r1h Ai5 SSTABLISHBI) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$I.SG Per Annum VOL. XL1X WKLDON, X. C, TIIlIliSDAY, MAKCII 4. l!ir,. NO. 45 uw'im i ..iioinia i, wwwiiwm Story of the Mexican Revolution wmiuBm.uAmi.'jiummiium unin 'Pm9 ft r J The Kind You llavo A!v.as Bought, mid which has been lu uso for over 39 your, has borno tho sljfnnturo of and has fflf atonal supervision since It infancy. -r.CA4tt Allow no on a f L.eM, . ,,,, I.. n.!.i All Counterfeit), Imitations aud "Just-aM-iooU'' arcj but i:.icrln; nl.-i that triilo with a(J cmlanu'.r (ho hoallli of Infant) ami Children Experience against Kxpi-rimcnt. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare tforic, ir,ips and Soothing Syrrps. It & I'Vtisant. It contains u,itlu r Opium, Irlorphtno nor oilier Narcotic ilit:-.iio-. Its aw U its guarantee. It destroys Worm d niiii; :; I'.-vcrtslincss. It. cures I)i.trrluin ami Vi'iiul , ('till;!, li, .vliweit Teeth!! Troubles, cures Cotis!i:iit:o;i a'l'l Flatitietvy. It assimilates, tlie Food, reulalei Hid iiioiiMi-h ami lwinols, -ivii; healf tiy and natural Mcen, Tito Children's Tanaceu The. Mother's Friend. KNUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Hare Always BcngK In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CINT&UR OOMPaNf, Tf MuRMY THICT. N(W YORK CtTV. OK THE BANK OF m WKLDOX. X. C &J Organized Under the Laws of State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Tow n of WelJon Depository. Capital and Sirplis. $55,000. Fur over -I wars this iiisiiiuli.ni this section Its sioekln.Meis and ' !! ss inteiests nj' Halifax an-l N.-itii:-.:!! A Sating Department is ni.unlaa to deposit in a Savings llauk. In t!i:s follows; Fur Deposits alhiwfl turenKuu (l.i. months or lonircr, a per i-i-nt. I m ! . Auv informatiou will he furuislu--l"ii . rURslliKM V. K. 1HN1KI., vii K ' i V 1! I., c. i!. nlKKCl'uliS V. It. Smith. W. K. K. T. Iim-I. .1.1.. -In-pln-i I. W. A . OALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! 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Its ease makes swecpinn a simple tas': qui by finished. It reaches even the most difficult places, and . I minates the necessity of moving and lifting all hc.i.y (urr-a-ire. 7ic Creat Labor Stiver of the II 1 wiali, ran eniov relief from 11:.. om i! . tlie danprr of riving du-.t. liuntlrv It the Piimvir nl Pnourn . Hai the combination of ilif Pmum.itu revolvinp Bruh. tn ea.ilv o . rated antred. In buving a aruvon i trailer, nv mo ki the "Duntley" i trial in your 'tome at our expense' Weft today for lull parlhulari HELD ON FURNITURE COMPANY TARNER'S SOLD BY Piorce-Whitehcad Hardware Unpy, aiu botu imlc under his ner- Signature of the State of North Carolina, i.as prou.h ! I.aiikitii.' f.i ihliis for tin- hllsi- ,'1 1 air Nirlilll.fi V.ll ' ' . 1 j i ' 1 1 1 i ; 1 1 1 ' f..l ; !n I i In ' : 1 I' 'A In. tit in '.-! lltllll'Mt l-llrlrsl I, ;lllii,.,l ; rii-.uiiis i-r liMiirrr. - .i-r i-rnl 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 : v . ' I lniii-I . i lit-1 I'l'lll . iliC ill,. I: til ti.,. ! . M.li lit lt 'il- llil- : -u.i;v; -.11 I'll !:!;. T.-M-- . a . m i v i ; : .1. H I I! K i-:. IVim - l. .1 l. Liti' i to-. I :. II !. V. V. I i IlI'M. ..".I. .1 '. -Ii-ili; ' - . - U:SML3!l.,. - i Ih ri-'s niv -tiarnntii' l!o to miy ilru; !..ii- an-l i.o-1 a .Mi ..tit l.tli- I .-!-..it's l.ivrr I ..in-. lak.' a "p.n.nf ill and ! it .i.s-n't -traiL'M. n J--n ri-j'.t up I iii.tk.. u.u I-'.-l liii.' aii. I viL'.o.ms I lit V'.'l to t-" 1 1- I" ""' '"-'"''' . in !i..r... i...l-..n' l.i'..r l-.n,. - .,-! i ti.. -.il" .-1 . ,r -mi.-I h-.,-.i'lsf ' i- r. al h..'i' tn. .brill..; ilitn. lj v. i.M... l,,.f.'l' il .'all li'.' -al.vn-.- ni ! pi.i: ,n.. ti it V I i. r I i . . r (.. wi.tL at. I i, .1 s.'tir I ..' a -t of 0 s! ut .. I. an t r I ' .'a ,...li'st.;..iti I v.,st,. ma! . t ' lit Ml'. i.l. i'li i- r!, l-uil' i r liin an I ; v. ! f,. I i. .-. i.il.l... i .j.iar.ct.-. i..'.fl,. ul H.-.--..M'- l.r-.T I t , . ji ...if . i.tir.. l..nul l.'.lin;' I.1 n ..ut'- l .iw il t. y-'iir .J.il.li,.i liaiinh--; i!--'n't (.ripe an-l th ; i I l a-,.' I last--. HOME iOM ";t F.very home, laige or i ;.;erv and protection trom .9u'eivcrj S'n iion Knuleinil ami absnlutrly fiaiar- ROOF FWI mi i H MOVEMENT HEADED UK GARRANZA US 10 ESTABLISH CONSTITUTIONAL ' FORM OF POPULAR GOVERNMENT, (The better element In Mexico 13 behind Carranza because of hi honesty nd Integrity and the fact that he stands for a government of principle and not of men.) Tho view of the ordinary American citizen In regard to .Mexico ia that it has become just one Provisional President after another. Changes have been bo kaleidoscopic and tuo dally news has been so conflictiUK that it has become almost Impossible tor "the man on the street" to under stand tho true situation in the Repub lic to the south of us. His exasperation has reached that point where he now dismisses the whole affair with u comment that "a lot of bandits seem to be fighting among themselves in Mexico as to who shall bo allowed the privilege of looting tho country and I reckon Uncle Sam will have to step in one of these days and straighten things out." The one significant fact that has served to make Americans believe that possibly behind the present turmoil in Mexico there may be after all some thing big and serious, has been the broad humanitarian view that Presi dent Wilson has consistently taken in regard to tho Mexican revolution. A brief history of tho present revo lutionary movement In Mexico tends to clear up many of the tilings that have remained incomprehensible to Americans and sheds a light on the entire situation that gives a true un derstanding of the conditions in that country as they exist today. The present revolution actually had its Inception with Francisco Madero in HIHI. Most Americans are familiar wiMi tho rapid and unexpected tri umph of Madero over lllaz, but it is not generally known that Madero's regime failed to be a success and live up to the high hopes and expectations that had been born with it, because he had been too generous in compro mising with tile reactionaries and that they on account of their dominance of the two hold-over houses of Congress were able to defeat all his plans for the betterment of his people. Assassination of Madero. The shameful assassination at tho Instigation of lluerla excited such a feeling of indignation in the Vnlted Stales as to make President Wilson's stand in refusing lo recognize the (lovi rnment set up by lluerta on tne dead body of Madero, as being emi nently just and in keeping with the best traditions of this country. Madero's death put tile old cientl flcos, reactionaries and clerics back again in power. This necessitated that the struggle Madero had success fully waged must again be taken up, and accordingly there came into ex istence with the new movement a new shibboleth that lias rung from one end of Mexico to tho other: "Justice und Iteform und I'o compromise." The first man to refuse to accept the authority of tho dictator lluerta and to II nig into his face a bitter de fiance was Vonustbno Carranza. then Governor of the State of Coahuila. Carranza has been one of the strong et supporters of M. d.-ro and during the previous revolution had acted as Minister of War in the assassinated President's provisional cabinet. Canan.'.a's patriotic stand drew the lit l lit loll of all li ti i t y loving Mexi cans to Coahuila and tliero soon rl lit d around the Oovcrnor's standard a number of high-minded mid patriot ic Mexicans, who banded together to overthrow tho usurper lluerta und re establish a constitutional government in Mexico Accordingly it was under these clr cuuistaiiees the intteii heard of, but little ur.detstood plan of (iuadnlupo came into existence. The mi ill p'.n.iks of 1'iiis plan :ri' as f.il'ows: For the orgaul.alioii of the mili tary forces necessary to make compli ance with our purposes, wo name as First Chief of the forces which shall be called 't'onslituiionalisls.' lien Vcniistiono Carranza. Ciovernor of the State of Coahuila. "On the occupation by the Consti tutionalist forces of the City of Mexi co, the Executive power "hail be luken charge of by Don Veuustiaiio Carran in, First Chief of the forces, or who ever may b substituted In command "The president ad interim of tho He public shall convoke general elections as soon as peace shall have been es tablished, delivering the power to the person who shall be elected " Gennii of Revolution. This was the genesis of the revolu tion agiilnst lluerta. which had. ns can l-o Fcen, r.s its one big hope, the re i ,t;.blisr..nellt ol a Cllsl Hut lotial form ; t government In Mexico Following .. a ii-iuni:!:. Hie i.-eessi'iy retoruie CASTORIA For Infants and Children. In Uso For Over 30 Years Always bear the Signature of Take the cenceit out of the av erage man and there isn't much that the country cried for were thought to follow as a necessary eou seiiucnce. The movement against lluerla was a magnificent effort on the part of the Mexicans to regain the ideals Madero had given them, and not to sink back again into the despotic days of Hiaz The present struggle in Mexico has not justifiable grounds for Its exist ence. Villa has made this issue: "1 urn to dominate Mexico," and has en deavored lo cloak it In a mantle of verbal patriotism and empty sounding platitudes. The element behind Car ranza is not supporting the personal ity of Carranza. At all times it has been willing to sacrifice him for the greater good of the country. It has simply rallied to him in this present conflict, because of his honesty, integ rity mid deep seated patriotism, and because he stands for a government of principle and not of men. The revolution against lluerta swept 'hrounh Mexico with the irresistible lone that has ever animated every real struggle for liberty and the dash ing victories of Villa, (ionzales, Obre gim, Herera and others against the Federal troops brought the victorious revolutionists Into Mexico City after 17 months of struggle, lluerta lied an exile to Spain. Only one small cloud s peeked the horizon of the revolution during Its early days. This was when Villa, be ing ordered by Carranza to send re inforcements to a brother general, re f'lied to accept the commands of his superior officer and carried his in subordination tn such a length that when Ills resignation as division com mander was accepted by Carranza, he paid no intention to this action and continued to remain In charge of his army. Carranza's position In this matter was similar to that of President Lin coln during our Civil War, when Mc Clellan, Fremont, Hooker, llurnside and .Meade scofTed al the President's knowledge of military strategy and re fused to give any heed to bis direc lions as Commander in Chief of the I'nion forces. In each case, Lincoln wus compelled to remove the insubor dinate general from his command. Carranza Retires. Carranza. setting aside all personal considerations and desirous, above anything else, of bringing tho revo lution to a triumphant conclusion, agreed tn allow (leneral fionzales to hold a conference with General Villa, In order that the personal differences between the two men might be ad justed and the welfare of the constitu tionalist cause not be jeopardized Tills was effected, but It was clear to the minds of all Mexicans that unless Villa changed his mental attitude and ceased to allow a certain clique of re actionaries, who had come close to his confidences, to Inflate bis vanity beyond control, that they would use him as a tool to undermine the now all but attained success of the revolu tion. Kventa afterwards proved these apprehensions to be well grounded. From the moment that Villa first be gan to dream dreams of an i aipire and the traitorous kitchen cabinet that surrounded him began to see the prob ability of their nefarious work ripen ing Into success, there began a well organized and systematic campaign of publicity In this country with the purpose of painting Carranza as "Anti American," "ambitious," "hostile," "dictatorial," "stubborn," etc. He was dubbed an "old man In his tottering senility," and other such libelous de scriptions of him were sent broadcast as to create In this country an Impres sion that Carranza was totally unfit to act as the Chief Executive of Mex ico. Carranza Is not a diplomat. In fact, his blunt honesty Is at times discon certing In Ha sincerity: straight cuts rather than winding paths, are the fa vorite ways of his mental trains. He Is essentially Anglo-Saxon In his men tal workings and utterly lacks the usu al Latin hnhlts of circumlocution and procrastination. Vera Cruz Note. This was strikingly evidenced in his so-called Vera Cruz note to this coun try. Carranza felt that the ocu pil lion of Vera Cru by our troops was a vli.Uilon of the sovereignty of Mex ico. Northerns in the Civil War would have entertained tho same feeling of resentment against England had she on account of some differences with the Confederacy occupied Mobile. All America would have been united In hostile array against the British A somewhnt similar sentiment animated Mexico when the Vnlted States army by force took possession of Vera Crux. Fortunately, after a storm of aggra vation had swept tills country over what was termed "Cnrranza's Insolent stand." the administration rnme to appreciate Carranz.i's position and mithha. (hat marred the friendly feel ing between the White House and the Constitutionalist canio of Cos unfor TOO MUCH BAIL. "Why did you move away from Chicago?" "The doctor advised my hus band to move to some town with only one team aboui." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A tunate incident, lu due time tho gr. aler part ot the American people ulso arrived at tho understanding of the patriotism that had prompted Car ranza. After Carranza had established a government In the national capital he Issued a call to all the military lend ers and governors of States who bad fltned the plun of (iuadalupe to meet In convention on Oeloher 1st, In Mexi co City, for the purpose of drafting a program of reforms and to name a date for the calling of general elec tions. Villa, ever since his first brenk with Carranza, bad been throwing obstacles in the way of a successful pacification of the country. In order to show- h'ni that he harbored no ill feelings Car ranza named Villa to go with General Obregon on a peace mission to settle a local strife in the State of Sonora. Villa in the course of theso negotia tions became so Incensed at Obregon, t Mm i Jsfe trs - VENUSTIANO First Chief of the who held an equal rank with him in tho Constitutionalist army, becauso the latter refused to accept bis unau thorized dictation and withdrew Gen eral Hill from Sonora in order that Govrnor Maytori na. Villa's ally, mi. iht control the situation and array that Stale against Cnrranza's author si y. that in a frenzy of anger he at t, :..,'ited lo kill Obregon. Fortunately le ing restrained from this by subor dinate ollicers, he highhandedly placed Oh r. .-on under arrest. These events handled but a few days before tho lime I tint the Mexico City convention was to assemble. Winn Carranza was informed of Villa's unwarranted persecution of Obregon, he ordered tho train service north of the City of Aguascallentes, some distance south of where Obre gon was held by Villa, discontinued temporarily from Mexico City, until he could determine whether or not Villa Intended his treatment of Obregon to presage a hostile military movement against Carranza. Villa's Insolence. Villa sent a telegram to Carranza asking him to explain w hat he termed this hostile action against his division of the North. Carranza sent him tho following reply: "Hefore answering your message which I have just re ceived I desire an explanation of your conduct towards General Obregon In Chihuahua." Instead of Villa giving the requested explanation to his su perior ollicer he replied Insolently that be would no longer recognize Carran za the First Chief of the He public. In explanation of this traitorous con duct Villa gavp the ridiculous and pet iv reason that he had broken with Car ranza and was willing to plunge the country Into a civil war, because Car ranza did not have sulnYlotit Intelli gence or ability to govern Mexico. How farcical this statement really was can lie best understood when It is ev plained that Villa can scarcely read or wri'e and lias never rend a single book In his life, whilst on the other hand Carranza Is a man of education, culture and business experience. The convention that Carranza had railed to meet In Mexico City opened Its sessions on the appointed day. Car ranza tendered his r slgnatlon us First Chief to the convention and nsked tho delegates to accept it If they thought NOTHING LIKE CERTAINTY. Chauncey Olcoii, unfailing fa vorite, gives the following; "An immigrant lived on a lonely farm and eventually a railroad was run through the district. There was one train a day, and it stopped at ihe immigrant's staiion on sig nal. "The immigrant, one day, set hum thereby such action would be con diicive to establishing permanent peace in Mexico. Tho convention unanimously rejected Ills resignation und passed a vote of confidence in the First Chief. Villa and his army of the North had refused to send delegates to this con vention. In a last effort to settle the dillieully between the Division of the North and the remainder of the Con stitutionalist army, certain leaders among the Constitutionalists proposed that a commission be Bent to treat with Villa and that the convention itself adjourn from Mexico City to Agiiascallentes. Carranza, foreseeing, as afterwards came to pass, the futil ity of th;s a- ::, n. e; -ms.-d It, but final ly allowed the del' t:.les of their own voMtior, to move to Aguascallentes tn treat wltli the chiefs of the Northern Division. Primarily the purpose of the Aguas callentes meeting was simply to en- CARRANZA Constitutionalists. dcuvor to persuade Villa to send rep resentatives to the convention. After wards it usurped sovereign powers that it did not possess and which Carranza never sanctioned. Hut Car ranza, putting aside the considerations und rising nobly to the demands of the situation, expressed to the conven tion in writing his willingness not only to resign as First Chief in charsa of the executive power of the nation, but to become nn exile from his coun try if the delegates ask this of lilni. The single condition that he stated must govern this abdication was that Villa should renlgn his command of the Constitutionalist army of the North and if the convention so de emed, must also leave Mexico. Story of Convention. The convention on November 6th passed a resolution calling for the re tlrement of both Carranza and Villa. Antonio I Villareal, Chairman of the convention, thus describes subsequent events: "After the absurd selection of Gen eral Gutierrez as Provisional Presi dent for 20 days, which had been done In deference to the wishes of Zapata, mvself and three others were commis sioned to serve notice on the First Chief that he was to resign. Villa had already agreed, so his representa tives stated, to tender Ills resignation. We would have shortly secured Car ranza's retirement had not General Gutierrez, bullied Into action by pres. sure brought upon him by Villa, sum moned tho latter to Aguascallentes and placed him In command of all the military forces III the country. "This act violated tho previous reso lutlon of the convention and was eon trirv to Us own mandates, or In other words, contrary to the desires of what was left of it, ns It must be remem bered that out of the lf.5 registered delegates many had w ithdraw n for one reason or another until at Inst thpro ' were only 80 members left and 18 out i of this 6(1 had been recalled by their signatories. A quorum In tho convert. I Hon necessitated "9 delegates. "A brief resume of the situation nt 1 this critical time might he stated ns follows: We said to Carranza: Hetlro or we will light you. your retirement ; being made with the understanding that Villa will lie forced to withdraw.' We said to General Gutlerrci and to the signal, and the train drew up. But he did not climb aboard. " 'Well, gel on!'" shouted the conductor. "Get on, can't ye?" " 'Excuse me,' said the immi grant' '1 don't want to get on. I only want to say thai you are to stop here at this time tomorrow, as my wife is going to town to do some holiday shopping.' " To- I Day's Magazine HMSSajaMMeaMMUBBMOHHRSSHntSlTaBaD OUTLOOK FOR WAR-RIDDEN COUNTRY BRIGHTER THAI 1ST AMERICANS REALIZE; PEACE SOON TO REIGN (Carranza will establish a constitutional form of government based on the ictiib of Madero. Neceseary reforms that the people demand will be er.acte-J for the beCsrncnt cf all ) the convention: 'That Villa retire oi we will fight him and uphold the reso lution of the convention. Villa's re tirement being with the understanding tiiat Carranza will be forced to retire.' "The reply we received from Gen eral Gutierrez was that he had given Villa the command of the forces which were to fight against Carranza; that Ib, he had violated the fundamental resolution of the convention, which was the basis of the whole agreement and the esseutlal condition of our obli gation. "This violent and illegal decision re lieved us of every obligation toward an assembly without patriotism or moral force, the tool of an ambitious 1 and savage faction to which we had i shown undeserved complacency out ! of love for peace, but whose blind and j unconditional figureheads we could I not and would not be. ' "Thereupon we decided with full j consciousness of our act, certain that we were following the course of pa- J trlotlsm and duty, to tight Francisco 1 Villa with all our force until we had removed from the horizon of the na tion fhls menace of reaction and bar barity." Carranza a Civilian. Carranza Is essentially a civilian rather than a military man. From the Inception of the revolution he sought to direct its destinies as did Presi dents Lincoln and Davis control events in our Civil war. Accordingly when Villa commenced his military campaign against Carranza the latter had not a single soldier directly under bis personal command. His only strength lay in the Justice of his cause and the only means he used to or ganize an army was to unfurl the ban ner of patriotism and to allow such generals and their armies to gather around It as desired to combat for right and Justice. The entire Consti tutionalist army, exclusive of the Divi sion of the North, commanded by Vil la, Hocked to the support of Carranza. Carranza withdrew from Mexico City and established the national cap ital at Vera Cnu. Pathetic 111 its note of helplessn is Is the story that President Gutierrez toll! of conditions existing In Mexico City while he occupied the presiden tial chair. He narrated this after be had fled from the city and endeav ored to attach himself to Carranza. The following parts of his narrative are taken up after he recites In detail tho executions of Alberto Garcia Ara gon, Vice-President of the Agunscall entes convention and Professor David Ilerlango, another distinguished mem ber of the convention, both of whom had been brutally murdered by the orders of Villa. He says: "The members of the Aguascallentes convention which was now meeting In Mexico City, Justly alarmed by these dally murders, in formed me that they desired to change their residence from Mexico City to the town of San Luis Potosl, where they expected to convene In safety. "A large number of the members of the convention proceeded to the above city and General Villa having been In formed by his agents of what had hap pened had the audacity to issue or ders of arrest and execution against these persons wtaase Immunity was absolute and who were the source trom which Villa derived the authority with which he Is invested. Delegates Flee. "In view of these terrible orders the delegates, carrying the flag of the con vention, called for protection on the Carranza Governor of the State of Nuevo Laredo. In which State they are at present." Indicative of what an empty honor Gutierrez held and how the so-called convention party now means but one man Villa is the following excerpt from the same narrative: "On Sunday, December 31st, Gen eral Villa came to my home, revolver in hand, accompanied by ten or twelve armed men, besides two thou sand cavalry, who surrounded my house and removed the meager guard of twenty men who were defending me. With the courage Instilled In htm by such an array of force. Villa shn-ne-fully insulted ni and hurled baseless, mortifying and criminal charges lit me. "With shame and indignation t had to be a spectator of all these outrages because I did not have sufficient force to halt the reign of murder and rob- berv ttlUt Villa rnndtirtfwt " The flight of Gutierrez from Mexico City, accompanied by ninny prominent men In the so-called Convention party, strikingly Illustrated to the world the impossibility of this or any other kindred government ruling in Mexico that was not subservient to the wishes of Villa The abandonment of Gutierrez and the other prominent men of the Con vention party has left Villa Isolated and alone and made the Issue In Mexi co now definite and certain. It Is: Shall V.Iia be allowed to become the dictator of the country, or shall the people themselves rulef Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Few men have a the race for wealth. walkover in If you can't find a good oppor lunity get busy and make one. Political principle is one thing and political intert mother. The outlook In Mexico at present is really encouraging, though the con fusion attendant upon military opera tions has served to make this country consider the situation more dark than ever before. All the patriotic ele laents in Mexico are rallying to Car liinza'a standard. Villa with his own division of the army Is fighting the rest of the nation and an indication of what his movement really signifies Is the fact that he has Invited all the old Federal army officers against whom the Madero revolution and Its nice : sor that drove Huerta from pow . s:i waged, to Join him. World conditions are such that no government tn Mexico can exist with out the friendship of this country and without its moial and financial help. In a sense then, Americans are in duty bound to look upon the situation in Mexico from an Intelligent and a sym pathetic angle. Carranza Misunderstood. Carranza has been grossly misun derstood in this country. He is a man of probity, clean living and In tense patriotism. He Is not a wealthy man. He has reared his family In comfort, having made his living from the raising of cattle. He himself has visited the 1'nited States many times. He has had his family educated In this country. Every man whom he has selected to become a member of his Cabinet he has first sent to this country to become acquainted with the American Idea, system and plan of conducting the office he is about to as sume. Carranza Is unmil'tnry. educated, having taken a law degree. Intensely Mexican, and whole-heartedly desir ous of helping Hie downtrodden peon to obtain "his chance in life." Villa contrastingly Is uneducated, Ignorant, brutal, unrestrained In his passions, totally unappreclative of the reeds of his country and is simply riding his vanity to what he hopes will 1 tho dictatorship of Mexico. Illustrative of the chnracter of the two men is the fact that Cnrrnnza, not even to gain valuable political ends, would stultify himself to the extent of currying favor with the Washington administration as long as our troops were at Vera Cruz. His feelings of friendship he kept locked in his heart until the time he deemed proper to express them. Villa, on the other hand, has been one thing to this country and another to Mexico. Ha has taken every occasion to sIobbT lngly express his regard and friend ship for this country and tho ndmln iBtratlon, while In Mexico he hns at tempted to gain recruits for his army by demagogically declaring thnt the 1'nited States Intends to annex Mexico and that he tn the role of his country's savior cnlls upon Hie ex-Federals to Join him in resisting the Invasion thnt he announces soon Is to come. Villa Is forcpd to make this explanation to his own troops because otherwise they would keenly resent the presence of these Huertistaa In their ranks Carranza and the O'lstitutlnnallst cause has been assailed In this coun try as being not only Antl Catholic, hut Antl-Rellglons. The true facts Bhow both those accusations to be fnlse. The Constitutionalist cause Is opposed to any church taking part la the politics of the country and is ve hempntly opposed to its aliening Itself with the reactionaries and privileged classes, as unfortunately the Cathollo church has done since the colonization of Mexico by the Spaniard. Rafael Zubernn Cnpmnny, former agent of the Constitutionalists In Washington, and now minister of the interior in Carranza's Cabinet, stated in the following manner the Constitu tionalists' position in this respect: Church Question. "Let the Catholics of America un derstand that the occurrences which have happened and are explainable under the present disturbed condi tions, do not, nor cannot constitute a part of the program of the Constitu tionalists who are pledged to the prin ciple of the separation of the 8tate and church and are firm believers in the principle of rellgl ma liberty." One of the tnnln rensons that has prevented a better feeling of cordial ity existing between Mexico and this country bus been tho fact that the ordinary American looks upon all Mexicans as "greasers" and affects an air of superiority townrds the nation, that has bred the worst of understand ing between the two countries. Tha lower class of Mexicans, commonly called the "peon," is undoubtedly Ig norant and III kempt, but be baa ster ling virtues of honesty and a genuine love of his country that deserves re spect. President Wilson by his Just atti tude towards Mexico has wiped out the old memories that country has held of us Blnce the Mexican Kar, when we took from It the greater por tion of its territory. Mexicans no universally recognize that the only ambitlo'-. this country has In regard to Mexico is to be of help and assist ance to It- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Very little else provokes a proud woman like the pride of some oiher proud woman. Women are so lender-hcuned ihey will not even deliberately siep on a mouse. WELDON. N. C. left. j

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