COULD SCARCELY t . I u '. r? ji w a ' A ar r . . Serviceable, Safe. THE most reliable lantern for farm use is the RAYO. It is made of the best materials, so that it is strong and durable without being heavy and awkward. It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy to light and rewick. It won't blow out, won't leak, and won't smoke. It is an expert-made lantern. Made in various styles and sizes. There is a RAYO for every requirement. At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C Richmond, Va. Norfolk. Vn. (New Jenieyl BALTIMORE UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK. OON'T STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED "Dodson's Liver Tone" Will Clean Your ; Sluggish Liver Belter Than Calomel . anil Can Nat Salivate. i Calomel make rmi siek: ymi l.i-o i day's work. I '.il "ii t-l is ti'.iu ksilver aiel ; it salivates-, calomel oiiures y'lir liver.! If ynu are li i i llt ; iivl l.iy, -iluiTUlil ! and nil knocked out. It vour Isnvrls ur" const ip-iti .1 unil your liea.l aeles or. stoTrt.u'h is Hour, iist. take a s;inl'ul oi harmless Dodson's l.iver Tone instead j of usin; sicken hiLr. salivating ealoniel. ! llodsoii's l.iver 'lone is real liver uiedi rine. You'll know it. net. tnornino he. ; cause you will wtke up tiviinL' line, your liver uilt he working, yur hero! ache and diine, eone. your -th';u' will 1- . atr.l !'.., U ' .. will feel like work our. ,. 1. ei ,- fill : full of eii r.;v. ;eor an I uin 1 1 it i. o: BROKEN MACHINEPARTS and CASTINGS WELDED WK are equipped to weld casings in irou, brass, aluminum and steel. Automobile axles and oilier patts. Do nut luiy new 'aits n lien he i,iok( ii outs may le it pancd fur much less than the cost of in-w ait and with h-s ir- i f Mm-. We carry a complete stock of Khginrs. .a mills. ( it ton i . iii. Mic tion Elevators. Presses, (.asolem- I i:l';ik -. la It i. . and i iicntl Mill Supplies. Send lot our o, coiid Land, n.acl.ii.eiy. J WE GUARANTK1; SATISFACTION. TATE MACHINERY A,D SLPPLY COMPANY, LITTLETON. V C. KEEPS YOUR FRESH 7C,SAN: 'r. Combination I'n. TTHIS Siviftly-Sceptne, Tcs.' cleans u u.: ,-. pins, Imt, raelinos, etf , in Os mates sucepini; a simple uk ! even the most ii, pa. e, a of nuniri!; and I Itnp; all hc-.nv : The Grsa: l.abur Saver ul ilie . nia;., can emu rel et troni IJroom the d.e'jrr of lU u0- di, a DunlU'y is the Pioneer ol Pneii. Has the comhination ,,f tlie l'ra um.i: (evohiiiir Brush t.-v uaii opcraic antctd. In huMnt; i at uunj I a-an, the "Dimtley" a trial in our honn H'rile todav ior lull partiiutur WELDON Ft'RNTTliRE COMPANY imniER's hoof run SOLI) WW lilt WELDON, N. C. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS S5.000. RESOURCES S300 000 C. A. Wycbi, President. K. H. Kicm, Cashier. DIRECTORS: 8. F. Patterson, V. S. Parker.i C. A. Wycue, K. .1. Hounds, 3. E. Wicker, ,T. M. Jackson, w. A. Pierce, Succeeding the First National of W eldon and the Bank of Roanoke Rapids, N C. All Bankinf, Collection and Commercial lltisiness Invited, t'. S. Depositary1 "fo (invernment Funds, Por Kstates in llanki iptcy, and Postal SavinjfB Deposits 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts -INSURANCE DEPARTMENT 'For tlie convenience ol the jrcneial pul lie, v.e haw inauituratid this depart tnent. All forms or insurance written roniptly and at lowest rates. Strnna Charlotte. N. C. Charleston, W. Vs. Chnrleston, S. C. Your ilniL'Ki-t or ilcaler sella you n oil cent hoitle of P.ison' Liver' Tom under my iiersoiial guamntiv that il will clean your slavish liver better thai ' caloiiel. it won't make. u -ivi. and you can eat anything you wnnl without Ix'llie salivated. our druoe'isl eiiarante, s that each .-;. nful will .-tart your liver, clean your howvls am: straighten ou u; by morniiig or yot ir t neui'V l-.i.k. ( hihlreii oladly take Dod-oii'- l.iver Tone bemuse it u ideas. ml U-1:n;: and doesn't gripe Ol cramp or make thctn siik. T am selline millions of Kittles ol I'- d-'Oi's l.iver Tone to l.-ode who luivt hem I tlat this pi, asant. v.T-etablo. livei CedMooe lakes jle ,laee of 1 1 11 IIC rnil oo!.' ode hotlh- on my iti'iinil guarantee. .sk votir dnn.'L'i-'t a; ! " ; i " I . j j j j -OME umatic Sziccper iunr.iiiij DL'N'TLEY Sweeper ::d at the s.ime time nirk un K Oi'I-.RAriON'. Its ease ickiv hnished. h reaches 1 eliminates the necessity rndure. omi'-E.crv home U;-t dru l.:crv an.l protection from nude Sifevporj u--tion N..zile and , and ahaoiiitt'lv iruar- r, whv not give at our expense BY . F. r.vrTKitsoN, Vicp-PresiuVnt John L. 1'irrERsoN, Viee l'reniilent John L. Patterson, C P. Pounds. J.T. Uooch. 1 L iWlE Payton Are all his children bright ? Parker No; one's level-head- i ed. Life. i Vs j Aunt You've counted up to eight nicely, dear. Bui don't you ! know what come after S ? Hlsie - Uediime. Boston Tran script. "Mr. Moneybags, w hat are go 1 ing to make of your son?" "1 can't make anything of him, i but he's got a girl who's making a monkey of htm." "Business is readjusting itself, but along new lines." "f low so ?" "A foreign noblewoman has just mirried an American millionaire." Puck. "Pa. how does architects and builders make so much money'-" "They make most of it, son, by insisting on pulling billiard rooms in houses w here nobody plays bil liards. Judge. J: S: "Do you enjoy hunting and fish ing?" "Not much," replied Mr. I-'lim-glt; "but my wife does. She puts in most of the autumn hunting a flat, and most of the w inter fishing for invitations." SLEEP AN ABSURDITY. No Reason W hy Men Should (io To Bed at All. Says l:dison I Thomas A. liJison, the world j renowned inventor, has a theory j ihat people need hide sleep. I'n , hke many theorists Mr lidison practices what he preaches and 4 ' hours of !eep oui of 24 consiiune ! for him at least, a sutricientiy long i period of rest. Here is what he J J said recently in discussing the sub- iect. "A people uJvance they arj less and satisfied with the ompar- anvely brief illumination nature has supplied in da light. "Civilization's march means the march of artificial illumination adds ti) the hours of a man's possible usefulness and interest, and be- i cause interest means happiness, i and because to the best men hap I pmess means willingness to strive. ; "l: very thing which decreases the sum total of a man's sleep in : creases the sum total of the man's ! capabilities. "There is really no reason why men should go to bed at all, and the man of the future will spend far less time in bed than the man of the past did. "As a matter of fact a very bit of architectural figuring will show that by and by humanity will have to live in double shifts, so that there may he room upon the earth for all the people. W'e are con quering the enemiea of life at a great rate. Our increase of life rate more than makes up for the de crease in birth rate. "The war in Hurope is a catas trophe, but it isn't going to change the basic facts of life. It will leave i the world as round as ever, and ! the places left vacant by the slaugh ter will be filled. "The day of life in double shifts will come in spite of war. Medi cal science will save more lives this year than war will take, no matter how terrifically murderous the war may be. "1 think (he mmter of sleeping is one of the serious things which humanity must begin to study. I never yet have come to study the case of a man who has been hurt by want of sleep. "As we have advanced in civili zation the amount of sleep which we have taken has decreased and as we further advance it further will decrease. "In the old days man went up and down with sun. A million years from now he won't go to bed at all. Really, sleep is an ab surdity, a bad habit. We can't suddenly throw off the thralldom of the habit, but we shall throw it off." TWO JOBS LOST. "There goes a man I might have married," said Gertie. "He? Why he married his stenographer!" said Mable. "1 know it," replied Gertie. "I applied for the 'same job just ten minutes after she was hired." And For Three Summers Mri. Vin cent Was Unable to Attend to Any of Her Housework. Pleasant Hill, N. C.-"l suffered for three summers," rites Mrs. Walter Vincent, of this town, "and the third and last time, was my worst. 1 had dreadful nervous headaches and prostration, and was scarcely able to walk about. Could not do any of my housework. I also had dreadh! pains in my back and sides and when one of those weak, sinking spells would come on me, I would have to give up and lie down, until it wore off. 1 was certainly in a dreadful slate of health, w hen I fin illy decided to try Cardui, the woman' i tonic, and I firmly It OE3E30I V 1'IIONK lN. ISTAliN BAUK'M Weldon, . . Full Line of CASki-TS. COFFINS and k'OlSL.-s. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FINFKAL 01 NFC TOR AND FMHALMFR. 0, Seventeen years Experience. on OCIQOE '4$ 4$ h Fall ui Crepes, Ratines, Silks, Full Line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS, SHOHS, HATS, CLOTHING, Etc. LJDIE$ WAISTS SKIRTs and many other Goods too numerous to mention, Call and see if I have what vou want. Remember The Place A. L.STAINBACK, WELDON, N. C. "The Always Busy Store." &6 ?A ?A MAM FACTl KKIls op Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAI'K 'lOOUHKH ANl UKtl I.AU STOCK SIZES, (food Materials, High Urade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. U WHEN YOU WANT IT EARLY & U (fa 8 8 rt&-' I ii j 'Phone us W, T. l'A lnCF.H, The SEABOARD AIE LIN E THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. Trains leave Weldon, Effective JAN 3, 1915. C. E. CARTEK, Ticket Ajrent. NO. 16 5:54 A. M. SEABOARD EXPRESS, Coaehes, Sleeping t arn. NO 12 SEAllOAKP MAIL, Veitihule Coaehes. Parlor Car, for Porta mouth-Norfolk, eonueetiii(r with steamship Lines for Wash 3:24 P. M. ineton. Baltimore. New York. Boston and Providence. NO. II SEAIiUAIJl) MAIL for Halciith, Charlotte, Atlanta, Birnnnir .. ,. , ham and the Sontlmest; connect at Norlina.Ralei(fh or Ham- 11:55 A. m, let with "Florida Kant Mail" No. 43, for Jiickmmvillo and Florida points; Dining Car, Sleepiufr enric throutrh sleepers to tlamlet and Birmingham. NO. 15 SEAIIOAKD KXPHESS, for lUleigh, Atlanta, Birmingham . M and the Southwest. Connects at Hamlet with No. 40 for 11.55 A. m. Wilmiutrton; with No. "1 for Columbia. Savannah, Jackson ville and Florida points; Sleeping ear Portsmouth to Charlotte; Yeatihule ('oaches, Slcepinir and Dininir Cars to all points South and Southwest. No. 19 for Huleiifh leaves l!:.)0 a m. No. 2H from Kaleiirh arrive H:4,"i p. m. Write to the unilersiirncd for rales anil time tables. C- H. KYAX, JOIIX T. WEST, General Passenger Agt., - Division Passenger Agt Norfolk, Vt. Raleigh, N.C. WALK ABOUT believe 1 would have died if 1 hadn't taken it. After I began taking Cardui, I was greatly helped, and all three bottles re lieved me entirely. 1 fattened up, and grew so much stronger in three months, I felt like an other person altogether." I Cardui is purely vegetable and gentle acting. Its ingredients have a mild, tonic effect, on the womanly constitution. Cardui makes for increased strength, improves the appetite, tones up the ner vous system, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. j Cardui has helped more than a million ! w eak women, during the past 50 years It will surely do for you, what it has done for them. Try Cardui today. 11, ; V fx: On".irooki Mrju'int Co., Iidt.' A.'.- -"V I'-p' , 1 1,ru.,-B.i. Irnn,. toi l'fnil hf '"' .' "i 4-MX ls. "II. r 1 it.inu'iit lut W um n. stm im plain rtppr. J-bS ' on Nn. n i I'iniM. .'.'.' ami .".I. ji 1 North Carolina Mearse Service Anywhere. Jj nil $k ?A ?A ?A lister Goods! $'4, ?A ?A ?A ?A ?A Your wants first Grocery Store to oren. jg for Portsmouth-Norfolk, Vestihule n u m n n m m n m m n n m n m m m m n m n A LAW FOR n BAKED ON THE PREMISES arc all the delicious kiki .-tulls that e sell, llotli j ' I a 1 1 1 uii.l funey Ihilitfs turned out in delicious and attiae tive style. Great Varieties of Pies wliich appeal to the Ameiienn man's appetite. Also fancy eakes and macioous for the ladies. Iluv of us next turns M, S. MOUNTCASTLE. Vi'l-LDON, N. C. WE FURNISH !! ( A Koyal Feust to every one ho ) ( huy their irroceiies at our store. ) ( All the seasonal'le .lehcacies are ) ( found in our store the year ) j round. ' , CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS ' ( CROCKERY AND TIN ) ( WARE ) Wooden and Willownare, Kte. ) V tioods delivered promptly any ) ( b here in town. I'olite elerks. ' ) ( l'hone No. Ml. ) R. M. PDRNELL, wbi.ihis, n. r. p Largest Stock in a Sontb. When in Norfolk call on us You mil lind what vou want and iret it quickly. ' lla His' no canvassers, no agent's coinniissions are ad- led to our prices. This ena .il'ie us to use liistclassinu- teuul and linish it properly:. We Pay Freight and (iuarantee Safe Arrival THE C0UPEH MARBLE WORKS. (li.'i years in husiness.) L'lil-JiW Bank NOKKol.K, VA. Utk t.r.ui:. .1 i ihI hi .miuiIi.. uitNUHl, TRAOI-M AttH , i nv iUf mill t i Miil,lrrm IMfl.-O nl M.H.-II. MiMli'l HI I II. I.i, lul ft! MIPOKT on iilH)'ulilitv I'nleiit ynh'i 1. fi. BANK RC'IMi CI. tal 4 ''t-iii- .11 t..ii.' i.'t nut I .llUUMf I rw.nka on HOW TO OBTAIN Ml -A AILL PAT I INTft, U lii.'li ni w II I'liy. Mow u-t n irt- I n r, ial.-tit I iw tkI nt)i.-r vUttitiuf itttutnuitiuik I D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWVtK. 303 Seventh St., Washing. C, Are You a Woman? I Cardui The Woman's Tonic FOB SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS F4 fjr-r j , SECURITY. Protect your home with the best policy. You may need fire insur ance but once in a life time. At that crucial moment you want the best Think of this when you insure. We write it; you need it. The best costs no more than the safest. Rowe & Stainback YOUR PROTECTION & CONVENIENCE The registration of all BIRTHS and DEATHS that occur in North Carolina is required by law. The aims of the law are: To Preserve Your Name forever. To Settle Your Rights to Property. To Safeguard Your Children's Title to Your Estate. To Provide a Means of Locating Preventable Diseases. Every Birth and Death occurring in the State after October I, 1913, must be registered with H. G. ROU E, Local Registrar of Vital Statis tics for Weldon and VC'eldon Township. SEND YOUR ORDERS EOR ALL KINDS OE PRINTING TO E. L. HAYWARD, Xeldon, N. C. Go to HARRISON'S For Autoiiiohile Kepairs ami Supplies All kinds of .Machine work dune Ma tionary , l.usolme, Marine and Steam KiiKiues, (Inns and I'lsUils. SulisfuctioD guaranteed. GOODJYEAR' Tiresand Supplies on hand for sale Shop east end of Second Street. H. W. HAIilUSON. Weldoo. N. U ROSES, Carnations, Violets and other (lowers always on hand shower Wedding ItouquetK, Handsome Moral I'esiirns, 1'almn and Kerns for home culture. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus 3 I and many other varieties ol Bulbs for fall planting either for out or indoor cul turf, ltoso hushes, Magnolias and Kr eiyreens. Write, 'phoue or teleirraph, H. STEINMETZ, Florist, Raleigh, North Carolina. 6-23-1 j McCall's Magazine aid McCall Patterns For Women Hare Mora Friandi than any other majr or ratterns. McCall is the reliahlo Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand homes. Id sides showing all the late::' desitriisnf IK Call Patterns, each issue i is l-uniful of sparkling short st"ric ' and helpful information (or womei:. 5-f Morr nd Khp la Stria br mtoceoi l,.i ..a-lili .-.Ujiin st OIHC. Ollll 0111)1 miiii I yr. Iiiclmlini my dm of llu cellJ Mctsll e.iuriii lrc. McCall Patlerni l .id all nilwra la n.l, r I i I I. ilr, i. m t:.v ..n.l iiiaiii.r loiil. V d i I. I M ,.'l ruti.n il, in my oiii.f in i' -.1. None I. rIwi itun iscc.i ll HI : :II1 J. ....T, ll; If I.I.U. rom McC ALL'S MAGAZ1. Z7 New Vorlt City 1 '-W mi Fatura Ctu-v' E. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practice" in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and ii. the Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections and prompt returns wnwi n V8E m u m n n m n m m m n N OTICE. Of Sale of Land. lly virtue of a deed of trust intent, il to me as trustee on the i:tth day ul K eeinher, l'JIS, liy John Fleming and F.lizahetli Fleming to secure a deht due to .). W. North ingtnn, 1 will on the 22nd day of January, I9IJ, at the depot in the town of Littleton, at 12 o'clock M., sell to the highest hidder for cash the follow mi: laud: llegiiiiiing at a large poplar on Deep deck .luiura Urow n's corner, theiice.S. 7- K. Hilt poles to .lames llronn's coiner on Charles Shaw's line, thence his line N. 21 K. 'Si poles to .1. C. Jenkins' corner, thenee his line N. 72 V. ITMj poles to lieep Creek. Thenee up the creek to the be ginning containing 2,j acres more or less, l or fuller description reference is here made to Kegister of Deeds ollice liook 2V page 1S7. This the llith day of Dec. 1011. S. U. DAN1K1., Trustee. -A TitAbc Marks Designs "Ml tl Copyrights Ac. An Ton Bwnillnf pkHrh and rtortpllH fjn? Itilcstif rwi-eriniii our (iniiii.ii fru hIipiIht kit iiifKiiilon ti pndblf fMi!eiitiiM. ('immiiii.,' tioi)airictlrontl.liitlB.I. HANDBOOK nn Put'iii kt-ut fts. ililft atffiDi'T Urt Hfumutf ilt'n'. PidAiifi tnken thn.uuti Muiin 3t Co. revlf tpfUU notUi, wlllitmi chwmo, la ttio Scientific Jlmcrican. A bun1ionlf IHnilrifM wfklr. I trteni citv t n lnum f tny ni a nio Itnirnkl. I nram. i ft jfur; four Bionlhi, L Bold by All newidcl.Ti. RflUNN ft Co. -Hew York Urates. Orloi, Ot r St, Wukloatoo, D. C OF fall a wixtkr MILLINERY. FANCY tiOODSand NOVELTIES, ltuttfirick'sl'atterns; R & Q. Corsets, Misses at 75c. Ladies 75e. to $1. MLi'rices will he made to suit the times. Hats and lionneti made andi trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORPKRS PROMPTLY FILLKIi, MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N.C. Wood's Seeds Wood'i Dejcriptive Cataloi for 1915 has been carefully pre parrd so m to cpa1'' 0"r I'urtni'rsand market growers to determine Intelli gently as to the nest ami most proli tahle crops w hich they can undertake to grow. The present agricultural conditions make it rery necessary to consider the question of diversified crops, and our catalog gives full information, both in regard to farm and Garden Seeds that can be planted to profit and advantage. Write for Descriptive Catalog and prices of any Crass and Clover Seeds, Seed Grain or Seed Potatoes required. Catalog mailed on request. T.W.WOOD 6 SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Vi. Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counellor-at-Lw. WELDON, N. C. Ollice in Weldon .'lank & Trust Iluildiol llusinets piompvly and faithfully at tended to. . OVER 6S YEARS' Graod Display