t I 1 - 1 ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5G Per Annum VOL. L. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, Al(UST .", 1915. no. ir MOTHERHOOD LOST ART. TO WAR ON GLUTTONY. r( fri! f f t ar- l " i 1 I i f. va if ii on iw w n u i a i sr The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which Las been la use lor over UO yean, has borne tuo signature of aua bus been made under Lin per jyT, ional supervision since its Infancy. --6tC44ti Allow tin mm tn.WotL-nimii In lila. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" ore but Experiments that trllle with an.d endanger the health of Infants ami Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorlu Is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare goric, Drop and Soothing Syrups. It is l'lcoiuint. It contahiM n.'llhi-r Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic KiibHtuure. 1 ts acre Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ami allays IVverishuess. It cures Diarrhutn and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Khituleney. It assimilates the Food, regulates the (Stomach ami lion-els, giving healthy ami natural sleep. The Children's t'anacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, N. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State ot North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital an! Surplus. $55,000. lot over '.'1 years this institution Int." pronlvil liaukin facilities lor tins section. Its'stoeklioMi'iH uinl ottiri is au uli utilii .1 n itl. 1 lie bum ucw inteiv-u of iiulifas ami Nuitliatupton eciuntits A Saving-" Department i maiuuiue.l leu the luiitla ol all . no (yut to ilepoit in a SaviUK? riant, til tins inf artnittil interc-it i- ullo.vej ai follows. For Deposits allowed toivma.u Wire. iuoiitti- 01 lotiiftr. -' pel cent -u raoutlis or longer, A per cent Tael.v nioiitlisui Innirei. I pel cent Anv information ,viil I.p Idim-linl on implication tu Hie Prisideutuil al.iei PRES1DJNI W. E DANiF.L, H b l'h-U'fc.'i W. ii SMITH. L C. DiUHKH. 'feller. ASHlkK I l I'RAl.r, DIRECTORS W. K. milii, V. t. tmu.el, j. 0. Iiiul.e. W. Si. Cola u. R. T. Daniel, i.t. Shepherd. NY. A. Pierce. l. B. ZolltcoH'ei. .1 Sledge X o CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES "DmlMi's Llw Tom" Is Harmless To dean Your Sluggish Liver and Bowels. I'ghl Calomel maltoa v"U It'" burriblrt Take a dose ofthe daiiRrrnim (lniK tonight anil tomorrow you mny low a ilav'n work. I alouiel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bone. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it, breaking t up. This is when you feci that awful nausea and cramping. If you arc slug Kith and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, diuiness, coated tongue, if breath is bait or stomach sour. Hist try a sjiflonful of harmless Dodson's IJver tone tonight on my guarantee. Here's my guarantee flo to any drug store and get a SO cent buttle of Dod son's l.iver lone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you right up anil make j-ou feel line and rigorous 1 want you to go hack to the siure and get jo'ur money, llodson's l.iver Tone is de-ilriiyiiig the sale of calomel ttccaiisti it is real liu'r medicine: entirely vege table, therefore it can not sahuite or make run sick. 1 guarantiv that one spoonful of lio.l snn's l.iver Tune will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your l.els of that sour bile and constipated waste which is flogging your system and mak ing you fee miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of lidon'a l.iver Tone will keep your entire family feeling f-ne tor mouths e (live it to your children Ii U harmless; diasn't gripe aud tin-) 1,U its pleasant taste. rr. WRIGHT5VILLE BEACH in IV X CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESORT ellllANTlC Wf.EK END AND bUMMER f KCURSlON - FARE.5 BATHING BOATING ISHING DANCING atTanticxoast LINE FHF TANnADri&Ail ROAD OF THtSOLiTti y TANKER'S ROOF PAINT SOLD BY Pierce-W hilehead Hardware Goipy, Declares There Are Many Women j Who Refuse to be Women. I Mrs. Catherine Buoiti-Ciibhorn, dauKhter of the Salvation Army founder, the laie General Vi'iiliam Booth, who is an evangelistic worker in Loudon spoke before the International lJtirity Congress at Sun Francisco on inotherhouJ, which, she declared, "is the finest of arts but a lost art." She said: "Society has developed, espec ially within the la-t thirty years, a vast army of women who will not be women; married women who avoid children; incapable mothers who shirk the obligations and re sponsibilities of motherhood. We have women who are admirable flirts, coquets and talkers, splen didly efficient in all domains bus iness, science and art. All profes sions are now open to her She can act, dance, paint, sing, type write, keep books, defend a case at the bar, or be a policewoman. She can back horses, drink, g nn ble and smoke; and, now be as any man under Miss Col. Charles worih, who is training troops of women for Lord Kitchener. In fact, she can do anything and every thing except fulfil the highest of all destinies, the bringing forth of beautiful children and the making of them into men and women who will bless humanity. "Woman's neglect and denial of her highest vocation is bearing bit ter fruit. We see it in the white slave traffic more than anywhere else. We see the fruits in the hospitals. We see it in the refor matories. Some of the finest ma terial for the making of useful lives is to be found there, run to seed all through the lack of mothers. "Woman is not altogether to blame for her failure to fulfil her destiny. The world has made and worships this false woman. "Motherhood was the first thing lo go in Greece and Rome. The Emperor Augustus saw his empire expire through the white slave traffic France and Belgium are g.iiiiK in the same way. The same canker is also eating ui ihe core ol the national lite ol America "juice coming to the Stales I hacc been struck by the frightful tragedies in young lives all lor the wain of a mother who has won the confi dence and friendship of her chil dren " MIXKI) lip. A lanky y i li 1 1 1 enieied the cross roads general store to order some groceries. Me was 17 years old and was passing through that stage of adolescence during which a boy seems all hands and feet, and his vocal organs, rapidly developing, are wont io undergo sudden and iiivuluiii.il y change liom high treble to low bass. In an authoritative, rumbling bass voice he demanded of the busy clerk, "dive me a can of corn" (then, his voice suddenly changing to a shrill falsetto, he continued) "and a sack of Hour." "W ell, don't be in a hurry. I Cjii'i wait on both of you at once," snapped the clei k. Pittsburg Tel egraph. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Once in a great while the office seeks the man, but more often it tries to dodge him. The woman with the greatest command of language is the one who knows when io shut up. Some people have to rattle the bones of their ancestors in order to make a noise in the world. Chimney Rock. Special low round irip rates via Seaboard Air Line Railway, the most beautiful mountain section of North Caro lina. Ideal for a summer outing and easily reached from Rutherfordton by the Thermal Belt Auto Livery and Garage Company, (automo bile service). Good Roads. July and August, the most delightful months io spend in the scenic mountains, region of Western North Carolina. Call on your agent and ask for picturesque booklet free or apply toj. T. West, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. - - WELDON, N. C, rotEYfYPto,! fOLEY KIDNEY PiUS lJM.cAC.-.t 4 M9 tUeS&r rtW.IAr.MCKI ftlSfim m UI Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA "Ah! That's what I'm looking for, Grandma" Leave it to "Young Hopeful" to know what not only tickles his palate deliciously but what also satisfies his thirst and refreshes his tired little body. It's Pepsi-Cola. A God-send to the thirsty old and young. No wonder it has achieved such popularity as a delicious, tempting drink that has a joyful tastv in tvery sip. At the fountains or carbonated in bottles, at your grocer's. PEPSKola For AU Thirsts Pepti-Cola CASTORIA f0r infants tad Children lnUsForQv3QYar9 A woman is always telling a man what she thinks she would like 10 think instead of what she really does think. Praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Women from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from all sections of this great country, no city so large, no village so small but that some woman has written words of thanks for health restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. No woman who is suffering from the ills peculiar to her sex should rest until she has given this famous remedy a trial. Is it not reasonable to believe that what it did for these women it will do for any sick woman ? Wonderful Case of Mrs. Crusen, of Bushnell, III. Bcsmnell, III." I think all the trouble I have had since my marriage was caused by exposure when a young girl. My work has been homework of all kinds, and I have done milking in the cold and snow when I was too young to realize that it would hurt me. I have suffered very much with bearing down puim iu my back and such miserable pains across me, and was very nervous aud generally run down in health, but since I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound my back never hurts me, my nerves are stronger, and I am gaining in health every day. I thank you for the great help I have received from your medicine, and if my letter will benefit suf fering women I will be glad for you to print it." Mrs. Jajuss Crusien, Bushnell, Illinois. A Grateful Atlantic Coast Woman. Ilowmov, Me. "I feel it a duty I owe to all suffering women to tell what Lydia E. Tuikham's Vegetable Compound did for me. One year ago I found myself a terrible sufferer. I had pains in both sides and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. My back ached, I had no appetite and was o nervous I could not sleep, then I would lie so tired mornings that I could scarcely get around. It seemed almost impossible to move or do a bit of work and I thought I never would lie any better until I submitted to an opera tion. I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and soon felt like a new woman. I had no pains, slept well, had good appetite and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a fain ily of four. I shall always feel that I owe my good health to your medicine." Mrs. IIaywakd Sowkrs, Hodgdon, Maine. For SO years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remed y for fe male Ills. No one sick with woman's ailments docs j tistlce to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots anil herbs, it bag restored so many sufforingwonien to health. Rr"l!WritetoI,YmAE.PlNKHAJIMEICISECO. Vjf (CONFIDENTIAL) 1.V.XM, MASS., for advice. Vour letter will he opened, read and answered iiy a woman aud held in strict conndence. "We Eat Three Times As Much As we Need," Henry Ford Says. New Yolk Herald. and "fiat only when hungry then eat less than you feel you need," counsels Henry Ford. "Try this for a week, and I'll guarantee you'll feel beeter and much healthier." "Firmly convinced that most per sons consume three times as much food as they should and that glut tony causes brain sluggishness and an appetite for drink, Mr. Ford has directed Dr. James E. Mead, physician at the Ford Hospital, to establish a department of dietetics. It is declared that the several thou sand employees of the Ford Moior Company will be able to save at least $1,000,000 annually by fol lowing Mr. Ford's advice. "Many of the best authorities blame a great deal of the passion for liquor upon gluttony," said Dr. Mead, discussing the scope of the new department. "This department is in line with Mr. Ford's efficiency propaganda. In his new hospital the men will be taught how to eat. One thou sand private rooms will be provi ded, the charge for a patient to be $2 a day, which will include room, board and nurse attendance. The nurses will work in three skirts of eight hours each. "Thomas Edison eats less and does more work than any other man I know," said Mr. Ford to day. "The best authorities I can find tell me that we eat too much. I myself have tried the theory that less eating is beneficial and I am thoroughly convinced that it is reliable. , 'Think of the waste of food stuffs there is, too. We wouldn't feed an engine three times as much fuel as it needed. Vet we pay out our good money to gorman dize at the expense of both our in come and our health. Whenever 1 have any hard problem to think out I don't wait for a healthy meal. I do my thinking on empty stom ach. ',1 have the greatest sympathy for a man addicted to liquor. His appetite is a disease caused in many cases by unwise eating. Thai he craves strong drink is of ten not his fault." S I . Z A B A . S Merchait mii O Nf.U.loor to Zolheoli'ri's, S KIJN, N. '. O taA I luke your nnaure and make suit to order on my bench. Call und tag VViuspPCt tiu Hup of piecp (foods and samples. Satisfaction guaranteed icaonom iy mv "jo :ini IT WILL PAl T YOU TO Slili THE BRIGHTNESS OF LIFE- A thought that it winged from a friend 10 friend Doesn't seem such a wonderful thing; Yet ii carries the prayer for a joy without end, And it throbs with a big, friendly ring. A mere word of cheer in the shadow of nighi, When discouragement darkens the way, Will illumine our hearts with the glorious light Of a hopeful and sun-brightened day. When failure confronts us and darkens our goals, flow we long for the clasp of a hand 1 Ii is then that we cry h oui the depths of our souls For a friend who can just understand. A bright, cheery smile often gives me the strength That we lack in the vortex of strife, For it lightens our load as we travel the length Of the care-laden path we call Life. So we find, after all, that the things we thought small Loom colossal above all the host; That ihe best of God's gifts are the friends we can call To our side when we need ihem the most. Our Stock of J J A - All kinds of Furniture to brighten the home. 9x12 Druggets from $2.50 to $50.00. Desks, Automobiles, Velocipedes, Hand Cars, Sleds, Doll Carts, Doll Trunks, and lots of other things to make the little folks happy. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, and Hand Painted China, for Wedding Gifts, WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C $' $'6 IIS 1 f J A PiLiNO iT ON. He had been on a hunting expe dition for several days in the back woods, roughing it raiher severely and on taking a seat in a railway carriage returning homeward he looked as begrimed and weather beaten a trapper as ever brought his skins into a settlement. He happened to find a seat next to a young lady evidently belong ing to Boston who, after taking stock of him for a few minutes, re marked: "Don't you find an utterly pas- sionful sympathy with nature's most incarnate aspirations among the sky topping mountains and the dim aisles of the horizon-touch ing forests, my good man?" ' Oh, yes," replied the apparent backwoodsman, "and I am also frequently drawn into an exalta tion of rapi soulfulness and beatific incandescent infinity of abstract contiguity when my horse stumbles." "Indeed!" said the young lady, much surprised. "I had no idea lhat the lower classes feel like that."-Puck. LANDED. She I suppose the duke has landed estates. He Landed one every time he married, but he managed to run through 'em all. Many a young man develops into a liar from writing love letters. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The only asset you would leave your family or business that would be worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insurance. Did you ever think of that ? How much have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end of it TODAY. Don't put it off --tomorrow may be too late. RATHER PARTICULAR. Some lime ago an automobile party was touring ihe back coun ties when hunger seized the crowd. Having a kit with them, they de cided to make a Welsh rabbit, in stead of going to a local hostelry. To this end a trip was made to the corner grocery for the raw mate rials. "We want a couple of pounds of cheese and some large, square crackers for a Welsh rabbit," said the purchaser, going into the store. "Got the cheese all right, an swered the groceryman, "but none o' them big square crackers. How 'bout some little ones?" "They won't do," returned the purchaser. "We must have tht large ones." " 'Spose ye must if ye say so," thoughtfully commented the gro ceryman, ' but it strikes me that lhat rabbit is derned perlic'ler 'bout his eatin'." Philadelphia Telegraph. See or Phone Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the Now York Life Insurance Company Largest Strongest Best Phone 303 L - WELDON, N. C.

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