ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum , VOL. XLIX. WKL'DOX, X. C, TIICUSDAY, NOVKMUKll 12, 1!1 1. NO. 21 r K.I: iianfi. $& jmm -.1 MS IH3 left; QV:p. It raw" K5 Ml .m.i-hhol 3 Fl:i lui' Aef!er;iblrPrcpratl(wlerA si inil.1 c'ii$ ilic Fuoil ami triita liilii'SiMntemidDuwM Promotes Di$eslionlMif'ir ncss utul linsi.Conlalnj neKhrr Orauni.Marnhine narMiaeriL NOT NARCOTIC. J!rfy rfl'tJ StSIHUmSH Jlx.Srm Auxlad' AlmtaflarJMr Ctoritint Jhpr holMjrwHimr. Anerferl Rurodv forComltpa- tion , Sour Stomach.Dlarrtaa VVormjjTom'ulsioiis.rmristr ncssaiulL0SS0FSLP. Facsimile Sijnsrart of NEW YORK. mmmmmmmmmm ui For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature i I In vr They feared Use For Oyer Thirty Years iraitteed under irT! Exact Copy of Wrapper. CASiORIA TMI fTAUN HMMMV, NfW TON fTT. THE BANK OF WELDON YVKLDOX, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital an Surplus, $55,000. For over lit years this institution bus provided bunkinif facilities for thin section, Its'stoekholJcrs and olliecrs arc identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax an.l Northampton counties. A Havings Department is maintained for the henclit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In tins I lepartinent interest m allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, per cent. Six months or longer, 8 per cent. Twelve months or longer. 4 percent. Anv information will he furuishcdou application to the President orl'ashier pbssiiirnt: W. E. DANIEL, VleK-fHKSIDIiNT: W. K. SMITH. L. C. DHAl'Kli, Telle CASillKK: .1. (I. MtAKK. DIRKCTOKS Y. H. Smith, W. K. Daniel, ,1. ). Drake. W. K. T. Daniel, J. L. Shepherd, W. A. I'iercc, D. 1!. .ollicoller M. Cohen, .1 . W. Slidge MANl't'ACTTIiKUS OF , Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDF.H AND KKtil'I.AR STOCK sl.Ks. Uood Materials, High Qrade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL. Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, N. I'. Practices in the courts of Halifax ano GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWITUKKS. 1 We carry a larife stock of standard Typewriter. I an at unco Mon arch, .'ox, Oliver, Uemiuirton, Hoynl, I Smith Premier, 1.. C. Smith Jft Ihos ami I'ndeiwood. Anv other make from Northampton anil in the Supreme t0 i: davtC notice. 'e have hulh the L' .1.. I .....-.. I 'iill.irttiony moilft 111 till :t I . 1 it I . I .. VV .. Federal courts. Collection made in all of North Carolina. Itranch olliee at Halifax open every Monday ELLIOTT B. CLARK. ;ATTO RNE Y-AT- LAW , HALIFAX, N. C. PRAi-ricss in the courts of Halifax and adjoining couuties and in the su preine court of the State. Special atten tion given to collections aud ptompt re turn. i'y W.J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL IUI1.HI Vr WELDON, N.C, seplS ly A.I. SCHISLER. CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveying a Specialty Phone '.Ml N. EMl'OHIA, VA. D. E. STAINBACK. NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Hiunokt News Offuc -:-Wcli... N.I O.EORUE C. GREEN, i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Rank ttuilding) Weldoa, N. C. visible and the invisible. e houuht a large stock uf these Typewriters liom one-fourth to one-half tin- icL-u'ar whole sale price, and on sale now at oiie-fouith to one-halt the reirular retail piiees. A eood Typewiitn from f' "o to J!.',. A better one li.ii to ..(I. I lie Is st from fcto up to any pnee. Will he u'lad to answtT any inquiry in conneelicii with these machines, and send samplei. of the work done hv any of the type writers we have. Every hoy and uir should have one of our cheap Typewri ters to h-ain how to use. Any peison who can write well on a lypi wntei can lemand a lame salaiv. Anyone wno buys a cheap typew liter funn us and wants a better one later, we will take back the one houirhl and allow the same paid for it in exchaiik'e for a better one, if returned in itood condition and within six months. It not in irood condition we allow the market value. We cany Type writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N.( SPECI AL TO WOMEN The moat economical, cleansing and germicidal of all anUaepttca la W JEFFERSON WROTE IT. Franklin's Humor. "It has always been a curious ptiwle why Ben jamin l:ranklin, tlte man of ripe age, of comman ding distinction and of approved literary skill, was not selected to write this Declaration, instead of Thomas JefVeison, then only thirty-three years old aud comparatively un known," says JohnCiilmore Speed in the Saturday livening Post. 'It could not be that Franklin was passed by because he had done everything within his power to avert the war and reconcile the differences between the Colonies and the mother country, for all wise men in the Colonies did all that honor permitted in that direc tion until the die was cast. No, it was not a fear of Franklin's earn estness in the cause of the Colo niesit was probably the fear of Franklin's humor." "He was not only the greatest man of his time but he was one of the greatest humorists of any time. And so his associates were possi bly afraid that he would put a joke in the Declaration and passed him by and selected the lank young Virginian with the freckle- face. "As it was, Franklin did have his joke, for when the members of the Congress were about to sign ! the Declaration, Hancock, whose earnestness is expressed in the bold signature which comes first, said in his own earnest way; "We must be unanimous; we must all hang together.' " 'Yes,' replied Franklin, we must hang together or we shail be pretty sure to hang separately.' " THE FUTURE OF OUR HOPES. "Remember," an orator said recently in a rublic address, "that the present is the future From which we hoped so much." And that remark holds a truth that op timistic people need ponder. For to such natures the future always presents itself in the role of a good fairy, dressed in rainbow color, bringing the desire of their hearts. The mistake of optimistic people is not in expecting loo much of the future, but in exacting too little from the present. The present is the future of your hopes. Grap ple the instant with a firm resolve to make it yield all (hat it promised when it bore the name of by-and-by. There is no calender that gives space to "some day." "I'utting it off ' never discovered a continent, invented the steam en gine or built the Panama Canal. "Delay" cannot be found in the dictionaries of successful men, They do things now. A woman's idea of economy is lo trade some old thing she needs for some new thing she has no earthly use lor. The more friends a man thinks he has the greater ill be his dis appointment if he tries to prove it by putting them lo the financial lest. If You Eat Something RtSJK it's a slow process and makes you feel bad. Get rid of it quickly by taking a pinch or two of SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (Till! POWDIiR FORM) It drives out impurities and badly digested food in the stomach and bowels; stimulates the torpid liver and nstores regular bowel movements. It is a fine tonic and system purilier that puts the vital organs in sound, healthy condition. Snhl by Drtihrji. Vre, Large Putfuigc, $1.00. A"k lor ilir c-mmir Willi llir kr.l Z nn tlip LI!. H yi.u cinmit (pi ii. r.niH M ui. wr will teiti it I,, ii. ,t..i.t Mmin .n. I net Keg"!""' I, p .l up !u ill luim.l limn lot llio wlio prdpr It I'livr- fl.nn p., Lotllr. U.k lor Hit Kr. . IHipI. J. II. HI IN & CO., Proprietor.,, St. Louis, Missouri 'If CHEERFULNESS. WHEN THE HILLSARE BRIGHT, Wouldn't leave his world in Fulltime when the hills are golden-brighi- A sun of cloudless silver more stars to light the night; Ye frosty roads, and mornings that make the country glow Oh, you're just too glad you're livin' for to ever want to go ! While clouds, so lazy-driftin' around the dreamy blue, You'd think the Autumn angels are sayin' things to you; By your elevated feelings by the way your beings thrills You're sure they've come from heaven for a picnic on the hills. Wouldn't leave this world in falltime such joy 'round hill and glen You want to shout the joy out you know you're livin' then ! Bnt thank God for all seasons spring, summertime and fall. And when it comes to God's glad world, we wouldn't leave it at all ! Frank L. Stanton. THE UHCONQUERED BANNER. Col. J.J. Crane, of Forest, Miss., is receiving numerous letters from "Daughters of the Confederacy" from all parts of the country, compli menting him and expressing appreciation for the poem, "The Uncon quered Banner," written by Mr. Crane and recently published on the front page of "Our Heritage." One of the letters which Mr. Crane appreciates very highly, is from Miss Jessica R. Smith, of Henderson, N. C, a daughter of the old veteran, Orrin R. Smith, who designed the model of the Confederate flag which was adopted by the Confederate Congress. In this letter Miss Smith says, "Our flag will never be furled as long as there is a U. D. C. to wear it as her badge." Following is Col. Crane's poem Furl not that banne, :orever display, That flag that inspired The columns of Gray. Barber's supply conversation at cm rales. Ii takes a capable wife to yank the conceit out of a man. Courtship is the frying p in and matrimony is the fire. Love that Iceds on beauiy alone soon starves to death. When some men fail lo make a hit they try to fix the responsibili ty on the hammer. Over fields of carnage, Where thousands were slain, It waved unsullied Not a star was stained. Unfurled in a cause We knew to be just, It was never dishonored, Nor trailed in the dust. Though overpowered, And our hopes were all dead, Willi the old Rag raised Over our heads. State's rights are acknowledged, By America today, As the principles true Defended by the Gray. These principles were taught By Davis and Lee; Unfurled our banner, Resolved to be free. Inspired our heroes, With valor unknown, To honor forever The flag of our own. We fought tor it, died for it, No country can say That braver men lived, Than those of the Gray. Raise higher our banner And greet it today; Those who fought for it Are passing away. Fmblem of State's rights, To the South so dear; Bought of our blood, And loved ones not here. But our cause established And the victory won, We adopt the old flag And defend ii with guns. And now, as one nation, For the glory of all, We stand ever ready For our country's call. Glorious defeat ! The victory is ours, The blood of our martyrs Blooms brighter than flowers. In the land of Dixie, The home of the brave; With our proud old banner Forever to wave. Where the women, God bless them, Le 'Braves, d'brave, Are our uncrowned queens From the cradle to the grave. There Is No Merit In Melancholy. ! It was un observant, wise old philosopher that said we bejfin life with the discovery that all good things are dull, and arc apt to end believing all dull things good. There is no merit in melan choly. On the contrary, a grave man is merely endured, a sorrowful man is only pitied, anil a mo rose cltaracted is detested. A solemn face used to be considered a mark of piety. But today true religion is re lleeteil in bright faces. Moral ity is not a sad condition, but a happy one.. The deep thinkers are by no means self-secluded grouches. Thought comes of vigor, and it invigorates in turn. The best and wisest things are said and written by men and women that mingle joyously with oth ers. Why think It necessary to look upon a melancholy dispo sition as meritorious? It may well be regarded as a nuisance. Why should wo think that we are promoting our interests in this world or commending our selves for tl 10 next by an exhib it of melancholy? And yet, intense solemnity is about the only morality or re ligion in a large part of man kind even today. Over in Paris there is being established a school for the teaching of humor. There may he u (merit inn as to the quality of humor to be developed in this way. Hut any good-natured -or attempt ut it how ever far short of the real arti cle, is better than melancholy. Cheer up ! Nature has made u sense of humor a distinctive mark of humanity. Man is the only animal that laughs. The dogt who smiles by wag ging his tail ami would laugh if ho could, has a better nature than the man so melancholy that he would not laugh if he could and could not if he would. The greatest men in the world have gone down in reverses. but they came up again stron ger for the struggle. It is the men who cannot bo shaken off, who have a bull dog grip and tenacity of pur pose which sees nothing but its goal, that win out in a winning worth while. Patience, grit and determina tion will carry one to victory in spite of overwhelming obstacles. It is the man who tights and holds on when others let go, who never sees defeat even when seemingly overcome, that is in demand everywhere today. A tolublej Antiseptic Powder to be diaaolved in water M needed. Ai a medicinal antiseptic for douches I la treating catarrh, Inflammation or i ulceratloa of aose, throat, and that caused fcx feminine Ills It has no equal. For ten years the Lydla E. Plnkhara Modlolne Co. has recommended Paxilmi la their private correspondence with women, which proves Its superiority. Women who have been cured say it la "worth Its weight in gold." At druggists. COc large box, or by mall. The. riftoa XUt C. Boston. Mass. Blessed is the man who expects nothing fclil advice fiuin his reiu lives, for that is about all he will get. Try This lor Your Cough. Thousands of people keep couirlnu"; because unable to tfet thcn".hl remedy. Coughs are caused by tntlammation of Throat and ltionclnal Tuln-s. What you need is to soothethisinilaiumalioit Take lr. Kiuir's New Ihseovery, it pen etrates the delicate mucous hninir. raises the 1'hleKin aud quickly relieves the congested membranes, (ieta.'sic. bot tles from your druiririst. '-lr. Kind's New ihseovery quickly and completely stopped my couifh," writes .I.H. Watts, IToydale. Texas. Money back if not salislied, but it nearly always helps. RIND T I m SUNSHINE UK OF GOOD CIIEER-ACTS XXIII. 11. Unhappy is that person who ever lives in the darkness of his own making, for it is not meant this world should be a place of aloom. Else why the sunshine and the waking hours of the glorious day? Night, darkness, slumber, all ht us for the splendor of the sunrise. I he man ot good cheer is the man who looks for the sunshine. He may not find the exact kind of sunshine that he wants, or it mav come a little late, but he will get joy out of the very thought that there is to be sunshine. Bnetly, he who seeks the sunshine is the optimist. Paul, in his epistle to the Phillippians says : "Finally' brethren whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever ihihr.-. .11 1. jit.-.,, ii.nniu uuiikci i'uic, w naisoever tilings are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, ana it mere oe any praise, tnuiK on these tilings. Paul was an opti mist, Paul was a seeker after the sunshine. I ry mat pian tor awnue. i ry 10 nnu the good things, the noble things which are being done in the world. Lift your heads above the clouds of distrust, and suspicion, and doubt, and get into ilie biiiilii sunshine of a belief thai mankind is trying to do the best that it can. And if you find a fellow hard hit, why help him to get along into belter things. Look for the sunshine. Be of good cheer. You will be happier because of doing this, and you will make others happier. Opportuni ties lie all about you for this and you are losing time if you do not gel at it today. Try it all this week at least, and if on next Sunday morn ing you do not find yourself a happier man you will certainly have made some one else happier. And that life is best which is a life of service in behalf ol others. THE LUCK OF FRIDAY. Those of Middle Age Especially. When you have found no remedy for the horrors that oppress you during change of life, when through the long hours of the day it seems as though your hack would break, when your head aches constantly, you are nervous, de pressed and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains, don't forget that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the safest and surest remedy, and has carried hundreds of women safely through this critical period. Read what these three women say: From Mrs. Hornung, Buffalo, N. Y. UtTFAtA N. Y. "I am writing- lo let vou know how much your medicine has done for mo. I failed terribly durini; the lust winter nnd summer and every ono remarked almut my nppenniiiee. I suf fered from a. female trouble and always had pains in my bark, no nplietite and at times was very weak. "I was visiting at a friend's !miie one day ami she thought I needed Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Conijioimcl. I took it and have gained eight pounds, have a good npn'tite and am feeling Mter every da v. Everybody is asking me what 1 am doing ami I reentiuueiid l.vilia V. llnkham's Vegetable Compound. Yon may publish this letter if you wish nnd I hojie others who have the same complaint will see it and get health from your medicine as I did." Mrs. A. IIoitM No, su Stanton St., Uuffalo, N. Y. Was A Blessing To This Woman. So. Richmond, Va." I was troubled with a hearing down pain and n female weakness and could not stand long on m- fret. Of all the medicines I took nothing hclK-d me like Lvdia li rinkham's Vege table Compound. I am now regular aud n'm gelling along line.' I cannot praise the Compound too much. It bus been a blessing to mo and I hope it will be to other women." Mrs. 1). Tvlkh, y:i West Uopton St., South liichmond, Va. Pains in Side, Could Hardly Stand. Lom, Wis." I was in a bad condition, sull'ering f,m a fv-iiisilo trouble, and I had such pains in my sides I could hardly move, lie fore I had taken tho whole of one bottle of Lydia K. Piiikham's Veg etable Compound 1 felt liettcr, and now I am well and can do a good day's work. I tell everybody what your medicine lias done for luo." Mrs. John Thompson, hidi, Wisconsin. For 80 years I,ydia E. Pinkhnm' Vegetable Compound has been the stanilaril rctncdvlor lo male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments docs justice to herself if she does not try lliis fa mous medicine made lroin roots and herbs, it lias restored so many suffering woinciitotieulth. I f fcWrlte to t.YDI A E.PI NK II A M MEDICINE f 0. IT (CONFIDENTIAL) l.YNN. SIASS., furndv ice. Your letter will lie opened, read and answered bv a woman and held iu strict commoner. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Those who believe that Friday is an "unlucky" day and many persons have a firm belief in the superstition may well consider this brief list of important histori cal events that happened on Fri day, and then make up their minds whether or not the day deserves its "unlucky" reputation. On a Friday the following incidents oc cured: The Mayflower landed; the Bastile was burned; Moscow was burned; Washington was born; Shakespeare was born; America was discovered; Lincoln was assassinated; Queen Victoria was married; the battle of Maren go was fought; Charles the First was beheaded; the battle of Water loo was fought; Julius Caesar was assassinated; the battle of New Orlcaiis ua fuuKiil, Joan uf Arc was burned at the stake. O WE HER AWAY. ! "You have had that parrot a long time now, Miss Laura, haven't you?" observed Percy Niccfellow to the young lady whom he was making a call. "Oh, yes, several years," was the response. "Very intelligent, is he not ?" went on Percy. "Quite; he can imitate almost everything." "Ah," continued Percy, "they have a remarkably clever bird ai the Browns'. It can imitate the sound of a kiss to perfection. Is that among the accomplishments of our feathered friend in the cor ner r1 "No, it is not, sir!" exclaimed the young lady, indignantly. "Whatever a parrot does is by im itation simply, and it is not likely that our bird would repeat a sound he is certainly not accustomed to hear." Then the parrot chimed in : "No, George, dear! Wait till 1 have taken this wretched bird out of the room." Don't Delay Treating your Cough A slight eolith often becomi's m-iious I.uiiks jjet congested, llionelnal Tubes till with mucous. Your vitality is re duced. You need I r. Hell s rinc-Tai-llonev. It soothes your initab d an passages, loosens mucous an I makes your system resist Colds oiw tin liaby and children I'r. Hell's I'me Tar Honey. It's cuaianteed to help them. Onlv at your dniL'tfist. A Delightful Profession for Young Women J : . lii.Ki: is no occupation ;: J lor a young women that , is more pleasant or con genial, more suited to her ability and nature, none that can give her more personal satisfaction, and if she be a thoroughly trained professional none that offers bigger rewcrds than that of music teaching. The supply of com petent teachers of piano music is far short of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given tins matter a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a STIEFF PIANO at once, get her started on the road to success and lame, the sooner she starts the better. (Tlus itt. ticff, I.F.OM'. si I.I ; :. Mur. No. l';U i.ranbv l., Noilolk. Va. bWf? NO MATTER ! Sj For Infants and Children. the Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Being kind lo a rich mother-in-law may be a good investment. An Active Liver Means Health if you want irood health, a clear com plexion and freedom from Discir -hr. Constipation, biliousness, Headaches, and Indigestion, take lr. King's New Life Fills. They drive out fernieutinu aud undigested foods, clear the blood and cure Constipation. Only 25c. at your druKKist. Success comes to the man who does not fear failure. It really does Relieve Rheumatism Kverybody w ho is aillictcd with ltheu malum in any form should by all means keep a bottle of Sloan's I.iuiinent ou hand. The minute you feel pain or soreness iu a joint or muscle, bathe it with Sloan's Liniment. Do not rub it. Sloan's penetrates almost immediately right to the si at of pain, relieving the hot. tender, swoolen teeling and making the part easy and com fortahle. tiet a hotllc of Sloan's Liniment for 2.'c. of aiiy druggist and have it in the house against colds, sore and swollen joiuts, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and like ailments. Your money hack if not sat isfied, but it dors give almost instant relief. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C AS T O R I A L'l HUr.i l .u.n oi Notice of Summons Mutt uf North t ttmlinn, Halifax t 'ouuty In tin- M.fiior lo tut. NAStY nmm N, riamtnl Vn. JIM liKOWN, IVlVn.Uiit. Tlu' at'ove named .Inn I'-rovwi mil Uke mttt't- limi Hummunn in Uic a hove en- I tillt'ti prooeetiitiK a i"iit'il anumM tlu-, aid lU-lfiiiliint on the '2 tli luv ol N ii- tcmher, WH hy S. M. 'ty. Clerk nt the Superior Court of ItuhtaK County, and that naid Hummonn uas returned endured thai Uu tie lend ant could not aitrr due diligence ho found in theeoim tv of Halifax nor in the Male of North ('arohna; that tho action t'uduii( in the Superior Court of lialitax county m en titled at above: that the pninoKe fm winch the action is brought hy the plitin lilV aaint the defendant is tor a divoice avtnculo uialninoni, the ground heme for absolute divorce: that the complaint iu the abore entitled action ha been riled od the day of N'ptembt-r, l!U to the oltice of the Superior Court; and the said defendant wilt further take no tice that he is required to appear ami annwer or demur lo said complaint at the term of the Court which will be held on the twelfth Monday after t lie timi Monday inSeDtembcr, li14, the said unit dav of Courl hemp the ;tOth day of November, 1914. Menu fail not. Tina the 'Jttthday of September, loll. S. M. UARY, Clerk Superior Court W. . DANIEL. Atty for Plain tiff. HE KNOW THE BUSINESS No tinkering with : tur valuable liincpicce. WE til ARANTEE Ol R WORK Let our expert repair man ex amine your watch or clock He will tell you what is needed and what the cost will be. VA hen vour Watch b is heen re paired by us, you can depend upon it every time to catch a tram or meet an engagement. J. H. "W"A.XjT,"EI WKI.DON, N. C. S. A. L. Watch Inspector. Next door to Zolheollei 's Hrmr Store, mar li Iv. NVm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WKI.DON, X. f. Ottice in Weldon Hank ft Trust Building Business promptly and faithfully at ended to.

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