lliNJii JN Kin i "sset 3 a ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5C Per Annum VOL. L. WKLDON, X. (, TIU KSDAV, ,U'LY 1015. NO. Ili 1 rt it watssmmmmut 5 jS 1 For Infants and Children. IKS THE REAL TRUTH Luke M'l.uke Says Al.f'Olhll. .1 PPU I'Lw'-,. Ai'!ji'iiilili'IVf;u'alionlcrAs simila I ing tlur Food ami Rptjiria lmgi)ifSi(iin.'ichsandl)(elsflf Prnmnli-sDiicslinnTifrfi:! ness ;iral Id'slYnnMinsiwiitj' Opiiim.Morphinc nor Mineral. AOT AARCOTIC. avV itoidDrSMnrmm fivJiyt StfJ" AtiitStfi I UitartoxkSJn I IlimM- I (Ic.ulkt itpr J Itoayrm fAmr. I Ancrfert Rpmpilv fnrTrnKfllia' liuititjuui .?iuiuuhii.'.".,vu Wornisfom'ulsioiis.Frvcrish ncssaiulLOSSOFMEiP. FacS'mA Signalurf of NEW YORK. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Thirty Years hi r i.r j For Over Enact Copy of Wripper. esses nJI Imt ' Finn iin THE BANK OF WRDON WKLDON. N. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Curolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Wcklou lk-positm y. Capital anil Surplus, $55,000, For over -1 years Hub institiitiilii has provided hanking facilities fur this section. Its'sUiekholihis mid ull.i-i is an- i.lciitilied with the husi newt interests of Halifax and Xnrtlmmitoii counties. A Strings I i'p:ii tiiK'iit is maintained lor the hcnelit of all who desire to depoMt in a Saving Itank. In tins Ivpaitmcnt interest i allowed us follows: Kor l)epoits allowed toremaiu llncc iimnlhs or !inirt-r, - per cent. Six montliKor longer, :i pel cent. Twelve nomllisor longer. I percent. Any information mil lie furnished mi applicatmn t.. tli.- 1'iesi.hnlurCa-hici fKKSHIKNT : W. K. IIASIKI- v K-rKKsinKsr: '. I! SMITTI. I. c. ItlMl'Ki:. Telle i AslilKH: .1. tl. I U K i:. DIKECTOKS W. I!. Smith. . K. IHiniel. .1. t. Inake, . M. Cohen, It. T. liamrl, J.I.. shepherd. W A I'leice. i. II. .ollicolter. .1 . W. Sledge 30 I "lli.-ltlliall l.lejUllel. A worn in always minute.-, a man when she kinv.vs that he admires her. It -sn 'i Inn t to tell ttie truth ' .mce and aw ink- Mighty f.w liuslvituU a;..' is loyal to their wives as tli ir v, ues Lire to llieiu. When it comes id making a man aei like a monkey, booze hasn't anyiliitiK on love. The old fasliimied boy who used to stndv law bv die lit;bi t'l' tlie bla.iiiK loijs in ihe lire place and ! whose ambition was to be" Presi dent of ill United States and make ; history, now has a son who studies ; tbe rules by electric light and ; whose ambition is to be president j of the National League and see all ! the games. An old mechanic can invent a dingus that will silence a little tiling like a gun. Bui why doesn't Hi ram Maxim invent a woman si lencer and get some real fame? When a woman starts in to give her husband a piece of her mind she never slops until she has giv en him the whole works. The reason why a woman can feel proud of a dress ili.it look as if it was made out of a few old rough tow els is because the dress is iiu.le of ratine. About once mil of 50 times iii.it they start to go out triend wife ' manages to gel ready ahead ol j friend husband so she can -it ; around and bawl him out for ' e- j ing so slow. j A wise man coaxes a woman. J A fool tries to force her. The boy who doesn't love his; mother is a freak. And the boy! who doesn't worry his mother every day in the year is a greater j freak. j A financier is a man who can i bring his wife home a new electric llatiron and make her for ' get thai it was an electric run.i- j bout that she wanted. j 1 here are all sorts ot liars, in cluding the man who announces that he is compelled 10 be a candi date because of the earnest and persistent solicitation of his friends. Any man who can forgei what he wants 10 forget has a good memory. A. i 13 ',;' -'I I ertMJtM:- THE BALL PLAYER'S PRAYER. Keep My peel In the Path of HiKhteousness. ''rc'.'i' a va.--.."' 1 r-. K , as MM Pi UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK DON'T STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPill -Dodson's Liver Tom" Will Clean Yolk Sluggish Liver Better Than Calomel and Can Nol Salivate, Caluiuel pmkffl yftu nirk; you loe a tay'n work. C'alt'iitct itt iuit.krtihtir uti'l it oativatPi; falonu1! injun't ynur liver. If you art bilimiit; ftvl lav, liinih arid all knocked out, if your UwU aro coiittupated and jmir ln-ttd mh-n or tonitu'ii ia aour, .i'it takn a rtponnful nf liarmleHS Dodfum't Liver Tmn- iimtcud nf using sukeiiiiijf, culivut intr rul"tnt'l. Iknlrton' Liver 'low i nul Iimt nu-tli-cine. You'll know it iifnt tnortiint.' ! rausp you will wik up fci'litttr liiw, your liver will W w.trkin, nur hi-ad aehe and diizinenw imu1, ymtr -t";iim''i will be sweot and lmufl- ri-'iil;tr. will feel like working. Nt.ii'M Im- . '.! fill: full of wutl'v, viiiur hu.1 :inn..;,.i' Your druu'.u'it or tli'iil-T !! .'iO font li'ltle of Mm!witr I.im iimlt-r my juT-iitnul UiirHiit'i- liiti ti will elcan ymjr f lt.t-'tri-h Ht l.i'iitr r nasty i-ultiuu-l; it um't nia!.t -i.l and you ran fat un ttnnr ym w.trn without In-ill saliv.ittii. f,ir -iiuji pluralities that i-ftih hjiv ii f u 1 will -.irl your liver, clean your bowels uit.: (iaie.lteti you ly i ii i n lT ir yi. mir rtitttn-v haek. t liil-lnn ;;l,i.lt t.tki' Mt'd't'Tr- l.iver Tone U-imihi1 it it jdraant ta-t inr and iloeri't in J i 01 er:inii or make tlii'm nick. 1 am sell in,! millions of IndtV ol 1 t'lflmiti'- l.iver Tone to people who huv f fitd M ;tt t'ii-4 phauit, vetretahhv li vol :iii;til'e take? the place nf dail.TOllr i '.!!!! V.iiy i me bottle on my wund t-Ii.'.':.- uii.tiaiitet-. Ask your druggie WRIGHT5VILLE BEACH 1 1 CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESORT if (OAST & AMD , . s cr 1 I BATHING BOATING ISHING DANCING OP r I A Mil IKFr'MfnSl'rrnH ini."'!! !!.!! U..V ATLANTIC COAST LINE THE STANDARD RAILROAD OK THE SOUTH -7 SOLD BY 0 "That Girl looks like an Oasis in the Desert1' And never was Oasis more welcome to sun-baked mortal. The cooline air of the moun-. tains, the vigor of the ocean's wave, the contentment of the valley all these are brought to work-wearied, heat -bothered in street, home and office by PEPSKola i V . it tlTVn v1 Bracing, Invigorating, refreshing Drop in ot the fountain then and a "come-back" that makes you you'll know what w mean, feel like WORK. It gives you what Put up in bottles, too, at youi you warif when you want it. grocer's. For All Thirsts Pepsi-Cola iAKE YOllii OWN Flip You will save 56 els. per gal .THIS IS now Qi Buy 4 gab V. & M. SemLMixetl Real Paint, at J2.I0. pcrgil -'. $8.' Ana 3 gals.: Linseed Uil to miXi.with.it " ' , , w Wt al estimalcd cosl of You then make 7 gals." of pure paint for 8.40 -2.40 $10.80 It's onlyjui.perfgal. Anybody 'can" mix ' thV'OIL' wiaVthPAlNT. Made in a lew minules Whereas, if you buy 7 gaIs."ol "ready-for-use paint in you pay jz.iu a gal or jh.u. ThL &M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT ij'PL'RE WHITE LEAD, ZINC ani LINSEED OIL, iht bl luiuwn piint nuttmls Lt ICO ytirs. Use a gal. on! ol any J. PAINT you buy and if nol the best :iiiil iiiatU-, return 11k-;i::V-.t ;n:: ;.-t Alt. your iii.-i'f'v Lack. IIDWIN CLARK, WelJon, N. C. HARDY HDWK. CO.. Scotland Neck THE MOVIES OF THE MORNING. RY TRANK L. STANTON. CASE OF NECESSITY. William F. McCombs the well- known Democratic politician, re lates the following : Little Tommy had a very pretty sister, f'retty sister had a very devoted admirer. One evening when the devoted admirer was sil ling in the parlor wailing for sister to appear, he was approached by little Tommy. Say, Mr. Smith, rather point edly queried the youngster, "do you love sister Jenny t "Why, Tommy I" was the amazed response of the blushing Mr. Smith. X by do you ask nie a question like thai ?" "l'.ecause," was the quick re joinder of the youngster, "she said last night that she would give $5 to know, ami I need the money," Mm', roof run " ' 4i fl u un; WtiLDON, N. C. IIEY MONEY HUXS'HiUi GJBKSXLC TM) Li S fcrrjch 5mc( -InaitSn -Bowaa kei-oiar COULD NOT STAND ON FEET Mrs. Baker So Weak Could Not Do Her Work Found Relief In Novel Way. A.iriun Mhh " t nutTViv.1 t.Trililv with female Wfuknessuiul uui-kaWieancl got so wt'uk that I could hardly do my work. When I wunht'd my dishi'S 1 had to ait down 'Hid when 1 would awwp the lloor 1 Would K' t 0 weak that I would huvu to R.'t a drink evi'ry frw ininuti'ii, and Ix-furo 1 did my dmtinE Iwouldhava to lit down. 1 not eo poorly that my (oiks thought I was going into consumption. One day. I found a piece of paper blowing around the yard and I picked it up and read iu It. said 'Saved from the Grave,' and told what I.ydia K. finkham'a Vegeta LI.. Compound has done for women. 1 rihuwrtl it to niv husband and he said, ' Why don't you try it Y ' So i did, and after I had taken two bottles 1 felt better and I aaid to my husband, 'I don't need any more,' and he said 'You had better take it a little longer anyway.' So 1 took it for three months and got well and strong." Mr?. ALONZO E. Bakf.r, 9 Tecumseh St., Adrian, Mich. Sot Well EiiohkU to Work. In these, wonts is hidden the tugedy .u u winian tmiiuuk ....Ife.! fir WMCrf earner who supports herself and is often helping to support a family, on niesrre wages. Whether in house, otlice, lao. tory, shop, stora- or kitchen, woman f hould remember that there is one tried and true remedy for the Ilia to which all women are prone, and that is I.ydia R t'inkhain's Vegetable Compound. It promotes that vigor which makes work easy. -The Lydia .- Pinkham Medians Co., Ljun, Moss. Morning breaking on the hills the curtain's going up ! Sun'll drink the world's health from the lily's brimming cup, And in ill e woodland theater the rarest joys we'll win, The morn'll shine the bright lights the world-show will begin ! A glad orchesira's playing The music wants no words; Joyous introductory Concert of the birds. The velvet vales are lifelike, the meadows are alive, The bee from brightening blossoms drains the honey for ihe hive; The gardens breathe in beauty, in gorgeous raiment dressed, The hills seem heaven-kissed altars, by Priests of Morning blessed. I Iill and field and valley, Glen and waterfall, The Movies of the Morning, At the Master-Artist's call. See the moving pictures? 'Tis now no world of dreams; Cattle seek the pastures, roads rumble with the teams; Girls that gather violets the kinfolk of the sky, And barefoot boys a-splashing in the brooks that glimmer by. Are we not in l.oveland A world of blossom sweet, The glory of the Morning Where F.arih and Heaven meet ? And the Movies of ihe Morning breathe peace to battle-strife; We are learning from the lilies all the litanies of life; That a Heaven still bends above us where stars of Morning meet, Home, and the beans that love us in a world that's Heaven-sweet ! World of beam and blossom In colors brave and grand, Life's living morning-pictures By the Master-Artisi's Hand. Lord, help me to play the game. It matters nol to you whether 1 am talented or poor in natural gitis; wealthy or starving; a leader among men or simple follower, so that I play the game as you would have it played. Help me to keep j my eye on the ball, that the curves I of temptation may not deceive nie j Keep my feel in the paths of right eousness, that I may loucli second and third on my way round the bases. Help me 10 beat out my bums, and hold nie that 1 stray not too far from base when ihe ; catcher is ready to peg me. Count ! not my toul balls against me, O Lord, for the batting eye some I limes go wrong, 'though the inten- lion is right. 1 lelp me in the ! pinches, Lord, because a good bin-. ! gle might bring my brother home. ; Let not the music of ihe fans keep , my eye from the ball, nor the en ticements of the slabman draw me i away from the need of a clean sin gle with a man on second. Help ' me, O Lord, to bat over 300 be-1 cause my eyes are on the big , league for eternity even while 1 sojourn here among the bush-: leaguers. j I In !. i- 111. ne ( 'atari h in this section ol the country than all other diseases put tiLretIui. au.l until the last fctt j yeais v supposr.! to he incurable, t 01 j u LM'eut many yi-ars doctors pronounced i it a local disease and prescribed local leiiicuiia, .kin 1 hi cunsuuiuj i.innii iw j cure with local treatment, pronounced it incuiulile. ciriii'e has proven ('a- tanli tu lie a constitutional disease, and ; therelVire n-iiu'iies constitutional tieat- j menl. Hall's C atarrh Cure, nianufac-: tured by F. .1. Cheney Co.. Toledo, j Ohiu. is the only constitutional cure on themaiket. It is taken internally. It' acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They oiler one . hundred dollars for any ease it fails to : cure. 1 r J. CIIKNKY CO., j Toledo, Ohio i Testimonials sent free, l'rice "f ceuts : per Hottle. Sold by all druirirists. Take Hall's family rill's for Constipa tion. Adv WHY NEGOTIATE? ! "Lei us go into the garden," he i said, as the twilight hour approach !ed. i "I'm afraid you'll want 10 sil in the hammock with me and hold my hand." "I swear 1 won't." "Then what's the use? Detroit Free Press. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 8 I . Z A B A . HEEC1AH TAILOR, O Nt t .loot V, .,!!:, ,:f. t's, U LUimW N. ('. Q 1 take yum measure aii'i make l.t to uidt'i on mv henHi. Call uiM hpcel line line nffii.'tv lT"".N :ui'l sample, .itisi'.iet im iftiaiaute.1 I-,-. I...T3 CHOgHQga E tnv :.'u .im IT W ILL PAY T VOI TOSMi Onr Stock of 00 A V All kinds of Furniture to brighten the home. 9x12 Druggets from $2 50 to $50.00. Desks, Automobiles, Velocipedes, Hand Cars, Sleds. Doll Carts. Doll Trunks, and lots of other things to make the little folks happy. " . Sterling Silver, Cut (ilass, and Hand Painted China, for Wedding (iifts. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C 4r$C 3 &t A A THE BRIQHT SIDE. VARIED PROGRAM. The women of a town down the slate recently organized a literary club, and for a while everything was lovely. 'Louise," asked the husband of one ot ihe members upon Iter re turn home from one of ihe meet ings, "what was the topic under discussion by the club this alter noon ?" Louise could not-just remember at-first-. -Finally, however, she ex claimed; - - "Now, 1 recoiled! We discuss ed that brazen-looking hussy that's just moved in across ihe street and Nietzsche." ROAD TO AMBITION. The road ambition travels is too narrow for friend, too crooked for love, too rugged for honesty, too dark for sience. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years The pessimist was suffering from rheumatism. "Every bone in my body aches," he complained. "You ought to be thankful that you are not a herring," said the optimist. Tit-Bits. TAKINQ NOTICE. ine , ' Sigaatui of Tired, Aching Muscles Relieved llar.l word, over exeition, mean still', son' muscles, Sloan's Liniment liirhtly applied, a little iuiet, and your soreness disappear like inatjic. "Nothing eci helped like your Sloan's l.iuimeut. I can never thank Vint enough," twites oueirialeful usei. Stopssiillerinif.ttches .1 iu.ii!. .vu e.cei(eul cmiiti'i-iiii- tant, better and cleaner than mustard. All ihuggmta, LVie. (let a bottle today. I'enelrate without rubbing .U is impossible to . flatter some women; they are dead. A Good Household Salve Ordinary ailments .anl injuries' art not of themselves Hcrious, but infection or low vitality may make them danger ous. Don't neglect a cut, sore, bruise or hurt because it's small. Wood pois son has resulted from a pin-prick . ov scratch Kor all such ailments, Buck leu's Arnica Salve is excellent. It pro tects and heals the hurt; is antiseptic, kills infection and prevents dangerous complications, lioodfor all Skin Blem ishes, Pimples, Salt Rhcuiu, Eczema, Get an original 'i-ounce i.'."ic, box from your druggist. "Sitting tip in four days, eh?" "Yep." "This is rapid progress. The doctor said it would be three weeks before you could sit up and take notice." "But he hasn't seen my pretty nurse." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA HAD HIS LIMITS. The only asset you would leave your family or business that would be worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insurance. Did you ever think of that ? How much have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end of it TODAY. Don't put it offto morrow may be too late. Getting even seldon results in an even temper. viaoisvo S.U3H3131J HOJ First Boy My father's been everywhere. Second Boy Has he been in heaven? First Boy Well, no. But he has been to every place of more than 5,000 population, Life. $3.25 Round Trip to Rich mond, Va. The Atlantic Coast Line announces the above excur sion fare from W eldon on account of the Exposition and celebration in commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary, of the Emancipation of the, 'Negro, which opens July 5th and close's July 27th. Propor tionate Tarts will apply from all points.on'the Atlantic Coast Line and are open' to" the public. Tick ets will be sold for all trains on July 5, 7. 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21 tnd 24, limited returning to reach original siarting point prior to mid night of 7th day following date of sale. Schedules and further infor mation, call on C. E. Carter, Tick le Agent. See or Phone Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the New Ycrk Life Insurance Company Largest Strongest Best Phone 303 L - WELDON, N. C.