ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum! VOL. L WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, SKPTKM 1JKK 1G, 1J)1.. NO. 21 THE PURE IN HEART. THE LONELINESS OF AGE. They Live to a Great Extent in a World of Their Own. The Kind You Have Always Bought, nud which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of 0 - aud has been nmilo under his per- "tonal supervision since its Infam y. uT7, -U4A Allow no ouo to decei vo you In tills. All Counterfeits, Imitation and" Just-ax-good " lire but Experiments Hint trifle with and endanger tlio healtli of Iufuuts ami Childrou Experience against Kspcrliuout. What Is CASTORIA Castorlii Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It Is IMousiuit. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Sfarcotie Kiibstaiic.. Its nie Is its guarantee. Jt destroys Worms uml allays 1'cvcrisliuess. It cures DfarrliuHi and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation mill Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Ktnimich anil Itoivels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI CI NT UN COMMNV, TT MUMNAV THCCT, HtW VOHK CtTt, THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON. N. Organized Under the Law of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository.'. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aiifl Surplus, $55,000. Kur over 21 years this institution ha pnn uli-.l I'ankiiiic laoihtiis loi tins section. Its Htoek tiuUli i s ami ollirrih aie identified Willi the Ihisi ness interest ut llahlai and Nuilluiiiiluu eomitien. A Savings ieiaitnieiit is niiiuitaiiii'il I'm I In- l.i-littit of all rtlm dislie to deposit hi a saiiUjf Hani In tin I meiit iuti-ie-t is ulluttrd as follows- For Deposits allowed tuieiiiain thiee iiniiillis oi lunger. 'J per cent I st mouths or longer, :i percent IweUe iihiiiIIimii louirer. I peieeut. Anv information will he fuun lint on appheatioii to tin- i'lt-nienloila lm , raasiiisN r W. K. DANIKL, V II K-l'HKSUJfcS I W K SMI I'll. I. I'. iKl'KK. teller. I A b H I b H : I. (I UKAKK. DIREC'TOKS-W. If. Ninth, tt. K. Haniel, .1. U. Inake. V St. loheii, R. T. liuuiel, .1 . .. Shepherd. W. A 1'ieiee, It. li. .ullieiillu-. .1 . Y. Hedge OE CALOMEL DYNAMiitS YUUK LIVER! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES 'Oodsoi's Lher Tom" Starts Yuur Liver inter Ttui Calomel and You Don't Last t Day's Work Liven Mf your sluggish liver ! Feel tine and ehwrful; make yuur work n jdeAsure; tie vigorous anil full of aml'i joo. But take no naaty. daiu!i-riu calomel because it makes you sick and foil may low a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which oauaca necrosis of the lione. Calomel crashes into sour tile like dynamiU, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. Listen to mel If you want, to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and Iwwrl ckansing youtever experienced just take a spoonful' ei uaruunai Ijodwu's Livtr Time tmiiplit. Your druggist or dcaloi i-ells jnii a .10 cent Imtile of llod-ion't l.iver" I Hue under my personal money lnu'k (.'iwrantis' that 'each spoonful will vleiin yuur sliijiiii-ii liver Iicim than a , id li.lstx e.iln'le'l 0 ml tlml It Unn't innke yen siek. IiikUuii's l.iier Tune is i .1 liver l ,e,lii-ii;i'. Ntiu'llknnu it liel i'.'iriiiii I-eaiiM' mil mil wake up fn-Lnii line, Inlir 1 1 1 i-r vill Is1 llul kin;.' : '''iie llllll di.illeSH guile; stullllle! -I 'l.. '" 'Weet and liuwels rcguhir. " , rVidsun's l.iver Tune is entirely leo lulile, then-fere harmless and enn nut Hilivate. (live it tu yuur chil'lieii. Millions of people are usile OisUuli's l.iver Tone instead of damrerous i-nlumel now. Your druggist will UM yuu that the sale of Calomel is almost atoppssl entirely here. WRIGHT5VILLE BEACH CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESORT S tv.ffiieT WCCK END AND SUMMER EXCURSION v TARES . 'i 3 BATHING BOATING ISHING DANCING ARANTICfOASl LINE the: standard Railroad of the sou r 1 1 -7 TANNER'S HOOF PAINT SOLD BY Pierce-Whitchead Mm (lony, WELDON, N. C. Look For Ood Everywhere and I ! You Will Find Him i The iiiiiiisitr sal in his study ! i wditint; for l-llijbeth Conrow. He j j wjs an old minister, and lie had i spent nearly a life-lime in the ker- j j vice of one parish, l ie knew the j children and grandchildren (if his j first parishioners, and for years he j had had a custom ol summoning to him each young man or woman of his church lor a talk over what he thought the critical point of the young life -going to college, or entering business, marriage, or the opening of some new oppor tunity. It was lilizebeth Conrow's turn now. It seemed only yester day thai she was a little starry- eyed child showing him her new toys. His eyes shadowed a little gs he thought. He was old fash ioned perhaps, but he shrank from the idea of seeing women in cer tain places and Mliaheih had al ways been one of the children of his heart. How would she meet the tests of her chosen work? There was a knock at the door; he opened ii quickly, and liliza beih, still like the little starry eyed child, smiled up al him. "I've conic I'm my sermon," she said. For a time ihe old minister talk ed about the years that lay behind happy memories, merry ones, now and then a sad one. Then he asked of the future, and Eliza beth talked eagerly of her hopes and ambitions. Finally she check ed herself. But you haven't given nie my sermon," she said. The old minister was sileni fur a moment; then he looked down into the girl's eyes. "The sermon isn't mine," he answered. "A teacher gave it to me through something I read the other day a teacher who has a school down in the sad part of the city, where no child can escape the sight and know ledge of evil. One day she told her pupils to bring the next day a picture illustrating light. One little fellow, to her dis may, brought a terrible picture, ind waved it iriumphanily before her. Her heart sank at the sight of it, and the boy's quick eyes read that soiiieihinc was wrong. He grew excited. 'Don't you see?' he cried. 'Don't you see5' " "The teacher shook her head sadly. '"Don't you see there?' he pointed, fairly quivering w ith ex citement. "And there, shining through the window in the picture, was a crescent moon the one pure thought in all. And the child, look ing for light, had seen nothing of the evil only the purity and beauty. "Elizabeth, child, you have chos en a diihcuit lire tt maKes my heart tremble to think of what you will have to face. There is one safe way and only one. Look for God everywhere and you will find Him; and looking for Him, the evil cannot touch your soul." Selected. To The Public. "I leel Hi:-.! I one l in- manufacturers ol I liauiliei 'am .1 l ulie. Choleia and i aiiluea 1,' a mud of uratitudt'" arili-H .Mrs. T. N. HitheiaM, l.ouanda, N. V. "When I lieeau taking thin ined iei lie I n as ten i hi i )ui'k.ilue lo an attack ui snniiiiei cuinpljiiil. Mli i takuiK a dose of it had mil lone, to nail for relief un it he uclltt d inc aliuiii-l immediately " Otitainalile eveiyiihele. Foley kidney; . nf.tsvr . - . .) am sueoat. F0'IY(MHHfflC' Seep Uojilcj. 3mt Irsff Attn -i tiif: coi.ostohaui- wail. "Say, Boss, I worked oft that cold storage butter today," said the new clerk, with the air of one who exp?Cl?'.1 H compliment, says Lippincott's. "Indeed! Well, that's good! Who drew the prize?" said the pleaseJ grocer; for it was getting to be a difficult thing to do." "Why, I sent it to Mrs. Hash, around on Broad street !" "Oh, thundering guns!" ex claimed the grocer, Ins tone changed and his lace drawn in a pucker. "Why, you blamed idiot, I board at that woman's house!" N. Y. World. A grass widow says the only way to reform a husband that really needs reforming is to swap him for a yellow dog then poison the dog. CASTORIA For lofaatt tad Children lnUsForOvr30Yars Always bav ths Sipstsrt of For years we have been stating in the newspapers of the country that a great many women have escaped serious op erations by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and it is true. We are permitted to publish in this announcement extracts from the letters of five women. All have been recently received unsolicited. Could any evidence be more convincing? IIIouoiiON', Me. "I had pains in both sides and Rueh a soreness I eoulil .scarcely straighten up at times. 5Iy bark ached and I was so nervous I could not sleep, anil I thought 1 never would be any lietter until I submitted to an oie ration, but I commenced taking Lydia K. Pinkliam'.s Vegetable Compound and soon felt like a new Woman." Mrs. IIaywaud $ovehs, llodgdon, Me. 2SiiEi,iiYvii.i.K, Kv. "I suffered from a severe female trouble. My right side hurt me badly it was finally decided that I must lie ojierated upon. When my husband learned this he got a bottle of I.ydia E. J'iukham's Vegetable C'oinjK)Uii(l for me, and after taking it a fiv days I got better and continued to improve uutil I urn now well." Mrs. Mollie Smith, K.F.D., Ishelby-ville, Ky. 3Hanhvkk, Pa. "The doi tor advised a severe operation, but my husband got me I.ydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound and I experienced great relief in a short time. Now I feel like a new person and can do a hard day's work and not mind it." Mrs. Ada Wilt, :iu3 Walnut .St., Hanover, Pa. 4I)ecati'r. Tlx "I was siek in bed and three of the best phyi- eians said I would have to be taken to the hospital for an oper ation as I had something growing in my left side. I refused to iiib mit to the npratiou and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com poundand it worked a miracle in my ease, and I tell other women what it has done for me." Mrs. Lauka A. Giuswold, 2437 East William Street, Decatur, 111. C Clkvki.and, Ohio. "I was very irregular and for several years J my side pained me so that I expected to have to undergo an op eration. Doctors saul they knew ot nntliing Una would help inc. I took I.ydia K. Pinkham's Vege-1 table Compound and I became regular anil free lii iii pain. I ant thankful for such a good tneili- ' cine mid will always give it the highest praise." .til's. I . ll.fiitiHHTii, l unslant St., I levelaml.U. j-wWrlfetol.YIIIAK.I'IVkllAMMKIIItlNEt'O. ' (tOMil)KM'IAI,) I. VMM, MASS., for ail vice. Vulir letter will opened, re ml unit unsweruU lj; a wuuiuu uml UelU 111 strict commence. THE BLIND MAN OF GUSHENDAl The Blind Man of Cushendul lie walked along the street, He sang when there was sunshine, he sang when there was sleet; However chill the wind was, he never felt its smar For spring was in his nauire and summer in his heart The sharer of his cheerfulness a shape of mystery, A gaunt dog led him by a string, a chum was he. And so, in spite of sixty years, his wares abroad decried: "Behold, w ho'll buy a statue now of Christ the Crucified ? "God save you, little children all! The world is bright 10-day; The sun is like a fireplace warm where all the angels play!" The children on their way to school they answered him in kind, And envied in the April mist the weather of the blind. The Blind Man of Cushendal he had the larger sight, There were no shadows in his world, but always glorious light; He saw, beyond the autumn and the winter's chilling frown, The endless June ot heaven, with the roses raining down. INTERLUDE. The days grow shorter, the nights longer; The headstones thicken along the way; And life grows sadder, but love grows stronger, l-'or those who walk with us day by day. The tear comes quicker, the laugh comes slower; The courage is lesser to do and dare; And the tide of joy in the heart falls lower And seldom covers the reefs of care. But all true things in the world seem truer And the better things of earth seem best, And friends are dearer as friends are few er, And love is all as our sun dips west. Then let us clasp hands as we walk together And let us speak softly in love's sweetest tone; For no man knows on the morrow whether We two pass on or but one alone. -lilla Wheeler Wilcox. MIRANDY ON VOTES FOR WOMEN, BY DOROTHY DIX, IN GOOD HOUSF.KF.F.PTNG. The loneliness of age ! How few think of this, and treat with ten derness and consideration those who have outlived their genera tion, and whose early companions and friends have been taken from them ! Unable to engage in the activities of life, they are no longer brought into contact and sympathy wiih those around them, and no tie ol common interest and muiual dependence binds them together. They necessarily, to a great extent, live in a world of their own with which those around them are not familiar. The communings of their hearis are with the scenes of the past and the companions of other years who have long ago passed away. Lover and friends have been taken from them, and their acquaintances laid in darkness. The forms they admired and loved are gone, the eyes that looked into theirs with the tenderest affection are sight less, and the voices that cheered and stirred their souls have long since been silent. Their early world of hope and joy has become a desolation, and they sit in silence contemplating the ruin that has been wrought. The Next Best Thing To The Pine Forest for Colds Is Hi. Hell's IW-Tiir-Hooey nliieli (rues to the mot of tiie cold troulileK. It cleats the thiuat ami (riven relief from that cloKKril ami stulleil fri'ling. The pines have ever heeo the friend of man in driving unay colds. Moreover, the pine-honey u, utilities are peculiarly efTec tive in lighting children's colds. He niemher that a cold broken at the sturt greatly removes the possibility of com plications. L'-'ic. Mistakes are as common as the acknowledgment thereof is uncom mon. "Naw, Brer Jinkins," 1 goes on, "I don't take no stock in dis angel sect business, which don't seem to wuk no whar in politics, for so fur as I can see de onliest time that de female sect wears a halo is at de polls. All de balance of de time we men an' women is a much of a muchness, an' cut oft'de same bolt of cloth an' we's wrastlin' togedder wid de same questions 'bout how we's gwine to pay de rent, an' keep po'k chops in de skillet, an' give our chillun a little better chanst dan we had. An' sometimes in a fambly hit's de husban' dat's got de gumption, an' sometimes hit's de wife, an' we women has a finger in ev'y pie, an' de men is glad an' proud to have our help. 'Ceptin' when hit comes to votin', an' den dey diskivers dat we belongs to de angel sect, an' is too good an' pure to mix up in politics. Dat's gittin' g halo a little too sudden for my taste, besides which I don't lak de com pany dat de angel sect has to keep in politics, for hit's only women, an' idiots, an' criminals, an' de insane dat ain't got de right to vote. "Now," I goes on, a-warmin' up to de subject, "1 ain't a-gwine to dispute you dat hit's a almighty inconvenient tning to be a woman. Dere ain't nothin' dat a woman is called on to do, from goin' upstairs wid a lighted lamp in one hand an' a baby in de odder, an' holdin' her frock betwixt her teeth to keep from steppin' on hit, tryin' to prove dat she is a human being, dat hit ain't harder for her to do dan hit would be for a man to, just becaze she is a woman. But whilst hit's a draw back to have de female sect wisht on you in life, de good Lawd didn't intend hit to be a disgrace, an' dat's whut you make hit when you make bein' born a woman de line dat separates de sheep from de goats in politics. None Equal to Chamberlain's. "I have tried most all the couirli cures and Hud that there is none that equal Chamberlain's rough Heiuedy. It has never failed to give rue prompt relief," mites W, V. Hauler, Moutpeher, lud. When you have a cold give this remedy a trial and sec for yourself nhat asplen did medicine it is obtainable everywhere. Of course, it isn't to a man's credit if his credit isn't good. Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S C ASTQ RIA Even a busy man occasionally makes idle remarks. Men on the road to wealth willing to take your dust. are 44 Ah! That's what Vm looking for, Grandma Leave it to "Young Hopeful" to know what not only tickles his palate deliriously but what also satisfies his thirst and refreshes his tired little body. It's Pepsi-Cola. A God-send to the thirsty old and young. No wonder it has achieved such popularity as a delicious, tempting drink that he a joyful taste in every sip. At thu founiuino or crbi ,ed in bottlou, at your grot-er'i. PEPSKola For All Thirtts Pepsi-Cola I O: ooaoai Sv I . Z A B A , MERCHANT IAIL0R, W Next door to .ollidiU'er'n, WEI, DON, N. 0. O tori 1 take youi measure and make Hiiit to order on my bench. Call and kri Vkiupect tine line of piece good" and samples. Satisfaction (fuaranUodjy 111 v 2(1 .'iin yrv rrv tv w tv rrv rrv wi? A U lfll Ii ATt A ALL TIRED OUT. Hundreds More In Weldon In the Same Plight. Tired all the time; Weary and worn out night and day; Back aches; head aches; Your kidneys are probably weak ened. You should help them at their work. Let one who knows tell you how. Mrs. M. L. Hux, Third Street, Weldon, says: "LaGrippe left my kidneys weak and I had pains in my back and across my loins. Mornings, I was so sore and stiff, and tired so easily, that I could not do my housework. 1 had headaches and dizzy spells and my sight was blurred. The kid ney secretions were scanty, highly colored and contained a brick dust sediment. My ankles were swoll en and my limbs ached so badly that 1 could hardly turn over in bed. I got a box of Doan's Kid ney Pills at Cohen's Drug Store and they soon relieved me. Con tinued use cured me of all symp toms of kidney trouble." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Hux had. FOSTER-M1LBURN CO., Pro prietors, Buffalo, N. Y. EE The only asset you would leave your family or business that would be worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insurance. Did you ever think of that P How much have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end of it TODAY. Don't put it offto morrow may be too late. LITTLETON COLLEGE. A well-established, well-equip ped and very prosperous school lor Kins ana youuf women. Fall term begins Sept. 22, 1SI1 For catalogue, address J. M. KHODES, Littleton,N.C FOIEV KIDNEY P1LI& fOR BACKACHI KIONKI MiO (UDBti See or Phone Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the New York Life Insurance Company Largest Strongest Best Phone 303 L - WELDON, N. C. minim

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