11 II 'Wf ESTABLISHED IN KS66. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5G Per Amu m VOL. XLIX. WELDON, X. C, TIIIJKSDAV, FKHKl'AUY 4, lJHJi. NO. 41 J 81 ri mmm mmmmmmmmm The Kind You lluve Always Bought, and which lias been in use for over UO yours, lias borne the signature of has been nwdo under hi per QtXJrMjt,AJ ,0,ml ""PCrvislon sine its infitney. rucsr. Allow 1100110 to doi-ch o you in this. Alt CounforiVlls, Imitations and. " Jiust-as-good" nro but KxpiTiuuiiits i hut trllle with and eniliuitfcr tho heallh of Infants nnd Children lixpericnue against lixjicrimeut. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-' trorio, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is rieasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic "iihHtanoe. 1 ts nee is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays l everishncss. It cures Diarrlio-il and Wind Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and riatalciicy. It osshnilntes the Food, retfiilates tho (Stomach nnd Hoivels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho C Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bouglit In Use For Over 30 Years. TMf CCNTftUfl OOMMNV, Tf HURNAV STREET, NEW YORK CITY. THE BANK l)F WELDON wi:ux x. c- Organized Under the Laws o! '.he State of North Carolina, State of North C.rolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of VTeldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, For over ''l years this institutii-1 tliiB section. Itn'stoekholdors and i ues8 interests of Halifax ami Norli.a A Havings Department is 'inaitil::" to deposit in a Savings hank. In 'n follows: For Deposits allowed to remain 1 1 . mouths or longer, i per cent Twe! Anv information will he furnished, o F8BHUIBNT : W. E. DANIEL, vire-r w. u I., c. im; DIRECTOliK W. U. Smith, W. !'. 1 It. T. Daniel, .1.1.. Shepherd, W. A. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL. Attorney-at-Law, WEI. PON, S. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax una Northampton and in the supreme ami Federal courts. Collections made i .i all parts of North Carolina, liraiah i.tli.-, at Halifax open every Monday ELLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. PUACT1CK9 in the courts of Halifax ami adjoining counties and in the, mi prema court of the Slate. Special atten tion given to collections and prompt re turns. ln-Uly W. J. WAKD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL IU'ILDINU WELDON. N.C, eplS ly A.I.SCHISLER, CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveying a Specialty Phone '.'(il N. EMPORIA, VA ErmfD no maiterT" rlrWE'LLFIXIT,. WE KNOW THE BUSINESS' No tinkering withi'your valuable limepiece. WE OUARANTEE OUR WORK Let our expen repair man ex amine your watch or clock. He will tell you what is needed and what the cost will be. When your watch has been re paired by us, you can depend upon it every time to catch a train or meet an engagement. WELDON, N. C. 8. A. L. Watch Inspector. Next door to ZolheohVr'i Drug Store, mar 19 ly. Signature of lias provi.lc.l hankinir facilities for liens arc identified with tin- bum- ipton cmllities. i il for the heiietit of all who desire : I'ehailineiit intercsi is allowed as months or longer. '.' per cent. Six i montlisoi loiiu'iT. I percent. i iphcation to the I'residenloi Cashier' suiKvi: MITll. lit, Telle CASHIKK: .1. O. I I i A l , 1 mi l, ,1. 0. Drake, W. M. Cohen. I'.erce, 1). I'.. Zullicntl'cr, .1 . W. Sledge . 3 0 GREAT BARGAINS IN TVPEWITERRS. We carry a large stock o! standard Typewriters. Can furnish at once Mon arch, Fox, Oliver, lieminu'ton, Hoynl, , .Smith Premier. I.. ('. Smith I'.io.'s and I inlerwoud. Any other make from ' .ti I nlays' notice. W e have hoth the islhle and the MiMsihle. We loll!;lit a i huge stock of these Typewriters from I one-loin tli In one-half the icgulai whole i sale lirii'e, and mi sale now at one-foiiilh to one-hall the regular retail prices. A good Typewriter fiom ji.-'m to fl.". A hetter one IT.-'si to js..'.il. The hest from f:.n up to any puce. Will he tilad to answer any iniiirv in c mnection with these machines, and send samples of the work done hy any nl the type writers we have. F.vciy hoy and t:ir should have one ot inn cheap Typenri lers to leai n how to use. Any person wtio caif wnte well on a lypewiiter can demand a lame salaiy. Anyone who huys a cheap typewriter fioiii us ami wants a hellei one later, we will take hack the one houuht and allow thcsainc paid for it in exchange foi a hetter one, if returned in good condition mid within six months, li not in good condition wc allow the market value. We carry Type writer I ihhous and other supplies. SPIERS BROS U KI.I'OV. N 0 SPECIAL TO WOMEN Tho most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptics Is A ioluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. Asa medicinal antiseptic for douches In treating catarrh, lnllara.uatlon or ulceration ot noso, throat, and that caused by feminine Ills it has no equal. For ten years tho Lydla li. rinkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtine In their private correspondence with women, which proves Its superiority. Women who have heen ourod say it. Is "worth its weight in gold." At .ImirirftlH. HOC. lai'k'0 l)OX. Or by lllllll. Tho Paxton Toilet Co., boston, Mass. Coughs Kill If You Let Them. Insltad kill your Cough with DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY. It hsalt Irrltitsil Throil and Lunol. Thousands In Ut 40 ystn bsnallted by . Dr. King's New Discovery Mod.t B.ck If It Fails All DruiiuU 50 o. and $1.00 WHERE SHE DREW THE LINE. , Colored Lady Would Not Stand ! tor Any Dickering With New-j Fangled Religion. "How is your husband?" asked j Mrs. Wells of her colored wash woman. "Purely, porely, ma'am. He's hiid up with a misery in his back, hut he's mighty glad it ain't no toothache. He never could stand toothache." "Too bad!" sympathized the lady. "Did the clothes lit him that my husband sent over?" "No'm," was the regretful re ply. "No'm, they didn't. They was too big. He had to gib them to his ibrother L-'ph. He was mighty glad they fit L:ph, though." "Dear me! I'm sorry the clothes did not fit him. Has he worked any lately?' "No'm, he ain't. 'Pears like he can't get work. Says he's glad, hough, that times isgeitin' better." "Well, I declare !" said Mrs. Wells, greatly interested. "Your husband must be a regular opti mist!" "No, indeed, he ain't!" denied Aunt Matty, indignantly. "He's a Methodist, an' if he was to jine one of them new-fangled religions I'd get a divorce." PRACTICE LOVE. We learn to love by loving. It grows by love. Like everything else, it gathers strength through exercise. The more we keep at it, the easier and more natural it becomes. We can form the habit of looking at people with love, think about them with love, speak ing o( them in love, acting toward them lovingly. Our deeds will re act upon our thoughts, and our thoughts and feelings will prompt to action. So we may become steeped in love. It will radiate from us as the light from the lamp. We shall be charge with it as the battery is with electricity and, power will go out from us. So instead of crying idly, "Oh, for more love!" let us lay more stress upon the practice. If we continu ally use what we have it will in crease. Whenever you see a shadow, it means there is a light close by. True piety elevates the spirit, enables the heart and strengthens the courage. It Really Does Relieve Rheumatism. Kveiyhody who is nlllietedn ith Rheu matism iu any form should hy all means keep a hot le of Sloan's Liniment on hand. The minute you liinl pain or soreness in a joint or a muscle, bathe it with Sloan's Liniment. Do not rub it. sloau's penetrates almost immediately right the seat of pain. relieving the hot, teudcr, swollen feeling, leaving the part easy and comfortable, tlct a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for ITie. of uuy drug gist and have it in the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, l.um bairo, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money hack if not satislied. hut it does give almost instant relief. Buy a bottle todav. NOT HIS FIRST LOVE. "Am I the first girl you ever loved?" sighed the maid. "You certainly are not !" pro claimed the youth. This was not what she had been brought up to expect, so she be came really interested. "I am not?" she repeated. "You are not. You are merely the best of the bunch. Are you satisfied with thai?" Well, was she? Colds Are Often Most Serious Stop Possible Complications. The disregard of a cold has often brought many a regret The fact of Siieeiiiih', I'oughini,', or a Fever linld lie warning enough thut your system needs attention. Certainly loss of sleep is most serious. It is a warning by Nature. It is man's duty to himself to assist by doing his purl. Dr. King's New Discovery is based on a scientific analysis of Colds. .".He. at your Drug gist, ltuy a bottle today. ALWAYS TRUTHFUL. j "Does your husband ever lie to ! you?" "Never. ' , "How do you know?" ! "He tells me that I do not look 1 a day older than I did when he ! married me, and if he doesn't lie about that, I don't think he would about less important matters." CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bear the Signature of Reliable evidence is abundant that women are constantly being restored to health by Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The many testimonial letters that we are continually pub lishing in the newspapers hundreds of them are all genu ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude for the freedom from suffering that has come to these women solely through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Money could not buy nor any kind of influence obtain such recommendations; you may depend upon it that any testimonial we publish is honest and true if you have any doubt of this write to the women whose true names and addresses are always given, and loam for yourself. Read this one from Mrs. Waters: Camden, N..I. "I was sick fur two yours with nervous spells, and my kidneys wore affected. I had a doctor all the time and used a (ralvanie, battery, hut nothing did me any good. I was not able to go to lied, but spent my time on a conch or in a sleeping-chair, and soon became almost a skeleton. Finally my doctor went away for his health, and my husband, heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable (.'omiKiund and got me some. In two months I got relief and now I am like a new woman and am at my usual weight. I recommend your medicine to every one and so does my husbaud." Mrs. Tillus Waters, 5o0 Jlechanic Street, Camden, N.J. From Hanover, Penn. IIanovbii, Pa. "I was a very weak woman and suffered from bearing down pains and backache. I hud lieen married over four years and had no children. Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound proved an excellent remedy for it made me a well woman. After taking a few bottles my pains (lisiipivaied, and we now have one of the- tlnest boy baliies you ever saw." Mrs. C. A. Kiokkodk, K.F.D., lio. 5, Hanover, Pa. Now answer this question if you can. Why should a woman continue to suffer without first giving Lydia E. rinkham 's Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that it has saved many others why should it fail in your case? For SO years Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetaWo Compound has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments) does justice to herself if shedoes not try this fa mous medicine made from roots nnd lierhs, it has restored so many suffering woinentohcultli. p-"WritetoLn)IA E.IMNKHAM MEDICISECO. ft& (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., foradviee. Your letter will he opened, read nnd answered by a woman ana held iu strict Tiir mro that nr. usm m BY NANCY BAIRD TURNER. When we travel back in summer to the old house by the sea Where long ago my mother lived, a little girl like me, I have the strangest notion that she still is waiting there, A small child in a pinafore with ribbon on her hair. I hear her in the garden when 1 go to pick a rose; She follows me along the path on dancing tipsy-toes; 1 hear her in the hayloft when the hay is slippery-sweet A rustle now, a scurry now, a sound of scampering feet; Yet though I sit as still, she never comes to me, The funny little laughing girl my mother used to be. Sometimes I nearly catch her as she dodges here and there, Her white dress fluttering round a tree or flashing up a stair, Sometimes I almost put my hand upon her apron strings Then, just before my fingers close, she's gone again like wings. A sudden laugh, a scrap of song, a footfall on the lawn, And yet no matter how I run, forever up and gone! A fairy or a firefly could hardly flit so fast. When we come home in summer, I've given up at last. Then I lay my cheek on mother's. If there's only one for me, I'd rather have her, anyway, than the girl she used to be! STARTING ANEW. I will start anew this morning with a higher, fairer creed; I will cease to stand complaining of my ruthless neighbor's greed; I will cease to sit repining while my duty's call is clear; I will waste no moment whining and my heart shall know no fear. I will look sometimes about me for the things that merit praise; I will search for hidden beauties that elude the grumbler's gaze; I will try to find contentment in the paths that I must tread; I will cease to have resentment when another moves ahead. I will not be swayed by envy when my rival's strength is shown; I will not deny his merit, but I'll strive to prove my own; I will try to see the beauty spread before me, rain or shine; I will cease to preach your duty and be more concerned with mine. WAR LOOWIUHEAD OF US. Beauty is in Distressand Beauty Must Be Saved. Is that a fact ! Grim war confronts us. And the staging is set for the gentle springtime, when the daisies bloom and the silver throated birds break forth in song. And it will be a battle royal. The American Fashion League has decreed that the shirtwaist must go. It is to be a thing of the past, must be seen no more. At least such is the dictum of the Fashion League. But American womanhood is up in arms and is grinding for the fray. Womanhood says No! ' ...... The shirtwaist is dear to the feminine heart and that which appeals to the feminine heart is right must be right we men declare it to be right and it must prevail. Down with the league! Into the discard with the czars of fashion! Perish the brain which would abolish the shirtwaist. For the shirtwaist is useful-it is simple it is genteel it is easily washcd-And it is cool. . It must not fall at the hands of a ruthless horde of brainless czars of fashions whose gods are gold and a mirror. The enemy must be routed put to flight exterminated. And we herewith enlist under the banner of womanhood and offer ourselves a willing sacrifice that the shirtwaist may be saved. And we call upon all men to come forward and smite the enemy of womanhood. Beauty is in distress and beauty must be saved. Long live glorious woman! And long live the shirtwaist. commence, jhti i rn isi a mmmn A MASON'S PETITION. ; "Here Lies A Man." "Teach me that sixty minutes make one hour, sixteen ounces one pound, and one hundred cents : one dollar. ! "Help me to live so that 1 can , lie down at night with a clear con science, without a gun under my pillow, and unhaunted by the faces of those to whom I have brought pain. "Grant, I beseech Thee, that I may earn my meal ticket on the square, and in doing thereof that I may not suck the gait where it does not belong. "Deafen me to the jingle of tainted money and the rustle of unholy skirts. "Blind me to the faults of the other fellow, but reveal to me my own. "(luiJe me mi ;!i :t 1 1.:!. night when I look across the dinner ta ble at my wife, who has been a blessing to me, I will have nothing to conceal. "Keep me young enough to laugh with my children and to lose myself in their play. "And then, when comes the smell of flowers and the tread of soft steps, and the crushing of the hearse's wheels in the gravel out in front of my place, make the cer emony short and the epitaph sim ple : "Here lies a Man.' " THE STORY OF A PHRASE. The old saying that "There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip" originated with a poor slave. It was prophesied of a king and the prophecy was fulfilled. When Ancaeus was King of Samos in the Grecian Archipelago he planted an extensive vineyard and oppressed his slaves so heavily in its cultiva tion that one of the bolder ones prophesied that he would never live to taste any of the wines. The King laughed and had the slave beaten. Then at last, when the wine was made, he sent for the slave to witness him drink the first glass of it in order to show him that the prophecy was false. When the servant appeared, the King raising his glass of wine said; "NX' hat do you think of your prop hecy now ?" "There is many a slip 'twixt cup and lip," was the answer. The words were scarcely uttered when Ancaeus was informed that a wild boar had broken in the vineyard and was ruining it. Dropping the wine .untasted the King hasten ed to the scene to drive out the boar, but he was killed in the en counter, and the slave's prophecy was fulfilled. Exchange. WHERE SAFETY LAY. Fven the war has its bright side. Two negro porters were discuss ing it as they waited for a train to pull into the station. "Man," said the first, "dem Germany submarooms is sho'ly gwine to sink de British navy. Yas, sir-ee, dey's sho'ly gwine to 'splode dem naval boats dat's wait in' over yondo." "Sho !" said porter No2. 'An' what's gwine to happen den ?" "Why, dem Germany subma roon'll come right on 'cross and 'splode de rest ob de naval boats ob de world. Dat's what'n hap pen den, Sambo!" "Well, looky hear, Gawge. Ain't yo' an' me better deela' our selves a couple o' noot nootral noQtralities?" "Man," said Gawge, 'yo' all kin be nootrality if yo' wants to. Ah'm a German. RECKLHSS WATF "They say that that young rounder Spenditt has committed suicide." "Yes. The doctor says he swallowed enough poison to kill fifty men." "Just like him! Extravagant to the last." The Liver Regulates the Body A Sluggish Liver Needs Care. Someone has said that people with Chronic Liver Complaint nhould be shut .up away from humanity, for they are pessimists anil see through a "glass darkly." Why? Heeause m ental states depend upon physical states. Bilious ness, Headaches, Dizziness and Consti pation disappear after usiug Dr. King's New Life Pills. 25c. at your druggist. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA THE NEW GIRL. She Is The Newest Thing Out. Lithe and slender, independent and self-possessed; complexion rather too pale or sallow, perhaps partly on account of the climate; looking a little bit tired and worn; given to sitting up too late at night and to wearing shoes that are thin; addicted to too much steam beat, loo much candy and too little sleep; lacking the slaying power of the English girl; but alert, well inform cd and exceedingly interesting. Such is the new sty!-: of American girl that Mrs. Harriot Stanton Blatch says has been evolving du ring the past few years. Her out line sketch of the new girl can easily be filled in from observa tions on the street any day; for the new girl is the most striking of modern social phenomena, and the most conspicuous. She is the new est thing out. She has changed because her environment his changed. Economic conditions, with their inevitable influence up pon the homes have forced her into the industries. The self-supporting girl could not possibly be the same creature as the supported girl, in either appearance, manner or character. But the changed environment has nut lessened the charm she exerts upon the youth of the opposite sex, if one may judge by the number of marriage licenses issued in this month of weddings. THE POWER OF PRAYER. A negro bricklayer in Macon, Ga., was lying down durirg the noon hour sleeping in the hot sun. The clock struck one, the time to pick up his hod again. He rose, stretched and grumbled ; "I wisht I was daid. 'Tain't nothin' but wuk, wuk, from mawnin' tell night." Another negro, a story above, heard the complaint and dropped a brick on the grumbler's head. Daed, he looked up and said : "De Lawd cain't stan' no jokes. He jes' takes ev'ything in yearn est." THE BULLET FOUND. During one of the battles in ; Mexico an officer was wounded , severely in the thigh, and for four j or five days several surgeons were ! engaged attempting to discover the I ball. Their soundings gave him ! excruciating pain. On the fifth i day he could beer it no longer, and i cried to the surgeons; "Gentle men, in heaven's name, what are you about?" "We are looking for the bullet." "Well, why didn't you say so at first? It is in my waistcoat pock et!" UNREASONABLE. Some women are always com plaining. Just now in Jasper county, Kansas, a wife is asking a decree of divorce because her hus band kept a shotgun for the express purpose of "killing her if necessa ry." DOMESTIC HARMONY. Louise Does Howard get along happily with his wife ?" Julia Yes; some of his opinions coincide with hers and the others he keeps silent about. HOMICIDAL. "This motor scorching is great, isn't it?" "It's just killing!" Tne average man thinks he has something coming to him, and if he is a married man he is sure to get it. If religion was good for the com plexion men would seldom get their share of beauty. People who believe that rock and rye will cure a cold usually have one. Stop That Cough NOW. When you catch Cold, or liegin to Cough, the lirst thing to do is to take Dr. Bell's l'ine-Tar-lloney. It pene trates the lining" of the Throat nnd Lungs and tights the (.onus ol the Dis ease, giving quick relief and natural hcuhng. "Our whole family depend on l'iue Tar Honey for CougliB and Colds," writes Mr. K. Williams, Hamilton, Ohio It always helps. 2"ic. at your druggist. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Rheumatism For Young and Old The iw'iiln Agonizing pain of rlifiiinfitiHin in Hnotht'd lit unco by Miiun'a Liniment, Do not rub it penetrates to the sure Bpot, briiiini a comfort not dii'iuned of until tried. Get a bottle toduv. RHEUMATISM Here What Other Say i 'I lik'lily rTf-mmi'iiti your Liniment astlii; bi-at remedy Inr rhpumatisin I f-ver u'd. iicftire using it I spent lur'nums of money trymn to Rot ri-IW of the misery ft ml i-.'iiim in limbs and boily.no I tried your J.inimctH both jntrrnal :tnd external and I found quick n-licf, atid now am ' ii ana NtrotiK auam. tcy. Cunts, ei' Here's Proo wi-h to write And trll vnti a limit, n fail I h d down fourteen st-p3, nnd bruised uiy i: L mid hip very bail. 1 could not dl-i ,i i all. I -ent my wife for a 2rt cent b'jt i : of your Liniment and in two days' tune I ww on my feet aain." Charle$ Hyde, lij Prairie Ave., Ht. Lams, Mo. SLOAN'S LINIMENT (for neuralgia, sciatica, spruina and bruisw. All Druggists. 25c. 3 Send four cents in tamps for a 1K1AL OUl ILL Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. 1 Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa. y. mi jjuhi linn rimr:i uy diiy, filerp-dislurliinfl bind ? r- dcr weakness at nifiht, (Y'.'.v ') when' b re gljd to know ih.il F'jlev Kiitir-V J'iIIs restore hvalih urd strength, und tho ri'C'-il.ir nrtiun cf kid ncys and LlaJdcr. NOTICE OF SALE BY TRUSTEE" Ky vuluc ol lliu pnvuT contaiimt in a tvi t".in 'lt'iM cf trust, cxmiteil hy wunl 1'ioii't'iiiiil wife. Surah .1. Pierce to F. II. (ivoiy. nil Uic Lllrtl day of lYb. !'l I. tu M't'uie tin- payment of a note t lift tiii dt'-in;'j'l; sui1 instrument re euhlri in t lit' nllii'i' "I liViri!U'i' of Heeds fur Halifax enmity, N. ('., in liook LVm, at Patre -lln. tin- undefsipied Trustee will on the 27th day of February, 1915, expose to sale at puMic aueiiuiun front ol the ( cmt House door in the town of Halifax, N. at 1 o'clock p. m., the following lU'siTihcl piece or parcel of land: It heina a part of the Williams tract, lififinniiiu' mi puhlic road leading from Halifax I. vn to I'awson's Cross Hoads at an old Mump on the south side of t-aid mad, .Major CrimeH's and I;. K Miearin's conn-r, tin nee S ' W. 1S5I4 feet to a loctus, thence S. ." K. 1 111- fept to an uon put in .lam- PiUman's Hue, thence alotur her line S. 1 V. 470 feet to a stake, tlietiee due west ioGO feet to a stake in path, tl.enre alontf path 50 feet, thence W. sliu (Vet to a stake, thence due north Iii:ii left to the said mad to the heu'innui, Cuntaininir (10 acres, more or less. Time of sale line o'clock. Place of sale Court House door. Terms of Sale Cash. I-. II. (iKI'.tiMUY, Trustee. A Delightful Profession for Young Women HERE is no occupation Tf; for a young women that tk is more pleasant or con r genial, more suited to her ability and nature, none that can give her more personal satisfaction, and if she be a thoroughly trained professional none that offers bigger rewrrds than that of music teaching. The supply of competent teachers ot piano music is far short of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given this matter a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a STIEFF PIANO at once, get her started on the road 10 success and fame, the sooner she starts the better. CChits ticft", LHO C. STKKLK, Mgr. No. '.'31 tiranby t.. Norfolk, Va. D. E. STAINBACK, i NOTARY PUBLIC i And Fire Insurance. I Koanoke News Office -:- WeUnn N. i B Disordered Kidneys I Cause Much Pain 1 a iKicfceu Pi Use 1 I