ,ATT()RNr:Y-AT-LAV, (National liank DuiMiiu'i I Weldon. N. C. i:li.iott h. clauk, ATTOkNUY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX. N. C P iiAcru i in the coutis u! Halifax and adjoinniir counties and in the r-u preiiie euuit ol the Mule. .-icciul atten tion t'lveu lo collections and prompt re turns, loiidy Vv . J. WAKD, Mi N'T I ST, OFI K K IN DANIF.L 111 U.ldNO WELDON. N.C sepl'J ly A. I. SCHISLER, CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveying a Specialty I'llone :.'01 N. F.Ml'oltIA, VA. People who praise always blames others. themselves Summer Constipation Dangerous Constipation in Summer-time is more dangerous than in the fall, winter or spriinr. The food you eat is contami nated and is mote likely to ferment iu your stomach. Then you are apt to drink much cold water during the hot weather, thus injuring your stomach. Colic, Fever, Ptomaine I'oisonintr ami other ills are natural results. I'o-Do-Lax will keep you well, as it increases the tide, the natural laxative, which rids the bowels of the congested poisonous waste. l'o-Do-laix will make you feel better, l'lcasanl and clleclive. Take a dose toniirht. .'ide. at your druirist. There is no end to the trouble in a family that has two heads. Infection and Insect Bites Dangerous. Mosquitoes, Hies ami other insects, which breed quickly iu narharc pads, ponds of stagnant w ater, barns, musty places, etc., are carriers of disease. Every time ttiey bite you, they inject poison into your system from which some dread disease may result, (let a bottle of Sloan's Liniment. It is anti septic and a few drops will neutralize the infection caused by insect bites or rusty nails. .Sloans Liniment disinfects Cull, bruises and Sores. You cannot atlbrn to bo without it in your home. Money back if not satislied. Only 'J.iC. at your Druggist. Never say die. more classy. Expire sounds Chlldran Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO Rl A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Modest Suitor I am going to marry your sister, Willie, but I scene 1 know I am not good enough for of her childhood and of their courtship inspired him with renewed ap-1 her preciation. of his aged wife, and he gave to the world this song of Mag- Candid Little Brother Thai's gie and the mill. The old mill and the miller's daughter have inspired I what sis says, but ma's been telling many a song and poem, but this ballad is rare among many songs of its i her she can't do any better." kind, since it breathes the tenderness of a romance which lime nor ' London Opinion. custom were strong enough to stale, and finds an echo in every heart that listens to its message of simple faith and hope. I have wandered today to the hill, Maggie, To watch the scene below, The creek and the creaking old mill, Maggie, As we used to long ago. The green grove is gone from the hill, Maggie, Where first the daisies sprung, The creaking old mill is still, Maggie, Since you and I were young. CHORUS: But now we are aged and gray, Maggie, The trials of life are nearly done, Let us think of the days that are gone, Maggie, Since you and 1 were young. Next di mar i . I. Waich .1 to Zolbe. ' Iv. IliMii-ctol. Ili'l s I 'i 1 1 c I). E. STAINBACK, I NOTARY PUBLIC j And l ire Insurance. I I'narti' Vs uifiu' - Weldon N.ll w turn, ur We Buy and Sell ; On every Saturday we will HI at AUCTION articles in our store to the highest bidders. Call and examine our stock before purchas ing elsewhere. M. A.COHEN WELDON, N. C. P. N. Siainback's Old Stand. M U & if ft ft. ft. ft ft ft A city so silent and lone, Maggie, Where the young and the gay and the blest, In polished white mansions of stone, Maggie, Have each found a place of rest; Is built where the birds used to play, Maggie, And join in the songs that were sung, For we sang as gay as they, Maggie, When you and 1 were young. They say I am feeble with age, Maggie, My steps are less sprightly than then; My face is a well written page, Maggie, But time ulone was the pen. They say we are aged and gray, Maggie, As spray by the white breakers flung, But to me you're as fair as you were, Maggie, When you and I were young. Constipation Causes Sickness I'lon't peraiit yourself to become con stipated, art ravr Mysteui immediately Metritis to aheorto poison from the back, cd up waste nialitor. I'ae Dr. King's New Life 1'illB and keep well. There is no better safeguard against illness. Just take one loe to-night. c, at your druggist. But a mother-in-law can lay down the law to a lawyer. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. ftie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears th Signature of A Delightful Profession for Young Women Eternal vigilance is the price of retaining a good umbrella. t '5: HERE is no occupation J; J for a young women that is more pieasant or con genial, more suited to her ability and nature, none that can give her more personal satisfaction, and if she be a thoroughly trained professional none that otters bigger icAi'ius than that ot music leaching. The supply of competent teachers of piano music is far short of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given this matter a thought, have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a STIEFF PIANO at once, get her started on the road to success and fame, the sooner she starts the better. (Thus 3U. ticff, LEON C. KTKFXE, Mr. No. (Jranhy t.t Norfolk, Va. ft ft & ft ft ft AlTORNtY AT LAW, FI.I'ON, N. ('. I'rat'tHvs in tlie courts ol Halifax and rtdjminiiL' eoiiiilii's and ii. the Supreme couitol ihr s'atc special attention wn ven to col left ions and prompt returns 0 IGiUAT BARGAINS IN lYPIiWlil-KKS. W- 0:111 V A l;Mi'i' stock ol MUll'llUl! Ty pew i lit if. ;in 'in it i -1 1 at cikt Moii uroll. lo. Oliver. UrmiliL'Um, Koyul, -"lllllll I'h'MOfl, I.. V . Mlllllt iV Uro.-! anil I li'W i vwiuti A ii v utluT make from l.' -lavs' tlutKT "r h:ivt' Ixitli till' llr an i ihf in i-siMf o bought a re tut'K ui t lifM' l pi wi itfis Irom onr-li nil Ui tu tun tlir li'LMllai w mile- fuli- pi iot . ami uii a W' ntiw at um fomth to nr hull tin it'iruiur ii-t:ul inot. A tTiMiil ryM-rtiitt-i 1 1 1 1 tu S.-'tittt A h.'Url olit- .hi to t -'s- ". I lii' fii'nl from fr.io iiji to any pmv Will ho ula4 to unfurl any in juirv in ooinict'lioii with Iht'M' niai'luiir". anl M-mt aniilt' of tlit' wm k ih nir tv any ot lite I y po writcrs hi- haw. Kwiy hoy ami irir shouM have on' ol o'ii cheap I'vpown trr to h am how to u-f. Vnv pi'isou ; 1 10 I'.Ul WWW on a I y t'rt I I tlT etui ! tlfiuaiiil a law vilai y A nyoiio w ho ! huys a dica. typt-w t iit i tioiii us ami t want' a I 't-Hi i ' in1 I.Ltt i , w Will lanr j huok tlip uno huiiL'hl aiel all'.m llirsaiiir i pai'l for it iti t . Itaime I'm a In iter tun, ii t rtiu in ! in Lrool omiv hi ion ami within j mx months. Ii not in ioo.! I'omM.ou u( j allow tin- inail.t'l ahie. W v oany l ) j writer MliUm- ami otht-i uilii'-. WHAT EVERYBODY SAYS: "Rooms Papered are Half Furnished." Fine Line ot Wall Paper to Select From. Oiliee open Kremturs H, STERNBERG, KN'l'KA I. Hot sH lit II. HIM, SPIERS BROS. W I'.LPON, N. C THli NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE j .MaMitaiiiptl hv the Statu for tin- woiiu-ii WIXPON, N.C. -jr. j ol' North Carolina, l-ivc u-trulai oouisrw ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft j travht'ii. ! itr lint ion lo ihoup w ho atrii'e to heoomo traohers in Hip Stale M MOXKY m Loans may be obtained for any purpuseon accptable Real l.state security; liberal privileges; corres pondence solicited. tail svssion beirms September l'ltb. l!il I. for catalogue and other informa tion, addrei-s .11 I.I I S I 1 o ST. President, tilei nsboro. N . C. A C. A'lp.NCY CO.V.PAW, ; lias-Llectric llld. I Ilii I ce Uldg. Ilenver, Colo st Louis. Mo. Halifax Company Send us your orders for Tobacco Hues. LIME, Cement, Gen eral Hardware, Farm ing Implements and Builders' Supplies. Give us a call. LEWIS, Manager, Halifax, N. C. G. E 129 3m -yKl'KAUllA causes great sull'ereinp. I T 1VKH cross? Try Or. Miles Laxative Dr. Milea' Anti-Psin Pills giverehel I " Tablets. Nothing bcttes for e.onsti Why suffer longer? Adv. palion At druggists. Adv. Wood's Seeds. Winter or Hairy Vetch. Winter or Hairy Vetches are increas ing iu popularity wherever grown, and aro proving to be one of the most valuable crops for Fall planting. They not only make a large yield of the most nuti itiou.s hay some of our customers reporting as high as three tons per acre but they improve the condition and productiveness of land for crops to follow, as much as any crop that can lie sown, not even ex cepting crimson clover and cow peas. Wood's Descriptive Fall Catalog contains full information in reirara to Winter or Hairy Vetch, Crim son Clover, Alfalfa, and all Farm and Garden Seeds for Fall planting. Write for Catalog ana prices 01 any soeJs aesirod. T.W.WOOD Ct SONS,' Seedsmen, - Richmond, V&.