17 a I 31 ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum VOL. L. WELDON, N. (, TIIl'liSDAV, MAY 0, I'll:,, NO. 1 Al.l OIIOI. 3 PER uvhv AXctjeriililf Pfcpanmondnls similars oodandRpi)ii(a linrtiiicSionaflisamlBovidsof PromulcsDii'slionjChffrfiil ness and Iksirontalns nest- Opiuni.Murphine nortaraL NOT NARCOTIC. kv ttoUDcSSHUmSA JUJma AuuM IfrmM- qctitod San- miaftmfkmr. ADerfecl Remedy forComflw- lion . Sour Stomach.DUrrtoeij WorrasfonMilsioiii.Fcvtnsh ness and LOSS or SLEEP. facsimile Sujoaroreof NEW YORK. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the 2 . Signature Atf Exsct Copy of Wrpper. Ill Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THE BANK OF WELDON WKLOOX, N. C- Organized Under the Law of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplns, $55,000. For owi :'l yoai tliik institution has provided banking facilities foi this Becliou. Iti fti.-lvliiliii a it. t ailicet are identified will) the hum liess interests ill llulllUX SI II I N ill t llll i II )tllll COUUtlf. Savings lh'ui'tmt-!it in ,ii:nni;iHiel fur the beiietil uf all who desire to deposit in a sa imrs Hank I n this I u purtmciit interest is allowed a follows: Tor Deposits ullimcd tiiicimini tin ft- months or louder, 2 per ceut. Six month" or lonifer, :t per Cent I welve iininllis or longer, 4 percent. Any information will he luini-hcl on application In tlie I'residentort'ashier eKKSIIISNT W. K IUMFL, V UR-l'ltKHIDKNT: W K SMITH. I. C MM I r.l: Telle . I). DKAkE, DUIKt THUS W K. Small, W. K. Darnel, .1 O DiaLe, , 1, Cohen, II. T. lianiel, .1.1.. shephenl, YV . fierce. O. li. ollieollei, .1 . V. Sledge UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK. DON'T STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED "Do-son's llw Tom" Will Clean Your Sluggish Liver Better Than Calomel lid Can Not Salivate. Calomel make roil lick; von lose a clay's work. Calomel is ipiicksilvcr and it salivates: caloruel injures your liver. If you are biliouo ; fuel buy. sluggish nd all knocked out, if your Imweh are .constipated anil your head uehcs or stomach it sour, juat take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone instead of using sickening, salisatin:' calomel. DoiImoh'k Liver 'lone it real lier medi rine. You'll know it next Mnitiiiit be cause you will wake up fis'lin line, your liver will lie working, your head ache and dizr.inee irmie, vour -loniacli will In' sweet ami dowels r.rulur. Yon Mill tfi'l liki wotKitie You'll U i-heer- fnll of : T,v 'vjtr ii or. : I I..II. Vour drnggist or denier sell-. ,.n j M pent liolile uf DihIsuii's l.ier' Ion. under my personal guarantee that ii will clean your alingisti liver belu-r llii nasty calomel; it won't make you )iik and you can eat ftMllnii); ymi wji.i without lieing nalivated. Vour druis! uaranleeH lliat each Kpooiiful will utarl your liver, clean your bowela ant straujhten you up by morning or vol get your money back. Children gladly take Dodgnn's Liver Tone because it i pleasant taiting and doesn't gri 01 cramp or make them sick. I am wiling millions of bottles 01 Hudson's Liver Tone to people who hav( found that this pleasant, vtyetAble, livet medicine lakes the plaee of dangerom calomel, liny one bottla on my sound r'lisl!, ifiiaruntee. Ask jour druggiit 1 4 5 b iH-t.uik.M I ).J S2.25 to V HP Richmond Nk. June 1-2-3 1915 CONFEDERATE VETERAHS REUTilON 1:1 ft' I' miiwmiwiiiM Hiniiiii 'imr i sMtiawlL Jiii naiMiitaLii 1 Tickets on Sale May 29th to June 2nd, inc., limited to June 10th. Extension and slop-over privilege!. For rates, schedules, reser vations, etc, call on C. E. CAKTFR, Agent, ATLANTIC COAST LINE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH win ROOF Filll SOLD BY WELDON. N. C. P0IBY KIDNEY PJLtS , POLKT KIDNEY VttU Recently three leading men spoke at the men's meeting in Cleveland on the subject, "Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Was Twenty-one." G. Leonard Fels, the Hrsi speaker, gave an swers sent in hy twenty four men. Here they are. F.very word is worth reading: 1. Whai I was going to do for a living; what my life-work would be. 2. That my health after thirty depended, in a large degree, on what I put into my stomach before I was twenty-one. 3. How to take care of niuney. 4. The commercial asset of be ing neatly and sensibly dressed. 5. Thaia man'shabitsaremighiy hard to change after he is twenty one. 6. That a harvest depends upon the seeds sown; wheat produce? wheat, thistles bring forth thistles, ragweeds spoil good pasture, and wild oats sown will surely produce all kinds of misery and unhappi ness. 7. Thai things worth while re quire time, patience and work. 8. That you can't get something for nothing. m. i nat me world wouki give me just about what I deserved. 10. That by the sweat of my brow would I earn my bread. 1 1. That a thorough education not only pays better wages than hard labor, but it brings the best of everything else; namely, more enjoyable work, belter food, more of the luxuries and pleasures ol life, better folks to live and deal with, and, best of all, the genuine satisfaction that you are somebody worthy of respect, confidence, and the priceless gilt of friendship. 1 2. That honesty is the best pol icy, not only in dealing with my neighbors, but also in dealing with myself and God. II The value of absolute truth fulness in everything. 1 4. The folly of not taking older people's advice. 15. That everything my mother wanted me to do was right. 16. That "Dad" wasn't an old fogy alter all. If I had done as he wished me to do, I would be much better off physically, mentally and morally. 1 7. What it really meant to faih er and mother to raise their son. 18. What hardships and disap pointments would be entailed by my leaving home against my par ents wishes. 1 9, More of the helpful and in spiring pans of the Bible, particu larly the four books dealing with the life of Christ. '0. The greainess of the oppor tunity and oy of serving a fellow man. 21. That Jesus Christ was with me as an elder brother and friend i:i every activity and relationship of Me. 22. That God's relationship to me was iuM as hetoful and delieht- fa us that of a good sheoherd to ward his sheep, or of a father to ward his sun. 2.V A faithful friend is a strong defense. He that hath found a friend hath found a treasure. A poor man may be said to be rich in the midst of his poverty so long as he enjoys the interior sunshine of a devoted friend. 24, Friendship cheers like a sunbeam, charms like a good story, inspires like a brave leader, binds like a golden chain, guides like a heavenly star. The Industrial En terprise. FOR HEARTBURN our Ikldli'. Appetite and " Constipation, you need i .,,.,.,..,. , " ' a O . J f7A- THE CHLS IN DIXIE. 6 t ... i i m aiBrxaatn i mm uhoiuiiih hd WH For Infant. ..a CMUrra. laPiCTfirffl wmm Reliable evidence is abundant that women are constantly being restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The many testimonial letters that vc are continually pub lishing in the newspapers hundreds of them are all genu ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude for the freedom from suffering that has come to these women solely through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Money could not buy nor any kind of influence obtain such recommendations ; you may depend upon it that any testimonial we publish is honest and true if you have any doubt of this write to the women whose true names and addresses are always given, and learn for yourself. Read this one from Mrs. Waters: Cahdint, N.J. "1 was sick for two years with nervous spells, and my kidneys were affucU'd. I had a doctor all the time aud used si galvanic battery, but nothing did me any good. 1 was not able to go to bed, but spent my time on a couch or in a sleeping-chair, and soon became almost a skeleton. Finally my doctor went away for his health, and ?iy husband heard of Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Compound and got me some. In two months I got relief and now I am like a new woman and am at my usual weight. I recommend, your medicine to every one and so does my husband." Mrs. Tains Watsrs, 530 Mechanic Street, Camden, N.J. From Hanover, Penn. IIanovib, Vk. "I was a very weak woman and suffered from bearing down pauis and backache. I had been married over four years and had no children. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound proved an excellent remedy fur it made me a well woman. Alter taking a few bottles my pains disappeared, and we now have one of the finest Iniy babies you ever saw." Mrs. C. A, JhoKitouK, lt.F.D, No. 5, Hanover, 1'a. Now answer this question if you can. Why should a woman continue to suffer without first giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that it has saved many others why should it fail in your case? For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound bin been the standard remedy for f male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it hat restored so many suffering women to health. BVrlte to I.YDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICIXE CO. IW (CONFIDENTIAL) I.VNN, MASS., for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. ARE YOU? Some Forms of Rheumatism Curable Kheuiuatisni in a discaNe characterized hy paws in the joints and in the mus den. The moat common forma are: Acute and Chronic Khetiinatiaru, ltheu matic Headaches, Sciatic KheumatiHm, aud Lumbago. All of these types can be helped absolutely by applying some good liniment that penetrates. An ap plication of Sloan's Liniment to or three times a day lo the alleetcd part Kill give instant relief. Slimn'a Lini ment ia good fur pain, especially rheu matic pain, because it penetrates to the seat of the trouble, soothes the allected part and draws the pain, "Sloan's Lin iment is all medicine " (let a bot tle now. Keep it handy in case of an mergency. Are you just the same at home as you are upon the streets Just as smiling and as pleasant and as sweet? Are you just the same at home to your family as you are To the comrades and the strangers that you meet in shop and car ? Are you just as kind and thoughtful to your children and your wife As you are to total strangers in this every day life ? Are you just the same at home as you w ere dou n town today Just as happy and as hopeful, just as as full of joy and play Are you just the same at home to the loved ones that need it so, Just as comforting and cheering, just as full of fun and glow Are you just as true and loving to the ones that need your care As you were to some acquaintance in the hurly-burly there. Are you just the same at home as you were with us tonight In the sparkle of the revel in the glamour and the light Are you just the same at home as you are to friend and foe Whom you meet along the highway in the paths you have to go Are you just as fond and tender to the hearts you owe it to As you are to all the others as they smile and bow to you. THE ECHO OF A SONG. When fame does come to the average man it roosts on his tombstone. Crilldron Cry , FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A To my fancy, idly roaming, comes a picture of the gloaming, Comes a fragrance from the blossoms of the lilac and the rose; With the yellow lamplight streaming I am sitting here dreaming Of a half-forgotten twilight whence a mellow memory flows, To my listening ears eome winging vagrant notes of woman's singing; I've a sense of sweet contentment as the sounds are borne along, 'Tis a mother who is tuning her fond heart to love and crooning To her laddie such a Sleepy little Creepy little Song Ah, well do I remember when by crackling spark and ember, The old-fashioned oaken rocker moved with rhythmic sweep and slow; With her feet upon the fender, in a cadence low and tender, Floated forth that slumber anthem of a childhood long ago; There were goblings in the gloaming, and the half-closed eyes went roaming Through the twilight for the ghostly shapes of bugaboos along; Now the sandman's slyly creeping and a tired lad's half sleeping, When she sings to him that Sleepy little Creepy little Song. So I'm sitting here and dreaming with the mellow lamplight streaming Through the vine-embroidered window in a yellow filigree, On the fragrant air comes winging vagrant notes of woman's singing, 'Tis the slumber song of childhood that is murmuring to me, And some subtle fancy creeping lulls my senses half to sleeping As the misty shapes of bugaboos go dreamily along, All my sorrows disappearing as a tired lad I'm hearing Once again my mother's Sleepy little Creepy little Song. Some one has said ihat when God made the Southern nirl He sent His angel throughout all the star-strewn realms of space to gather all there was of beauty, and they threw doun their ".littering burdens ut His feet. He began in their wondering presence the work of fashioning the Southern girl, lie wrought with the gold and gleam of the Mars; shilling glories and rainbow hues and the palled silver of a Southern union. He wrought with the crimson which swooped in the rose's rubied heart, with the pure sweet snow which gleamed from the lily's petals and the lire and flames which Mash and leap from the jewel's depth. Then plunging deep into his own bosom, He took of the love beneath the i wind-l.issed w.iw -.fa mimer sea, threw tins into the Km in He j was making which gleams there like some rare pearl fashioning I and all Heaven veiled iis iace, for i lo, He had wrought the Southern j girl. HIS (1001) REASON. SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) It sweetens the stomach and purifies the bowels. It is a tine tonic for a torpid liver. Helps digestion, makes you feel bright, vigorous and cheerful. Aula by Dealers. Price, Large Package, SI. OO. Aik for tir tr n ii in wit!, ti.f RH 7 ..n tl.r- hM. i y(. , lUJil IK-Vpf. VniUH.T.- f Iter k.'l.iat.,f . p,; uu j II- I'nrr tl.nu Vrt iio. ,oA Un ll K.-J latiH. t;ll 'rid lm iiif-ier J. II. 7KII I & t:().. Proprietor,. Si. Louis. M, !IT WILLPAl rTinmrnnnmii i mm. n i ai ihhsiju YOUTONhK "You admit," said the magis- j trate, "that you entered the house ' of the prosecuting witness by the I rear door at 2 o'clock in the morn ing?" j "Yes, your honor," replied the I prisoner. "What business did you have here that time of the night ?" "I thought it was my own house." "Then why did you, when this lady approached, leap through the window, jump into the cistern and hide yourself?" "Your honor, I thought it was I my wife." THE HAPPY HKART. No poem of John Vance Che ney's has been as widely copied as ! the one entitled "The Happy j Heart," which is here given : "Who drives the horses of the sun Shall lord it but a day; Belter the lowly deed were done, And kept the humble way. "The rust will find i sword of fame, The dust will hide the crown; And none shall nail so high his name . lime will not tear it down. "The happiest heart that ever beat Was in some quiet breast, That found the common daylight sweet, And left to Heaven the rest." CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Us For Ovsr 30 Years AJways bears trie Signature Our Stock of 1 J OO All kinds of Furniturp to brkht-n th- home. 9x12 Drugget - 'ou $2 50 to $50.00. Desks, Automobiles, Velocipedes, Hand Cars, Sleds. Doll Carts. Doll Trunks, and lots of other things to make the little folks happy. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, and Hand Painted China, for Wedding Gifts. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C QROUCH PROOF. In Chicago a man has just left a hospital whose inner works are all topsy turvy, and yet the world is exceeding bright to him and his good nature radiates sunshine wherever he goes. His heart is on the right side; his liver is on the left, when it should be on the right; his spleen is on the right, when it should be the oooosite. and his stomach is farther over to the right than it should be. He has excellent digestion, is happy, 43 years old, and has never been in love. He is grouch proof. A J U li ive White Man with Black Liver The Liver it a blood purilier. It was thought at one time it was the seat of the passions. The trouble with most people Is that their Liver becomeablack because of impurities in the blood due to bad physical stales, causing bilious ness, Headache, lliiiiness and Consti pation. Dr. Kiog'l New Life I'ills will eisaa up tlx ijver. aud give you new life. 20o. at rvur drufgist. Our "Jitney'' Offer This and 5c, , lion t miss this. ( ut out tins slip, enclose with ,rc. to Foley Jtt'n .Chicago, III , writing youi name and addles clearly. You 'will receive in return a trial package containing I'nley'a Honey and iai Compound, lor Couirlis, colds and eioup; holey Kidney Tills, fur pain in sides aud black, iheumatism. back ache, kidney and bladder ailments; aud Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, es pecially comforting to stout persons Sold by . CLARK. TAX COLLECTOR 74 YEARS OLD Expected to Resign on Account oi feebleness Gained Strength and Twenty-four Pounds by Taking Vinol. Corinth, Miss: -"I am a city tax collector and seventy-four years of ag. 1 was in a weak, run-down condition so that I became exhausted by every litUe exertion. My druggist told me about Vinol, and i decided to take it. In a week 1 noticed considerable Improve ment; 1 continued its use and now I have gained twenty pounds in weight, and feel much stronger. 1 consider Vinol a fine tonic to create strength for old people,"-J. A. Prick, Corinth, alias. As one grows old their organs act ore slowly and less effectually than in youth, circulation is poor, the blood gets thin, the appetite poor and diges tion weak. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, is the ideal strengthener and body builder for J folks because it creates a good healthy appetite, strengthens digestion, enriches the blood, Improves circulation and in this natural manner builda up, strengthens and invigorates feeble, nin-dnwn, nerv ous and aged people, and if it does not do II we say, w will pay back your money. W. M. COHEN, Druggist, The only asset you wou-.i your family or business that would oe worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insurauco. I). 6 you ever think of that ? How uch have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end of it TODAY. Don't put it off to morrow may be too late. See or Phone Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the New York Lifo Insurance Company Largest Strongest Best Phone 303 L - WELDON, N. 0.

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