ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$l.50 Per Annum;, VOL. XLIX. WELDOX, X. C, THURSDAY, SKPTHMJiKK U4, 11)14. NO. 2 I 1 Tho Kind You IlavA Alwiiyu Bought, aud which lion been. In uho for over 30 ycnrx, lius bunio ttict Kljjimturo of ami bus bocn nuulo tinder It In tmr fT-.f oiml miporvtsion since Its Iiifiuicy. l4iCMl Allow nn mm toiled i vnn hi fliln. All Counterfeit, IinltatiotiH and";oo(l" nro hut Experiment tlntt. trifle with and endanger tho hcultli of Infants and Children Experience ugtiliiNt Experiment. What is CASTORIA Custorln 1st a, hamilcsa substitute for CaHtor Oil, Pare iriiric, Drop nnd Soothing Syrups. It is l"euniit. It contains noltlii r Opium, Morphine nor other Nureotio KiibMtniice. Hs niro Is Its guarantee. Jt destroys Worms and allays Feverisliness. It cures Bi.irrhd'M and Wind Colic. It relieves Teetliliiff Troubles, cures Constipalioii and Flatulency. It nssiniihttex the Food, regulates the Htomuch and lioivels, giving healthy and uaturul Bleep, The Children's l'auacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI fINTlUN MNNNfi TT MURUT TftCCT. NCW VORN OITV. THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. C. OrgaaUed Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of VC'cldon Deposiiory. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. Vot iivnc tins institution linn provitlcil banking faeilititn for thin noiUjoij. Its HtockliolttiTH ftiul ullit'eiK ait' idt'iitilit'tl with the tun'i nes in to routs of Halifax ami Northampton couiitiri. A Kavimra Itepartmeiit in niuinlaincl lor the ht'iielil of all who tlcmre to ilcpONlt in ft Savins I'.auk. In tin I'rpurtment intercut in allowed uk foil own: Kor I)tponitn allowml to remain three months or longer. 'J per cent. Six months or longer, H per cent. Twelve moiithttor longer. 4 percent. Any information will be furuilwl on application to the lTi Muit-nt orCuKliii'i I' RKHI DKNT : W. K. DAMKI., VUK-l'HKSlPKNT: W. It. SMITH. L. C. UKAI'KK. Telle CAHHIKK: .1. O. 1'HAKK, IH.thVTOKS W. li. Smith, W. K. K. T. lauiel, .1. U shepherd, A. Haniel, .1. . brake, W. M. Cohen, Pierce, 1. It. ullicotler, .1 . W. sledge IS IT ARMAGEDDON? The Rural Mail Conies Once a Day The Telephone keeps you in touch with neigh bors, friends and the city eveiy minute of every day. Progressive farmers throughout the South are installing telephones in their homes and secur ing our service. The cost is low; the service is satisfactory. Write to our nearest Manager, or address: Farmers' Unc Department HOME TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Henderson, N. C gVSmi Wl.i& U'JMPi -iTJt&2fiZXMIgr; A A It May Mean The Oreat Final Sec ond Coming of Our Lord. The Hook of Revelation do nliea a battle which in to take place between the kmiH f the earth ami of the whole world. It calls tins battle Ar mageddon, a llelirew name. C'iviliation is looking now upon one of the greatest, if not the greatest, conflicts of the ages, as it sways in the bul- h unce between returning to peace or going forth to carnage Gun this be the fulfillment of the prophecy of Revelation? No one can say. The study of prophecy does not include pre diction, (lod keeps the times and seasons in his own hands. He who undertakes to fix or determine them advertises his own audacity and hardened in fidelity. When the promised events come we shall know them, but they shall arrive without warning. Our respon sibility is to be ready for them at any time. The nations have been giving themselves to material things, to luxury, to prize-fighting, and all forms of course and frivol ous pleasure. They have be come defiant. They have laugh ed. Defection of faith has ap peared in the church. Most persistent, determined and even boastful effort has been made to teach the all-sutlieiency of man. Mr. Carnegie attempts to buy peace with money, but he has not the price. Only the Prince of Peace can bring peace, and Mr. Carnegie would snatch ed ucation from the hand of the Church and then would change her and use her for the purpose of making wars to cease. The war cry of all Kurope has changed all this. The prize tights reuse. The smaller con tentions give way; the lines of pleasure are suspended; travel is arrested; the stock exchanges are closed; people tremble, and uli interest centres in the por tending war cloud. With war already begun, it will mean the coming of our Lord personally to many a sol dier whom he will meet in judgment. It may mean the coming of our Lord in a mark ed visitation as lie came to the Jews in Jerusalem. The unbe lief of this age calls for some thing of this kind. It may mean the great final Second Coming of our Lord, to assert His Kingship anil complete His Kingdom. But of this we can not speak conclusively. Rut the loud call of this hour is the cull lor repentance, to faith, and to obedience. The call should be tirst heard by the Church, for there will the judgment be gin The Church in her faith, her services and her method has suffered large defection. The world and worldly men have weakened her, and her ambition has been her own glory than the praise, worship, obedience and expectation of her King. Whatever may be the outcome ami course of the present war omens, let the Church profit by the grave pos sibilities, and out of them arise to a more vigorous faith, mode definite reliance upon the plan and gospel of Christ and to a more faithful, constant and consistent watchiug.-The Pres byterian. Slop That First Fall Couch t'herk yuur fall cimichur cold at oner dim't sail it may lead to mtiouh limit troulilf, Hnikt'ti yum vitality and lt'Wlt) a I'iirooic Iuiik ailinriil (n't a huttli' of I'r. Itrir. I'iui' Tar lloucy to day; it it pure and liinuli-u' it friH-ly for that tall cmiuli or cel. I. If liahy ur cliildicn an Hick ifivt it to them, it will ndicvp quickly and per nianenlly. It mothc the irritated throat, luutra aud air paitHaifeH. LoneuH I'hleirni, i antiw'iitie and fortifin, the vtrin aicaniKt col. In. It certainly pre vents cold fret iiih nuiu irettiuK a liuld. (iiiaiantei'd. Only '', at your lruir-Kit. In lie stomach or bowels, caused by indi. fiestiua ur coostipstion, yields auickly to An Uneasy Feeling SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) It removes all impurities or fermented food, cleanses and tones the stomach and bowels and restores that fine feeling of exhilaration, mental activity and cheerfulness that belongs only to perfect health. Sold by Dealers. Price, Large factage. tl.OO. Alk lor the cmulnr with the Rrd 7. on it label. If rou clnn irt. II Irmll lu gi. e U1 tni ll br mil poitpitil. simmoni Live, KrruUlur I, out up i1h In liquid luiio lui ilme vbe prelei II. Flirt sl.ou rr bunk. Uolc lor llit Ked ' libel. J. II. 7.K1LIIN & CO., rroprl.lors. Si. Louis. Ml.soyri ! A TRUE GHOST STORY. WOMAN. I went to church last night as meek as meek could be; And lo the preacher rose and aimed his sermon straight at me ! And while he railed ai womankind I smiled behind my fan, For, said I, "We may be dreadful, bui we're good enough for men ! Oh, it's woman ihis and woman that and "woman is to blame." Remember back in Eden shifty Adam said the same ! It's "woman's clothes !" and "woman's ways," "her hats, her her walk." It's "woman, woman, woman," and I'm tired of the talk. heels It's "the woman with ihe serpent's tongue," when poets wield the flail, Or "the female of the species," far more deadly than the male ! It's the hobble skirted horror," luring men to sin and debt, It's ihe vain and wily "vampire" or "the strong-armed suffragette !" Pshaw; it's woman this and woman that ! "The woman tempted me!" But it's "Oh, forgive me, angel !" when they're waking from a spree. It's the "mannish modern woman" or the "silly, frilly" one; But it's "God bless home and mother !" when they want their cooking done. It's the "sneaking, peeking woman," never known to work or think; It's "the nagging, ragging woman," driving patient man 10 drink; It's "the rainblin, gambling woman, spending all her husband's cash; It's "the ghoulish, clubbish woman," letting hubby live on hash. Oh, it's woman this and woman that, and say, I didn't do it ! "Behold, the woman lured me on !" or else, "she drove me to it !" It's woman here and woman there, man's burden all through life ! But when they gel a toe-ache, it's "Oh, Where's my little wife" ? Now, we aren't all plaster angels, and it's lucky that we're not, As long as we must live with men (u rather earthly lot), We may have our lauhs and foibles, bui if all your taunts were true, Well, don't you think we still should be quite good enough for you? Oh, it's woman this and woman that, and "Let's reform her quick!" But it's "ministering angel !" when they're down and out and sick. It's woman here and woman there, and " 'Ware the siren's snare !" But if man gets to heaven, 'twill be woman got him there. Helen Howland, in the Christian Century. "A Gentleman Is Dying Here," Said She. "He is F.xtremely Anxious Concerned About the State of His Soul and is Anxious To See Vou liefore He Dies." WOMAN. How the Hindus Say Wore Made. Women The following story, in which the principals are people of the highest social position in Lngland, is told as the solemn truth by the London Express. The vicar of a church there was leaving the church after choir practice recently when a lady stepped out of an aisle and in agitated tones requested him to immediately accompany her to an address near at hand. "A gentleman is dying there," said she. "He is extremely concerned about the state of his soul and is anxious to see you before he dies." The vicar hastily followed her to a waiting taxicab and they were quickly whisked around the corner to the address she had given, a magnificent mansion. The lady's agitation was very noticeable as she urged the vicar to hurry. He sprang out, rang the door-bell and a butler appeared. "Does Mr. live here?" he asked. "Yes, sir." "I hear he is seriously ill and has sent for me." The butler's astonishment at these words were so great that he was unable to speak for some min utes. He finally protested that his master was not ill but that on the contrary he was perfectly well. "But this lady," the vicar start ed to explain but he did not finish the sentence, for the lady and the taxicab had completely disappeared and the good man was astonished According to a Hindu legend, Twashtri, the god Vulcan of the Hindu mythology, created the world. But on Ins commencing to create woman he discovered that with man he had exhausted all his creative materials, and that not one solid element had been left. This, of course, greatly per plexed Twashtri and caused him to fall into a profound meditation. When he arose from it he pro ceeded as follows: He took the roundness of the moon, the undu lating curves of the serpent, the graceful twist of the creeping plant, the light shivering of the grass blade and the slenderness of the willow, the velvety softness of the flowers, the lightness of the feather, the gentle daze of the doe, the frolicsomeness of the dancing sun beam, the tears of the cloud, the inconsistency of the wind, the lim idnessof the hare, the vanity of the peacock, the hardiness of the diamond, the sweetness of honey, the cruelty of the tiger, the heat of the fire, the chill of the snow, the cackling of the parrot and the coo ing of the turtle dove. All these he mixed together and formed woman. Then he present ed her to the man: Experience is the term a man usually applies to his mistakes. FARMER'S WIFE TOO 1LLTQ WORK A Weak, Nervou Sufferer Restored to Health by Ly dia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Kasota, Minn. "I am glad to ny that Lydia K. Pinkham'H Wpetubl Compound has done moru for mu than anything else, and I had thu best physi cian here. J whs so weak and nervous that I could not do my work and suf fered with jmins low down in m y right side for a year or mure. I took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound, and now I feel like a different person. I believe there ia nothing like Lydia K. I'inkham'a Vege table CornHiund for weak women and young girls, and I would be glad if I could influence anyone to try the medi cine, for 1 know it will do all and much more than it is claimed to do." - Mrs. Clara Franks, R. F. I. No. 1, Maple crest Farm, Kasota, Minn. Women who suffer from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should be convinced of the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re store their health by the many genuine and truthful testimonials we are con stantly publishing m the newspapers. If yon have tho slightest doubt that Kydiu IMMnkhni.rH Vegeta ble ('(impound vitl help you.writu to Lydia K.PinkbaniMedioineCo. (com tident ial ) I ,ymi, l ass., for ad vice. Yuur letter will Ik' opened, read and answered by a woniuu, and held in strict coulidciice. SENATOR VEST'S SPEECH. Po Do Lax Banishes Pimples Had I. lood, I'nnpli'S, Headaches, Hi I -iotisncss, Torpid Liver, 'onstination, etc., come from Indigestion. Take To-lo-Ux. the pleasant ami absolutely sure Laxative, and you won't sutler frntn ti ili-nimrr-.l Slminicti or iitlinrlron. beyond words. The butler as he j hi,.. it will tourup the hu-r ami purify loooked at him concluded that lie 1 tin-i. t su it rcuuiarly ami vim u 111 must be either a madman or a I alu' i've cii-ur compit-xwu ami Htcaity nurvirn. i let a line, huttli to.lay. Money hack if nut satmlictl. All ilruy- IjmtN practical joker trying to work off! some kind of trick and was just on j the point of slamming the door in his face when the master of the ; house appeared in the passage and i inquired what it was all about. "Are you Mr. ? AN EYE TO BUSINESS. A young suburban doctor whose the minis-1 practice was not very great sat in Ml HKN ALL OTHER FRIENDS DESERT, HIS FAITHFUL DOG REMAINS. WHEN RICHES TAKE WINGS AND REPUTATION FALLS TO PIECES, HE IS AS CONSTANT IN HIS LOVE AS THE SUN IN ITS JOURNEY THROUGH THE HEAVENS. Result JAMLS CAN.VOX. JIU M. AM D. D., PRINCIPAL. Ol .T A" r D!arkton Srhool adopted th following Xl Y AQMA MOTTO: Tlionniirh Infraction unrtcr pcwltlirljr ""V vftIO (hrlKtlaii InMueiKTS at Uie lowvnt powlbto unit. IT Is todav, with a farultr of SS, a boardlrur patrnnw of Sea. a student body of 4S, and a Want north 150,000, The Leading Training School for Girls in Virginia. (1rA PAYS all char- for the yer, Including; Table Board, (f 1 A Jl I SI I Itoom, Uirhls. Hti-am lli-at. laundry. JliMlicat Allen- Is I ")l I V tenilon, I'hyslcnl Culture and TulUon In all aubjecta V err-cpt music and elocution. Oan parents find a school wit la a better nrnnl, with more etperl- aaced management at such iiiiwlcrnn- r..-r,' Vitr and appllca. (tea Maak addreat . QUO. P. AUAMti, (secretary, Bhsfkatoaw, Va. Yet a man may not be lazy cause he tries to do ihings easiest way. Dizzy? Bilious? Constipated? Ur. Kinif s New l.ilc rills will cure you, cause a healthy tlow of Bile and rids your Stomach aud llowels of waste and fcrmentmif body poisous. They are a tonic to your Htomacli and l iver aud tone the general system. First .lose will cure you of that depressed, ditty, bilioui aud constipated condition 25c all drurirists. Down in Johnson county, Mo., they are erecting in the county court-house a commemorative tablet to a man who made a speech there once about a dog. It wasn't a real speech; it was just a few words addressed to the jury by a man who was a lover of dogs, and who was trying to prove that killing a man's dog is a real and tangible injury to ihe man. The lawyer who made the address was the late Senator George G. Vest. All through ihe trial, so tradition states, the Senator paid scant attention to the defense, ihe evidence, or the wit nesses. The Kansas city Journal continues : When the time came for ihe attorneys to argue the case, the Senator opened no ponderous legal tomes. He cited no learned decisions and to no vellumed "authorities." He merely stepped forward to the jury box, and in a conversational lone, without any attempt at oratorical effect, delivered this masterful little etching of eloquence, which has passed into a classic in the literature of the law and the humanities : "Gentlemen of the jury : The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. The son and daughter that he has reared with loving care may become ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those who we trust with our hap piness and our good name, may become traitors to their faith. The money thai a man has he may lose. It flies away from him when he needs it most. Man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. . The people who are prone to fall upon their knees and do us honor when success is with us may be the first 10 throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads. The one absolutely unselfish friend a man may have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one thai never proves un grateful or treacherous, is his dog. "Gentlemen of the jury : A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, when the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely. He will kiss the hand ihat has no food to otter. He will lick the sores and wounds that come in the encounter with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. "When all oilier friends desert, h? remains. When rich.i ukc wings and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens. If fortune drives the mas ter forth, an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithtul dog asks no higher privilege than mat of accompanying him to guard him against danger, to light against his enemies. And when the last scene of all comes and death takes his master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no mailer if all other friends pur sue their way, there by his graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws and his eyes open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even unto death." It is also part of the history of the case that the jury, not with unwet eyes, gave a verdict for the Senator's client without leaving the jury box. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. fbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bsara the Btgaatura of After a man has known a wo man about so long he begins to tell her the story of his life and three-fourths of the story is fiction. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ter asked. "I was told that you were seriously ill; that you were concerned about your soul and that you wished to see me." He then described the lady who had brought him in the taxicab, but the gentleman was not able to identify her; he had no such friend or ac qaintance as she was described to be. After discussing i he strange affair for a few minutes on the doorstep the vicar was invited into the house. "It is very strange," said Mr. , "that you should have been sent on such an errand in such a strange way. As a matter of fact, however,! am perfectly well. I have been troubled about the state of my soul and have seriously contem plated calling upon you to discuss the matter with you. Now that you are here, let us forget the strange incident thai has just oc curred and if you will give me the time, we will talk of the subject that has been on my conscience." For an hour the clergyman and his new acquaintance discussed the matter which had been agitating the mind of ihe latter and it was arranged mat ne should come to the church the following morning in order that the discussion might be continued. He did not appear at the church, however, and the vicar, much interested in the case, called at his home to learn ihe rea son. The butler met him at the door with the information that his master died 10 minuies after they had separated the previous day. Accompanied by the butler the clergyman went upstairs to ihe room where the dead man lay and (here on the table he saw a por trait of the lady who had sought his coiine for (he mart and had accompanied him in the taxicab from the church. "Who is that?" asked the minister in astonish ment. "That, sir," the butler answer ed, "is my master's wife who died 15 years ago." Pathfinder. Rheumatism Pains Stopped The Unit application of Sloau's Lini ment roes right to the painful part it penetrates without rubbing it stops the Rheumatic t'ains around the joints and gives relief and comfort. Don't uircr! tiet a bottle today! It is a family medicine for all paius, hurts, bruises, cuts, sore throat, neuralgia and chest pains, l'revenls infection. Mr. Charles II. Weutworth, California, writes "It did wonders for int rheumatism, pain is gone as soon as 1 apply it I recommended it to my fnends as the best remedy 1 ever used." Guaranteed i'tf at your druggist. his study reading away one lay afternoon in early summer. His man-servant appeared at the door. "Doctor, them boys is stealin' your green peaches again. Shall I chase them away?" The doctor looked thoughtfully for a moment, then levelled his eyes at the servant. "No," he said. Criltdren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA PKOFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL. Attorney-at-Law, WKLHOS, N.C. i Practices in the coutts of Halifax ana and in tin- uprciiiu auu Federal courts. Collections made i ti all parts of North Carolina, llrauch oilier at Halifax open every Monday ELLIOTT B. CLARK. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. PtuerK-KN iu the courts of Halifax anil adjoiniug counties aud in the Mi pieuie court of the Slate, special atten tion given to collections and prompt re turns, to-lily W.J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IS DANIEL lit ILIUM.? WELDOS. N.C, sepl'J ly A.I. SCHISLER. CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveying a Specialty)) 1'houe '.111 N. F.Ml'OltIA, VA. A Delightful Profession for Young Women ': HERE is no occupation JT for a young women that fi is more pleasant or con genial, more suited lo her ability and nature, none that can give her more personal satisfaction, and if she bt a thoroughly trained professional none that oilers bigger rewards than that of music leaching. The supply of competent teachers of piano music is lar short of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given this matter a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a STIEFF PIANO at once, get her started on the road to success and lame, the sooner she starts the better. (Thus ticff, I. EON C. SI'i:i:i.K, Mgr. No. Ml t.ranhv t.. Norfolk, Va. Are You a Woman? Take The Woman's Tonic Carom FOR SALE AT AIL DRUSSISTS I). E. STAINHACk. NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Poanoke News (lffi;t -:- Weljon N ( SPECIAL TO WOMEN Tha most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antlaeptlca la II EXPERT iSRiSll WATCH jays ! !IE A aoluble AntUeptk Powder to be diaaolved in water needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches In treating catarrh, InOammatlon or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine Ills It has no equal. For ten years tha Lydia K. Plnkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paitlne In their private correspondence with women, which proves Its superiority. Women who have been cured say It Is "worth Its weight In gold." At druggists. 60c large box, or by mall. Tie futon Toilet Co Boston, Man. WE KNOW THE BUSINESS No tinkering with your valuable timepiece. WE OUARANTEE OUR WORK Let our expert repair man ex amine your watch or clock He will tell you what is needed and what the cost will be. When your watch has been re paired t us, you can depend upon it every time to catch a train or meet an engagement. J. H.WALLUB, WELDOX, N. U. S. A. L. Watch Inspector. Next door to Zulticotlei's Drug Store, mar 19 ly.

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