ESTABLISHED IN I860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-. $!.5; Per Annum,. VOL. XI AX. WKLDON, X. ('., TIIi;iiSI)AY, SKl'TK.M l',VM ., I. NO. I! till AVrjeialili-IVpiflniiioiilcrAs' MinililrMOii''0oim(nii;i H(i;ili('S(iiii:utsiU!illl(vlsii Pmni)li'sDi4('slioii,nirftfiil nessimttlfcsijConlalnsni'iihr Opmiu.Morjihinr norMiai-raL; wi r ARC OTIC. ftriy truuiksiMmrnwa JtxJnina I HttMlridl- I jtnurSnd 1 hprramt - lulirtcittUn I llrn.WJ- I (Tcnirti Snqor I hjtlixyrrm thnv. I Up! ftp can i Ancrfecl Hemeilv rorCimsllpi lion. Sour Sloinacli.Dlarriur )Ynrras,rnimilsioiii.rfTCrisli UfssaiidLossorSLttP. Facsimile Sijuamrf of NEW STORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDON, N. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Suite of North Carolina Depository. Halifax Coutny Depository. Town of Vi'eldon Depository. Capital aa1 Surplus, $55,000. I'or over it years this institution has )iri vi. Iiv I hank i ntr facilities fur tliiB Hcotion. Its Htockln.l.ti is and inl'iccr arc iili'iititiml with the huxi Dens interests of Halifax ami Nuriliuinptuu counties. Savours Department is maintained fur the Is nclil of all mIio desire to ilt'poHit in a Savours Hank, in tliiK I t :ii t m.-ii t int-r-.t im allotted as follows: For Deposits allowed tori'inam three months or loni'cr, per cent. Six months or loncor, !l per cent. incite iininilisoi lunger. I percent. ny information ill he funnelled on application to the I'lc-idi-nt 01 (ashiei HKKSIUKNT : XV. K. DANIKL, Vlt K-I-KKSIPUN r. XV If SMITH. 1.. ('. il;AI'i;ii. Teller. hlUMCTolJS V. li. Smith, XV. K. 1(. T. Daniel, .1. I.. Shepherd, XV. A. OE kmm iianii M A N I! KACT1! Mills til-' Building; Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORHKK AND laiol I.AK Slot K sl.Ls, Good Materials, High Qrade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. When lour Blood Is Right, lour Whole System h Eight If You Have Any Blood or Skin Disease Do Not Delay until it is too late but Order TO-DAY ! fll ) THE a Complete and Positive Remedy for Syphilis, Eczema, Erysipelas, Acne, Malaria. Rheumatism And all other Forms of Blood and Skin Diseases Hot Springs Physicians pronounce this the Greatest Blood and Skin Remedy ever placed on the market. Full Course Treatment-Three Bottles--$12.50 Single Bottle $5. We Prepare a Remedy for Every Disease. Write ua your troubles. All Correspondence Strictly Private. HOT SPRINGS MEDICINE CO., 827j Ceniral Avenue, Hot Springs, Arkansas. CASTORIil For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use for Over Thirty Years CASIMI-.K I. l. I l. K K, Daniel, . I. (I. Drake. W XI Cohen Tieiee. H. 11. Zollicotlcr, .1 . XV. slcdirc rail THE GIRL TO BE AVOIDED. She Is the Girl Who Takes You Off In One Corner and Tells you a Secret Vou Wouldn't Repeat to Your Mother. She is the girl who is anxious to have you join a party which is to he a "dead secret," and which be cause people are very free and easy, makes you uncomfortable, and wish yon were at home. She is the girl who tries to in- j dtiec you, "iusi for fun," 10 smoke j a cie-irciic, or 10 take a glass of wine, and you don'l know, and 1 possihly she does not, thai many of the sinners of today committed their first sins "just for fun." She is the girl who persuades you thai to stay at home and care for and love your own, to help mother, and to have your pleas ures at home and where the home people can see them, is stupid and tiresome, and that spending the afternoon walking up and down the streets looking at the windows and people is "just delightful." She is the girl that persuades you that slang is witty, that a loud dress that attracts the attention is "stylish," and to be on very fa miliar terms with three or four young men is an evidence of your charms and fascination, instead of being, as it is, an outward, visible sign of your perfect folly. She is the girl who persuades you that it is a very smart thing to be referred to as a "gay girl.'' She is very, very much mistaken. Of all the others, she is the girl j who, no matter how hard she may iry to make you believe in her, is to be avoided. Ladies' Home Journal. A GOOD RECORD. "Before I consent to let you have my daughter," said the grim old gentleman, "there are some questions I would like to ask you. Are you quick tempered?" "Well, yes, to tell the truth, I'm afraid I am." "Mm! liver sxvear?" "Sometimes, when I become very angry, I do." "Smoke?" "Yes, but I have noticed that it injured nte." "liver drink any intoxicating liquors?" "I occasionally take a drink, but I'm not a slave to the habit, I as sure you." "Have you ever been in jail ?" "Once, I look some funds to which I had no right, but I did not do it deliberately, I assure you. It was the result of a misunderstand ing." "Yes, it generally is. Mow about your family? What kind of ances tors did you have?" "Do you think it is fair to hold a man responsible for what his an cestors did?" "Answer my question." "Well, I can't say that my an cestors amounted to a great deal. My grandfather was was in short, he was hanged." "You've never held a job any w he re very long, have you?" "1 can't say that I have." "What was the highest salary you ever earned?" "Nineteen dollars a week." "liver jump a board bill ?" "I wouldn't exactly call it that. I ow e a lady several months' board that 1 had three or four years ago but 1 fully intend to pay her some day." "Have you ever rockedaboat?" "No, sir; never!" "All right; you can have her." Columbian Magazine. Dad Taste in Ihe Mouih Dizziness, ;tnd a general "no account" foeliiiK is a sure sign of a torpid liver. The remedy is Simmons Hed Z Liver Kcxuiator (The Powder Form). It exercises its greatest restorative effect in the liver, yet it is effective in the stomach and boxvels. Indi gestion, constipation and their attendant evils disap pear before its powerful, regulating influence. Try its wholesome purifying proper ties. It will give you a good appetite, sound digestion and make you feel well. Sold by Dealers Price, Large Package. $1.00 A,k (01 Itw iraulnr wilK OK RH Z Wl Ifce i.trl. II ,"U cinnul irt II In u.. we will tri,l il by Simmun, Mm Krtulator 1. ilw put u In llirm.l fotm lor Ihotf wbn prrier h. Prlcr SI.IW Del brtwf. Look lor the Rol X label "Bee Brand Pepper' If "flee Brand" Pepper wasn't superior to every other... we wouldn't ak your consideration of it at nil ! It's made from tire finest raw product tliat monev can Imv I It's ground as all "ISLE BRAND" Sl'K I'.S AKK CROl'ND exactly right! It's lots more tronhle, hut it couldn't he "Bee Brand" Pepper, is it was'nt the loiest made I If Vou think there's no difference in Peppers make one trial o( "Bee Brand"! Packed in air tight tins xvilli silting tops. Sold by leading grocers. Here are a (ew: iKli W. T. Parker, D. Keeter, K. M. Purncll, 1.. J. Moore, Wyche, Bounds & Co. J. H. Boyd, XVKI.DON, DID Did you give hint a lift? He's a brother of man, And bearing about all the burden he can. Did you give him a smile ? He was downcast and blue, And the smile would have helped him battle it through. Did you give him your hand Pile was slipping down hill, And the world, so I fancied, was using him ill. Did you give him a word ? Did you show him the road, Or did you just let hint go on with his load ? Do you know what it means to be losing the right, When a lift just in time might set everything right? Do you know what it means just the clasp of a hand When a man's borne about all a man ought to stand? Did you ask what it was why the quivering lip? Why the half-suppressed sob and the scalding tears drip? Were you brother of his when the time came to need ? Did you otter to help him, or didn't you heed ? HER TEARS. She has her tears, that you may never know; She has her heartaches and has her silent woe; Her little daily worries and her daily case That you have never yet been asked to share; Because, for your sake, she has never told A woman's love is w orth its weight in gold. She has her tears, her little moments when The old sweet dreams and hopes arise again; And she is often lonely and apart In the sad counsell of her woman's heart; Her battle has its bitter, but so true To help your life, she never bothers you. She has her tears in many a silent hour They drive upon her with resistless power But all her skies are sunny when you come, And her sweet lips of tears and grief are dumb; A sunshine maker, not a shadowery she What holiness in such a love can be ! Hers is the sacrifice amid the strife, Hers is the little giving-in through life, The sweet forgetting of things that sting That through your day of care the world may sing, The sun may shine and life be good to you She has her tears but still the smiles break through. Po-l) Danishes Pimples bad I'.iood, Pimples. Headaches. Ild iousuess, Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc., come from Indigestion, 'fake I'o-Do-lax, the pleasant and ,-ihsolutcly sure Laxative, and you won't sullei fiom a deranged stuiiiaeli or othertrou bles. It will tone up the liver and purify the blood, t'se it regularly andyomvill stay well, have clear complexion and steady nerves, tiet a 5oe. bottle today. Money hack if not satistied. All drug gists. ML:AN BRUTE. "l:or the sake of Mike, why do you subscribe for this foul maga zine?" "Why, what's the matter with it?" "Matter?" yelled Mr. dabb. "Why, there is a paragraph in a story in it that says a woman was speechless with rage. "Cincinnati Pnouircr. REGULAR PANS. The superintendent of ihe in sane asylum where 1 was visiiing took the inmates 10 see a ball game. "How did they behave?" ''Like insane people. Emitted frantic yells and cut up all sorts of extravagant capers." "I should think other patrons would have become alarmed." "Oh, no. Nobody suspected thai they were not regular fans." Kansas City Journal. Avarice is what make the other fellow close fisted. Our own brand of economy is thrift. Chlldron Cry FOR FLETCHERS C ASTORIA M. S. Mountcastle, fioanoke Supply Co. liagle Cafe, K. A. Cheek. YOU? Rheumatism Pains Stopped The lirst application of sa,',N ml. j nicnl goes light to the painful part it j penetrates uilhout iiibhiug it slops i tin' Kheumatie Pains annuel the punts an. I gives lehel and coml'oit Don't suiter' i;,t a bottle today' It is a family nicheine for all pains, hurls, bruises, cuts, sore throat, neuralgia and chest pains I'revents infection. Mr. Charles II. XVcntworth, California, u rites "It did Bonders for my rheumatism, pain is gone as soon as I apply it. I rccoin mended it to my friends as the best remedy I ever used." Ouaianteed !. at your druggist. WHAT nVI-HY FATHER KNOWS "Where," said the land agent, addressing an audience of possible purchasers, "where else on the face of the globe will you find in one place copper, tin, iron, cotton, hemp, grain, game" A voice replied: "In the pocket of my youngest son." Life. Dizy? Bilious? Constipated? In. King's So Life bills will eurc you, cause a healthy lion of Pile and rids your Stomach and Howels of waste and fermenting body poisons. They arc a tome to your stomach and Liver and tone the general system. First dose will cure you of tttat depressed, dizzy, bilious and constipated condition. all dt uggists. Horn's Mathod of Fighting. In many cavalry combata we haar of morn damage dona by the weight of the Monies than by the weapon" of tha riders. Wild horses often fiirht with their teeth a well aa their teL TRAUEDY OF A CIRCUS. Rejected Suiter for the Hand of Rider Wreaks Awful Revenge. N en X t,t l. Tot,im, The romantic story of a clown's love for a bcauiil'ul equestriniie, her rejection of Ins ridiculous sun and his terrible revenge has mm drilled in St. Petersburg. Mile. Llcurcllc was the princi pal horsewoman, as well as the principal attraction, in an obscure wandering circus, which recently appeared in Kasan, a small tow n ! on the Volga. She was beautiful, graceful and an exquisite rider. ' No one dreamed thai she would figure in a terrible real tragedy of unrequited love. Mirke I-'esialich was a clown in the same company. He was a plain, simple-hearted man, who looked seriously on foolery as the means of a living, and he xvas usu- j ally such un orthodox button ihat no one had the remotest idea that i : he, too, would ligure with the fair i Fleurette in the tragedy which has shocked the towns-people. 1 The military officers of Kasan j brought Mile, l-'lurette Mowers, of ; fered their cheers and their hearts. She graciously accepted all their tributes, save the hearts. To all wouldbe suitors she was adorable hin Hwum I ' UI UIMdm' I Among the worshippers was j poor l-'estelicll. The mail was too I ,. ,n ; b..e nmi,,, on, I o j was part of his business to cast , loving looks toward Mile. Lleurette while she was performing no one ever suspected the sincere love I which lay behind the motley make I up. His loud applause was never I understood not even by the I equestrinne herself. The liule services which he rendered her in i the ring were merely regarded as ! absurd burlesque. ! At last he summoned up sulfi j cient courage to propose to her. ! She regarded his stammering pro- lest ttions wilh amusement. "You , are a clown," she said; "your' i business is to joke wilh every- j ; body; so I take your declaration as a joke." i Just then the bell rang for the evening performance. Poor Pes- j telich, loo heartbroken at his fail- j i ure to notice the gibes of an attend- i ! ant who overheard his declaration I ' j of love, went to the ring to make 1 I the people laugh. ' I He succeeded. He surpassed ! j himself. There was madness m j i his brain. Caustic witticisms, such ; i as he had never before uttered, ' poured out from him. The peo- pie cheered him, thinking lum a J I genius. Never had they heard such brilliantly pungent jokes, j i Never had he smacked the heads i j of the attendants especially the j I head of the one who gibed him i with such zeal. ! i When he approached Mile. I Lleurette and bent as if to whisper ' in the ear of her horse the people I waited in tense silence for another I of his brilliant jokes. But he ut tered no word. Instead the horse suddenly plunged forward and be came unmanageable even by the accomplished l-'lettrette. Three tunes the maddened ani mal tore around the ring, then it turned a somersault, burying its beautiful rider beneath it, crushing the life from her. Men ran to the rescue, but Pes tclich xvas there before them. He was laughing and dancing at the side of the dead Pleureite and when he cried My business is to joke with everyone-even 'idi horses," people knew him for a madman. He had placed a lighted cigarette in the horse's ear. Ii was Ins last joke, for on ilic way u the po - lice siatioi, he com mi tied suicide. Stop Thait Hrst Tatl CourI. i ht'ck your fall foutfii m ooltl at .hut tlnti't wait it may Irad to m-nnuM luiiii tioulitc, wt'akt'ii yoiii itahty an.l ih't'lop a t'lmtiik' hum aihih-'it (.el a bolllt'ol lt. I.i'll's Pint' Tai IIkiicv to ilay: it in pint ami liarmli-M use il IVci'ly for tliat fall cuuifh ot cold. If Imliy or oliililivti &v siok tfiw it to tlicin, it will relieve nuiekly aiul per manently. it Root hen the mitateil throat, luntfH anl air passaizt'H. Loosens l'lilejrm, in antiseptic utiil fortilies the Ryi-tem against poKIh. It certainly 'p''' vents ciihi enns from ircttiiw a lioliL (iuaranteeil. thily -V. at your tliun Hist. All the world loves a lover he makes such an exhibition of himself. Hi l l LR WOHDS. Myrtle 1 can't uiidei'sianj Boh doesn't propose 10 me Lucille - Perhaps he knows would accept him. xxliy Better a he niisiy past. gv present than a WOMEN WHO ARE ALWAYS TIRED May Find Help Letter. This Swan fri'i'k, Mic h. " I ennnol apouk Uo highly of your medicine. When throue.h neglect or overwork 1 evt run (Lw ii iiij'l my appe tite is poor und 1 have that weak, lan puiil, always 1 1 r. 't I f . t-liti I pet n hut-ti.-'it' I.y.lia K. l'ink ham's V e e;e t:i hie Compound, md it huilils me up, pvi'!l me sln-nil':, anil re. stores me to perfect health again. It, is truly a n at hicss ili to women, ntnl I cinmnt sp.-ak too liicjlily of it. 1 lake pleasure in recore meiiiJinK it to others." Mrs. An.i,4 Camhuon, R.F.I)., No. 1, Swan Creek, M ichigan. Another Sufferer Kcln'voil. Hebron. Me.- "Mefore taking your remedies 1 was all run down, discour- aged and had female weakness. I took ''y,,ia K- I'inkhnm's Vegetable Com- P"urd "n'J u,l'l the Sanative Wash, and find today that I am an entirely new woman, ready and willing to do my housework now. where before taking '"ur medicine it was a dread. I try to impress upon the minds of all ailing women I meet the benefits they can derive from your medicines. " Mrs. C II A ttt. US Kdxvk, II. ('. D., No. 1, Hebron, Maine. If you want special ailxieo write to Lydin K. l'inkliani Med icine t'o., (cnnliilonthil) I.ynn, Mass. Your letter wil be opened, read :ini iinsxxen il by a wimiaii mill held in strict cmilidcucc. 7 A Delightful Profession for Young Women IIHh'l'. is no occupation :' J lor a young women is more pluns.m t or con genial, more suited to her ability and n a l u r c, none that can give her more personal satislaclion, and il she be a thoroughly trained professional none libit nlki's bigger rewvrds ihau that of music leaching. I he supply of competent teachers ol piano music is I. ir short of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given tins matter a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher of nnisic'-i il so buy her a STIEFF PIANO at once, get her started on ihe road to success and lame, the sooner she starts the belter. (fhas 311. $ticff, I.I.ON l si 1 1.1 1.. XUi. No. '.Ml l.KiiiM -, . ',,!!,,;,.. ., M ft U 4 ? WHAT EVERYBODY SAYS: "Rooms Papered are Half Furnished." ft k : 'iv! Line Line ol W all Paper to Select I'rom. tll.t'C ' l' II . t'lllllL'-v ft ,, STEk'NIUilOli. i Sf t lniiiai. nu si: r.t ii.din ;y xxki.dos. n i . ; ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft $ ft ft ft ft. ; 1 Loans may be obtmncvl tor any ; purpose on accpuWe Real 1'siaie H'ctinty; hnerai priviues; corres- ioiio.ciiie soiicueo. A. C. AOENCY COMPANY, -liT lias Llceloc lihhr. I II" rieree Midi;. llemel. Colo I -I Louis. Xlo ComHY Send us yonr orders for Tobacco Lines. LIME, Cement, Gen eral Hardware, Farm ing Implements and Builders' Supplies. Give us a call. G. B. LliW'lS, Manager, 129 3m Halifax, N. C. I'KOI'LSSIONAI. CARDS. WA1.I l.l i: I) WILL, Attorney-at-Law, 'A LI DO , N r. I . .1, M p.lll- "I ' :,1 W in. I.. KNKiHT, Attorney and Counsellor at l.axv, I I I 'I i V s I in-i i a.ih: I i'" (iliORtil: C. GRLLN,'. .ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i N:.l;" 1 . :i I . i. l;;i:i'':in:, 1 Weldon, N. C. 1:1.1.10 I I li. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ii i.i AN, . C. cmiils ofllal'lax and it" ; un.l in the mi ' si.ui', special alien clioiis and pionipt re UMMv D,,A"" '" t t.i piclli' lion u turns Yv . J. Vv AkD, ol.M'Isi, (ll l'h'l. IN D.XML'I. bl ll.lUM. XVKI.DON. N. l i .fur: Iv A.I.SCIIISI.KR, CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveying a Specialty. I hone -.o V LMI'OIII.X, VA I). E. STAINHACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And l ire Insurance. KwtnU' Mliu- - WcUiii N.( E. T CLABK ATTORMLY AT LAW, l.I.hON, N, (', Trui'tin'S in the ootnts ilioiiiMi:' ivunilK"- :nM il Cuuri ul tin' Mutr, -it ii Halifax and till' Nlpll'tlU' Tltll aUiMltlOB irivn to i I'lit'ii- hii-1 prom pt returns GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWI TERRS. Xe cam a la Tcpcuol' is l inch. lex. ohv, Mini II I'lcTllli l . illld I IUn,M ., t,i I.', dm-' i"'l M-lM. an 1 the ise -pick nl slau, hud in liioii-li al once Xlon r. LYminciun. ilnval, l. I . ' "milli .X lllo.'s i. :, v t' make lloill "'"' XV e Inve belli the e ni.-.Mr v ( hoiuihl a I lh. -si I ;( .ililci" I rom on. -hall Ihe i,-nlal Vlhole- -t" , I,, Kite il If i . ale I lo "li I'llli tl,,' C"ll l'V'M!ll, I'eltrl nil- si; 1 1 , 0 1 - li' ;lli I" n ;,,, n,e al one- foui th i J 'l !;ll irtad piuvs. A 'O I" jl.".. A 'I" -'.s .o, Ihe best 11, V poee. XVdl he gla.l I,, an i ' i : well ll,e-i' I of Ihe "ik i' ' ti 1 1 1 i s' n C'lnin cl loe .l''l,Mi, s, ,ui'l srlid s;inii les el" bv anv of (he I ype M' 1 , iy lev and uir ii. ,,l clicap I yiH Wii l,"V ! i;-, . Ally peiMUl ' w, II ,", :i t y w oler can ' ' -a!:iiv Auvnnc who i)l"-,M'i' i 1'ioMi u- an t t niic lap i, ie will lake !'" ii,l ind ailea lliesanie ' i.aiue l.'i a hell' r "lie. o' 'd ciielit'Lin and w ilhiu 1 1 ii. , i in j 1 1, 1 ei, 1,. hi 'ii tt e i '. I i al !'. X e cai t v I'y pe s and "liiei supphes. ,ii !li:ll, a l;l wain- ;l l II. back ll past !-: ' I lel'OI 1. ttotcr i SPIERS BROS. XVKI.DON, ,N. C 1 IIL NOU1T I CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE MumLpnt'.! Ii t Noil!, r:lii IfJl.lllli; tu .1. 1 ii'iu-h. iv i i. ihe M:itc toi tin' uoim il I li.i I !i- t.'tiiiliu I'nuirs ii o. ! pei'ul t iiurst s tor r t intimi 1 1 luw w lio in- tt-acht is m t:,c si at i' h,-i:w St pii inh i- H.iL, ,iltiLrn- aiiil utlii-r mt'nrmn- IlL't- ' t.i Lull N. Hull. il.l liLvs .It I. II I h I . I'n nt. IlslillH), . Leap's Prolific Wheat. Mott Prolific and Btt of Milling Wheats A rrpt.iL on this wheat from IMit warc nh'Wrt a yieltt of :.,4:iO bushels on 71 acres., and bushela ou 17 acres. In Murylimd it lea Is in popularity; has provtMi its Ruperlority in all purls of Virginia; is the most popular vari ety in North Carolina: heat Is the list in South Carolina, for prolitahlo yieltis; in GporRi ranks far alovc all others; Ttnnesiee irrowers tiiscai linir other wheats tor this; at the head of bean Hens wheats in Kentucky, aud. equally well suited lo West Virginia, Thrrrfor we are jitatifird In rrrommrnding Loap'i Prolific Wheat for all tecttoni. Wo are the oricinal (listributorR of Leap s Pmliiic Wheat. Write for DESCRIPTIVE FALL CATALOG, j. a. ZEILIN ek CO, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA St. Loate. Hluaari T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va.