ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.5C Per Annum, VOL. L. WELDOX, X. C, THURSDAY, MAY Ki, 1915. NO. i SONGS OF BIRDS. 'jrbdmw& yme .mmm. mw hump -mmr w m The Kiud You Have Always Bought, And which has been iu uso for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per ffl ionl supervision since its Infaucy. CCicJUA Allow no one todor-alvn mil in thla. All Counterfeits, Jmltaf Ions aud " Jiwt-as-good" are but Experiments tlint trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience ngaiimt ExperiuieuU What Is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gone, Drops and Soothing Syrup. It is l'leasaut. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic mbstuue. Its aire is its guarantee. It destroys Worms uml allays lYverishiiess. It cures Diarrhma aud Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation und 1'hitiilcn. y. It assiiniiatss the Food, regulates the Stomach mid ItnwelN, giving healthy und natural sleep. The Children's i'unuceii The Mother's Frieud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THK CCNTAUN COMPANY, ,F .UKUV .THIKT. HtW VOUR Uff. Beautiful Notes of the Nightin gale, for Instance, Are Inspired by Paternal Love. It is generally assumed that a bird sings because he is happy, but science goes deeper for an ex planation of the why and where fore of the bird's song. Nature's optimistic joy ih constructive pro gress is expressed in the singing of the male birds who charm their wooing, and continue after eggs are laid to encourage the fulfill ment of hatching. The song stops when the little birds come out of the shell. The nightingale, for weeks during the period of nest-building and hatch ing, charms his mate and human ears near him with the beautifu music of his love song. But as soon as the little nightingales come from the eggs the song changes to a sort of guttural croak, implying anxiety and sense of responsibility. If the nest and contents were destroyed the nightingale would at once resume his beautiful song to inspire his mate to help him build another nest and start over again the loving work of being fruitful and multiplying. RIVALS IN MENDACITY. LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON. When Johnnie was a little boy his father used to say: "My son, you've simply got to throw that chewing gum away." But Johnnie merely gripped the cud beneath his mobile jaws And begged his father earnestly for just "a few more chaws." And while the gum held out to chew a matter of a week; Among his white and busy teeth it played at hide and seek. When Johnnie later on became a railroad president, He put a lot of things across without the court's consent. He cut the railroad's service down, he boosted up the fares. He spent too much upon his friends, and nothing on repairs, And he continued in his course till he was brought up short And taken from his office to appear before the court. But when the court had ordered him to mend his ways, He asked for time, he asked for grace, he argued for delays, And then he went back on the job and for a lew years more He did the same illegal things that he had done before, Which seems to prove that ever since this sad, old world began The boy, as the poets say, has been the father of the man. OK THE BANK OF VELDON W'KLDOX, X. (.' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplns, $55,000.. For over i vatK tlii institution lia providi'd tiankinsr facilities for thin section. 1 1 ' Ktxc k ti I. un.l oMircrH are identified with the hum iipnh interest of Halifax anil Northampton count". A Savinir Kepartnieiil i maiutaiiieil lor the henetit or all who desire to deposit in a suuniri. I'.unl. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: ,. 11, .nitwits itlliiui'il III li'lulilll three months or loutfer, '1 per cent. .Six months or longer, :) per cent Any information mil he furniil PRKSIIIRN l : W. K. D AN I K.I., IVeUe months or louder, 4 percent. d on application to the Provident ort'ashier viiK-eiiKsiiiiisr; W It SMITH. r itmi'Ki;. Teller. casiuxk: . . DRAKE, lllltKI Tulis- U It T. Daniel. .1 I, Mliilh. . ephi id. tt V, Daniel. .1 D. Diake, W D IV Zolheotlei M. Cohen, .I.W.Hciltf.' A group of farmers were sitting round the fire in a country inn and telling how the potato pests had got into their crops. 'The pests ate all my whole crop in two weeKs, saia one. 'They ate my crop in two days and then sat around on the trees and waited for me to plant more!" said another. "Well," said a commercial trav eler for a seed merchant, 'that may be, but I'll tell you what I saw in our own warehouse once. I saw four five teetles examin ing the books about a week be fore planting time to see who had bought seed!" PUNCTUATION. CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES "Ddsoii's Urn Tout" Is Harmless To Clean Your Sluggish Liner Bowels. Cplil Calomel make, yon tick. TVs 'Horrible! Take a done ni'tlie dannermiK ilriiii tonight and tomorrow you may hue .a day's work. ( a Ionic I is mercury or quicksilver whirh caum'd iiwrou'a of tlie bum, lakwrl, when it conies into contact with aonr bile crathea into it. broking i' up. This U when you feci that awful luiiinea and cramping. If you are sIur Kiali and "all knocked out." if your liver ia torpid and bowel constipated or you have headache, diuinrta. coated iinnue. if breath is bad or stomach sour. mat trv a spoonful of harniln Dodson'a Liver lone tonlglrt on my guarantee. Here's my (tuaranlw fio to any drun store iiml Kit a W wilt Imttle "1 lloil- on'a Liver Tone. Tike a spoonful and If it iloesnl Hnui'lil. n ou nuia up und nmke vnu h-el line and viuroiu I want v.-ii M uo hick L Die sl.'iv and p-t vniir iii.tiu-v. Distsnn's Liver I is desl r Hi:; Tie Kll-! . ainiiiel If .'illli' it is real Inn miiluiut; utirvl) rw table, tlierefore it can not Hiiiivute make yuu suV 1 piinrnnbv that one ssHnfill of I. son's Liver 'tone will put vour sIiil liver to work and cIimii ior Is.wvlp tluit sour bile and const ipatisl w:. which is rl'.irif intr y.tur system and in iti Vull fi-I ti-iMTitble. I K'luln,''e 1 a hottle of Doil-on's Liver Ton., v keep vniir entire family leelii.jj t' month" (live it to your ebildn-i.. " harmless', ibssn't gripe and the l.k tdcasant taste. I S2.25 to t Richmond... 5 June i-'L-a ivio CONFEDERATE VETERANS REUNION wrm Si "Father," asked eight-year-old Alice returning home from school, "are you good at punctuation?" "Yes," replied the father. "Well, tell me, please, how would you punctuate, The wind blew a $5 bill around the cor ner?' " "Why, daughier, I would put a period at the end of the sentence." 'I wouldn't," said Alice mis chievously, I would make a dash after the $5 bill. "--Mack's Nation al Monthly. BOTH NEEDED IT. Two neighbors had a long litiga tion about a small spring, which they both claimed. The judge, wearied out with the case, at last said: "What is the use of making so much fuss about a little water? "Your Honor will see the seri- I ous nature of the case, replied one of the lawyers, "when l in form you that the parties are both milkmen." Philadelphia North American. White Man with Black Liver The Liver "is a hlood puulier. It was thought at one time it was the scat of the passions. The trouhle with most people is that their Liver hecomes black hecause of impurities in the hlood due to had physical states, causing Bilious ness. Headache, Diiziness and Consti pation. Dr. kiuir a .New l.ue I ins win cleau up the Liver, and give you new life J.'ic. at vour druggist. The wise men go to church just to get away trom nome. mm a, ..Hi Hi-" Jjr'was?. j,!l!!!lil!::!:?Pl t. K I nil m IPI W I - r"'iii " "" w I Tickets cn Sole May 29th to June 2nd, inc., limited to June 10th. Extension and stop-over privileges, ro rates, schedules, reser vations, etc, call on C. E. CARTER, Agent, ATLANTIC COAST LINE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH HIIIM ROOF HIM SOLD BY .Piftp-WliilftliPflil ykm Hnmnsh llllVU II 111! VI1VUU llUIUMlUV v-uiuww C. llll 11(1 WELDON, N. Dad Taslc in (he Mouth Dizziness, and a general "no account" feeling is a sure sign of a torpid liver. The remedy is Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator ,The Powder Form). It exercises its greatest restorative effect in the liver, yet it is effective in the stomach and bowels. Indi gestion, constipation and their attendant evils disap pear before its powerful, regulating influence. Try its wholesome purifying proper ties. It will give you a good appetite, sound digestion and make you feel well. Sold by UvalsrM Prtc. Large Package, tt.00 Aik fw tbe irnulne wirti tut ftsd X ea tbe libri. II ros cwiks i it. irmil w iu. we WIS ttn4 II bf mil. fimptO. fclMuM Uttr Hffuluor ! lis. iiul u w UquU M Uww bo vrrlrr h. Pric tlM ftt tub. Uak ft ! Ut t Wxl. I. . IEIL1N CO.. rraatistw ti. UfU, Hussar! I'SE GWINE BACK TO DIXIE. I'se gwine back to Dixie No more I'se gwine to wander, My heart's urned back to Dixie I can't stay here no longer 1 miss de ole plantation, My home and my relation; My heart's turned back to Dixie, And I must go. CHORUS. I'se gwine back to Dixie, I'se gwine back to Dixie, I'se gwine where the orange blossoms grow, For I hear the children calling, I see their sad tears falling, My heart's turned back to Dixie, and I must go. I've hoed in fields of cotton, I've worked upon the river, I used to think if I got off, I'd go back there, no never, But time has changed the old man, His head is bending low, My heart's turned back to Dixie, And I must go. I'm traveling back to Dixie My step is slow and feeble, 1 pray the Lord to help me, And lead me from all evil, And should my strength forsake me, Then, kind friends, come and take me, My heart's turned back to Dixie, And I must go. COST OF LOVING. Give, oh give me, maiden rare, Just one lock of your bright hair; While its golden lengths I hold I'll recall my vanished gold. Give, oh give me, maiden wise, One last glance from your bright eyes; I'll remember as I gaze Fleeting joys of other days. Grant me, maid, where now you stand, One quick clasp of your white hand, I'll discern it cost a lot Once again that ring bought. Give, me, o my foolish bliss, One more sweet and coying kiss; Thus I'll see, in memory's glow, Candy boxes row on row. But in all the years to be Give me back my heart to me, Give me not the heart you took With a smile and sidelong look. Keep my heart that you have got, Though I know you want it not, For that I know has proved to me An expensive luxury, WHAT A WOMAN CAN DO. She Is Alraid of a Mouse and Runs From a Cow, But a Book Agent Can't Scare Here. Robert J. Burdette has said, as only Burdette could have said.that a woman cannot sharpen a pencil, and, outside of commercial circles, she cannot tie a package to make it look like anything save a crooked cross-section of a chaos, but land of miracle! See what she can do with a pin! 1 believe there are some women who can pin a glass knob to a door. She cannot walk so many miles around a billiard table with nothing to eat and noth ing (to speak of) to drink, but she can walk the floor all night with a fretful baby, without going sound to sleep the first half hour. She can ride five hundred miles with out going into the smoking car to rest (and get away from the chil dren.) She can go to town and do a wearisome day's shopping and have a good time with three or four friends, without drinking a keg of beer. She can enjoy an evening's visit without smoking a half dozen cigars. She can endure the torturing distraction of a house full of children all day, while her husband cuffs them all howling to bed, before he has been home an hour. Every day she endures a dress that would make an athlete swoon. She will not, and possibly cannot, walk five hundred miles around a tanbark tract, in six days, for five thousand dollars, but she can walk two hundred miles in ten hours, up and down the crowded aisles of a dry goods store, when there is a reduction sale on. bhe hath no skill at fence, and knoweth not how to spar, but when she javelines man in the ribs, in a Christmas crowd, the man's whole family howls. She is afraid of a mouse, and runs from a cow, but a book agent can't scare her. She is the salt of the church, the pepper of the choir, the life of the sewing so ciety and about all there is of a young ladies' school or nunnery. CASTORIA For Iniaats and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always twara toe Sign rare of Sending Money Except by Check Or Drafts is Risky and Cost ly. A Checking Account Here Means Safety.Economy IIIII till & M II. WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent, interest on Savings Deposits. IT WILL PA T YOU TO SEE Our Stock of y 1 A iFlv All kinds of Furniture to brighten the home. 9x12 Druggets from $2.50 to $50.00. Desks, Automobiles, Velocipedes, Hand Cars, Sleds, Doll Carts, Doll Trunks, and lots of other things to make the little folks happy. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, and Hand Painted China, for Wedding Gifts. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C A FOND FAREWELL Uncle Walt Whitman. Good by for a season, old fur- . . s nace, my lau; you Kept us trom freezin' when weather was bad; your rest, till November, you've certainly earned; I'll always re member the coal you have burned. Rest there in the cellar, oh. fur nace, and rust, forgetting the feller you filled with disgust, forgetting the mountains of coal you required, forgetting the fountains of oaths you inspired. You caused my soul twinges too fierce to relate, dadbust your old hinges, doggone your old grate! I toiled like six dragons to keep you in coal, the coal dealer's wagons forever did roll, out here to my place, the basement to fill; 1 busted my gallus to square up the bill; for weeks did I scamper to heat up the flat, confound your old damper and cheap thermostat! Oh, rest till the autumn, down there in your den, and then your old bottom I'll shake ud aeain: I'll claw at ihe clinkers and paw at the slate, and cuss like the tinkers till then you may wait. CHIIdran Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA WHAT A PRETTY MAID CAN DO A pretty maid can make a wise man a fool. She can make a sane man dippy. She can turn sinHhine into gloom, or misery into joy. She can have a train of young bloods and bald-headed old bachelors trotting after her like a pack of hungry dogs trail ing a bone. She can raiue more simon- pure unadulterated hell in a man's heart in a minute than he can dispel iu a life time of effort. She is an object of envy and a thing of joy, and there ia no end to her possi bilities. for all the world admires a pretty maid. NOT INFORMED OF DEMISE. Teacher Where is the Dead Sea? Tommie Don't know, ma'am. "Don't know where the Dead Sea is?" "No, ma'am. I didn't even know any of them was sick, ma'am." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OAOTORI A IS IT ONE ON YOU. TOO? -pesq J3U. uo pums 01 seq sus j oq -3U10S it ib 133 p.aqs icqi asu5( 3 PE3J ApP3JB S.3U.S U130d stqj JB -0p 8 01 11133 B J33BAV 1,3AV AVON Aoqs 8 10 PUI 1SB3I 3U) S133 3US1I 'Aoq -suiosino it put) ,?qs )3q noA ing 'AOU5 01 )ou iqlno sqs suiqisiuos s,i 'UEUJO 8 saujo.n iBqi SutqiXuB s,3J3qi j Our "Jitney'' Oiler This and Sc, Don't miKs this. Cut out tin" slip, enclose with 5c. to Foley M'o..('hicaeo. ill., writing your name and ailtlietiti clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey ami Tar (.'oinpounil, for cuuglm, cokla and croup; holey Kidney I'iiIh, for pain in Kiilfn and black. rlicumaliHtn, back ache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cli anaing cathartic, es pecially comforting to mout petnoDH. Hold by E. CI.AKK. The wise man bottles his wrath and then loses the corkscrew. 1 11 U A The only asset you would leave your family or business that would be worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insuranco. Did you ever think of that ? How much have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end of it TODAY. Don't put it off -tc-morrow may be too late. IS UN IS VERY MR Tf Physically and Mentally Worn Out fells How Nervous and Crying Spells Wert Ended by Vinof. Monmouth, 111,: "I waa weak, worn out and nrrvoua. 1 had no appetite and waa fettlng to thin and diacouragtd, on day I juit brok down and crid when a friend cam in and aaked ma what wai the matter. I told of my eooditioo and how nothing I took teamed to do me any good. Vinol wai luggMted. I got a bottle and before it wai half goo 1 could eat and aleep W1L I eonUnued iu tin and now my friend aay I look ten yean younger, and I am wen, neaiuiy ana ttrong. i wmd I could Induce every tired-out, worn-out, nervout woman to take Vinol." Mr. Haxmet Gale, Monmouth, 111. There are many over-worked, tired out careworn, nervout women In thla vicinity who need the ttrengthening, tiatu building, and vitalizing effect! of Vinol, our deliclout cod liver and iron tonic, and to lure are we that it will build them up and make them ttrong that we offer to return their money if it failt to benefit. Vinol it a deliciout preparation of the extract of cod liver oil and peptonateof iron and containa no oil. W.M. (XUZX, CKuwut, See or Phone Lewis B. Suiter, Representing; the New York Life Insurance C mp : y Largest Phone 303 L Strongest WELDON, N. 0. iMMM fa fa m m

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