'j 1 wah fti fHh it" mm """"":fiiii nil 4 Sta ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5(, Fti Ai.riUi, VOL. XLX. WELDOX, X. (, THURSDAY, A Pit I L 1M.), 10 U NO. 1 ILfeSlir01MV Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been lu use for over aO year-, has borne tho signature of r - and has been made under hi per QCejjtfnj, 'onal supervision, since Its Infancy. Allownoonetodocclvoyoulnthls. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and" Junt-as-good" are but Kzpcrlniciits that trllle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience agalnxt Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Cantoris is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio xubstauce. Its aire Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays I'cvori.shness. It cures Diarrhrea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and ltowelx, giving healthy and uatural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the Tbe KM Ton Hate Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THt 0CNTAUH CMNN THE BANK OF WELD ON WELDOX, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Snrplns, $55,000.' For over '.'1 year thin institution lias provided baDkirjft facilities for this section, IU topklul,lrr nnil i ll cers are identitied with the bimi ne8 intcrestx of llulifax ami Nurtlmrnpton counties. A Savings I i' p:n Iriicii I is i . ..n n I :u n 1 fur the benelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hunk, lu tins hepartment interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to leinuin tlihT iiiontlis or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or lonifer, H per cent Twelve months or longer, 4 percent. Any information will he furnished on application to the TresidentorCashier PRRKIlilN i : W. K. DANIK.I., vu K-i'iiKHiDiir: W. H SMITH. . (' lilt M'KIJ. Teller. DlRKtToliS . It. Smith, W. K. R. T. Daniel. .1. 1,, shepherd. W A. 01 CALOMEL DYNAMITES YOUR LIVER! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES "Dodsoi'i Liter Tone" Starts Your Liver Better Thai Calomel and You Don't Lose i Day's Work Liven up your uluniriuli livnr! Feel fine and cheerful; make your nrftrk a pleASure; be vigorou and full of umhi tion. But Uke no nimty. iUi.touo calomel beraukv it makes you and you may low a day's work. Calomel is mercury or nuii'-krulvpr which cauws nocroau of tin Imw. Calomel crashes into four hilr like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cn.iiipiui;. Liiten to me! If you want t enjoy the nioet gentleat liver and ixiwel cleansing youever experienced just ijiki ft.fpoQtuul Of haruUcsa l)odaon'B Ltvcr Sending Money Except by Check Or Drafts is Risky and Cost ly. A Checking Account Here Means Safety,Econoiny i i DM WELDON, N, C. 4 per cent, interest on Savings Deposits. TANNER'S HOOF SOLD 1VI. i II M HII Pierce itel II WELDON. N. C. HOUSE MOVER, I move houses, boilers, hoist smoke stacks, etc H.P.COX, Telsphone 94 Rocky Mount, N. C. 826 1m Signature of i islllKK: I. I). DKAKK, iiniiiel, .1. t). Drake. W. U. Cohen, fierce, D. II. ZolhcoH'er. .I.W. Slclge Tone tonipht. Your ilrupgist or iloalei st'lU you a 50 cent bottle of Doii-son' J.iver 'lnin undi r my piTwuial money hack (.niarantoo t!i:it fiieh pnnful will clean your (duiyihii liwr h'-ttvr than o d"W of n.inty ( iilititit'i and itt-i i' m'i make you hi.k. Podfon's TJvcr Tnf i real livei mulieine. You'll know it nc1 niorninj.' Uviiuw you will wake up fteliup tir.. iur 'i.iT will U1 working . Ite;iitc:i u ml diziin's- pone; iom:'t-!t iM t-vt uiul I'oweU regular. !dtn'i T.iver Ton ii nifinl v:v t;ilde, then-foro ltarmli'i! nv e;ui nt 1 wilivat Iivf it t' --nv i-litl.lrff. Miltioj of pnijt't' iii" iiM'i1.' hotlson' l.iver Tone instead of l mifnni?. ealomcl now. Your ilnipiht will u-ll on that tlie ;do of Calomel li uiniont atopped entirely here. BY n 'ii'ii i, Wm. L, KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, W'EI.IKiN, N. V. Oliice in Weldon BatA ATrust Building Buainass promptly And faithfuiijr at tended to. nil K I III PINT IIOMlU 11(11 U WAS SENT BACK. The Red Likker Did Not Remain. Did you ever stand in the pres ence of one you loved and close the staring eyes and realize that far beyond the recall of hope or time or love the spirit had been wafted. Did you ever tell the girl you loved that she was all the world to you and she handed you the marble heart ? Told you to be gone, you silly and the next day married the baker's son? Did you ever stand in front of your home and see the flames devouring the little household gods - and keep-sakes and know that they were gone for ever? Did you ever stand above a grass grown grave and know that beneath the flowers laid the one you loved and lost? Did you ever endorse a note for a good friend and receive information from the bank that you had been duly stung and had to come across with the lull amount? If you have, these things moved you. They would have moved any man but listen to this from the Salisbury Post : "Some few have been disap pointed in Salisbury loday on ac count of the operation of the new act, passed by the last legislature, limiting the delivery of more than one quart of whiskey to any one person in any two weeks. Sever al have been expecting the usual gallon and delayed in calling for the same and when they appeared at the express office today they were notified that although the much wanted package was there it could not be delivered. Hundreds had anticipated this and got their's out yesterday. All gallon pack ages remaining in the freight and express offices were sent back to Ihe original shippers today." Think of a man with a sublima led thirst a thirst purified by days and weeks of watchful waiting; thirst approximating the desert breath; a thirst on stilts; a thirst consuming, devouring going into an express office and looking at his name on a gallon of pure likker a jug that was his very own a jug for which he paid and prayed and being informed that under (he laws made and provided you could not have what was yours, And this, too, on an April Fool's day and no foolishness about it. Vi e are going to tell you, ladies and gentlemen that when Patrick Henry thrilled the world by dra matically exclaiming : "Give me likker, or give me death," he didn't feel the fires of patriotism half as much as the woe-begone rummy felt who looked at that jug with his name on it, and couldn't get tt. w hy 1 antalus wasn t in it compared to the Salisbury people who looked down the wareroom floors of the express office. Talk about being the somnambulist of a mighty dream you know and I know that under such conditions you would pinch yourself to see if you were awake. And the jug went back. And the pilgrim on the pike with this sublimiicd thirst of which we speuk. What did he do? What coukl he do? He could murmur "If of all words of tongue or pen the saddest are these : It might have been sadder yet are these from downcast mug : O Lord, why lake from me my jug ?" Everything. FOR OLD PEOPLE Mrs. Hutchison Eighty-One Years Old Uses No Oth er Tonic but Vino! and Rec ommends It to Friends. Granville, S C '4t u with pleasure I tell others of the great benefit 1 haw derlred from Vino!, for the past several yean. I am 81 years old and I And Vi no! girea me strength, a healthy appe tite and overcomes nervous disorders. Vinol is the only tonic reconstructor I have used for several years, X have recommended it to a great many of my friends and it has always proved satis factory." Mrs. M. A. Hutchison, Greenville, S. C. Such cases as the above are constantly coming to our attention. If people in this vicinity only realized how Vlnol in vigorates old people we would not be able to aupply the demand. It il the tissue building, curative ele ments of the cod's livers, aided by the blood making strengthening properties of tonic iron contained in vinol, that makes It so successful in building up strength for old people, delicate chil dren and for all run-down conditions. Vinol is also a most successful remedy for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. If it fails to benefit any ono who tries it ws return yoqr money. . ' W.M. WIUiN.Drugiist, BE STILL, WEARY SOUL, Be still, weary soul, cease thy wailing in vain, It but mocks thy spirit; it stays not the pain, Thy load may be heavy, thy grief hard to bear, Yet grieving and pining bring only despair, Look onward and upward; hope lights the sky, Cheer up, weary soul, 'tis no time to die. Think, think, weary soul, of the beautiful day, O, think of the sunbeams that brighten the way. The flowers are nodding in joy and glee, And Nature is smiling and calling to thee, Go, list to her call, be gladsome and bright Cheer up, weary soul, dispel the dark night. Stand up, weary soul, be brave in the strife, If duty demands it, then give up thy life, Press on 'mid the noise of cannon and shell, Nor shirk thou a task do it nobly and well. Go forlh'in the front of the foe's battle line, Then martyr-like greatness shall truly be thine. See thou, weary soul, there's much to be done Battles and conflicts are yet to be won. 'Tis no time to fret; 'tis no time to sigh While Nature is calling, and heaven is nigh, Then, off, weary soul, with thy grief and thy care, And on with the armor of human welfare. YOUR BOY You have figured a lot on this young career, You have dreamed and planned and thought; You have pictured him manly and full of cheer, With a will for the fight you've fought. But he'll never come up to the dreams you dream And he never will do his part Till you get right down in his heart with him And take him right into your heart. You cannot one minute believe he will care What hopes you have formed of his life If you haven't meant anything unto him yet As far as he's gone in his strife; You cannot look forward to having him rise To position of honor and trust If you've never been comrades, with light in your eyes And with bare toes kicking the dust. Why, maybe you never have known with you Of the little group of the tender and free, As a man with a family should do, You can't expect him, whatever may come, To fulfill every promise your heart Has made for htm there in life's busy hum Unless you have made him a part. NEVER SAW A CHRISTIAN HOBO. "And I Never Saw One Hitting the Cross Ties or Panhandling" Says Unique Evangelist In Ser mon In Philadelphia. Extracts from Hilly Sunday's lant I'lila- ilclphia Sermon. A preacher went to call on a wo man who was in poverty. He asked her if she didn't have any children. She said she had a son. He asked her if the son didn't write to her, if he never sent her any thing, and she said he did, a lot of picture paper. He askea to see them, and she showed him a vase stuffed full of banknotes. You laugh, but you have been just as big a fool with God's prom ises. You go along picKing up a few crumbs here and there, when God is ready to shake a bakeshop at you. When you are in trouble, instead of going into the Bible to find a way out, you let them grow, and they grow faster than Jonah's gourd vine. You are afraid to step out on the promises. Like a man who went to cross a river on the ice and, after he had gotten a little way, he thought he heard a crack, and fell on his knees and prayed and began to crawl to shore, and as he arrived he heard a noise and looked behind to see a six-horse team with a wagon load of pig iron coming after him. The heaviest burdens of this world are those of tomorrow, which we take up today. We wor ry ahc-m war war with Europe, war with Mexico. We worry about1 dying in the poor house. There are worse places to die in, anyhow. An old man said : "I've had many troubles, but the worst were the ones that never happened." An old woman got up to give testimo ny one day and said : "I feel bad when I feel good, because I know I shall feel bad again." A cheer ful disposition is better than a ped igree carrying you back to Ply mouth Rock. A long, gas-pipe face is the most disagreeable thing you can offer to the Lord. Don't you think the Lord knows your troubles? No Daniel ever went into a lion's den alone. So don't throw your tick ets away when the train goes in a tunnel. It will come out allright. "Some prople say to me, 'Bill, you ought to carry a gun, preach ing as you do against all these liquor people and sin and the un- AND YOU. that he was a member at home i derworld. It ain't safe for you to i pn around unarmed ' l'hv ihpr aren't guns enough in the world to kill me until my time comes to go and when it comes and the Lord calls I'm going." David said, "Once I was young, and now I am old," but that he never saw a righteous man in need. I never saw a Christian hitting the ties and pan-handling. I never saw a Christian that was a hobo. "The young lions do lack and suf fer hunger, but they that trust in the Lord do not want for any thing." P. D. Armour was walking one day through his packing factory when the whistle blewand the men rushed to their dinner" buckets. H; saw one man grab a hunk of bread in one hand and a cup of cold coffee in the other while un derneath in the basket he saw hard-boiled eggs and cold meat, and he said, "I'll give $1,000,000 for an appetite like yours." God's best gifts can't be bought with money. "God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble." This is taken from the Forty-sixth Psalm. That was Martin Luther's favorite Psalm. "Very present." Thatmeansex tra close. Remember, all trouble is of the devil; but remember, the sword of the Spirit can kill all trouble. "In times of trouble He shall build about me a tabernacle." "The poor man cried and the Lord heard him and delivered him out of all his troubles." "Let not your heart be troubled." ME WAS GRATEFUL. A dentist was one day standing on the pier watching the evolutions of some warships, when he acci dentally toppled into the water. Three young men who were stand ing close by immediately plunged in to the rescue and hauled him out. On recovering his breath, he looked admiringly at his brave res cuers and in a voice filled with deep gratitude he said : "My brave fellows, how can I ever repay you for your gallantry? Just come along to my consulting rooms and I'll draw all the bloom In' teeth out of your heads and not charge you a penny." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A NEED IN RURAL COMMUNITIES. Fewer and Better Churches the Need in Rural Communitios. I Tho annual contribution of the nation toward all Church institutions approximates $200, (100,000 per annum. The fann ers of tho United States build twenty-two churches per day. There are 2o,ooo,0oo rural church communicants on the farm, and fifty-four per cent of the total membei'.slii! of all churches reside in the country. The American farmer is the greatest church builder the world has ever known. He is the custodian of the nation's morality; upon his shoulders rests "the ark of the cove nant," and he ig more respon sive to religious influences than any other class of citizenship. The farmers of this nation have built 120,000 churches at a cost of 750,000,000. If the rural churches today are going to render a service which this age demands, there must be co-operation between the religious, social and eco nomic life of the community. The Church, to attain its fullest measure of success, must enrich the lives of the people in the community it serves; it mnst build charade? develop thought, and increase the ef ficiency of human life. It must serve the social, business, and intellectual, as well as the spir itual and moral side of life. If religion does not make a man capable, more useful, and more just, of what good is it? We want a practical religion, ono that we can live by and farm by, as well as die by. PASSING IT ON. A Sunday school teacher, after conducting a lesson ou the story of Jacob's Ladder, concluded by saying: "Now is there any little boy or girl who would like to ask a question about the lesson ?" Little Susie looked puzzled for a moment, and then raised her hand. "A question, Susie?" asked the teacher. "I would like to know," said Susie, "'if the angels have wings why did they have to climb up the ladder?" The teacher thought for some moments, and then, looking about the class, asked: ''Is there any little boy who would like to answer Susie's question ?" Everybody's. WOMAN GOULD NOT SIT UP Now Does Her Own Work. Lydia E Pinkham't Vegeta ble Compound Helped Her. Ironton. Ohio. " I am pninvina hof. ter health now than I have for twelve years. When I be" (tan to take Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegeta ble Compound I could not ait up. I had female troubles and Was very ner vous. I used the remedies a year and I can do my work andforthelaift eight month 1 have worked for other women, too. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound nnnirh for 1 know I never would have been aa well if I had not taken it and I recom mend it to suffering women." Daughter Helped Also. I cave it to mv d&Uirhfer when aha Was thirteen years old. She was in achoot and was a nervous mwlr and could not sleep nights. Now ahe looks to healthy that even the doctor speaks of it You can publish this letter if you like." Mra. Rena Bowman, 161 S. 10th Street, Ironton, Ohio. Why will women continue to suffer day in and day out and drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound T If you have the allglitest doubt that Lydia E. PinkbanVsVetrat bleCompound will help you, write to Lydia E.PInkham MediclneCo. (confidential) Lynn, Slassfor ad vice. our letter will be opened, read and answered by a womnu MHt beld a gtricf confidence. If You Eat Something tttewnytt"! it 3 a slow process and makes you feel bad. Cot rid of it quickly' by taking a pinch or V:o of SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THli POWIJliK FORM) It drives out impurities and badly diverted food In the stomach and bowels: stimulates the torpid liver and restores regular bowel movement;;. It h n fine tonic and system purilier that puts the vital organs in sound, healthy condition. S,M by Dvukrs. Vre, Large I'iicImiic. SI. 00. A k (ur rl,!- trrmj!,,,- Mitl, ,- n.,; ,,u ,1,- t yt flMll(t rpmi, (n WP .,,, it tiy niail p.,.-p.i t. s im.,IM Liver K--m ,tr ! put up al. in ll-luld lorm lu! liiuKr wl.u i.rlLT ir I'nrr Jl.illl r t.'t!r, I. li.r tt.c Knl Z ljl,rl. 1. H. HI IN , CO., I'roprirlora, St. Loula, Mlaaourl 2a if? 5 5 w .5 .5 '0 5 fl TO MY CUSTOMERS TpHE Ice season it- as you to give J I believe after you take in consideration"? the fact that I have furnished you ice both fk V- winter and summer, and have made It pos 11 sible for you to get ice any time during theU winter when otherwise it would have been jjv hard for you to obtain same, you will have J. 11 no hesitancy in giving me your support If (J I have handled all the winter at a loss in ki :V order to supply my customers and others w that might want ice and I feel by so doing w j that I am entitled to your patronage. jf jj Block shipments solicited .1. jy. Yours very truly, -J. J O. E. CARTER. Jg ... P. S Any time my men don't give you satlsfnclion In'"' y both service and Ice, I will be glad if you will call it to my il attention. Phone 318. JJ ' 5T. 5?" S?". -"55 -3 4 ."mi 1 The only asset you would leave your family or business that would be worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insuranco. Did you ever think of that ? How much have you of each? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end of it TODAY. Don't put it off to morrow may be too late. See or Phone Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the Hew York Life Iarnrasee Company Largest Strongest Best Phone 303 L - WELDON, N. 0. vmsM m v - fOlEY KIDNEY PIUS .FOLEY KIDNEY Fill7 fQ.ItfKMHf Kinftm AND IMOBtl' TM BiCCKACHl KlOhlt ANO BUfifci 2 .& sr. ss-. sr sr in 9 at hand and I earnestiy f ' me a liberal snare ot 1 f A .ft 1 -If

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