ll(iJK'-MMMWHS38r f - ESTABLISH!;!) IN 1H60. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriptionSi. 5G Per Annum VOL. XUX, WELDON, X. C, TIJUHSDAY, DKCKMISKK 17, 1011, NO. Hi 1 NJgSP 4 Y. n i i lesnd TLY IS, .N.C, ty ies. esto jney ttry- rook very :ssful ckU ultry m to diole- idal- ndtime- ods request IONS, HT, ut Buihliol sithfullj si Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, nutl which ltas been In use for over ao years, 1ms boruo tho sirnaturo of -J anil 1ms boon made under lils per- QiiA7.!rj ,onal ""PCrvlslon slnro Its Infancy. . v. woi. Allowiiooiiotodopci.'oyouiii (hi. All Counterfeit, JmUatliMi and Must-Hs-Kiiod' lire- hut Kxi.erlniciiU that trillo Willi ami cmlnnt;-r thu health of Infants and Children KxpericiiiO against IXperiiiient. What is C ASTORIA Castorfn 1(4 a harmless milmtituto for Cnslnr Oil, Boric, Drops mid Soothing Syrups. It Is l'lousant. c contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narnti.: Miibtiuiw. Its aire Is its Ruarantee. It destroys Ym-u-.-t and allays 1'everi.shuoss. It cure I)i,irrhu:i and Wla.l Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Cmistipmi pii and rintitleney. It ussiiniliitos tho Food, regulates the) Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's 1'anaeea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Scars the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt CCNTAUN flOMMNV. TT MURH ITKIT, NCW VOMPt 6ITT. 3E THE BANK OF WELDON weldow x. c. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. For over '21 years this institution h:i pruvi.lt .l hankimr facilities for thin section, it- stoekhol.his ami oiltei i ate 1 1 1 utili- d with the husi uesH interest of Halifax ami Nortli.imptnn enmities. A Savings Department is niaiutaiU'l fur the henetil of nil who ilesire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In tins I 'epai tment interest is alluwe-l as follows: For Deposits allowed torcmain three months or Innirer. '2 per cent. Six months or louder, ;( per eent. Twelve tumuli or Innirer. t percent. Any information will he fumi-thed on apphfatimi to the J'ieiileiit 01 (ashtci I'RBsinsN r : W. K. DAMI'.L, V le K-1 ' 1 1 K 1 1 K s i : W. It sM ITU . I. ('. nilM'KK.Tell DIRKCTOI.'S W. . Miuth. W. K. K. T. Ianiel, .1.1.. Shepherd, W. A. IE Dixon & Poole Maifacliiriiij, Oipanj', MAM I-AC IT li Kits (If Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAIiE T0Oi:ti;l! AMI IM'.f ! I.Alt STOCK slZKS Good Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, S. C. 1'ractieeN in the courm of Halifax and Northampton am! in the sum'inc uiii Keileral courts. Collections ma.le iu ull partH of North Carolina, itraneh oltire at liaiifax open every Monday ELLIOTT B. CLARK. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 1IAI.1I AX, S. C. PUACTkKK in the courtx of Halifax anil ailjoiuiiitf counties anil in the Su preuie court of the State. Special alii u tion given to collections ami prompt re turns. Ki-tily W. J. Vv AUJU, OENTI8T, OFFICE IN DANIKL lU'll-DIMl WELDON, N.C, epl2 ly A. I. SCIIISI CIVIL ENUINEUR, Surveying a Specialty! l'hone '.HI N. F.MI'OUIA, VA. Cuts, Burns, BrubM, Sor. Wounda and Pile, quiokly healed with Arnica Salve. It prevent, infection, i. anti.eptio, eoothinf. heeling. Try it once. Money Back II It Fail,. The Original and Genuine. Bucklen's Arnica Salve Heals the Hurt All DrnUUta and Dealere, 35a. Signature of nran mm nm mm A 1 1 IKH: .1. . l'liKK, haiiiel, .1. O. Drake, W. U Cohen, I'n ree. . It. .ollicotler. .1 . YV. Hedire O GREAT BARGAINS in iYinvm:kK. We can; a I arte stuck (' -taniitml TypcM !i,rs. fan furnish at once Moil aieh. Fox. "iiet. Ifrtiunuion. Koyal, Ninth I'leniitT. I.. (' Miulli tV llui.'s an. I I'li'leiuof.l. Any otln i ntake from 'i to 1't.lir.V notice We 1. ie hutlt the umMc aiel the in t-ihle. e houuhl a I afire slock nt'thesf Typewriters tioin one-fou itti to one-halt the h ,'ular whole sale pi ice. un I on sate now at one-fourth to one-hall the leirular retail puces A iroo.l Typewnicr from .Vi to fl.'i. A hetler one I7 ' to .Ml. The het from .;n up to any juice. Will lie ylad to answer any iniuirv in connection wuli these machines, ami sen. I sumplen ol the work lotie hv any of the Type writers we have. Kery hoy ami irir shouUl have one ol out cheap Typewri tcifi to leant how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can ilemuml a laine salaty, Anyone who huys a cheap typewriter fiom us it ml want Letter one lati r, we will take hack the one huuirlit uml allow the same ptml for it in cvehanire for a Letter one, tf returnctt in noutl comhtionaml within six mouths. It not in troul condition we allow the matkel value. WceaiiyType w riter uhhuns ami other MipjmcH. SPIERS BROS. WF.I.MON.N. c SPECIAL TO WOMEN Th most economical, cleansing ami germicidal ot all antiseptics Is A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches In treating catarrh, Inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine Ills It has no equal. ion v.nrn llm l.viltn. K. Pillkhaill Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlnfl 1 In tholr private corresiiondence wna I women, which proves its suiioriority. Women who have been cured say It is "worth Its weight la gold." At druggists. 60o. large box, or by mall. The Futon Toilet e iloston, Mass. LIKE MlliKE SAYS. When The (iirl's I:ace Is Her For tune You Can't lilame Her for j Painting It lip Every Day and j Keeping It In Kepair. The old-fashioned boy who had a hard time getting enough spit to moisten the blacking when he pol ished his shoes now has a son who enews tobacco when he sits in a eh.iir in a Shoe Shining Parlor. Many a rich man wishes he coiil-l uike a poor man's place into the dining room with hint. Our idea of a brute is a man whose wife is so seared of him that she dassenl open his mail. The man who never makes any mistakes never gets any work done. A girl doesn't notice the scare heads in six-inch type in a news paper. Hut if there is j two line paragraph concerning her engage ment buried away on the inside of the paper, she knows that it is the only item in the issue that the peo ple will read. If a man wants to be unpopular he doesn't have to catch the small pox. He can eat garlic at every meal. A girl imagines that her Life Work has been accomplished when she lands a husband. But it has only just begun. And when her love grows cold her temper grows hot. A man has to wear the map that Nature gave him. Hut a woman's complexion is what she makes it. A Boston man says that the wise poultry raiser will pet the chick ens. If he is wise he won't pel them while his wife is around. The reason why we never abuse a dead man is probably because we know it wouldn't hurt him. When a princess marries a brakeman she tells her friends that her husband is connected with the transportation department of a large railroad. Girls were given little tiny ears so they could hide them under wads of store hair. And men were given wing-like llappers so they could have their heads shaved. When a man sees a sign that reads: "This Means YOU," he knows that it was put there to warn the other fellow. Education is a great thing. The old fashioned man who used to have to hang around dark streets with a piece of lead pipe in order to make a living without working now has a son who sells mining stock Cincinnati inquirer. WHO'S YOUR FRIEND. Friends Are the Limbs of The Soul. Never worry about a lost friend that is, a friend who ceases to be friendly. There is no such thing. You never lose a friend. You only find out (hat he is not your friend. If he is a friend to your youth, he will tlee on the coming of age and wrinkles. If he is the friend of your success, he will flee at the approach of failure. If he is a friend to your purse, the flattering of that will show you his heels if he is a friend to any influence you ni.iy have, you will lose him when y.iu need him most. 11 it he never was your real friend. His going is only an opportunity for you to rectify your judgment of hint. The friends you have can never be many, some three or six strong, laymen or women and the rest are congenial acquaintances, that is all. Friends are the limbs of the soul, we walk by reason of them, breathe by aid of them. And we ; don't often think of them as friends they are as hands and feel and heart and brains, we have them, we know we have them, and that is enough for life. Your Cold Is Dangerous -Break It Up Now. A Cold U readily catching. A run down syntem is suHceptiitle to (ierms. You owe it to yourself and to otlieis of your hmifehoM to tlt,'ht the tJciniH at once. Dr. Hell's I'iueTur Honey is tine for Colds ami Couirhs. It loosens the .Mucous, slops the Couuh and soothes the I.uiikfs. it's ffuaraiiteed. Only'J'ic. at your ilrmrcist. With some people there's no such word as enough. But many a slip occurs soon alter the cup has been to the lip. Marriage is never a failure but one or both parties to it may be. An ounce of prevention is better than a ion of remorse. THE PASSING YEARS. They're passing away, these swift, sweet years, Like a leaf on the current cast; With never a break in the rapid flow, We watch them as one by one they go Into the beautiful past. As light as the beautiful thistle-down, As fond as a lover's dream, As pure as the flush in the scashell's throat, As sweet as the wood-bird's wooing note, So tender and sweet they seem. One after another we see them pass Down the dim-lighted stair; We hear the sound of their steady tread In the steps of centuries long since dead, As beautiful and as fair. There are only a few years yet to live; Shall we waste them in idle strife? Shall we trample under our ruthless feet These beautiful blossoms rare and sweet, By the dusty ways of life? There are only a few swift years. Oh, let No envious taunts be heard; Make life's fair pattern of rare design, And fill up the measure with love's sweet wine But never an angry word. TO CIVEISJO LIVE. The sun is forever pouring its gold On a hundred worlds that need to borrow; His warmth he squanders on summits cold, With wealth on the homes of want and sorrow, To give Is to live. The flower shines not for itself at all, Its joy is the joy it freely diffuses; Oi beauty and balm it is prodigal, And it lives in the life it freely loses; No choice for the rose but glory or doom, To exhale or smother, to wither or bloom. To deny Is to die. The seas lend silvery rays to the land, The land its sapphire streams to the ocean;! The heart sends blood to the brain of command, The brain to the heart its lightning motion; And over and over we yield our breath Till the mirror is dry and images death. To live is to give. Death is the hand that is not open wide To help the need of a human brother; He doubles the length of his life-long ride Who gives of his fortunes to help another; And a thousand million lives are his Who carries the world in his sympathies. To deny Is to die. AUNT JEMIMY'S MAXIMS. By CALLY Love cn kittens is bofe burn doy eyes open. Time cyarn be money, bekaso on yo' ban's. Let yo' light shone befo' men, uv it. Adam rouMii' a been a poet, A man dic-tates to his stenoc;raphuh twell he ma'es huh .. Meu is laik bill bo'ads. Some uv 'em is ies' stuek up. You needa' spec de man what makes light uv everything to set de worl' on Hah. V Faeo de sun en do shaduh falls behiu' yo' baek V Somo men propose to gals on dey knees, en uomo on dey uppers. Heap uv wimmin dunno which twell dey falls off. Trouble 'on't takede trouble to fuh it. A switebin' in time saves nine. Keep It Handy lor Rheumatism 1 No one toiumu and tuuee and tty to wear out your Khcuuiatism. It will wear you out instead. Apply some Sloan's l.uiimetit. Need not ruh it in- just let it penetrate all through the af fected parts, relieve the soreness and draw the pain. You get ease at once and feel so much hetter you want to go riizht out and tell other sull'erers ahout Sloan's, t let a bottle of Sloan's Lini ment for '.'"ic. of any druggist and have it iu the house airainst Cold, Sore and Swollen Joints, I. umliago, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money hack if not satislied, hut it does givealmost instant relief, lhiv a bottle today. A woman's mirror casts and causes a variety of reflections. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A RYLAND. blin' but dey mighty soon it.s money don' nevuh bang but don' make no tiiili-wiuks bekase he was made, not btiwn. uv 'em is well posted en some side uv do fence doy is on dodge de mail wluir's lookin' Prompt Action W ill Slop Your Cough When you tirst catch a cold (often in dicated hp a sneeie or cough, break it up at once. The idea that it does not mailer often leads to serious complica tions. The remedy which immediatelv and easily penetrates the lining of the throat is the kind demanded. Pr.king's New liiscovcry soothes the irritation, loosens the phlegm You reel hetter at once. "It seemed to reach the very poi 01 my i ougu, is one ol many honest testimonials, ,'sic. t your drug gist. A man must cither make way for himself or get out of the way of others. Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTORIA HE PATRIOTIC DOLLAR CONGRESS DECREES DOLLARS IN. DULGING IN LUXURIES MUST FIHST SALUTE THE FLAG. War Revenue Tax of JI05,000,000 Levied Beer Bean Brunt of Burden. Congress hits levied a war tax of tl.'i. i,0"0 to offset a Biinllur amount of loss on import revenue due to the Kuropeau disturbances and of this amount biver Is the heaviest contributor, having been assessed ap proximately $;ki,i.ih); a slump tax on negotiable instruments, It is estimated, will yield J31,(ti0.imii; a tax on the capital stuck of banks or 4,5nu,n00 and u tax on tobacco, perfumes, thea ter tickets, etc., inukts the remainder. Congress has decreed that the brewer, the banker and the inveslor must shoulder the musket and march to the front; that milady who would add to her beauty must lirst tip t'nele Sam. and a dollar that seeks pleasure must lirst salute the Mag; that Pleas ure and Protlt the twin heroes of many wars shall light the nation's battles and by an ingeniously ar ranged schedule of taxation congress has shifted the war budget from the shoulders of Necessity to thoso of Choice and Gain, touching In Its various ramilicatlons almost every line of business. All hall the dollar that bleeds for lis country; that bares Its breast to the fortunes of war and risks Its life to preserve the stability and integrity of the nation's credit. The market, place has always been a fnvorlte stand for war revenue col lectors The trnder Is a great finan cial patriot Itis dollar is the first to rally around the star-spangled banner and the last to hear the coo of the dovo of peace. He is called upon to buy cannnti; to feed and clothe the boys In blue and each month cheer their hearts with the coin of the realm. Men can neither be free nor brave without food and ammunition, and money is as important a factor In war as blood Many monuments have been erected In honor of heroes slain In baffles, poems have been writ ten eulogizing their noble deeds and the nation honors Its soldiers while they live and places a monument upon their graves when they die, but very little has been said of the dollar that bears the burdens of war. Honor to the Dollar that Btare the Burdens of War. All honor to the dollar that an swers the call to arms and, when the battle is over, bandages the wounds of stricken soldiers, lays a wreath upon the graves of fallen heroes and cares for tho widows and orphans All honor to the Industries that bend their hacks under the burdens of war; lift the weight from the shoul ders of the poor and build a bulwark around the nation's credit. AM honor to those who contribute to the necessities and administer to the comforts of the boys who are marching; cool the fever of afflicted aoldlers and kneel with tho cross be side dying heroes. A dollar may fight its competitor In busiuet-s. Industries may struggle for supremacy In trade and occupations may view each olher with envy or suspicion, hut when the buglo calls they bury' strife and rally around the flag, companions and friends, mess mates and chums, all fighting for one flag, one cause and one country. The luxuries in life have always been the great burden-bearera In gov ernment We will mention a few of them giving the onnual contributions to the nation's treasury; Liquor, I'J.'.O, nno.nfni; tobacco, 1103,000.000; sugar, $r,4.0fi0.niin; silks, $l.-,"nO.e0O; dia monds, 3.137.0il0; millinery, $2,479, nrai; furs, 2.024.000 and automobiles. $870,000. collect li'.sri.Ouu.noi) of Internal nnd custom revenue annually and $tr.0.000,ooo of this amount classl lies as luxuries, and to thla amount we should add the $100,000,000 war tax now levied. The war tax Is Immediately effec tive. Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! the Industries are marching $100,000,000 atrong nnd beneath the starry ting they will till the treasury again while they shout, "Hurrah for Cnclo Sam!" In every field of human activity the demand for more competent men nnd women Is growing every day. Espe cially so in agriculture. Home pride is a nilRhty valuable as set, and the farmer who has none Is carrying a heavy oandlcap on the road to success. Work Is the salve that heals ths wounded heart. A Test tor Liver Compliant iVieiilitiiy Imhnppy Physically Tho livrr. nlm:i;i'li ainl inactive, liist w!iow itM'If iu a mt'iituUtiiU' unhappy nnil critical. Nrwr is there jnv iu h- niK. as when the stomach un-l Liver arc tloiuir their work. Keep your liver ac tive ami healthy by uvinir lr. Kinu;' New Life Tills; they empty the bowels fieely, tone up your stomach, cure yuuv Constipation ami purify thelilootl. -Vc. at ilruiririst. Hucklen'K Aiuica Salve excellent for I'iles. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAGTO R I A D. 13. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC i And Fire Insurance. Roanoke News Office -:- Wei Jon N A Draft-You lightly on the part, where the feeling of comfort and ease overwrought sufferer. Hear What mm. ''Tfr'1 r.rc no f inimrT! tl.nt f-ni il Sluv,', i efti'ii, Le ruin Sln:ui i i.ii 1,H (.in, mni tt.U H Ui 1, tUmU 1, H ill. I'liH. "I Ill.Vf I Sims'. I.lTiim-n. for f-.milv :i f.m.ily l t' Jl ( tui.lriTI :i:i :,i,li J pli-(i.r wnmil-i, i,t Mv w if.' niiairi'-(l tp-r unkie t iipfl,. 'I fh:il.li'.l li. r li, i," ii It W f ll!. ln.nl.l-; til-- H'HHl'l I. Ill, B'-V' Ml till,' iijiMin, :w)d rli' uiiiatiauj.' It work like magic, relieving Lumbago, Rheumatism, Sprain and Brime. No rubbing jmt lay it on. Price25c. AUdealer. Send four centt in tamp for TRIAL BOTTLE. Sent to any addreu in the U. S. I DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc. ton. it till, in mil mmamammm nmim "s.'4ML'4 KM K.'l,r iwua-MWHMHMtH . . . IN That little i-hiekcii h 11 ghit- peek lit -A'.f llllH' I H r - What's yo Zealous llillnu; in ir religion ': o'rruit YY iiirml what are von shoit ol? K iik .'1 is .limes I' IliM'ker Ids u mils i gracefully YVhat sort uf a man Well, HI the be could eoli ami ii I'iit it IVckhain -- Sy wife talks, talks, talks all tho lime. i I'liilei'thum-You're mistak en. She must listen part of the I ime or tnv wife wouldn't be wil li Iter so much. Marry I left Hide's parents are very part i'-idar about her moral education. I tan irt In what way ? Marry In every way. In school last week thev wanted the teacher to excuse her from improper fractions. it ': 'No man is as well known as he thinks he is," says Caruso. "I was motoring on Long Island recently. My car broke down, and while the ehaull'etir was re pairing it 1 entered a farmhouse to got warm. "The farmer and 1 chatted in the kitchen before the wood stove, and when he asked my name 1 told him modestly that it was Caruso, t that he threw up bis hands "Caruso '." h e exclaimed, "Kullillsoll Calllso. llie iM-eot traveler : Little ilnl 1 expect ever to see a man liko yer in this here bumble kitchen. .i A little boy began to keep a diary, ami bis tirst entry was: "Hot up this morning at 7 o'clock," He showed the entry to his mother, who said reprovingly: "Have you been to school? '( lot up' indeed '. Such an ex pression: Does the sun get up? No, it rises! ' and seratehad out "Hot up at seven" and wrote "Rose at seven" in its place. That night the boy, before retiring, completed tho entry for the day with tho sentence: "Set at ei(jbt o'clock." Catch Cold-Then Follows Coughsold Stiff Neck Neuralgia F.-'pceiiilly ill the piercing pain of neuralgia or the dull throb of he.'ti;.i lie is Sloan's Liniment wonderfully telii'vimr. Laid pain H felt, it pives at once a that is uut welcome to the Other. Say! liU'-lnr,.! In rtfuralnifi vrry l .if it - Mrs. V. J. Broun, ir i ntvl wmitl not Ijo without li-'-'l it fi.rt roup hikI all luug iblr'n Imvt.' a (in-nt ninny, it i't fiinl it wits in bad shape. v r in u wi ' k. I bftv" uM it ,,,i. ( ,. HTi l l,:ii lii.')i I lu-l -'in - i-.,'.. ;i. Juitii , K.ti.bv. H, h.vukuk.lwi. Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa. OTIC fcD Slate of Ninth ( arolina. Halifax I ounly 1 11 the Supei ior Court. lieliile the Clerk. I' l.iu'iiv Ailiniiii-tratiirol'lhe estate id Ueloison 1'iekens. liecensed M. I .uuisa Smith, et al. Pursuant to an older entered in the alum' etituli d euue lv the Clerk of the siiju'tiiii i mitt of liaiifax County on the Ilii il.iy ol l.eceinher, lull, the un lit !igneil Commissioner will sell at the imioi linii-e ilmir iu the town of Halifax Y i . on Hie lirst Monday in Pebruary, 1915, at twe.M-i t:iin liact cluck M., for cash, that cer- pauvl ol land iyinif.Mtuate mid In iti in tlie Ci.untv of Halifax, t.i;r nl VhUi l aioiina and in butter uiio.l tnnniiiiii. liimi.ili-il on the north i. Hie lau l- ol lo'Lcrca, Martha and Aiiiii' I ickeui, on the Y.Aftt by the lands til Kebeeea, Maltha and Anire Iiickens, on the Miulli by the lands of II. P. Phelps, and on the W est bv the lands nl the estate of l aton .lolinson, con taining titty iieics. more or less. ,i. li. 1. 1 CAs, Commissioner. A Delightful Profession for Young Women iiilke is no occupation X 'or a young women that is more pleasant or con Kenial, more suited to her ability and nature, none that can give her more personal satislaciion, and if she be a thoroughly trained professional none that offers binEcr rewards than that of music teaching. The supply of competent teachers of piano must: is far short of the de mand. 1 las your daughter ever given this matter a thought; have you ever spoken to her aboui (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a STIEFP PIANO ai once, get her started on the road to success and fame, the sooner she starts the better. (flus . tirtf, I.EONC. STI-KLE, Mgr. No. '.':!! (itanby st,,Noilolk, Ya. HE KNOW THE BUSINESS No tinkering with your valuable timepiece. WE (HIAKANTnn OUR WORK Let our expert repair man ex amine your watch or clock. He will tell you what is needed and what the cost will be. When your watch has been re paired by us, you can depend upon it every time to catch a train or meet an engagement. -J. II. WALLER Yvianox, s. c. S. A. L. Watch Inspeetor, Next door to Zolhcollet's Drug Store, mar IS ly. tflW NO MATTER T J