ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of in f i i u VOL. XLIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 191.5. NO. r2 4 J-ifi z: - Al roilol. 3 Per n MT AVfgdiiMePi-pparjiion simil.nii(!itFoo((.iiR)iih linfiliieSiumitteanillloHtliof Promotes Ditfeslionf Wtfat iwss awl Re stjConiains itur Opium. Morphine narMiocnL ftOTAARCOTIC. jutwtfMikmMnma A perfect Remedy forConstlp Hon. Sour Stowach.Dlarrhort Jal Wormsfonvulsionsffwnsfr neMandLossorSLEZP. Fax Simile Signature of is NEW YORK. IS; twSlT Suaranltfduiwfcrlfi Eisct Copy of Wrapper. THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Towrfof Weldon Depository. Capital aa Surplus, $55,000. For over -1 years tin t n st 1 1 u t i n lias provided banking facilities foi tins Bectiuii. Its stoi'l. Inilili 11 ami iillirriit arc identified with the busi ness intermits uf IUIiI'ua :ui'l Vi ihuiiii.loii counties. A Savink's Ht'purtineut i- intiiiitarn-il I'm the heiielil of all who desire to depoait in a nimniis liuuk lu III is I'epaitmeiit iutciesl In allowed us follows: I or Deposits iill.ittcl Ihi.-imhi t In ' months or longer, 2 per ceut. Six months or longer, .'t per cent l'ehe mouth 01 lontrer, 4 percent. Anv information will he funi'i-lied on application to the I'residentorC'ashiei PBI4IIIINT W. F. DAM KL V 11 K'l'KKSlUKNI W, I! SMITH. I. (' liK I-KI4, Tellei. DlKECTuKS W li. Small, W F. R. T. Daniel, .1.1.. hepheid, . UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK. DON'T STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED "Dodwi'j Urn Tom" Will Cleai Yow Sluggisli Um Batter Than Calomil ill Can Mot Salivate. Calomel makes you ick; you low n day's work. Calomel ia quicksilver ami it salivates; calomel injures your liver. If you are bilious; feel lazy, shurirish and ill knocked out, if your bowels are constipated and your lieail aches or stomach ia sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Ton.' instead of using sickening, salivating calomel. Dodson'a Liver Tone is real liver medi cine. - You'll know it next niurnini! be cause you will wake up fivlini: line, your liver will lie working, our In-ml-ache and diiziness gone, your tnnach will he sweet and bowels nyulnr. Von ill feel like working. You'll ! full of energy, viuor and ambition. Sending Money Except by Check Or Drafts is Risky and Cost ly. A Checking Account Hero Means S UP 1 WMUIWI Ui WBLIIUI M WELDON, N, C. 4 per ceni. interest on Savings Deposits. fallal'. SOLD BY Pierce-w WELDON. N. C. HOUSE MOVER. t moye houses, boilers, hoist smoke stacks, etc. H.P.COX, rlphoD SB, Roekr Mount, S C. 8 26 4 GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use for Over Thirty Years I 1SU1KH: J tl. WUkK, imnii - l, J. U. liiake, VA U. Coheu, i't.'iiv. 1. I!. .ollieollei, .1 . W. sledge Y'our druggist or dealer sells you o 60 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tom under my personal guarantee tint: it will clean your sluggish liver better tl :w nasty calomel; it won't make you and Jou can cat antl'iii you i without being saliuled. mur diug;is guarantees that each spoonful will stii-i your liver, clean your Mwe's an. straighten you up by morning or yoi get your money back. ChiMreu gla! take Dislson's I.iver Time Is-causo. it i pleasant ta-ting and divsn't gripe i erainp or make them sick. I am selling millions of bottles o Dodson'" T.iver Tone to people who liav. found that this pleasant, YegetaMe. live medicine taki-a the place of dangeroii enloni"!. Uuy one bottle on my sound reliable guarantee Ask your dmggis-t at ety, Economy A Till VT IV id l ROOF Hill Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. WELDON, N. nfflna iu Weldou Bank iTrust Buildiug Bwi.M proptly wd faltWull, .t If? CASTORIA CHEERFUL WOMAN. Everybody Welcomes a Smiling Face. There are emergencies in every household which call for the display of a statesmen's skill. The cheerful woman is pre-eminent on such occasions. She conquers the grim uncle or the dyspeptic cousin wiih her infestive cheerfulness, and her servants recognize her as their friend and ally in all matters that are essential to their welfare, j The length of time she keeps her j servants is a source ot wonder ment to her less fortunate friends, but the secret of it is her own win some disposition. She sooihes the tired worker with a word of kind commendation where another night make a querulous complaint. When direction is needed she de livers it in such a gentle albeit firm manner that it has no sting or re proof. This gentle, tactful woman is not afflicted with work that is from "sun tosun," or that is "never done." She does not moralize much, perhaps, but by some means she manages to accomplish a great deal of work and have plenty of time at her command. It is by means of that same cheerfulness of disposition. There is less delay in executing her commands, and she possesses the gift of "timing her turns," so that sometimes it seems as if the "fairies did help her." And the fairies of getle breeding and of kind heart do help her. Everybody welcomes a smiling face. All doors are open to it; all social circles welcome it. It is an open sesame to heart and home. By it burdens are lightened, cares dispelled, sorrows banished, and hope made to reign triumphant where fear, doubt and desponden cy held high carnival. QUEER ENQLISH. Hundreds of death certificates are handled annually by the Wis consin Suite Board of Health in making its classification of disease. Many as hlltd out by the local physicians and mailed to the board, contain unusual comment as to the cause of death. Some of these found in the reports of I.. W. Hutchcroft, chief statistician, fol low: A mother "died in infancy." "Went to bed feeling well, bui woke up dead." 'Died suddenly at the age of 103. To this time he bid fair to reach a fair old age." 'Do not know cause of death, but paiient fully recovered from last illness." "Deceased has never been fa tally sick." "Died suddenly; nothing seri ous. 'Pulmonary hemorrhage sud den death." (Duration four years.) "Decutsed died from blood pois on, caused by a broken ankle, which is remarkable, as the auto mobile struck him between the lamp and the radiator." If marrumc is a failure Solo mon's wisdom didn't count for very much. Girls, if vou are at a loss to kiinw how to lake a man, let him stay where he is. The secret of overcoming igro- rance is to know the necessity. 10 CURE A Told in the Following Letter by a Jackson wan wno Knows from Experience. His Word Is Good. Jackson, Misi. "I am a carpentr, and the grippe left me not only with t chronic couih, but I was runrdown. worn out aid weak. I took all kinds at cough syTupa but thsr did me no food. I finally got to wuk 1 wu not able to do a day work, and coughed so much I . i .mul ahwit tnv ennditinn. One evening i read about Vinol and decided lO try ii. Deiun i iiw vm-' of a bottle 1 felt better, and af Ur taking two botUea my cough is entirely cured, all the bad symptoms have disappeared and 1 have gained new vim and energy. " John L. Dennis, 711 Lynch Street, Jaekton, Mum- , , . The reason Vinol la so successful In cuch case is because the active medic inal principlea of cod liver oil contained In Vinol rebuilds wasting tissues and supplies strength and vigor to the nerves and muscles while the tonic iron and wine assist the red corpuscles of the blood to absorb oxygen and distribute It through the system, thus restoring health and strength to the weakened, diseased organs of the body. If Vinol fails to help you, we return four money. W. M. CX)HEN, Druifgist, MSMsa! tk-a efteyf-fcrct toft lii CHRONIC COUGH Rheumatism Sprains Lumbago Sciatica Why grin and bear all these ills when Sloan's Liniment kills pain? ii wm zm SIMM'S LffilMfflT All Dealers 25c Send four cents in stamps for a free TRIAL BOTTLE. DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Dept. B THE OLD There's a mother, bent and wrinkled, in a home back 'mong the hills, And a longing for a letter that mother's lone heart fills, Just a line from son or daughter who for years has passed away; But the letter's long in coming, none she gets, day after day. No one knows how still and lonesome is that house where years ago Mother rocked the old red cradle, gently, gently, to and fro; Soothed away child griefs with kisses, bound up cuts and fingers sore, And a-smiling watched the playing on the spotless kitchen floor ! Merry children round the table; quaint old dishes white and blue; Now none come when dinner's ready; table's only set for two ! Often, when the light is waning, from the little parlor stand Mother takes an old-time picture in her work worn trembling hand : Gazes on the face intently (such love's 'mong earth's chiefest charms); "1 was never half so happy as when you were in my arms ! 1 was often tired and weary, filled with care, and oft perplexed; Had so much to do I wondered what the task 1 should do next. But I'd bear the burden gladly, surfer what 1 did, and more, If those days now gone forever 1 could see again live o'er!" Now her longing's for a letter, as she does her household chores, Write and tell her how you love her, if that lonesome mother's yours. COMPANY. There's a body at the knocker from the morn till dark o' night If it wasn't for the men folk they'd be here by candlelight, Though it's "just half a minute for to pass the time 'o day," Once they're sittin' by the cradle, what a deal they find to say ! First the little maids that's on the Come on tiptoe while I hold the covers back for them to see; Then their crannies brine me good advice that no one needs at home, And their mothers bring a fairy tale And the luck that's round the corner for the children growin' up, Though there's some that's put about to find tomorrow's bite and sup, Each lad's to drive his coach and But the future seems so strange-like And the old wife from the Poor'us Says the child that's in the cradle And my eyes is full o tears for her ana them she s dreamin ol, Yet I somehow can't abide her grief so nigh my little Love. Oh, the time is best when all are gone, the neighbors and the kin, And I'm sittin' here between the lights until my man conies in. With my hand inside the cradle times I'll almost say out loud 'Love, the two of us is comp ny; MEBBE HE DID. There was a certain bishop who had a pleasant habit of chatting with anybody he might meet during his country walks. One day he came across a lad who was look ing after some pigs by the road side, and the bishop paused to ask him what he was doing, that being his usual way of opening a conver sation. "Mindin' swoine," the lad re plied stolidly. "Mi is that so? he comment ed. "And how much do you earn a week?" "Twoshillin'." was the reply. "Only two shillings?" remarked the bishop. Then he continued oleasaniiv. "1. too. am a shepherd, but I get more than two shillings." The lad look at him suspiciously for a minute. Then he said slow ly : "Mebbe you gets more swoine than me to moind." New York Globe. Every pleasure is a possible cause for a lot of pain. The rule of love is usu.lly more effective than the rule of might. Its easy to be an optimist so long as the right side only is visible. Children Cry F0R FLETCHER'S CAOTOR I A " I have used your Liniment and can Bay it is 6nc, I hnve used it for sore throat, strained Bbouliler, and it acted like u einirm." 1lfti Dunn, Route I, Box 88, Pine Valley, Miu. " I am a painter and pnperlianger by trade, consequently up fttul down lad ders. About t wo yearn ugi my left knee became lame and sore. It pained me at nights tit times till I could not rest, and 1 was contemplating giving up my trade on account of it when 1 chanced to think of Sloan's Liniment. I had never tried it before, utid I am glad to state that less than ono 25c. bottle fixed me up apparently as good as ever." CVurles C, Campbell, Florence, Texas. HOME. road to school, as it may be. about the years to come. six, each maid s a rich man s bride, when the babe is at your side. that has buried all her own, brings ihemback that's dead and gone; even daddy makes a crowd ! NOW. "Enjoy your children all you can now, for you do not know what sorrow may come when they are grown," we heard a wise man say to a young mother. "Take all the sweetness that each day brings, and live with it. Watch their growth; enjoy theirexpressions of affection; warm your heart with the glowing love and unstinted admiration they so freely bestow upou you; you will never have a better lover than your baby or girl. To them you are the beautiful queen, the infal lable one, the ruler of the house hold and a very angel of joy and mercy. They turn to you in glad ness and sorrow, and find always a present help. You are wise enough to be all this to them now, but when they are older they will discover your limitations. They will love you still, but with the love of equality, not of adoration. NO EXCUSE. Judge You admit, then, that you stole the loaf of bread? Woman Prisoner Yes, your honor. Judge What have to say for yourself ? Woman Nothing, your honor. If it was lace or jewelry I might plead kleptomania, but we can't work that when it's bread. Bos ton Transcript. WHAT A GROUCH IS. If You Have a Grouch Get Rid of It, Shake It Off, For it is About Your Worst Enemy. A grouch will turn the sweetest disposiiion to vinegar. It will set you against your fel low man. It will make you a nuisance to other men. It will impair your intellect, in terfere wiih your appetite, cripple your digestion, and make you an i object of ridicule in the eyes of other people. , It will reiard your work, drive j your friends from you, cause yutir j children to fear, and your relatives to shun you. It will turn the brightest tiny into 1 a murky fog, obscure the sun which God gave you to rrj.iv. snl trans form the sparkling waters nl purity into the bitterness of gall. j It will strip you of ambition, pull you down to the depths, and wriie "finals" to an otherwise brilliant career. It will chill the whinny of your horse, kill the affections of your faithful dog, and send your cat scampering to cover. It will rival the bellow of a bull, put your fowls to flight, and make music of the grunt of a pig. It will make you a byword in the community, an all around nuisance to humanity, and an object of dis gust to yourself. It is full of peril and without a single grace, for it is the hand of the devil beconing you to hell. Get rid of your grouch, RETRIBUTION. 'Whatsoever a Man Soweth that Shall He Also Reap." Retribution, or the teaching that we shall receive the punishment that is due us in return for the sins we commit, is not a very acceptable doctrine in this age. But the Bible still teaches it, the Church believes it, and human experience bears testimony to the fact that it never fails. And here is a little story that confirms our position on the sub ject. If we persist in doing evil the same return will be ours. A hunter was one day shot dead in the for est where he was seeking his fa vorite game. In spite of every effort to bring the murderer to justice he nevertheless escaped and his sin seemed to go unpunish ed. But twenty years later the murdered man's son who tookakn at a stag in the same forest, missed his mark and hit an unseen man. The shot was fatal, and, as the man lay dying, he said to the son of the man whom he had so ruthlessly murdered twenty years before, "I am the man who shot your father, right here, under this oak. The very ground where I now lie was dyed with his blood; and it has evi dently been designed that you, son of the murdered man, should on this precise spot, without any thought or intention of such a thing avenge the act on me. God is just!" And there he expired. Ah! my friend, "be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Consider this well. Se lected Philosophers and pretty women are apt to be enamored of their own reflections. When the Oowels Are I'ncomiuNduIe and you miss that fine feeling of exhilaration which follows a copious morning opera tion, you should put a small quantity of Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form) on the tongue and wash it down with a little water. Ita action in the system is puri fying and strengthening. It drives out hard impactions and impurities and gives tone to the muscular Structure of the bowels. It over comes the tendency to chronic con stipation, relieves a bloated feeling in the abdomen, sweetens the breath and promotes vigor of body, mental alertness and cheerful spirits. Sold try Dealers Price, Large Package, it.OO AJk forth, mnlne with th. Rfd I OR tb. UbL II ye. sim ,pi a. remit t. ui. t Wia .M4 a t7 Dll. popld. SiBIBOM Li ret aruktor UK) ptu iv In liquid Ion. for 'boot wbo firm It. Flic il.00 m kadi. Look tot tin am z ubd. I. B. 2EIL1N & CO., rroprlatat St. Una. Muaeaft Is it possible there is a woman in this country who con tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer ing among women than any other one medicine in the world? We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub lished in the interest of any other medicine for women and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen uine and true. Here are three never before published: From Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I. Pkovidknce, It. I." For the k'ticflt of women who suffer as I have done I wish to state what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I did some heavy lifting and the doctor said ifc caused a displacement. I have always been weak and I overworked after my baby was bom and inflammation set in, then nervous pros tration, from which I did not recover until I hatl taken Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Conixjund. The Compound is my best friend and when I hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to induce her to take your medicine." .Mrs. t. T. liicusioxi), l'JU Waldo Ktreet, Providence, It. I. A Minister's Wife Writes: Ci.oqi'et, Minn. "I have suffered very much with irregularities, Earn and inflammation, but your wonderful medicine, Lydia E. Piuk am's Vegetable Compound, has made me well and I can recommend the same to all that are troubled with these complaints." Mrs. Jbn me Akehman, co liev. K. Akekman, Clotmet, Minnesota. From Mrs. J. D. Murdoch, Quincy, Mass. Sot'Tn Qvinoy, Mass. ' The doctor said that I had organic trouble and he doctored me for a long time and I did not get any relief. I saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comtiound ad- vertised and I tried it and found relief before I had finished the first bottle. I continued taking it all through middle life ami am now u strong, healthy woman and earn tnv own living." Mrs. Jane L. Menuocii, 25 Gordon tt.. Nmth Quincy, Mass. Write to T,YM A E. IMNKHAM MEDICINE CO. (COM IDEM 1 A 1.1 1.YN,MASS.,iornlvioe. Your letter will be opened, read uy u woman ana neui in sinci $6 $b $ttr $'4r $'4r AA j The only aseet you v: your family or busing :.a.u w uid be worth 100 t ii dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insui anco Did you ever think of that ? How much have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end of it TODAY. Don't put it off --to morrow may be See or Phone Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the New York Life Insurance Company Largest Strongest Best Phone 303 L - WELDON, N. C. SV' M M - SisMM M m m m M anil answered commence. nsr. $'r ?A ?AA?A?A?A W 1 f i too late. iTlNrrtAM

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