Wit mm Terms of Subscription-! 1.5C l tr Annum ESTABLISHED IN 1S(6. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. NO. 48 VOL. XLIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 11)1."). FOR DULL BOYS. A MORNING THOUGHT. BEAUTY UNADORNED Story of Edison and Mother. His BY ELLA U'HEELER WILCOX. I i -cli:l,!S ! s'Stilii'r Si---iC IHWU , . , -;r-;;.-i Al.i Ollol, 3 PKH CKN-P. ANcselalilePifparaiionlcrAs &imif.ii 'n ihc FboftonilRpuiita lingHu'SmijKlisanilDwdlsi Promolcs DiestiMitoetftir ness aid IfeshContalns neiii Opium Morphine nor Mineral. PiOT NARCOTIC. irmjBrSwaimM flstjJhh Srtv' jUxJaun Ameltti rtmfltii lor . Aperfecl Remedy forfonsfipj- lion . sour sromacit.uiam Worms.Com'ulskms.ffvrrish nessaiulLossoFSLEER Facsimile Signatur of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of m . m m mm In Use for Over Thirty Years TMI BKMTAUK HMMNTi NIW TOM tfTT. Exact Copy of Wrapper. O THE BANK OF WELDON WLLDOX, X. C. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aufi Surplus, $55,000. For over -1 years this institution lias provided hanking facilities for this section. ltsstocUiol.lers and ollieers are identified with the busi ness lutiTi'stM (it lialilax ami .Nim Itinin jilon counties ; Na' HITS M' lailllll'lll 1 MK. to deposit mi a Savings Han fol own: l-'nr DiMnmits allowed In reinai n three in on t lis or longer. 2 per cent. Six I II If lllll" Ul lllllli i . -' J" ii i ' ' - I rresnientoi i asmer .mm main puiu volumes. naintiiiiK'il I'm t lie lienetit of all who desire In ttiis t ii in 1 1 1 n en l iinerest is auowcu as nil Twelve months oi - Imiirer. 4 percent Anv information mil lie furnished on application to the I'll K-l'KKSIKKNT: CASIUKR: W. H. SMITH. .1. O. I'KAKK, I 0. DliAl'F.lf, Teller. M. Cohen. liepher.l. Y. A. I'lcic CKKSIIIKSl : W. K. DASII'.I., DIUF.CTOUS W It. T. Haniel, .1.1.. l: Smith W K linnii-l. .1. (I. Iirake Ii II. ...Iheolli i. .1 w . Mcdge a: CALOMEL IS MEM! IT SICKENS! ACTS ON LIVER LIKE DYNAiTE "Dodson'j Lier Tone" Starts Your Liver Better Than Calomel and Doesn't Salivate or Make You Sick, Listen to met Take no more sick ening, salivating calomel when liiliiuis or 2onstipateL Don't lone a day's work! Calomel is mercury or ipin k.-iUi r which causes necrosis nf tin' Imne.. Calomel, when it cornea inb cmitm-i with Bour bile crashes into it. breaking it up. This ia when you feel that m'fnl nausea and crnmping. If yti are -lnif-Sih and "all kiexkcd out " if vmir liver ii torpid and bowels eoirtii'iiti-'l or you have headache. diinenn. I 'Mte I tongue, if breath i had or stoiuneh sour just take a spoonful of harmless IMd jon'a Liver Tone on uiv Lruaraiitix. Here's my ptttriintor Oo to ai,y i i-tore iinJ jiit a on eent lstfle nf I'1! s-.n's l.iver Tune. 'Like a -jHH.iiitil nii;!it ami if it il.s'sn'l straiu'liien ; m rii.'!i! mi :niil niaiM' urn l'"''l lin- w! ni'irniriLr I ml ulist' t Mill i't !.'!) i it i r inoiiey. lroili tile , pmI liver t IliTrfori' it lii.lki' Mlflll nilf viL'i'ri'il I, ok in : in- -lini' lli'il.h':. i.n.r I Kile ,.f en! I h mi'iiii'ine; iiilirt'ly i-iiii ri..t .-ahull' ' I Liiar;ii!ltv that i'I'.' v..n' I ti-r Tun., will nut liver to work ami ileau your h"o. that sour bile and ion-i ipat'sl e which it cloaL'iiiL' "iir hvs1.hi and i ir.fi veil feel li. i-' l aide. I "uaniiitis ,i Mtle "f P.i.-n's l.iM-r I'"" k.ep your rutin- family fei-liie.- i.i months. iie it to our eliihl'i ii. liarmless; doesn't gripe and t ln-y ii'-. Icaoant table. "I was always a careless boy," says Thomas Litlison, in his biogra phy; ''and with a mother of differ ent mental caliber I should proba bly have turned out badly. Hut her firmness, her sweetness, her goodness, were potent powers to keep me in the right path. 1 re member I used never to be able to gel along at school. I don't know why it was, but 1 was always at the loot of the class. 1 used to feel that the teachers never used to sympathize with me, and that my father thought I was stupid, and at last 1 almost decided thai I must really be a dunce. My moth er was always kind, always sympa thetic, and she never misunder stood or misjudged me. But I was afraid to tell my difficulties at school, for fear she, too, might lose her confidence in me. One day I overheard the teacher tell the inspector that I was 'addled,' and it would not be worth while keeping me in school any longer. 1 was so hurt by this last straw that 1 burst out crying, and went and told my mother about it. Then I found out what a good thing a mother was. She came out as my strong defender. "Mother love was aroused; mother pride was wounded to the quick. She brought me back to the school, and firmly told the teacher that he didn't know what he was talking about. In fact, she was the most enthusiastic cham pion a boy ever had, and I deter mined right then that I would be worthy of her and show her that confidence was not misplaced. "My mother was the making of me. She was so true; and I fell thai I had some one to live for, some one I must not disappoint. The memory of her will always be a blessing to me." NOT FOR HIM. J. B. Kagan, New York hotel man, was telling apropos of a champagne dispute, champagne stones, according to the Philadel phia Hecord. "Mean men should never drink champagne." said Mr. Regan. "They can't enjoy it, you know. They think, wiih every swallow, 'There goes 35 cents.' "Once, on the Maureunia, a man asked me for a seasickness cure. " 'Drink,' I said to him, 'a half buttle of ch imp.ign-' just before you feel the seu'.iekness coining ' " 'Oh, he said, with a worried look, 'wouldn't gin,"' '' a'1-' do iiM as well. Champagne seems such an expensive stuff to er risk." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST O R I A The conversation of most peo ple is so unimportant that when they Mop talking you wake up. KEEPS YO ij FRESH am - U r 'jf, Combination P.:cunatic Szvccpcr THIS Siviftlv-S.vci-pine, i .. .. .i. .... . n'die, i. iiii.ii -r.-inniiiR DUNTLKY Sweeper .(, :'t the ami time piCKS up I . " ,U 1- , i.n rinv I, .1,. .. - r..-n it,',L ..11 10 nr. w r. 1 v . 1 I iw... 10 m Hin, III!!, I ill l IHI;-i, .' makes sweeping a simple uX quickly finished. It reaches even the most difficult plan s, jnd eliminates the necessity of movinc and liftini: all heaiy lurniture. Th Crcut l.ubor Saver of ths Homo-Kvcry home, large or imali, can enmv relief from llroom ilrmtserv anil protenion irom the danger of flying diM. Uuntlcy Is the Pioneer of Pneumatic Sweepers ll. il,p rnmhirutinn of the I'nniinatir Suction N i?leand revolving Hruh. Very emilv operated and absolutely guar- ed. In huving a vacuum i ir.oici, "Duntley a trial in your nunc ai oui HVHc MJiiv lor lull particular anteed. the ' WELDON FURNITURE COMPANY 1 H IfflER'S ROOF PUIt SOLD BY Pierce-Wiiifelieail Hardware Gompany Neuralgia nnnoving, oxorurmtinn pain of neuriilpiti; Sloan's Uninwut laid on gently will sikiiiib urn acimm head like mngic Don't deluy. Try it at once. Hear What Othrn Say for wvpmU v-nrs ami hnv tried diflrut t . .- L... Ci.....,'- I islmiinl la t ha l.inillinitB, 'IV ITWill 1 Ullir-.u. brt Lininicnt fr Ni-urfilRia on earth. (rnlrd " y. II. WlhiM Autitla, Ark, Mrt. Ruth C. Claypool-, lnipndnct, Sli.,vritrs; "A frii.nd of our told Ui fttxmt vour I .iiiim -ii t . We have been uning it for l;t Vfi.rHiin.l t hink tlit're ia nothing ouU.buTii '.h'.'i -'Uhrotit, hradarhM and on ovfryiiinia w .v",' alonR without it. W " thio t u the twit Luinueiit mude." SLOANS IINIMENT is the best rcmnly for rheumatism, backache, sore t hroat and eprauu, Al air dcalara, 25c. Send four centi In lUmpa for a TRIAL BOTTLE Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. Dry- B. Philadelphia, Pa. Let me today do something that shall take A little sadness from the world's vast store, And may 1 be so favored as to make Of joy's too scanty sum a little more, Let me not hurt, by any selfish deed Or thoughtless word, the heart of foe or friend; Nor would 1 pass, unseeing, worthy need, Or sin by silence when I should defend. However meager be my worldly wealth, Let me give something that shall aid my kind, A word of courage or thought of health, Dropped as I pass for troubled hearts to find. Let me tonight look across the span 'Twixt dawn and dark and to my conscience say Because of some good act to beast or man The world is better that I lived today. A WOMAN'S SiVlllE. A woman's smile and lo, The earth turned beautiful where'er men go, The shadows fleeing in a wind of song, And hearts grow br?ve with courage as of old When knights in service of old loves and long Trod ways turned fields of very cloth of gold; Morning within the weather, And hearts as light as feather, Beating responsive to the sunny sweet Of every smile a woman's lips repeat. A woman's smile, and then, The youth of all the world come back again; Green lanes of glowing summer, twittering birds, The heavens above a blue of perfect peace, And on the hills the quiet feedings herds, And in the meadows sheep with snowy fleece; Flowers with their petals merry, Bells on the feet of fairy, Every fellow light cf tread To know that love burns o'er his head. A woman's smile, and I Shall 1 see myself tl e sky Glow brighter for a thousand years to come, And all the pleasant voices in me dumb Wake to the urgent music of the spheres, And bring again the happy golden years Of beauty, gladness, nirth, Underneath a woman's smiling Leading me to paths beguiling Heart and soul and m nd away Unto a lover's holiday! WHEN THE DAWN IS BRUSHED AWAY. 'I think your husband dresses so nicely and quietly." "Really? You should hear him when he loses a collar button." Judge. , Patience So she married an ac tor? Patrice Oh, yes. "Was he a good actor?" "Oh, yes; he acted as-if he loved her." Mother Are you quite sure that you have ceased to love him? Daughter Absolutely! I don't even care if he has a pretty stenog rapher in his office. "What's the matter, girlie?" "My husband lets me have my own way all the time." "Well?" "It's so monotous." Louisville Courier-Journal. V "So you brand as a lie your oppent's statement that you have your price?" asked the interviewer. "Yes," explained Senitor Bun combe. "Payment was held up. Buffalo Express. Ah! The Inviuoratlnit Whiff of the Pine Forestl How it clean the throat ami head of its mucous ailments. It ia this spirit of New ness and Vigor from the health giving l'iney I'orests brought hack by Dr. Hell's rinc-Tar-llouey. Autiueptic and healinir. Iluv a bottle today. All druggists, !!."ic. Electric Hitters a spring tonic. The first question a man asks when he sees a girl flirting is whether she is a respectable girl or not. You see how it raises a doubt at once. This being the case, sure ly no modest girl can afford the slightest degree of this pastime. When the dawn is brushed from a peach the beauty is so marred that it can never be restored, and, and so when a young girl throws lightly aside that sweet and mod est reserve so becoming to a maiden and which so elevates her and I enables her to command the respect of all, she loses her great est charm and becomes rather common and cheap; to use no rash term. Flirting may seem to the giddy and thoughtless girl to be wonderfully amusing, and the men may even get an idea that she is quite fascinating but it is a most degrading thing and should be frowned upon by every young lady who has an ambition to become a worthy and charming woman. A LONG DROP. Or a Fine to Attempt to j Deceive the Men. At last it has come to this. We ' feared as much, but when these i women commenced to get intopol-1 itics there was no telling what ! wouldn't happen. Out in Kansas : they have introduced a bill in the . legislature which says that if wo men under 45 years of age wear j ear-rings or treat their faces to cosmetics for the purpose of creat-' ing a false impression, they will re guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction be fined. Now what do you think of thai? Of course this means all women for all women are under forty-live years of age. , But to create a false impression what can that mean? When the old girl who has a few wrinkles and a few blotches con eludes to hide these def rmities, which Father Time gently brings and leaves, by putting on a little paint and powder, by attaching to her ears a few glistening diamonds, is it to deceive or to please the one who gazes at the wondrous charms? The bill provides that "face powder, pefume, false hair or bleaching materials" must not be used and how in the name of Wonder could a woman, with the changing styles not wear false hair now and then? Some of these fashions and creaiions in hats call for all the stock of a mattress fac tory to rig the head gear in order that the hat may stay on. Long have we viewed Kansas as the home of freaks. It was in Kansas that John Brown started on his wild career; it was in Kansas that Carrie Nation lived and Sock- less Jerry had his being, it was in Kansas that populistic whiskers gained the PhieHer flavor and in Kansas that Old Man Bender killed his men. But we had thought that when saloons were no more out there; when men took on their sober second thought, the freak business would come to a stand still. But not so. It is of the soil and the hope is that the bill will not pass. But where is the man who would go into court and con fess that his lady love had handed him an artificial hair factor) and that her beauty her blush and bloom had been bought at a drug store. Perish the thought! Everything. AN OUNCE OF PREVENTIVE Is Worth a Ton of Cure By S. W. Inglish, Fire Prevention Expert. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mr.Stayonearth Hullo! Haven't seen you for ages. If you re mo toring down my way you might drop in. Mr. Upintheair I've given up the car. I travel in an aeroplane now. Mr. Stayonearth Oh well, then, you might drop out! Weekly Telegraph. THE WINNER. ' I . ' v ' V i Those of Middle Age Especially. When you have found no remedy for the horrors that oppress you during change of life, when through the long hours of the day it seems as though your back would break, when your head aches constantly, you are nervous, de pressed and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains, don't forget that Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound is the safest and surest remedy, and has carried hundreds of women safely through this critical period. Read what these three women say: From Mrs. Hornung, Buffalo, N. Y. Bi'Ffat.o, N. Y. "I am writing to let you know how much your medicino has dnnn for me. I failed terribly during the last winter and summer and every one remarked, aliout my appearance. I suf fered from a female trouble, and always had pains in my back, no jiIetite ami tit times was very weak. "I was visit ins at a friend's house one day and she thouRhtl needed Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound. I took it and have gained eight pounds, have a good appetite and am feeling better every day. Everybody is asking me what I am doing and I recommend Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound. You may publish this letter if you wish and I hoiie others who have the same complaint will see it and get health from your medicine as I did" Mrs. A. IIobnu.no, 91 Stanton !-t., Buffalo, X. Y. Was A Blessing To This Woman. So. RirnioMi, Va. " I was troubled with a liearing down pain and a female weakness and could not stand long on my feet. Of all the medicines I took nothing heliied me like Lydia E. I'inkham's Vege table Compound. I am now regular and am getting along fine. I cannot praise the Comix mud too much. It has been a blessing to me and I hope it will be to other women." Mrs. L. Tvutn, 2a West Clopton St., South Richmond, Va. Pains in Side, Could Hardly Stand. Loni, Wi. "I was in a bad condition, suffering from a female trouble, and I had sueh pains in my sides I could hardly move. Be fore I had taken tho whole of one bottle of Lydia E. Pinkhain's Veg etable Compound 1 felt better, and now I am well and can do a good day's work. I tell everybody what your medicine has done for me." Sirs. John Thompson, lidi, Wisconsin. For 30 years Lydia K. PioUham's Vegetable Compound lias heen the standard remedy for fe male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made iVoiu roots and herbs, it hus restored so many si: I'fering women to health. raS5WritetoLVl!iA F.CINKHAM MEDICINE CO. bp? t'ONFIIM'N'l I AL) LYXN. .MASS., for advice. our letter viil he opened, read and answered hv a woimia :u i held iu striet cunlideni e. You will save 56 cts. per gal. THIS IS HOW 7 Buy4gdU L&M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint, fer, at $2.10 per gal. - - $8.46 iu.Atii-f M.lrMlMJWlvWllllJ'''n''" mm mu s And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to mix with-it' ; ; V :'J 2.40 i'JMi l!t a k'tV n.!r.i!tcs L fc at estimated cost of You then make 7 gals, of pure paint for f 10.80 It's only $ 1.51 per gal. Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINT. Whereas, if you buy 7 gals, ol ready-for-use paint in CAIVS, you pay S2.10 a gal. or $14.70. f-,t? M-Sm) S .A'. PAIN I H I ;.'K:". WHITE LEAD, : l.i'O (..::.. ' !''! ;'. v.t; ;" ''I iiiU-'.'.!e tor 100 ytats. ! .&. '. : :V! - " -' ii not the bcsl . ' , ' ! ' ntoney back. EDWIN CLARK, Weldon, N. C. HARDY HDWE. CO.. Scotland Neck WHY THE HIOH COST. ''Farm products cost more than ! they used to," said an Anderson I man to a farmer friend, j "Yes," replied the farmer, i "When a farmer is supposed to j know the botanical name of what , he's raisin' and the entomological i name of the insect that eats it, an' "How's your brother, Tommy?" "Ill in bed, miss. He's hurt himself." "How did he do that?" "We were playing at who could lean farthest out of the window, and he won." No Use to Try and Wear Out Your Cold It Will Wear You Out Instead Thousands keep on sutlering Coughs and Colds through neglect and delay. Why make yourself an easy prey to se rious ailments and epidemics as the result of a neglected Cold? Coughs and Colds sap your strength and vitality unless checked in the early stages, nr. King's New Discovery is what you need the llrst dose helps. Vour head clears up, vou breathe freely and you feel so much better. Huy a bottle today and start taking at once. Chlldron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA It is said that the sword of Damocles was suspended above the head of that tyrant with but a single thread. Every man, woman and child ought to think well of the lesson taught by this exlample The fire demon is the sword of destruction that ever hangs above the head of the people. If you knew that by the mere snipping of a thread all that you had saved would be wiped out, wouldn't you ever be on the alert to see that the thread was not snipped? More property is destroyed by fire than by all other destroying elements combined. Storms come with the seasons, and warnine of their coining is generally given. Winds reach a destructive velocity at but rare intervals and floods follow expeced courses. But fires are catholic in their field. They visit the just and the unjust and everywhere there is food for the fire demon he finds his victuals. Be on the watch tower of your home all the time. He fattens on your own folly. You can pre vent his paying you a visit if you but will. Notice of Sale by Trustee. Kv virtue of tho power contained in that certain deed of trust, recorded in Hunk .' .". at page 4;3, liegisterof Deedi Otlire of Halifax county, executed by U W. .lovner and wife, Lucy I. Joyner, to Klliott H dark. trutee, I will on the 24th Day ot April. 1915, in front of the Court House door, in the town of Halifax, N C, at one o'clock p. in offer for sale 'o the highest bidder for cash, a tti third undivided interest in and to the following described landi the Pharmaceutical name Ol the ! lying, being and situate in Unnkleyville chemical that will kill it, somebody's i J""in"i'.',f '.," foViTms got to pay." AMBUSHED. He (thinking of another girl) Would you believe that 1 am des perately in love? She I might, if you were a lit tle more demonstrative. Health Promotes Happiness Without health, genuine joy is im possible; without good digestion and regular bowel movement you cannot have health. Why neglect keeping bowels open and risk being sick and 'ailing'.' You don't have to. Take one ! small Dr. King's New Life Till at night, in the morning you will hao a full, free ' bcv.c! mOV','Vi'Pt "il feel much better. Helps your appetite and digestion. Try one tonight. CASTORIA For Infants and Children, In Use For Over 30 Years Always beam tha Signature of Man proposes, woman accepts and the neighbors all say : "I told you so!" Are You Nheumntic Try Sloan's If you want quick and real relief from Rheumatism, do what so many thou sand other people are doing whenever an attack comes on.balhe the sore muscle of joint with Sloan's Lini ment. No need lo rub it in juBt apply the Liniment to the surface. It is won derfully penetrating. It goes right to the seat of trouble and draws the pain almost immediately. Wet a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25c. of any drug gist and have it in the house against Colds. Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumba go, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. If it were not for politics lots of lazy men would starve to death. 1TI!T: The Boseman tract, bounded on North bv lauds ot J. It. I'arker, on the east hv the lands of L. E. Hull, on .l.'l... .1... lnn.lu n (L.TkMnn Llll SlHllll HV oie Luun 111 ,ur luivnG-, on west by the lands of Tom Taylor and I low eis, said Boseman tract, together with the Willie tract, containing one bundled and sixtv-live a res, mure or less, it being the home place of the late I. H I'arker. KCoXD. Land adjoining Dick t arter, l rank Taylor and others, com mencing at a stake and persimmon pointers, corner of lot No 2, thence N. til W. IK 17 to a stake in hilwards line, thence N L'U W. 17. 4H chains toa corner stake in Wm. Sledge's line, thence with Ins line "lit K. If 1 7 chains to a poplar pointer, thence N ; 2!' K. liMHcliains to the beginning, containing 3:IJ acres, more or less, it being known as lot No. I. iu the division of the Dolly Herbert a land. All the lands herein described containing I'' acn s, more or less, said interest being all the right anil title and interest oi the said It. W. Joyner and and wife, l.ucv I. Joyner, which ii a two-third undivided interest. This Kith March 11115. Time of Sale: 1 o'clock P. M. 1'laceofSale: Court House Door. Terms of Sale: Ca-h KLLIOTT II. CLARK, Trustee. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. We grow them. Roses, Vallies, Vio lets and tarnations a specialty. Wed ding and Funeral flowers arranged in the latest artistic styles. Blooming Pot Plants Ferns, 1'alms and many other niee plants for the house. Write for Nprina; l'ricc list of Rose bushes, Khrubberiea, Hedge Plants, Evergreens and Shade Trees. Our Business Is Qrowing. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed by j. L. O'Ql'ISN & COMPANY, FLORISTS, RALEIGH, North Carolina. Phones, Store 42 Oresn houses U9 VELDN. N. C.

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