A i v f 94 ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription .$1.50 Per Ammmij VOL. XLIX wi:iJ)o, x. c tiu;ksdav, octoukw ir, iin. no. jr p jjj 1.1 of -a, to. idJ .aid ;rly acco en-rm- and live ri ;erv . C. feat .eaa rthe gets .dry in. "juat pare reen, and gue,' MS. V. taloi 'ullpi, Bulbs. i ting "5 1 i jiJijL'ir I r 54 oft i Al.i nilol, 3 PKR CUT Acf!clnUcPrpparjl!onfor si ni 1. 1 1 i i tJ tltr Food and Rptjuto ESSE Promotes Digeslionldwifnl-l ncss ,i Ri-si .Contains neiihr i I'pimu.f lorphinc norMiitcraLl ISOTftVRCOTIP, AtiseSrrf i fyiprrtniti - f llilartottukUga I IfrmM- I Ctaifittl Suqar 1 Xwiiriymi thmr. I AnrriVri Renwdv forCon-slta lion. Sum- Stoinach.DlarrlMKa Worms.t'onvulsions.li'vtnsli nisswulLossorSiJiliR FacSin Signaiur of NEW YOBK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. oc THE BANK OF V ELD ON WKLDON, X. Organized Under the Laws ot the State ol North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anil Sarplus, $55,000. For over '.'I years this institution has provided lankiiip facilities fur this section. Its'stoekliolders anil ollicus arc iilcntilieil with tlie Imih'i uess interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained for tlie honclit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In tins Department inteiest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed In remain three months or lonirer, 2 per cent. Six mt.nlh.nTlr.nopp ner eel, I Twelve IIIOIll lis Ol' III II gCT, 4 percent. nv information, w ill In rui-nirtliodon prisiikn r : W. K. DANIF.L, VU'K-l'UKHlllKST: W. It. SMITH. I.. C. Dlt.M'KIt, Teller. niRECTOHS W i(. T. Daniel, .1.1.. li. Smith, W. K. shepherd, V. A. IIJUIIUIU MAM'FACTl'KEKS (IF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MA UK TO OKUKU AND KKtil I.Alt STOCK SIZES. Good Materials. High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, N. C. I'ractices in the courts of Halifax auo Northampton and in the Supreme ao Federal courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. I'.ianch olliei at Halifax open every Monday ELLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N. ( PBAfiKKs in the courts of Halifax and adjoining couutics ami in the J preme court of the Slate. Special atten tiou given to collections and prompt re turns. ni--l y W. J. WAKb, DKNTIHT, OFFICE IN DANIEL ltl'lLDlNH WELDON, N.t't pit! It A.I.SCHISLER, CIVIL ENGINEER," Surveying a Specialty!' Phone 201 N. EMPORIA, VA. D. E. STAINBACK. NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Riiiioke News Office -:- Wellm N ( QEOROEC. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (Natio ial Hank Building) Weldon, N. C. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMC IMTUM OOMMNV, HEW VOH- OITV. aiiplii'utiou to tin- 1'rcMii.ciito.riirHhicr CASIMKR: .1. II. HHAKH, Daniel, ,1. O. Diake, W. M. Cohen, Fierce, 1). II. Zullieoller, .1 . W. Sledge i I GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPKWITERRS. We cany a lame slock ul stan.latd Typewiitci's. I an furnish al once Mon arch. l'"o. Olivt-r, llrnilliL'tou. IJoyal, Smith Preiiiier, I.. . Smith ,V Hio.'s and I'ndcrwood. Any other niakefroiii to 1', dava' notice We hate both the visible and the mvisiMe. V e hoimlit a lalge stock ol 'these 'lypewnleis lioill one-fouitli to one-hall the rt'L'ular whole sale puce, and on salcnou at ouc-foiiilh too hall the regular retail piles A good Tvpew l iter from 5-7. "! to l.. A belter one 17 .it! to -.'S..VI. The best from fail up to any piicc. Will be glad to answer any inquiry in connection with these machines, and send samples of the work done bv any of the Type writers we have. Every boy ami mr should have one ol our cheap I ypew li ters to learn how to use. Any peison who can write well on a typewriter can lemaiid a aruc salaiv. Anyone who buys a cheap typewriter from us and wants a belter one later, we will take back the one bought and allow Ihesaine paid for it in exchange for a lietler one, if returned in good condition and within six months. It not iu good condition we allow the market value. We cany Type writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C, SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptics ia A toluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water needed. Al a medicinal antlacptlc for douches In troaUng catarrh, Inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine Ills It has no equal. For ten years the Lydla E. Plnkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtino in their private correspondence with women, which proves lt superiority. Women who have been cured say it is "worth its weight In gold." At druggists. 60c. large box, or by mall. The faitwa Xtfllvt G. "lo. Mass. .111 AW ft jiv ll ft X CURE DOGS OF EATING EGGS Small Amount of Tartar Emetic Will Break the Habit, According to Authority. When pkkb ur bringing tup rieea In the market nothing Is more dls- j cotiruginji than to lind, on making the round of thu iichim that the U'jk tun been thero hiforo you. Often this imrusiki on hcntn'iy profit a in u fam ily put that the ownera do not wish to kill. Hut as with other pi sin, reiuody lieu only with killing or eurliiK Here Ih a cure which I have, used succeaB fully: lluy one dram of tartar entetic thlK Ih a poison and should be handled with tho Kf'Htent of care. Cutler no ciminiHlimccri Kholud the powder bo placed where It is accessible to chil dren. Pip a Btmill piece out ot an eggshell, pour out a little of tho contents and put about as much of the tartar emetic as will cover the point of a small pocket knife into the shell. Vimla a small piece of white paper over tho broken portion, and place the egg In one of the nests, preferably in a se cluded spot, where the do h;is been accustomed to pilfer. Put it where he can get it uutckly before the bens have a chunce to crack the treated Having eaten this poison the dog be comes violently sick and will subse quently shun eggH. This means of curl tin the habit, though drastic. Is effectual. It will not result in the death of the dog unless an overdose ! Is given Some, ftirniers use red pepper In stead of the tartar emetic, a pinch of pepper concealed In a baited egg often being effectual. Throughout the southern Htates Indian turnips when availablo ure used In tho same man ner. Thla is a pungent plant which, when eaten, causes the tongue to smart und burn and often to swell. George II. Dacy in tho Country Gen tleman. PITY FOR ALL THE WORLD Lovers Always Will Feel That Can Be So Happy at They. None Ve are all pretty well agreed, I think, that whatever days of happi ness may come to us In later life, the most shining dayB of our girlhood are those In which love comes first. No other (juilo compares with them, and no other experience 'of youth com pares with this experience. We are under a kind of spell. V know that others have loved before, yet we think It unlikely any have ever loved quite as we love. We have heard much about love all our lives, have speculated Hbout It since our early teens, have been eavesdropping at love scenes ever since wo were allowed to read novels or see love plays; yet when the experience comes to ourselves It comes with a shock of surprise. It Is so much more wonderful than anyoue has- told us. so much more beautiful than any one lias led us to believe. So wo begin to Imagine that no one has ever loved quite as we love. H Is a world new-created para dise, amazing and beautiful and ours alone. So, even though we try to hldo It, we go about patronizing the world Ht large, and even though we never speak it we bestow a kind of pity on all who are less fortunate In their love. Yet, however unique you or I may believe our particular experience to be, one fact Btands out notable: lovo Is old as the world is old: not this form of it nor that, not one particular experience of it or another, but love Itself. And of love ItBelf we know too little. O. far too Utile, even those of us who believe that w-e love so ex ceedingly well! Anne llrvnn McCall, in Woman's Home Companion To Dodge Lightning Stroke. Every year many persons are killed by lightning because they did not know what to do In a thunderstorm. FirBt of ull. It Is safer to be indoors than out. Most persons are killed when In the open, if you are caught In a thunderstorm don't be afraid of sheltering under a tree Just because you have heard that It Is dangerous. It 1b dangerous to shelter under a sol itary tree, because lightning likes to strike the highest point aa a rule for some distance round. Hut you are pretty safo if you take shelter In a wood. A tree In a wood ia seldom struck. Certain treea are more dan Rerous than others. A far greater number of oak trees are Btruck than beech trees. Elm trees are nearly aa dangerous .is oak trees. Avoid big crowds and collections of animals. For Borne reason presumably the warmth that rises from their bodies crowds of animals and persons are liable to be struck by lightning. Three Ages of Crime. "There are three ages of criminals said l,ecoq, the detective. "Tho first age, from seventeen to thirty, Is the daring and desperate one. Highway robbery, bliidgeonings and hold-ups, murder for a few dollars this Is the w orst age, a cruel, wicked and supremely foolish age. "The second age. from thirty to for ty-five, Is the cautlotiB middle one. Ilurglarles thuf are safe and easy, for gery, counterfeiting In a word, crimes demanding neither violence nor pluck that la the second spe. "Tho third age. from forty five to Keventy, Is the executive one. Tho criminal Is now a gang leader. He does not act himself, but he plans and con nianda :,lnies of magnitude, train rob beries, bank robberies, kiduapings and the like." Keep Your Stomach and Liver Healthy A vigorous Stomach, perfect working Liver and regular Dowels is guaranteed if you will use Dr. King's New- Life Fills They insure good digestion, correct Constipation and have an excellent tonic cirect on the whole system Puri fy your blood and ml you of all hotly poisons through the bowels. Ouly "'c. at your diuggists. An Uneasy Feeling SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THIS l'OWDKR FORM! It removes all impurities or fermented food, cleanses and tones the stomach and bowels and restores that line feeling of exhilaration, mental activity and cheerfulness that belongs only to perfect health. SuU liy OeuiVrj. Price, Larue Pai-kaitt, SI. on. Aik fr itip (fiiilur wltli tlir H-I 7 ll tr mail p-.i'ii.l. Miiiuiuim l.ttt It. Price II. Ot) pff twiilr. AwkU i. Itir llhrl. Kti'iiliinf llic Rf.i . J. II. ZKILIN tk CO LAUGH AND Laugh and be merry; remember better the world with a song, Better the world with a blow in the teeth of a wrong, Laugh, for the time is brief a thread the length of a span; Laugh and be proud to belong to the old proud pageant of man. Laugh and be merry; remember, in olden time, God made Heaven and Larth for ioy He took in rhyme; Made ihem, and filled them lull with the strong red wine of 1 lis niinh, l The splendid joy of the stars; die joy So we must laugh and drink from the Join the jubilant song of the great Laugh, at battle, and work, and drink In the dear green earth, the sign of Laugh and be merry, together, like brothers akin, Guesting awhile in the rooms of a beautiful inn, Glad till the dancing stops and the lilt of the music ends; Laugh till the game is played, and he merry, my friends. WHEN TALKING. Talk happiness. The world is sad enough Without your woe. No path is wholly rough. Look for the plaees that are smooth and clear, And speak of them to resi the weary ear Of earth; so hurt by one continuous strain Of mortal discontent and grief and pain. Talk faith. The world is better oft' without Your uttered ignorance and morbid doubt. If you have faith in (iod, or man, or self, Say so; if not, push back upon the shelf Of silence all you thought till faith shall come; No one will grieve because your lips are dumb. Talk health. The dreary, never-ending tale Of mortal maladies is worn and stale. You cannoi charm, or interest, or please By harping on that minor chord, disease. Say you are well, or all is well with you, And God shall hear your words, and make ihem true. -lilla Wheeler Wilcox. THE DUTCHMAN AND HIS DOG! When You Die When I Die I Nell. You as Dead, Have to (la to A poor, despondent Dutchman used to gel so blue that he envied his dog, his free and easy, careless life. Perhaps you have heard about this Dutchman and his dog, but the story will bear . repeating. The poor fellow got so desperately blue one day that he said to the dog : "Fritz, you vas a dog and I vas a man, but 1 wish 1 vas you. Ver. you go mil der bed in, you shust turn round tree times and lay down. Ven I go mil der bed in I haf to loci, oop der blac und vind oop der glock und put der cat oud, und undress minself, und mine frau, she wakes up andscholdsme like blitzen. Den der paby, he gries, und I haf to valk him up '; und down. Den maby when 1 shust go to sleep it vas time get oop again alretty. Vhen you get oop you stretch yourself und you vas oop. I haf to light der fire und put on der kettle und scrap some mil mine frau, und mayby get some preckfasi. You blay round all day und haf blenty fun. I vork hart all day und haf blendy drouble. Ven you die you vas deadi; ven I die I hav to go to hell, yei A NEW MANAOER. "This hotel is under new man agement. "Why, I still see the ole propri etor around." "Yes, but he got married last week." Louisville Courier-Journal. Apply Sloan's Freely for Lumbago Your attacks of Lumbago are not nearly so helpless as they seem. You can relieve them almost instantly by a simple application of Sloan's Liniment on the back and loins. Lumbago is a form of rheumatism, anil yields perfect ly toSloan's, which penetrates quickly all in through the sore, tender muscles. limbers up the back and makes it feel line. Oct a boltle of Sloan's Liniment for li ic. of any druggist and have it in the bouse against colds, sore and swollen joints, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica ami likeailmeutB. Yourmoney back if not aatiatled, but it does give almost relief. Is. t-iiuwd by intli y it-Ids quickly to )( voti cm In t'ul up aU.i UIh-I. r iln.e trim pfrler in Ok Bi"tuiicl. or hiv Kt-'bl.un or culls!. put i Proprietor.-!. St. I, mil, Mu.iuurl BE MERRY. of the earth. deep blue cup of the sky, stars sweeping by; of the wine outpouri the joy of the Lord. SIZE OF WARRING NATIONS. i Here Are a Few Comparisons of Territory Which Will (live the : Reader a Food Conception of ! the Size of the Nations Now En-' gaged in War in Europe. j Russia is the only country in tiurope that is larger than our state of Texas. I France is not quite as big as j California and Alabamba com-1 bined. j Germany is about the same size as France and about equal lo Mon-1 lana and Georgia combined. ' The British Isles are about the ! same size as New Mexico. Belgium is not quite as big as Maryland. Italy is about die size of Nevada. Servia is almosi 25,000 square miles smaller than Indiana. Illinois is nearly as large as Belgium, Servia and Netherlands combined. Italy is about twice die size of Illinois. Texas and California together are bigger than Germany and France together. Austria with 241,491 square miles is the biggest country in Liu- rope next to Russia, but is 25, 000 square miles smaller than Texas. Montenegro with 25,00.1 square miles is smaller than any state in die union, except Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island. Uoumania is a trifle larger than New York and Bulgaria, a little hgcr than igniu. Montenegro, Uoumania, Servia, Bulgaria and Albania could be bunched together and laid down in side the borders of Texas, Cali fornia or Montana. Charlotte News. Your Fall Cold Needs Attention No use to fuss ami try to wear it out. It will wear you oul instead. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, relief follows quickie. It checks yourcoltl and soothes youi t ough away. Pleasant, Antisep tic ami Healing. Children like it. (let a Mic. bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery ami keep it in the house. "Our family Cough ami Cold Doctor' wiites Lewis Chamberlain, .Manchester, Ohio. Money luick if not sat'islicd, but it near ly always helps. Untldren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SUCCESS NOT DUE TO LUCK Photographer Will Not Admit That Element of Chance Enters In to His Work. When the amateur photographer's frW'iid Raked him why h looked peeved the other was jd;nl to explain "A friend of ours Just a: t' mo to como over ami tak a pliture of her baby," he said "Khe npolucui d 't for akniiiK. wlileU was mine, esuai y be cause 1 was glad to -!o it, but Mie Hpill etl (he hf-aiiH liv giving her reanuii Hi:ii I had such good hit-k takinn pp-tun s " I "Well, you do, don't you'.'" lii'iulrcd the friend. "There you go,'' the photographer I exclaimed. "There's no kucIi lliiiiR us tuck in my nhotography. Writ exes I me is that every one hccius to emisid ; er them inseparable, j "Photography is as exact a science ; as running a survey nowadays with j those who know how to handle a cam . era. With the photometer and expos j uro tables, proper developer and a thermometer for determining its tem- perature, every last element of lin k j removed from exposure and negative : making. The s;nnc Is true of j priming processes. You know in ad vance how much liht von have mnl j how much you need; factorial talibv-i tell you how long to leave a plate in I the developer; every step Is timid j with a stop watch Ami that's whv I It annovH me to have people nay that j my an is a luck proposition ( "lieforo I had taken as many pic I Hires as stand to my record now, j thert' was sometimes luck, mostly bad. Aith-MiHh. HH it appears to no at pres ent, 1 gut better results than 1 should have obtained. Hut If a man with a little experience and the proper out fit exercises as much intelligence as is necessary to boll eggs, photography Is no longer a matter of luck, and I thank nobody to call mo lucky." ARC AND THE INCANDESCENT Explanation of Entirely Different Prin ciples Under Which the Two Are Employed. The arc light and the Incandescent light work on totally different princi ples. It was noted many years ago that when an electric circuit was tiro- ken the current jumped across a slight gap, producing a brilliant tlame 'I he shape of this llanie was roughly all arc from uue conductor to the oilier; j thus the word "arc" was adopted All arc lamps burn in the aT and not In vacuum. The light is produced t-y the current leaping across a small ;ir i cup between the two elei trodes. or car bon pencils, and heating the tin ot the ' j carblns white hot. Floating particl- s I of whote-hot carbon also add lo th" ; j brilliancy. A mechanism Is necessary j to "feed" iu the carbons as fast as they hum uway, or otherwise the gap would increase until the current could not jump across and the light would go out. Tho Incandescent lamp, common in most homes und olllce buildings, is oh ; lalneil from a piece of white-hot .wire, ' heated by the pas.-ago of an electric current. The wire must be inclosed in a glass bulb Iroul which the air has been exhausted, otherwise H would (Illicitly he burned up and consumed. The wire filament Is now madn of tungsten, which resists the How of electricity with so much vigor that the current, In working lo get by thn obstruction, heats the wire to Incan descence, hence the name Day of Stately Minuet. We are promised a retlval of tho stately minuet. Hut consider well fho responsibilities of that dance. Thus, for Instance. Mr. Autten l.eigh on tho eighteenth century nilnuot: 'It was not every one who felt qualified to make this public exhibition, and those ladles who intended to dance minuets used to distinguish themselves by wearing a particular kind of lappet on their heaihlress. I have heard also of another t-ilrlous proof of the respect In which this dance was held. (Uotea immaculately clean were considered requisite for Its due perlortuanee. while gloves R little soiled were thought good enough for a country dance; and accordingly some prudent ladies provided themselves with two pairs for their several purposes." London Chronicle. Going and Coming. Pat was standing near the car track when he noticed an automobile com ing up the street, and to he safo he stepped hack a little. Tho automobile went past, and Just as It was passing tho driver had oc casion to turn off the track When ho did the automobile skidded on the track, t-susirg tho hack end of It to awing around, striking I'at and knock ing him down. Pat was seen to get up and look af ter the ear and say, "Now, p'hat do ye think o' that? Whin ye stand In front o' ihiiii they run over ye, und whin ye git out o' the wnv to let tblm pass they turn around and kick yo." Toll Taken by the Sea. In spite of better construction, more accurate churl, und lh poniinfio Jra provenienl of lighthouse service, tho sea continues to take an enormous an nual toll In property and lives The marine disasters of 1!KI amounted in money value to l.lfi.ono.uno In llrllish insured ships nud cargoes that were totally lost. On the great lakes alone, the storm of last November rolled up a loss of $1,7ii0.oon. The above figures do not Include damages to ships and cargoes that were not total losses; for these, the damages amount to ovor pj.uOO.UUl). Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A REVISINO A MAXIM. You can fool all the men all the lime if you are a woman. Every man is above the average according to his own belief. Is it possible' there is ;i wutuan in this country who con tinues to suffer without givinj; Lydia K. i'inkhani's Vege table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic tion that this grand old medicine has re lieved more suffer ing mining women than any other one medicine in the world? We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub lished in the interest of any other medicine for women and every jear we publish many new testimonials, all gen uine and true. I lere are three never before published: From Mrs. 5. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I. 'kii'iih:nc i:, I!. I." I'm- (he Ik-iiHH of wotin-n s hi siill'ei iis I have iluiio 1 wish In slate w li it l.ydia K. I'inkhani's V( gHsil.ld C(iiiioiiinl lias (li iii for inc. 1 iliil sonic heavy iil'tintr and 'tin- doctor said it caused a tli-plmvnidil. 1 have always Urn weak and I ovel wurki.'il nftef my ha'y via burn and iiillaiiiiniit ion set in, llirn nervous pros tration, i'roiii vWii' h 1 diil not recover until I had taken l.ydia T-. l'ink lium's Vi'jictiilile Compound. The Compound is my host friend anil when I heat of a woman with troithles like mine 1 try to induce hel lo take your medicine." .Mrs. S. T. ltietiMosn, l'.i'.i' Wuklo Sin-el, I'rowdonce, 1;, j, A Minister's Wife Writes: Ci.oori'T, Minx. "1 have sullci'ed very much with irroKulari'.ics, painjind iiillanuiialion, lml your wonderful medicine, l.ydia K. I'ink liuni s cfrculilc ( ouiiouud, has made tne well and 1 can recommend the same load that an: tiimlilcil with Ihcse eomjiluiuts." Mrs. ,!ln KIB AutatMAN, eu l!ev. K. Akfiiman, Clnqut't, .Minnesota. From Mrs. J. D. Murdoch, Quincy, Mass. Soi-Tu (i txev, .Mass.-'-The doctor said that I had organic (rouble and he doctored me for a lniifr time ami 1 did not get any relief. I saw i.yina v.. ruiiuiain s c!ieialde ( ompoiuid ad vertised and I H ied it and found relief U-I'mv 1 had tinislitd the In-st Untie, through middle life and woman and earn m o.. Mi'tuax n, '.Ti (iordoii M., I continued taking mi now a strong;, heall p. living;." Mrs. ,1am; Soitili (ininc-v, Mass. f"JJVritctn I.VIII A F..PIKIHM MEDICINE CO. UNr (COM MM. 1 1 All I , MASH.. t'ormU . our lot lor will bo opened, ecucl mid nnswei-eil by u uoimtn and held in strict conliilciicA.-. TRUSTI'ULNtSS. The Hoy Wiser Than His Mother. In a poor hut thrifty peasant's 1 home s.t t .1 young- mother plying, her needle in lite autumn iwiliglu, fur lite wee Willie whose rinoing laughter trout ihe little garden loiJ iis own sweet tale. The husband s.tl near lus wile in ilut weary list- j lessness which is made such a lux-! ury by a haul day's toil. "I low shall we ever gel on hen w inter conies, George- "I'is hard en ough iu summer; what will it he then'-" The question awoke something w ithin that man's slum bering soul thai sent a quiet glow over every look and lone. "Mary, lass, w hat art thou mak ing there '-" "A w arm winter coat for Willie, George." "I ginssed as much. Dots the young rogue know about u'-" "Not he, dear lamb'" "Won't ton tell him to hinder his woiTjing about winter?" "He worry' W hy, hearken to him, George. He's as happy as the day is long; and even it he has the sense to think about w inter, he'd trust modicr in keep him warm." j "Aye, lass, and ii would seem the boy is wiser than his mother." I Mary's eyes tilled as she caught j her husband's upw ard look, and I the cloud nl disirust w as rolled ! from ihe hearth by their child's I ii'iiMl'iilness. ARE YOU CARRYING YOCR LOAD? Some one eluded a Irtend who was employed in Christian work for wearing himself out in the ser vice. "You do more than you are called upon to do," he protest ed. "You are constantly going beyond your strength." "Yes, I know it," was the an swer. "But somebody has to do it. If every one took a share,there would be no need of any one's go ing beyond his strength." Think a minute. Are you or am I responsible for the approach-1 ing breakdown of some worker who is carrying our load in addi tion to his own? Hopeless Lung Trouble Cured Many recovciics from Lung T roubles are due lo Dr. Pell's Fine Tar Honey. It strengthens the Lungs, checks tlit I'ough and gives relief at once. Mr. W. S. Willis, (tales, N. I'., writes: "I used Dr. I'ine'lar Honey in a case given up as hopeless and it ett'ected a complete cure." (let a bottle of Dr. Hell's l'ine Tav Honey, if your cough is dry aud hacking let it trickle down the throat, you will surely get relief. Only 23c. al your druggist. A Delightful Profession for Young Women : iihiti: is no occupation ;' J ; tor a young women that is mote pleasant or con genial, more suited to her ability and nature, none that can give her more personal satisfaction, and if sue be a thoroughly trained professional none that offers bisgvr rewcrds than that of music teaching. The supply of competent teachers of piano music is far short of the de mand I las your daughter ever given this mailer a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher ol music?) if so - buy her a ST II: FF PIANO at once, gel her slat ted on ihe road to success and fame, the sooner she starts the better. C'h;is 3U. .SMicff, i.i-:o i- sin.u:. Mgr. No. -.'.U Oranliv M . Noiiolk, Ya. LAi'LK I WATCH REPAIRING; i '- - -- -r"- s. ... HE KNOW THE BUSINESS No tinkering with your valuable iliiic piece. WE UUAKANTEI: OCR WORK Lei our expert repair man ex amine your watch or chick. He will tell you what is needed and what the cost will be. When your watch has been re paired by us, you can depend upon ii every lime to catch a train or meet an engagement. J.H. WA.LLE1I?,, WKLDON, N. C. S. A. L. Watch Inspector. Next door to y.oltictillet 's Drugstore. ma- pa ly. Vm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WF.1.IXIN, N. U Ollice in Weldon Bank i Trust Building business promptly aud faithfully at tended to. ' ill r SSL

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