rndrn liSTAliLISMHD IN 186ft. VOL. WAX. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5G I m WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVHMIJKH iMi, 11)11. NO. :n i Id 4V )Baa3 n FA the ; and IXY r-T N.C. y r a to ney ery- ook very ful kali ltry n to hole irices. ial id time da nd requett ONS. a,V. 3 1 Hi f.roz Al.rnihiL j pkr t'KN'j' Avcgtialili'PrrparjiionllTAs s : m i s ;u : :J ilip Foodonc I Rryirta liny Uu? Sinnaclis amlUoHxisor Lmo 5; 2 J Promotes DislionOieetfiiK ncss and Rcsli'oiiulnsneiltii' Ofiiiiiu.Morpliinc norMlucraLI . ,1,! M) f ARC OTIC. flint" SltJm Jlx.Srtvm 1 MM, Sdlt- I AiiitSttd I Awmm- j HiCafboiuhhk I KntVtJ- fh:iM Suntr I Wt-ftm rknr. t 5? ."VSZ I JO" Anerfect Remcdv fovfonslif- lion. Sour Sloiiiacli.1) tardea Worms .('omnlsioiis.rfvtnsli ncss awlLoss of Sleek Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. uararvlceil uno&thTP Exact Copy of Wrapper. EiOCr. kJySST cwvlceifimaertrFio THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON', X. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Slate uf North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weklon Depository. Capital n Surplus, $55,000. For over -I years thi insttt ut inn ha piovitleil banking facilities for this section. Its'stockhohlei and liliei is :uc i It 11 U 1i i- I Willi the busi ness interests til' Halifax uii'l Nottliiiinptun counties. A Savintrs Department h iiiuint:nnl inr tin' hnu tit uf all who ilenire toilepoHit in aavun r.:ink. In this 1 . n t mi'ii t inlerrt i. allowed aa follows: For ItppoHitK allowcil tnit-iDain thn-" muiiths 01 Iihilmt. '1 per pent. Six months or tonirer. H titr rent. TwcIm' iintntlism ImiL't'r. 1 pel cent. Any information will hi fuinihctt on PKRSIIIRN r : W. K. DANIFI., K-1'HKII'l l : U'. It. SMI I'H '. IHi U'F.i:. Ii'llor. iiiitKCTdiis w. It. T. Haim-1, .1.1.. :inith, V. K. j.h.T.l, W. A. MAM't'ACTl' UKItS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens.; MADE TOOlfHKK ASH ItF.til I.AK STOCK SIZES. Oood Materials. High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WKLDON, N. O. Practices in the courts of Halifax ana Northampton aul in the Supreme ami reilerul courts. I ont-ctions mare in an parts of North Carolina, llianeh otlice at Halifax open every Monday ELLIOTT B. CLARK. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N. l PUAi-rn ks in the courts of Halifax ami alioiuimr counties ami in the m- prcrni' court of the Suite. Special alleu- tion given to collections anil pronipt re turns. It'"-1 y W.J. WAKU, di:n fist, Ml'l U K IN DANIKL lll'll.UlNti WELl'OS. N.C, epl'-' ly A.I.SCMISLER. CIVIL ENGINEER. Surveying a Specialty l'hono'.til N. KMPOKIA, VA. I). E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Kiunnke Nvws Office -:- WelJui N OEORUEC. OREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Bank Building) Weldon, N. C. CUSTOM For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature yA xjjj Use j i-or uver Thirty Years mm iii'pln'atioii to the I'rt'sith'iitorCashier (ASIIIKK: . (I. HKAKE. I :m i I. .1.0. lhak.'. c, l. II. Zolhc'i M Cohrll. , .1 . V. Ifilk-p o GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWIIEKRS. We carrv a large stock of t-lamlai Tvnewriters. l au furnish at once Mon arch, lox. Oliver, UcuiiiiL'tou, ltiyal .-iiulli I'lcioicr. I., i r-milh ,V I'.io.'s un 'I I'liilci .voo.l. Any olhi-i make irom to 1.', iluvs' no'i-'c. e have hot h the imMc an. I Ih iiiv iihlc. We liouirllt a arire stock of these 'I yp.- liters from nc-foiulli to niic h.iil He-regular wliole ;llc pi ice, :ui"l on sulr now at onr-lcrirlh o one-hall the regulai rct.ul puces. A good Typewriter IVoin r7. o to l.'. A letter one lv .si to -.. rue riesi from ;lil up to any price. W ill lie irlad to answer any imiuirv in connection with these machines, and send sample, of the work dune liv any of the Type writers we have, livery hoy arid gir should have one of our cheap I ypc Ti ters to learn how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter ruu lemaiid a large salary. Anyone who buys a cheap typew riter mini us ami wains abetter one later, we will lake hack the one bought and allow the same paid for it in exchange for a belter "ire, il relumed in irood coinlilioiiami wiiino six months. Il not in irood condition we allow the market value. We carry I ype writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WF.I.IlON. V. SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptic, la A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dUftolved in water at needed. Ab a medicinal antiseptic for douchos In treating catarrh, Inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by temintn ills It has no equal. For ten yeurs the Lydla K. Pinkhain Medicine Co. has recommended Paxttno In their private correspondence with women, which proves its upcriority. Women who have been cured say it is "worth its weight In gold." At druggists. 60c large box, or by mall. Xb mtoa Xetl9t ttts fieitoa Mass. H'S DAY OF DOOM I 1 GRATITUDE FOR DAILY BLESSINGS Beautiful Festival of Thanksgiving Ha. It. Origin In th. Recognition of the Beneficence and Protection of th. Great Creator. GltATITrnE la a word that com prehends the haiiulnoea of thx human race. It turns the heart toward the Fountain of All Oood and Bo makes puBslble a an-ater recep tivity and a greater Joy. Without It even glories of heaven could not confer happlnesB, mi J all the sweet amenities of Ufa would fall. With It taa humbleBt homo may be blest with angel visits, and one step up ward from thet depths of nrlef may be fraught with a uow-tound joy. But shall we be urateful for the mere Incidents of life and forfiet to be supremely grateful for life Itself? We murmur so much nt the condi tions of life, and on a reluctant con cession we admit that this is bettor than that, and so we express our feeble thanks praising the beauty of a single leaf while murmuring at the tree that bore It. Aro you truly grateful for life? Are you glad that you were born? Do you accept your life from the hand of God sb his richest gift the contuiuaut of all other possible hlesslncs? Life Ib a wonderful gift the most wonderful and the most blessed gift that the Infinite Clod could plan for tho objecta of his love. We have hardly begun to learn how great It Is, how great it can he. Iteglnniug nt birth, and throuuh childhood, youth and age, It stretches out Into the realms of Ktenilty evor grow ing VBster and yet more vast In lis approximation of limitless possibil ities. If you had not been born you would never have known life the sum of all blesulngs. The unqualified acceptance of life, with all Its mystery and pain, all Its labor and weariness, and yet all Its sweetness and Joy, and all Its latent potentiality that Is and forever must be the baslB of true gratitude, the one great theme for t hunks. VnlesB you are grateful for life Itself you cannot be truly glad for anything that life contains. But being grateful for life Itself adds a tinge of celestial glory to every simple blessing and makes Today skin to the vast Forever. Glory of the Day. The feature, the charm, the glory of Thanksgiving (by Is In the fact that It Is the day of home coming, home freedom, home love. It Is a protest in these latest days against hotel life. It Is a memorial of the most powerful civilizing and Chris tianizing agency of early American life. It la a plea for the return to housekeeping and to the domestic in terests and activities which do so much for the culture of women and so much more for the training of children, and which help manhood to attain Its soundest, richest, best. Long may Thanksgiving day remain an In stitution in this land, for the call to prayer and praise it gives, and for the argument and appeal It provides in favor of the much-depreciated "do mestic sphere." ltlshop John H. Vin cent In the Independent. Thanksgiving, T-ona; hav wa wandVrM and how far. Yet homt-'lln 11kt a alnuU atiir That ahlnoa tml.iv; Though wi aru a attt r.-il like the leaveo, Tha winds hav ruetlt-il from tha trees To drift awny Mayhft It la for Mothrr'a anka V drop nur rari-at dawn to waka Fur thla nna dny: Ma vtw It la Jual !ovt of hnma, Though wn, tin rr nance, must dine alon And far away K'rn though tha day ho cold and chill, In every breast than la a thrill of warmth today; A living spark -a tiny aVain Of home, en though wo do but dream And far away rarolyn n, Lyman. Mad. a National Event In lst!4 President Lincoln Issued a Thanksgiving proclamation, which was followed by the governors of most of the states; and we may say since that year Thanksgtvlrg has been an annual holiday luVugh the entlr. Country It is easier to learn how 10 make money ihan how not 10 get rid of CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bear 3 th. Slgnaturt of Pimktit ytc Whn tt.t front It ttt nlppttt Hi 'Im.nnn ait' th ! pnwiviwt' rutaM tjlow j Rett a fellow's mind Irtptin' luth' tWyt nf long CO! Wrifti the fr ntt kit lit' lilmmtHn' crystal Jk ttip woodland's rrgtl tltirt, ' An' tli' ,iplft' mtl.ow rrttfitnce ttttli from I out tht cldtjr pretty When a ttllnw'a foottttftt cttcklf in tht erltp ' autumnal air, An' It't lojr to b Jual llvin' In a land tu wun- I drotii fair; It i thtn I bath eonttnttd "death tht clear j Novtrnbtr akv An regalt mftU with vltlont of that flaky punk In pit. From tht dittant hllla an' vallaya flock ttta nomadt of tha aarth, Drawn by myttlc wtvti of ftflln' to tht ham let of their birth. Clitterin' brocade, rantd Jacket, tytt grown tern In tordld quett, All art lured by vagrant memories-, ail obty th aamt bebett. Deep within each heart la hidden treaaur4 wealth from mtmorlea itort, Por acrott tha dim horlton lie the hallowed days of yore Wlttful eyet atnlla through th' tear dropa, for the train It drawin' nigh- Nigh to mother gladly waiting nigh unto that punkln pie. When the wind la told an pltrclo' an'thtpontt la frotcn hard, An' tht turkey loudly gobble at they etrut about th yard There' a moat allurin' odor float! out through tht kitchen door That It mighty eatitfyfn' whtn ft fellow' fetl in' tore. There' a hutl an' a buttle an' a mystify In look To th' women In th' kitchen ae they churn an bake an' cook. Till I hanker moat distressful -an' I watch with wlttful tye All tht appstlitn' flaln's thay put In thai punkln pit. On by on tht leave have fallen an' tht land Is whltt with anow An' tht Icicle ara hangln' from the eave Id spectral glow; 0o I snuggle 'ntath the comforts while the fire cracks an' roar, Bravely warrin' 'gainst ths bllxtard that la ruglft' out o' doors. While the wind la loudly elghln' I repose my self for sleep. But anon I'm quickly waklti' for an anilou 11 1 tit ptep, lust lo see If dawn la breskln', If the light t can espy; For I know that an the morrow mother'! cut that punkln pie. There's a satisfy In' thickness to that yellow. creamy mold Ths creation of a master with It faded tint of gold An' I'm filled with dreamy rapture aa lta depth I contemplate Por It aromatle sweetness all my etnas' ag gravate. Turkey, st umn and the tHmmln's are but by ways to th' throne, Where It reign a regal monarch In a kingdom all Its own; An' I'm filled with satisfaction though I hsav a plaintive sigh "Cause I've nearly reached my limit when ma eut that punkln pie. H'illiim &4ird An, ! httwtti Ajfatsiiu. INSTINCT TO RETURN THANKS Feeling That la Universal Among Man- 1 kind Ha Root In Knowledg of Dependence. j The Impulse to return thanks for I the bounty of nature has been prac tically universal among mankind In all ages and In all religions. It Is as natural as the Instinct that Inspire the hope of Immortality of man's dependence upon a Biipreme being. It Is one with the Involuntary appeal that springs unbidden to the Hps of alt In the hour of crisis when human help can do no more. It is a coincidence worthy of thought that the one nation which set aside a day for national thanksgiving Bhould be the peopta above all others most hlesBed with peace and prosper ity. Grumble as we may at the short comings of our civilization, however we may think our affnirs should he ordered better, we should rpfleet that at no time In the history of the race has there been a people In possession of greater advantages, of more gener ally diffused abundance, with more oncouraRlng prospects than ourselves. The problems that confront us are in our own hands. We will solve them eventually and others as they arlBe. We may stumble, may mistake the path, may be compiled to turn back to get on the right road, but of our ultimate progress there can be no doubt. Let, therefore, each for hlmHelf and horpplf, return Individual thank to day. Tf drunk with aluhl of pnwr, we Ioom Wild tonitufa tliHt hiive tint tlit'A In awe, Such nnaallna aa tha (latitude uaa Or l"(nr hrffilH without the law l.nnl tloil of Honta, hv with u yet, Leat we furgft-lcat wo forget! MR. TURKEY'S DAY OFF fluid the rent hi Turkey (lobhler To th lltll Turkey Turk, "l guess til stay at homn today And not go down tit work; "I have a sort of feeling That It's wiser not to roam And that It would be safer Fur mo to stay at home." Don't Delay Treating; your Cough A slight cough often becomes serious I. rings get congested, llronchial Tubes till with mucous. Your vitality is re ilucetl. You need lr. Itell'B Pine-Tar-Honey. It soothes your irritated air passages, loosens mucous and makes your syBtem resist Colds, tlive the llahy and children Ir. Hell's Pine Tar Honey. It's guaranteed to help them, ouy 'i"c. at your druggist. WE SHOULD BE THANKFUL, BECAUSE- 0 t'UKEYS are not eitlnct ffJlAI.F a dollar will buy a ta- ble d'hote dinner. jrri.E pie 1b not all made la factories. PI1CTS and ralslni can b" eaten, even when you haven't room for anything else. PInIVKS and forks still hav. " work to do. MWEET potatoes haven't gone out of fashion. rjSttAPE Juice haB the approval of the department of state. II CE cream Is sometimes made of cream. EERY little turkey will be left to make hash of. gl NDIflESTION comes " dinner not before. aftor JJjEW sweet elder Is in Fpanon. 0ORGONZOLA cheese ta not compulsory. urn mm Elfiinqfter THE great American nation take i a holiday at the bidding of the president every November. Our ! many states all unite In keeping the beautiful festival of ThankBglvlng. Its very name Is suggestive because the giving of thanks Implies a recog nition of One, unseen but ever-living, who sends the world the gifts on which its existence depends. From . Almighty God we receive the rain, the sunshine, the summer's heat and the winter's cold, the bread we eat. the I fuel that warms us and the clothing ' wp wear. There are few po foolish or so stupid as not to believe In tho great Creator and the kind All-Father, from whose hand our dally blessing come. Especially should you and I have a thought of him when the ' myriad homes of the country are en joying at this season the gifts that miiBt be traced directly to the kind ness of heaven. The great nation keeps Thanksgiving, but the great na tion is composed of millions of indi vidual persons, among them you who rend and I who write. Suppose we stop and auk ourselves what we like beat about this holiday and what spirit we may most fittingly bring to its celebration. First, I think we like it because It Is so genial and jolly, bo cheerful and bright, so patriotic and stirring a day. Thousands of families are reunited at the Thanksgiving dinner. The trains that come to New England or Penn sylvania or Illinois, from California, Oregon and Nevada, bring home for Thanksgiving men and women who want to be boys and girls once more under the old roof. I remember watching from a train as It stopped at a station the delight ed greeting of a half dozen people who seemed to be father, mother, sons and daughters, as they swarmed upon s dear little old lady who was waiting to receive them. Her husband, a white-haired patriarch, who might have eat for the portrait of Santa Claus, was holding his horses while the children and grandchildren thronged Into the big four-seated wagon. They had come home for Thanksgiving. Many such scenes will be enacted this year, as they have been every year since our country was settled If we have been so unwise as to let a pessimistic spirit weave its evil Bpell around us. let ub break the fetter without delay. Wherever we are, at homo or abroad, rich or poor, let us be thankful that we have reached anoth er golden milestone In life. I repeat that Thanksgiving is a genial, cheer ful, wholesome and breezy day. Let us make the best out of It, and wher ever we are be as Jolly as we can. Much to B. Thankful For. If ever we are tempted to say that though others have much to be thank ful for, our lives are bard and our paths are thorny, let us stop a minute and see by what standard we are measuring our blessings. If we look at u cripple plodding nlong with mm? 1 MTfi crutches we cai.io.1 lo-ip being thank- . . ..... ful that we have feet which serve u. U"lv""1 "k'" well and that we can walk and run Aout the Institution of ThanksgiT without so much as considering the ,n " " P,8U tMlay ,her'' U noth effort. If we see somebody w ho Is I ,n or ',l out over barefooted, we may he thankful for shoes. When the rain beats on the roof nt night we may be thankful for the house that shelters us. When the doctor culls next door to see an In valid who I. tossing with fever we may be thankful that we are well. If there are llower. on the door bell across the street we may be thankful that there are no vacant chairs In our borne. An Active Liver Means Health If you want good health, a ch ar com plexion and freedom from Piziuesa, Constipation, lliliousness, Headaches, anil Indigestion, take lr. King's New Life Pills. They drive out fermenting and undigested foods, clear the blood and cure Constipation. Only 2be. at your druggist. ii Why should a girl scream afier the Kiss has been -.tolen? THANKSGIVING ODE OF THE OLDEN TIME Poet In tho Qutlnt Phraiiology of Centurleg Ago Expreoaed Gritltudo for tho Klndneio of tho Creator, From "Thankful Heart." LOIW, Thou haat given me a ceil, Whurtiln to dwell; lilt In huuae, vvhuau humble lo&f la weather proof; t'ndiT the epnrrta of which I Ha Until oft and drlr; Where Thou, my chamber for to ward, Hitst act a nard Of harm If thoughta, to watch and keep Me, whllo I sloop. Iw la my porch, aa la my fate, Ruth void of atate: And yet th thraahoM of my door la worne by th' poore. Who thither come, and freely gat Oood words or meat. I.Ike as my parlour, bo my hall And kltrhln's small: A lutli. butterie, arid therein A Itltls tiyn. Which keeps my little loafe of bread t'liclilpt, unrlead: Kiirnc brittle ntl(-ks of thorne r briar Muke me a nre, I'lnnfl by whosp living coale I lit. And glow like It. Lord, I ronfeana. too, when I dine, The puluc la Thine. Ami all thoae other bit that bee Thartt pluod by The; Tim wnrte, the puralatn, and the meaaa Of watnr rreasa Whlrh of Tliy kindness Thou ha aeat; And my content Milken thont, and my beloved beet To he moro awtet. Tls Thou that crnwnest my (littering hnarth With (tuiltlfSHB mtrthe. And k1vih me wnnanM bowla to drink, Spie d to the brink. I,rtM, 'tis Tliy plenty-dropptnir hand That hoIIpb my land. And irlv'at nif. fur my buahtMl aovne. Twice ten for ona; Tlum niHk'st my tf mlfi hen to lay ilT KtT Pwh day; ll"Kltl(' my healthful rises to hour Mi- twins wu'h yoan; The while tlm conduit of my kin Ituii cream for wln: All then, and hettcr Thou dont send Me, to thla i-nO. That I ahmtld render, for my part, A thankfulle heart; Which, tlr'd with itu-Piiso. I resJgnt Aa wholly Thine: H it the arivptanee, that must be, O I.ord. by Thee. -Herrlrk. THANKS Season I. a Tim. to B. Olad, and t Make Other. Around Us Par take of Our Joy. Let us make this the best Thanks giving of our lives. Remember our gratitude Is not measured by the slz. of the family larder. Abundance tends to contentment, but many a man In limited circumstances Is hap pier than others of larger meant. Heal wealth and worth lies not In the abundance a man hath, but In content ment's gold. When the heart is full the whole world Is richer. Your smile will go a long way toward making someone else happy. A cheerful life opens avenues to future achievement hidden to him who sees no good around him. The past Is a matter ot record, the present Ib near and real, the future Is limited only by yourself. Make It all It can he, and history will add a new chapter, and you will be the hero. Let us give thanks. The nation needs the Inspiration of your song. There are plenty of groans and grunt, and growls. We need more song. It hnln't no use to grumble and rnmplalm It's Just ae cheap and easy to relelce. , You will feel more manly by being glad. It adds to your self-respect and makes you feel that you '.lave a place In the world. Inspire your age with a new type of chivalry. Meet drone, and kickers with a smile and you will do much to bring In the good time that Is to he. Wherever you are let this he a real period of thanksgiving. Let us see If we cannot add to 'he world's Joy by the spirit of our o living the entire Vnlon the day Is observed by all Americans alike aa the time for family reunion, good cheer and gen eral rejoicing and gratitude. Spoiled It for Him. Mr. Goodman Well, Rev. Willie, did you enjoy your Thanksgiving din ner? Willie No. We had company and I had to eat with my fork. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The man who is really and truly in love doesn't lie to the woman in the case. CHIIdron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA LET US ALL GIVE FAVORS TO PREPARE FOR THE GREAT DAY Not Alan. th. Children of the Family, but Also the Grownups May Be Fur nlihed Special Trifles to Add Zett to th. Thanksgiving Dinner. FAVORS for the Thanksgiving din ner table may he made of pulled lies, raisins and nuts, held to gether with toothpicks and topped with marshmallow heads, the features outlined In chocolate, Each of these little figures should be mounted on i1 flat foundation made of a thick, firm cookie and the toothpick legs made to stand upright by embedding them In a little mound of chocolate frosting which should extend outward to form I the feet. Two large raisins, tho stem ends ' thruBt Into the toothpicks, form the i legs and two small pulled figs Berve ! us a dress, the figs being thrust on ; the toothpicks so that the tapering ; ttem ends shall meet to form a waist line. Two raisins are used for each , arm, ending In a single peanut for s ; h.ind. The marshmallow head Is covered i with chocolate except on one side. where chocolate features are drawn i with a toothpick dipped In melted : chocolate. A peaked hat made from half a fig should top the grotesque little figure. For this work pulled figs are abso lutely necessary. Ordinary layer tigs will not do, as to make the bodies of these figures the Hks must be of natural shape. These figs come packed In small baskets and on" basket of figs at 2F) cents will make six favors. Another style of favor can be fash ioned from short, thick sticks of candy. Top the stick with a marsh mallow head, pinching It round, and drawing chocolate feutureR and a lit tle curl down the forehead Press a couple of flgs very thin and curl them around the candy doll, keeping them out from the body by means of tooth picks held to the stick of candy with white frosting. If the ntlrk of ciitnly Is plain white, paint chocolate but tons down the front and rest the ab surd little favor on a square of sugared popcorn. If these favors are chosen for the children of the family, the grown i sons may have siftiethlng different. Choose paper lorgnons for the wom en, the eyeglass portion representing two miniature pumpkins and the long handle simulating their stem. Cut the pattern of a good si:id lorgnon from cardboard, covering the handle with dull green crepe paper. Cut four yellow pumpkins from tho crepe paper that comes so decorated and cover the eyeglass portion of the lorgnon on both sides. Cut holes for rue eyes so mat these favors may he actually used whllo at the table. A bow of bright yellow ribbon tied half way down the handle of the lorgnon Is a protty addition For the men have long rolls of ye. low paper tied at each end to simu late snap motto papers. Instead of the usual folded paper cap Inside con ceal a cigar. THE THANKSGIVING GIRL You may boaat of the maiden of aummar. And bra of the maiden uf June. Your winter girl may bp a hummer To skate with and lovingly epoon. Ton mny boanst of tlio lup.le bewitphin' In hobble skirt, store puff anil curl. But give me the mmd of the kitchen, The reliable Thanksgiving glrL Thankaglvlng Prayer. Tor days ot health, for nlghta of quiet sleep; for seasons of bounty, for all earth's contributions to our need through this past year: Uood Ixird, w. thank thee. For our rountry't shelter; for our homes; for the Joy of faces, and the Joy of hearts that love; for the power of great examples; for holy ones who lead us In the wata of Ufa and love; for our powers of growth; for longings to be better and do more;. for Ideal, that ever rise above our real; for opportunities well used, good a)Ti. we humbly thank thee! For our temptations, and for any victory over sins that close beset us; for the glad ness that abide, with loyalty; for the blessedneBS of service and the power to fit ourselves to other.' needs; for our necessities to work; tor burdens, pain and disappointments, mean, of growth; for sorrow; for death; for all that bring, us nearer to each other, nearer to ourselves, near to thee; for life: We thank thee, O our Father! W. C. Gannett NOT NEW TO HER. He (mooney) Was there ever a love like ours? She (matter-oF-faci) Of course, I can't judge your case, but with me the symptoms seem about the same as in other attacks. Most of a college man's educa lion is acquired after he graduates. HAVE YOU A CHILD? Manv women loi k for children. Imt iMTriuse of Some t-uruhlr phvsn Ml iler.ie Keinerir ate Uvui ivcd 01 llu, srealesr ot all liuiipinrbv The women whose munra follnw wi-rr trrored tn normal hrBlrti liv l.vri'a IC I'nikh.tin'i, WkcUI bl. Conipounil. Write and ask thi-iii about it. 1 took your ( orn pound and have a fine, strong baby. " Mrs. John Mitiiii.ll, iilas- scnu, N. Y. I.ydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound is a wonderful medicine for expectant mothers. " Mrs. A. M. MYH13, Gor- donviile, Mo. " I highly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham' Veg etable Compound before child-birth, it lias done so much for me. "-Mrs. E. M.Doker, K. R. 1, Con shohocken, Pa. 1 took I.ydia E. Pink- ham's Vefn table Com pound to build up my system and have the dearest baby jjirl in the world." Mrs. Muse liLAHELUV, Imperial, Pa. "I praise the Com pound whenever I have a chance. It did so much for n.c before my little girl was born. " Mrs. E. V,'. Sanpkus, Uowles burg, W. Vu. "I took your Com pound before baby was born and feci I owe my life to it. "Mrs. Winnie Tii.1.13, Winter Haven, Florida. Constipation la to be dreaded. It lead to eertoue ailment t, Fever, InditKitiua, filea. SielAlendarhc, Pniionud 8mn and icVo o oitiur troubles lullow. Hou't t- t "rtlt.petioia Id at. Kcri' . ,. nvys, Liver and Bnwote faf ' ' i-'livc. Kid Tour eyetean ol . . . ft .may food. . i'-ri better than Dr. King's NewLifePills All D,.iisr. 25 cenr RATIMKACI ION OR MONFY BC Prcfesti-ioA-"5? cure; Wen'" r Hi;iil: is no un 'pit 1 1 lor ti young Wdnit n iliui is more pleasim or ti n eeninl, tnore mind in her iil iliiy and n n I u r c, none llial C;m givi N r n . peronal satiMacni'ii, sin., i, she be a thormiplilv ir;iinu prolessional none ihai tiu bigger rewfrOs il'-m t! -i ! nillM,' Irvii '.'!' '! ' t I v 1 iiiuml i- t..; . maud. H.is your dautLtLi tin givtn this mailer a iihiulIii; iv.'ve you mr spokn, n her about (son c daybecom ing a teacher ol musn-'-l i! so buy her a STIEFP HA,U at once, get her started on tin road to success and fame, the sooner she siarts ihe better. (f has 31 tirt1 LEttX ('. STKI-I.E. Mgr . .'.'11 tiranliv S.. Noilolk. a. rm? NO MATTER! .WE LL FIX IT. HE KNOW THE BUSINESS No tinkering wiili your valuable timepiece. WE (ll'ARANTnn OUR WORK Lei our expert repair man ex amine your watch or clock. He will tell you what is needed and what the cost will be. When your watch has been re paired by us, you can depend upon ii every lime to catch a train or meet an engagement. J. U. WALLER WKLDOX, N. C. 8. A. L. Watch Inspector. Next door to Zollicollei's Drug Storeu mar 1!) ly. Wm. L." KNIGHT, HrUHrVrt Mrs H.Dporr Ufa : 'ii : : . - w s -a. Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WELDON, N.C. Ollice in Weldon Hank & Trust Huilding Business promptly and faithfully at ended to. 1 A y TT