ESTABLISHED IN 1866. VOL. XLIX A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriptiun -$1.50 Per Animnir; WELDOX, X. C, THURSDAY, XOVKMIJKK 5, 11)14. NO. lis My f J H, s llt'S al ien. be by- and nes. dlTS e list IKS 4e. 'Yovk II. c. D son or I.LAKS for the a year to, lerk. Mir robacco Gen-Farm-ts and Give Seeds' Sets e suits. and Sets rofitable is. Can it during , r make a j t quality irly next ial, giv- 3ATS. E. Is for Fall it SONS, md.V. nugcr, , N. C The Kiud You Have Always Bought, ami which has boon iu use for over 30 yean, has borne tbo signature of -0 and has been made under hi per- LLjzfAt aonai "PMvWon slneo Us Infancy. tary, WUA Allownoonetodcoelvoyouliitliis. All Counterfeits, Imitations atwl "tfiist-iiN-Bood" nro but Kxperiini'iiis iluit trlllo with and endanger tlio health of Intuitu ami Children Experience against Kipcrimout. What is CASTORIA Custoria Is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare Boric, Droits anil Soothing Byrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic KiibstiiiK'n. Its nire Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays l-'cvertslmess. It cures Diarrhtitit and Wind Colle. It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation una Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the .stomach smd Howelx, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tlio Children's l'anacca-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of AN ARMY WITHIN THE NAVY. THE TAPESTRY OF DREAMS. HERE'S A HUSBAND'S SECRET. LET L'S LIVE. Each 01 Our Ship Divisions Con tains a Regiment ol Seamen And .Marines. Tie KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. T CtNTAU CIHHN, TT MUftfttV TNICT. NIWTOM CITf. OK 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C- Organized Under the Laws oi the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anrl Surplus, $55,000. For over '.'1 years this institution has provided hautiuir facilities for this section. Its' stockholders and oilieers are identdied with the busi ness interests ef Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savinirs Department is maintained for the hrnelit of all v. ho desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this liepartiuent interest is. allowed as follows: Kor Deposits allowed to remain time months or longer, 2 percent. Six months or longer, S per cent Twelve mouths or loiurer, 4 percent. Any information will be furnished on application to the President orl'ashier prisidbnt: W. E. DANIEL, VlCK-l'KKStllKVr: W. It. SMITH. I.. V. HU.U'KH. Teller. CASHIKR: .1. O. I'UAKE. DlUECTOltS V. It. Smith, W. E. Daniel, .1. O. Drake. W. M. Cohen, H. T. Daniel, J. L. Shepherd, V. A. Pierce, D. II. ZoIIicoUci, ,1 . V. Sledge lie Kor work such as Unit recent- i lv so well done nt Vera Cruz, j uinl of ten less noticeable in va- j rious parts of the world, each j litllcship uud armor cruiser maintains a battalion of four; to live companies of seamen j ami one company of marines, j besides the sdcallcd "special j detail" el' signalmen (opera- tint; also wireless outfits), pio- I neers. ammuiiilion ami gun cotton parties, commissariat, ambulance parties, etc. Kncli division of four to five ships thus maintains a com pletely organized regiment of tour to live liattalion ot sea men and n battalion of ma rines. A normal fleet, then, consisting of sixteen to twenty ships, manned by Iti.OOO to 20, ooo men, maintains a brigade of four to live regiments of sea men and one of marines, of 6,ii(i to 7,000 well-equipped and well-trained men, of whom many are sharpshooters; and the gunboats and small cruisers also have their landing parties. Some of the companies are or ganized as iield artillery, with powerful three-inch field guns. It may be remembered what good shooting those field guns did ut Vera Cruz. As a direct result of the pro cedure during recent years of giving to each regiment a week of camp lifo and rifle practice at the (iiiantaiuuno station each winter, our seamen and marines were able to capture that Mexican town with a much heavier loss to the enemy and smaller loss to themselves than would otherwise have been the case. Rear Admiral Seaton Schroeder in Scrib ner's Magazine. When the moon like molten Hoods my room with golden light, And through the open window I can scan the ribboned road, As silvered o'er with hoar-frost it glistens in the night, A jeweled path to fairyland outside my small abode, Tis then when others hasten to the sleep land of rest, I siart my loom a-working, for it seems My shuttle moves the faster and the midnight hour proves best, For the weaving of my tapestry of dreams. My shuttle's made of memories, my mind's the whirring loom, And my skien the joys and sorrows of a loving human soul, That woven into Fabric in the silence of my room, Becomes a very masterpiece, o'er which 1 have control, So 1 toil on through the night whilst other mortals sleep, I do not ask to linger by poppy-bordered streams, Enough for me 10 labor wide-opened and keep A-weaving of my tapestry of dreams. Some time it will be finished and content, I'll sink to rest, No longer let the moonlight search the corner of my room, But close the lattice shutters 10 the then unwelcome guest, When slumber shuts my eyelids in the peaceful dusky gloom, And if I should not waken when the sunshine melts the snow, I beg thee do not call me to face the sun's bright beams, But let me sleep in quiet, for give my all you know, In the weaving of my tapestry of dreams. National Magazine. Some Very tiood Suggestions As to How to Conduct Yourself During the War in Europe. Tailors Now Put Special Pockets in Married Men's Trousers ! New York Times, 1 A man who bought a new suit of clothes yesterday at one of the establishments that sells a large quantity of ready-made j Do you perceive the clothing discovered THE MOTHER. MANl K.UTruEKS OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens' MADE AND I.FIit'l.AK STOCK SIZES Oood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 'GREAT BARGAINS i WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, N. C, I Practices in the courts of Halifax ana) Northampton and in the Supreme ami Federal courts. Collections made in all ' parte of North Carolina, llranch oilier ! at Hall lax open every .nouuay ELLIOTT B. CLARK, JATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. PKACmna in the courts ofllahlaxaud adjoining counties aud iu the .-v. preme court of tlie state. Special alien tion given to collections aud prompt re turns. 10-8-ly W.J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL 111'lLDINtif WELDON. UA Mpl2 ly A.I.SCttlSLER. CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveying a Specialty l'hone Jo I N. EMPORIA, VA. D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Kuaiolt Ntws Offict -:-Wi'lJuo N.(. OEOROEC. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Bank building) Waldoa. N. C. IN TVPEWITERRS. We carry a large stock of standaul Typewnters. Can fuiiush ut once Mon arch, Fox, Oliver, Kcnunirton, lioyal. Smith I'lemicr. I.. C. Smith A Hro.'s and I'mlernood. Any other make from .' to l.'i days' notice. We have both the visible and the iiiMsible. We bought a laiL'C stock ol these Tviuwrlteis 1 1 Kill one-fourth lo one-half the regulal whole sale puce, and on sale now atone-fouith to one-hall tlie reitiilar retail prices. A good Typewriter honi .rt to fl.V A better one t :l to t'.'.s : Ml. The best from fail up to any price. ill be glad to answer any in'iuirv in connection with these machines, and sen. I samples of the work done hv any of the Type writers we have. Every Ikiv and Kir should have one of our cheap Typewri ters to learn how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can demand a large salary. Anyone who buvs a cheap typewriter Ironi us ami wants a butter one later, we will take hack tlie one bought ami allow tlie same naid for it in exchange for a better one, if returned in good condition and within six months. II not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and other supplies SPIERS BROS. WELDON. N.C. SPECIAL TO WOMEN Tha moat economical, cleansing and germicidal ot all antiseptics Is A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches In treaUng catarrh, Inflammation or ulceratioa ot no.e, throat, and that caused by feminine Ills It has no eqtial. For tea years the Lydla K. Plnkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlne In their private corresiwndence with women, which prove He superiority. Women who bare been cured aay It la "worth its weight la gold." At druggist. SOo. large box, or by mall. The fukil Xallitl IWWa, Haas. IF YOU MUST DRINK BOOZE. An exchange gives the following suggestion to booze fighters : "To married men who cannot get along without his drinks, we suggest this as a means to free dom from the bondage of the hab it ; Start a saloon In your house. Be the only customer. You will have no license to pay. Go to your wife and give her $2 to buy a gallon of whiskey, and remem ber there are 69 drinks in one gal lon. Buy your drinks from no one except your wife, and by the lime the first gallon is gone, she will have $8 to put in the bank and $2 to start business again. Should you live ten years and con tinue to buy booze from her, and then die with snakes in your boots, she will have money to bury you decently, educate your children, buy a house and lot, marry a de cent man, and quit thinking about you. FORCEFUL REITERATION. I hear the blaring bands go by; I hear the marching feet ; All day they drum their dreadful dirge along the dusty street. I hear the crowds give cheer on cheer of fierce delirious joy, And wonder if they see him there, my little, little boy. A baby only yesterday, with soft and sunny hair; So helpless and so innocent; so fragile, and so fair. So strong I felt to shield him then, safe sheltered in my arms. It seemed to me the whole wide world could never do him harm, And oh, the long, long nights I watched beside his trundle bed To fight away the pain that racked his fevered head, 1 fought hi:; battles for him then; he leaves my side today To fight for greater ones alone, and oh, so far away! The little dimpled hand that lay so trustingly in mine Must grasp a rifle barrel soon along the firing line. My baby boy I held so close 1 felt his fluttering breath Has left me empty-armed and gone to see ihe face of death, And never mother's voice to soothe, nor mothers arm to shield, From all the direful perils of the smoking battlefield. Oh, why mus- mother stay behind ? Is not a mother's place Beside the bat y that must look in death's remorseless face ? The years havi: wrought a change in him that only others see For all his soldier uniform he's still a boy to me Sent forth to ki I, he knows not why, a king's insenuate toy, While 1 must viait and pray at home my baby, baby boy ! James J. Montague, in the New York American. that the trousers of the suit contained an extra pocket which aroused his curiosity. It was small, about the size of a watch pock et, and opened on the inside of the right blind trousers pocket, making it invisible as far as outward appearance went. At the top of the little pocket there was stiff material which kept it closed, so that on putting one's hand in the large pocket the little one would not be found unless its presence was known. "Something new, isn't it?" the customer asked the sales man. "Yes, that's come into style since the war created a short age of loose change," was the reply. "A person making a hurried search through the pockets for pin money has no luck at all when the owner of the suit uses this pocket un less she hears something jin gle. Best plan is to wrap your change in a dollar bill." The customer paid for the suit and left orders for the clothes to be delivered to him at bachelor apartment house uptown. THE WAR. Does War Signify Chistianlty's Failure? AMERICA FOR ME HENRY VAN DYKE. "I count myself fortunate," says a Philadelphia minister, "in num bering among my parishioners sev eral who invariably tell me the truth about myself. "Of a certain worthy but un educated woman of my flock I asked whether she liked best my written or my unwrinen sermons. "She reflected for a moment, and then replied : 'I like you best without the book, because you keep saying the same thing over and that helps me to remember." Oh, London is p man's town, there is power in the air; And Paris is a woman's town, with flowers in her hair; And it's sweet to dream in Venice, und it's great to study Rome; But when it comes to living, there is no place like home. I know that Europe's wonderful, yet something seems to lack; The Bast is too much with her, and the people looking back. But the glory of the Present is to make the Future free We love our land for what she is and what she is to be. Oh, it's homo again, aud home again, America for mo ! I want a ship that's westward bouud to plow the rolling sea, To the blessed Land of Room Enough beyond the ocean bars. Where the air full of sunlight and the flag is full of stars. BAD BREATH Is caused by Indigestion, nnd that disorder brings on headaches, aallowness, languor, dizziness and a general discouraged feeling. SIMMONS RED Z inFD nmiiATpn LI! LI l I1LUULHIUII (THB POWDER FORM) Corrects All Disorder, la (ho Stomach aad Bowcla Its powerful, reviving and regulating influence n the liver and digestive organs brings an immediate im provement. You feel better. The bowels move freely so that the impurities that have clogged up tha digestive tract find an outlet. When the system has been thus punned the bilious half-sick feeling disap pears; the complexion improves, the breath becomes sweet, the mind throws off gloomy forebodings, and there is a fine feeling of energy and exhilaration all through the body. Soid by Deafer Pric. Larf Pacltagt, tl.00 AJk tor llir renaiM (rilfc UM Rr4 Z Mt lb. llbcL II ,os jnM rt it (ramluul. v. will Mn4 It br mail tv.lpit- Sibumo. Urct Scfulttar lipuiu,,liainlk)iiia hra tor (bun b f'l Pirn, il W w boalt. Uok tot Ibe Irt I Irtcl J. U. CEIUN CO.. rroprtalor. SI. laals. MlMoarl BELIEF IN SELF. Have you failed in what you bad most set your heart on? Did you rely on some one s promise, only to find it broken? Have you loBt faith in those you trusted most? Well, even so, don't be down cast; don't give up; don't lose hope and faith. There is, after all, only one question really vital to you lo you believe in yourself ? What if you are in hard luck or poor or shabby? bestmen and women arc in tnat condition. Lots of the world s most useful people never get out of it. The old clothes and the back streets ure a protec- tion. Many a good work bus been ruined because a man was ; too prosperous to keep a level head. HE SURELY WAS BENEFITTED. How Otherwise Could His Ability to Carry the Keg oi Whiskey Be Accounted For? The failure is not Christianity's, it is a failure of those in civil au thority who misdirect those over whom they have temporal power, leading them to blood-shed and death; it is the failure of those spiritual leaders who have kept men from the direct reading and private interpretation of the Bible; it is the failure of those who have set up fine-spun theories for con ducting the affairs of men in the place of instructing men to be led by a Holy Spirit illumination of the Scriptures; it is the failure of men who have erected such aims as commercial aggrandizement for national life, at the unwarranted expense of other nations; it is the failure of men v. ho have not al lowed the higher, spiritual nature to rule them and who have thrown their subjects into war; it is the failure of men, greedy for posses sions, power, fame; it is the failure of men who profess Christianity, but who believe that material gain and wealth are more desired than spiritual riches. Oh, that men would avail them selves of all the grace and spiritual strength proffered them! They would then be in the church of the living God ; they would then be Spirit-led instead of man-led. On lookers would no longer say that Christianity fails, for it would be evident that war and its accompa nying horrors are the resuh of sin in the hearts ot men. The church of God cannot break down, but every church of man sooner or later will The Gospel Trumpet. THE BULLDOO BREED. Servian rowdies killed an Aus trian prince and his wife, therefore Germany makes war on Belgium. logical pro cess? Nobody else does. And the prince was a man that the world was well rid, for he w.ts of 1 a quarrelsome dieposiiinn. Then nearly all of liurope gets into a: tempest of conflict, and millions of people engage in the agonies of a deadlv struggle. The people of the United Slates suffer a nervous shock and deep grief over the woes of their fellow I mortals on the other side of the ' Atlantic. Let us do what we cm i for them and let us even do what we can fur ourselves hy way of gelling the trade which they so foolishly discard. But let us not yield to llie ten-1 dency lo sit down in a dazed con dition and say that the world's ; affairs are so disrupted that there ; is no encouragement to do any- , thing. That is wrung. We should : all go forward to do everything that we can do in the ordinary ! course of human affairs making, j consuming, building, occupying, working, playing. Ii is quite as important lor Americans to amuse themselves now as it was thirty days ago. Let the theaters tickle the imagination, let the movies I win the nickle from the child, let ; the lovers still wish the old folks ' would go to bed, kt the child prat-, tie at its mother's knee and say the silly things that amuse us so much. Let even the peacemakers talk of the Hague conferences, and let every inventer of a new political scheme for the salvation of the world publish his learned vacuities. Let the rooster crow on the barn yard fence and the cow give forth her warm, soulful milk. We are Americans still. The F.uropcan war has scarcely burned off the fringe of our banking and system. In the depihs ol die great war between the states, when ev erything was dark and even Lin coln's heart Iom courage, die peo ple understood that it was their duty to themselves and to tlie na tion not only to maintain courage but to cultivate joy and hope, and they amused themselves. Let us work and play as usual. Chicago Economist. THE CHARM OF MOTHERHOOD Enhanced Ey Perfect Physi cal Health. Tlie experienco of Motherhood is a try : ingone to mo.-,t wnmen ami murks dis : tinctly nn epiieh in tluir livt-3. Nut ono ! woman in n hundrnl is prepared or un 1 derstanil how to prnperiy earn for her j self. Of ccuraii nearly every woman nowadays has medical treatment atsuch times, hut many approach the experi ence with an organism unfitted for tho trial of strength, and when it is over her system has received a shock from , which it is hard to recover. Following , right upon this comes tlie nervous strain of caring for the child, and a distinct change in tlie mother results. . There is nothing more charming than & happy and healthy mother of children, ' and indeed child-birth under the riht conditions need be no hazard to health or i beauty. The unexplainable thing is that, with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition, and with am ple time in which to prepare, women will persist in going blindly to the trial. ! Every woman at this time should rely upon Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable , Compound, a modt valuable tonic and J invigorator of the female organism. In many homes i once childless tltero are now children he cause of the fact that Lydia E. I'ink ham's Vegetable j Compound makes women normal, healthy and strong. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. l'inkliiini .Medicine Co. (con II di utial) Lynn, Muss. Vour loiter will be opened, read and nnswered hy a vfomau and held In strict conlldence. LydIa l j-iHJvrlAU How a woman does enjoy quar reling with a man who isn't quir relsome. Diplomacy is the art of getting what you want without fighting for it. Children-, Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA The conversation in the lobby of a Washington hotel the other night turned to the diagnosis of the doctor, prescriptions and things like thai, when a case was recalled by Congressman Ira C. Copley of Illinois. borne time ago, tie said, a man named Smith was taken sick, and Lots of the n's fr'tnu Jones, hearing about it, went srounr) to psy him a Visit and cheer him up. What seems to be the matter, old man?" asked Jones, after the hand-clutch, "and what kind of treatment is the doctor giving you?" I he doctor told me 1 was run down," answered Smith, "and said that nothing was better fur one in my condition than whiskey occasionally." "You don't really mean it exclaimed Jones. "Is the whis key doing you any good ?" Oh, yes," was the confident rejoinder of Smith. "When that keg came a week ago, I could hardly lift it, and now I can carry it all around the room." Chicago Evening Post. DENSE PEOPLE. A Delightful Profession for Young Women her "The people of London are no ted for their stupidity," wrote a schoolboy. "Where did you get that idea?" asked the teacher. "Please, t-tiss," was the reply, "it says in the textbook "the pop ulation of London is very dense." London Standard. ASK1NU TOO MUCH. She "You vowed that you would go through anything for me." He "Vi'ell, I didn't think you'd want me to begin on my bank ac-1 count." in ki-: i-i no occupation lor a ) (.hi 1 1 jr women that is more pleasant or con genial, mure suited to jb:!itv and nature, none thai can give her more personal satisfaction, and if she be a thoroughly trained professional none that offers bigger rewards than that of music teaching. The supply of competent teachers ol piano music is lar shun of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given tins matter a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (sonic day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a STIEIT PIANO at once, get her started on the road to success and fame, the sooiK r she starts the better. Ifhns itt. ticff, I.KON C. M l I LK. Mgr. No. .Ml i.ranbv M.. oilolk, Va. Officer Now, my lad, do you know what you are placed here for? Recruit To prevent the hene- my from landm' sir. Officer And do you think that you could prevent him landing all by yourself? Recruit Don't know, sir, I'm sure. But I d have a dam good try! GAL; For udauli :.i.- v..!iuvi Hie Kind You Hem Always Bought yt 7 KAi I LK : Bears the Signature of I'l lil.K-AIION IM- Notice of Summons Slate of North Carolina. Halifax Cnuuly In the Mipenoi t'ouit. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Blood will tell and so will a black eye. The only way to flatter a sensible woman is not to. Fools often rush in where angels fear to use thir wini;s. It is difficult for some people to think sensible thoughts. The worst ordeal a small boy has to Face is plenty of pie and a limited capacity. A woman seldom makes a fool of a man. She merely points the way and he does the rest himself. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA N AM Y liltUWN, I'ltiinli.r V. I i .MM r.KOWN, I'efiMi.liiiH. TUf ubovi'-UHmtHt .1 1 tn Bum n w ill Uk ' nolict' mat i HiniimunN in the aliovt1 t u titlr 1 I'rm'i'ctlinir wiih iHMiif'd aiEitiiKt tlit1 ; mini tlrfi'iiilunl on the H'.tl. tluv of S-p- ! ti'inU'r, IMll hv S. M. i-ary," Clul of i tin-Superior Court of Hulifux County, . ami thai waul summon was return.-') 1 iMulorHttl that the defendant couUl not slier lur dilitrenre he found in tin coun ty of Halifax nor in the Slate of North Carolina; that the actum pentlnuf in the Superior Court of Halifax county ut en titled as ahove: that the ptnpoMe for which the action in hrouicht hy the plain tiff auai'int the defendant is lor a divorce avinculo matrimoni, the irroundK heintr for absolute divorce; that the complaint in the ahove entitled action has been filed on tl.e.Mtli day of September, 1HU in the ollice of the Superior t 'otu t; and the Haul defendant mil further take no tice that he is required to appear and answer or demur to naid complaint at the term of the Court which will he held on the twelfth Monday after the Hist Monday in Heotpmber, 1!H4, the naid flint day of Court beuiR the ;Utli day of Novemlver, UH4. Herin fail not, This tlie itfHIuiay of September, 1014. 8. M. liARY, Clerk Superior Court. W. E. DANIEL Attyfor lMaintitf. j WE KNOW THE BUSINESS No tinkering with your valuable j timepiece. ! WE liUARANTEE Ol'R WORK Let our expert repair man ex I amine your watch or clock. He will it'll you what is needed and j what the cost will be. I When your watch has been re ; paired by us, you can depend upon j it every tune to catch a train or I meet an engagement. J. H. WALLER, U 1.1 l'('S C V I.. V ati-h Inlieetnr. Next ilnoi lo ..illliMllel s llt'tIK Stole, line- l!t lv. Hr"ev 7Uf-4 Are You a Woman? m Card I Tha Woman's Tonic FOB SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS it

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