'tea flc "Sft. iis r"S I IT .f 1 ESTABLISHBD IN 1S66. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum, VOL. XLIX. WKLDON, X. ( ., TIIUKSDAY, KKHRUAKY 18, 1 !."). NO. 43 ilK 01 iSj )K 1 iflnl ij The Kind You lime Always nought, and which Las been lu uxe for over 30 yearn, has borne the signature of r ' r and hag rtiwn .w uuv wutn:c0uu III llll.f. All CoutiteiTiits Imitations nnd"Jiut-UN-ernod"nro hut ICxperiaitnU tliwt trllle with and endanger tho health of Infhuta and Children Experience ugaiust Kxpvrinieut. What is CASTORIA Cmtorlu to a harmless gnbstltuto for Castor Oil. Faro Brio, Drop ami Boothlug Syrup. It is I'lensant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nureotia "ulistaiifc. Its ncro la Its g'uiraiitoe. It destroys Worms and nllnys FeveriHhnesii. It cures Dlarrhcnn and Wind 0i!i;'. It r iU-ves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and lTatiiloix-y. It ftssiniilatoH the Food, regulates tho Nliiiinu'h and Itoivols, giving healthy and natural sleep, Tho Children's JPuuacea-Tbo 3Iother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bear the Tlie M You Hare All ays Ei! In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC INTAUM MM FAN f , TT MUSMT sjTMCCT, NCW VOHR CITT. 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WKU)ONr, N. C- Organized Under the Laws olthe State of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax Couniy Depository. Town of Weklon Depository. Capital and Surplus, . $55,000. For over L'l vear tli i h institutio.i ha provided t-unkiiiir fueiliticn for thin Hectiun. Its' stockholders ami i.llims ale iU-n 1 1 lie! with the busi ness interests of Halifax ami Noi thanptnii counties. A Savings Department is maintained I'm the Ix-in-ti I ufall who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In tlos I 'ei:irt menl interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toremain thr . months nr longer. - per cent. Six months or longer, 3 percent. Tw !. months .11 lomroi. I percent. Any information will he furnished on a; plication to the president 01 Cashier pukhidkst: W. E. DANIEL, vieK ria. .iniiv 1 W. i;. SMITH L. C. 1I; M'Kli, Teller. D1RKCTOHS W. K. Smith, V. E. ! K. T. Daniel, ,1.1.. Shepherd, W. A 3! CALOMEL DYNAMIliiS YOUR LIVER! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATE! 'Oodsoi'j Lher Tons" Starts Your Liver Bitttr Thai Calomel mil You Don't Lose 1 Daj's Work ttwn up your sluggish liver! feel Via Mil cheerful; make your work a' pleanure', he vigorous ami full of am''i- linn. Hut take iio nasty, dangerous I culomel because it makes you sick nnd you may low a day's work. Calomel in mercury or iiiickilvi r i which causes necrosis ut the ln '. Calomel crashes into sour hile like: dvnainiU". hreakiiiL' it tip. That's win 11 1 ;ou fti'l that awful nausea and crampiir.!. Linten to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, pntlest liver iiml lv. 'l 1 Icansinfr you ever experienced iust lake a arKwiiiul of harmiaa Uodsou'a Livor 11EEPS YOUR FRESH aCLEA 3L Combination Pr. umatic Sweeper 'T'HIS Swiltly-wefpin(, Kasy-Runninu DUNTLEY Swiicper cleans without raising dust, and at the same time picks up oins. lint, ravclinus. etc.. in ONE Ol'KRATION. Its ease makes sweeping a simple task quickly finished. It reaches even the most difficult places, rnd eliminates the necessity of moving and lifting all heavy furniture. The Great Labor Saver of the small, can enjoy relief from roo:n the danger ot flying Oust. Duntlvyh the Pioneer of Pneumatic Sweepers Hi the combination ol tne ineuinauc suction come nu revolving Bni!.h. Very eauly operated anteed. In Buying a vacuum v-irancr, vny 1101 k" Writt today tor lull particular! VELDON FURNITURE COMPANY MNEE'S SOLD BY fierce-WliiTenead Hardware mm WELDON, N. C. " - "v v..v i'tii in u v4 boon nindo under his ner- Infuncy. Signature of O cashikh: .1. I). DUAKE, :iiiu-!. ,1. II. Diakc. W. II. Cohen. I'u rce, I) li. Zolhcollei. .1 . W. sledge. ao lone tonight. Vmir druroi't or itialei sells J'oll a .10 cent lioltle oi Dnil-on'l l.ivcr lots1 11111I1T my pcrsoiiiil money Im.k truarantif Unit each spoonful will (Iran your slucitish liver heiter tlmn a ,t..se of liastx ciiloiii'd .iii.l tl-:'l i "l't miike you nick. Dodsoii's l.ivi-r Ton" f leal livei 1 "iii-iiii1. Notl'll know it ml u.niniiiLj 1 i-iiuse you will wake up fivlins; line, 'our liver will ! wort 11112: ln':oi n ! c .1 lliilll'SS l'oiu': st'MinwIi 1" lf .ii-t and luou'ls i'iuuIui. ilinlnn's T.iviT Tom- N ititil'i; i:iile, tlnTefore liiiriiili' soil can not : 1 1 vat.'. iie it t" 011r f ! . i I 1 1,'tt. llloll- of people Hie 11-illL.' l"t-oll'8 l iver Tone insteinl of iliint". ioiis calomel i.e.v. Sour iinwil will led you that C.' salt! of Calomel la almost atopped cutindy here. HOME Home-tvery home, large or dn:il;ery aim proiecnon irom and absolutely guar ROOF PAINT di un i 1 1 : 1 WB WOULD SEK JESUS. j "Never Man Spake Like This Man." Making the Acquaintance of the Chirsi "Sir, we would see Jesus. "John 12:21. The men who made this request of Philip were represeniaiives of a nation which al thai lime held the preeminent position in intellect and culture. They were Greeks who h id become tired of the polytheis tic worship practiced in their own country, and had become conver ted to the Jewish religion. Com ing up 10 Jerusalem at ilie time of the Passover ihey heard about the new Prophet that had arisen in Jtidea, and desired to be brought in his presence. Wheiher it was idle curiosity that prompted them to make the request, or heart yearning to know more about the salvation which he preached, the Word does not say, but in either case it was a desire which resulted in great things for them. They were brought into the presence of the Son of God. Now there are many like these an cient Greeks who have heard of Jesus, but who have never really become acquainied with him. It should be their desire to know him both with heari and mind, and for the following reasons : I. Because He is the wisest teacher ihe world has ever had. The world has produced many great teachers, but can it be said of any one of them as it was said of Christ, "never man spake like this man?" The world has made rap id progress and development, but the words which Jesus spoke, with such clearness and power, still hold first place in the thought of the world. The greatest and best teachers are willing to gather j humbly around the feet of the j Master, and study his messages, for they are eternal truths. They come from Him who is the source ! of all wisdom. No where else can . we find words that combine such ! wisdom and simplicity, such pru- i dence and courage, such faithful-1 ness and tenderness, and such power and beauty. Is it not of : the uimost importance, therefore, I that men should know Jesus be-, cause of the truth which they can learn from him? 2. Because He is the perfect 1 patent. The power of influence is re- j cognised by all. We cannot come ; in contact with a person who poss-; esses to a high degree nobility of character without being benefitted i by the association. A book which j contains the biography of some consecrated servant of God will do 1 much towards strengthening and j elevating the characters of its read ers. But the noblest character ever wrought out under the gra cious influences of the Holy Spirit is only a faint reflection of the ideal life which Jesus lived. If in the life of one frail fellowmar. we can find inspiration, how much more shall we be able to find it in that life which was in every respect perfect. Jesus, by his lofty exam ple, culls us away from things that are small and mean and useless, and leads us in pursuit of that which is great and good and useful. He directs our thoughts towards the highest, showing by his own life of devotion the way to gain the crown of eternal rejoicing. Become better acquainied with the life of Jesus for it means in spiration after things which bring breadth of vision, depth of soul and heights of glory. .V Lkcause He is the atoning Saviour. Behold Him, for He is "the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world." His blood I "cleanseth us from all sin." He openeth the way of escape for fal len humanity by taking upon him self man's great burden of guilt. He "bore our sins in his own body on the tree, thai we, being dead to sin, should live unto righteous ness." Friend of sinners, redeeming Saviour, and everliving Advocate, we would see Him and strive to dwell continually in His presence. We would sit at his ieet ana hear his words of wisdom, we would look ud to Him and be led on ro greater effort by his noble example. We would worship and sing his praises constantly, for He forgiveth all our iniquities, healeth all our diseases, and redeemeth our lives from destruction. Like the Greeks of old we desire to become better acquainted wiih Jesus, the Son of God. Rheumatism Sprains Lumbago Why grin and bear all Liniment kills pain? iIM'S LIMIMEMT All Dealers 25c Send four cents in stamps for a free TRIAL BOTTLE. DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. D.Pt B WHO KNOWS. Who knows who can tell where the summer goes With dew-drenched garments and sweet-scented hair? Where is the life that went out of the rose? The music, the sunlight, the laughter where? Who knows? What knowledge reveals where the freed soul goes When released from its prison-house of pain? To the realm of light or the place of woes; To the golden heights or the shadowed plain, Who knows ? At the voice of knowledge all gates unclose, lixcept the portals of life and death, It were pain to ask where the spirit goes. The secret of giving and hushing breath. God knows. A SONG TO BROTHER ROBIN. Thank you, Brother Rubin, for the red that's on your breast; Somewhere Mr. Mockingbird is dreaming in his nest; Where lights of Maytime gleam, He's singing in a dream, Robin, singing in a dream! Thank you, Mister Bluebird, for the flutter of a wing; Are you thinking of your sweetheart in a blossnm-lane of spring? Frosty field and stream, But soon the light'll beam; You're dreaming ol a dream, Bluebird, dreaming of a dream! Linger, Brother Robin, with tlu red upon your breast; Stay till Mister Moekin'bird is singin' 'round his nest! Weather's blowin' bleak, But spring a word'll speak And make the wide world wonder at the roses on her cheek! Frank L. Stanton. THERE'S PLENTY OF TIME. There's plenty of time for everything good, There's time to laugh when you're in the mood, Time to labor and time to sleep, But not a minute of time to weep. There's time enough to do your best; There's time to run and time to rest, There's plenty of time to strive and try, But not a moment of time to sigh, There's time another's burden to share, Time for praises and lime for prayer; Time for doing a kindly deed, But not a moment for grasping greed. There's time enough to gather sweet flowers, Time to improve the passing hours; Time to be sure you're on the right track, But not a moment for looking back. There's lime to do all you need 10 do; Time io be brave and strong and true, But no time to spare for sniff's and sneers, And not a minute to waste in fears. There's time to work for the kingdom of God, Time for shedding His Love abroad. Time to hope and patiently wail, But not a moment to spend in hate. There's time to try to understand, Time to enjoy the beauties at hand; Time to live without making haste, But not a minute of time to waste. The Liver Regulates the Body A Sluggish Liver Needs Care. Someone has said that people with Chronic l.ivcr Complaint should be shut up away from humanity, for they arc pessimists and sec through a "glass darkly." Why? Hecausc mental states depend upon physical states. Itilious ncss, Headaches, Dizziness and Consti pation disappear after using Dr. King's New Life Pills. 2."c. at your i.ruggist Most men are the architects of their own misfortunes. Sciatica these ills when Sloan's " I have used your Liniment aod can Bay it in fine. 1 have used it for noro throat, si mined nlioulder, and it acted like a clnirm." Alkn Dunn, Hindi I, llozSS, Pint Valley, Mill. " I am a painter and papnrhanger hy trade, consequently up and down lad ders. About t wo yearn ago my left knee became lame and sore. H pained me at ninlils nt times till I could not rest, and I wua contemplating giving up my trade on account of it when I chanced to think of Sloan's Liniment. I bail never tried it before, and I am glad to utatc that leaa than one 25c. bottle fixed me up apparently as good as ever." CharUt C, Campbell, Florence, Texat. A man may take on sufficient liquor to disable his conscience temporarily, but it will be doing business at the old stand next morning. CASTORIA For Infants and Childrea In Us For Over 30 Years Blgattura of DON'T YOU DO IT. 1 Warning Given Those who Would Needlessly (io Into Law Suits l:or Spite. Whatever else you do, don't gel into a lawsuit over some trifling disagreement with a neighbor. That courts are full of suits which could have been settled by mutual concession fir by arbitration to the great advaniage of all parties ex cept the lawyers in the case. Just the other day a suit was decided after two or three years of expense and worry on the part of two fam ilies. It was over a disputed line as so many such suits are, and this land in dispute was probably not worth fifty dollars. The suit cost the winner $225, and the loser, be ing taxed with ihe costs, necessarily had more to pay. It is probable that each party spen nt Ii-h'-t $100 worth of time in monkeying with the case. Another case recently noticed, is where a farmer had a right to get water from a spring on a neighbor's land. He wanted to build a spring house, the owner objected. The first man had got along with out a sprighouse for years, it would not have damaged the land owner a penny, yet an injunction has been issued and a lawsuit is on. Each party will probably spend several hundred dollars and be no better off', and the old friend liness of the neighborhood will be a thing of the past. To begin a suit in court over some such trivial matter which could easily be adjusted by a little give and take, is not only the poorest sort of business policy a case of wasting certain dollars to gain possible cents but is also a crime against the community and a foolish waste of the best part of life. For what shall it profit a man if he gain a needless lawsuit only to lose the good-will of his neighbors and his own friendli ness towards them ? Progressive Farmer. Grubbs Do you find that your wife can keep a secret ? Stubbs Well, not exactly, but she can keep it going Richmond Times-Dispatch. V "I wonder what became of the old-fashioned dime novel ?" re marked the Old Fogy. "It has gone up to a dollar and a half," replied the Grouch. Mrs. L:xe That woman has been saying all sorts of detestable things about me. Mrs. Wye You shouldn't mind her, dear. She merely repeats what other people say. BRIGHT IDEA. Izaak Oh, hang it, Mary, I for got the bait. Mary Do you suppose the fish would notice the difference if you were to spnpheni' Nothing is so uncertain as the minds of a certain class of politi cians. It Really Does Relieve Rheumatism. Everybody who is afflicted with Rheu matism in any form should by all means keep a hot Ic cf Sloan's Liniment on hand. The minute you lind paiu or soreness in a joint or a muscle, bathe it with Sloan's Liniment. Do not rub it. Sloan's penetrates almost immediately right the feat of pain, relieving the hot, tender, swollen feeling, leaving the part easy and comfortable, (let a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 2"c. of any drug gist and have it in the house against Colds, Soro and Swollen Joints, Lum bago, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if notsatislicd. but it docs give almost instant relief. Buy a bottle todav. Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTORIA THf: DOUBLES. Col. Roosevelt, as all the world knows, shaves every evening be fore he goes to bed. Apropos ol this odd fact there is a little story. ; Before ihe Outlook office one , day a robust man of middle age ap proached the Colonel and said, j displaying a row of strong, white I teeth in a smile ; "Colonel, I'm taken for you everywhere. It's most embarrass in,':. " Colonel Roosevelt looked the man over keenly, then, with a smile thai displayed his own strong white teeth, he said:l "Well, of all my doubles you resemble me the most. In fact, if I could stand you up before me every evening, I'd be able to shave by you." SOMETHING ELSE BEAUTIFUL A little girl named Hilda and her mother stood one cold winter morning looking out upon the landscape, in which everything was covered with an icy armor j that sparkled with glittering beau-1 ty in the sunshine. ! "Oh, how beautiful!" exclaimed j Hilda. ; "Yes," answered her mother, "but it will be all gone before noon lime." The little girl was quiet for a moment as she gazed upon the fairy-like scene that lay stretched out before her. Then she looked up and said brightly. "Never mind, mother; there'll be some thing else beautiful tomorrow." What a charming thought was uttered by that little girl in those words! What a comfort it is to know that, though some beautiful tilings may pass away, God will send others just as beautiful 10 lake their places. THE IMPECUNIOUS ARTIST. "I wish you to paint me a pic- i ture of Lve, and the apple." j "Could you advance me the price of a costume?" faltered the anisi. "Why, Lve had no complicated costume. " "That's so. Well, could you advance me the price of the ap ple''" CLOSE QUARTERS. An Alaska pioneer was telling how crowded a certain ship was during ihe gold rush. One day a man came up to the captain and said: "You will have to give me some place io sleep." "Where have you been sleep ing ?" "Well," the passenger replied, "1 have been sleeping on a sick man, but he's getting better now, he won't stand it." Stop That Cough NOW. When you catch Cold, or begin to Cough, the lirst thing to do is to take IH-. l'.cll s I'iue-Tar-Houey. It peue tiates the linings of the Throat and I.iiiil's and lights the tiering of the Dis eaM giintr quick relief and natural healing. "Our whole family depend on l'ine Tar Honey for Coughs and Colds," writes Mr. '.. Williams, Hamilton, Ohio It always helps 2"ic at your druggist. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SURE. The church may get a frequent dime, But Satan never hollers; For he knows that mot of the ! time ! He gets his toll in dollars. 1 Colds Are Often Most Serious Stop Possible Complications. The disregard of a cold has often hiought many a regret The fact of Sneezing. Coughing, or a fever should he warning enough that your system needs attention. Certainly loss of sleep is most serious. It is a warning hy Nature. It is man's duty to himself to assist by doing his part. Dr. King's New Discovery is based on a scicntilic analysis of Colds. :0c. at your Drug gist. Huy a bottle today. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A T. C.LAR K ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifai and wdjoining counties and ii. the Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections tad prompt returns WOMAN WOULD NOT GIVE UP Though Sick and Suffering; At Last Found Help in Lydia L Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. Ttichmnnd, Pa. " When I itarted taking Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable compound 1 was in a dreadfully rundown state of health, had internal trou bles, and was so ex tremely nervous and prostrated that if I had given in to my feelings 1 would have been in bed. As it was I had hardly strength at umes to be on my feet and what I did do was by a great effort. I could not sleep at night and of course felt very bad in the morning, and had a steady headache. "After taking the second bottle I no ticed that the headache was not so bad, 1 rested better, and my nerves were stronger. I continued its use until it made a new woman of me, and now I can hardly realize that I am able to do so much as I do. Whenever I know any woman in need of a good medicine I highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound." Mrs. Frank Ci-akk, 3146 N. Tulip St., nichmond,Pa. iVomcn Have Been Telling Women for forty years how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored their health when suffering with female ills. This accounts for the enormous demand fot it f rom coast to coast. If you are troubled with any ailment peculiar to women why don't you try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? It will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Disordered Kidoejri Cause Much rain vitn pam uriunu'sriy uy dny, sleep-disturbing Mad VTr, drr wf.ikne&l at nicht, mm and women cv?ry whrrr nrf alud to knuw ihut F'jlpy hulnry Fill restore heaiih and strcnglh, and the rrrubr action of kid nevs and bladder. NOTICE OF SALE BY TRUSTEE. Pv viitui ot the power contained in a eel tain ileeil of trust, executed hy Kd ward l'ieiceand wife, Sarah .1. l'iercc to I'. II. tiregory. on the .'!rd day of Feb. Pit I. to itrurt' the puynicnt of a note therein deserilied: said instrument re- i curded ill the nftiee of Register of Deeds fur Halifax county, N. (.'., in liook '!'.", j at I'age I In. the undersigned Trustee will on the 27th day of February, I1S, evpose to sale at public auction in front nt ilie Court llmiM' door in the town of : Halifax, Y C, at I o'clock p. ni., the : following described piece or parcel of land: ; It being a part ol'llie Willia-ns tract, I beginning on public mail leading from I Halifax town to Dawson's Cross Koads ; ut an old -lump on the south side of said mail, Major ( rowell s auu It. r. Sheai m's corner, thence S 5 V. 18!4 feet to a Indus, thence S. Kr E. 1 13H feet to an iron pin in .lane l'ittman's line, thence along her lines. Ij W. 47(1 feet to a stake, theiicc due west lUXiO feet to a slake in path, thence along path 60 feet, thence W. stfu feet to a stake, thence due north Him feet to the said load to the beginning, containing 00 acres, more or less. Time of Sale One o'clock. I'lace of Sale Court House door. Terms of Sale Cash. I'. II. IdiKUOHY, Trustee. A Delightful Profession for Young Women Hf.RE is no occupation U l for a young women that ' is more pleasant or con genial, more suited to her ability and nature, none that can give her more personal satislaciion, and if she be a thoroughly trained professional none that offers bigger rewerds than that of music teaching. Tlic supply of competent teachers of piano music is far short ot the de mand. Has your daughter ever given this matter a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a STIEFF PIANO at once, get her started on the road to success and fame, the sooner she starts the better. (f-has 3)1 itieff, LEON C. STEELE, Mgr. No. 281 liranby St.. Norlolk, Va. i D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Roanoke News Office -:- Weljoj N (. , -.,,,., I,,.., 1 1, ....I.; . . i 11 1 i Mfiti KidneuPillsC ! I

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