i I I ". i .. V 1 THE ROANOKE NEWS, Thursday, Dhc. 24, 1914. Published Livery Thursday. NlKltKU AT 1'H.lltin-U K M Mhll'.'N Kl tlK I A" U W I Kit KM IS UlSl'BSl.Kll'IlnMN H.MI One Year, (lijr mail) p:Uiiiil, $t '' Six Months, " . A wt't'kly I'fMiiK'iatif jfiuiKil t!fulfl to the material, nhK'alumal, poluii-al , inl agricultural iiiUrt"t ol Halifax ami 1 durroiiuditiK'L'Ouiitii.'.. Ailvci tc-injf ratew ivuoualU' ain! fur Disht'd on applioatiu. CHKiSTMAS 1914. Nigh uino 10 iIuhi.s.iikI year Ikivc pt-'J miicc, after night lud settled down on the lulls of JuJcj, w here near llie liule town ot Beth lehein a small number of shep herds watched their (lucks till the morning hours, suddenly a great light shone about them and out ut the silence came the voice of an angelic messenger, saying, "Be hold I bring you glad tidings nl great joy, which shall be to all people;" and then arose the glad refrain, "Glory to God in the high est, Peace on earth, good will to ward men." This proclaimed the first Christ mas morning and gave the key note of God's purpose in sending His Son to the earth for man's re demption, and to bring peace and good will. And now alter centu ries have passed it seems that the work of all these years has been for naught. For, argue as we will, explain as w e may, one ugly fact is present, six great nations of the Christian w orld are at war and the clearest minds have stood befogged and bewildered at the sudden transformation of a Christian w orld into a state of barbarity unknown even in the darkest ages. It is not strange that we ques tion. It is all a vast riddle and the mind reels in contemplation of it. But then while we cmnot grasp its meaning we remember that "God moves in a mys'erious way His wonders to perform." The tools that He uses for tin accomplishment of His purpose are often strange and hard to un derstand. Nevertheless one fact remains; "God's in His heaven" All's right with the world." It may tax one's faith to be lieve it. That is human. Bui the fact remains a fact. To the tia tions at war this w ill be a dark Christmas; no doubt of that. Bui one has said that centuries ago there was also a dark moment on Calvary and as out of that moment came the Divine Light o out of this dark moment will also come the Divine light, and Christinas this year should spell for us a quiet patience and a strong hold on thai faith that is true and unfailing and invariably leads to that light. To us, who are removed from the clash of arms and all the suf fering that war begets, should come the desire to help in every way possible and to give of our means to alleviate the sufferings that war has brought. Dr. Van Dyke reminds us in his little book on Christmas that there is a difference between observing Christmas and keeping it, and that to keep it one must have the spirit of Christ and an unselfish interest in the happiness of others. This w ill bring a deeper and fuller un derstanding of w hat it means to show love tor others for Jesus' sake. Let us all remember that what the world most needs is sympathy and love. That thousands are looking in vain tor a cheering word, a helping hand, let us no' withhold w hat means so much to others but costs us little except the one idea of putting ourselves into every act. j While the depression in business is keenly fell, the l.ik of a ru.ly market to: mil ptoduce has V.(.,..J a halt in extravagant desires j-j expenditures, still hive inuJi to make us happy and gl.id. Wc have our homes and little ones and us this is truly a children's fesm ,i they should have "the right r-.fi way" for at no other time in the ' year do they occupy mi prominent i a place in the iuiM.iiio u iiuu,diid 1 no lime brings such joy as the Christmas season. Indeed, the whole of Christmas centers around the love of a mother lor her babe, centuries have roll d by; dyn isties have risen and fallen; conquerors have waxed and waned but none of these have stilled that cradle song in the quiet of me Judean starlight, and there is a chord of sympathy connecting that nioiher at Bethlehem with ine heart of every muiher of today, and we re member the promise that "a little child shall lead them" so.while we deplore the distress and sorrow brought on by the war now being waged, let us hope that tne ange s song will reach even the hardest heart and that peace and good will may soon reign in every quar ter of the earth. Ol T of every hundred men who say they do not fear a demist five have perfect teeth and 95 are liars, j Dfnmakk and North Carolina have itist about the same popula-' turn. I'.ut 111 Denmark only 370 country JulJi'ei! were out ot school in 1910, In North Carolina, the number' ot children out of school was 22 1 ,- 1 000. At' present we have in North j Carolina, upon an average, only j 20 sheep, 23 cattle, and 48 hogs j per thousand acres I ; And our uncultivated, wilderness area is twenty-two million acres! Col. Mulberry Sellers once said: 1 I'vcryone knows there ain't no money in calmness and solitude. Ai 'i 'DKiiiVj to church affiliation tlx smJent body of the I'mversuy i f i 1I1 Carolina tins year is as lollows Presbyterian 1 55, Baptisi 1 !. Lpiscopal 1 1 ti, Methodist .", Christian 23, Hebrew 15, t.atholicii, (Trends t.i, Moravian (i, I ' n; vers.ihst 3, German Reformed 3, Lunarian I, Adventist 1, Holi ness 1, Armenian 1, Congrega ; tionl.ust 1 , and All Saints 1 . That the sale of the Cape Lear , and Yadkin Valley Railroad w as in ; violation of the decree of the cir- : cuit court of the United States and also in violation of the Sherman j anti-trust law, is the opinion of At torney-General Dickon, of North Carolina, rased upon the report of the investigation made by the North Carolina Corporation Commission : in pursuance of a resolution adopt ed by the last Legislature, and the , Attorney-General lias presented! the 111 liter to 1 1, m. Thomas Wat sun Gregory, Attorney-General of the Luited Si nes, and urges him : to institute appropriate proceedings I 10 have the sale of the road set 1 aside. teacher7d1patrons. l)r Harrison, County Superin tendent, Says There Should Be Co-Operation. In answer to the recent request to the County Superintendents to send in, for the Lniversity News Letter, an account ot work, Dr. A S. Harrison, of Lnlieid, sends the following interesting communica tion. The greatest obstacle to progress in the schools of Halifax county is lack of contact and co-operation between teacher and patrons As an example, in one ot our one teacher schools, the teacher is w ell trained, has h id sever.il years ex , penence. and is n..w leaching for j t:ie second nine n the s.nne com I iiiain; svc-llcJ to be w ill satisfied On a tt to tins sshool, 1 louud the enrollment so poor that 1 began to make inquiry and incidentally learned from the teacher that she knew very tew of the parents, had never visited any of their homes and had never held meetings ot her patrons. Soon afterward, I sent the As sistant Superintendent into tins community. She visited practical 'y all of the homes and planned for a patrons' meeting. The teach er stated most positively that the patrons w ould not come out; but to her surprise, every home was represented at the meeting. All had a good social time and discuss ed school problems freely. When the meeting adjourned the teacher and the pitrons felt that they really knew e.ich uther for tlietirst time. As .1 result of tins meeting a 1 patrons' club was organized and I since held meetings monthly. Funds j were suNcnbid tor a school sup 1 per which was g'ven for the bene , fit of the Sshool. j As 1 direct result of this meeting j the enrollment in this school has j greatly increased and the average j daily attendance is much better, j Aiiogeiher there is a finer spirit in , :ie sonmiuuiiy. Instead ot pas sive y accepting the school as so'iu-hiiig given by the State and c hi.iiv, me tv.iple are now active ly seeking to co operate Willi the :e uiier i:i making improvements. Some old bachelors forsake the simple lite and gel married. lie an optonnst and save up a ' little sunshine for a cloudy day. i tm m-ff "'starrh in this atctioa of Hip cuuutry tlmu all olhrr iJikcam'h pul ti'iP'Oirr. uii-l until tlit) tatt T-w i y.-ais wiih tuioftr,t lu l,p incuratile. For .t kfieat inaiiy yt-aiH doptorH pronounced it local distant- auit pit-.Hi'i ilifd lural irin piIiph, and liy poiiKiautly laihntf lo curp aiu. ltcal tn-alnieul, pionounc'pd it iu. puralilp. plpnce haa proven catarrh to tie a constitutional disease, aud there IV ae rei)unes couatitutional ticatment. Hull's (.atunh l ure, manufactured hy F. J. t'lirney ,V (. 0., Toledo, Ohio, iti the only CouHtitutioiial cure ou tlie market, it is taken internally, it acta directly on the Mood and mucous surl'acca of tlie system. They oiler tine Hundred Dolluis for any ease it lads lo cure. V. J. I'llli.NKV A CO., Toledo, Otiio. Testimonials sent free, l'riee 7a cents per holtle. Sold tiy all diuyists. Tae Hall's t'ainily 1'ill'a lurConstipa i in Ailv. WELD0 33 YEARS AGO. From 1 tie Wtcimike News. Ie.em hcr 2-1, IS.SI. Married, on the 7th instant at Brinkleyville, Mr. Lrauk Dunn, 1 of New York to M.ss Ida, daugh ter of Mr. Sw am Norman Scotland Neck is to have an op- j era house. The building is being j erected by John C. human. ' V - I Mr. T. H. Mason, of Northamp ton county, was severely cut and injured by a negro named John Jones, while endeavoring to pre vent a fight between Jones and another negro.Jones drew a knife, stabbed Mr. Mason in the side and then tied. The follow ing officers of the Le gion of Honor have been elected U'r lite ctiMimc car: Commander- U O I Iwardv We C.MiiniaiKier B. !'. Sledge Set ciai' B. T. Simmons. CalleciiT - L. Claik. Treasurer - J. L. Bass. Chapl.un--J. W. Moore. Guide Wm. Dickens. Warden A. Mabry. Secretary 1 1. Y. Harris. Trustees- k (V Ldwards, S TrueNood, T. L. Anderson. Miss Agnes, daughter of Mr. I:. H. Whitaker, was married at NX'hitaker's Chapel Wednesday, to Mr. Ld Wills, Rev. Mr. Wills, of BnnUcyuIle, father of the groom, officiating. GREAT WHEAT AREA PREDICTED. World's Acreage of Sowings lor 1015 Largest Ever Know n, Says l:xpert. The greatest wheat area 111 the world's history will be planted for the 1915 harvest as a result of the Luropean war, in the opinion of Charles M. D.iugherty.staiistical expert of the Department ot Agri culture at Washington. In a repot' made public Mr. Daugherty says: "As a result of the war in Lu I'npe, a world-w ide tendency exists lo increase the acreage in wheat. Doubtless the most extensive area in the history of the world will be seeded during the present autumn and coining spring A prospective heavy demand for this important food grain by the importing coun tries ol Western Lurope is likely, if seeding conditions favor, to give extraordinary stimulus io sow ings ol bi til winter ,uid spring varieties in the two great exporting coun tries of North America and to those sowings now being finished under auspicious circumstances in British India "In the Southern hemisphere seeding was completed belore t he war began, and the cited of pres ent economic conditions upon ex tension ot areas there ill be m.ri tfest oniy in the spring and sum iner of mi 5 "In Lurope, wnere ordinarily oer halt ot the world's wheal is produced, the indications are that all .n.iilable labor resources in both neutral and ointendn'g nations, w ill be uiihed to the utmost lor getting in full or increased areas. In Italy, whose wheat acreage is ordn inly second m extent to that o! no stale in Fun excepting K'ussi.i, I .tHhUHIO acres, it is said will be added to the crop "In the contending countries ex traordinary efforts are being ex erted in autumn seeding The services ot w omen and children, men exempt from military service, refugees, prisoners ot war and sol diers temporarily relieved from the ranks are being utilized in the fields as occasion permits and re quires." A Test for Liver Complaint Mentally I'nhappy Physically Dull. Tin- liver, shiL'i;isli and inactive, first ix itself in a mental state unhappy and .MUieal. Never in there joy in 1 1 v inif. a" wlit-ii the Momaeli and Liver ate tilling their work. Keep your liver active-ami healthy Ny Uftiut! Ir. Kinif'a New I. lie 1'iltn, they empty the how els fi t iy. t.,ue up y.M.r .u.um.h, ourP y.,ur at ilniL'tfist I hie kirn Artnca salve exeelh nt for 1'ih . Sr.NArow Ovkkman has in trodueed a hill to increase the 1 appropriation for a federal building j at Wilson from $75,000 to $125. i 000. The increase is asked bc I cause of the necessity for taking care of the Federal Coun which will be established there. Prompt Action Will Stop Vour Cough Wlii'n you tlrnt catch a eold (often in dicated lip a Bneeze or courh, lireuk it up at once. The idea that it doea not matter often ieadit to Kenoim complica tion). The remedy which immediately and canity penetrates the lininir nf the thruat is the kind demanded. I'r. King's New IHscovery 8ootlien the irritation, loosen the phlegm You feel better at once. "It seemed to reach the very spot of my Cough," is one of many honest testimonials, iic. at your drug-put. An Uneasy Feeling S I M M O N S KI D 7. LIVER REGULATOR 'Till. 1VW1V It remove.; .vl i;npun;u i r U t;r..s the sti.ma.'H am' bowds el txhikuvuKMi, run 1 u'iivity oniy to iktUoI livalth. 'r.:r il f prr U v.t. k lor H,, J. 11. 7111 IN t ( )., Krd . UN-1 IVvprtclort, MR. NOAH BIGGS. Leading Hiiptist Liiymnn and l-riend ol Orphans Passes Aw ay. Hie Baptists of the State and the cause ol Christianity in general lost heavily in the death of Mr. Noah Biggs, ol Scotland Neck An excellent business man, he ac kiiniiilned a substantial tm tune and he used Ins money 111 doing good. All bciK Viileiil obiccts appealec to Mr. Biggs, but the cause ol the orphan lay neatest to Ins heart. At the Thum.is liie Baptist Orphan age tlie name ot No.ih Lliggs is name enshrined in hundreds of tin hearts of the children to whose happine-s he has ministered and i whose chance in lite he has helped S to impro e. I Mr. Biggs was the lirst man in the State to contribute the iiiona j to build a house at the Orplungc i at Tiiom.r.vii'e and lie had jusi C"inpktcd a si inKir huiivlmg at the ; L.isterii branch of the Orphanage j at Lalimg Creek. Mr. Big;;s I was a trustee of the Ot plianagi !i 0111 its found ition. As was to he expecteJ. he left to the institution a I. r;e part ol Ins estate. He haw also served on the Wake Lorest and Meredith College boards and there was no work of Christian activity that did not enlist his sym pathy. It is men like Noah Biggs that i to the worth of Christianity lu the presence of a lile devoted to unselfish effort such as his iU was, the doubter and the skeptu must needs be silent. The telig 1011 mat Noah Biggs lived w as i!k ! practical kind the genuineness ol i 'lncli cannot be successfully ehal- leliged. -News and Observer. nmm iTiwMjaa tmrnm PACT LOCAL L IDLNcL Fvtdeiice thai can be verified. Fact is w hat w e w ant. I ipiuion is not enough. Opinions differ. I lere's a Weldon bet Von ean test it. Mrs O 1 1. I luglies, Arlington Mfeet, eldon, .says: " UJ a dull pan. in my back. In the morn ing I w is so sore and still that I coald hardly bend My head ach ed, I had awful dnvy spells and dark specks floated before my e es. Fhe least cold settled on my kidneys The kidney secre nous were too frequent in passage and bothered me considerably. Friends recommended Doan's Kidney Fills so l got some at Co hen's Drug Store. They soon re lieved me, and l continued using them until I w as greatly benefitted. The backache and dizzy spells dis appeared. Doan's Kidney Pills jK) me more good than anything else I ever tried, and I had used lots of different remedies. I keep them on hand and whenever I have any trouble I use them with the best of results." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask tor a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills -the same that Mrs. Hughes had. F'OSTLR-MILBUKN CO., Pro prietors, Buffalo, N. Y. TO OUR f Ul Owing to the fact that this is the first winter that the people of Weldon have had experience with nuivi nui ns, niMI IU say to all of our custom ers that thould any de fects appear in cither the workmanship or materia! in any work that we have installed that we stand ready to remedy same without cost to the own er. We also wish to say that should you have rea son to believe that your work is not properly in siauea we asK mat you call us and we will have the Plumbing Inspector examine same and should he find same not properly installed we will remedy all trouble without cost. WELDON SHEET METAL WORKS. 1 3 If SlTUJrS? ,1 l-v ll.li sjuiiklv iu K t-O.'.M' rmcnlcri finnl, cleanses and ;.nd ivstorvs that lino Uviuu and dkvnuints that belongs , l.MgV St MO. W'llllMlil Si. I uuK, Mlourl SHIP YOUR V FURS 1.' J , hryj. and HIDES V BEN EINSTEIN iUi tiidi SUH-W-.VVjsliniilon. D. C. r j r! t,tic$t market prices paid or i uw furs, hides, melals, scrap j r .bbcr, fal, tallow, bones, clc. - i1 .tl "-.I WKI Noctunniip-'liins luirtli-tl k .rill Hiiiiic (lav tfiNxti Mr mfivrO. K. l.Tt tier l.int nln Nutumal K .uli - - -M". Wlict invited (it p''ili1 ' miff iitdiKJti. PMIJCATIDN OF SUMMUNS. M.lt.' "I Nullh r:i!i.hli;l. I l.diin i ihih; . lu i in- iipci i..r i ' nil t I in an! rid-. 11 l'.-.Uik :lllii lin-l I ulii pull v. I lie :.fik ill I'l.lim. in l.i'lmll' uf llii-n l an I all iilhi'i cir l:luts iin.l Mi is w !ii may i'hiih- in aiil al.i' 1 1 ii-i ii -i r- pailns. I'lam ti'i'li niav nils. I'!;,' 1! I'. I T;i I'.-i -I Mi i- 111-- Mai.- "f Ni'i ' i in I 'ii i! y . I 'rli ..it i.'i.i.u:i . I llalu'.i ( , -suit v "l mi ai'- li -non H, li. :. ,1 I'.' ! nl.i m l a ai ' rll.it I .nil Un- t'l.iinly lliiUM' 111 I! lit. 1 l-l Ml and hums i'i 'll'lliiSlll'.l II ii I'uiiiinaiiili'il In Miiii L. I naini I 'ii a I n i i' iiamcil ! wuiiin yuui cniiiily. tu In I'fl'i'le tl'r .IuiIl'i' ul our Mi . at a I'l'int to he held I'.n nl llalil.i, at the I'liinl ,l.:ax on tlie I .Mi Mini. lay inlay til N-plrliiliiT. lUli, In- coin plaint winch ivill he the ll.'tk ul llie Mipi'ii'ir I ouil ul said etiuiily with in ll.e liil lliii'i- days ol'tlie terin. and ii I llir Mini ili l'i iiiluiit lake iiotu-e that i it it tails In ai.fi llie sunt complaint , .wtinii thai 1 ft (ix . the I'liuntitls will ap- j ply lu tlie I'utitt liii tin- H-licI' ileiiianil nl ill tlir I'tnii Jitai lit, mid the ciisl of llie at-tioii tu he licauj J i v the I niirt. lli'iriii tail nut, unit ol' ttiin summons tuaki- dm' ii'lui ti liivtn uii.li r mv tiaiid this '.'nth dav .if Nor. i 'i I. 'I . M It.MtY, j i 'li-i k mi mt i ur ( on 1 1 ol llalita coun' v. j dai' L'-l 'Jt NOT1CB. M.4tfij Ninth ('aroliuu, H.ili!:i t tHill'.V, 111 tin .-iiJiflKii Couit. Ivo. 17, 1:H. I lie WCMhii i u ii k un-1 Tiii' l ( imipttuy, 1 he i.unk ul Wfliluti, ami all ntlnT crctl liis mill sUicklioliliTf wlio miiv conic in ;ui I iiuikc HitMiHflvcs parlie-, I'lam tin? fi.tt 1 K I 'ru'iM oni puny. hH'cmUnt I Ni.tu't if lirii-l-y i."V'n th:il liorctofitif ii Um '. ah dav tif Nttvemlicr. I'M t. the i ijinl' " Liu l. K. s. Tiavi. iui -I .1 . , iM.ik.' wwv 'hilv app'tiiitctj IJctciviMh uf ' ilif h, I,. Itiapn ( uMiaiiy itinl that on ! lit- i vt tjlv ti itirniiliei.'liHi. Haiti Uu- .t-i-lup was ina'lc pcunanciit, nil .y 't in tlie ahoi c cntitli-tl actum ; A It oli l'! lililik,' in the suin'i loi t milt 1 I H:i!;U county i Ail cicilitoi hul'lini; flainis atuin-t ,i 'I ! :. ii'!iinl air lintiv initiiicl tt pit sent tin Mime ttniy seiilii'tl tit the iin.l. Tsu'iiftl Hft'rnt'iw cither at the I. Inn lank A l iu-tOi oi thi' Lank of : W Mnii. in eliltin, N. t . on or Lel'ine ihr .;mli day I'lMannaiy. VM'i, ot tlwv nuiy ), !i;iiic.l t'rum n iatlu'ipati(in hi the ui'tN of the suiil ( uiiipanv. ill it'htitT wluci- aectnints appear on tin hooks ot the I'tuietTii aie loitHiei. lo iikiI.c ittnnoliate piiymt'iit ui iina'-ures will he taken toeoll.vt tin satue ami 1 it-port ol ?aioe ill In- ma'h to the .1 ti'lirc of the superior rmnr with rcnuc-t hi an ouh r lo cll the vauie at public aite- i turn l Hi Tur.-lav, the !Uh dav ot 1'i'inuaiv, 1 1:''., at II o'clock A M ' the uinh't- 1 wilTiietl Keen tern will t'Miiiiiiie any jtci non or )icimiiis who may tlesire to a)i- , pear hi I'jie llu ui or any pt im!) or pt-r- on whom they may uhpociia cont'ein uij the aiUii1 of sai l company Tliii the l"th -lav ot hect-miiei. I'M H. s Tia is, .1. U I'KAKK. W K HAMK1., I.'eocivcrs. I t . (.uki;n, Altuinev fol Ki'Celveiv PJ 'Jt it ' Receivers1 Sale ofValua i ble Stock of Goods In! Weldon, N. C, The unilersikfned HcceiverH tiulv ap- j ponudl uf the l( K hraper Compauy ill m II at puhlic auction in front tif the 1 stoiehoiiM' occupied hy the H. K 1'raper , t ompany, mi a-hinctoii avenue id the town ot W cldon. N t ., un j Saturday, January loth, 1915, at 1J o'clock M., the luit(c aud well se- : lectcil htock ofiiootN, W ares and Mcr. : ehandn-e hcloiiiriutr tu Hani t umpaiiT, : con-istinii of ( lotlumr, dents' Funnel,. uii: innulx. llat, shocH, Fic 1 lie store 1'ixturcn and Furniture be loiijnij; to Kaid t ompany will aln ha sold at the name time and place, sale will he in hulk. Ilelorc the date uf hale pnvate tiida tt ill he Considered. Trims id' etalc aiecadi, hut teasonahlc tenn can he made if sal m factory iie cnrity is nivf n salfs are utoct to the rotititinalion if tin court IheKeceiveri mil (fire full mli rmation an to inventory aud el imination allowed lli' Kith dav uf I ff I'M I. ' JOHN u I'KAKi:, li . TKAVlS. 2i id iveceivera. NT OTICE Of Sale ol Land. Hy virtuu of a luel of trust pxpcutpd to mi' an linsti'f ou tliu I3lli lav of lio ci'iiiiwr, IMItt, liy .lohu Hi ini'iii ami IJiial'i'lli 1 U'iniiiif lo aeotire a ilebt due to J. W. .NorthuiKtou, 1 will on tlie 22nd day of January, 101 J, at till' ili'lmt iu tlie town of l.lttli'ton, at I'.' o'ducli M., hi'II to the liiiflieKt Imlilot fur cumIi tl ; o fultowmir latiil: IteKinumg at a laihce poplar on hi'i'p Creek .lame, llrowu a corner, thence S. T'J K. ltipolf, Ui .lame llronn', corner ou t 'harle, SUaw'0 line, Itience hi, hoe N. -I K. 23 polea to .1 t'. Jeukina' corner, thence Um line X. 7'.' V. 17:1) poles to Keep ( reek. Thence up tlie creek to the be iMiniii( contaiuiiiK iij acrea more or le. l or fuller ileacription reference is here ntailc to lte(iater of lieeilRotltce Hook 2-'i'i patre li7. Tim the Itltb day of Dee. 1914 S.tt. DAN1KI., Trut, TUNTIrBt -TO- Havana, Cuba AM) K'liTl'KN. Via Key West or Tampa, Thence Steamer to Havana. Tickets on sale Janu ary 7th. limited to return January 25th, 1VI5. Children at half price. Por any detail informa tion, write to P. M. JOLLY, Traffic Agent, Wilmington, N.C. VIA Line The Standard Railway of the South." Sale of House and Lot By Trustee. I'.y v i rt nt- ot'tlie ponei of sale eontaiii nl in a rertuin ihnl ol trust ilaleil tin LNlh iluy ut .lanuary. IUI I, an.l rei'urili'ii in Hunk :.i.'. at pate ' 'I. utln'i' of llie Hi'tislt'i nf liri.N of llalilux couiitv, ilehveiiil liy 1 1 I . Ni Uoii an. I Mallie Ni'lsoll, Ills IMIV, In l;. I'milcl, i'lus tl'i1, tu sri'iiie the iinti'lili'iliit'ss Ilieirlli sit out to tlie i-; ion Ui ally t o in pan v. il.'fatilt lull lllk.' t'l-t'll ll.il'li- in :i no'tit .',1 llie siitnr an, th,- un.li tsit ln'1 I'i usti--haviiik' I'i'i n ii 'i in -I' .1 I" I'M'ii ise Hi, piiwi t ol sale I'ontiiineil in sunt iIit.I of tlusl. the uii'tt'is'i'iinl Ttu-li-e ill sell al pulilu' aui'tiou In till' liiL'In-sl Iml'li i lor fash in Iroiil ol tin- slore uf A. Allen in WCl. 1. m . t .on . TI l;iv' I'Kl KMPIiH ji. t II. m I. at I'J n i'luek! M.. the Initio inc .l.-serlii',! propertv. limit. A ivttatii liaet ui pan. I nl'lan.l lyuiL' Mtuati un. I l.riiii; in tin- town' uf Wi-I'lon. i iiuiitv oi ll.ihla, ainl Male of Ninth I aiolinii alel mole paltieulal ly ili'sfiiln ,1 as l.illuiis: lli'triiiiiuik' nl tin' SOUtlllM -t i'oiih i of Ihr Int of . I.. S'ott, mi I I in -I i .1 1 in sai.l Ion u.aii'i luiiiniik in a Moitlii ui liiiii'tiou aloio; -ill. I Mill -III . 1 1,'i't. (In in'e in al, Kasp in .In, el um at ii'ht aniili-s to saol Mm Ktiei-t 1 ui I, i l. thi-iu'e at nt'lit an-tie-to saiil la-t inriiltoui'il lit I lei'l tu tin- line uf the lot uf w. I.. Si'ott.thi'iiei' al nt'lit antles lu sunl last inentuuieil Inn' in a wi'sli'in .liii'i'tioii l,,ii I',., i in tin- pomi of lii'tuiiiiiii; un sai,i .;Ml slui't. saul lot In s south of the lot uf H I.. M'ott. aii'l fioiit-on Kim siirei, ami runs l.aek ln twei'ii paialel limn I'm feet This lot contains a ileKiral'le iliielliiuf liniisi' locnti-il in a ilrsiialilf section fur resiliences in the tmwi uf U el, km. If a salislai'tury casli payment ,s maili lerms can prnhal'ly he atiei I upuii fur tlie tialauee uf the piirelui-e inuiu y I Ins the '.'l-l ilav of Nun iiiIh-i l'l W I: lMt:t , Trustee oiiVsV OtfV' yi-i'iA Don't Throw Your Old Shoes Away Bring tlie tu to me and I will make them us good as new. L. KITTNUR, JVTg'r Washington Avenue, WIH.DON, N. C. n '.i.ii.i.i muunuunj imsaq sai BfiED That keeps the family healthy is Mounicastle's. Once used it becomes a luxury that you can't dispense with. No more dyspepsia, indiges tion, bilious aiucks.sick head ache or tired ledings ! Give it a trial if you are not already using it. Baked fresh every day. MOUNTCASTLE'S BAKERY Weldon, N. C. D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Hoimike News Office - WcUoi ,V (. Atlantic Coast ? W W W W..M.(,()IIIXt 1'IIAK.VI 3W. 1 CHKISTMAS 1914 i Headqtiarters for Holiday Goods. IT WIIi PA Y YOUTOSKK Our New All kinds of Furniture to brighten ithe home. 9x12 Druggets from $2.50 to $50 00. Desks, Automobiles, Velocipedes, Hand Cars, Sleds. Doll Carts, Doll Trunks, and lots of other things to make the little folks happy. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, and Hand Painted China, for Wedding and Christmas Gifts. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C Why Spend All You Earn? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, " l akes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire--an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a might) good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ngs Accounts TIIEi Bank of Halifax, HAL1FAX.K C. N. I.. Stedmnn, I'resl.li lil I 0110 AND FRIENDS ! We wish them a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.. rarbcr & MUN'S AND.BOYS" OUTI ITTtRS. WEiLDON. N. C. op 11 Ij condi:nsi:.d statkmunt Bank of lintield, N. C, at the dole Resources Inland anil ilmcountii, OviTilrn, HaiikiiiK llutiHi' 1-urniture anil t'ixtuies. t ash in Vault. (.'asti aaililtie ftuui tiauku Tutal, J.Tl.tiTI I. .'.''". .-.mm 1. lam Sll,rtlN.5,"i HI.'i,tL'l7 ,V.' I, lvev Watnon, Canliirrof tlie ulmie the aliove stutenient in true to the Isrnt State of North Carolina, County of Halifax, isulwribed anil orn to tieforo me, thin oth day of Nov, 11114 C. 11. MAlTHfcWS, Notary l'ulilic. $ 1 .WIST ' II Stock of 2k T rv. w ,A il mrif P. C. (ircRory. F. H. Oregon- Vn .'.preimlelit. canliiM oxzaoi of thi: condition ofthi; Enfield, of btiMitess Oct. 31, 1914, , Liabilities I s raiilalStuet. ti ! Siirplua mi t niliviileil pnililn. III.IW 4DliTl' J,-,l,P"t ml I I nt hi in it ilisi'uuiitK hue lii-positom rsav DepiiaiU, Total, state of North Carolina, County of llalilai uanied liank. do noleninly 'r ol my kno ledge and beliel. IVEY WATSON, I'anhii'' osipo, Correct-AttPdt: HKO. li. ( CUTIS, C. E. Mi-tiWHlAN, A. 8. 1IAKK1SON, Uinetota, I - w

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