Ht Jit ss t.-'4 lift A hi. I i lf.'T4.-3 Terms of Subscription--:-l.S'j Per Annum HSTABLISMl:!) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. VOL. XLIX WKLDON, X. C TIUIKSDAY, V VAUIV AKV !.", NO. 11 IS ll itk i n JU.i (Mini, J PKii (' (-; N 1 AI'!'iM,;!i,'Pirnnniinni:-r,l'; ' .';."':!.:;''i:3::Y!i;wl;millii'!;ii!i liivV'vSiu-itK-lisandBi'wisjf rror.w lis D i-'cslion .Che t-rful- tics:; ii Ifcsi.Comains tu "itlx-! I ';iiu-u Murphinc norMiiiural Not Narcotic. v ri,iJkSMwnani fhi'idi'tj Sffd jllx trim .'H "r Mr- I JtniitStfd i fiwminl - . J ,rvS.;-d- IhnOnl St'ljnr 1 bstoyntii Hatnr. I r . u Apt-rfcc! Remedy foiT'insllpa lion , Sour Stnnvich.Dlarriwfa S Voniis,Convulsioiis.rrverisli lwssandLoss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. 3E "S, - lis c i m m m Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX. . Organized Under the l.nws of the State of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldotl Depository. Capital iri SinHt. $55,0011. I'or uvta -1 yiaiH tins iiistuiitu tllill Kl'Ctilltl Its StlH'klllllili T ill.'i IH'SM interests of Halifax iui'1 A Savinirs Department is inamta to (le)llisit in a Savings llauk. In I follows: For Deposits allowed turemam il; months or loim'er, :i .er eent I wr1 Anv information will In- turn i ! ie 1 t I'KRSl lKK T W. K. DAN 1 Kl., vtri:-ei:i w. i:. - I., c. d:; DlliKlTtHiS W. It. Sinilli. V. I.. K. T. Daniel, .1.1.. Shepliefl. W. A CALOMEL IS MEiW! IT SICKENS! ACTS ON LIVER LIKE DYNAMITE "Oodson'j Liver Tone" Starts Your Ljwr Better Than Calomel and Doesn't i Salivate or Make You Sick. I Ijint to mi"! Take no mom -ninfT, Mlivfttini! calomel when l.:lie 'nsUpafd. Don't leae a ila's Calomel U mereiiry or ipm-k wtiirh eatisi'i necrosis of tlie I Calomel, when it mines int" witli tour bile rrnslies into it. lire it lip. Tills is wliell OU feel t' nausea and erainiiiiiL'. If vou are ; - I it , -t kit -1' r i i r L'isli ami fall kneekrd out" i liver is torpid anil l.iwets eon-tii hi VvU liue lieailaelie. ili.ines. n toinrne. if lireatli is lunl or stinnui !i lust tako a spoonful of liarinles-i Kiu'a Liver Tone un uiv ltii ii anl en. a n -1- ICEEPSYOUR'IOME KRE8H and CLKANf. , nil - Combination P- npHIS Swiftly-Stveepinc, J a cleans without r.iisuio tlns' pins, lint, ravelins, etc., in ( makes sweeping .1 simple tiisk even the most dillirult places, ; of movnm and hftine; all heay The Great Labor Silver ol th umai;. ran rniov relief (mm Hr.. the danger of tHing dust. Duntleyit the Pioneer of Ptn-uir. lie Sweepers H, thr rnml,i,olinn of the I'llPI .'atK Sill tioil Nowle and revolvinc Brush. Very easily operated and absolutely guar anteed. In buvinit a Vaeuum I L the "Duntlev" a trial in your 'u Write today tar lull particular! WELDON FURNITURE COMPANY TONER'S SOLD BY Pieree-Whitekcad The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature Of BV5f Thirl? Years au3 Ss in THI eiNTHUB COMPkNT, NCW VONH CITY. msaESESsssBssssswEsa I hie- .ln I ' 1 iis a- i . 1 , I lianKiiiLr faeititii's tiir hl 10 On it wall the Imsi- ! id I., in 10 i.f all "I"' a.Mie I ', ..r i in. ni inli i'l is allowe.t as !ii.,uili mi luiiiri i . '-' 1" r ei-nl. six n,in'l.i'i Ime.'ei. I per rent. ihcatiuli In! lie I 'resnlent hi l asliiel mii:i . in it telle i Mii ii. .i. u. hkm:. ::lllel. .1. II 1'iai.e. V. M I el, I II. iee. h. It. .i.lliei.lli r. .1 U . sIi .Il'i' trmmmn M .-:bisrmuI llrri'"4 mV rrunranti'i'-r,'1 le .inv am ee and l'i I a '' ill's Ti'IH'. i-M. and it it .1" l'M up anil mai. : '.linn-, iiv iii'iriei li t" ! -lore i l-.ili'-. I. n. l l"l .it I- I. -I I-' i .in iln'i .-Tit i rt-ly ,, i,t l. tt!.- ,.f Dm lake a - iil'ill t 1 '-n't sllainlileli ' Mill ii'i'l line in t want M"l ! L Ml ,,.t ,,'ir Illollr !. i- ,i. ai.nii.:; t! .mi- il - r-4l li';.-. On r,l.'r.' Ill lk,' ni -ilk'. i ; :lllat 1 "ilaiant,.' "lie siiooiitiil ol Iloil n's l.ier Tutie VI ill put Jour sin i,f to work iiinl .lean Mill linw it m.tir lit,' in. I eon-tit'.itid 1 i ll il oli.L'L'iti-' your systisn ami i ., fr.'l I L'll.iraMlr.' l-'.ttle of D'iI-iHi's l.iv.r lone . j, v iir . I tit.- f.llniJ !"'- tut'-' I'" etlths, i:ie il to yilr rhil-lien ' .tin l.-s: .1-H-ti't gripe wid tl".v !e.l.-allt Clsle. t:n otic Szvccpcr Rti 'niiij DUNTI.KY Sweeper ,in, ! t the same time picks up T t. )l'UxATION. Its ease mi' finished. It reaches nd . I'minates the necessity itir1)'1 ire. i llomc-Vxtn- home, large or n d !.- and proteotton (rom iner, wnv not give iee . t "iir expense' BOQF PfilST him Gompy, i -t i . I ;i. r?r .-''' i I UD REStMlH DAD DIVORCE. Deserted Wife Sees Child On ' Street and llnearths Husband's Secret. ' Mrs. Alvina C. Cooke was walk- ins; in Astoria, Long Island, two months ago when she saw a little hoy. The child reminded her strongly of her husband who had left her live years before. "Whose little boy are you?" she 1 asked, bending beside him. i "i'm Mrs. ( Hike's hide boy." " w is your name ?" "My name is Do lit y.' " "W hy do they tail you 'Dob i by?" 1 " That was my father's name j j when he was liule. I'm named i I for daddy. My namj is Robert P. Cooke, Jr." Presently Mrs. Cooke met n woman who said she was "Dob-! by's" mother. Mrs. Cooke asked many qutstions. Amotij; them : "lobby,' do you like police- j men ?" ! "1 do. My daddy was a police- j man once." ! Mrs. Cook returned to New York j and began an ajiion for divorce ' against Kubert r. Look, saul to have been a policeman under Com missioner liiugham. He resigned five years ago. The trial began in the Supreme court. The second Mrs. Cooke admitted on the wit ness stand that she had lived with i Cooke for four years, although j not married to him. ' Mrs. Cook said she was married in 1904. They had no children. Her husband left her in H)0O. i Since then she had supported her-; self by working as a cloak model. Until two years ago she believed . her husband had disappeared for ever, she received a suggestion . that she go to Newton avenue, Astoria, Long Island, and see who she could find. She found "Bob by." New York Herald. DONT'S I OK WIVRS. Don't expect impossibilities from your husband. y Don't snub him in the presence of strangers. Don't henpeck him just because ; you know he is quiet and will stand i it. Don'i treat him as if you had come down off a pedestal lo marry ' him. Don't worry him to death be-j cause you can't have your dearest I wish granted Don't run to your mother with all his faults; rather keep his good qualities to the light and hide his failures. Don't think that, now you are married, he doesn't care whether you curl your hair or not. Don't expect him to be amiable i with a breakfast of lough steak, i greasy potatoes, cold rolls and ! muddy coffee. Don't have cold supper. Re member, the nearest way to a man's heart is through his stom ach. Don't sit up waiting for your husband, (into bed; get all the; sleep you can. In the morning when you are looking and feeling the best, il you have anything to j say, say it; nine chances out of ten j you will win. j C ASTORIA1 Fur Infants and Cniidrea ! Ui t! so For Over 30 Years iVe.ay.i tears the Signature SOMI: l-NCOUHAil-MI;NT. "Hut she says she has never given you any encouragement." Did she say that?" "She certainly did." "She told me that her uncle was going to leave her a fortune and that he hat' one foot in the grave. If that is not encouragement, I'd like to know what you call it." lICMOIiS OF THK REUNION. "I met one thousand veterans ' at Gettysburg who claimed to have I ! fired the first shot." ! "They may all be correct. The I first fire was a fusilade." A LIMITED JOURNEY. Lid He seems to be wondering in the mind. Fred Well, he can't stray far. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A For years we have been stating in the newspapers (if the country that a great many women have escaped serious op erations by taking Lydia F. l'inkham's Vegetable Coin pound, and it is true. We are permitted to publish in this announcement extracts from the letters of five women. All have been recently received unsolicited. Could any evidence be more convincing? IHiiiHinriN, Mi-:. "I had pains in 1oth siilos and such a soreness I could scaivclv st raiejhti ai up ill times. .My hack ached and I wits so nervous I cuiild nut sleep, ami I thnui;ht I never would he any lH'tter until I submitted toan (iieraliuii, but I pnminonccd taking Ty'ilia K: rinkliain's Yciji'lalili' ('i!iiiimid ami soon t'clL like a new Woiiiiin."-.Mr.'!. ll.VYWAiiii SowEltii, llodtflon, Mo. 2. SniaiiYviM.i:, Kv. ''I sulVeivd .My right side hurl mo badly must he "1 iMled iiikiii. When iny husband learned this he H"l, a bottle of I .yd in K. rinkliatu's Viwtahli! Compound I'm' me, and al'ler taking it ii few days 1 pa better and cnntiiiiied to improve, until I am now well." Mrs. .Mui.i.u; Smith, K.K.I)., Shclbyvillc, Ky. 3 1 anovkk, I 'a. "'I'll'.' ilneltr advised a severe njtcrulion, lmt my husband gut me l.vdi.i K- t'itikloiiu'.s Vegetable Compound and 1 cxH'iieiieed great relief in a short t inie. Now I feel like n new jutshii and can do :i lutiil day's work and not mind il." Mrs. Ada Wilt, :-u:t Walnut St., Hanover, l'a. A IH:r.viri win si' k iii lied and three of tho liest physi- 'it eians siiiil I would 1. ;Ve to be taken to the hospital for an oicr atioii as I had sumeihi ii; giowiiif1; in my left side. I refused to sub mit to the oner oli'ii and took l.-.ilia K. l'inkhaiii's Vegetable Coni poimil - an ! ii v , il . d ;i mii-iieli' in lit','', and I tell other women v hilt it liii-i ..' for ni"." .Mrs. Ju:u.i A. liiuv.oi.n, ii'JJ Mast William .vn !, I h ' :Hur, 1,1. (" Ci i .. :-.. hiio. ' ( was Very ini : my siiie p -.iiieil me so that I lApeeti era! ii in. Doctors sci-l 1 1 - V kin-v of , mid In lp me. I (..ok ' y'dr. K. :r l.ible Collip..',lrl ill! 1 I I- e.,:ne .. .,,.i,0 I', iii pain. I iii'i ih;n:!'ftil !.n- !i a p ,:;:e ;t;i I m i'i alv,i s '.v. i ike l-iuln-st .Irs. ('. Il.l'.::::- i i u, ' .i.-;.int ."-t.. '! ; f:::r:--, eile ((( f.Y'i'A ;.:'!Mill A"i MiiU'C! Ml CO. ; '.'t:'.'' iWI ll-:V?'!AI.! !.V, J.ASS.. f'r:nlv io'Hr Htil lie oiiciie;1, read mill !in: v.r"i"l ami licld ii: Mrict i ii!'.!oi SWG OF Ttjl There's ;i sound that rings in my ears today And echoes in vague reltain; The ripple of water o'er smooth-washed clay Where the wall eyed pike and black bass play, That makes me yearn in a quiet way For the old home haunts again. Back to the old home haunts again, Hack where the clear lakes lies, Hack through the wood where the blackbirds brood Hack to my rod and flies. 1 wish I could paddle my boat today Through wate-logged grass and reeds Where the uiuskrat swims and the cat-tails sway And the air is cool and the mist is gray And the ripples dance in the same old way Under the tangled weeds. Hack on ilie old oak log again, Hack to the crystal brook, Hack to the bait and the silent wait, Hack to my line and hook. 1 wish I could wade by the water's edge W here the falling leaves drift by, Just to see in the shadow of the ledge Where dark forms glide like a woodman's wedge Through drifted piles of dark marsh edge, And hear the bittern cry. Hack where the tadpoles shift and shirk, Hack where the bullfrogs sob, Hack just to float in my leaky boat, Hack to my dripping bob. O, it's just like this on each rainy day; Always the same old pain Thai struggles and pulls in the same old way To lake me off for a little stay Hy the water's edge in the sticky clay, To fish in the falling rain. Hack to my long, black rubber boots, Hack to my old patched coat, Hack to my rod and breath of God, 1 lome, and my leaky boat. AN INDISCREET MEMORY. "You and that very charming Miss Malcolm were boy-and-girl friends, I'm told." "Yes." "1 saw you talking to her. You must have had a delightful lime re calling early das." "Well, no, I tried to make it pleasant, but it didn't seem io work. 1 recalled to her how she climbed trees and fences when she was 10-years old, and she gave me a freezing look. Then I asked her to remember how she was thrown from an overturned bob sled into a snowdrift and stuck there. 'You were seven years old,' I said, 'and 1 recalled that you wore ' W hat do you think she did?" "I dunno." "Said 'Sir!' and walked away." A leader is a great man knows when to sidestep. who from a Severn female trouble. it was finally decided that I it'll, ;r tui'l for several years I to h;;e to undergo an op- .1 .... Ml. II, FlSfmtf W. A VALUABLE TREE. The government has received $99 40 in settlement for a single sugar pine tree which was cut in trespass in the Stanislaus National Forest, in California, and which yielded more than enough actual lumber to build a good-sied su burban frame house. The tree scaled 18,933 board feet and was valued at $5.25 per thousand feet Not many trees contain enough lumber to build a two-foot board walk nearly two miles long, and this is believed to be the first case on record in which a single tree felled in a National Forest was valued at almost $100 on the stump, although National Forest timber is frequently sold at con siderably higher rates. Or-ilicJron Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTOR I A i . I .Mf.lOM.I ANTlOIPATiOHS They'll all come back, the buttercups, And the frail anemone, And the bright wood-line will blow and twine On the wind-kissed, sun-warmed lea. These bared, creaking, ice-bound boughs Will nestle birds at home, And tender blooj-r.i it cups will peep From out the loosened lo un. In a lew more weeks the v, hip poor-will Will feel bis h u i's warm - ir, And nuiciih !! trees Ilie s;'n,;"-ii!iic i iv .- T.I cast shadows ;;iissaiin.i-. And in the shade when the wind :;.p, l:e'.i And ike br.inehe.s sway lo tune, The liglii-whiceil, fairy lays will dmee In the h'dit o! the spring-time moon And you and I v. i I he world and all We'll hie us out t Ami I -on wh ii-J '.: i.u ,. quite i its woe; the lieids about vi!J U AVer; blow; soiiis :i' your hair I o mater tiile tin lis Want'i your iris eye; - wild world songster choir pours out i m J-iJies: Till you and I will love the world For the joy of the sun's sheer blue, I iii we say "loi'hear" to human cu e, ''All olf witii the old, all on with the new" And we'll forget when the sun goes down That life bad brooding ills, And take away as our long life's own The gilt of the woods and the hills. -r-, 'iindot'i Daughter What does old-fashioned mean? Mother Anything that I think is right and you don't, dear. Judge. "1 like this quaint little moun tain village of yours, waiter. I suppose I can get plenty of oxygen here?" "No, sir; we've got local option. Sacred Heart Review. "I see, Sam, that the Hnglish povernment has placed with two New York firms an order for 500, 000 razors," said the storekeeper to his colored servant. "Well, boss, dat looks as if dere i was to be some more powerful j fighting." "And was the production of Hamlet artistic?" "For your life. yes. A famous female impersonator played Ophe- i lia, they had a light eight pugilist in as Hamlet, and four great base ball players were doing other parts." Married life is one sweet song, Poets say. Just chin music all day long, Hy the way. Woman Does that parrot swear? Dealer Very prettily, mum, lot so young a bird. Friend -Why are you crying, Hobby ? Hobby Ma whipped me because my Taee was uii i, .iilsi idCH V.l:;.l ed it. Judge. He They say, after marriage, the husband and wile grow to look like each other. She Then consider my refusal final. Gave This fellow Hlaek seems to be very unpopular. Steve Shoul 1 say so. Why, he is almost as popular as a prohi biiion lecturer in Milwaukee. - Cincinnati F.nquirer. Mr. Hons 1 think, my dear, I have at last found the key to suc cess. Mrs. Hons Well, just as like as not you'll not be able to find the keyhole. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A OF SPRING. sle I HARD TIMES. Let 's I'oruet and (in to Work. Are tte really having hard times? Or is much of it simply imagina tion, lo.sieied by a in ider.ite shrinkage fro.n the ordinary vol lilll ' ol kiiMiie-s' e i.i e krii.iy convinced thai 1: e latter ,s, i ,ind thai im.:gi- - pi iye.! a sii'.mg pari in -ed ineie mule paralysis, 11 euMy we have had a ! 1 ih: inoiiey r.ierket mouths past. Likewise 0 lies have clu.scd ek.'Wii is have bet n rimning with reduced force. I '.111 thiit occurs every time we have a change in the national ad ministration, livery political pinv going into power must lace a like condition for the first year or so. Financiers become weary until they know something of the policy that is to be pursued by the new administration. That is the period through which we have been passing, with the war adding some to the commer cial depression. Hut the government has settled down to its definite policy, capile' is regaining its normal condition. A country is like an individual. Ii has us good days and its had ones, but all must be reckoned on the fira1, balance sheet. The ag gregate is w hat tells the story. What so-called Sird limes re main are purely in the imagination of the individual. They do not exist as a material fact. The new federal reserve banks ire in operation, money m all pans the country is plentiful, business everywhere is on the upward move, factories are opening up and running to full capacity, Liu rope and South America are call ing for our goods, the entire coun try is in us golden embrace. Not a bit of it! 1 hey are a thing of the past. Let s forget them and go to work. Franklin Tunes. Ctdds Are Often Must Serious Stop Possible Complications. The llslt u'tl'd ill U Cold lllis el'lell InoilL'lit lllilliy :l teglet The tili't ui Siieeiiie'. t'uiiirliiiiir. ur a lever shuul.l he winning eiiuuiiti tliat vmit system leedsi iiltelitlull. Certainly luss of lei p is must serious It m n waininn- I iv Nuturc. 11 is man s .liitv tu liiinneii u assist hy duiiii; his part. I'r. King's New liiseuverv is hascl on a Hi'ientitie analysis of ( 'old. .MV. at your t'liig- llist. liny a liutl le totitiy. And one little taste of success makes a man long for all he can swallow. It Really Does Relieve Rhcumulism. Lvervbotlv who is aillictcd with llheii- mutism in any form should hy all means keep a but le of sioan'H Liniment on hand. The minute you li ml pain or soreness in u joint or a muscle, Imtlie it ith Sloan's Liniment. lo not ruh it. Sloan' penetrates almost immediately liiilil the vent of pain.relievini; the hut, tender, swollen feelmir, Icnviiuf the part easy and coinfurtahle. (let a bottle of Sloan's l.inim 'lit for -,'ic. of any druu i;ist and have it in tho house uiramst Colds, Sore and Swollen .loints, bum hau'u, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money hack if not satisfied, but it docs irie almost instant relief, buy i bottle lodav. for s. un e ISBrairis.Bnnses Stiff Muscles! Fiti.m'd I-iuinifTit v.'ill 6 .ve l.'iiir.s of FiiLwiun. Tor briiio I or : 'pr.iin i- I'jvc.i instant relief. I It urn 'si h inf !:iiiit!i;i! ion ami t hiu 1 preventH inoro nrrioun troubles tii'Velohiiiir. jSo need to rub it in it iiclH at once, instantly relievinc the jkiiu, however wvt re it m;iy In. Here's Proof f'.- i-., J,. '..-,.,. ' (J. J,iT If.K, 7..n;-f- r-', . .V. Y . ,r-,'..: "I I' ;- M i m . ill I. :!.. I IIiV I' (I lui) i'V lo'.ltil' (I'll "i II tl.llri st'ilV WIIhI-iiv 0I !,": iir". I :il tm cruti'lu'!. I ;r four if :.'!. ', t.l.i n 1 isi.ii ! il lo ii Mnth. ol tr 1 int; o 1 t, n. ''Mi'iusn fi your itirnc- l.i-li.' i'l.'l 1 Hi' t CiV !i:it It l. tli'JITIIT un- V...10I. chIIv. 1 liiN tv inv fnit-lnn ii-.v.v. Uii'y 11-tl t'Kj hiiii 4 ,,( ,ir l.i i.i'. r't i.ri'l rww mil wiUiHu. (pule vt il v. 11 ii 01,0 euro'. I nt Vi.T will Le' With out .'I'Wu'd Liiiimout." AH DrAt.'n, 25c. I Sent) four cents in stamp for a TRIAL BOTTLE Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. P. Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa. pMMNT 'A ' i u IW;.:,-.: . i ... .-. lilO tl,.'.l (ll in-' it.i 'iii i.,11, Ii iv,' c iin" mi'l i Il iMA ami T.i.; Ciee ;.i;; iu,o, to louj'.u Lie :,'iiy ? F"'"'i ?! Itr Cci ad , . y way tf. ! 1! Ill ;. i,.,'i-,o i.-; "roiiiy'3." 2nd 1.'.o y;ilo' r.-!c'.-re.3ri!-Th3 Ik-e-llA-i'itlCe ' ! l e.v Kiel. :i;o. Yi a -t pet, H Sil! Lie to -J.i f.irviU "', w! hat Foley's m:y ano 'Lot ( ,'Mi'orM) will da f. ir coughs, cokis, 1 I.i grippe couglis, ..Ill le. liUY it et e enfe. is Ark!i.M;. NHTSCF IT SALE tiY TRUSThE. iilatiieii in a . esi eiiie.l I'V i;d . :l i : 1 1 .1 . Pierce to ,. C iid day t.r I eli. sty tiit-nt of u mite it 1 inlniliielit re- i: .,1 KejlKt.-r llf lleeils . . i ' , iii liixik i'i, ii!i.!i-isiLri!eil 'I'nistee II.,;. is l';i..e i re il i I, ll,e 27th da tit I'ebrunry, I 1 5 , nl intMie utieliiin ill hunt ,- i-i 0 -Ml III tl.e UilMl of a! I u'eloek p. in., the i:',,, pi.-ee mi paieel ot' ii - in - -. o 1 1 i . lite Williams tract, 1 road Ii ailing from ,-,-i,u s t'liiss liou-ls Ml Im H one I' ui tl.e sinilli side of 'l:i;nr ( n well s ami P.. 1. ,',,ll.',-i l!,.-: :,; W. IS',14 -es t ., s. s.-, 1;. 11:;. feet pin 111 liine I'llttnan's line, in- i.. i I, ii.- ,- 1 , W. 1711 feet li, ni.,. .hie "i st llilill leet 10 path, il lie" along path Ml ,;- . - i ' lit to a stake, ni. iM i'i f.s i to the said ,,. i,,. ,.!,.., e iutaiiinii; till .i!i- t 'i.e u'eloek. ,i!e i ' t I tense duur. .1 si,l,.-r.ih I II illil i. IIKV, Trustee. In un t I i , i net to i a -ink I -. i . til"! I II I tie A Delightful Profession for Young Women iii.U'i' is no occupation r 1' for a young women that is moie pleasant or con gciiiil, more suited to her ability and nature, none that can give her more personal satisfaction, and if she be a thoroughly trained professional none that oilers bidder tv.. .';.!.; that of music teaching. The supply of competent teachers of piano music is far short of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given this matter a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a .STIKFF PIANO V at once, gel her started on the road to success ami fame, the sooner she starts the better. (Thus jU. .Sticff, LEUNC. STI I I.i:, Mirr. No. 'JMI t.ranhy M.. Norlolk, Ya. I). C. STAINItACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Eire Insurance. Roanoke NsW.s Office -:- WelJ. n N.t t &S Kills I Ij Pain WELDON, N. C. tr