LfcKJ VJMC-.'J UY. CO-OPERATION 350 PEOPLE DAILY Over 3W people succumb to cm eumption every day ia the United States. Science proves that the Rerun only thrive when the svstvtu is weakened from colds or sickness, overwork, conhiiins duties or when general weakness exists. ti, twit nlivsicians noint out th.it during chaitKiuK seasons the bio .d ,h n;,.l be made rich and pure ami active by tak ing Scott's Kmulsion after meals. Thecal ; liver oil in Scott's Emulsion warms the i bodybvenrichinRtheblixsl; it peculiarly strengthens the lungs and throat, while it upbuilds the resistive forces of the KkIv ; to avoid colds and prevent consumption. If vou work indoors, tire easily, feel 1 -tiKuid or nervous, Scott's Kimilsum is the ; moststrengthcniiigfood-uiedicineknown. ( It is totally free from alcohol or any , umicfying drug Avoid substitutes. ':. m-utt Si Buwue, Illuowiielil, N. J. THE ROANOKE NEWS, Thursday, Jan. 28, 1915. Published Every Thursday. INTKliKll At I'lMllt'llllS ATWKI.UON AS SKlHNU-l'l.Ass M A 11 Kit. RAILS 0l: SlBSCkll'HUMNAllAML: One Year, (by mail) postpaid, il.M. Six Mouths, " " A weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax aud surrounding counties. Advertising rates reasonable and nitihed on application. fur- The United Djus'hters of the Cou- federacy Celchi tsled With Ap propriate l:v rcises. The Junius Darnel Chapter l!. D. C. met on Wednesday Lis! 10 eelehraie l.ee and Jaeks.m d.iy : wiili A'rs. l.ee Johnson a hostess. : The Pa-sidcni in J few words ex plained why the meeting had been ! postponed until ihis time and pro ceeded with the regular routine j of a business meeting. The Chap- j ter decided 10 send a contribution ; 10 the children's chapter of Raleigh j who wish to buy a Yictrola or ; graphophone for the Soldier's Home. This in response to an ; urgent appeal stating that there ; were about 125 of these old men, i who must spend many lonely I hours away from familiar scenes aiid faces, and when it was hoped in this way to comfort and cheer, i Mrs. II. Hatcher, of Rich mond, was present and gave some interesting points in connection with the 1'. D. C. work in that ; city. The committee, assisted by Mrs. V. T. Shaw, had arranged a very pleasing program which was as follows: Voice Selection, Mrs. R. T. Dan iel. Reading, "Aunt Jemima on the war," Miss Mary H. Sledge. Instrumental Duet, Mrs. V. A. Pieae, Miss Musgrove. Song. "Juanita," Miss Jennie Tilghrnad. These were followed by several choruses by the young ladies of ! the chapter, closing with "Dixie," and "Star Spangledilianner." The hostess served hoi tea and sandwiches and the large number I present expressed themselves as having spent a delightful hour. The visitors were Mrs. V. Li. Hatcher, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. A. S. Allen, Miss Hughes, Miss Lillie Stainback and Miss Jeannette Musgrove. Means Working Together. - By I N J;irer, lroteS'tr ot l:co nomies. Il.irviird I'nivcrsity. "Spread of cattle malady attrib uted to Congress." A Harvard professor says the average American is mannerless. JAMES Bryce says the British abhor war. So do most other civ ilized peoples. If New York is so wicked as to discourage Billy Sunday from try ing to save it, it has at least that satisfaction. The new Governor of Colorado announces that his wife will be as sistant governor. If that's all he is a lucky man. The 1914 business of the five big packing houses of Chicago was considerably greater than that of the preceding year. The "hills around Nazareth" are being fortified against attack. The Peninsula of Sinai is a source ot war bulletins. Onward, Christian soldiers ! The Greensboro man who has opened an office in Sweden in or der to sell cotton in Germany should pass for an aggressive busi ness man. BECAUSE the Legislature has ! There is no tvetry in a hre that always taken sixty days to dis- j destroys. There is no warmth ol charge its duties is no reason it ; "od ciieer in a lliing oue. should continue to do so, if it can I Only miser) and want and woe :an echo from lu. uses destroyed, s v. recked, It is not the hard work or the exposure or even the poverty of the farmer or his wife w hich makes farm life so unattractive to so many of our people. It is the lack of team work. I have never known i men and women, particularly young women, of our race to shrink from hardship if they could feel the touch of elbows and have the sense of comradeship wuh the soldier. Our boys and girl as well as the men and women of the farm should develop team work. They should get together and work together tor a common cause as the soldiers. Touch elbows with your neigh bors, aud get the sense of com radeship as soldiers do. Organize farmers' clubs, not merely for the ! ageiiis sake ot having cities rut tor niesaie of team work, for the sake of ac complishing something for the building up of the rural communi ty, for the study of the problems of your community. People sel dom get together by merely say nig "Go to it now, let us be uni ted." They are more likely to get together when they tackle a hard job which they think impor tant, and then begin working on that job. After they have been working together for a while they find that they are thinking togeth er and are developing the feeling of comradeship. We learn that run a regi: S.::!an.i Neck time for the be travelers. The Seaboard road gave Captain Drummond a handsome watch and chain as a Christinas present. Captain Drummond has been on the road 21 years and is deserved ly popular. I WFIH1M 31 7m m. ; V .. c i ..-::. r.-r AavUte a! V J ' , 1 OK HI.AKiIil'Ki i.msfc-v.:-. ). lined S- I '-- SIMMONS i l nr.il ;he 'ii.io a V' . s. .'.imri- I .r j ' larschednl,,.., the! , , , . ,v.v,v Tl i-. x . V.rvl.Pi :. si.t. I , .;;. t,rpicl liui, (i,;olion. ll'dkos otl i -V?SV ; uKt .vr::tpp;-s.ir.d ! t,,d l,H,d,i. ieorous ;tiul el . .;; V'X i'".. ,, . ' , ii,. ., i ;.. SI.M. I 1 The Se.ibiKii nuduuve Captain I ,-K'kM,1-r Kl . 'yiv t . II II IV t ll I.. . I. ' " 7 ! A' i ." ,. ,., , ,i,,. t ",;t ... t,y I . ... .'I;. fiiiN uj..;! wising i;"ioa.- hci'.lhv X' o,, j - ; I i.,..i ( ,., , ,.ii. iKm't cxi'i-ri t 1 1; :,,, .! - ' . '", i ,, on.iiin i.". ( nnthiiur t: ou. ... ,..., i..., .. It x,:v ill -lii -t -i'l rU -f'S 1 . . .".':!:,.. 'i.i..l.i'i' p'iaPt . :i,.- : .i' .in.! -c.u.d and ' .,.., I ...I .- , ! lll.llllHT. 'III'. ) t!'f '.S- - i'i Vrfc ui. .!..-. i-. s ml f.T ii.uii-.ir sj y Toilet Articles. '' i.'i:'..;t' l.-.. dV- iml e.miin mtJ TobaCCOS, IHC. I . ., ... ,.: .. .. . ' : ,m,.1i,-. hn li 1 . .lilt Z ."ui'c'.tol.s-t.. make tlx i M. 1 f. kim ..v.h-u - i::,.,i-,n, i',nt M Ii'm ii v.ilnali'i- i-iu'vi-U.p.-..: . . ' 'trnmi-- iiiioimaumi. -.J i W. H. HARRISON COMPANY, Inc. SAV A ie Kaleign (..iM.iii -M!.r..;ui ... v FTTERSBURG. VA. Z. ') ... . I ilgliinan, r. - .... -.. ' 3 1 tt W D i YOU I i xv, $ sM, -ifc tf :t Safety First mMmd ( n Wednesday a ten year old daughter of Captain J. H. More cock, while playing with her broth er at the wood pile where the boy was chortling wood, put her hand on the wood iust as the axe came down and two of her lingers were cut ot!'. A C. .ollici'ilcr, of the law firm of Hay Zollicoli'cr, left here for I lenderson w here he w ill open a w ...thee. W e regret to losi but know tiia: he will do wherever he goes. ie K.i'ei)';! e C.m Company is hauling lumber t a th; place to bml I a house for one ot it ilgliinan, dr. 1'irst' i i the slogan of the day -5. p.irtk ;.i!.;r is it more importa;:; li i i tr the Druggist wh rmtee of Safety" means 6 3i..Cw we would like to be yo;ie Fresh line of I'ttre Drugs, Medicines and 3 Norris Candies, Cigars, . W.M.COHEN, o.ir prescriptions. I'll AK'.MAt'lST PAY 1 he 1 lenderson l ly welcomes A. C'. that town. at warm- liicoll'er to THE DtMON OF WOE. Want and Poverty, By S. W. hiKlish. Fire Prevention Expert. Mow to Cure a La Orippe Coguh 't'otuii tliiit lian' I'll" .li'iiuui' tr.'UI mint, stop ati'l tlmik ' U a -mi dinl I'liiiiiimu ..iist' ti'll yiiu that it r.-lly to -irtiii a n.l l"4i U " l li'.-i' iuo ;i e la 1:1.1 f i-uuirhs ti.al wna.i'ti tl c ou.iv mill can... .'U iH. nn.l pai:. in tin1 1 11 1 1 tr y u-. i iiiott' iuu'kiy In '... v'. Il.nirv ami lit' t!.ti I" any otln'r tii-.it- Ill l .tltv v. ;l. o-i'.'l-l i-l v.n-,', v-, - l-ii-w In:.. I or i-oi:e!.-. ..!!. i-ioup aa.l .'tl.i-r . 1 . -t 1 , mll :i ttii-. ;it. i-i.'-M. Inn-.'- Lino a! l:iiu s. y.p-i i-ui; :'.m ! :i mil i-nir, p.-lo- 'Ail!; tl,: r.-i : -nit i-v i-:. 1 1 a 1; .Maine J, at th m-.'s R. J. Cochran Miss Jennie 1;. ville county. reHiene 1 !:!. Or ir iticKsioru, a. of tins place, u Davis, of (ireens Sending Money Except by Check I f I'll lJ Palmyra, at the I'. Ilyman, by I.. J. Baker and null, both of this Married, near residence of K. Rev. .. li. Mann, Miss Paine N. Sr county. JAM AKV 2S, ISS2. Rev. R. T. Vann has been called to the Baptist church at Jackson. Or Drafts is Risky and Cost ly. A Checking Account Here Means Safety,Economy rriimv divi: i Tiil'oT ri HIM m IV lllM IU., WHLDON, N. C. 1 per cent, interest on Savings Deposits. Our Stock of A Lodge of Odd Fellows has been instituted at Seaboard, North ampton county. v5ft vS --2 '-S Z St St ' iiir t'.at (iASPAKILLA FX POSITION mi: m i ns of oi k to a n. The dirterencc betw e-en die id the town is one of u:. city The the are Work is not progressing on the Scotland Neck branch road on ac count of the weather. The force is now engaged in building the ridge across Looking Glass Creek fi WLLDON e miles from Scotland Neck. ';: named belt J. Y. Bnggs, formerly of this place, but now a typo on the Dan ville 'Times, is visiting W'eldon. He is looking well and prosperous. MARDI-ORAS EXPOSITION Tampa, Florida. New Orleans, Mobile and Pensacola hv Fxcursion Tickets will be sold for the above occasions from on Feb. 9, 10. II, 1J, 13, 14 and I r at tares ow, ry tne complete the work in forty days. A.N "alarming" shortage of offi cers and men needed to man American warships for battle is re ported by Rear i.Admiral Fletcher, commander in chief of the Atlantic fleet, in a letter to the House Naval Committee. "Deliver us from another arm ed peace !" is the message that James Bryce sends to the Ameri can people through President But ler, of Columbia University. This is not the casual sentiment of a; emotional pacificist but the pro found opinion of a profound states man and historian. The Southern farmer gets up at the alarm of a Connecticut clock, buttons Chicago suspenders to De troit overalls, washes his face with Cincinnati soap in a Pennsylvania pan, sits down to a Grand Rapids table, eats Chicago meat and In diana hominy, fried in Kansas lard, cooked on a Kalamazoo range, puts a New York bridle on a Kentucky mule, fed on Iowa corn, plows a farm covered by an Ohio mortgage with a Syracuse plow. When bed lime comes he reads a chapter in a Boston Bible, says his prayers, Crawls unnVr a hlnnkri made in Sew Jersey, to be kept awake by a North Carolina dog, the only home prod uct on the place, and then wonders why he cannot make money rais ing cotton. Selected. Turn business h from savings vjnohcJ via the Hre route. And fires are the fruits of hu man and mission. I hey do not start of their own accord. They must always have a human being for a partner ! This being the case, why not cultivate a little foresight? Why not keep your premises clear of trash, of litter, of w aste and such things that are excellent fire food? X hen properly curbed and cir cumscribed, a cheering Hre is a thing that makes a most excellent se-vant, contributing greatly to the comforts of man. But to keep tire a servant requires constant and unceasing vigil. While a good servant it is a most exacting mas ter ! Are you doing your full share nward preventing fires? If you are you merit the thanks of your neighbor, livery time a house is pi uhlemi and the needs are line in the town except they not ,j great. ! The town is more important j than any private enterprise in it. I if the town does not succeed the j people who live in it cannot sue-1 eed as they ought. j What every t- n needs is a ! g; eiter spirit of co-operation, more j people who w ill unite to make i tikT town a success livery town I needs leaders. If the people of ; vN'-m and aggressive spirit could :-.ethis and would throw aside; ilieir timidity load up with patience , and go to work to develop the lat ent powers of leadership w ithin I them they would do a great thing for their town and would get a greater benefit to themselves. There is coming to our tow n a Booster Chatauqua Festival, Feb. 1,2 an J 3rd, that affords a fine opportunity for the people of our town to get together and demon strate that they can unite on a work of community uplift; and if the stronger men of our town, and the men and women who are now $100 REWAKI) $100. Tlie rvudcn ol tins p.ipi-rn il! ho plcaseil to li-aiii tlmt llit-iu is ul Ii uhi one ilu-u.l ed ilitfi-uae that scit'iice liu ht't'n al)U to cure in all its xlngm, mi.l Unit is I 11 tarili. Hall's Catarrh t urv i tlie onli positive cure now kuo 11 to the niedi Gal fraternity. Catarrh hein a connti tutional treatment. I lull's ('aluirh Cure ii taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous nut fares ul the eystein, therchy dt'titinyiutf tin foundation ol the diseam1, and (run the patient itreugth hy building up tin constitution and asmMing nature in do inijitsnoik The propnetois have to much lailh in it- curative powers that they otter One Hundred I)., liars for ani case that it fails to cure. F. J. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, Ohii Testimonials ent free. Price 75 centt per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's family Pill's for C'onstipa tlon. .Vl FOLEY KIDNEY PILK, destroyed your neighbors must occupying positions of leadership stand their full part of the fire in surance you may collect. UNITED 5, 10 25 CEM STORES IN BANKRUPTCY. Voluntary Petition in Uankrupt cy lor this Chain ol Stores In cluding the One in Weldon. ; Charlotte, Jan. 22. The United J 10 and 25 Cent Stores, Inc., i which for the past two years has been in business at Nos. 31, 33 Test Trade street, with branch stores at Gastonia, Lincolnton, X'eldon, Oxford and Henderson, iled a petition in voluntary bank ruptcy before Weteree John M. Kobinson v ednesoay. The assets on the various branch stores including the Charlotte store ire given at $1 1.OUU with liabili ties aggregating about tne same ieure. Mr. W. K. teller, ol uasionia, was appointed receiver and it is stated that he will continue die business until the assets have eieen liquidated and the creditors id. The announcement that the United 5, 10 and 25 Cent Stores, Inc., have gone into bankruptcy will not be surprising to the local rade for such a step has been im minent lor some time. It is stated that the very high rent paid on the local store and the inability to se cure enough business to justify the outlay was the principal cause of the present embarrassment. This La5e, it is understood, has four years yet to run. in smaller groups, such as the : seho'iN, churches and lodges wiir arise and unite with our strong and capable business men and prnfession.il men to make this fes tival the success it ought to be, it will advance our town more in ihrcf d iyx ilian ii will be advanced in three years without such an ef fort. Let us awake, unite and do this very thing, and by doing it learn how to do it heiier in the years that are to come. There is nothing that will pay us so well as getting together and working together for higher and greater things. According to Billy Sunday Americans are goinp h, hell in car lots." Railroad managers will be interested to learn that at least one form of transportation has not fallen oft. Keep In Oood Condition Many people suffer from indigestion and constipation and do not know it. A feeling of dullness and languidness, hitter taste in the mouth, headache, bil ious fever most of those conditions when you "arc not sick, hut don't feel right" can tie traced to sluggish bow els and torpid liver. Koley Cathartic Tablets fleanse the system, arouse the liver, banish indigestion and make you "feel good all over" light, energetic and ambitious. Sold by E CT.ARK. Y. H. Smith, in the Seaboard office here, has been appointed agent of the road at Suffolk, vice Gen. L S. Baker, resigned. J. Y. Fdw ards, a brother of H. O. Fdwards, has been appointed to fill the vacancy here caused by the promotion of Mr. Smith. Married, at the residence of Mrs. Rebecca L. Garriss, on the 17th by X J. Maddry, J. P., Miss Octavia J. Garriss to George B. Taylor, both of Northampton. l-'ive Cents Proves It A l. KNKitoi s Ci r hi:. I 'tit out this ad eneloe with ."1 cents to l-'oley V Co., t hu-ueo. III., writing your name and receive a free trial package containing : Koley's Honey and Tar Compound for i coughs, colds and croup; l-'oley Kidney fills, for kidney and bladder complaints, - backache, pains in joints. iliciiniatiMU; , and l-'olcy Cathartic Tablets, a vihole some and thoroughly cathartic try all , three for .' cents, the cost of mailing. Ndd hv K. CI.AKK. Don't Throw Your Old Shoes Away The Standard Railroad of the South. ki All kinds of Furniture to brighten the home. 9x13 Druggets from $2.50 to $50.00. Desks, Automobiles, Velocipedes, Hand Cars, Sleds. Doll Carts, Doll Trunks, and lots of other things to make the little folks happy. Sterling Silver, Cut (ilass, and Hand Painted China, for Wedding Gifts. WELDON FURNITURE CO., W'eldon, N. C Atlantic Coast Line Tampa, Florida, New Orleans, La.... Mobile, Alabama Pensacola, Florida, 2-l hi). s:ti.75. Si ,v5 Tickets will be limited, at time of purchase in khi nary Jn, but an extension oi final return limit to March 1 Mh, may re nk,..;.,t hv it.m.wiiinir ti.-Vr.-K i-riiii- to v nir.iii. m and uiiuii ... uiiuniau i y ... t . . - , , payment ol $1. K For schedules, reservations, etc , inquire k- of Atlantic Coast Line Ticket Aqents. or address y W. J. CRAKi, T. C. WI1ITI:. W Fasseueer Traitic Manager, (Jen. I 'avenger Agent. lf Wilmington, N. C. TiA' vl il vi li vli Why Spend All You Earn? Vou might get sick or hurt--be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, " l akes money to make money," you know, Vou might be visited by thieves or fire--an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ngs Accounts TPIEi Bank of Halifax, I.. Slctlman. r!i'4,iii-t HALI FAX, 1ST. C. I. C. (iregory, F. H. Urefjory Vh . rrenident. Canhicr J 1j aoExo onoc Bring them to me and I will make them as good as new. . KITTNER, M'g'r Washington Avenue, WELDON, N. C. NOTICE. .-Uiteof N oi tli Caiulinu. lhilifax (innity, In the Superior Court. nee. ir. mil. I The Wi-ldnti bank and Trust Company. ' j The bank of Wei. Ion, and all other ered I lots and stoek holders vvhe may come in ' I and make themselves parties. Plain- ! tilt's. I ! vs. 1 I The 1!. b. 1'iapei 'Company, liefendant Notice is hereby unveil that heietofoie ' on the 'J'lth day lif November. 1!M 1. tlie iiudfrsiL'ned. 1(. S. Travis and ,1. (I. i luake were dnlv appoiuled K.-aeiveis of . i the It. K. lnaperCoinpany and that on the lsl day of lieeeiiilier. 111! I. said Pe-eeiver-hip was made permanent, all by ; oi.h-is in the abovi' entitled notion TO OUR V stand same Ii- . -I ,., Mu li .. ...I !,iu UIU il of a 5c nt nit grwefrt. Diamond. M. II, inn, II A Ce 4011 N. 41 h HI., IMill. THE BREW That keeps the family healthy is Mountcastle's. Once used it becomes a luxury that you can't dispense with. No more dyspepsia, indiges tion, bilious attacks.sick head ache or tired feelings ! Give it a trial if you ore not already using it. Baked fresh every day. MOUNTfASTLE'S BAKERY ' Weldon, N. C. Owing to the fact that this is the first winter that the people of Weldon have had experience with water works, we vvbh to say to all of our custom- itt,1i;'l;l'"!::!:'"tl'u,''','lu'r rom,,ers that should any de. tii creditors hoidinif ciamn. uL-.i'inst i fects appear in either the I vii. I helendalil Ule hereby untitled to , , . pies, !!! the name duly verilie.l to tne WOrktlUIIISIlip or lllatcl ia! iin.h-rsiL'ned Keeeiveis either ut the . j Weldon bank , Trust Co. or the bank of 111 any WOfK that We have v elilon, ill v elilou, N. t ., on or tieiore intn.l !,.. the Ituth day (t .lamiary. ll'l, or they mSiaiiea llldl Wt may be bailed from a laitinpation ill rjjajy remedy tl,o n..N n(' the .:ll.l Cum nun v. J All debtors whose accounts appear on without COSt tO the OWn- i tiie books of the concern are untitled to ... . make inimediale pavment or ineaMiies er. We alSO WISI1 to S3y i will betaken to collect the same aud u t.u,,M ...... I, , ! report of same mil he made to the .Imlire """ivj juu nuit iirt- of the Superior Couir with reiiuest lot son to believe that V OUr an order to sell the same at public aue-; J tion vvork is not properly in- Du Tuesdav. the !Hli .lav ol I'cimiarv, , . pm", at it o'clock a. m . the undeV- stalled we ask that you siL'ued lieceivers will examine any per-i n mid vv ill h sou or jiersons who mav desire to ap-i"" nU V C Will llave pear before them o. any person or er-t,e Plumbing Inspector sons whom tliev niav subpoi na coucein- " ' examine same and should he find same not properly installed we will remedy all trouble without cost. WELDON SHEET METAL WORKS. -I X ly Big Reductions in Men and Boy's Clothing. W ill I ! Jiisppbn, ep II ly 1 MEN'S AND BOYS' Ol'TI ITTFRS. WELDON, N. C. I'M I. tkr the aila-irs of said compauv. Thi8 the 17th dav of 1 ceiniier I!. S. Tl.'AVIS, .1 0 liPAKE, W. Ii, HANI Kb, lieceivers. t.Kd. C. (iltKPN, AtturoeVH for Het'eivers. 12 -M lit HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL CHARLOTTE, N. C. Spring Term begins January 16. New students may enter Jan. 5, without cost. Apply (or illus trated catalogue. iiliLsL QIHARIICTAii tMV Sioouicli 5t-lrAaiisBffwislif.iljr FOR SALE CHEAP, One slightly used Pony Buggy good as new. Apply to J. L. SlIKPHERD, 12 24 6t Weldon, N. C. FOLEY KIDNLY PILLS fOR SAUACHC M?Nira AliO SUOOkl coNDKNsn ) stati;mp.nt or thk conihtion ofthe Bank of Enfield, Enfield, N. C, at the close of business Dec. 31. 1914, Liabilities Resources Loans and discounts. Overdrafts, lieveniie Stamps, Hankmtr House KurniUiie and pixlures. Cash in safe. Cash and due from hanks Total, .'.Vi. 17 - ( apital SlocL. Tli.l.H Sin plus is 1'ndivided piolitH, 5.0IHMKI I neai lied discounts I. null (ill I liin.li nds, .lanuarv 1st ll.;;il.l'-' I Cuhier'h Checks 47, Hire' I llepi" t-n jii,s;i;! !i- I otul, lin.tHm.W1 ,'iti,mi.tKl' fi'.:' (HHI. 10 '.'liO. IKI-I.MI.SI state of North Carolina. t mint v of llahfai. 1, Ivey Watson, l'n sidi nt of the ahove named Lank, do nolemnly iwcar t''' the ahove statement is true to the hest id my knoled)fe and hclief. 1VKY WATSON, 'reidcnl State of North Carolina. County of Halifax, Suhscrihed and bwoiii to hefore me, thisillh dav of Jan 1 '. ' 1 ". ' C. II. MATTIIKWS, Nota ry I'tihlic. Cortect-Atledt: til.O. 11. CCKTIsi, A. 8. IIAHRISON, 11. C. IU N N, Diraotort. I0H IMMlbOt nmpai Bim