atiiiumtiii i I- ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription"$1.5C Per Ann. m VOL. XL1X. WKLDOX, N. C, TIIUHSDAY, DKCEMHHll 3, 15)14. NO. I J n Tlio ltlnd You llnvo Always Bought, and which has boca In use for over 30 years, bus borno tlio sifrnaturo of - aud lias boon mmlo under IiU per- uStAYF-AjA" SOnal m,Pcrvl,loI Sl U Infancy. T7I, -c.cUA Allow no ono todecett o you in this. All CimiifenVIW, Imitations aud "Just-iis-pHid" urn hut Kxperluu nlH Unit trillo with and cmlaiwr tlio health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caatorlu Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare toric, Drop nod Soothing Syrups. It Is I'lciisant. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Narcotlo Niibxtance. Its are Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays 1'cvcrishnens. It cures Di.irrliii-a and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation und Flutiilcncy. It assimilates the Food, regulate the Stomach aud Bowel, giving healthy and uatural sleep. The Children's I'unaceu Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE BANK OF VELDON WELDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aafl surplus, $55,000. For over 21 years thin institution lias proviileil banking facilities for thin section. Its stockholders ami otlieers are iilentitied with the husi nesM interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties. A Savings llepartment is niaiulaiiit'il for the hem-lit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this hepartment interest is alloaud as follows: For Deposits allowed tore main three months or lomrer, 'J per cent. Kix mouths or longer, a per cent. Twelve months or longer. -I percent. Any information will be furnished mi application to the I'residentorl'ashiet PRKHIDSNi : W. E. DANIEL, VlCK-litK-Olll-AT: W. I! SMITH. I.. e. III! U'Kli.T.'ll MKKCTOliS Y. It. Smith, W. K. 1( T. Daniel, .1.1- Shepherd, W. A. MAS I' K.CT iBullding Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, ;Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOIiDKK AN II liKdl I.AKSTOCK SIZES. Good Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, N. C Practices ia the courts of Halifax ana Northampton nd in the Supreme aut Vaderal courts. Collections maile in all parti of North Carolina. Itranch oltice at Halifax opsa every Monday ELLIOTT B. CLARK. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N. V. Pkacticks in the courts of Halifax am adjoining counties and in the Su preme court of the State. Special atten tion given to collections and prompt re turn!. lo-6-I y : w.J. wakd, DENTIST, 'OFFICE IN DANIEL ISCILDIM. WELDON, N.t'i epIS It A.I.SCH1SLER. CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveying a Specialty! Phone 201 N. KMPOKIA, VA. Cuts, Burns, BruU.a, Boras, Woaada and Pita, vlaklj healed with Arnica Sarra. It araTaata laleatioa, la antiaaptie. soothing;, healing. Try U oaoa. Monay Back If K FaiU. Tha Origlaal and Gaoaiaa. Bucklen's Arnica Salve Heals the Hurt AU Draagiata a' Daalaca, 25a. Signature of I'ASIIIRR: .1. O. 1'KAKE, Daniel, , I. O. Uruke. W. M. Cohen, I'ierce, I. It. .olheoller, .1 . W. sledce dibits Of N. C. GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWITERRS. We carry a lurue stock of standard Tvnew liters. Can furnish at once Mon arch. Fox. tHiver, liemimrton, Hoyal, until I'lenner. I,. ('. Smith ,x tiro. ami I'liderwnod. Any other make from i to t.'i ilavs' notice. We have both the visible and the iiivisilile. We bought a laiife stock of these Typewriters from one-foul Hi titnnc-lisl ft lie regular whole sale pi ice, ami on sale now at one-fourth to one-hail the reirular retail prices. A ifood Tyjiewnter Iroiii ?7."hi to ll.'t. A better one $17 . 'si to j is.. 'ill. The best from fan up to ai.y price. W ill lie glad to answer any imiuirv in connection with these machines, and semi samples of the work done hv any of the Type writers we have. Every boy anil gir should have oue of our cheap Typewri ters to learn how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can demand a large salary. Auyone who buys a cheap typewriter from us and wantsalH'ttcroue later, we will take hack the. one bought ami allow the same paid for it in exchange for a better oue, if returned in good condition and w ithin six months, li not in good condition we allow the maiket value. We carry Type writer ribbons ami olhei supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N.C. SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antlaeptlcs Is A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As s medicinal antiseptic for douches In treating catarrh, Inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine Ilia It has no equal. For ten yeora the Lyuia E. Plnkham Medicine Co.ha recommended Paxtlne In their private correspondence with women, which prove Its superiority. Women who have been cured say it is "worth Its weight la gold." At druggliU, 60c. large box, or by mall. Tha Faitoa XoUet 0, Boston, Mass. WELL FOUNDED GROUCH. Tale of a Man Whom the Doctors ; Sentenced to Death. ' A middle-aged resident of Fair mount tells a story which, lie de clares, shows how one's labor so (itten is lost and good intentions go asiray. Incidentally, the narrator is now a traveling salesman, who weighs nearly 201) pounds and is as sirong as a rail mauler. This is his talc : "While doing service for Uncle Sain as a soldier in the Philippines, about 1 5 years ago, I contracted tuberculosis, which grew worse so rapidly that I was discharged with the warning to go immediately home to Fairmount to die. The army surgeon was kind enough to tell nie that if I should lake good care of myself I might live several months and ai least would linger long enough to settle up my earth ly affairs. So, discouraged and disheartened, 1 sailed on the first ship for home. I first suspected that perhaps I was not entirely 'in' when I had to defend myself on shipboard from a drunken sailor armed with an iron bar. I took his weapon away from him and beat him up which was not bad for a consumptive. "Arriving in Indiana, 1 consulted a physician in my home town whom I had known from boyhood. He told me that the army physi cian had told the truth, and as he fondly embraced me, bidding me a fond farewell, tears stood in his honest, old gray eyes. Instead of being deeply affected in an emo tional way, however, the sight of his emotion made me angry, and I went to Indianapolis to consult a specialist. I'll admit that I was discouraged when the Indianapolis physician said I might live at (he outside only a few months and that if I should absolutely live out in the open I would prolong my life a while. He said the end would not come immediately. "So, downcast. I went home to Fairmount. I was-penniless and had no money with which to take outdoor treatment, but through the influence of friends in Wash ington I obtained a pension of $12 a month. The first $12 I inves ted in logs and began the construc tion of a one-room log cabin on the rear of my father's lot. In tended to make it a model outdoor house. "Well, I bought an ax and waded into those logs, swinging the ax and hammer and guiding the saw from daylight to dark every day. Now here is where the hard luck comes in. Do you know after I had spent four months building that one-room cabin, in order that I might prolong my life, I found out that I was well and didn't need it?" Indianapolis News. Many trains of thought carry no freight. A thoughtless man loses time when he hurries. When the Dowels Are Uncomfortable and you miss that fine feeling of exhilaration which follows a copious morning opera tion, you should put a small quantity of Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form) on the tongue and wash it down with a little water. Its action in the system is puri fying and strengthening. It drives out hard Impactions and impurities and gives tone to tlio muscular structure of the bowels. It over, comes the tendency to chronic con stipation, relieves a bloated feeling in the abdomen, sweetens the breath and promotes vigor of body, mental alertness and cheerful spirits. Sold ftv Ihaltrs Price. Large Package, SI. 00 Aih lot Ih . ul" "(' 111. Rrd Z M lb. Ulirl. II ,hi nnms tn II. rtmlt lu it. wt will ml h br mail. fMvtia. Mpitnoni Dm Sr.iil.toi t. ,ul up lit luiuij Ion. fur IbMC wit. pn-lrr II rn.r ll.WI ftt tool. Ijjuk to Ibc Krd Z U!L I. B. IEILIN A CO., rroprtoloti Si. Louis. Missouri UEORUE C. OREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Hank lluilding) Weldon. N. C. D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. KoiDuke News Office -:- WclJoi N f THE OLD-FASHIONED DOCTOR, He's passed, the kind old doctor man, That we knew in the long ago, Whose lender ministrations ran Through all life's troubled ebb and flow, He smiled benignly when we made Our premier entrance on life's stage, And wept wiih loved ones when we paid The debt that's due by youth and nge; And in the intervening space, When we were plagued by divers ills, He'd diagnose, with care, our case And then prescribe us blue-mass pills. He had a most imposing mien, This dear old-fashioned doctor man, The things that he had read and seen Could scarce be learned in mortal span The very spectacles he wore Portentous wisdom seemed to shed; We knew the ancients' healing lore Was packed to bursting in his head. He scorned all upstart theories, Though he was death on fits and chills, And all the modern therapies, He'd gladly swap for blue-mass pills. Ah ! dear old-fashioned doctor man ! Perhaps your ways were not the best, But ne'er a heart was kinder than The one beneath your dog-skin vest. You never vexed your mind at all With serum, protoplasm, germ, It ne'er occurred to you to call For help to prop your skill infirm. His head the modern doctor shakes O'er means you used to cure our ills, But he, too, buries his mistakes Like you, who gave us blue-mass pills. HAVEN'T "I haven't the time !" they all exclaim, In the search for money, and search for fame, And they rush right madly by, I haven't the time for a kindly deed, 1 haven't the time for a friend in need, No time for a sorrowful cry !" We haven't the time, but the time goes by, And hearts do ache, and souls do cry, But what care we lor their pain ? We haven't the time for the down and out, We've only time for bustle and shout, No time but for earthly gain. So madly we rush as tho earth whirls along, The din of money our only song, Our souls clogged with dust of strife, We haven't the time for the sick and the poor, We haven't the time for the wolf at their door, God! Only gain is life! At home we eat and we rush away, Armed physical man afresh for the fray, But our souls have starved to death, We haven't the time for such useless things So we chase them till out of breath. So sweet communion and kindly thought And the dear home duties the night once brought, Are crowded quite out of our ken, We haven't the time unless it means gold, For such sordid pay is our birth right sold, And God had created us men! pLucy M, Cobb, High Point, N. C. HE FORGOT TO Go Home, To-night, With and Plant Two Kisses He really meant to kiss his wife go to work. But he forgot. He was thinking thousand and one matters which concern him in the big world with which he wrestles for a living for her and the kids. Anyhow, he said to himself afterward, what's a kiss? It oughtn't 10 take such a mere formality to convince of his love and trust the wo man he has made the mistress of his home, the mother of his children. Pshaw! the chances are she never noticed the omission so why should he worry? But back home a woman wept. Wept, not because she doubted her husband's constancy; not because she fell that he wouldn't prove big and true and fine in an emergency; but because, woman-like, shut within home's four walls, doomed 10 another day of petty routine, much of it to be endured all alone, she wanted thai kiss as a token and a memory-wanted it as proof that not in her case could the poet write: "He's lost you see, 'cause he married me; Good-bye, my lover, good-bye." Now, if you, Mr. Mann, made such a break as thai this morning, do you know what you ought 10 do? Go home, tonight, with a present in each hand and plant iwo kisses where otic rew Ufute. AN OFF-HAND REMARK. "I don't quite see the point of that remark of yours," said Mr. Skinner, the grocer, as he tied up the package of sugar. "What remark was that?" asked the customer. "You just remarked thai some men had an off-hand way of doing things. And you wished I was one." "Yes; I wished 10 remind you that your hand was on the sugar when you weighed it." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA TIME. KISS HIS WIFE. a Present In Each Hand Where One Grew Before. ihis morning as he left the house to of the cares of the shop; of the AN "OOZER." The visiting lady had kept her husband at the open door fully an hour saying good-by. Finally an irate masculine voice indoors called out: "Say, Maria, if you're going out, go; if you're staying stay; but for Heaven s sake, don't ooze out." A MAIN TRAVELLED ROAD. Willie Paw, why is the way of the irangressor hard? Paw Because, so many people have tramped on it, my son. HOW TO TEST DRINKING WATER. Simple Tests by Which Impuri ties Can Be Detected. livery one knows and admits the necessity for pure water. When you are away from home, and are not sure of the character of the water supply, it would not be a bad idea to make a lew simple tests. The results may prove that it was decidedly worth while to take the trouble. Here are two tests that you can make very easily. Fill a tumbler with water, drop in a lump of white sugar, cover it with a saucer, and let it stand over night on the bricks at the side of the range, on the kitchen mantle piece, or in fact, anywhere where the temperature will not sink be low sixty degrees. If next morn ing the contents are clear the water is pure. If, on the other hand, the liquid is cloudy, some source of contamination is indisputably proved. The second test, is to drop a few grains of permanganate of pot ash into a tumbler of water, cover and let stand for an hour. If the water is still of the bright rosy col or to which the chemical turned it, it is perfectly safe for drinking; if it is of a brownish color, it is im pure, although the impurity may be of the kind that boiling will rob of its power to harm. WIDOW MALONEV'S PIO.. Mike Murphy was taken to task by his spirit adviser for having stolen Widow Maloney's pig. The evidence against Mike was so direct and positive that it was worse than useless for him to deny the crime, and he listened with downcast eyes and much meekness to a well-deserved lecture from the priest upon the wickedness of the theft he had committed, till the reverend gentleman asked him what he would say on the Day of Judgment when he should be con fronted by Mrs. Maloney and her pig, when he brightened up at a happy thought, and said: "And ye say that the pig'll be there yer riverence ?" "Yes, the pig'll be there, and Mrs. Maloney'll be there, too, liv ing winesses against you. What, I repeat, can you say in such a presence ?" "Yer riverence, I'll say, 'Widow Maloney, there's yer pig, take it." AN INDORSEMENT. "Yes, sir," said the rugged mountaineer to the member of Con gress. "I'm goin' to vote for you hard an' frequent. You're one man as does a little sunth'n to pro tect home industry." "Then you don't resent my stand in favor of prohibition ?" "Thai's what I'm a-cheerin' ye fer. You ain't interfered with us moonshiners wuth mentionin', and you've improved the demand a heap." Washington Star. CUTTINQ DOWN EXPENSES. Father Son, can't you possibly cut down your college expenses? Son I might possibly do with out any books. Hartford Times. The man with a grievance never misses an opportunity to mention it. A fool friend can weird a ham mer as effectively as a bitter ene my. Women are men's vanity. responsible for A quarter earned is more valua ble than a dollar found. Many a man who isn'i a coward is afraid of consequences. There's alwavs room for one more in the crowd st the botmm. Don'i apologize for doing you duty. One way to unsettle a question is to argue about it. Never form your opinion of an egg until the lid is off. The average husband is a silent partner. Even a fast man may not make a rapid recovery when he's ill. It's only the brilliant sayings of the first baby that count. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA P. v I'aoNB 1 P. N. STAIN J3 At K'S Weldon, . . Full Line of CASKETS, COFFINS and ROUES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. M Seventeen years' Experience. l-Tf,T oaooi HOW GRANDMA DRESSES. She is Now Like a Smart Tripping Maiden. So far then' is tin l;iw that can limit what custom culls the 'Mittli'" frock to I In- really youthful, but every now and again nut' tfi'ts a shock when 11 supposed youngster turns mum! to reveal herself nearer 7o than 17!' It is a very curious feature of the age the short skirted smart tripping grandmother of today, or the cumbersome full skirted type of the past. Certainly taking nut one's mother or aunt is no task now that is, for those w hose rela tions are of this rejuvenating kind nor does the line of chap erons adorning the borders of the ballroom present so dig nilied or depressing an affect when we see tunic frocks with skirts that can take cure of themselves and a pretty display of shoes and stockings. Worthy of admiration, too, is the courage displayed by a woman of 6o or no odd stepping into a showroom to demand a "simple" satin dress, or a wash frock of muslin, lined or pique. And here we light upon the se cret of the situation, she whose courage could not rise to order itiir from her dressmaker a too youthful frock, can in the ready-to-wear department take off its peg what she would like to wear and forthwith depart, elated and satisfied. Nay, more. she may espy her simple frock in the pages of her favorite pa per, and, sending her measure ments, receive without facing a single probably amused sales woman, the little frock of her fancy. Yes, it is the ready-to-wear frock tluit has created this sit uation, nor can we deny the serge suit its share in the movement. When "mamma," always provided that she has kept her figure, can find noth ing awaiting her in the big store but natty serge suits, how can we expect her to "go fur ther and fare worse!-" Then Fashion seems alwavs to be making her way easy. The "mantle that so many of our old-established impor tant houses regularly stocked for tho elderly is scarcely sell ing at all, the cavalier cape having rendered it superfluous. Why, indeed, huntaftera dow dy mantle when hanging in numbers is something just as good, for its purpose and the reigning fashion ''. Indeed, the elderly lady would be justified in saying: "If you young peo ple poach on my preserves, the cloak, I must retaliate by pick ing off the best you prepare for yotirselves."-l'liiladelphia Rec ord. THE MOTHER'S CREED. 1 believe in the general impor tance of the home us the funda- I '"6""" institution ot mocy 1 1 believe in the immeasurable possibilities of every boy and girl. I believe in the imagination, the trust, the hopes, and the ideal that dwell in the hearts of all chi dren. 1 believe in the beauty of nature, of art, of books, and friendship. I believe in ihe little homely joys of every day life. I believe in the goodness of the great design that lies behind our complex world. I believe in the safety and peace which surround us through the overbrooding love of God. Mrs. Ozora S. Davis. Cr-illdrar Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA loano aTTrrm o iii. ui I'liuM-;-uii'l North Carolina Heurse Service Anywhere. t Rheumatism For Young and Old Tho ftputo itemizing p:iin of rheumatism is soothed at onco by fSloun'A Liniment. Do not rub it peni'tniti'B to tho eoro fipot, hrmiiiii a comfort m-t dreamed of until tried. Get a bottle today. RHEUMATISM Here Wht Others Say : 'I fciultly roenmnii'iKi your Liniment M tho )i-t roriti ily ti r rli' iiiiuitimii I pvit ut-ii. lleforf u-uig it 1 spent lurg.' umi of money trying to K' t n ln f of tin- mi-fry oml juiiim in Iiii.Im itml hotly, si I tned your Limriii-iil Imtli internal mid external and I f.iutid )iuclc relief, aud uow am well and Htronu ngtim." CurfiJ, Y. St., XttrmyJitttltHL Here'l Proof "I Mi tr write and U 11 you fiho'it B fall I t. nl tl"wn I. itinera stepvirt'l bruised my ne k nnd hip very bud. 1 con lit not Sleep :r1 ;tl!. 1 s. tit niV Mlfo fnf ft 2'i rent bottle 'if your I.iiuiiient and tn tw (l;i' time 1 un my rt fif'-uti." Cirirs Hyk, j a. t.,.s. Lui, Mik SLOAN'S LINIMENT for m-uralgia, -i:itira,sraiIiiiauc bruiHt-H. All DruKuitU, 25e, Send four cent, in .tamp, for a TRIAL BOTTLE Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa. A Delightful Profession for Young Women hi-: HE is no occupation 1 tor a young women that W- 's more pleasant or con genial, more suited to her ability and nature, none thai can give her more personal saiisiueuon, aud it she be a thoroughly trained professional none that offers bigger rewards than that of music teaching. The supply of competent teachers ol piano music is tar short of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given this nutter a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a ST1KFH PIANO at once, get her started on the road to success and fame, the sooner she starts the better. (flus ticff, I.KON C. STI'.LI.i:, Mgr. No. '.'ill liraiiliy s., Norlolk, Va. WE KNOW THE BUSINESS No tinkering with your valuable timepiece. WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK Let our expert repair man ex amine your waich or clock. He will tell you what is needed and what the cost will be. When your watch has been re paired by us, you can depend upon it every time to catch a train or meel an engagement. J. H. WALLER WI-I.llON, X. O. H. A. L. Wateli limrieptor, Nut door tu Zollicullet's LHug Stuia, mar 19 ly. liTO NO MATTER !T Hip, UK ) IT