ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5G Per Annum VOL. L. WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, AHil'ST 12, HH.-,. NO. I5 mmtA T& t s Al. onitt. i ecu (.ft,.,. A t tjeial (c Preparation fcr.ts simil.-i I fug ilw Foodamf RrytiCa ling (lip Sioiiwt hs aiidBwdsof ff-t Promolcs Dii-slionflifprfiil ness ar.d l?si.Conlalnsncito (tymm.Mornhine nor Mineral. OT ft ARC OTIC. Jtx.Sttma it imbue bjt llrmlrrd- Ctorihrd Sugar A nnrfort ffomeitv fmTrflKHfll lion , Sour Stoinach.DUrttoea Wornu,ComTOswiu.rrveris lKssaiul Loss or Sleep. 5;fc FacSiraile SijiulurmT K .2 vs-w topic. m Exact Copy of Wrapper. 3E t.O IS THE BANK OF VELDON WEI, DON, N. C. Organized Under the Law ul the State ol North Carolina, State ol' Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax Coumy Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. For over years this institution has provided bunking facilities lor tins section. Its stockholders ami oltieers are ideiitilird itli the husi ness interests of Halifax and 01 llianiptun comities. A Savings liepaitment is niaiiituiiii'.l I'm the beiietit of all nhu desire to deposit iii a MtviugK Hauk. In this liepaitiiunt interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits alloweil to remain three mouths 01 louder, '.' per Cent. Six months or longer, :i pel ceut. Twelve months 01 longer. 4 percent. Auv information mil lie furnished on application to the I'resideiitoil'asliier PHKSIIIKNT : W. K. DANIKL, vii 'k-'KKiiikst: V. It SMITH. I.. C. lilt tl'Kli, Teller. Il KKCI'OKS W It. T. Daniel, .1.1. It. Smith, W. K. shepherd, W. A. UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK. DON'T STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPATE "Dodson's Liver Tom" Will Cleat Your Sluggish Liver Better Than Calomel and Can Not Salivate. 'Calomel makes you tVk; you lose a t In) work. Calonn'1 1 ((iiii-kAilvrr nml it lialivntd; calomel injures your liver. If you are bilious; fei'l luzy, xlu'isli . ami all knocked out. if your Imwi'ls are . eon t-t ipat ed and your lieati at'lu-n or rtnimuh is sour, just takp a sMniifiil of tiannlt-sti Dodaon'a Liver lout intad of using nickening, MtHvatinjr calomel. DiHlHon'rj Liver Tone U real liver inetli--cine. You'll know it next morning le .can you will wake n ftvlin lim your Hver will In working, .-ur IimI .ache and dizim-p put', .ur tniiuli .will be sweet and liowrl-t re:' V- n will feel like working. You'll lw fl.c i fill; full of i-miu'V. vicur and uinl-il i-u. WRIGHT5VILLE BEACH CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESORT ,;UANTlc, , 'Line v4V WCf.K EtiD SuMI-ilR EaCURSIui'I FARES v- THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH SOLD BY Fierfliliai llardwaro Uoiiuiij', IIHIIU WELDON, N. C. fOLEY KiDNEYPIUSl tot iAc: - . . ... ma sue stag For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years ao I'ABHIKR: .1. (). UKAkK, huiiiel, .1. (. Drake, W. M. (.obeli, 1'ierce, l. It. Zollicotler, .1 . W. Sledge Your druggist or dcah-r w-IU y.i. . .10 cent bottle of Doilson'a Lir ;. under inr personal uarantiv tt..u it will clean your sluisli liver ln-Urr ll. it nasty calomel; it won't make you m.-I and you can eat anything yu w;iut without U'ing salivutrd. Your dru'firl guaranteeit that each hm nfii I will sriirt your liver, clean your lowels ami Htraighten you up by iiinruing or yot g't your money buck. Children gladl take 1)ik1poiis Liver T-ne boraiisi- it it dt.iMint tasting uud doesn't grin' oi crump or make them sick. I am welling niillioiiH of bottles ol lV.dson's T.i v r Tone to mH-ople who have l"'nd C ut this jilnirtHttt, viv'talle, livei inedii inr takes the place of dangerom ;i!onn. Buy one bottle on my sound i- li .! I - guaruiitea Ask your 'drtiggitf BATHING BOATING ISHING DANCING GASTORIA ATL AN T IC;COA5T LINE 4 III U U V OLEY KIDNEYPIIX - backacui woNits mo bugs. OPPOSED TO EARLY MARRIAGES. Put a Stop to the Marriage of Children. Contrary to popular beliefs that early marriages are particularly conducive to morality, C. L. Red field, of Chicago.declared that they were more conducive to immoral ity The biographies of the p at men of the world, particularly the mor al and religious reformers, furnish ed evidence, he said, that great men were the sons of parents who had done much work. Confucius, who was born when his father was 71 years of age; Buddha, whose mother was 45 when he was born; Moses, whose three generations of ancestors spanned 185 years; and King David, who was the son of Jesse's old age, and who became the father of Solomon when he was 52 years old, were some in stances he cited. In contrast, in this age, in this country, he pointed to tne wide spread practice of marrying young so young that in many States grooms in kntcKabocKers ana brides in short dressses were even recognized by law, and said: "I say to you, positively, that these child marriages are laying the foundations for new sources of vice and crime. A campaign of education on the question of early marriages is urgently needed." "Perhaps some of you think that to delay' marriages would be to largely increase the immorality among the unmarried. Hereto fore you have based your judg ment in such matters on common sense, but I am telling you now that there is a sound scientific rea son, heretofore overlooked why such marriages are an injury to the race. The injury is not to those who marry but to those who come after them. The product of those early marriages is the first step in the production of those forms of vice which we have upon our shoulders to eradicate. "I am not asking that all mar riages be delayed to the age of 25 or 30 years. That may or may not come in the future when we know more than we do now, but at present I am asking that we put a stop to the marriage of children a stop to that kind of reproduc tion which breeds the mentally and morally unfit." CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bear tne Signature Some people are vain because of their imperfections. Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S C ASTORI A It's easy to be a hero on the films. A change ol one letter makes a comely woman homely. WOMAN REFUSES OPERATION TelU How She Wa Saved by Taking Lydia E. Pink ham' Vegetable Compound. Logansport, Ind. "My baby wa over a year old and I bloated till 1 waa a burden to myself. P, auffered front fe V : male trouble ao I j .; could not stand on ,- my feet and I felt -aJ like million of needlea were prick ing me all over. At last my doctor to.d me that all that would aave me waa an operation, but this I refused. I toid try husband to get mo a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkbam'a Vegetable Com pound and i would try it before I would submit to any operation. He did ao and I improved right along. I am now doing all my work and feeling fine. "I hope other suffering women vriii try your Compound, i wili recommend it to ali I know." Mrs. Daniel O. B. Davis, 110 Franklin St., Logansport.Ind. Sinca w guarantee that all testimo nials which we publish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E.' Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound has the virtue to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffering in a lika manner? If you are ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable l orn pound. Write to Lydia, E. Plukham IHeilloineCon (couildent lal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter wil be opened. read and answered l7 a wotuaa cad ioM la 'jlct coaaaeseo. h Jiff '"" &' "i rs r- nnrr rv c dash For All Thiists Pepsi-Cola i MAKE YOUR You will save Thl.&M. SEMI MIXED REM. 7.INC ani LINSEEO OIL, the U-.I Itee :i j:t!. otil oi any 1..:, P pai.ii tisadt!. itltiva t!tt ;:!'i! EDWIN CLARK, HARDY HDWE. TAPESTRY m Mail, in a lew minutes This beautiful poem has often appeared anonymously. C. T. Weit- stein, ot Milwaukee, vt is., searcnea tor tne autnor recently, ana re ceived word from Mr. Marvin, of Savannah, Mo., and Mrs. Frances Carter, of Stelia, Mo., saying that Anson G. Chester, M. D., penned the lines. Mrs. Carter adds : "The poem has as wonderful a history as the man who wrote il. It has been published in all the mouern lan guages, including Hindustania, Chinese, and Japanese. It appeared first in The Century Magazine. Dr. Williamson, of London, has issued hundreds of thousands of copies of press with it four times in 1 9 1 2. for interpretation to 400 students, with their interpretations." In "this poem is one of the most beautiful, almost sublime, inspired poems that ever w as written. I think it is ence." Zions Herald. Let us take to our hearts a lesson From the ways of the tapestry weavers, on the other side of the sea. Above their heads their pattern hangs; they study it with care; And while their fingers deftly work, They tell this curious thing, beside, He works on the wrong side evermore, but he works for the right side ever. It is only when the weaving stops, That he sees his real handiwork, that his marvelous skill is learned. Oh! the sight of its delicate beauty! How it pays him for all it cost! No rarer, daintier work than his was ever done by the frost. Then his master bringeth him golden hire.and giveth him praise as well And how happy the heart of the weaver is, no tongue but his own can tell. The yeat s of man are the looms of hereon we uic vuuViiig always Weavincblindlv. but weaving surely, each man for himself his fate. We may not ste how the right side But looking above for the pattern, Only let him look clear into heaven If he keens the face of the Master His weaving is sure to be perfect, And at last, when the task is ended, He shall hear the voice ol his Master; it shall say unto him : v ell done! And u hitp-u inued aneels of heaven to bear him thence shall come down And God for his wage shall give Constipation Causes Most Ills. Accumulated ate in your thirty fret of bowels causes absorption of pois ons, tends to produce fevers, upsets di gestion. You belch (tas, feel stutfy, ir ritable, almost cianky. It isn't you it's your condition. Kllniinate this poiwnous naste by taking-one or two Dr. Kiiikr'a Now l ife Fills tonight, iin- jot a full, fiee bonel movement in the moiniug you feel so grateful. Get an oriKiiml bottle today, containing 3u pills from your diupgist today for 'iOc. A man who is tied to his wife's apron string certainly isn't fats. 'Whenit's90intheshadeldrink Pepsi-Cola and keep cool" When the sun rides high and the 1 teat simmers up from the pavement, there's nothing you need more than a bracing glass of Pepsi-Cola. Brings to heat worried mind and body in the office or on the street the refreshed, invigorated feeling that makes you complete the day's OWN PAINT 56 cts. per gal. THIS IS HOW Buy 4 gals . L.& M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint, At $2.10 fit gal. - - $ 8.40 And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to at estimated cost of 2.40 You then matte 7 gals, ol pure paint for $10.80 It's only $ 1.54 per gal. Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINT. Whereas, il you buy 7 gals, of ready-for-use paint in CAN'S, you uay $2.10 a gal. or $14.70. PAINT b PURE WHITE LEAD, .. pairl nulnUs tut IU0 ytm. ! T v:i U: v aitd il not the besl ..r 1 vc-v !..?;!:. Weldon, N. C. CO.. Scotland Neck WEAVERS. it in leaflet form, having gone to the The Universityof Tokyo gave it out who were asked to send Dr. Chester my opinion," adds Mr. Wettstein, worth preserving for future refer no lesson can nobler be their eyes are fastened there. of the patient, plodding weaver : and the web is loosed and turned, God let down from the place of the sun , till tne appointed task is done. looks, we can only weave and wait no weaver need have fear; the perfect pattern is there. forever and always in sight, his work is sure to be right. and the web is turned and shown, him, not coin, but a golden crown I Is Sickness a Sin? if uot, it's nicked to neglect illness and means of relief. It's wicked to en dure Liver ilia. Headache, indigestion, Constipation, when one dose of Ho-Ho Lax gives relief. Po-Do is i'odo pliyllin (May Apple), without the gripe, It arouses the Liver, increases the flow of bile Nature's antiseptic in the bow els. Your Constipation and other ills disappear overnight because Po-Po-Lax has helped Nature to remove the cause. Get a bottle horn your drugf 1st today, Oet rid of.your Constipation overnight work with a Drop around the corner to the fountain with your nickel, or to the dealer in bottled Pepsi, POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Envy has torpedoed many a friendship. But a joke at the expense of real religion is a misfit. Hope and advice never yet sat isfied a man's hunger. And a considerable percentage of our so-called friends will not stand the acid lest. Beauty is only skin deep and lots of so-called wisdom is likewise. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A STRATEGIST. Downton Here comes Blink ers. Me s got a new baby, and he will talk us to death. Upton Well, here comes a neighbor of mine who has a new setter dog. Let's introduce them and leave them to their fate. Life. A Medicine Chest for 25c. In tins chest you have an excellent remedy for Toothache, liruises, Sprains tilt' Neck, liackache, Neuralgia, lilicu- matism and for most emergencies. One 2,'ic. bottle of Sloan's Liniment does it all this because ailments are symptoms not diseases, and are caused by con gestion and intlaminatiou. If you luuht, ask those who use Sloan's Lini ment, or better still, buy a 2. bottle and prove it. All druggists. When a man is in debt his wife considers herself the preferred creditor. For a Sprained Ankle. If you w ill get a bottle of t 'hamber lain's Liniment and observe the direc tions given therewith faithfully, you will recover m much lews tune than is usually requited. Obtainable everywhere. OUT OF MOUTHS OF BABES. "Well, Tommy, are you a good boy all the time?" "Not tne." "And why not?" " 'Cause 1 don't want to die young," replied Tommy. Little Fred My mamma can tell things by looking at people's hands. Visitor Indeed! Is she a palm ist? Little Fred I don't know; but everytime she looks at my hands she tells me to go and wash 'em. Teacher Now. Clarence, can you tell me what "can't" is the abbreviation of? Clarence It's the abbreviation of "cannot." Teacher That's right. Now, Edgar, what is "don't the abbre viation of? Edgar Doughnut. New York World. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I . Z A ERCHAKT O Next door to Zollicolli take vonr immure :ui. I make suit msiect Hue line ol piece iroo.U aihl 3C30DOE31 Low Excursion Fares via Seaboard Air Line Railway Commencing Saturday, May 29th, and contin uing each Saturday and Sunday morning until September 12th, inclusive, the following week-end rates will apply from Weldon, with final limit re. turning to reach original starting point not later than midnight on Tuesday following dete of sale: Portsmouth, $2.50; Va. Beach 2.90 Littleton, N. C. 70c. Commencing Sunday, June 6th, and continuing each Sunday there after until Sept. 12th, tickets will be on sale for train No. 16 leaving Weldon at 8:30 a. m. to Portsmouth and return at $1.50 good to re turn only on train No. 1 5 same date. For further information apply to C. E. CARTER, Ticket jent. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh. N. C, IS The only asset you would leave your family or business that would be worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insurance. Did you ever think of that ? How much have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end of it TODAY. Don't put it off---to-morrow may be too late. See or Phone Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the New York Life Insurance Company Largest Strongest Best Phone 303 L WELDON, N. O. B A , TAIL i s. V 1:1.1 " IN", N. ( '. to cinlei on inv lieneli. Cull aiM :unile. S.iti-faction nuaraiiteu 1 f A S3

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