HCH, fesl 1J1 II irli i& 0 ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriplion--$l.5G Per Annum VOL. XLIX. WELDOX, X. C, TIIUKSDAY, SKlTKMIiKli I, 1!)U. NO. io I BEATING HIM ROUND STUMP. The Kind You Huve Always Bought, and which 1ms been tu uso for over 30 years, lias borno tlio .(tiffiiatiiro of and lnii Ix'i'ii nmdo under Ms per oinil supervision sinco Its Inl'utiey. Allow no one to doeel vo you I n t li is. All Counterfeits, Imitation nud "JiiKt-tm-Kood" uro lint Experiments flint trifle with and cmlninfrr tlio lienllli of Iul'mits and Children Expcrienoe ngiilnst Kipi-riinciiU What is CASTORIA CaHtorla Is a harmless substitute for Cnstor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing SyHips. It is I'Vnsuut. It rontains licit liei Opium, Itlorpliino nor other Narootlo Niibstancc. Its hl'o Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays l'everisliness. Jt cures Dl.irrliiea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation and Flatiileuey. It itssiniilates the Food regulates the Ktoiuaeh and liowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's I'anaccu Tlio Mother's Mend. 4 GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tie KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. The Following is sent out from Palm Keach, I:la: "Mrs. Her mann Oelrichs, of New York, is reported to have won $4,000 in one night and $fi00 and $700 on other nights at bridge. Her win nings are said to be larger than those of any oihtr woman here this season." "Bridge" in this case is "bridge whist," a popular society card game. In some places, where they haven't the nerve to play for money straight out, the society folks "beat the devil round the slump" by giving prizes at card games. In the "higher up" social circles, where they are wealthy enough to do as they please to defy public opinion and the law they play for money straighiout; and really if they're going to gamble it is better to go straight to it. Clttc in tYtn dnm-si-ih comes from food which has fermented. VJU III lilt, kJlUIIiaill Cet nd of thi9 badly digesled matte, ai quickly as possible if you would avoid a bilious attack. SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FOKM) Ib a cleansing and strengthening medicine. It is a liver tonic first of all and the liver is always e fleeted when the stomach goes wrong. It puts life in a torpid liver, helps digestion, sweetens the breath, clears the complexion of tallowness, relaxes the bowels and puts the body in fine vigorous condition. A'oJ bp Denier. Price, Lurtw Pmkain: SI. 00, Aik for tlx fcttulut wltb ibe Rrd '. an tbt lilwL If y.iu ruiiiol (ft It. remit la ui. we will tend Il by null puitpij. Si minimi I.im KrKulitur li put up iix in liquid Imui lu tLuie wlio prtlcf It Vtt ftl.UU ftt tunic . Luk lot tbr Red Z hit I J. II. ZKILIN & CO., Proprlttur. Si. LuuU. Mli.uurl NOT IN HIS LINE. "A tramp at the back door who has already eaten a piece of that pie I made yesterday wants to know if you can do anything for hint ?" "Tell him, my dear, that 1 am a commission merchant, not a doc tor. "Houston Post. THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDON, X. Oriraniied Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Vt'eldon Depository. Capital and Snrplns, $55,000. For over 21 yearn this institution but provided bunking facibtiew fur thin section. Its'slockliolders and olliri is are idt-ntilicil with the busi. liens interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings department is maintained for the beiielit of ull who desire to deposit in a Samnrs Lank. In this 1 i :li tnu iit interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or lonirer, L' per cent. Six months or lonirer. :t per cent. Twelve months or lonirer. I perreut. Any information- will Is) faruislicilon application to the I'resident 01 Cashiei Po-l)o-Lax Banishes Pimples Had Wood, l'inipluH, IlcadaeliCH, Mil ionsncss, Toriid Liver, Constipation, etc., collie from liidiirvKtioii. Take I'o io I.ax, the pleasant and absolutely sure Laxative, and you won't sutler from a deranged Stomach or other trou bles. It will toneun the liver ami imrifv the blood. Use it regularly and you will stay well, have clear complexion and steady nerves, tiet a 5 ic. bottle today. Money back if not satisfied. All druggists. CKKHIIKNI : W. K. DAN ILL. liflUXTlilIS VV K. 1. Daniel, .1.1.. VICK-l'HKMlPKXr: V. It SMITH. L. ('. DliAI'lvli, Telle I'ASIIIKK. (t. I'Uaki:, It. Smith, shepherd, lv Daniel. .1 it. Drake, W A. Pierce, D. It. Zolhcollcr M. Cohen, .I.W. Sledge A HOT ONE. BixI can't afford to make a fool of myself. Dix I know that; but you were always reckless of expense. Dizzy? Bilious? Constipated? Dr. King's New Life i'llls will cure you, cause a healthy How of Itilc and rids your Stomach and bowels of waste and fermenting body poisons. They are a tonic to your Stomach and Liver and tone the general system. Firstdose wilt cure you of that depressed, dizzy, bilious and constipated condition. all druggists. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A SUMMER IN THE VALLEY. A summer in the valley, with lovers hand in hand, The babbling Shenandoah singing dinies 10 the land; The green land of Virginia, That it kisses as it flows Through the country of ihe clover And the Eden of the rose. A summer in the valley, and it makes the soul so young To hear the Shenandoah on the soft Virginia tongue; The dream land ot Virginia, With green fields to the knee In blue grass bobbing gently O'er the dead that died for l.ee. A summer in the valley, and it's come up little lad To ihe waters of the river that are babbling bright and glad; The waters of Virginia, With the sunlight in their net, And the dreams of daisied meadows With the dews of Dixie wet. A summer in the valley, just with love to stroll along, Or swing within the hammock to the low tune of a song; The song of Shenandoah, That is silver to the sea Sings the golden dreams of summer In the Dixieland of Lee. Baltimore Sun. 'BE NATURAL. Hon't Whisper. Make Believe, fectly Natural. Don't Try to Be Just Per- USINQ THE TELEPHONE Rheumatism Pains Stopped The lint application of Sloan's Lini ment goes right to the painful part it penetrates without rubbing it stops tlic Rheumatic I'ains around the joints and gives relief and comfort. Don't sillier! tiet a bottle today! it is a family medicine for all pains, hurts, bruises, cuts, sore throat, neuralgia and chest pains. Prevents infection. Mr. Charles 11 Wcntwortli, California, writes "it did wonders lor my rheumatism, pain is gone as soon as 1 apply it. I recommended it to my friends as the best remedy I ever used." liuaiantecd ."c. at your druggist. And most of our tragedies look like comedies to our neighbors. Stop That First Fall Cough Cheek vour fall cough or cold at once don't wait it may lead to serious lung trouble, weaken your vitality and develop a chronic lung ailment, (let a bottle of Dr. Itch's Fine Tar llonev to- day; it is pure and harmless use it freely for that fall cough or cold. If baby or children are sick give it to them, it will relieve iuiekly and per manently. It soothes the irritated throat, lungs and ail passages. Loosens Phlegm, is antiseptic and lorlilies the system against colds. It certainly pre vents cold germs fiom getting a hold, (iiiaiantceil. Only L'.'ic. at your ding-gist. Ho what you arc. Dmi't try tu imitate wmie other fellow, and don't try tu Imy jihiuiaiie of some' other man. If you think the world is Hat, lie brave enoiiKh to insist that yon think Ko - lie holiest enough to admit it if you are wrraiu, If you are (retting halil, don't wear a wi - tin; wind will some day blow it oil" and your bald ness will lieeome a seand"!, whereas, now it is simply a mis fortune without otleiise, If your whiskers are gray, don't tuiint them, because the coloring will wear out in spots and you betray your attempt to defeat nature in Iter royal planN If your teeth decay and you want to chew bull beef d uri n the high cost of living, go to a china shop and purchase a set of porcelain you can't help that. And above all things if you believe in anything, say so, if it is woman suffrage or prohibi tion or hook worms or pellagra or cabbage snakes and if you don't believe in 'em say so in just the same loud tone of voice. Don't whisper. Don't try to mako believe. Be just perfectly natural. I ho photographer will tell you to look natural and wink occasionally and you should not forget the fact that vou are always before a (itinera before the eyes of other men and if you try to put on frills you haven't got or conceal frills you have got you'll be photo graphed in spite of Fate. Ev erything. MK1HT BE WORSE. "Are you sure you love your neighbor as yourself:-'" asked St I'eter, who was cross-examining the new arrival. "Yes," asked the applicant for a golden crown. "For I, in years lie used my telephone to I carry on his business and '. never complained." "Knter, my good man," sui St. I'eter, with much feeling. -Life. COURTESY. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Twins generate more admiration among the neighbors than envy. Children Cry FOR FLEICHER'S CASTORIA Diogones was looking for an honest man. ''What luck?" asked the way farer. "Oh, pretty fair," replied Dio- -Life. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. tie Kind You Have Always Bought A niun met another, and while not remembering w ho he was, bin feeling certain lhal he was acquaint ed with him, held out his hand and said: "I am sure I have met you somewhere." "No doubt, " was ihe replv. "I have been there often." Kansas City Star. PRF.Sint-'NT VV'nSOM hi lb,. only Dove of Peace of the genuine strain now Known to De in captivity. Sugar always rinds some excuse for going up about preserving time. ( A Delightful Profession for Young Women Bears the Signature of Vm f t i HKRE is no occupation 1 1 for a young women that 141 is more pleasant or con genial, more suited to her ability and nature, none that can give her more personal satislaction, and if she he a thoroughly trained professional none that offers bigger rewerds than that of music leaching. The supply of competent teachers of piano music is far short of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given this matter a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a STIEFF PIANO at once, get her started on the road to success and fame, the sooner she starts the better. (Thus . ticff, I.L'ON C. STLKI.K, Mgr. No. '.Ml Cianhv St.. Norfolk, Va. IN ALL OUR NEIGHBORHOOD There Is Hardly A Woman Who Does Not Rely Upon Lydla E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Princeton, 111.- "1 had iiiflaimnjitiun, hard hraduches in thi- back of my net k and a weaknt-sM all caused by fi-mulf trouble, and I tunic I.ydia K. rinkham'tf Vegetable Com pound with .such ex cellent results that 1 am now feeling line. I recommend the Compoundand praiie it to all. i Khali be glad to have y.u publish my letter. There is scarcely a neighbor around rue who does not use your medicine. " M ra. J. V. Johnson, R. Ko. 4, Box 3U, Prince ton, Illinois. Kxporii'noo of a Nurse. Poland, N, Y. "In my experience as a nurse 1 certainly think I.ydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound is a great medicine. 1 wish all women with fe male troubles would take it. I took it when passing through the Change of Life with great results and I always re commend the Compound to all my pa tients if I know of their condition in time. I will gladly do all I can to help others to know of this great medicine." Mrs. HokACB Nkwman, Poland, Her kimer Co., N. Y. If you are ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at onca take Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. If you H unt special advice writo Lydia K. I'fiiklmm Medicine Co., icouliuVnliul) Lynn, Mass. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL. Attorney-at-Law, WKU'ON, N. r. 1'ractii'en in the courts of Halifax aret Northampton and in the Supreme uiil Federal eourtr 'ollections made in ull partH nf North ( arolina. lWanch oHice at Halifax open every Monday Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, J wr.i.iMiN, s. c Ollice in Wi-lilon Hank ,VTrut ltiiilliuur r.usuu'NS promptly ami faitlifully al ti'loli'il to. i ELLIOTT IL CLAkK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, II U.IIWX, N.C. Pit.Ai ill kj. iii tin- t'ouitK ol'llaliiax and a.ljoiiiinu I'oiiiitu and in tbt' u promt' court of llir Statr. Special alien tion irni'ii to collections anil prompt re turim. lo-ti-ly Satisfaction Guaranteed! D SAM. IF GOODS NOT SATIS FACTORY MONEY REFUNDED WELDON, N . O. OPENING OF DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE. I am here not for a daybut for ALL TIME . li fill Will I Ml Jp ill & 1MB $P Full lirfi of P.T.nTTTTrVra fnr Mfin Yniini? Mfin and Children. Full line Ladies' Coat Suits, floats and Skirts TTn-tn-Dnte line nfllTVR V GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS at popular prices. Prices right on every article in this house you have only to come. We have the goods and our motto is "SATISFIED CUSTOMERS." See specials for next week. Don't forget the place. B. Mark's Old Stand, WELDON, N. C. i

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