-I lg Jl 1 ' '8 l liSTABLISHT;!) IN 1860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription Si. 50 I'er Annum VOL. XLIX. WKLDOX, X. C, TIIUKSDAV, Al'lil ST 27, 1!U. NO. is 1 f'1 V! H p Tlio Kind You I rave Always Xloulit, and whic h lias been In use lor over 30 years, Iiux burno tho siimturo of anil has hvvn mmlo under his por l&7J?i2iA, Bonn) supervision sinco its Infancy. 'w. Allow no ono todooeii o you in this. All Cotinti-rlVit, Imitation nMl'Just-os-i,"ood" arcs lint Kxpi'rinieiits Hint trille with nml endanger t lm hi'iillli at luliuiU anil Children Experience against Kxpcrlintjiit. What is CASTORIA Castorlu is n liarmless tuihstituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Synps. It is I'Vasiint. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor oilier Narcotic substance. Its aco Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays l'evenshness. It cures Diarrlm-a and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Tronliles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Ktoiuach and linnets, giving hcaltliyand natural sleep. Tlio Children's I'anaeea-Tho MoIIht's friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of trsr a, The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CtNTAUR OOMMN, T MUH THCCT, NIW OHH CITY. THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX. X. c Organized Under the Laws ot the State ot North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anil Surplcs, $55,000. For over L'l yearn this institution 1ms prtividetl blinking facilities for this section. Its stockholders ami ollictrs aic it It ntitieil with the Imse ness mterests of Halifax ami Northampton I'oiintics. A Savours department is nnniihiiicd for the hciutit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this liepaitment interest is allotted as follows: Fur Deposits allowed toremam three months or longer. '' per cent. Six months or lomrer, a per cent 'I nclvc month-or louircr. I percent. Any 111 formation mil he furnished on application to the President 01 Cashier PRKSingNT : W. K. DANIEL, VleK-CKKSIOKNT: W. 1!. SMITH. I.. C. IHiAl'F.li.Telh CASIMKK: .1. O. HU.VKK, IliliEl TuKS W . Smith. V. K. Haniel, .1 H. hrake. W M. Cohen, it. T. I'atiiel, .1.1.. shepherd. W. A. Pierce, 1. I'.. Ailheotl.i. .1 . W. Slcdar MANi'K.UTl'hFliS OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAliK T0llUliF.lt AMI IJKdl I.Ali STOCK SIZKs. Good Materials, High Urade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. When Tour Blcad Is Right, lour Whole System Is Right If You Have Any Blood or Skin Disease Do Not Delay until it is too late but Order TO-DAY ! THE in a Complete and Positive Remedy for Syphilis, Eczema, Erysipelas, Acne, Malaria, Rheumatism And all other Forms of Blood and Skin Diseases Hot Springs Physicians pronounce this the Greatest lilood and Skin Remedy ever placed on the market. Full Course Treatment-Three Bottles$l2.50 Single Bottle $5. We Prepare a Remedy for Every Disease. Write us your troubles. All Correspondence Strictly Private. HOT SPRINGS MEDICINE CO., ' 8274 Central Avenue, Hot Springs, Arkansas. A FATHER'S LOVE. What a Sweet Remembrance for That Child. A liltlo incident, which beau tifully illustrated the word of Ihivid, spoken so long ajjo, came iniiler my notice recently. It so impressed and comforted tin' that I want to pass it on. We were seated round the tea luhle in my friend's pleas ant home, when it seems the little daughter rcai heil to help herself with undue haste, Iter father reproved her, and it must have been gently, for there was not any interruption in the cheerful conversation. Hut u lady seated hy the child's side told me afterward that Janie's ', eyes tilled with tears, and she slipped quietly away from the 1 table. Hut I did not notice Mr. II excusing himself and also leaving the room. Immediately after 1 hud oc casion to visit the adjoining sitting room, where I found the little one nestled in tier father's strong arms, the tears still fall ing from her blue eyes, but looking up trustfully into the brown eyes bent over hers and glistening with sympathy, while the voice tender and manly, was saying: "There, there, darling; papa wouldn't hurt his little pet's feelings or spoil her supper if he could help it. See, papa could not eat any more when he knew you were leelitig so badly. Now, sweet-i heart, let us go and see if there I is anything left for us. Moth-! r will attend to us herself." For sometime they talked , softly: then I heard a little rip-: de of laughter and they went to linish their meal, her hand j clasped in her father's. Hul 1 bad my lesson. What . a sweet remembrance for that , child. Thank (bid for our Chris-1 tian fathers, and while the tears dropped down my cheeks, I 1 cried silently. "DocsUod love me so!'" And the answer came j and stayed, "Like as :i father pitieth his children, so the Lord j pitieth them that fear him." i Christian Guardian. HOW THf: HORSE WON. A few days after the new far mer had purchased a horse from a thrifty Scot be returned in angry mood. "Voii told me this horse had won half a do.en matches in the country. He can't trop a mile in six minutes to save himself. You lied to mo," he denounced. "I didna lie. It was in plow ing matches be took six prizes" calmly replied Sandy. Chica go Herald. RliMRDY R)R THE CAT, "Doctor," said he, "I'm a victim of insomnia. 1 can't sleep if there's the least noise, such as a cat on th back fence, for instance, "This powder will be effec tive," replied the physician, after compounding a prescrip tion. 'When do 1 take it. doctor?" "You don't take it. You give it to the eat ill a little milk." Columbia State. Some women just have to kiss each other or remain unkissed. SALL()VESS This disorder is due to a torpid liver involving the stomach and bowels. To correct the (rouble take SIMMONS RED Z Lit Lit ItLUULrtlim (THE POWDER FORM) When the complexion is sallow and you have spells of vertigo (blind naggers) on stooping or rising sud denly and your bowels are irregular, with much flatulence (wind in the bowels) you ore badly in need of Simmons Liver Regulator. The liver is the cause of all the trouble and when the liver is at fault, there is nothing more effective. Simmons Liver Regulator quickly restores sound, healthy conditions in the liver, stomach and bowels; sweetens the breath, helps digestion and brings back the ruddy hue of health to the complexion. Sold by Dealers Price, Larg Package, Sl.OO A for the rnii1tc with thr Rut X on tht litwL It yon rtnnct frt it. rrmit to hi. we ill wtn4 It by ttL postpaid. SUnmoni Urn ReftilMur I 'o put up In liquid form tor tho who rrt.-r tl. Price ftl.00 oef boalc Uok fur Ike Red Z label. I. B. ZEILIN A CO., Proprietor. St. Lenta, MlMomrl J 4v7 Up Among the Highlands d J. H. Boyd, G Eagle Cafe, lj D. Keeter, Of India and Crvlon whence come the finoi 1 eas, Banquet Brand ii grown. You will find the full fragrant aroma of Banquet Brand 1 ea, piping hot, equally pro nounced in Banquet Brand ice cold. Can you say this of the tea you're using now) Four minutes steeping is all that Banquet Brand India and Ceyloa requires. Packed in air-tight canisters pounds, halves and quarters. Most grocers will supply you. Here are a few: Wyche, Bounds & Co Koanoke Supply Co., S. M. Dickens, C. (!. livans, V. T. Parker, WaWffirWmrV, ASHES OF ROSES. GLiOKGli TEST DILHL Ashes of roses all my own The ashes are here, the flower is tlown, The fragrance lingers as fragrance will And memories rise that are never still, But over my heart with untold pain They sweep to awaken chords again Chords forever mute. Ashes of roses, rich red roses, Thy gray dust in thy bosom reposes Reposes here where thy beauty was shed, Reposes here now so silent and dead. The flower was mine, but ashes gray Cover the altar whereon they lay In my breast. Aslies of roses ! Ashes of roses! How undisturbed their repose is. Though they be hid from mortal sight, Yet oft in sweet visions of night, The ashes are gone, the flower appears; When morning breaks, I see through tears Ashes of roses. WORTH WHILE. liLLA THLELLR W ILCOX. It is easy enough to be pleasant, Vi'hen life flows by like a song, But the man worth while is one who will smile Vi'hen everything goes dead wrong. For the test of the heart is trouble, And it always comes with the years, And the smile that is worth (he praises of earth Is the smile that shines through tears. It is easy enough to be prudent, Then nothing tempts you to stray, Then without or within no voice of sin, Is luring your soul away; But it's only a negative virtue. Until it is tried by Hre And the life that is worth the honor on ejrth, Is the one that resists desire. By the cynic, the sad, the fallen, Tho had no strength for the strife The world's highway is cumbered today They make up the sum of life, But the virtue that conquers passion, And the sorrow that hides in a smile, It is these that are worth the homage of earth l-"or we find them but once in a while. KNEW ALL A BOUT COURT. The conversation in the lobby ot i a Washington hotel the other night turned to ye colored citizen, when Congressman 1 honias U. Sisson, of Mississippi, was reminded of an incident that happened in the life of Uncle Rastus. Some lime ago Uncle Rastus made the mistake of rambling around loo long in the moonlight and on the following day he was arrested and brought into court on a charge of having appropriated a handful of fowls from a neighbor ing chicken roost. "Just lake the stand a minute, Uncle Rastus," severely observed the Judge, "I want to ask you a question." "Yessah, Jedge ! Yessah !" re sponded Uncle Rastus, obediently shuffling forward. "1 want to impress on your mind, said the Judge, "that you are in a court of law. Do you fully realize what a court is?" "Yessah, Jedge! Yessah!" re plied Uncle Rastus with an air of assurance. "A co't am a place where dey dispenses wid justice." Infection and Insect Bites Dangerous. TO-DAY. Today May be The Only Day You Have. William Johnston, writing some 1 ; very sound advice in the American : Magazine, says: "Good days and bad days exist only in your own head. The w eather has nothing to do with it. liach day is what you make it lor ( yourself. Bad weather is only an ; unfortunate opinion. , "Suppose it is raining pilch lorks f You get word that your salary has : j been doubled or that a forgotten uncle has left you a million dollars. That do you care about the weath-, : er then? Or suppose the person ; you love is dying. Unexpectedly i a turn for the better comes. The j doctor says your dear one will live. i What if it is hotter than Tophet. ; I It is a hot day, a great day, a hap j PV day. "It's what you think and feel 1 about it that makes each day what ! it is. You, within yourself, can j make each day, every day, a good j day. Put down in the note book i of your soul the poet Runeberg's thought: "Lach day is a life." "When you get up in the morn- ing throw back your shoulders, ; lake a deep breath. Meet the new I day like a man. Say to yourself: " 'Another day another life !' "For all we know it may be the ! only day we'll ever have. Let's make it the best day we can. Let's strive to see that it is a day worth while. Let's move a step forward in our work. Let's do all the good we can. Let's get all the happiness we can today. "Right now is the only time we can control. Yesterday is a record. happy iM)i:ri). Mrs. Ntxtdnor 1 suppose your daughter is happily married'-' Mrs. Nagsby Indeed she is. Why, her husband is actually afraid to open his mouth in her presence. Princeton Tiger. MOTHER OF SCHOOL GIRL Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Re stored Her Daugh ter's Health. Iflf i I omorrow is a secret, j yours, is mine." l:x. Today Plover, Iowa, " From a small child my l;5 year old dauht-r had fenmle ; weakness. I sKikt' I to three din-tors about it and they did ; not help lnjr any. ; Lydia K. I'iuklifirit's ! X epet ab I e Com- ' KHind had been !' tfiVHt btMU'lit to rue, so 1 dt'cidt-d to have her jrive it a trial. She has taken five bottles of the Vege table Compound ac cording to directions on the bottle and Flie is cured of this trouble. She was all run down when she started taking the ConiKmnd and her periods did not come riirht. She was so jKMirly and Weak that 1 often had to help her dress herself, hut now she is regular and is growing strong and healthy." Mrs. Martin Hklvh;, Plover, Iowa. Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for the good Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has accom plished are constantly being received, proving the reliability of this grand old remedy. If you are ill do not drag along and continue to suffer day in and day out but at once take Lydia K. Pinkham'a Vege table Cotnound, a woman's remedy for woman's ills. If you want special advice write to Ljdia K. Pinkham Medicine Co. (rmitl dentiii!) Lynn, Muss, mir Idler will he opened, read and answered hy a unman and held iu strict coiilldcuce. PROPnSSlONAL CARDS. walti:r n. damll, Attorney-at-Law, W LI.I'i'V V r, ri.iehei" Hi Itu coim-. ul ll:ilil:i :unt N ot Ui;i!ii iti iii mill in Ho- Miptemi ami l eilt ial courts. ( olieetuuis made in all pails (i ' hi lb uii'liiiii Li an eh olliee ul Halifax open cveiv MoieUv win. l. kNium, Attorney and Counsellor ut Law, u I.I hi in. r i iiii.T iii W H.I. .ii l'.;inl. , Tiu-i lUnl.limr I'.itMiii in.iii.lly mi'l liullil'ullv ill l. ii.ic l lo. iL()R(ii: C. (ikLH.N,; ,AI TOKNEY-AT-LAW, (National l.aiik Uuililinj Weldon. N. C. KLUOTT Ii. CLARK, ATT()RNE;Y-AT-LAYV IIALII'W. Y c. PiiAt i n i- in the courts ol'llahlax anil ailjoiinn counties and in the u preiiic court o! Ihe Mate. penal atten tion uriveu to collection and prompt re turns, lu-ti-ly Vv . J . WARD, IlKVI I.VI , U11ICI-. IN l'ANIKI. I'.UI.I'I.NU WKI.HON. N.l: will'.! Iv A.I. SCHISLER, CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveying a Specialty 1'llone :;n N. K.Ml'OUIA, VA. I). E. STAIIVBACK, I NOTARY PUBLIC j And I ire Insurance. 1 I'ujlnilu Sens lltfivl'-:- Ui'ljnn N.ll Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA THE GREATER NEED. In Which The Tramp Taught Mr. ; Smith a Lesson. ' The talk turned to the profes j sional beggar the other night, and B. B. Comer, of Alabama, told of ! an incident that happened in a Metropolitan city. A party named Smith was going I down the street one afternoon Mr. Comer said, when he was ap I proached by a beggar who looked I like a cross between a ton of mis I ery and a comic valentine. "Excuse me, sir," plaintively i said the beggar, "couldn't you give me the price ot a small sandwich? j I haven't tasted food for two days." Smith, feeling sorry for the poor specimen, gave him a nickel and went on down the street. Sud- denly he remembered that he had j passed a place where he wanted to j stop, and turned back. He was ; just in time to see the beggar coni j ing out of a saloon. I "Look here, you gink!" heated j ly cried Smith. You told me you j hadn't tasted food fortwodays.and j yet you took the money I gave you to buy beer !" : "Yes, sir," was the calm rejoin der of the beggar, "but I hadn't lasted beer for two and a half days. Philadelphia Ledger. A Delightful Profession for Young Women ; 1I1:ki-: is no occupation ; f : for a young women that is moie pleasant or con genial, more soiled to her ability and n a l u r e, none that can give her more personal satislactton, and it she be a thoroughly trained professional none that otters bigger rewards than that of music teaching. The supply of competent teachers ol piano music is far short of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given tins mailer a thought; have you ever spoken lo her about (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a STIEIT PIANO at once, get her started on the road to success and tame, the sooner she starts the belter. (fhas 3U. tict'f, I I.' IN I VIII I . Ml'I Nil i-:tl i.i.nil.v M . Ik. .1 SPUILBO NICK CANVAS. Mosquitoes, (lies and other mects. I which breed quickly in garhaire pails, ' ponds of stair nun t water, barns, musty places, etc., uie carriers of disease. I Every time tbey bile you, they inject poison into your system from which sonic dread disease may result. tiet a bottle of Sloan's Liniment. It is anti eptic and a few drops will ncutralue the infection caused hy insect b tes or rusty nails. Sloans Liiiuneut disinfects Cut, Utilises and soies. You cannot ilium to be without it in your home. Money back if not satisfied. Only ut your iHuckfisl. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Misery is the only real pleasure a pessimist has. True love never finds ii neces sary to express itself in words. Summer Constipation Dangerous Constipation in Summer-time in more 'UiiumniH than in the Tall, winter or Hprmir. 'I'll food you eat in coiilttini. natcd and in more likely to ferment in your stomach. Then you are apt lo iltink much eold water diiriiur Ihe liol weather, thua iiijurmir your stomach, Colic, fever, Ptomaine I'oisoninir ami other ills are natural results. Po-Po-Iax will keep you well, as it increases the Nile, the natural laxative, whieli riilti the howels of thi conirested poisonous waste. l'o-lo-Lax will make you feel better. Pleasant and etfective. Take done tonight. :0c. at your druggiM. Artist The idea of that fellow offering me $5 for that landscape! j Why, the canvas alone cost me 1 $4. I Model Ah, but that was before 1 you covered ii with paint. Chica-' go lixaminer. i Constipation Causes Sickness 1'on't permit youiseli'io ticeonie eon stipatetl, as yum system imtiu'tliutt'ly ifirius to ahsoih poison from the haek ed up waste mallei. l e ir. Knur's Nw I pill sn-1 kn-p TTi-!l. Th.-tr it. no better safeguard against illness. Just take one dose to-nurht. e.'ie. at youi drmreist. U ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft I WHAT ft cicDvonnv envc & LiLniuuui on i o; ft ir. ft b I kll I uuu I uri I U i ft "Rooms Papered are -ft I Half r urnished. ft i::.... i iu ... it'. .ii ii ... ft Select Prom. ft niliee Open Kwiiiiii:'. f. ft H. STERNBERG, ft ri:M'ii i. inn st: in ii.niNo ft ,V W l.l.l'UN. N 1 ftftftftftftftftftftftftft (;: MONMY (i; Loans may ne oniaincd lor any purpose on accplable he security; liberal privileges ponJcnc: sohc::cJ. A. C. AOLNCY COMPANY TUT l.us-l leelnc IU.1l'. I tin 1'ieiee llMc ien ATTORNEY AT LAW, .VKLI'O.N, X. ('. Traetict's in the courts of Halifax and ttiljoinmi: eninitii'S anI iu the Mipreme court ol t In- utc Special attenlion cnvt'ii in collections anil pronipl returns GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPJ-WITLRRS. Yfcaua Uuue slock ol standard I'ypi-vMit. is. t an fuinisli at once Mon arch, tox. tilici, Uciuimrtou, Koyal, siniih 1'ieiiuiT. L. l'. Miiilh llro.'s and I'udeinoo'i. Any other make from .ilo l.'.day.s' tiulice. " e hawboth the Vble and the invisible We bouclit a laiL'e stock ol ibe.'e Typewriters from one-lou i ill to oue-liaH tlic regular w hole sale price, and on sale no v at one-fourth lo oiie-lmlt the regular retail puces. A Lioo.l l' peUIItel llolll ?7. 0 to jl.'t. A belter oiifMV 'ri lo ..."tO. The best j I'lniii mm up to any pr.ee. Wilt be irlad j to answer any inquirv m connection j with tin se machines, and send samples : of the uoik done by any id' the Type writers we have. Every boy and v'tr , .slum Id lia e one of our cheap Typewri ! tets to leain bow to use. Any person w bo can w ule well on a typewriter can demand alaii:e alaiy. Anyone who 1 laiys a cheap lypewiiier ft. tin us ami . want-a Letlei one later, we will lake bacii the one btoiL'bt and ulUn tbesaine paid lor it in exi'hanL'e lor a better one, d it 'united in L'ood coiiiliuon and witlnn , i mouth. 1 1 not m Lri "d con. lit ton we allow the mat kei value. cairy Type writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. KLI'O.N, N. (J ! Till-: NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Maintained by the Slate for the women ol'Norib Carolina, l ive icgulai couises leading to dcurci's. Sp(-ciul Courses for teacheis. rteetmiiun to tho! who airiee to become teachers in the Slate l ull S's-iuti beirins Scptt inber ltth, I'd I lor catalogue and otherinfornta tiou. addles .H Lll's I KOl sT. President. Ciet uboro, N . C, lisiaic j corros- , Colo. St Louis. Mo. Aficr some men sian they are loo lazy to stop. Summer Coughs Are Dangerous. Summer cohls are dangerous. They indicate low vitality and often lead to serious Throat and Lung Troubles, in eluding Consumption. 1 r. Kitnr's New Ihseovery will relieve llie cough or cold promptly and prevent complications. It is soothing and antiseptic and makes you feel better ut once. The delay is dangerous get a hottle of Or. King's New hiscovery at once. Money back if not satisfied, one. and $1 bottles at your druggist. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA HUM Send us your orders for Tobacco l-'lues. LIMU, Cement, Gen eral Hardware, Farm ing Implements and Builders' Supplies. Give us a call. G. E. LEWIS, Manager, 129 3m Halifax, N. C. Wood's Seeds. Winter or Hairy Vetch. Winter or Hairy Vetchen are increas inir in popularity wherever srown, and are proving to be one of the most valualile crops, for Fall pluntiiijr. They not only make a lariro yield of the most nutritious hay some of our Customers roportiug as Inch as three tons per acre hut they improve tho condition and productiveness of land for crops to follow, as much as any crop that can he sown, not even ex cepting criuisoncloveraud cow peas. Wood's Descriptive Fall Catalog contains full information in regard to Winter or Hairy Vetch, Crlm aon Clovar, Alfalfa, and all Faim and Garden Seeds for Fall planting. Write, for Catalog and pnco of any seeds desired. T.W.WOODOSONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, V.