w&Msmc&mmi-... 'nflr hub ESTABLISHED IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum VOL. WAX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DKCKMI.KK HI, 1. NO. 35 -A n 10k' .fij'W 1 For Infants and Children. -M.'Oilol. JPKKCkNl'! Aogpinltle Prrparatlnn tAi- slmil.iiliiiilKFuid,Mil!nHiia Promolcs DislionfliffiM ncss and Resifontains nplttir' Opium.Morphinc norMiacraL aoTNAnconc. jittfi irMiusiittnmm HimSrri- Ancrfrc! Remedy forCcmsflM tlon . Sour Siomarii.DlarrlHica VVorrasfoimilsioiu.rpvtrisli mess and LOSS OFSluk FuSiraile Sigiiamre of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrappv. 1 i Ta m i a THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDON", X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Vt'eldon Depository. Capital and Snrplns, $55,000. For over Ji years this institution has prnvidnl 1:inkinr facilities for this section. Its'stnekholders and ullici is are identified villi the busi ness interests of Halifax ami Nnrtlianpton counties. A Having Pepartment in maintained tor tlx- benefit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings I'.auk. In tins Ivpuitim nt interest is allowed as follow: For Deposits allowed toremaiu three immt or lunger, 2 per cent. Six months or lonirer, It per cent, Twelve months or longer. 4 percent, Any information will he furnished mi application to the I'leHideiitniCashiei PRBHlDBNT : W. K. DANIKL, Vll K l'HKSMlKNT: W. II. rM I III. L. C. WiWKU.Tell DIKECTOUS W. K. ,mith, W. I) K. T. I'auiel, ,!.!.. Shepherd, W. A. MANlTACTl'liKIW OF Buijding Materia! for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOItDKK AND HF.Iin.AK SI'cHK SlKS. Good Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL. Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, N. C. Practice in the courts of Halifax aua Northampton and in the Supreme aim Federal courts. 'ollectionH malf in nil parts of North (,'arolina. Ilraneli olhce at Halifax open everv Monday ELLIOTT B. CLARK. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, Nf. P Bactr im in the coutU of Halifax aud adjoiuiuK countiL's and in the u preiue court of the State. Speciul alien. tiuu given to collections and prompt re turns, "'"'y W . J WAti, DKNTIST, OFFIC E IN DANIEL lU lLl'INU WELDON. N.C, lepl2 ly A. 1. SCH1SIXK. CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveying Specialty." Phone All . N. F.MIDKI A, VA. Constipation Is tm W 4mM. U If it llfia. F..r, pdi..il. til, auii4sb, r-j.o..j t.i" .-br ! -ib.r lioakl. tellaw. Dm'i lt CoMtivalioa K Tout (idun. l.l.r " l..ll .,iln. RI4 r trMB 4 (... rd. .H? J'. Nalkto k-HU Ikaa Dr. King's NewLifePUls AO Drnf lists 2S ool ATtCVACTlUN 0 MONHY Ct The Kind You Have Always Bought Eears the Signature of For Over Thirty Years CAST IE t aniiikk: .1. . IW.KK, Hamel. .1. O. linke. W. M. Cohen. I'leree. 1. It. Zulhcullci, .1 . W. Sledge 3E GREAT BARGAINS IN TVPEWITERRS. We carry a lartte stock of standard Typewnti-rK. fan furnish at once Mon arch, Fox, Oliver, Heminiftou, Hoyal, Smith I'reinicl, I.. ('. Snillh rt lira 's and I'uilerwood. Any other make from Mn 1.1 dam' notice We have Imth the vihiI.Ic and the invisible. We liounlil a l..,.. li..L- ,.rth,.si Tvot'w nters from one-Uiurth to oiie-halfllie regular whole sale price, ami on sale now aione-iourin t,i one liall the rctrular retail prices A :oo. Tvptnvntcr from ?.sl to $1V A better cine $17 .'si to j .'id. The best Irom jail up to uuy pi ice. in e iriaii .....r .,, ,ii,iru i ... ,ft llc't I, 111 with these machines, and send samples of the work d"Ue bv any of the Type wnteis we have l-.very hoy ami !ir shouM have one ol our cheap Typewri ter to leant how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can .1 I a la, .... i,li. ,,VIII,M tt'lin buy a cheap typewriter from ns and ants a helter one laier, we win uir back the one bomhl and allow theamc paid fur it hi exchange for a better one, il reiuineti in goon eononiou ami wnnni six month. It not in good condition i .Urn ll. , ni,iiLl vulue We earl v Tvne writer ribbons aud other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WF.I.DON. N t SPECIAL TO WOMEN The moat economical, clcanalng and germicidal ol all antiseptic la A aoluble Antueptic Powder to his diuolved in water u needed. As a medicinal antlaeptlc for doucho In treating catarrh, Inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that ea, inert bv feminine Ills It has no equal For ten year the Lydla K. Plnkham Mediclue Co. has recommended Paxtlne In their private correspondence wnn women, which prove Ita auperlorlty. Women who have been cured Bay it Is "worth Ita weight In gold." At druggist. 60c large box. or by mall. The Paxtoa Toilet Co, Joatun, Ha. AW tF in (ef- Use CopyrUht. 1914, by American Press Association TTHE village snow; The stockings hang upon the line, The little ones by yours and mine, And in the firelight flickering here It almost seems small hands appear. MAUsWU itsMka-U saiiJ7 i tiir QH, little feet that passed unshod Up the long way that leads to God, Your empty stocking of pink wool My restless hands have crowded full. I could not let the night go by; Tomorrow, husband, you and I The useless, idle gifts will take Somewhere and give JJER little hands, they were so free Plenty for Bettnie and for me. Almost I hear her cheery voice As she lets Bennie take his choice Of the small gifts and sweetmeats we Had handed from her Christmas tree. Wit How It is Art entrance! Let us swing the door; Bid a child welcome here once more, fair his face, how blue his eyes! the Christ Child in disguise! And sings the pretty Christ Child song She sang to me one whole hour long In our own warm fire's light last year. And so, you see, tonight I'm here Because the matron said that you Needed a merry Christmas too.' 0H child, close Your Cold Is Dangerous Break ; It Up Now. ! A Cold Is readily catching. A run down system i susceptible to (lerms. You owe it to yourself and to uthcis of your household to light Uie (.enns at once. Dr. Hell' Fine Tar Hooey i line for (.'olds aud Coughs. It loosens the Mucous, stops the Cough and soothes the Lungs. It' guaranteed. Only2ro. at your druggist. lights are all aglow j The Christmas chimes ring o'er the them for her sake. TUTHERIA, our wee snow white lamb! Hark to that knocking ! Dear, I am So wrought with longings and with fears, It seems a child voice strikes my ears. It is a child voice! "Let me in!" What if the Christ Child's feet should win "pLEASE, I am Luther, from the home. The matron said that I should come To wish you merry Christmastide And, maybe, some sweet wish beside, Because my mother last year hung Candies for me green boughs among, But this year in God's heaven she Holds some child there upon her knee come here! The door shall ! Your mother's breast my darling knows, And mine shall take you, child, tonight, While down from heaven a ray of light Falls on us both, a ray divine, Linking your mother's love with mine. Bui women with the weeping habit can I keep their powder dry. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Us For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of lip t.t'-An A LETTER FROM SANTA CLAUS. To the Editor of Thii Paper: Sir Won't somebody pleat stop the rumor that is fast gain ing ground? Not only grown ups, but nearly every boy and girl, on being questioned will promptly say with a nice little shake of the head, "There is no Santa Claus." Now, this is pretty hard on a fellow who has been "on the job hundreds of years. I am going to ask a favor of my still faithful folio were, wher ever they may be. hopiofl that some time I will be able to serve them once more. This it what they are to do: Send one pree ent, say, to some one without having their names appear. Imagine the surprise and delight and guesses as to who might have sent it. The receiver may exclaim, "It must have com from Santy,' or, more probably, he or she will radiate smilee to every one, seeing in each friend and relative a possible sender. This will warm the heart of SANTA CLAUS. The North Pole, December, 1914. .aaa.aaaa. TTTTTTTT'I TTTTTT i The Birds' Yulet.de Gift. ' The nihsiuiii ftvdiiij: of ttie hlnlt la previilent lit lumiy of tlio proviDee ' lif Nnrwuy nnd Sweden. Itnin'he uf ; uut-H nre pl.ired mi the timf uf house, ou trees nnd (Viiee. t'r ile-ui to feed upon, livery peer intin nnd every heud ; f a family fines n penny or two lo j buy a hum h of oats for (lie hlrd lu i Imvp their ( 'hrlrttiiifu II is a henntlf'il . euxl'Uii mid one I'm, iinulit Hell In : ndoptet) In oilier countries Christmas on tha Ocean. Notlcts nr posted In the first class couipiiuiouwiijs of the Atlantic liners thnt the stewardesses have tmdresseil dulls lu Ihelr eluirj;e for distribution unionn the poor ehihln n of London nt t'liri-IiiKis. 1'iisseimeiH are Invited lt dres (lie dolls on the voyage, iiud tli.' m:iterliili e:iu he pur ln.set! on liuiinl. Both men and women are pla gued with curiosity. But men are unable to keep theirs under cover. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Some people talk so much thai hey have no lime to think. AT THE DOOR OF SANTA'S HOUSE (77 w a. You didn't know that Santa had At home a little pet? He uro!y has that's how lie knowi What girlie' things to get! And he was once a boy himself, And very fond of toys, So he remembers what he liked And what will please the boys. CHARLES N. LURIL Fortunate is the man who can see the finish of his enemies. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A An epicure says ihat a !oi of di vorces come oui of the frying pan. Beware of the man who grins 'i en he gets angry. i s VJ' -if CHRISTMAS EVERYWHERE. Everywhere, everywhere, Christ mas tonightl Christmas in lands of the fir tree and pine, Christmas m lands of the palm tree and vine, Christmas where snow peaks stand solemn and white, Christmas where cornfields lie tunny and bright Lverywhere, everywhere, Christ mas tonight! Christmas where children are hopeful and gay, Christmas where old men are patient and gray, Christmas where peace, like a dove in its flight, Broods o'er brave men in the thick of the .ght Everywhere, everywhere, Christ' For t te i-hr; Child who comes is, the Master of all, No pi!-Ke tea rriat and no cot tage tea kinwil. The 3 nqrls who welcome him mo from the height, "In the city of Dviri, a king in h s ought." Evei v w hfe. everywhere, Christ ma tonight! Then lei evur heort keep ita Chrit-nt v., thin. Christ'- u-ty t?r vorrow, Christ's hatred of soi. C irist c.irc for the weakeet, ChnsVc 1,011' riye (or right, Christ (head of the darkness, Chnr.'.'s love of the hflht E"ryv.here, everywhere, Christ- mii tonight! So the stars of the midnight which compass us round Shall see a stranqe glory and hear a sweet sound And cry: "Look, the earth ie aflame with delight, O tons of the mormng, rejoice at the sight!" Everywhere, everywhere, Christ mas tonightl Rev. Phillips Brooks. A HOLD UP. Parson Johnson De contribu tion dis morning will be fo' de pur pose ob making up de deficit in yo' pastor's salary? De choir will now sing and will continue to sing until de full amount am collectedPuck. fl'npvi iulit. 1911, by American Tres Asso (Nation. YOU mint grandma to tell you a Chrlslii'Hs Btoryi Well, the only one thnt comes to my mind Just now happened a long time iiko. when 1 was nbout ub old a Dorothy Is now. We hnd been (iiivlnj; such a big dayl All of our relatives hnd been there to dinner, nnd us there were lots of little cousin we certainly did play. We hud two big turkeys for dinner, mid our imimuia let lis eat Just all wo wanted Well, the aunts, uncles and cousins went invny lute In the afternoon, and iiiiiiiiinn whs so tired that papa sug Ki sti d that she KO to bod and that bo ii n. I sister nnd 1 find our supper for ourselves in the kitchen. So we did. Much ns ue hud enten at noon, wo were hungry again and asked pnpa to let u s "ii, l." one of the turkey. The CAt'OllT IV TUB TL'TtUCT'S ftKELXTOV. wind's find U-p. ami most of the while) meat h.-ul already heeit cut off, but we) found I ts of l'u''I meat on It just th same. lien we were through therej was iinthiii hut the hones left on the platler. so n-e teft U on the kitchen tahle nnd scampered off to hed. Ahout miflniKht I was awakened by a eni!!;ir noise. My little sister Lollf aud I slept In our own little room off the ilimiif; room. To net to papa's aod iiKiunna'v room we had to go through, the tHnii'K room mid altllug room. Well, as s:ii,t, I heard n queer noise, and I IhteiHHl. tin heart thumping furl-ou-ly ;i I d:d s- There wan some one out in the kiteheti It limit surely he n burglar. I eonld hear the sort step. step, and 1 tell yon I was so frightened 1 could hard'y mote. I must tet papa know. Hut liowV if I railed 1 would scartt the hitrprhtr, and he mik'lit come hi after me at least, so I thought. 1 finally deciilcd to rover up my head and just w ail. Then 1 rememhered that that very day I had heard papa, tell Vin le Ned Hut I was the hravest child he ever saw. That settled It! You never i ould itest how uoi h bravery II look for me to get out of bed nirefnU without making any noise anil dip a Inn;: slowly t tin m,; ti the dark riHuns without humphig any thing till I reached my papa's tied. He took the revolver which he ul ways kept under his pillow, tit id, while he started noMeltHsy for the kitchen. I crawled in with mamma. I was shakliiK with flight. I'apti. holding the co ked revolver In front of him, silently walked out aud luddenly opened the kitchen door "Who's here?' he asked. Not an answer came. lit) lit a match, nnd gueati whnt he found? Little Pooky, our Maltese bit ty, with her head and front feet fast inside the turkey ske'utoti. She had been pushing It around on the floor trying to get out ami had made the noise we hnd heard. We had fonrot- ten to put her In her lied down cellar. QUITE DIFFERENT. Friend I've noticed Cults, the tailor, going up to your studio every day for a week. Is he sit ting for you? Artist No, he's laying for me. Boston Transcript. CHIIdron Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S ca8t;o R I A