NO. 10 EH0E30E Mi. mi lis CASTpn I ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENT. AM'ti'liiMi Proparaiion lorAs simil.'iiinSilR'FoodaiKlllri'iiia lingfe Siiwichs andflowlsol Promoles Dii'slionf hecrful' ni'ss .-mil rnnt.iliKrk'illiP- Opium .Morphine norMiacraL WOTJSiARCOTIC. Jtx.Sttna AutcSttd IHrnM- CartfM Sugar lion.Soui'Slonach.Dlarrioea Worrasfomnlsionsjwnsn ncssaiulLossoFSLEiP. FacSimite Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of m IF In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. CAST V THt OINTAUN COMPANY. NCW VOM OlTV. 01 2E THE BANK OF WELDON Organized Under th Uwi of the State uf North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital ana Surplus, $55,000. KoroviT'.'l yearn this iii'litntiun lias provided IwnkiiiK facilities for Huh Ki'Ctiim. I ti'tofkli..l.l. ! :ui.l iiIIh'ims me t I -1 1 1 1 1 U 1 miiIi tin- busi ness interests of llalil'av and Nirlhaiiitiiii couiitit-N , Savings Department it iiiaiut inu .1 liu the ln, lil l :ill rtliu .l.xire lo deposit in a savmiri Haul.. I" tin- t partun-nt mtei. t i- .illuK.d k follows: For Deposits alKiMi-'l tort-mam Unci- month.- m luiieer, '.. n i cent. Ms muuthsor lonner, :1 percent Iwelve iiujiiIIikoi Imifi-i. I pciecut. av ill (urination will ! fiiriii-linl ipplicatimi In the I'reM.h lit on aslm-i I'BKSll'UST : v. K. DjSN.IKL, Vll K-l'IIKsllKM : W. It SMITH. L. r. imcai'Ki:. Teller. t' AH II I K Hi .1. U. DKAKK, MTtKCTOliS V K. Mitli. W. V- Daniel, .1. . Drake. W. M. Cohen, K. T. Hamel, J.I,. J-heyLcid, V. A. Pierce, P. 11. Zollicollcr. .1 . W. Hcdire 3E BOOK OF BOOKS NOT READ. kelitfious Leaders Are Well Aware (If The Dantter. What are suiiistics worth? Fig-! ures are so impressive in their way , that we sometimes forget to look i beneath them If we want to an-) swerany argument or objection,! we produce a statistical tract and ! silence ihe adversary. Statistically considered, the Bible is far stronger than it ever was. It has been translated into every tongue, and millions of copies are sold yearly. Bible societies make a splendid showing, and their work has been a notable one. They have put the Gospel in the hands of all men. In reality, however, the Bible is an unread book to day. Everybody owns a copy and most people own several copies, hut excursions into the Book of Books are rare. The rising gen eration is woefully ignorant of the Bible. Formerly the average child was well schooled in biblical ac counts, but the modern child, in spite of the improved methods of Sunday school teaching, knows far less than preceding generations. The matter is loo vital to be ig nored. The Bible is a unique book. It contains the best moral code ever devised, and the con stant reading of the Scriptures na turally tends to impress these moral ideas on the reader indelibly. Nobody can read the Bible con stantly and intelligently and love violence, injustice and oppression. Love and mercy and kindness are the lessons it teaches, and the world stands in bitter need of these teachings at the present time. It is recorded in an old song that Captain Kid J when he embarked on his career "buried the Bible in the sand." The present age has buried the Bible in the sand, and is paying the penalty in a hundred ways. Religious leaders are well aware of the danger, and are doing what they can to revive Bible reading. But llif y coii'iriid apainsi all the amusement:, and disli'.i. hum. ol modern lime; We live in an age of death. Let us search the Scrip tures aiam and find life.- UVii- niond Tunes Dispatch. I'ROVKHBS AM) I'HKASKS. CALOMEL IS MERCURY! IT SICKENS! ACTS ON LIVER LIKE DYNAMITE .'Oftteon' Liner Tone" Starts Your Liver j Jiler Than Calomel and Doesn't Salivate or Haki You Sick. Lisln to mcl Take no more siok ning, salivating calomel when bilious nr xmstipatfd. Don't lone a day's work! Calomel ia mercury or qiiuksih.-r whirh causea necroaia of the limi. i I'aloniel, when it comes inw enntaet aitli aour bile cranhea into it. lireiikiiij.' , it lip. Tliia is when you tWI tliat iml'il i nausea and cramping. If vou are "Im; Huh and "all knocked out." if J our hour ia torpid and Iwwela eunstipat-d w yvu liavo headache, dizziness, coated kifite, it Dream is nai or mtmiaen wir Mk a spoonful of harmless Dvd- Uvy Iwae ob mv iruaranieo. t. JUSt. Km a llt, tnt minrnnton ti nnv dniQ store and pi a Ml cent bottle of Pod sitn s l.iver Itme, lako a spisniui niiibt and it it doesn't straighten ou piirh. nn nii,( von feet tine and vigorous hy morning 1 want you to go back to tlie store anil gel your money. Il,slin' l.iver Tone is destroy ing tha sale of calom.'l Is'eails,. it js n-al liver medicine; entirely logctaldc, therefore it tan not salivate or imike "U sik. I guaranty' tliat one spoonful of D.xt son's l.iver Tone w ill put your sliigi;i-!i liver to work and clean your Isiwela of tbat aour bile and const ipal'-d w.i. te wliieh ia (logging your system and mak ing you leel misi rable. I guar. into' a Isjltle of Hudson's l.iver Tone v :' keep your entire family feelinir tin months. Hive it lo your children. P ' harmless; diWt JjrijH) and they lil. i' (Icaaut taste. It is the season now to go About the country high and low. Stevens"'!. r , -;; Here is the ghost of a summer that lived for us, Here is a promise of a summer to be. Henley. ''''' Before green apples blush, Before green nuts inbrown. Why, one day in the country is worth a month in town. Kosefti. The eternal summer shall not fade. Shakespeare. Love is supposed to be a lender passion, but sometimes the girl's father makes it a tough proposition. vigGriTSVILLE BEAC r.'iSjA'ci XlS RATWII CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESORT $ M0AST V.-1JNE AMD - bUMHf V t 'CUWMOU FAKE b - . 1 T ) BATHING- BOATING ISHINO DAKirlMA-. 1 AT :i)'l llsir.l'j Ik. I"i i 'f !i Min IVJtJl U BLU d ii A.i.ANiiccov LINL I HE STANDARD RAILROAD 01" THt SOU mm i nu SOLD BY 1 FHi!i J Wf!M!W?(B( PJIWHW IIMIIIJI IIIllilMpiJU.MIIllJIJvwllIIIJIllia 1 K I 1 h ill 7 V 0 I o X T Z A A MEECMI 1UUE, V...t .J, V..!!,,.,,!..,'., WI.'l tuiV V (' U I iuti' kiui iiirupiiii uiui tituiit 'uu luutui'i uii " ut-uv u. van . . u.. i c . . i i . i .. .. . ..r.. .. i insfifi'i nut lint ui picL-r K'U'iw uhh Kaiupifs. .7u.us1u.ruun jtniiianiri:!. 3 EaOXZZOEIIE iii v JH am IT WILL PAY I For All Thirsts-PepsiCola When iVs 90 in the shade I drink Pepsi'Cola and keep cool" When the sun rides high and the heat simmers up from the pavement, there's nothing you need more than a bracing glass of Pepsi-Cola Brings to heat worried mind and body in the office or on the street the refreshed, invigorated feeling that makes you complete the day's wortc witn a dash. Drop around the corner to the fountain with your nickel, or to the dealer in bottled Pepsi, VOL TO SEE Our Stock of Si A All kinds of Furniture to brighten the home. 9x12 Druggets from $2.50 to $50.00. Desks. Automobiles. Velocipedes. Hand Cars. Sleds, Doll Carts, Doll Trunks, and lots of other things to make the little folks happy. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, and Hand Painted China, for Wedding Gifts, WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C YOUR OWN PAINT You will save 56 cts. per gal. lis A 3 THIS IS HOW Buy 4 gals. L'&M. Semi-Mixed Rearpalnl, .v ttn,T at $2.10 P" gal,' And 3 gals. Linseed tOiljo mix.whiil at estimated cost ol You then nuke 7 gals, ol puie paint lor t 8.40 Made In a lew minutes It's only J l.S4.per4gal. AnvhnJv can mix the OIL" with' the- PAINT. Whereas, il you buy 7 gal'- of ready-lor-ust paint in i,rs ... el m i -a in irima, you pay u a gai. or ii.iv. ThtL StM. SEMI MIXED REAL PAINT ii'PURE WHITE LEAD. 7IVT ...J I lUSPm Oil tvo-bn.. mint imtrriils tor 100 vein. Use a gal. out ol any L.AM. PAIYT you buy and II nol Ihe besl paiitl inailf, rclti!i Uu- iiii1 anil jji-l ALL your money back. EDWIN CLARK, Weldon, N. C. HARDY HDWE. CO.. Scotland Neck A CALL TO COLORS. WtiLDON, N. C. F0LFY YPIIJ i MLEY KIDNEY PIIXS WOMEN CAN HARDLY BELIEVE How Mr. Hurley Was Re utored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound. Eldon, Mo. - "I wna tniuhlfil with jlsplscemont, inflammntion and fi-male iweuKuvan. ruriwu years 1 cvuld nut atanil on my feet lonir at a time and I could not wulk two blocks without vn during cutting and drawing pains down my right sid,' vshioh increaaeu every n.otitn i have been & tr.ut ti.-i.-- putpic in the face and ouid Walk the floor, i couid not lie down oj Bit itill sometimes for a day and a night at a time. I was nervous, and had very little appetite, no ambition, melancholy, and often felt as though I had not a friend in the world. After 1 had tried most every female remedy without suc cess, my mother-In law advised nw to take Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound. I did so and gained in strength every day. 1 havf now no trou ble In any way and highly praise your medicine. It advertises llseii. - mrs. S. T. HtiRLr.r, Eldon, Missouri. Remember, the remedy which did this was Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound. For sale everywhere It has helped thousands of women who have been troubled with displaca mei.ts, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, li regularities, periodic pains, backache, ih.t Inarms- down feellnir. Indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means nave laueu. i y uv j "j It? Lydia L. Plokhaa Mediclns Co-, Ltt us take the roses home to the loved that waits us, Let us take the songs to those who can never hate us; Let us take the tender word, not lo comrades shady Let us take the roses to home the Little Lady ! Ah, the sunshine that we build in our hearts all day, Let us take its heauiy home to the hearts that pray; Let us take the cheery song to the ears that wonder If we ever think of them in our toil and thunder ! Come, ye comrades of the task, here amid the striving, Let us take the honey home that we're alwavs hiving; Let us waste it not on those who at last abuse us, Let us take it home to those who best love, not use, us ! Ah, we've many a merry jest to make others cheery, Let us take the roses home to our wailing dearie; Let us weave for her the song and with smiles and rest Lay a tribute of our rose on her gentle breasi ! Ho ! the battle has been brisk, but the day is won ! Let us take the Little Heart gifts of rose and sun; Lei us take her something sweet of ourselves, our duty Let us take the roses home to life's rose of beauty ! LUCK. A link tut of tHoi t, a little bit ol thought, A lidie hit uf Jatinii uliJ of piuch, A little bit of courage in the (light that's being fought, All this is often looked upon as luck. A link bit of vision, and of faith, a little, too, A bit of stern resistance when you re struck, A little bit of purpose in the work you have to do, All this is in the masonry of luck. A little bit of wisdom, and the magic of a smile, Snme real determination when you re struck, The grit to keep on going till you make another mile, Are catalogued and labeled under luck. The wish to travel pathways that were never trod before; To hold the lines against me toes mat duck, To keep the spirit beating when the tlesh is weak and sore, All this is in ihe parentage of luck. To do the right thing when wrong would seem to fill your purse with gold, To cling to truth, nor fear the devil's muck, To play your part unselfishly, be ever brave nd bold, Herein you find the mystery of luck. LOOKS STRANGE. Better Be Ulad He Found It Out In Time. It haH always looked strange tii ns t hut. women sue for breach of promise. What ib it, in the last analysis ? Simply that a man concludes lie has made a bad bargain and lie wants to get out of it; wauts to cancel a contractand the wo man sues and claims that her heart has been troubled much- It may be. But the logic of the case seems to suggest that she has been exceptionally lucky to got out of the bargain before tin marriage was con summated because some men rather than pay a hundred thousand would marry tho wo man and secure a divorce much cheaper after tho romance hud died out of it. Tho woman who tells a man between sobs and snitiles that she loves him to beat the band; that he is her ownest own and her everlast ing love; that she would die for him and all this and that aud that of courso has a bad case, but it looks as though she would wake up and come to a realizing sense of things terres trial when he refused point blank to marry her; when he told her that he was a fool to think of such a preposterous thing; that she wasn't his ideal and he didn't love her Seems to 1110 that would be the manly thing for a manly man to do tell the woman the truth before they entered the world-wide bargain. But when a man hulks; wnen tie Bees things in a different light, if ho has a goodly pile of the ready rhino, many women there are who sue for money w no place a valuation on the heart-throbs which were hi3'n on! a day 1 HP L A The only asset you would leave your family or business that would be worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insurance. Did you ever think of that ? How much have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end of it TODAY. Don't put it offto morrow may be too late. before. Every thing. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA JUSTICE. A Sundav school teacher had been telling her class of little bovs about crowns of glory ana heavenly rewards for goodpeo- I Die I Now. tell me," she saui. at tho lesson, "who will tret the biggest crown?" There was silence for a min ute or two, then a bright little chap piped out "Him wot's got t" biggest 'ead." Tit-Bits. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. In Uto For Over 30 Years Always bear Sign tur of See or Phone Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the New York Life Insurance Company Largest Strongest Best Phone 303 L WELDON, N. O. ssssisssiitsm

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