III W Wf lM li& W w Ijl ;ancsy ha ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$I.5G Per Annum VOL. L. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, .JINK 10, liM.'i. NO. Tho Klud You llavo Always Bought, and which Las been lu uno fur over 30 yearn, lms borne tlio signature of 0 aud bus been inmlo under bin per- j?. -f-j1- , onal Htipcrvlslon slnee its Infuney. uvV; f-cucAiit Allowiioouetodcoclvo yoiiln this. All Counterfeit, Imitations and" Just-as-nood" nro but Experiments that trllle with and endanger the bealtU of Infants ami Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorln is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorio, and Soothing Syrup. It is Pleasant. It eontaiiiH neither Ojiluui, Morphine nor other Narootlo snbstiuice. Its aire is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays I Vvcrisliness. It cures Diarrhiea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ami Fliitnlcii. y. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach ami liowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's I'anucea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI CINT40R COMPANY, Tf MUiMf STRICT. NCW VOII, Cm. osz 3E n THE SASK OF V7ELD0N WKLDON, X. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anfl Snrplus, $55,000. For over -I yearn this ni-litutioii lias proviili'tl liaiiking fuoilitiff for tins scot hoi . Its stockholder iiinl mlicer are iilciitilU'il with the busi ness interests of Halifax mul N.iitleiiiplou I'oimlies. A Kavinirs licpai'tiuciit i MKimhU'ir'l for the benefit of all who desire to deposit in a iui:s Bun : . I m I In. I lej.iu t ineut interest is ul lowed us follows: For Deposits allowed to leinuin i luce iiuinlh- or longer, - per cent. Six mouths or lunger, :i per cent twelve mouths or longer, 4 percent. Any in formation will lie I'm ui-hed on I'KKNIDKN I W. K. HANIKI.. II K 1'UK-IHkM ; v k. --Mriii I.. C. Hi; U'Kll. telle lillth'lToKS U. 11. Siiiith, W. I), It. T. Daniel, ,1.1.. s:,.pier,, W. A. OE wmii .mnawca hum CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES "Orison's Liver Tom" Is Harmless To Clean Your Sluggish Liver and Bowels. t'lfli! Calomel make ynu nick. U' torr.blp! Tuke a doao of'tlip diuiprmi WniK tonight anil tomorrow ymi may line ii day's work. t'aJuwt! j mercury or quieknilviT which caucus neoros'iH of the tMmn. ( alomi'l, when it Qnmcn into contact with sour bile erasliea tntn it. breaking i' up, Tbia i when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are flhifj giah and "all knocked out," if your liver ia torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizini'iit.. coated tongue, if breath in bad or Htomach aour, inttt try. a spoonful of liarmlcn ltadaon't Liver Tone tonigbt ou my Kuaruattw. WRIGHT5VILLE BEACH CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESORT isyvtsASTisj WEEK END - AND SUMMER EXCURSION FARES- . Mi THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH. SOLD WKLDON, N. C. MEY KIDNEY PILH i Signature of application to the I'residentorCashier l AsniKH: I. O. I'KAKK, n viiu I. .1. (I. Iiiake, V. ,l. Cohen, I'M lee. l II. .olheollci , .1. V. Sledge. Here's my puuruntee (Jo to any drug store ami pt a fill wnl tNittle of Hod aim1! Lier 1 lit, 'lake a sp.Ntiiiiil aud it' it doesn't -traif ht-n you rmht up utul make you fcid line nii.i irnnma J want y n ti in lurk t the sture and jret "in hi"itiH , I )t.l- Hi'- I i vn Tone m ile-t t'lun i in- .ile mi i nl. iii I liecau it in real liver medicine: entirely vefje table, tlierefttre it can not wulivate or make (tu Hick. I fjuanuitiv that one wp.wmful f T)ot1 soil'k Liver T' will .tt .mr .-.lugis! liver to work and clean iur IxiweU o. that tu r bile and const i puled want which is fl.'L'iny your nyntem and mal iui! you feel miserable. I jju.iraiiteo tl.;:i a Imttle of l'd-on'.s l.ivcr 'Ion-' u I' keep your entire family feilimr I'm- ; months. (Jive it to your children. Ii , harmless; doesn't gripe and they Ukc pleasant taste. BATr !!;.(. BOAT I Mo ISHING DANCING at Can t ic coast LINE 0 BY t)LEY KIDNEY PILLS DEATH SAVED HIM By OLIVIA MEREDITH. K'npyrigtit, 115. by V. (J. C'hiipmaii ) ! 'Tired," yawned Boyd Leslie, pre- i rription clerk ror Uavia & t'o "I'm I dead for the want of sleep The end j of a long duy. Oh, my!" There was a tinge of relief In Ilia ! Hrst worda, for a respite, rell"f seemed , lu view, lie had put out moat of the lights, lie had Just locked the Btrcet door, when the kuob was turned and a small hoy breathletis and perspiring, shouted lustily: "1 must get in. doctor says 1 must hurry, ' and he waved a fragment of i paper whleh Boyd recognized as a pre scrlptlon. Ho let the boy in. Mid- night weariness made him sway, the ' lights were poor, he almost nodded ! putting up the prescription. It was "For Mr Lewis," a heart tonic, Boyd noted that He was so done out, that as he gave the waiting boy the bottle be left the last phial he had used in filling the prescription upon the case 1 counter. Then, without even undress- j lug, he Hung himself on the lounge i Just behind the case and was plunged 1 tn sudden slumber Immediately. Long hours, Irregular meals, lack of J air and exercise were fast undermin- Ing a splendid constitution. There j was no nine hour rule at the Davis I establishment. "t'-uni! lust about half slept out," yawned Boyd at daylight, rousing up at the call of an alarm clock, unre freehed for another day of hard work. "Well, if I can stand it out I'll soon have enough to start a course at the medical college." Boyd cooked his sparse breakfast on a spirit stove. He tidied up and ventilated the store and set at put ting the disordered prescription desk In order. As ho picked up a phial ly ing upon It ho raised It slowly. A shudder passed over his frame He turned deadly white. He uttered a great gasp. His horror-stricken eyes were glued to the label on the bottle. "The last I used last night tn mak ing ii that prescription." he spoke breathlessly, "and poison!' How had he come to make the fatal error? Ills dazed, tired eyes had read "ascetina" for "arsenic." He had un wittingly substituted for a harmless alterative enough of the deadliest poison known to materia medlca to kill a dozen men. Sick at heart, Boyd Leslie dropped the futul phtal and sank to a chair, overcome The deed was done, with out any doubt! Oh, was there the merest vestige of a hope that the pre scription had not been used? Shak ing from head to foot with unxlety ami dread the young drug clerk hur ried on hat and coat aud rushed from the store. Me knew w here the Lewis home was located His heart beat like a trip hammer us he turned into the street upon which It fronted. It seemed to halt with u shock as he saw on the bell handle of the house a streamer of crepe! How he lived through that day, Boyd Leslie could not realize. He heard that the physician attending Mr. Lewis had given a certificate of death from natural causes First an impulse came to his mind to confess his mistake publlcli. Then dread of cuiisetpieiices made ot him a coward. The episode pusi.cd by. He was safe, In the general acceptation of that word But his mind was iu torment. As to restitution nh, there he could act! He had robbed the Lewis family of a protector. He would take hit place. HU motives were never suspected by Vero.i.i or her mother As ihe weeks passed on however, the inU irsi he tool: lu the children, his klmlness In loaning Mrs. l ewis u small amount that emihled her to renew a mortgage on the homestead, began to endear him to the lonely, lovable young girl As ti Boyd, an angel witha darning sword seemed to stand between htm and the beautiful girl who hud won his soul's devotiou "I dare stay here no longer," he told himself one day. "I will Hnd some way to give my little savings to Mrs Lewis and forget Verona His heart silicic him the evening he announced to the family the demands of a fictitious position in another state. He saw no other way out ot bis dif ficulty, however. They helped him pack his effects, and during the process Verona brought a small chest of odd! and ends, to find for Boyd a blood thermometer he had loaned her moth er when she had a touch of fever. It contained some papers of the dead father, some phials of medicine, a sealed bottle As bis eyes fell upon (hia. Boyd Leslie grasped it with a sudden eagerness thnt fairly startled Verona. "This this is a prescription you bad tilled the night before your father died?" be uttered hoarsely. "Yes. Poor dear father!" replied Verona, sadly. "He died before broth er got back from the drug store with It." 'Innocent he never took It!" cried Boyd Leslie, and then he fell to his knees and prayed, the tears ot relief and joy pouring down bis happy face. "I need not go now," he told Verona a little later, if you do not wish It." Her little hand stole Into his shyly but confiding those dear sweet lips breathe, one tlirubbing, thrilling word "titay." Sea captains begin to see tor pedoes all over the ocean. CASTORIA Fur Lifaoa aaJ Children In U For Over 30 Years Always bears tt Slgaatur of DREAM ON. Dream on, sweetheart, dream on ! That in ihy dreams may rise The vision of cerulean dawn In love's auroral skies ! Dream on, and fear no foe, and feel no douln -io ihee Love hends on pinions that shall hear your heart 10 nit! Dream on, sweetheart, ihis nitthi, And when ihe day's sofi liuhi Sieps through thy window, sweet, Walk in ihy dreams replete! VCander, and have no dread, and hreaihe no sigh - limn me A sigh that love shall bear, dream-shod, to thee ! Dream on, sweetheart, nor wake From dreaming for my sake, Thai ihis dear dream you know May wear a life-long glow ! Sing on, and in your song of love and dream, be true, As through all storm and stress of life I am to you ! Dream on, through love's young hour, That unto perfect flower Thy dreams, sweethean, may spring Through love to lips that sing ! Dream on, sing on, and smile that in loved dreams of me, My heart may try the twilight sky to wing its way to ihee! PASS A Are your neighbors very bad ! Pass a law! Do they smoke? Do they chew ? Pass a law! Are they always bothering you ? Don't they do as you would do ? Pass a law! Are your wages awful low? Pass a law! Are the prices too high? Do the wife and babies cry 'Cause the turkeys all roost high? Pass a law! When M. D. finds new diseases Pass a law! Got the mumps or enfermesis, Measles, croup or "expertisis?" L east we all fly to pieces, Pass a law! Are the lights aburning red? Pass a law! Paint 'em green, or paint 'em white! Close up all ihem places light! My! Our town is such a sight! Pass a law! No matter what the irouble is, Pass a law! Goodness sakes, but ain'i it awful! My! What are we going 10 do? Almost anything ain't lawful, And ihe judge is human, too! Pass a law! COUNTRY LIFE. Country Life Praised Man. by the City Ciiceiisboro Itecoiil. It is dawning on the public thai living in the country has all the advantages of living in the city. Wiih 'phones almost everywhere one can talk with whom he pleases, while our country cousins now have the advantages of the public library. They not only have the privileges of the library in the city, bui branches are being esiablished in many places. Soon there will be no excuse for growling about the lonesomeness of ihe farm. The same advantages obtain as in the city, while in the country one can raise what is needed to eat and does not have to go to bed won dering what he is going to have to pay for butter and eggs the next day, not to mention fried chicken, which will break the ordinary man in these days. The young man can visit his best girl and come away without smelling like sackei powders. If the said young man is all right, he is invited to supper and comes home with his stomach full of "chicken fixings," and if he knows the ropes he can hold ihe calf while the prospective mother-in-law milks ihe cow. But pleas aniries aside, life in ihe country is the only life worth living. MAN'S PART. "Woman," says Dr. Anna Shaw, "ever has been man's com panion, sharing his exile, espous ing his cause and buckling on his armor." And man has ever been woman's companion, sharing her happiness, espousing her when she would have him, and buttoning her up the back. his human nature 10 desire to be ' equal to your superiors and supe rior to your equals. I Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 1 CASTORIA i LAW- BETTER LAUGH THAN SCOLD. Wist Writer (lives Some Advice That All Women Would Do Well to Remember. If he is suspicious don't take him too seriously. And why? Because, if you do, (here is always a greai probability that he will imagine that there is a good foundation for his foolish want of irusi. A lover is inclined, perhaps na turally, to be a trifle jealous of the beloved one; but even this usually harmless characteristic should not be encouraged overmuch. As for suspicion, it should never raise its ugly head in ihe paradise of love; if ii does, it will spoil every thing and cast a gloom over what should be undiluted happiness. A wise girl will therefore always try gently to laugh her sweetheart out of such unpleasant fancies; of course, she will be careful not to give him reason to begin ihem, but if they do unluckily crop up, ihen she will do her utmost to banish them. Kindly laughter will often do more to make a man see that he has been foolish and wrong than any amount of the best-inieniioned scolding or reproaches. The latter are apt to leave a sore ness and resentment behind them, whereas a good-natured laugh leaves no sting of any sort. The very fact of smiling over a matter together makes a bond of union and harmony. RESPONSIVE. Charity Worker Surely you can spare the price of a cigar ! Crusty Codger Here's two cents. I smoke st ogies. SUPERFLUOUS ADORNMENT "You can't paint the lily." "Plenty of girls are trying though." it, "In union there is strength" so a meek and lowly man with a strenuous wife says. Anyway. Eve wasn't constant ly nagging poor old Adam about other women. She What did you call bache lors? He Men who have contempla ted matrimony, Giles I attended the artists' ball the oilier evening, Staples How were the cos tumes? Giles Out of sight. Segment Block. Jimmie What are you doing? Tommie Washing the jelly off my hands. Ma's a finger-print expert, you know. Woman's Home Companion. ... She I suppose the duke has landed estates. He Landed one every time he married, but he managed to run through 'em all. BEHIND THE BARS. The Sunday was a wet one and she was allowed to accom pany her parents to church. It was her iirst experience of that kind. The minister was of the en ergetic, pulpit-thuiiijniitf type, and he preached from a ros trum railed in, above the peo ple. He excited hiinsidf this day in the thumping tucties and had worked himself up to a pitch of excitement. Esther was cowering close to her mother's side, and when he reached a point which he em phasized more than all the oth ers, she exclaimed in a fright ened whisper: ''Ma ! What would we do if he got out?" Pittsburg Dis patch. TOAST TO LAl'tlHTER. Here's to laughter, the sunshine of the soul, the happiness of the heart, the leaven of youth, the privilege of purity, the echo of in nocence, the treasures of the hum ble, the wealth of ihe poor, the bead of ihe cup of pleasure; it dis pels dejection, banishes blues and mangles melancholy; for the foe of woe, ihe destroyer of depression, the enemy of grief; it is what kings envy peasanis, plutocrats envy the poor, the guihy envy the innocent; it's the sheen on the silver of smiles, the ripple on the water's delight; the glint of ihe gold of gladness; without it humor would be dumb, wit would wither, dim ples would disappear and smiles would shrivel, for it's a glow of a clear conscience, the voice of a pure soul, the birth of mirth, the swan-song of sadness. REWARD OF DISHONESTY. "Once upon a time," began the teacher, "twoliule brothers started to Sunday school one Sunday morning. Their way led past a fine orchard, where the trees were bending down with ripe, luscious applies. One of ihe brothers pro posed going into the orchard and getting some fruit, but the oilier refused and sped away, leaving his companion greedily devouring the apples. "Now, it happened that the owner of the orchard saw ihem, and the next day rewarded the good boy who refused to steal his I apples by giving him a shilling. He got a prize for his honesty, and what do you suppose the other ' boy got for his dishonesty ?" "He got the apples!" yelled every member of the class. Ex change. Doctors say that worry kills more people than work probably because more people worry than work. You can usually judge a man's character by the value he places on his wife's ability to earn bread for the family. EZIOEZXOE S I.ZAB A o Ni t dour to y.oll.i'oll.M's. W Ill.l K IN' . X. ( '. kc mil iie uuie mi l make suit ii-ct hue Inn- ni piece iiouili and W YOU TO SEE infl "I III llflj I Ii MM MMWWMBMWMMWMMM Our Stock of All kinds of Furniture to brighten the home. 9x12 Druggets from $2.50 to $50.00. Desks, Automobiles, Velocipedes, Hand Cars, Sleds. Doll Carts, Doll Trunks, and lots of other things to make the little folks happy. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, and Hand Painted China, for Wedding Gifts. WELDON FURNITURE CO., VVeldon, N. C MjrMfc $fc"Mfc Mfc'i The only asset you would leave your family or business that would be worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insuranco. Did you ever think of that ? How much have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end of it TODAY. Don't put it off -to morrow may be See or Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the New York Life Insurance Company Largest Strongest Best Phone 303 L - WELDON, N. 0. UIL0R, to otilei on miv In-rich, ( all and sample - sutiiJacliou guaiaiituc .1. ' T A A - UP M ii too late. Phone f .1