PJI lip V$W iJM M 'Ml El liSTABLISHl;!) IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Sub:triplion..l..T. K-r A-,i.t-n VOL. XL IX WHLDON, X. C, TIU'liSDAY, OCTOBKH 1. LITTLE THINGS. WITH THI: H'ISt. MBS, THOMSON Sallow Complexion rt-fnci from bilious impuritiM in the blouii, nv.d i he lauk he With the liver. It ilturi'iJ. History Is Hut the f ullfilnunt of Cupacity Seldom Lacks Oppnrtu Prophecy. njtv Sea Sm4 sssessJ n PCs hlj-r 1 For Infants and Children. 1 PSTORIJ .U.nMIOI, 3 PKK it. Nr. Ac!cliililfPrrpiiralionltT,j similnii!i5ihiTooaanilRi'i;u!a iMtSllii'SitMRteaiallluwisi ni";r .iniliVct runtime imitk ! i V!i:m.wrjlunc nor Mineral ;-ct NARCOTIC. jfo? MiikSMTirmm fia'diit SffJ' jUx. Senna l thMeiOt- I LUUrk,HSJ ! firm Seed - tVtfitmf Sugar hetnrrw tltnaf. A narforl (lompHv fnrfVTTKflM- tion , Sour Slomach.Dlarrttoca lwss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. 0 3E 11 PBwpAQTflDIA w U 1 1 1 THE m OF YELDOhi YVELDOX, X. V- Organized Under the Las of the Slate of North Carolina, Stale of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of W'eklon Depository. Capital anrl Surplns, $55,000 For ovrr Jl year tliis institution provutrtt Kuntiinir fucilitu-f for this si'otiun. lH sMrUml.li'i uml "llici tmiii' Kli nlilit .l ith llif Ihim HfHs iiiti'ri'stN ot llahtux anl Niitli:utitn!i rinintu's. A SavniL's Ih'piirtinent i niiitiituMir.l I'm llic luticlit nf all wlin .tcnirf to ilt'puKtt in a Savintrs I'.an!;. In tins t'cjiaitnu'iit Intt-vtt is alliuvt-.l as foltnwH: For Deposits allow nl torcinain thrc-- montlis or Ioihtit, - pi't ct'iit. Six months or loneer, :i per immii 't'wi'lvt- inontlis or Iomlmt. I per ri'nt. Any information will he liiinisheil on application to the I'li'siilcntoM'ashicr PRKsings r . W. K. DAN 11. 1., Vli B-rnl-i jK 1 : W I! SMITH I.. C. Dl; M'lili. l'elh-r. IlIIiKCTOliS V. H. Smith. W. K. l(. T. Daniel, .1.1.. shepher.l, W. A. )ixon & roo 11 U II u .MAMT.uTi'iiKiis in Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens ma UK to(i:di:ii AND lii:til'I.AK sliit K slZl. Good Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, N. C. rracticcB in the courts of Halifax auu Northampton anil in the supreme ale. Federal courts, t ollectious made in ali parts of North Carolina. Munich ollii'i at Halifax open every Monday ELLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. PKM-niKs iu the courts of Halifax an.l adjoining counties and in the su preme court of the State. Special atten tion given to collections and prompt re turns. Iii-ttly W. J. WAKi), OKNTIST, OFFICE IN DANIF.L IH ILDIM.! WELDON, N.C, epl2 ly A. I. SCHISI.KB, CIVIL ENGINEER,'.' Surveying: a Speclalty',1 l'hone at 1 1 N. EMI'OUIA, VA. D. E. STAIN BACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. tanko News Office -:- ttclJnn N ( QEORGE C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW," (National Hank Building) :ZT Weldon. N. C. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years TMI eiMTAUR COMPANY. PtIW VOR CITT. IASHIKH: .1. II. I'ltAkK, DaniH. .1. I". Drake. W. .M. Cohen, 1'ieree. D. li. Zolheoller. .1 . W. l,-,lire IGREAT BARGAINS IN TVPEWITERRS. e eat i v a latt:e 1 U ot Tvpeu nlci i aii Imiili al iM.ee UiVll, 1 n. OKel. cl:ii::tiih. Uoai. Mint!. I'lenitc:. 1.. t . Smith .S: 'ia. s and I 'udeiwo. ,i. nv o: l.ct tral.e tini, . to 1. 1 .lays noiiec e have lioth the vtMt'ie an-! the in i-ihh . W e hoiiht a tmreMoih ol these I pi I itei.s lloin nii'-foHt't h to onedialt the iciiuiai' hole -ale puce, anil on salenow atonc-lonith Ut one-halt the UL'iilar n tail price. A irood I vpcu i iter iioin S."o tt M ".. A hettei -one jl7 -m to 'Js .. The het Iroin ?:to tip to any pnee. W ill he t.lai to uitsuei any Hnjuirv in eon nee t ion v i 1 1 1 tlieM1 inai'liiiieiH. and send vainples ot' the work tlone by any of the Type- writers we have. hvery hoy and irir should have one of our eht iip Typew l i ters to leant how to um Any pcion who eun write well on a 'typewnler t'iw deinatul a lain' Miliary. Anyone who hiiyH u cheap type nter Iroin ns and wants a better one later, we will take hack throne ho in,' lit ami allow the mi me paid for it in exolmtijre I'm a better one, il returned in uood eoiitlilion unl within mix niontliH. It not in food condition we allow the market value. We cany Type writer nhlioiiH and other mipphew. SPIERS BROS. WK.I.DON, N.O. SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all autlsoi Ucs la A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches In treating catarrh, Inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine ills It has no equal. For ten years the Lydla E. Pinkhnm Medlolne Co. baa recommended Paiilno In their private correspondence with women, which proves Ita superiority. Womon who have been cured say It Is "worth Ita weight In gold." At druggists. 50c. large box, or by mall. Tha faitou Tolkt Co, JJoston, Mass. S if w y CARPET WEAVING IN PERSIA rcc-'se Scvm Tedious. Cut the Pro duction li Celehr.itcd Through out the World. Generally upeukli.p, thi carpets of India can never exre those nf Persia, as the, niatorials usi'il In the former arc nut of the Hanie superior finality aa I host! employed In the latter country. The wool of tt'.ieti many of the best carpets are manufactured In obtained ! frotn T" 'isliniir Sometimes carp-'ti) which are uiimaken for silk ate le.dly I of an extremely tine ipiality of wool known an "p.ihlim " This Is obtained from the f-oats of Kashmir mid roua close to tllP y.Uin belli protected by the Ittri k mid eniii'ser wool ll is as smooth and lusi tons as silk and l used tor the beautiful Ktft shawls tor which Kashmir is famous Peculiar methods are employe by the hidian weaver in convcrtinp: his original do FtKn into a textile. Instead of work ing from a colored drawing or diagram. tlt weaver has the pattern translated on paper into rows of symbols, each of which expresses the number of stitches and the color. With this written "key" in his hand, the head weaver Bits b hind his subordinates and dictates tho pattern to them, one row at a time, all through the breadth of the carpet. These weavers generally quitp small boys Bit in front of the warp strings and tie in the requisite, number of stitches of each color as called out to them by the reader frotn his ciphered Korfp. These boys, who perform the actual process of weaving thn pile, fol low day by day the dictations of the head man, knowing nothing of the pat tern they are preparing, but gradually building up in a mechanical way tha carpet on the strings before them. SECURE SLEEP IN DAY TIME Order of Nature Is Reversed In the Case of Some Plants, According to Botanists- Clover shuts Its leaves before rain nud at night, bringing two of Its three leaves faco to face anil folding the third over tha top, according to the Scotsman. Tho young blossoms are also carefully sheltered by Inclosing leaves, which move forward In the evening and warp them around. There are two plants tn the garden whose flowers steep by day the night blooming stock and Lychnis vesper lina. Tile former is withered Hnd shriv eled in daylight, but expands anil ex hales a vanilla-like odor at night The Lychnis is white, and in bright sun shine every tlower closes and hungs limply down. As the sun sets, tho K.n dymoin plant awakes expectant of the moon Tho drooping calyxes raise themselves and slowly expand their tlowers; It visibly ceases to droop and fade, and the plant which almost died by day is adorned anew. Its sister, tha red Lychnis, shines by day, and Is called the diiimna, but this white ono has long left the beaten ancestral path and has become vespertina. As It opens small files appear and visit it; the calyx Is of that reddish hue which they approve. The surt'aco which attracts Hies shows the same dull red In its leaves. It Is not a rarity, hut few have seen Its blossoms opened. Never Frighten a Child. Says the Italian physioloRiat, Moa so: "Every uly thltm told to a child, every frlcht. every shock given him will remain like a minute splinter in the tlesh. to torniem him all his life long." Doctor Barker, in quoting this statement with approval, adils: "The mother, the nurse, the maid and the servants still frighten the child with tales of the hogy-man. of gnhllns or oKt'ea, of witches anil of wizards. Doctor Darker urges that instead of thus stimulating fears, tho wise pa rent will endeavor to teach the child to be courageous and not to have a fear of the dark or of thunder or light ning, or bo afraid of being alone. Cer tain fears common to childhood, he says, are easily overcome, especially through the example of courage set by the parent, nurse or teacher. There are cases, however, in which fears are a symptom of disease. Thus, a young girl brought lo Doctor Itarker because of a distressing fear of "burglars tn the house" was found to be suffering from goiter. Children who suffer from "night terrors" often have adenoids. With the removal of this growth, a slight operation, the "night terrors" disappear. Briand as a Debater. M. Arlstide Driand, whose admira tion for Mr. I.loyd-deorge has Just been confessed in ttie London Chroni cle, taught himself readiness of speech on the Congers Hall system His plan was to haunt the Paris cafes and for an hour or two engage anyone who cared In political discussion. Ha strove wiih ttie enemy for the sake of the argument, putting forward dillleullies which lie did not alvwiys himself ac knowledge in order Ihat he might hear what could he said on the other side. Tlie result of his system was to make him one of the most formidable men In the chamber. What an Excuse, "What an excuse!" said a congreja man, apropos of certain cold stor.f Imptlrls "Whiit nn pvU"0' "These men remind mn of an auto mohilist who wsh hauled up for kill ing a poor old farm woman's hen. "'The lady complains,' said the mag istrate severely, 'that you killed her hen, and then' threw open the throt tle, rind dnshttl away like mad.' "'Well, you see. Juoge,' apologized ;h.j automobilist, '1 mistook the ben !jr a child.' " Keep Your Stomach and Liver Healthy A vigorous Stomach, perfect working I,ier anil regular Dowels is guaranteed if you w ill use Dr. King's New Life Fills They insure good digestion, correct Constipation and have an excellent tonic elt'ect on the whole system l'uri fy your blood and rid you of all body poisons through the bowels. Ouly 2c at your druggists. SIM MONS RI D Z LIVER REGULATOR 1THK PC VDKR FORM) If the greatest of r.ll liver medicines, Its powerful purifying and strengthen' irifi influence is at once apparent in an improved appetite, good digestion and a feeling ot strength and c-icigy in tin- btiv. When the svstem has been put in order tlie v . lli.w ca-.t in the skin gradually diapxirs and the complexion becomes clear and healthy. Saltth IKtiUr.i. I'rki; l.,nuv huknu', St. 00. A.k t..r tl.r o,rillllr. .,(, ,(. Kr I ' ,n 1L,- i ,!.,-(. II v't .-.u.n en , f.,;i l;- r h-ii.I II (- Ili.lt! p...tW1, Sti,,.H,.ri, :w V.-;. li'- r 1 , f I ; It, h t-. I t. r.t, I ; f...,r V!rU, IL I'fur f I -i yrt tnv l....K f,. i ,r K.-.I . r, I J. II. HUN S C (,, rriprtrlMr, St. Inulv. Mliurl sis. THE JOURNEY. I ill i ii k of death as some delightful journey Thai I shall lake when all my iaks are done. Though life has given me a heaping measure Of all best gifts, and many a cup of pleasure, Still better things await me further on. This little earth is such a merry planet, The distance beyond it so supreme, 1 have no doubt that all the mighty spaces Between us and the stars are tilled with faces More beautiful ihan any ariist's dream. I like to think that 1 shall yet behold them, When from this waiting-room my soul has soared. Earth is wayside station, where we wander, Until from oui the silent darkness yonder Death swings his lantern and cries, "All aboard !" 1 think deaih's train sweeps through the solar system And passes suns and moons that dwarf our own. And close beside us we shall find our dearest, The spirit friends on earth we held the nearest, And in ihe shining distance God's great throne. Whatever disappointments may befall me In plans or pleasures in this world of doubi, I know thai life at worst can but delay me, But no malicious fate has power to stay me From that grand journey on the Great Death route. -Hlla Wheeler Wilcox. IN THE TWILIGHT. The fire upon the hearth is low And there is stillness everywhere, And, like winged spirits, here and there The firelight shadows fluttering go; And as the shadows round me creep, A childish treble breaks the gloom. And softly from a further room Comes: "Now I lay me down to sleep." And, somehow, with that little prayer And that sweet treble in my ears, My thought goes back to distant years, And lingers with a dear one there; And as 1 hear my child's "Amen !" My mother's faith comes back to me Crouched al her side I seem to be, And mother holds my hands again. Oh, for an hour in that dear place, Oh, for the peace of that dear time; Oil, for that childish trust sublime, Oh, for a glimpse of mother's face ! Yel as the shadows round me creep, 1 do not seem to be alone Sweet magic ot that treble tone And, "Now I lay me down to sleep.' THC SONG IN YOUR HEART. Some people's religion has very little song about it, new or old. It wails and groans. True religion sings here, and will sing more hereafter. Distrust your religion unless it is cheerful, unless it turns j every act and deed to music, and exults in attempts to catch the harmony of the new life. "Let the saints be joyful in glory; let them sing aloud upon their beds" i that was David's exhortation. Blessed be our Christian faith thai does not let us creep dolefully along the path, but turns each new advance into a new hymn of tri umph, and bursts the walls of the narrow way with the triumphant voices of the pilgrims, and keeps before us always the promise of the new song before the throne. Phillips Brooks. JUST A CHANGE. "How did you ever gel the nerve to play ihe cornet. Doesn'i your practicing drive your wife almost to distraction?" "No," replied Mr. Meekton. "She encourages me. She thinks that anything that'll change my ordinary facial expression is worth some sacrifice. "-Washington Star Hopeless Lung Trouble Cu red Many recoveries from I.ung Troubles arcilucloDr. Hell's l'ine Tar Honey. It strengthens the Lungs, cheeks the Cough and gives reliefat once. Mr. W. S. Willis, tlates, N. C, writes: "I used Dr. I'ine'lar Honey iu a case given up as hopeless and it eilceted a complete cure." I let a bottle of Dr. Hell's l'ine Tar Honey. If your cough is dry ami hacking let it trickle down the thrust, you will surely get relief. (Inly 25c. at your druggist. Eugene Field. VALUABLE HOUND. A real estate buyer had been out in the country to look at a piece of property, and the old farmer ac-' companied him back lo town to close the deal. After traveling several miles the farmer was much surprised to see his dog crawl from 1 under the seat, for he had no idea that it had followed him. As the train slowed up at a junction the : farmer put the dog off and chased i him away. : "That's too nice a dog to lose," ; remarked the property buyer, i "Does he know his way home?" "Does he?" echoed the old ! farmer. "Why, Mister, I've sold ! that dog four times. ! MUCH DISAPPOINTED. A young farm girl asked 10 have Saturday off in order to go and see 3 man hanged. Permission was given her, and she set out before daybreak, having twenty miles lo walk When she returned that even ing she was in tears, "Why, Milly, what's the mai ler?" asked her mistress. "Oh, dear," sobbed the girl. "Oh dear; the man has been re prieved." Your Fall Cold Needs Attention No use to fuss and try to wear it out. It w ill wear you out instead. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, relief follows Hiickly. Itehecksyourcold and soothes your Cough away. I'leasant, Antisep tic and I Icaliug. Children liko it. liet a ."sic. bottle of Dr. Kiug's New Discov ery and keep it in tlie house. "Our family Cough and Cold Doctor" writes Lewis Chamberlain, Manchester, Ohio. Money hack if not satiatied, but it near ly always helps. Men and women in the narrow circle nf life are the world-builders. The nations are not molded by the great minds al lite head ot thing-., so much as by tin: mothers by the humble firesides, and the le.tcli'.'rs in the public school-, ho have had the training ot the intellects tit it when trained, have been the tnrccs in mastering great events Tlie soil in which the slock nf corn grows has everything to do with its growth and development. I lete is the ministry of Hide things; the chemical elements out of which great things grow. History is but the fullfilntent of prophecy. Men and nations are no greater than the sum of the influences that have produced them. The refreshing shower is but the ministry of rain drops. The floods of ihe rivers are ithe fullHIment of the snow flakes' and the rain drops' prophe cy. Christianity, with its vast in terests, with all its millions of fol lowers, its wealth of churches, its multiplicity of reformatory institu tions, its ceaseless activities for fallen men and women has all sprung from a little helpless child whose birth-place was a manger. Has there ever been any human being daring enough to prophecy the influence of one child upon ihe world ? But when we come to consider little acts of kindness, and their ministry among ourselves, let us not forget the "cupof cold water." Many a man lying ou the battle Held, dying of thirst, would give all that he possessed for a glass of water. The desert has claimed its victims, and the hot suns have bleached their bones by the way side because there were no "foun tains and depths that spring out of the valleys and hills," no one to bring a drink lo him who was thirs ty. How great a thing a cup of cold water is can only be realised by those whose mouths have been parched and whose tongues dried like bark on the battlefield. How much does a cup of cold water mean at such a lime ! Some littie act of Christian ilioughtfulness has been the germ of lasting and eter nal blessings. A smile has made a child one's Inend lorcver. A gentle, sympathetic word to the sorrowing when death thrust its black hand under the coverlet and carried away the iewel of the home, has created a friendship that has made the soul its home forever. THE VICTIM. The Victim It was a wizened little man who appeared before the judge and charged his wife with cruelly and abusive treatment. His belter half was a big, square-jawed woman, with a determined eye. "In the first place, where did you meet this woman who has treated you so dreadfully?" asked the judge. "Well," replied the little man, making a brave attempt to glare defiantly at his wife. "I never met her. She just kind of over took me." Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. POWER OF SlllkiESTION. Mrs. Watkins was entertaining some week end guests not long ago, when they were startled by a commotion downstairs. "Mercy ! What's that awful profanity downstairs?" whispered one of the guests in a frightened tone. "Don't be alarmed, my dear," replied the hostess. "It's my my husband. He's come in late and fallen over the new Persian prayer rug." Everything. DUPLICATE WEDDINU Oil TS "So you are married, Sam?" "Oh, yes, sah." "Did you get any wedding gifts, Sam?" "Oh, yes, sah." "Any duplicates, Sam?" "Oh, yes, sah. 1 got eight ra zors, sah." Yonker's Statesman. NOT HIS TROUBLE. She Did you have trouble with your French when you were in Paris? He 1 didn't, but the Parisians did! Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A It is a learlul thought that w e, as it were, exhale ourselves ewry breath we draw . A nun's uim.i1 beissg is eiitwewr.iie I in tvtrv .-v. olid ol Ills l;te, it live-, in ihe tips of his lingers and ilic spring .,! In-, instep. , very hit! l!;n;g ti it-, what a n; ii) is ma le ,! ( ai iinal New man. ll is nn in in I;., e. I. lies l!ie ' corner lirsi win u ims, Ian the man : w ho know s cx.uh w lt.it lie is go : ing to do w hen he re.ich.-s the corner. (iov. C li. Hughes. If you intend to go to w oi k, there is no place belter than where i you are. II vmi do not miend to ' go lo work, you cannot gel along anywhere.--Abraham Lincoln. The (act is, people .h'ti'i js.. f : trouble-, ui tins uotld; tliev i:e l : tretnn' a: 'em, only they don't seem to know it - l;li.tbeth Stuart : Phelps. i In this lite ot ours pathos and ' comedy are always neighbors, and he who really sees life seeshoih. ! W. (. Edward Rees. j Take care of your thoughts and j your words and deeds will take care of thentsvives. Joint T Mayer. The opportunity of a lifeline. ; must be seized during the lifriiu.e ; of the opportunity. Clarice E. Newlin. i Capacity seldom lacks opportti ! tiity. Bishop Berry. IT ALL DEPENDS. W hen James A. (iattield was (president of Oberlin College, a 'man brought foJ entrance as a 1 student his son, for w hom he wish ed a shorter course than the regu lar one. I "The boy can never take all that in," said the lather. "I le wants i to gel through quicker. Can you errange it for him ?" j "Oh, yes," said Mr. tiartteld. "He can take a short cou-e; it all depends on what you w ant to make . him. When Cod wants to make an oak He lakes a hundred eais, bin He onli takes iu o months to tii.ike a siiuash "- Ladies' Home , Journal. Ciri.artn Or y FOR FLE i CHER S O A S T P R 1 A A Ml'ITT.EI) DIS XPPOIN I MLNT "Darling," whispered the ardent suitor, "1 lay my 1m tunc at vour i feet." ! "Your fortune'''' she replied, in surprise, "I didn't know you had j one." i "Well, it isn't much of a lor tune, but it w ill look large beside 'those tiny feel" Kansas City ; Tunes. Vim : fh2 Kin.' :'. .i.Vicys Bought Bears the yCy" j Signature of t A ' '-fjTJrticttM j I'l lil.lt W M ' u I Notice of Summons I M:il.- 'f!li C:iiuhn.i. ! Il;ilil;t ( uiintv , I II till' Mlju't lilt I't'Ut t. i i N M V i:liW N, I'lamiul' f v I JIM liliOWN. I'l'lVihliiiit. I ritr ulnar iKuni'il .1 mi I'.mu mull take j mitiiT (hat x Mnuntniio in tin- ;tUw t-n tltll ll pHUTfillllL' W:l l-ti'. :lLr.iiII-t 11 ' s:iii ilt'lrililillil on Hip J 'th tlav uf vr j trmlifl. l!Ml i.Y .V l .;iiv,' ( , , , ,,(' I the Supi'i uit I tun t nl Huh la I nun I v, ! ;uiil that viiil Mimtiioti- ua irtiniinl ' rti'ioiM'tl that llir .Irtt'inUin I'.'iil.l not a lift i hit' thhuriiiT I if li mii I m tin I'nuti t ly ol' I ! ad In not in the Mulr ol North I umima. thai lli admit iiriiihni: m llu j Siin-iit)i ('null ol'lhililu i nullity i t u j tillril ax nhm i' Unit lln (nil ii wi tin 1 I U 1 1 it'll ill' Hi' l mil l hrnne lit hv f 1 1 . i ti n . tilt' UL'niuvt Ihi' left 'in laut ix ii a lt tun' mini'iiU) malumoni, llic inmitnls ht'inu lot ul'tmhiW' ilivniiT, that llic cnmpljun 1 in llii' nliiive riilillcl mi urn & lu'i'ii tili il oil the iNtli liiy ol t'lrltihrr, I'M I in tin1 ntl'ire nl' the Sit tenor I otnt: :inl tlie witil tlrfenilant will t'liilher take no tice tluit lie is ri't)iiitetl lu uiieur uiitl atiKwer 01 ilemui lo nai.l com phiint ut the term ol tlie foitit wlneh will lie hel.l on llie twelfth Momlrty alter the litst M()inliiy in Senleniher, I'M I, ihe nail liil tlay ol 1'ourl hem the ;iiMh day of Noveniher, IHM. Ilenn fail not. This the !Uh ilav of Septeinher, I'M I S. M.dAKV. Clerk Superior t 'oint W. H. DAMKK Atty for I'laintill. Wm. L, KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WKIJHJN, N. C. Otliee, in Wehlon Hank A Trust HuiMing BusinesH promptly and faithfully at oDded to. How She Was Htlpetl During Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I'hi!a'!i h'l'ia. I'.'i. "I run ju-t ' e.-ar fnr-ail durmitClmro.'.M.I I. if.- i -af- n red 1 1 .r m yrurs t -rnl.lv. 1 tri..'l --v-, rat 1li,.-t..rs nut le -nisi'. II.. .1 to five lie' ,'ti.y r. ii'-f. Kv- ry tii'.lithtl:.'tiin:.vr.' int.'ii.M-iii l.nlii -i-l--s. and m uii e rr. e so Weak that I hail to p, to lu'l. At last a frit-tiii r miiii.-n- iled I.V'iia K. 1'iak ham's Vet'etal'le ( 'diiiji. ..mi to m- iiihI 1 tried it at ei..v ami found much relief. After that I had no pains al nil and could do my tin a sew., i-l. aad slio.nn the same a.- alway.-.. F..r years i have prai-ed l.ydia F.. I'iiir.h;. in's V. evtabie (..im pound for what il. has don- for me, an 1 .ball alva;.a r--eoniiii,-nd it as a wo man's fri. nd. You ar.- at libertv to use my letter in ei-vv, . " -Jlrs.TlluM.-aiN, WW W. Kit.:.. .U, Philadelphia, l'a. Change of Life is one of the rri.ist critical fieriodsof a woman's existence. Women everywhere should r. niemlier that th 're is no other remedy known to carry women so successfully through the tn mi' period as Lydia K. I'lnkham's Vej,'et aide Com lound. If jmi wimt special advice write lo I.ydi.i V.. l'inUli.ini Med icine Co. I continent nil i, Lynn, Mas. Vour li tter will lie opened, read and answered liy st wimiilD and held in strict conliilcucc. r A Delightful Profession for Young Women II!. H! is no occupation oiiiig women that re pleasant or col l i. tin. re suited to y and n a i u r e, an give her more aiistaction, and il lioroughly trained .! none that oilers er.ls man that ol img. The supply :.i leathers ot piano " short of the de- her a, none th; personal she be ; ptotessi. bigger I music te ot eoinp; ttiusie is lit liid lias v, i.uigiuer ever his iu,, iter a thought; have V ,;i ever spoken to it i si ime day hceom- her ab. n:g a te .-adier of music?! if so pit her a st ii.: i r piano at once, get her started on the road to success and tame, the so in r she stal ls the belter. If has 3U. tic tt, 1 P.t'S i' -I I I I I.'. Men. No. ; il i,m! v i Va. fiVtW ivOtMAiTER! ' WE'LL FIX IT. IfUMi irtffiaMi 'Trtiia'" ii"' " :.j'J WE KNOW THE BUSINESS No in.keriiig wnh your valuable timcp;ece. wi: di vk'wu i: oi k wowk l. ei our epen repair man ex amine vour w.ii.h or clock. He will tell you w hat is needed and what the Cost will 1 e. W hen your watch has been re-p.ui-d by Us, you can depend upon il evirv tune to .. .itch a train or meet an cngagemeni. J. II. WALLER, Vt I'd 1"', . . I. Killed t,,...o. Xi't door lo I ..111, 'nil, i '. l,,L. ma. Ill Iv Are You a Waaian? Camti! Th Woman's Tonic FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS '